39daph Plays Stardew Valley (New Playthrough)

John staru I’ve been blessed I’m going to make a new game but I want to see my old One why the [ __ ] am I bald damn 68 hours that’s not bad big busy Farm new name dap Farm favorite thing John wait John told me there’s a really good like gay route with Alex should I try that like um apparently he has like um like a coming out uh scene and stuff maybe I I’ll play a guy then I’m going to be bald again Alex is meant for the me actually

I want a mohawk that’s [ __ ] that’s sick also the game’s a little loud hold on they added new Hair damn I’m going to CU the mohawk Hair color give me a a pink pink mohawk there a farm that starts with Co-op well do you see me playing in Co-op oh Meadows lands there’s a chewy blue grass that animal love that oh look at all the Pets you can choose they don’t have a tricolor dog Though No I’ll get this punchy I’m skipping the intro I didn’t get the grandpa is the bed Mod what why do you you want to watch the intro grandpa is the bed grandpa is the letter the letter is Grandpa fine all right here we go God dingy ass B I love that I he should never change this this is Awesome wa does somebody have the like chaotic neutral chaotic good lawful evil of Grandpa bed mods from the stardew valley subreddit I’m going to find it um scarby Valley it was like a me it was it was the the memes from years Ago try to find this oh here we go yeah right here right here lawful good Grandpa’s bed better introduction neutral good intro decent Grandpa’s bed is the envelope Grandpa Li bed this is the base game playing pingpong on Grandpa’s bed worst dying Grandpa slightly worse Grandma bed and it fell over grandpa is the bed God these are so good here if you want to look at it God I’m crying now listen close yeah

What is it Gramps there will come a day when you feel crushed by the B burden of Modern Life yag yag gag yag oh yeah I’m playing as a guy so I could have a a gay romance with Alex who has like a coming out moment or

Something wait I never noticed that we work at joa I might have said the exact same thing who the hell is that that that’s me now I want romance Sebastian yeah oh my God this guy’s dead [ __ ] Skeletor smile you’re with joa y m I lost of what matter most

Connection with other people never to place where do I get a farm I want to farm real Life JoJo run I can’t I don’t like it and also I’m going to need to open up the cheat sheet for the bundles it’s gaming time wait for a random Grandpa to die and leave his dude my Grandpa died and the only thing he left me was the legacy

Of him of finding out that he cheated on my grandma and had a whole second family that we didn’t know about where’s my farm [ __ ] where’s my farm Grandpa yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah I forgot to cut my nails this is Diddy’s Farm y story Valley bundle chy okay let’s go

Stard Valley bundle Che she Reddit uh okay open up images bada bing bada boom uh here’s the chart very good yeah I picked Meadows the new Farm thanks Clara I look at the change logs no because when I went to bed he didn’t post it yet and then everybody was just like

Guess we’ll find out you can drink mayonnaise now mayonnaise doesn’t even taste like anything to me I don’t understand damn they’re beefing that’s kind of [ __ ] up to say that Louis to say she’s trying to make you feel like [ __ ] so you buy her house upgrades what the

Hell no Tekken today um so after I ended stream John and I went out for breakfast and then when I thought about Tekken I got nauseous whatever that means I got nauseous no y oh give me that oh yeah I saw with two chickens on this um okay I don’t remember how to

Play oh and it’s is that hardwood chicky fishy wait should I turn on the fishing so you guys can fish too I could put it right above me you guys can fish we’ll we’ll be we’ll be full um Farm maxing yeah wait let me turn on the fishing thing hold

On this is a giga Farm stream um points Joel okay I have to turn it on hits Subs GI stats um I’m going to turn that off for now and turn this off for now yeah can I check leaderboards yeah oh what the offline [Applause] fishing what the he

Cheated no there’s no cheating I mean you can fish the ports are less busy in certain hours oh [ __ ] I didn’t put a cool down oh [ __ ] my ass oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh

[ __ ] wait I forgot to put a limit uh okay 1 minute cool down um three total redemptions so that means each person can only fish three times there we go then let me move this I’m going to mute it fishing right here boom you can’t exclamation fish it doesn’t

Work [ __ ] idiots you have to use Channel points Silo required a [ __ ] you guys have to type exclamation join a fish yeah exactly oh yeah oh wait that’s the blue grass that they like eating um I should leave these in here actually I just leave

That when I was in Bora Bora John kept playing stardew cuz we would hide from the Sun um in the afternoon heat I would take a little nap and he would Place St on his phone okay Monday um wait he didn’t give me any seeds what is he some kind of

Hoe Harvest an egg and say hi to everybody think C wi it’s cuz I started on the chicken farm oh but I can yeah I’ll just go buy some I don’t really remember remember the schedule so I’ll just ask Clara oh yeah and I have to remember what Everyone likes well not really well if I want recipes it’ll just be Alex that I’m trying to Riz oh yeah on the birthdays let me in there music there should be oops where’ it go hello oh I turned it off

Alex oh hey so you’re the new guy huh cool yeah you want to [ __ ] Harvey was the first person I Romance when I first played the game many many years ago wait see SE um hold on cheat cheat stard do Valley cheat sheet by seasons Did I ever triy joja rout no cuz I don’t like it I’m trying to find a good cheat sheet um update spreadsheet bundle but I like seeing pictures fine this will be fine get some of these I’m broke let’s go there go thanks Dango Cafe and christe and Agro wait how did

You not find out Emily was a crystal mommy she literally makes you like dance with her crystals and [ __ ] even I remember That Hold on I got to move This here we go I remember um using a speed hack when I played this game by myself I walk too damn slow What I got places to Be why I use it now because um cuz I’ve changed I’m a better person now oh yeah and I remember I have to I coffee maxed yeah I have to coffee Max and go no I’m going to spend the rest of the day cleaning up the farm at least this Part Beed hack in a game about slowing down and getting out of a stressful job and then have more stress but this is fun stress there’s goo stress does anybody ever bother planting mixed seeds wait I’m going to make some chests [ __ ] more wood only mid maxers do for winter

True yeah I should just keep everything actually let me make a chesticle you end you stress about important days and end up dropping the game what are you some kind of [ __ ] then just go next just wait until till just wait a year no oh yeah do people still play power

World I feel like once you get to the mid late game there’s literally nothing else to do which is what happened to me so I just dropped it yeah I cleared a big chunk of land Um I could go say hi to People ever played Horizon zero Dawn more like Horizon zero yawn am I Right thanks gun and wholesome e in oh yeah this isn’t open yet he hey is the homeless guy here no turn off his fire shouldn’t leave a fire unattended there he is stranger hello um there’s a dude over there ryzen zero Dawn I feel like I would get

Bored I also really don’t like that kind of Mech [ __ ] that’s a dad oh yeah when you get close to her daughter he goes like hey I think you should stay away from her because you’re going to keep her from her potential you [ __ ] Loser hello hey what’s up upop by not interested wait Alex would be easy to romance because you don’t have to wait for him to come out of his room but you have to wait for him to come out like he just stands outside all the time let me go see how’s a

Doctor oh closed here’s the the Mother gossips Caroline and Jodie mil’s child doctor The Stranger waiting outside your room [Applause] hey Granny Maru Penny where’s her alcoholic abusive stepmom or mom actually Crystal Mommy oh yeah um I don’t know if I mentioned I think I did but when I was at the stard do concert they would play some they would start playing some songs and then people started laughing and I

Didn’t know why people were laughing I didn’t I don’t get It why do they laugh what’s so funny they were laughing because I didn’t get it oh I get a picture of concerned ape no why were they laughing what’s so funny Hal oh you’re the new farmer Bo aren’t you I thought she was going to talk [ __ ] I was ready to throw hands

Marne is she [ __ ] um Alfred or whatever his name is right now no she’s in the kitchen Marney there you go hey you don’t see her his shorts there yet Louis yeah my bad how how many people do I say hi to yeah I still have so many oh yeah there’s the art

Girl I never remember this chick’s name oh Leah probably see everybody at the spring dance oh yeah no one’s going to want to dance with me at the Spring Dance cuz I’m I’m gross and nobody knows me yet oh Leah flopped I agree who cares about

Leah there’s like what is that blue blue crystal grass or something does the animals love it is does it make him high is that no she didn’t the lesbians like Leah I have never seen anybody I have never seen Leah Period speedrun Romancing Haley but I don’t want to romance I don’t care if nobody dances with me the first day okay it doesn’t hurt my feelings or anything raining tomorrow it doesn’t hurt my feelings that nobody wants to dance with Me oh Wily’s back I’m going to go say hi wait it’s still early right now I’ll clear the Farm oh yeah the fishing is queued up if you don’t if you cast it and it doesn’t show it’s probably because there’s a queue yeah I have chickens oh [ __ ] yeah I have to feed them huh you’re so right no There’s two come in me why I could just let them out then I don’t have to feed them just leave this here though I love you and I love you goodbye I should name them Sith a [ __ ] what the hell Siff SI and clanker SI and I keep opening the space a steam overlay SI and Phil FIS here we go our chicken syphilis absolutely rancid name let dink my AE oh if there’s grass you’re [ __ ] because you can’t you can’t plant on grass Right Alex is a jockey boy fer he’s basically John true what’s it fishing on the stream it’s fishing yeah answered your own question the farm is huge though I don’t know what I would put in the grass Area you can put buildings there TR Elliot is a SE boy Elliot has no muscles you got some new ideas to sleep on oh that’s an wait it said something popped up and said you had some new ideas you can sleep on what does that mean is that always there I haven’t played in two Years go haded the Fisher is crafting I thought you just learned it when you leveled up means you leveled it up oh Rice is Marne on a [ __ ] appointment to see Alfred louw I don’t know why I keep thinking his name is Alfred oh joh go a month on the salty Seas ew sold a lot of good fish save enough money to buy a new Rod save enough money how much is a

Fishing rod like a 100 bucks he spent a month to earn a 100 bucks joh it’s a thousand joh [Applause] God text can you turn the fan off it can you turn the fan off it’s cold it blows directly into my face and I’m going to catch a

Cold and I’m going to get sick y why are you posing and twirling your hair at my door twirling my balls at what are you are you looking at lists huh what are you looking that’s my spreadsheet why do you have a spreadsheet for business mind your own

Business can you turn is that for started no it’s for my business can you turn off the fan yeah he was like leaning on the door frame the top of the door frame and I’m going like I don’t even have hair to twirl I’m going like like some romcom high school romcom

Movie The Jock walks up to the locker cabon hey what up girl sardine bait that’s new that smoked fish that’s new but also I didn’t play in two years so it might not be the new new but it’s a a new you know only catches basic fish it’s a new new it’s Mew

Me anybody like clam I give this to someone oh yeah I should fix [Applause] this I have specific bait now 300 pieces of wood okay byebye back to the farm oh I need to find out what Alex likes let me ask Clara he likes um [ __ ] what does he Like you know unversal Likes yeah he likes complete breakfast what the hell all flowers is a clam a Flower you like eggs okay I give him egg oh cuz he’s yolk maxing he’s getting yolked oh just got here loser person okay dude this is a Harassment my biceps are sore from yesterday oh [ __ ] wait my um my my yeah [ __ ] you by um I don’t know I don’t I don’t remember I forgot what I was going to say d oh field snack I can plant rice or chincha I don’t even need to check the

Spirits I’m not going to the mines um where’s my rice is faster planted near a body of water can I look at my farm on the map I thought that was a thing usually there’s a piece of water here maybe there’s ones over here I mean I don’t really need the

Speed Al that’s going to be the greenhouse I want to take a gander Oh there’s water over here so much grass what do you do with all this grass I mean up there this can be you can plant stuff here smoke it oh true your whole for photo mode how do you do photo mode shot oh [ __ ] I like zoomed

Out you only get one fish yeah no commercial fishing that’s [ __ ] up you’re going to over fish everything’s going to die thanks Senpai the Kim oh my God you know what my pet peeve is is when people play Minecraft with the UI set on medium or large small only good lord grma ass

Eyes no it’s up half the [ __ ] screen small is too small y old we don’t have good eyesight well then sit closer to your Screen medium is just right I think wait maybe medium is a default whichever the one it was in like beta 1.2 or whatever back in my day they didn’t have different UI sizes oh I’m full I didn’t even plant my rice hold on plant my rice okay I miscounted but Whatever no one’s fishing on the thing what yeah somebody is why are you lying to me Oops I did say that he made it so trees can when you um yeah whatever something about like if you plant a tree and you want to move it it’ll grow faster because of it’s like better

Yeah LOL no [ __ ] you where do the attitude come from it always drops a seed and that seed grows faster yeah what yeah that’s what I’m saying No you can redeem fishing with points but there has a cool down thanksor and inos Sir chinga for real update stard for real I know stard update for real for real it says all of them are redeemed for today wait did I put in the wrong one maybe I put in the wrong

Thing I no points I made it one per stream sorry I’m [ __ ] idiot oh I did the wrong one haha there we go I did Max Redemption for everyone not individual redemptions he oops just girly things it’s your birthday happy birthday Michael it’s your birthday today cake and ice cream is on its

Way Michael such a good boy this year open up a gift so we all cheer neutral okay so he doesn’t like random they like flowers I should collect flowers to give to people thanks p he didn’t did he post a patch notes anywhere he said he didn’t want to um spoil

Things he did but there are spoilers oh I mean I don’t Care I’m just trying to farm on the steam page okay I want to read it I want to see it I’m going to go through it Um old Pat can be found here okay here we go new Festival the desert Festival the 3-day event in Spring access after the B prepare too many fishing festivals trout and Squid fast new environmental event in summer a Mastery system new area I’m guessing that’s a volcano area new

Farm time Meadow custom gift reactions Dynamic dialogue custom flower dance exceptions restor okay multiple pets after getting Max hearts with your starter Pet um world map for ginger Island oh actual position in the world winter outfits big chest ahead new home renovations watermelon more giant crops I wonder if it’s this this uh maybe this a squash and the Melon statue of the dwarf king or computer interesting new side tunnel to the query mine Huh shaving enchantment holy oh mama all right we go this game I mean the early is kind of rough my favorite part of this game is probably mid to Late Y so that means I can grind a little bit off stream right waterfalls they say added Waterfalls what so I can get so like I could get to the meat of the bones well right now there’s really nothing to do except wait for these to grow and oh fishing um let me go get the fish Maybe I can catch some um River wait does this count as a

River she played zero this level of dulu is insane what you think this counts as a river let me find Out is this ass water let me find out sometimes the the water on the farm is like ass or something oh it’s not ass water um Sunfish okay I need that I’m going to make a new chest for for um Community bundle stuff thanks neoi Valley they should make it so you can

Craft out of your chest then ocean why why do they um add sardine bait is are sardines hard to catch or something have questions oh you canle the workbench oh really I’m not dating Sebastian I’m having a I’m I’m going for because I’m playing as a guy and

Apparently he has like a cute gay romance it’s bait made out of sardines oh wait what is sardine bait mean is it bait made out of sardines or bait for sardines oh wait I need to go find out well I need to go to the ocean for some fish

Anyways [ __ ] Elliot I don’t want to [ __ ] Elliot he lives in a [ __ ] rancid Shack oh oh he sells a different one stone fish did you know that’s the most venomous fish in the world and they they jiggle I saw one they have them they

Have this like sad looking face no it it is sardine because if it’s the name of it it says increases your chance to catch it yeah then I saw I saw uh when we went snorkeling we saw one and the tour guy jiggled it cuz they’re pretty

Chill long as you don’t fre as long as you don’t freak him out gave it a little poke what’s that a flounder I need um I need a [Applause] sardine oops can you make the bar smaller no you get a bigger bar um if you have a better fishing rod I just have ass fishing rod right now did I wish Baldi a birthday I didn’t even know it’s his birthday wait which Baldi there’s like three bald people in my

Life on the purple televisions Moon oh I didn’t know it was his [Applause] birthday happy birthday oh yeah it probably depends on your fishing level too he yeah there’s also attachments you can put on your fishing LOD ready no John stop downloading Dragon’s Dogma porn I’m [Applause] Lagging I got the Sardine oh I also need an eel Shad wait let me dig through the Trash I still need more River fish oh it’s only when it’s raining [ __ ] oh no raining fish I forgot that’s a thing Um do you need an oyster oyster needed oyster yeah oysters needed oh and then oh there’s a little check mark too do I copy to spreadsheet and then I can mark it myself in spreadsheet okay so I got parsnip I got dandelion I’m going to get

Oyster I have to mark it on the spreadsheet and then um do I need a flounder I need five gold star parses there’s no way I’m going to be able to get get that R that’s [ __ ] clam clam what spreadsheet um stard Valley ultimate cheat sheet use fertilizer I’m not buying

Fertilizer from that [ __ ] scammer you kidding me [ __ ] that that guy how a work spreadsheet it is a spreadsheet for work I’m working right now you make it with sap can I even make it right now though no I’m too ass made signs I’m too ass right

Now oh did I tell my wait the chickens are fully grown only took two days when does a traveling Merion come again weekends I need to tell them that I love them wait I forgot you have to close the door at night or coyotes kill them right

I don’t remember or is it if they get trapped outside Friday and Sunday yeah they can die they get sick is that winter only if not do I have to so do I have to close it or no a little C I mean yeah but they go in by themselves

Um if I just leave the CP door open is it fine you close it they get some happiness really they can stay open I’ll just leave it open and see if anything bad happens if it does I’ll be [ __ ] devastated thanks Beaky I’ll leave it open only bad thing is a wish can plant a void egg oh horse radish no do I need I need one of these wait I think I have to go in the room now they gain a little happiness if you close the door behind them at night nah

They can get [ __ ] get bent I already tell them I love them every day what more do they want from me No this is The Meadows Farm the new one it has like a river through the top left and then on the bottom also or something it’s locked Mind I can just go to bed thanks FL pan okay did I tell did I talk to my chickens today I forgot I should do it every day when I wake up H oh egg gag gag is already they’re really happy wait I have to go to my

Husband tell them a story and kiss them good night tuck them in Alex I have egg gag gag hello egg crack slurp now that’s what I ew [ __ ] gross George hates me okay that’s cool though I can but him up he just slurped it that’s [ __ ] disgusting well he get salmonella and

Die how come also you never see this dog you see the eyes glowing that’s your man’s yeah dude there was this picture shirt that someone on Twitter posted and it was a caption that said um just heard this man clean his toilet seat for five whole minutes 15

Minutes uh making sure it’s really clean and laying down a toilet paper before he sits on it and then notice he was barefoot and then someone said this reminds me of John and I was like so true can I dra no must only sit on a pristine porcelain throne but barefoot in public

Bathroom dude John’s [ __ ] nasty ass feet made my white cat rug dirty I keep telling him [ __ ] like can you wear your where your [ __ ] slippers that you bought cuz you’re getting your nasty feet sauce all over my my bed and carpet Rug he just W the house it like it’s dirty because some people walk around with shoes on so I only walk around sandals and then he’ll wear walk around Barefoot and then I looked at the bottom of his foot once and it was black I was like ew and then he and

Then what is That oh they’re doing Drilling yeah you um Puppies CH love you love you oops Does this game stress me out no it’s a good kind of stress I just need one parsnip check that off I got a sunfish I got a sardine oyster and Clam yeah I got to go get seeds um I’m going to keep some of these Eggs and then I’ll give the I need to give some of them to Alex I did not clean your feet in the no it’s not it it’s from cuz just the house is dirty like the the floors are not clean because the floors are so old and it’s wood I would have to mop every day if I wanted to be clean so I just wear

Sandals and also there’s a stinky dirty dog that gets messy and it’s not our dog thanks s CD and any mango not my dog not my problem John stinky dirty dogs opal can’t defend themselves opal doesn’t know any better it’s not her fault she is stinky and

Dirty tell the dog to take a shower and get a job I wish I could if I spoke dog opal so Fat he so Round John said he can’t look opal in her blue eye and only looks at her in the brown eye her [ __ ] hold on let me take my egg with me Alex egg time egg time baby girl egg time wake up babe it’s time to slurp raw egg [ __ ] m Yeah opala has hiio coima in her eyes different colors John has really slight hideio coima too I noticed one of his eyes is slightly more greenish than the other one k Jimbo these days the young folk would rather sit in front of the TV than engage with

The community oh yeah and old folk all they do is read rage bait antix Chemtrails turning the frogs gay [ __ ] on Facebook no [ __ ] joa if anyone else buys a joa membership I’m going to I’m just going to go kill myself oh [ __ ] uh I saw Chemtrails yesterday oh that’s the jimo Huts GE has better deals though yes they do but at what cost 20% off is the cost actually that’s the point yeah fair fair enough at what cost at lower oh my biceps are so sore from working out at the

Gym cuz I’ve been Pumping Iron oh so strong so Jim the rat oh he thinks the junos are r rats and IR I no I didn’t lift 0.3 G I’ll have you know it was um I Lifted I lifted I lifted 30 lb like this and that [ __ ] was [ __ ] heavy so I went back to 20 lb that sh was so [ __ ] heavy ow John does 90 I gave him another egg wait how come he didn’t give me a heart oh do you not get a heart if it’s maybe it has to be Love um what was I going to do today oh yeah so that’s probably open I think I can start dropping stuff off yeah I was so sore the last time I did biceps though so I’m chilling now um I think I have to do this one first oops Read the note and talk to the wizard oh y ordering Chinese food at the Battle of Genosis I think the wizard well the wizard contact me or do I have to go hit him up [ __ ] wait is there a mod where you can kill Villagers thanks a black lady and Anna Toiler oh yeah I forgot I was supposed to buy seeds fch dandelion who Willie I have one oh I haven’t said hi to Abigail Big Mama Pickle wait what is that dehydrator that’s new five pieces of fruit or edible mushrooms and dry them Oh Big Mama Pickle how many in Q um none might have to refresh It I always go for the mushroom cave because mushroom muss you can just plant the fruits the fruit trees later on but I think if you really want to rush the community you get fruit fruit cave instead I prefer mushroom Though you can also get fruit saing from the fruit trees now oh and they grow faster don’t they some more there’s a m that gives every male bachelor a BBL I saw so many bbls in Bora Bora hi actually I didn’t see so many I

Saw two which is to be fair a lot you don’t really see those in the wild that often so I slapped her in the ass and it deflated just Kidding I have to go give um [ __ ] what do he want do he want a daffodil or dandelion God damn you want a dandelion are there any here F I need coffee to go Faster Go this way that John has a BBL dude John’s ass is so fat I slap it every day I slap it every time I see it KY also told me she fingers Tyson’s but hole every time he uh walks in front of her up the stairs I think it’s just a

Thing not like finger like like poke it and then she told me Tyson started walking with his hands covering his ass whenever he’s going up the stairs well I do that too not to Tyson to kaid uh here you go [Applause] and then and then John does it to me and

Then yorg does it to John and then Amy does it to yorg and we have a train of bung Hole if ubf has a fatter ass dude my ass is getting fat I’m not going to lie oh my God it is it’s getting fat it’s been two weeks it’s it’s going to get it’s going to get fat I’m still slim though so it’s it’s

Not going to be crazy it’s not going to be Nicki Minaj levels of fat but it’s it’s getting bigger it’s getting more well formed holy cope dude I slapped it and it Jiggles that wasn’t there before uh I’m going to cut more trees Exercising does improve mental health I’ve heard exercising literally helps everything which is very unfortunate but it’s true Unlucky let me get rid of this stump I’m not dulu my ass is getting fatter John said so too [ __ ] I’m slow John said my ass is getting fatter am I eating more yeah he said it to be nice no he says I’m disgusting all the

Time that’s true no your ass is huge sweetie Thanks thanks oh scarecrow I can make basic fertilizer now wasting all your energy gives you less energy the next day Unless you level up what if you just leave a little bit like 2 Ines of Energy 2 in is too much oh I planted rice next to water yeah but then I have to go all the way over there and then I’m never going to see them I want to see I want to see my babies my rice where’s my other chicken Oh I thought he died there it

Is Carrot close to my house why are you so [ __ ] obsessed with the carrot I saw some other guy yelling at me earlier [ __ ] bugs buddy in my chat where where’s the [ __ ] carrot where the carrot dab the carrot please where Where it’s a growing seed What this that’s a turd the one wriggling This carrot oh chincha for real thanks Bugs Bunny boom time to go feed um time to go feed my husband Eggs I timed him out I didn’t I didn’t shoot Him don’t yell at me I’m sensitive that my that was my Isaac impression I’ll meet the wizard um I’d rather keep all my crops planted in unison that’s a pretty good Isaac wait I already gifted him what am I doing yeah never mind I don’t need to my

Arms are really sore but that’s a sign of progress for a guy like me so true oh my god I’ve been going to the gym too we have so much in common Alex so how much you curl like how much do you bench like can you show me uh you come here Often his ass is probably so fat like John’s ass is so fat and slappable like my whole Palm gets a nice surface area and it goes and then it it it ripples out wow you have been promoted you’re now one of my Elite meet employees oh there’s there’s a okay

There’s a pond right here got a BBL Bora Bora maybe he did go say hi to the wizard is Big Al alive yeah she asked me to take a macaron macaroon macaron class with her and I said [ __ ] off [ __ ] I’m in Big Mama Pickle beh hold the puppy I don’t like the McDonald’s fish L because when I was 6 years old um my I went when I was in China and I was with a bunch of family friends and family and they gave me a fish fet and I was eating

It and it got all over my face and the sauce got all up in my fa like it it probably covered half of my face because I was trying to eat a burger and I was 6 years old and they wouldn’t give me a napkin and they kept laughing at me that

The sauce was all over my face and they were laughing at me while I was very stressed and crying for a napkin I don’t like fish fillets and now I never yeah now I never eat burgers ever Again we going to trip to China anytime soon no I’m think I’m going to Italy this year you didn’t McDonald’s I was six oh Treasure Chest holy [ __ ] gab a ghoul we are junimo we are happy to Aid you in return ask for gifts to the valley if you’re one for see the true nature scroll nice thong under of the forest what do they mean sniff sniff you were in Italy a few times you

Saw nothing because you work for 12 hours and then went back did you see Italians yeah nice so you saw something then this guyy showing me his potions drink E if you’re going to Rome good luck not getting pickpocketed the only thing I’m putting in my pocket is some used tissue and I will be clenching my wallet in between my ass cheeks wait this is new what the [ __ ] is this this is what I experienced yesterday it’s not I’ve never seen This yes you have no what’s next you going to tell me la la land is my favorite movie I don’t think so it is it’s not I’ve never seen La La Land I’ve never seen that movie in my life yes I have no I have

Not no I never I have not done a watch party for l land either who is it that accused me of liking La La Land I don’t know Chat No I said it that I I literally have never said that I watch La La Land Ever ever No what about the clown in Japan the clown in Japan that was confirmed from local news sources multi local news sources to be true by the way that there was indeed a clown the black and white Japanese clown Doon Bor oh look at all this open space very goo Yeah the oh yeah what happened to the clown craze I guess I don’t know did Co happen right after that they died okay what is that oh that’s a Teleport shine Was are shooting at them what give me the wood please bro No I mean my energy is fine maybe it’s if you get to um maybe it’s if you it’s raining I have to Fish River fish maybe it’s when you get to the point of where you’re you’re really slow that’s when it [ __ ] well Well maybe you should click harder is this person lost what the hell they’re not very smart I would love to find the exact quote of when I said that but you know what can I say go east gentlemen yeah this is a new Farm layout the um the metal

Layout oh [ __ ] I’m crashing my face a lot of people have no Literacy a lot of people are unemployed and on Twitter all day I don’t even know is it worse if they’re not in unemployed I feel like it might be a little worse I need Smallmouth base small nope cliteracy race is at an alltime low so true D they’re so smart they’re so smart

Wait this isn’t giving me River fish we I’m going to try going do this I think the town has a river me get rid of this There were also people that were like dude she she realized she [ __ ] up so she deleted her posts about it and then it and then I realized these people are so smart that they didn’t even know what they read what post I deleted something on Twitter what

That’s how that’s how you can tell how smart they Are my BBL announcement go east gentlemen I leveled up she deleted her tweets the tweets I deleted lifetime live Live lifetime yeah this is the new Farm the metal one I’m in town right now me when I have to make [ __ ] up I’m only getting small Mount Bas maybe they’re kind of

Rare whoa whoa whoa chill oh [ __ ] yo chill no dude I Can’t remember oh my God it reminds me of when the K-pop [ __ ] was happening and people were like hey is too mad your best friend and then the only interaction we ever had on Twitter was me replying to him and he was we were talking about the harassment from K-pop

St and I was like the harassment that he got wasn’t even that bad he had Anthrax mailed to him which was it was like it was actually the sensationalized come on let’s be real and I was like oh it wasn’t even that bad and this [ __ ] was

Like four years ago and then people were like are you sad your best friend Tuma died what no I don’t give a [ __ ] hold on up I’m trying to catch this fish [ __ ] I looked away oh yeah and I ban yeah I banned him in my chat years ago cuz he was typing

Weird [ __ ] all the time yeah I banned him and then he um and then he asked be un ban and I said No and then he called my mod the gay f word and then I was like okay you’re staying banned and that was like one of the

Three conversations we ever had the other two conversations were about taxes and that was it from like [ __ ] 4 years ago oh that fish done um then I need a Shad whoa don’t type it what the Hell I just saw an insane tag I’m gay promise um what if we ask you to prove it what would you do hypothetically I need a Shad Chad got it done egg ask him what slay the house down Houston I’m deceased means to him as him to come up with his own sentence version of slay [ __ ] mother diarrhea slay ARA yeah I don’t need these you need algae for anything probably not Wait I’m going to check the community center ask whether mother lake is located in agge Bolivia or ID GAF ID give Afghanistan yeah which is it me taking off my agge bow mask to reveal my I don’t give a [ __ ] face ID Gaff face yeah I need to find these AG Bolivia

You can drink mayonnaise in the new update yag do leaks and horseradish come out yet or is it in the middle of the Season I’ll take it later going to keep clearing the farm for now got no money no Silo no hair is has had a second Channel yeah I

Watched all of it already all of those too no grandpa oh there are leaks okay I’m going to go do the down there then wait my inventory is Full if I ever go to court oh my God it would be so fun serving [ __ ] in court like Megan for leak and horseradish oh I think I’m too broke to buy anything yeah I’m Giga Broke my hands are freezing please serve bob bobs there [ __ ] nothing here oh horseradish I think usually there’s some there might be some leaks here oh right here oh no that’s a spring onion never mind where’s the leaks liar you didn’t watch all the JCS videos yeah I did I’m pretty sure I

Did I did is it just me or does getting cold makes you want to poop I think getting cold does something to your but hole in this essay I will is spring onion used for anything spring no your colon shrink so you’re so it makes what the poop feel more does anybody like

Horseradish bring onion spring onion horse radish loves oh kobis likes it but who gives a [ __ ] about kobis bye he likes diamonds it’s easier to give gems fishing Proficiency yeah you don’t even meet kobas until way Later Put a well Here Big Mama Pickle gag I hope my day is better than yours today Chad I don’t care if something good happened to you it should have happened to me Instead I’m going to go look for a Leak where’s my scarecrow I Forg oh [ __ ] it tells you what you have this is New oh yeah none of my sugar I ate yet oh and I’m going to go repair the 200 Bridge You to play Suns of the forest I already beat that Game pretty sure I did leak 1.0 came out yeah but it’s like a yeah but yeah well it’s like yeah but like yeah I don’t see a horse rat or a leak someone said they saw a leak was that when every cut scene of new characters that were unnamed and

Never disappear and I don’t remember remember I just remember it had the tattoo that was like fight demons or Something that guy that asked if you were an fsor got twitch banned nice one idiot yeah what the [ __ ] did he expect what [ __ ] fight demons me when I get a tattoo but it’s of a Japanese wave and Japanese letters And uh some Japanese day that I don’t know the name of I just thought it looked cool it’s 300 pieces of wood inflation is crazy how why why is it Japanese because there’s so many people that get random ass Japanese tattoos and you’re and you look at them and you’re

Like you look at that tattoo and you’re like oh did you get it done locally like in Ohio it looks so bad the lines are all messed Up Oh getting the Rising Sun Tattoo Ooh there are people that did that very Oriental so exotic wow wow you know I’m thinking of moving to Japan myself I want to be an English teacher there I just love the [Applause] culture I need Coral years go I was Chinese oh you don’t need Coral what’s that digital Nomad is that some like sex P [ __ ] oh I haven’t said hi to Sam he farmer there oh I didn’t give uh uh gifts Reset 100% remote working software develop oh it’s like the people that make videos like how to hack employment or something and it was like oh if you have a remote job you should move to Vietnam or something because the rent is cheaper everything’s cheaper they’re like oh I only spend uh $500

Mon that’s it’s a little different from passport Bros passport Bros are like um people who do sex tourism or they go to a different country and for the purpose of sex or trying to get a wife or girlfriend yeah sex Pats is the other word for them passport Bros is kind of a

Much nicer term I prefer to call them sex Pats and it’s always usually guys that go to East Asian Countries now it’s easier to oh yeah they happened with a lot of Americans a lot of um password bro Americans going to Ukraine to try to pick up Ukrainian woman or something what is this wait how can you read this oh you whoa what whoa Woody secret 5% chance that you’ll double the

Wood you didn’t read it yeah he did he’s a fast reader Y oh is this the mushroom cave I don’t really want to cut the grass because uh I want to get a silo cut some more trees mushroom cave got nerfed wait what explain team mushroom cave I’m team mushroom Cave Jesus Christ unhinged pasta um uh okay Monday let me go give the boyy an egg egg gag gag deals mushrooms every other day I always forget to check anyways yeah I don’t even check every day if you really want to rush it I would say do fruit egg gag gag egg time

Eggs are great for bulking up he was an All-Star quarterback in high school get the star in my jacket that proves it God it peaked in high School come back why can’t I why can’t I talk to people when they’re walking I don’t understand Why did you become a farmer oh wait I wanted to follow in grandpa I want to escape my old life that’s pretty much the reason I came here too is that new hey I’m walking over yeah hey eating animals build a silo I think Mar’s closed what I marrying Alex cuz

Apparently he has a cute gay Scene and it caught zero what does that mean wait I have a plush of that guy in the house I don’t know what the [ __ ] that is there’s a plushy that guy in our house the hell is that oh worms what are these I think these are Worms you thought all scenes are the same regardless of your gender oh oh wait mine’s open they’re worms me when I’m wrong Okay what’s that fishing game called lurk Bait mining Time oh he gave me his old Shank yeah Alex is an [ __ ] if you’re a girl and then he becomes your [ __ ] if he’s if you’re a guy I guess someone said he turns into a bottom well the mine’s open now oh proven Adventures only there’s like 30 people in this town let

Me in what the [ __ ] also Alex say he went to high high school where there’s literally like four people in this Town did I miss that bum [ __ ] ass high School he was homeschooled he was homeschooled and he was the best football player in his class aren’t his parents dead or something I need a bullhead oh wait there’s More uhoh I’m going to get tired okay I’m leaving or I’m going to pass Out I still haven’t seen any um leaks I see amongus my butthole feels weird have to poop when I retire from twitch am I going to be a full-time Tik tocker aren’t they [ __ ] Banning Tik Tok no I’m going back to school when I retire wait my energy is still fine oh no I leveled again [ __ ] level five what’s the spirit saying neutral carrot is it used for Anything um I don’t think so I think that just keep it as a snack Eat me when I’m around it’s so True I’m going to buy some seeds and plant them and then go to the mines would I go to Art School why the [ __ ] would I want to do that nepotism will get you way further than art school ever Will Why the [ __ ] would I do That if I yeah the only like art school that I would want to go to would be fashion school but I don’t wanted to go to Fashion school I want to learn about fish and rocks is that catfish no it’s too hard open this Door oh let me go get an egg for my husband yeah I’m going to rock School marine biology is so cool I know people that study marine biology and um he told me that the only thing he learned or he said it’s like really depressing because you just learn about how the world is just getting more and more [ __ ] up and the oceans are

Getting [ __ ] up and there’s nothing that we can possibly do to recover it because nobody wants To am I actually going to retire I I mean I don’t know my contract with sentinals expires next year I just don’t know I don’t know if I’m going to renew or whatever is going to happen who knows not me course Maxing do you know contract keep streaming no but if you have a contract with a uh with the or you basically get paid a salary unless you’re getting [ __ ] scammed then in that case I’m not sure why you would even sign to an org in the first place are you Stupid as far as I know all orgs paid question mark I mean I know 100 thieves stopped paying them because they’re broke because um it’s rough for Esports it’s they’re in a bad spot right now like the entirety of Esports but also Co gave it such a

Massive boom it was Al a little dulu to expect that to have to expect that constant growth and popularity when everybody was stuck indoors so it seemed like some places just overexpanded like NRG buying the what $10 million mansion for the fortnite guys and then they made

Two videos and then never made any more videos again that is just that’s just bad dis that’s just bad business decisions like what and then oh my God and then FTX oh Jesus Christ you have to keep in mind also um content creator people streamers Tik tokers are for the most

Part A lot of them are really hard to work with is extremely unprofessional nonresponsive don’t do the things that they’re supposed to do and you’re paying them a lot of money you better you better hope you’re getting your money’s worth or at least have some something

That will keep them in line in the contract or something that’s his business man I’m going to the mines big yeah you are mothering big Kids Mother you came to Mother not to Mother Someone I still don’t see any leaks worms I don’t have a hoe on me you’re never going to get anything done with that hoing hoing like that Oh can you die I have all day oh modifiers is that new oh wait no it’s just like I mean I don’t know what that is minus three weight that dagger suck ass though actually Maybe let me try it it’s ass yag if you click really fast my pickaxe looks ass oh my God and that [ __ ] Clint that takes 6 years to get any upgrade for your tools oh yeah and I have to bomb it’s coming back to me now [ __ ] where’s the

Hole they increased prices of bombs no I remember crafting them I got $2 to my name impressed bomb meta it’s a crab there we go No reaching level is going to be so hard now why I mean if you just have a lot of money then it’s fine right life in the skull dungeon is that the desert one yeah you just Giga bomb you don’t need money for anything else well money just I mean

Upgrades but I think at that point you probably have fish oh Lord this is way faster what floor is this four you go can someone give you a sub yeah here you go no I wanted to make it to 45 drop the ladder up the ladder please bro

No I’m going to run out of energy oh here ding bum level 40 it didn’t even give me a consolation prize wait so is there a thing you can make where you can craft out of an a chest or something I feel like could wow thanks cozy Cupid the crafting bench of

Ruskis okay is later though okay I’m going to make another chest rocks boom rocks and Dungy Stuff okay I got parsnips growing am I wi I have two gold okay not one now I have more Impressed I’m not poor stop calling me poor I’m extremely wealthy very bad today I’m not going to the mines then does the luck affect how often a a ladder spawns it’s Clint breaking ores yeah and then he’s going to open his store now need a furnace he has blueprint furnace Okay I didn’t pet the chickens yesterday should I kill myself no if JN ever dies I’m clapping ass at his grave Tombstone gravestone build a well oh that’s actually pretty cheap wait there’s more slay 10 slimes why didn’t you tell me that earlier oh and a backpack craft a 24 slay oh five boom and then boom and then go pet my chickens oh I didn’t even didn’t well used to be a 100 I think was it 250 oh I didn’t even feed them oh [ __ ] oops they’re looking a little fan Skinny’s back in season apparently whoopsies by

Bye-bye is like I didn’t get the pet yet but um maybe I mean why don’t they just eat their own egg [ __ ] don’t they do that I got one heart with Alex now guess another day of clearing stuff on the farm I could also fish let me see if

There’s oh let me see how much AO is I I need a silo ASAP it’s Wednesday Marty she is open right no Wednesday is when Pierre is closed cuz he’s a [ __ ] new R DLC out next month I thought it came out already clay oh wait Robin is silo where do I

Get clay do I just hoe just hoe okay I’m just going to hoe then I don’t have my hoe frog goodbye I need a hoe you’ll never get anything done hoing around like that well let me get a hole then 10 clay how much is a silo I hope it’s

Shape I’m probably put it right here I have Clay I have one clay let me go see how much it is five copper [ __ ] that’s so expensive dude my chickens are going to die before give me clay oh God I made an amongus it’s a sideways amongus there no there’s no

Clay did I learn clay Farm what the [ __ ] is Clay farming what I’m going to bed you can grow clay what really you can grow concrete yeah you can foring is gone now huh confused oh it was a b ug like it wasn’t a thing okay I need a pee also wow my

Bicep really hurt we’re Back Oh my God the time was passing no apparently I took a [ __ ] for like nine in-game hours thanks Cassie ad Donna I went to pee and then I pooped I slept for seven days we start the day I mean what is it Thursday today 300 p.m. um it’s probably fine let me just

See if the it’s extra Locker I have to restart I shat a whole I know I shat a whole full-time job oops C Donna didn’t wash hand I did wash my hand they forgiv me I play 68 I yeah I think the last one was when I played for like 3 weeks

Straight thanks cassia for the five Ms thanks I need s unmilled Rice rice I just keep it for now Ramadan Karim This cat On he Bliss what year we on we’re on day 11 well I have to find clay somehow I’m checking I’m checking axe no I’m going to the Min thanks faxel what’s that fish which one Big Mama Pickle is Clay like no apparently it’s removed Le one more gummy please please Please range Base it would be so funny if concern ape added some seriously [ __ ] up scary [ __ ] in his game that went all glitchy and creepy Joel the sturgeon that would be hilarious like Ben Drowned farmer drowned what do you do with your gold um you can suck on it I guess mate I don’t Know bug meat is good I think you make bait with it one day George is going to stand up and beat the [ __ ] out out of the farmer I like to see him [ __ ] try I put his dog ass on the ground so [Applause] fast who’s texting me at 2 a.m.

Oh it was a business inquiry um small explosion boom I can’t hold all these things no my pockets are too full do these [ __ ] drop clay where no might try to get to level 10 oh take the bug meat though you don’t think they Dro clay why not

Not oh a bomb would be so nice in started Valley to my uh assigned CIA agent the record just keep digging the farm ground why give us clay Mr ape please here 140 in the US it’s the FBI’s jurisdiction how about your mom what she’s so big she’s bigger than the us Mar I wonder what um Dr slam the fart is up to you hold the dir P yeah but then does the cave ground have more chances of Clay versus Farm

Ground yes how do you know riddle me this can’t even pick up all this wood sorus stard do Wiki really okay then that guy is lying why is He boom getting dark doesn’t somebody give me a glow ring or something done I can enter Venture just open the co-op yeah I did what I I’m reading coup like Co-op I did but they don’t come out when it’s Raining so that means you have to feed them when it rains so glad stard is back stard you never left Baby did you know you can click this for coal does this guy drop I’m the good old London shank oh he drops a bomb just drop it That’s actually a pretty [ __ ] big explosion can’t even pick that up I’m get rid of this yeah he didn’t add anything other than the fact you can drink Mayo that’s all maybe one more five level yeah boy there’s a star give me a new weapon I don’t I don’t want the

Stagger oh what that sneakers it’s ass hi shoes I don’t want to do JoJo makes me feel sad [Applause] no anybody ever bother with the Slime uh breeding stuff I never touched that didn’t really see a point oh you can eat that yeah you can get a slime farm but I never bothered

You want slime I love playing with slime yipp we have eight people playing on the same Farm I didn’t see the co-op notes I think so but don’t quote me on that did I play core keeper I did and I didn’t like it I did not not like

It yeah one of the reasons I didn’t like the slime thing was because you got to kill these [ __ ] is because um the the building was so big is the adventuring place open oh 3 to Seven I would prefer that but I’m poor so I so this new yeah but I don’t have space and a few dollars is not really going to matter right now anyways this Elden ring yeah this is the Dark Souls of farming games I want a pig inventory

Please I remember when I first played this game and I hacked and I gave myself a million dollars and a million geod and I also oh yeah I for you could do the Giga stab he um let me cook some stuff from Q D I got too lazy what’s the point

Playing okay I was like five mayonnaise you can now drink oh I can make a sprinkler and Bug steak the book seller is in town today what what is That oh my cat Punchy see this cat here Yeah I’m sitting outside it’s a Stray it likes this place what if I say no what happens usern name punchy And you die Really oh oh yeah I have to look at the egg Festival stardo route uh yeah hold On okay I to find got it I got it going to be Abigail let me go pet my chickens where did my cat go Kitty oh my this is try hard yeah and I have to steal L’s diamond and crusted panties this is true Kitty kitty where is It where’s a cat also how expensive of this is this spr take my Prim that’s ass what the hell so not Worth yeah that’s so not worth it’s worth of your Giga Mining the four spots is ass too yeah other one’s way better because you you’re also time gated on the Furnaces where is punchie hor is better than noot No oh wait upgrading watering can is going to be the most pain in the ass thing too hey who’s the book seller what is this oh um yeah you can also enslave junino J jumo jimo wait what is the Book seller where is he wait interesting what

Oh oh maybe they sell passive bonuses I’m broke though yo trade in books oh if you have extra books M oh you can instantly receive their Product M Oh thanks T Jason that’s expensive Man okay uper watering can then I can’t I won’t be able to water for 2 days and 2,000 I don’t have that kind of money I think the books that he sells you can probably you can probably I mean I did find one I found found this one dropped from a tree so

Maybe they just drop randomly but a low chance frankly it’s not realistic they don’t let you go for the military wife true she would be so down for some dick Too cuz her husband’s gone and stuff it’s a military WIP thing urchin I need [Applause] urchin I’m sure you can get a mod that lets you [ __ ] the military wife who cares about the husband just cuz there’s a goalie doesn’t mean you can’t score true D’s trying to do a kickflip hell yeah that’s gnarly dude am I using mods

No only mod you need is grandpa is the bed there’s a YIFY mod too that yasif everyone actually there’s so many YIFY mods I don’t like them they look too gasified it’s kind of creepy Friday Trav uh Friday and Sunday yeah do I need a cockle I

Do there’s a mar for oh like the Terraria one is this is it easy to use they’re super goo where’s my Cat KY Kitty they’re not Here bar portrait mod wait us inside or top right they weren’t There someone said bar and it reminded me of John and I asked him if he’s busy tomorrow because CU he I need to look at his tits where’s the kitty he’s not here maybe this stupid [ __ ] is sleeping somewhere Kitty oh I didn’t know the cat goes in the house what maybe they sleep on you I literally said inside well I didn’t [ __ ] see [ __ ] they sleep on you and then you get sleep paralysis okay uh I’m going to try to get clay I read it oh oh and then yeah and

Then I had to text John and be like hi for you busy can I touch your balls sag of hair or Where’s the clay ma’am stop talking please why they limit the farm line no this is the the new area the new Farm type it’s called Meadow and it goes bottom left where’s the clay brother one how much do I need stard do side iow 10 H oh seven more get to Hoing you need to go caving for more clay but I don’t want to go caving today I’m going to bed byebye very honest living cave I’ll go to I I’ll go cave when I Cave oh good good today good luck to today does luck also affect um how how like How likely a ladders BS I know it affects ore for sure yeah okay wasn’t sure okay money coming in tomorrow I need five golden par Snips Right me water my Cat kitty how come I can’t tell them that I love them Kitty kitty I already did really s Let Me Wait for pier and I need to tell my chicken oh maybe we should add we should add exclamation fish to exp we should add it so um every time you redeem fishing there’s a chance that a guy will

Spawn at your house and shoot you how funny would that be did I already feed my boyfriend eggs yeah I did uh okay let me go camp for some [Laughter] Seeds [ __ ] I wasn’t my se’s strawberries I’m broke is it even I mean I only have 900 bucks what should I even bother with it I think it’s fine I’ll just I’ll just save my money for parsnip maxing okay I’m going to beat the [ __ ] out of

Abigail it says right here I start on the left go down and then go left and then go right and then go and then five six okay here we go here we go here we go here we go here we go here we go here

We go come on come on come on come come I’m on I’m on the Addie uh I’m not but go yeah that’s so expensive I’ll I’ll I’ll buy a next year it’s fine anybody I didn’t say hi to Shane um I think I said hi to

Everyone I try to eat at least three eggs every day can you die No oh so you eat if you eat three eggs every day you don’t die okay I’m ready let’s let’s start the egg Hunt I eat 12 dozen eggs a day as large as a B everybody get a [ __ ] out of the way move move move H H move move move violently shoves Abigail to the ground go go go go [ __ ] off J and the other Kid Move okay I it says I got all of Them did I win I go one more go go go oh I got it I definitely W there’s no way how many I got 12 or 13 it’s me duh Dappa get [ __ ] H oh yeah well I have all this energy um let me cut some trees I guess [ __ ] disregard them kids I don’t want to sleep with full energy give the hat to the cat no my hat I want to give punchie a tiara I can’t see

Anything why I beat children I hope you feel good about yourself I do I actually feel even better than uh before when I didn’t beat children get [ __ ] Billy you snooze you loose get your money up not your funny up kitty wait give it back what you can’t take it give it

Back wait an owl what does that mean dides somebody die Uhoh of sou klaw is disgusting who the [ __ ] eats that also today’s unlucky sh what um expand your house oh kitchen cool SL is gross hey can I have my hat back punches B give me my hat back how do I get it back do I have to

Swap it add take on coal slot that’s this why it doesn’t even taste like anything love you I love You co SW more like ass klaw got Shooters what does that mean does does klaw have Ops I’m I’m Ops if you go to a restaurant and Order Colts law you you are [ __ ] If you go to Japan and Order claw they kill you this is true I was in Japan once I died immediately how do you grow the the blue myth grass is that a you if you just put a patch of grass I know it spreads but

Um what’s the chance of the blue one spreading anybody Know there no energy meter there is I’m just blocking it sorry here I need to buy seeds unblock it okay Boom in Japan is you steal stuff from convenience stores you have to have sex with the Owner yeah username checks out now shoot that guy yeah let’s shoot him because he has a gray name and I don’t like his name let’s [ __ ] kill him dead in chat uh that’s a good number I can’t buy wait how much is the backpack oh it’s only to no Well cell Punchy whatever I’ll just Parson it Max it’s fine I can juggle one bar oh a woodpacker I know it’s a woodpacker because it was pecking wood am I done with a dragon game no I’ll play it tomorrow C with Reverb and Echo wait maybe it rains tomorrow and I can

No I don’t have 2K I have one day till Dragon Dogma too no yeah no no no oh no all my energy G I’m still going to the mine though I could just eat wait does mayonnaise um heal you I just eat it as it is me carry some Eggs but I mean how Yeah I it I I could how much um dragon doggy do I have left I mean the main quest is not that Long dr’s doggy a few yeah I don’t think it’s that long I should have brought some bombs open up one more stream if I’m strong enough are you strong enough though I’m hella strong cuz I’ve been hitting the gym but I bet you’ve only been pondering the gym which makes me better than

You it’s dark oh I’ve been thinking about pondering the gym I’ve been pondering the gym for years that so oh not these [ __ ] quick kill them before they grow stabby stabby here we go Are you playing as the no hawk guy do you see a no Hawk on me this is a hawk oh no no killed them quick fck these Flappers go away there we Go I hear no another one boom I’m not covering the life bar yeah I am stop looking at how much health I have I’m Insecure also it’s really dark can I get a glow ring br I have four eggs I can eat slurp Slurp oh there’s so Many so many oy [ __ ] off I’m getting slimed Nickelodeon headquarters oh a bag what in here hole man if only I got that backpack upgrade that would be tight Dan Schneider has entered the chat I don’t have nice and I’m too old for Him I don’t think it’s ever going to work out hey he would get along with the with the Minecrafters he’s the OG Minecrafter true one more floor and I’m on [Applause] 20 is a feet shaped pool I saw that apparently that might not actually be his pool fake news oh what is that double loot monster compend monsters have a chance to drop double

Loot if you don’t read as fast as I do clappers kill the kids and things griefed her people would lie on the internet what no way me leaving the scene after spreading this information you know straight wait I want to try that I don’t know how that works no

No always got my ass out always let my titty show when I’m at the gym I’m thinking of [ __ ] that I’m [ __ ] on Ooh ooh I have space I’m going home you no only those kinds not the ones at your farm the cave ones always got my ass out always let my diddies show I I’m I may play this off stream just cuz there’s grind to do don’t [ __ ] do that stupid face at

Me always got my ass out always let my didy show dude there’s just there’s grind there’s like so much grinding to do so I just maybe do a little mining do a little what’s a cookout kit or maybe I could just skip sleeping and then I’ll just play this what is

It allowing to cook on the go I have never made that this stream longer but I have to sleep oh my God So how do you strafe What isn’t there an action key or something C what how do you do it with the upgraded can well you’re telling me I can’t walk sideways unless my can is a better Quality oh it’s for charging oh Did DLC R world Yeah isn’t it another month show me some upgrade can have you ever seen an old video this lady with huge tits that she would smash cans open with or smash Crush cans of them with her tits that’s an old One R DLC ring DLC dog Dragon Dogma 2 Star World Star fi star start value Update St Stellar blade ass PS5 my PS5 [ __ ] broke no oh my cat’s waiting for water my red dead I have to restart it finish Red Dead my [ __ ] PS5 died what am I supposed to do I have to get a new one which is what I’m going to Do oh Berries salmon berries they play they did not play through my Red Dead save file is [ __ ] up it doesn’t work work it literally doesn’t run it Bricked me I need to feed my boyfriend and egg he keeps telling me how he’s an All-Star quarterback what a loser I’m going to go to the mines P5 doesn’t have Cloud saves not unless you P pay for PS5 Plus subscription Plus Hulu Plus Netflix subscription Amazon Prime plus TV music

Subscription peacock plus this plus that subscription this plus oh [ __ ] plus Razors too many subscriptions oh my God can’t wait for when x videos become a thing wait does he like berries I think he likes berries right yeah he likes Them that’s a whole lot of nut he likes everything really can I ask him to put the old disc into the new pie no there’s no disc it was online wait the storage oh yeah what if they you think they can somehow take that out I don’t

Know I I don’t know how the how the internals of a piss Works they can take it out but then I would have to ask them to put in the new one Song has me crying in the club Beautiful yeah the storage or whatever I I don’t know I’m Scared inventory full I need to buy that new backpack ASAP matter someone die yeah my PS5 but I was in the middle of a Red Dead Redemption one run D I don’t want to mine these cuz they took two Hits I know I give the Geo to Clint I just haven’t gotone to It I’ve been Farm Maxing ooh clay I’m going to skip the rice Oh yeah this does give way more Clay sa for the backpack I have uh plants growing it’ll probably be that that Money yeah I planted 50 should be Enough yeah early game is a little rough but I feel like that’s every game good how many cave carrots yippee the parsnips will carry me to moas [Applause] ouch I don’t know how we’re I didn’t know the back Park was only 2K and then it’s what 25k or something God damn

10K wait that’s not that bad that’s pretty cheap where did I get 25k from look at that damn It People say they like gy sword but that makes you never want to go back you know it’s actually there’s actually a really easy explanation for that it’s because you are a [ __ ] 25k is the boat oh thanks https Koshi potato wine yeah why not I don’t know is it can you make potato Wine oh they’re done working for the day why put the food in here actually take these put these in here okay I could go get a silo tomorrow yeah I’m going to get starf fruit wine and stuff when I get there I mean I’m not I’m like mid Maxing sort of not too 2 Giga okay by I’m mid maxing yeah let me clear this who am I going to raise I’m going to date Alex I’m going to make him gig this is the future Libs want because ever since I moved to this little Valley I put something in the

Water that makes everybody gay I knew it like the beach that turns you old yeah exactly just like that M night shiman just keep goating him with eggs that’s how you that’s why they say a man to his heart is a man to his stomach something like that and the answer is

Eggs Jam a man and I must seek my fortune music beards are perturbed today F day tomorrow selling fertilizer now I need I only need two more gold uh parsnips and I’m chilling I’m beinging chilling hey nobody says Bing chilling anymore what happened to all the Bing chilling Kids it’s 2020 before and nobody dabs anymore what where did all the dabbing go they died of old age Oh kind of getting old that was 30 years ago I have to let it go dabbing yeah maybe they moved on to skibidi oh God what does Zoomers even do these days I have no idea the gritty or I being chilling they watch Northern lion isn’t

He kind of a boomer audience I thought I thought he’s more of a boomer gamer Yeah why would the kids watch him the kids would be watching the Tik Tok guy or something I don’t know wait what happened to the NPC Tik toks is that still the thing ice cream yum yum ice cream so good what happened to that ice cream so good ice cream

Yum I’m going to go feed the husband I’m watering wait I have to bring the stuff to the lady Silo stard de what do I need uh Clara I need a 100 Stone I need 10 clay five copper bars I’m coming thanks Clara I have four carbon bars oh my God oh my

Oh no oh my [ __ ] God [ __ ] CH daddy chill here we go it’s ruined restart the Run look at all the berries I want to pick up all those berries what is this old meme day um [ __ ] where did she go is she she’s gone on Tuesdays

[ __ ] whatever I’m going to go RIS of the homeless guy she goes yoga yeah but can’t put in an order this is ass why can’t I just deposit my materials and be like hey okay I’m going to Skibidi here’s your egg byebye Oh forgot about people’s birthday question mark huh what is that thanks potic that’s weird that’s suspicious did John not want to play St D he’s busy with balling busy Balling I’m just going to put the I’ll carry it for tomorrow there we go cheat on him with Alex good idea that’s what I’m going to do [ __ ] Alex while he’s gone good idea I have a question if you’re if if if let’s say hypothetically um never mind So how does the blue grass grow growing concrete how do I grow Concrete that’s not po the DJ bear who’s the DJ bear and then poke ate the kid no poke I got to oh I already have this book so I guess I should just hold on to it until the guy comes around Again wait what oh that’s a different no it’s not what just happened to it minus one book uhoh oops I don’t know dude it was just one book big [ __ ] deal I’ll get another one you gain some XP if you read a second time perfect see there’s always a there’s always an

Upside it was not not a mending enchant Yesh I’m going to bed at 300 p.m. it’s not a legendary book I already had two and I played for 5 minutes am I going to do coffee and grenade maxing of course of course you have to cough cough fall every play moded Minecraft yeah also sleep I wanted to play Calamity um

Sometime next month this month next month I don’t Know Calamity Terraria did I have sex with Alex yet No wait what’s the difference between regular Calamity and Inferno you and your friends played some Monopoly on tabletop no you didn’t you don’t have friends remember how many times did I tell you stop playing with your imaginary friends you’re too old for that infernum is that add-on that makes it

Giga hard I don’t want to play a game that’s Giga hard I want to play a fun fun little adventuring game with my Friends games don’t have to be hard to be fun you don’t have to be hard to have fun I wish people would understand that More well said exactly no but I mean I’ve played Terraria hundreds of times and I still think it’s fun every time wait I need to pet my chickens thanks lar aan oh big egg Big Egg B Big Egg Big Owl egg I need more Chest Giller for animal Stuff what else can I Make mayonnaise machine I’m going to go visit Clint oh and I need to donate these Go I oh I got to buy The Silo too oh my God oh my God God what’s the fishing thing it’s for people to fish every minute but you have to be the first one to click it I even have the inventory space for it no I have to go back Go let me donate these First did I ever play graveyard keeper I did um and then I don’t know why I remember I got mad I don’t remember why something about some [ __ ] Dev as stupid DLC everything was DLC no Q yeah it was probably that I just remember going like g l d Big L and L D Light rewards okay 12 wait will I have enough time 29 29 is day is it is every is every month 30 days or 29 days oh no because it would you plus one and then it’s 28 then I’m just going to oh my [ __ ] god what’s John John would be big big

J no but then Jay is someone big I don’t know John would just be John [ __ ] Him Mr J I well I’m not going to have enough time to plant these just put them away oh The Silo right here we go I think my sniffles are bad because punchie got in my room earlier and then John started cuddling with punchie and then rubbing punchie all over everything

All my belongings in my room then basically it’s John’s Fault hi I would like CEO please thanks what’s over here I want to put it somewhere where it’s going to cover stuff wait I could put it put it right here cover it boom big chest I I have an air purifier yeah I think it’s been

Opening I don’t know I’m not in the air Maybe I should have put that one lower no I should have put a one block walk lower what did I oh I didn’t feed my cat kitty I know I can move it but oh wow they’re hiding in there but I have to wait for her to

Finish ised in over ised it over for me Hitler dead now What guess I’ll just clean up the farm some more there’s this really random video that I remember I think it was about a car safety driving skit and then this lady runs over somebody and then turns out it was a Hitler going into his time machine anybody see that video or am I

Hallucinating I showed it really that means I must have found it it was a really old video I remember watching as a Teenager I’m going to cut these trees they’re going to fall in the water no Every day cleaning up something fuels goog man progress is little but wait yeah how do I get over there do you have to make a bridge or can you or is that just Cosmetic is my character a pronouns no I don’t believe in pronouns so I never use them oh what the hell it was hiding wait is it this maybe oh my God I think it is is it a lady it is an Accident every driver’s worst nightmare but what if you could take it back going 65 mes hour it takes 365 ft to bring your car to a complete stop driving just 5 mph slower you gain an additional 100 ft of stopping space so what would you rather save 30 seconds or a Life oh my God oh my God that’s hit Thrive recklessly not every pedestrian is a good person what oh is it this upload is re this is a re-upload from 11 years ago holy 2012 that means it’s even older than that that’s an Old Johnson or also if you drive recklessly you might be able to backflip your car into a a school of children going on a picnic Mhm A one to Joey Yore y thanks boxy Cura let me go drop these off D he’s planning on what to do for her off stream grind I’m just going to get stuff like materials like Mining and money logs in next day so I did a little mining off stream 999 aridium yeah I’m not hitting Doria off stream don’t even pronounce an O bro okay I I oh it’s just one why did I save 10 green bean andato Byebye I can see what other they Stu want cuz then the thing will shake green lean Bean GE R is just more convenient if you just want your stuff fixed immediately TBH but I feel like um it just feels less satisfying I guess it’s like if you want to play a

Liit te version of the game your door Do you prefer to buy a TV or make my own I prefer to wait for you to make your TV and then take it why is there someone in my league game called 39 D [ __ ] I don’t know do I [ __ ] Play That ranid Ass game

No okay I got the five gold star parsnips I can just sell directly to the guy right the A and then I can buy my I don’t want to wait another day for the Backpack thanks Sophie fuu also I would never name myself 39 daff in an online game That’s cringe where’s my cat that’s cringe Man cat kitty oh my God I have to go all the way around I’m not the guy that scripted zeron gold somebody did that on my account it was hacked H pad 93 and they only lay big eggs now well there’s a small one actually the Apex oh yeah what happened

I saw people were getting hacked on apex or something and then they they were getting hacked to have hacks or something I Don’t I was hacking them it wasn’t me Actually I blocked the Kitty’s path I know oops EA did it it’s an inside job what really Really how it wasn’t me the same day I was busy which day was that the wait yester the day before yesterday Pro players installed but then the thing is what I saw that someone said like Hal had it too yeah I thought it was like the antichi had problems that people were

Able to hack into people’s thingies and put a hack on them see I got another book yeah they put hacks on the pro players yeah cuz I like there’s no way he would do that yeah and yeah they that would be stupid insanely stupid I’m going to eat that

Book how isn’t Pro I thought he was what am I some kind of Apex Legend I I don’t [ __ ] know one of the players who affected installed random links for free Ram you’re joking okay that has to be a meme there’s no way well this gives you foraging

Experience if you read the book Again by the way I’m going to read it no way you’re trolling you’re pulling my leg you’re pulling the piss out of my Pant you’re pulling the penis no hire software interviewed the player and they’re pretty sure it’s internal the hacker has been bugging these players for a while suming bot and what not really there’s a clip from the Apex tney let’s here on my ping I knocked him there

Wait wait what the what the [ __ ] I’m getting hacked I’m getting hacked BR I know I know can you play the game bro I’m getting hacked I know but can you play can you play yeah but I’m it’s cheating the [ __ ] like what I I believe yes I can see everyone

Like I’m you need to leave you need to leave you need to leave I need leave the game right actually yeah I’m leaving I’m leaving I’m leaving like what the ad Nick ad now Nick I left I left like ad now where where BL here they got banned

But I believe that it wasn’t them I thought they got didn’t they it was they got they got got yeah he’s and he’s won lands like why would you why would you ruin your legacy like that oh the hacker got banned not Them yeah I believe them the hacker band oh the hacker band Jan and how oh oh guess they’re figuring it out for hack andall yeah apparently insane I’ve already seen This the konel level things are a disaster like that what’s a konel Popcorn people can hack into the anti-che system and gives them access to everything why did they hack them instead of accessing to take the bank account of of of the of Apex and then put give not both is this the same price backpack Backpack yay um no why didn’t I plant the beans I forgot I thought I only needed the other two for some reason I I need I need to I I need the speed I need speed speed grow there we go no [ __ ] hell I need a a bean and a potato I got

Hacked okay your lobby got hacked and they still can’t go outside True I have five gold par Snips ready don’t worry okay one two and then put this and the bean and then I just need the beans to grow and then it’ll be fine why did I hack the Apex Pros I didn’t when when did this happen the day I was

Gone the day I was busy like two days ago I was in bed the whole day it couldn’t have been Me busy John the hackers were a Duo I’m sure they’ll catch who it is I’m doesn’t Afraid of Anything 39 Destroyer oh maybe I check out the mines kind of late Though um rice I I did not hack them I did not 300 p.m. um okay it let’s go go are the mines f it we go yeah boy Grandpa’s glory hole I don’t want to think about Grandpa’s glory hole can you not can your Alibi not be staying home yeah it

Can you can just say you were staying home if you said you went anywhere and you got caught lying that’s worse this is not the Apex Legends hacker stream I I just found out about that actually that would be a lie because I did see some news about it but I wasn’t

Sure your honor I don’t know lied no I was not doing crime at home officer MH I’m going to get found out by that one guy who got caught getting boosted to radiant I I saw that too and no before you ask I wasn’t the one who boosted him to radiant

Either and covered up for him it wasn’t me I remember that I remember when jeles was coaching me and I was playing a little bit of valent people like oh my God you should go get coached by that guy you saw lean Bean in his matches no you didn’t

Uh-uh kill the bugs kill the bugs [Applause] I saw a funny tweet lies what why would I lie these any M level 100 no this this mine only has 100 off why wouldn’t you it was it was a funny tweet it was it it said um it said average Jonas misses his lineup on his girlfriend in his merch

Shoot see you laugh it’s funny it was funny You don’t get it there was like some insane person that was just [ __ ] freaking out about him is it a sex joke no and then the guy was obsessed with him Which is Weird yeah it’s just random streamer lore thanks Foxy F call Flappers yeah that guy is really weird I know Piano bottom right weird bottom left very strange why is there a skull emoji what am I missing hello oh crab Hiding I got to go home it’s late someone you know quit OverWatch cuz the next character is non-binary oh wow seems like they’re a little uh snowflake Huh you mean valerant yeah valerant wait valerant also or also OverWatch OverWatch also with both maybe both it’s both wow oh yeah I saw some insane Tweet someone was like it’s nice to see that there’s a non-binding non-binary character and then someone was like they already have a non-binary character KO

And then the person responds and says a robot is not a good representation of a non-binary character Heart [ __ ] insane people are so stupid a robot really a clanker you already got one it’s it’s our turn they’re all will be getting an abortion I know I I think I like that

Tweet it was funny except they were being completely serious which is why it was funny give someone a gift dude I’ve been giving I’ve been [ __ ] double [ __ ] down Alex with triple eggs every day and it’s telling just now telling me to give a Gift um oh iron Ore cookies thanks Mom fresh Cauliflower I need that that’s mine why is she asking for a cauliflower now when it’s ready we can’t even grow it anymore What the hell a battery is not a nonbinary person so close but a battery is not a good representation of a non-binary person Beed grow I don’t think that’s enough time 12 days that wouldn’t is it I don’t I think that I don’t know that’s too Risky boie wow 90 energy God Damn it’s one crop what do you mean risky I if I don’t get it it dies and then I’m sad if I don’t get my spring Bean D I don’t know why I didn’t buy all of them I’m stupid after war is there like a a a cheat that where

You could just spawn in stuff cuz I I if this Bean doesn’t isn’t harvestable by the end of the season I’m going to call Clara No just kidding I’m never going to cheat I’m ruining the Integrity of the game I won nothing I cheated myself why does punchie keep staying in that corner get out of that corner I need to move my Sil a cheat sheet isn’t cheating where’s the other chicken it

Is our cheat sheet isn’t cheating cheat is literally in the name okay then what’s an Eggplant what’s where’s the egg No it’s an Alber jine yeah hi can you move um something for me thank you perfect wait how much is a well well oops well well well ,000 the hell she’s robbing me blind thank You poor alert I still have $500 more than you this Silo looks so weird wow F to me I’m going to need you mind I’m going to need you get dick out of your Mind did I feed my boyfriend yeah Um I’m going to the Mines Yeah I going to marry Alex because John said he’s gay or something and he has like a cute scene no John’s not gay I think Why not ask him this level is scary there’s weird shadow people oh my God they’re so than what the [ __ ] Jesus where can I get a glow ring shw ow yeah hey oh I’m a Mario oh it’s a m me yeah I want my I want my glowing and pickup Rings those are

Nice AB a so creepy why is there no music oh the guy chasing after me aren’t those guys like crises or something I don’t see the ladder no it is he says it’s his cousin I’m pretty sure he he mentions he refers to them oh wait no it’s the other Shadow People no

Please no No give me the ladder well at least I can get some bat wings thanks GQ leave me alone I got some bat wings why when the fog comes it just spawns more dudes it sends dudes oh rainbow J ladder please mom’s Cookies uhoh I don’t know how to get over here I can’t see what the hell I ever finish Island Um I don’t think so I just remember I put some pineapples on there I have the other save still leave me alone please a ladder out of here okay I’m out of energy I’m leaving no I didn’t what was it what what the uh what was the other the other

Um the other island has the volcano upgrade thing and then it had what did it have another mine cuz I don’t remember come with the egg w think GQ smooth it come the Egg Is the museum closed do you know take this take this take take the fish take [ __ ] it just take it all did it want eggs large egg two large eggs there we Go I told you thank you already my bad I have dementia because someone keeps spraying liquid demena spray in my house [ __ ] in BIO take John’s ugly fish and chips dude I love staring at JN when he sleeps you think he can feel it when I stare at him

Where does a bullhead go Here are you asleep John I hear him I hear John noises he’s here he’s here he’s here he’s away he keeps telling me he gets scared of me one time I was standing in the hall and then he got he said he was scared I was

Going to kill him and I was like why the [ __ ] would I do that that’s illegal I see urchin is later hey what you watch lasagna G sounds like raccoons are back again filthy varmints does it matter what you choose in this cut scene ah you turned up at

The right moment son could you do an old man a favor could you go around the corner and scare off those raccoons for me they’ve been causing a real mess thanks make sure you give them a good scare so they never come back it has immense consequences really it was me I’m

Sorry I find a lot of hot fresh food in these can stuff that’ll go to waste if I don’t take it doesn’t he go to stare at the woman’s umed bath house during the day you think there something wrong with what I’m doing yeah you should it’s

Disgusting disgusting to you maybe to me it’s a way of life and I haven’t gotten sick yet I only eat things that look fresh damn I was hoping he would get more mad at me you can go on home I promise I won’t rumage and George Canon

Yeah I should have picked the stop leeching off others wait I know what you were doing lonus were you gooning if you need you just ask I don’t want anyone to go hungry wait can I have some food too I’m I’m hungry make sure you dip them in my spicy Mar

Marana zucchini zucchini is good my dad would grow really big zucchinis and then he would give them to people same No [ __ ] I’m hungry now on more food Play modded start you I don’t even know what kind of mods there are besides grandpa is the bed I really need a light [ __ ] the military wife mod that’s it that’s what I’m looking for naked erect mody extra luck today Oh I don’t even have grass I need cut grass have you ever seen how a long sickle looks in motion it’s kind of cool they just cut it and then it goes so what’s this blue stuff did I cut it does the blue stuff matter does it make them happier

I’ll leave the blue stuff then is ZaZa it does double ooh I’ll just leave them then it’s full oh yeah you should not be cutting grass in the rain if there’s any farmers in here do not try this at home though I think they would

Know DN working the farm all day to come home to play stardew Valley now that’s tight ham as a horse why I farm all day to play Farming Simulator at night me too starting Valley expanded for Lots but I’m already so overwhelmed there’s already so much stuff

That means you didn’t play enough yes I did my other save file had Plenty automate mod you can’t the game has already balanced so well stop it’s fine the way it is kids these days just want to mod everything I’m getting hacked I’m getting hacked the oh my god oh no oh somebody installed the village big bbl’s sexy villager huge tits mod I I got

Hacked I got hacked okay I’m going to the mines um let me bring some food take these take these all right byebye yes Alex good buy for me this edible is hitting hard any advice oh spe no but um the day before I like as the day that I took the sleeping

Gummy I was like yeah I don’t feel anything and then I planked and I don’t know what it is but I think something just happens where they just don’t kick they don’t work until you talk [ __ ] sleeping gummy yeah it’s a Zaza gummy a z sleeping Zaza gummy oh

I remember I I noticed that it started hitting because I was like John you look like you’re wearing lipstick he and then I started giggling and then I was like wait why am I giggling that’s weird that’s suspicious Wait should I bother killing these guys I mean they kind of drop some stuff but they take forever even drop anything no I don’t oh [ __ ] thought I could go back up for byby anybody know where a glow ring can where I can get one oh yeah what if instead of it wasn’t

A Zaza it was a dementia gummy that makes sense what is this a slingshot I never use this does anybody use a slingshot literally never ever use it oh yeah my sword is definitely outdated this [ __ ] is Ass three hits Jesus what explosive ammo oh I never tried that I would just put them down I’ll keep it for that then song Hello oh byebye give me a sword give me your give me your Goods you get a glory from one the bundles oh chincha I hope my beans grow in time if they don’t I’m going to be choked I’ll be very Sad go away go away no no no I think the bean will be fine I put the speed fertilizer okay I didn’t plank bye-bye you did the math I’m doomed no because if it it takes 10 days I put a speed that means 9 days that means on

The very last day it should be okay if not I’m planked hey how come people don’t plank anymore wait magnet ring yay there’s one people don’t plank anymore and they don’t Dab the cinnamon challenge oh God that’s probably not a good idea considering everybody has long Co and permanent lung damage Sebastian likes Frozen tear I planted too late during the day no that’s not a thing really no really does a time you plant matter I thought it was just the

Day chat is trolling okay so it’s fine Did he improve um critical rate cuz that [ __ ] was ass oh yeah what about the man challenge plank challenge cinnamon challenge the salt and ice challenge the tide pod challenge the ice bucket challenge the flash mob challenge the Harlem Shake challenge the Chubby Bunny oo now that’s a

Johnson I put these away for now Eda how about instead of a devious lick you hit an Angelic yield oh plus one whole proficiency always got my ass out always let my titties show let’s go oh it’s raining again move out of the [ __ ] way cat I’m trying to get to the TV Always got my ass out always let my titty show always got my ass out hold on I’m going to get a snack pause what don’t make that face ever again stop for let me touch your butt dude I hate when I’m trying to to grab ass and then they clench

It my ass out always let my titty sh with consent of course with consent I tried not grabbing one but his ass it’s it’s free real estate for me he says I’m allowed to grab his ass he says I’m allowed you’re not allowed to grab ass during Ramadan why Not during daylight it’s night time though this is why people don’t take sexual abuse seriously when it happens to men John literally said I can grab and slap his ass it’s almost like there’s a difference between two people in a consensual relationship and communication vers verus someone getting [ __ ] sexually assaulted and

Abused John Wink your [ __ ] twice if you’re if you feel like your ass is in danger wink wink your [ __ ] twice we should sign a contract and publicize it is there someone you forgot to ask and it’s Jesus he may yeah I consent I consent and then it’s Jesus I

Don’t always got my ass out always let my titties show the v-neck goes hard I agree the v-neck is nice um okay I go to the mines again today I yearn for the mines yeah anything I should make um no I just keep going always got my a hold on I want my

Crackers always got my ass out always let my tea show always got my ash out and they’re not old people digestion crackers though those are also very good it says sold out because you can only only you can each person can only fish three times means you fished

Enough oh yeah I forgot about M cookies I actually like them I like that they’re not too sweet You have fish on Fish boom if you get something bad I’m Banning you oh you got a fish it’s not bad ban him anyways yeah sure your character looks like a student from gender studies I don’t think gender studies is what you should be worrying about you should take a class in [ __ ]

Studies because you got none you said [ __ ] though how much you want to bet that guy makes attack helicopter jokes and think they’re the funniest [ __ ] ever while getting a beer with their co-workers or something or maybe he was bringing the 2016 Vibes because I was like why don’t

People play or or na ne or Harlem Shake anymore you think they have a job yeah maybe I don’t know maybe their dad’s friend gave them a job out of pity because they were scared that they might kill their whole family when they find out that they have a crippling porn

Addiction that they’ve been using the family bank account to pay money to and then find out they’ve been faking their degree and then once all the charade the facade falls down they kill the whole family or something you got me uhoh the back I doing bicep day I did the The

Long Bar like this standing and then I did Hammer RS like this like it go straight instead of horizontal Hammer pearls Y and then I planked and then I literally couldn’t do anymore I like it didn’t hurt or anything I just was physically incapable of lifting anymore uhoh

She did 15 reps and 16 sets of lifting John sideways while she does squats this is true this is true I’m still not able to do a pull up that’s going to take a while I think I’m going to Die okay after reaching failure should do assisted Reps for Max gains I was scared that my biceps were going to be hella sore like last time again but I chilled and right now it is kind of sore it definitely wasn’t as sore as last time last time was really sore I’m okay Though more electrics yeah I’ll try me in the corner in the gym with my little yoga Mats cold shower over all the people who take cold showers are psychopaths they’re on some [ __ ] Patrick baitman [ __ ] nah ooh why that Foot I mean how much money does the boots even give me probably like $2 cold showers are nice in the you know what was really nice in um C2 F you know what’s really nice in 86° weather in Bora Bora is jumping right into the Lagoon ocean water whatever and

The water is just as warm and a little bit cool orble sorry I don’t know Afghanistan I only I only know I don’t give a Afghanistan I I I death yeah exclamation condition exclamation disability what I think of women’s condition in Afghan saying I think all women should move to I Bolivia

Have I ever visited gag City no will I be allowed in no why not [ __ ] ghost I really need a better sword man [ __ ] off Ghost am I just tanking his Yeah ow No no no no eat some horseradish raw oh I got a dwarf Scol do I serve I guess I’ll serve residents of mog City can’t tra travel to gag City without Visa wait why I feel like they should be together what think’s pink venom pop that pink [ __ ] pop that pink [ __ ] pop that pink [ __ ] this guy die please which city would John be in probably Mew City thanks Batman holy [ __ ] B the back finally two floors and then I’m out actually it’s getting kind of late it’s getting late hope that you’re not a sucker to think that I would be a victim not another say play how you want but no way I’m ever going to I still

Have one more cracker I’m getting stalled by these bats I can’t find the ladder I’m Leaving you are Woman they’re telling me to play Telltale Batman 2 I rather rip my [ __ ] off y sh they’re trying to legalize it in somewhere in Africa oh yeah female genital mutilation is very normalized in some places and it it’s very barbaric and [ __ ] terrifying and Horrible No SI Oh oh those are my carrots like what is this is an uncut I mean cutting dicks is also gen mutilation yeah not even sure why that became a thing you do not need a cut dick it’s so Strange hoodie Gang it reduces HIV transmission dude it’s like the people that say it’s for cleanliness do you not know how to wash your [ __ ] dick I’m assuming these guys don’t wash their ass either and they just letting the water run between their cracks is good enough like what kind of you [ __ ] stinky you’re Gross Source yeah sorus [ __ ] the musti person Al live you were eating so am I anybody want some old people digestive Crackers I need to go back buy more Seeds yeah your parents if you were circumcised that means your parents mutilated you as a kid without without your permission what does this mean they stole your dick hat ask them for it Back m M m No your dick hat remov also makes your it also desensitizes this the the nerves there What You more c yeah you can have multiple p when you max out AUM with your first P you can have more pet you can have more pet when you max out affection with your first pet I have $15 Yeah I gave my pet my straw hat and I don’t know how to take it off Forest skin in BIO Ew Somebody circumcised that guy’s neck so true yeah legendary F what was it was it a was was it a whale was it your mother oh was it singing fish heard a thumping noise and it scared me you know what’s so scary is the thought that somebody entered your house when you didn’t know

And they were existing in your house with you coexisting in your house with you that’s a good one like that game the a really short game I played where was a little kid goes up to his Treehouse and then he goes back to his house and then you don’t realize

That that there was like a scary ass D that went in the house and then you go upstairs and then he runs at you Where are they um under your bed or something I don’t know somewhere prowling yeah also true I would easily wreck any home Intruder I would first run up do a hell sweep they never block lows what hell sweep and then do the grab after a heat engage and then once

Uh once I heat engage I do the grab I throw them to the ground I do the ground slam into the wall which is a uh down forward 34 and then follow up with one two and slams against the wall a couple times and then he’s going to be on the

Ground again so I do forward forward four the Intruder yeah this a big update um I haven’t even seen some of the updates I mean I there’s just the game is so long that it’s probably going to be sprinkled in you can read all the update notes though hey more stardo always means more fun I’m always down for some

Stardo you can read the patch notes some of the stuff you probably won’t even notice until the year two or something like the desert Festival The new update includes Alex oiled up stess under the town in Christmas tree in Winter really I know what I want for my birthday I want a photo card of John oiled up and I’ll keep it in my wallet forever and no I’m not sharing no I’m not sharing mine or you could download your man at manh hunt the search for America’s greatest hottest mail

Model.com you could download John Johnson uhoh got to go I want to kill the ghost I need a new sword this [ __ ] is ass oh God ah okay this is fine Lord Here we go John Johnson is a woman slapper okay he didn’t slap woman he just said he wanted to slap he said he wanted to slap some some models or something actually because he was talking about how they were I don’t know he he was saying that they were shallow or

Something I don’t know and then he cheated on his girlfriend which is crazy yeah he was cheating how do I only have 15 GRS cuz I spend my money to make more Money well it’s like me when I say uh oh I want to punch John cuz he has stinky dirty feet that he keeps rubbing all over my rugs but I’m not it doesn’t mean I’m actually going to punch him days I can plant this I committed thought what the [ __ ] is

Thought crime is that when a when a when when a thought does crime glow stone Ring oh Ooh that’s good need to kill more ghosts bad luck today the flower dance I don’t like that the cat hides behind this bush and I can’t see him okay I got a Potato they added carrots yeah and they added something called powder melon and um three other crops two other four four crops dude if the beans don’t grow in time I’m actually going to I’m going to plank I’m going to plank I’m going to plank I’m going to plank please Bro chicken chicken get a seed of it’ll grow it will I Trust I Trust okay I want to visit the museum and then give um Alex some Eggs make the ring I don’t have enough solar Essences Alex wake up wake up egg time um so will he dance with me how many do you need three three hearts for it I wish there were more girls in this town know what I mean he doesn’t know that he’s gay Yet he doesn’t Know soon there are boys yes there’s there’s a cute Farmer Boy that just moved in recently Actually oh I haven’t checked the uh oh why did I bring this this what’s that floor petite I haven’t checked the coral area forgot about That what I get what I get what’ I get melon I think it’s time for you to leave I think you should Go it’s not a purple Mohawk it’s pink and it looks [ __ ] sick John I’m going to scare these birds away byebye that’s purple that’s pink I I picked pink it’s not purple it’s pink wait I don’t think I’ve said hi to Emily um oh yeah I said hi to everyone Now she’s a crystal Mommy it was uh oh yeah it was unlucky today so maybe don’t Go going I eat these Carrots it’s pink this is this is definitely pink you don’t look at the gray colors you look at the light the light part he [ __ ] pink bro one how much are the blacksmith upgrades Clint St wait there’s a toless portrait of him Of Clint wa how much I need to see how Much wait um oh Black they all cost 2,000 I don’t have 2,000 Bro show it just Google it dardu Valley Clint Topless I need to start saving money for Tool Upgrades but best part of playing solo is the time pauses [Applause] true the best part about playing solo is that you will always get everything done exactly the way you want it your way exactly when you want it and you won’t have somebody else [ __ ] up your progress you want something done right

You got to do it yourself if I play with John he would do nothing EX track of mud all over my house with his stinky ass feet what the [ __ ] is that somebody banned that guy did I ban him weird was that fishing Circle it’s for fishing

And it’s a shade of magenta and magenta is pink there conclusion it’s pink riddle me this magenta is blue what magenta is [ __ ] pink magenta is a purplish red color it no it’s not it’s pink it’s considered a pink it’s considered a dark pink or a tint of pink in literally the second

Sentence it’s [ __ ] pink blood orange how pretentious it’s [ __ ] red it’s pink this is pink th this is pink wait happy today isn’t the flower dance today it’s pink I disagree It’s the flower Danes today No what is that fishing [ __ ] that is for fishing [ __ ] can I bring an egg to give somebody at the flower dance or No once tried to go on a stardo date with a guy he made you have separate bank accounts Dam he made you sign a prenup in stardo yeah they were not in to you a stardo prenup if I play stting with someone I would make them have separate bank Accounts you’re not getting the lind from my pants wait where’s the dance I for Gore I think it’s on the left More minute okay here we go Hello um hi do you want to dance with Me I’m Leaving oh my God I can’t leave why did they fence Us in wait I should throw myself off this Cliff to change the trajectory of their lives forever this waterfall is New how I oh Here I put a bomb down killed them the book sellers in town today oh oh wait so he comes multiple times I thought he only came once a year he comes what every other Thursday or something what movie is the little Tom fooler I think it’s from Spider-Man and

Right after after I seen the Green Goblin burst in her house is what someone Said yeah oh there we Go wait Green Goblin blows of Aunt May why did they do it like that that looks so Funny That’s what I did to my neighbors just kidding I did not blow them Up Will William the foe Mhm does Alex like large eggs or only regular eggs if you give him a large egg will he [ __ ] hate it and hate you William the fo is Prince William the one that’s balding and cheated Alex wait I think I where’d he go oh egg I need to see This I’ve never seen the Spider-Man movies how is that anything but hilarious I’m dead it’s supposed to be shocking but it’s so funny there I’m did people laugh back Then did people know of laughter back Then Oh oh sorry is his bad look in the mines today I don’t have I want to go to the mines mm- I mean people definitely really I I just want to know what what did people find that funny back then that shit’s hilarious Now no Why is silly champ supposed to be Green Goblin after he comes flying in oops die ghost I need the solar essence it was released in 2002 which is too soon after 911 and no American was allowed to laugh oh I’m so sorry American fish fillet

Burger reminds me of the time when I was a kid and they fed me a fish LA Burger and the sauce got all over my face and nobody gave me a napkin to wipe it I kept crying and crying and then it kept laughing more because I was crying cuz I

Didn’t have a napkin to wipe my face Oh Oh Oh dude these [ __ ] are pissing me off doesn’t help that I do no Damage two damage Dude it [ __ ] takes you I like to see you try to take a [ __ ] kill a [ __ ] ghost he keeps [ __ ] off stand Still Oh No O how much is a new sword I don’t know but I need to save my money for upgrades why is it so bad to think about Aunt May blowing up I don’t understand why you guys are trying to cancel me for that every night I laugh uncontrollably

Thinking about Aunt me blowing up in Spider-Man 1 and my the [ __ ] not the [ __ ] you’re on your rules get oh here’s another oh big or but first I need to take 6 hours to kill this ghost oh I should have brought my bomb

Wait I have a bomb do you lose or if you bomb it wait that looked huge it wasn’t yeah this is a new run H yeah I don’t think so but I know I know Minecraft is that if you blow up blocks you might not get the resources might just be Minecraft

Brained actually matter of fact in light of recent events I am not Minecraft brained in any way whatsoever I don’t even know what Minecraft is I have no relation to any people playing Minecraft who know Minecraft I don’t know what that is I’ve never played it in my

Life matter of fact I’m playing St do right Now I don’t know what that is We only blow up grandma in these premises exactly all we Do Sun Haven no no no there’s another ghost [ __ ] off don’t have any more bombs police we checked your history and play Minecraft this is not true this is an attack on my character and my lawyers will be in contact with you balse more war Pleas am I sure I didn’t bite anyone the past week um I bet John like lightly he dead no what the [ __ ] is Hash wolf Watchers not a werewolf John isn’t here right now these these ghosts are just stalling it’s crazy finally cuz he’s he’s not dead he’s busy have weapon please he’s

Busy he is safe and sound LST hey where did the ding ding ding dong ding dong ding music go oh there it is another [ __ ] Ghost away no I’m just one floor away from the dingdong leave me Alone oh bomb no ladder Please am I doing ramadon no I’m not a ramadon radam kareim Uhoh please please I need the ladder no no I have to go now this suck ass these [ __ ] ghosts I actually wasted 5 hours fighting ghosts damn it I can make her home go go Go I didn’t get to 460 I’m not passing I got plenty of time oo a mandarin wo I got plenty I can’t even put an ore in here that’s how big chilling I am big chilling very lucky today yeah I can’t plant anything else Anymore by always cooking something I should make more furnaces Kitty water the cat at the Chickens D let me see if I can buy a new weapon how much is this 4 to 8 feed the plants I did oh wait let me bring my Bombs my pen is open yeah that’s fine they’re well behaved relax everything will be okay how’s the dog doing yon he’s grumpy he’s been grumpy lately because dude my chicken’s not going to blow up my house I hope he’s grumpy because people are leaving him Did you miss the Tekken yeah you missed the 9h hour Tekken stream no ghost please I can’t stand any more stalling ladder ladder please ghost [ __ ] off I’m out of here heon friend Punchy no oh my God yon doesn’t even know I have a side hoe like a side pet don’t tell

Him he doesn’t need to know think I’ll do something I don’t know I haven’t thought of a new merch thingy at I’m being Chilling I’m being chilling yeah I need a better sword this [ __ ] is ass move move how’s he still not dead might be almost dead 1 4 1 they like a mob HP okay just let me get to the adventure shop doesn’t open till 2 which is some ass

Cheeks why why are they not open it’s not like the NPCs do anything I’m just supposed to twiddle my thumbs they sleep in why open now or I’m going to be very upset two more floors two more floors but I get stalled by the ghost Annoying I’ve only ever had Taco Bell once in my life and it was at a Korean airport and it tasted exactly how I expected it to kind of ass there’s a flapper move I want to one more floor the the timer must be different for everyone or something with the

Fishing it’s cheap junk not meant to be great I think everything should be meant to be great why not rare what is that that’s new is that new looks new oh ladder it’s old what you guys have just seen Everything why you well at least now I don’t have to buy one let’s see how this a [ __ ] you can do the Giga stab of hell it’s Still he’s juking [Applause] me okay Stabby the the Brit bong weapon of choice this range is so ass why can’t why can you swing why can you not swing a dagger riddle me this I’m hitting them with a butter knife been gently tapping them with a spoon still better than my other one was like a fly Slaughter ouch

Hi I’m so low big salmon yeah but it’s no Big Mama Pickle wait they should make it so you can have multiple husbands and girlfriends thoughts like in Persona LOL poly mod leave me Alone you can Actually wait in the game I think you can cheat in the game can you or am I thinking of a different game I don’t remember you just can’t Marry Jump Around Jump Around jump around now Jump Around Jump Around jump around now Jump Around Jump Around jump around now Jump Around jump around now Jump Around jump J Around jump around now Jump Around Jump Around jump around now yeah I wish you would be able to

Send your wife a husband to do work and they gather some some [ __ ] for you like get coal or something I don’t know do something you freeloader and the children that never grow up yeah they should grow up and gather things for you I agreed around Jump Around jump around now Around I should get the the status ring the Slime [ __ ] is ass sometimes spouses sometimes water the crops yeah but then by that time you have sprinklers they should go to the mines me thingss I think they go to the mines and the kids should grow up and also find Forage

Things G this is new Farm my old save was from 2 years ago I think shot I’m leaving we been to the newer Islands on my other save yeah Ginger Island Ginger Island I just remember planting some pineapples there and then I was like well I guess that’s about

It two years ago was 20 years ago this is true yeah or your or your cat can go in with you and they have different Buffs or something I don’t know depending on it I what call you equip them with then it’s turning into an adventure

RPG I don’t know I guess it kind of already is Um the away in case someone likes them so this way Gunther can tell me about this this and this that away oh I ever pick up Animal Crossing again um probably not unless there’s a new game probably not oh yeah I remember there being a copper shortage because you need copper

Ore for [ __ ] and then I end up with a [ __ ] ton of iron what can I make glow stone ring five and five 2 25 25 yeah I have a glowstone ring and a magnet ring but they’re not combined I want them combined I need these for anything and I want

The sturdy two copper 25 slime there we go byebye Warrior ring I just made another ring dude that’s it dude parsnips make some ass money I pled all that and I got only 900 bucks the economy is [Applause] [ __ ] maybe I go upgrade my pickaxe oh I did get a bean oh

Saved or it was [ __ ] I got the bean let’s make a trip Today accidentally eats it I would cry Kitty now time travel to an adult to get the oh I see what you did there L funny May epic troll Face did I feed my husband yeah I did stop stop what wait what’s the warrior ring Warrior energy nah I’m going to make more Furnaces yeah 20 copper ore are you what the hell I mean one that’s [ __ ] am I force feeding him yeah what else can I make why can I make a crafting table maybe I make a mayonnaise machine wood Stone earth Cryst oh the mayonnaise is going to take forever a r d e w go W song that’s Aussie slang I only have um one m oh load it Up why are you playing the alone in the dark Ram key um I i’ never heard of that Wow nice bike ramp key monkey also can somebody wearing glasses makes me feel nauseous Somebody explain whoa It’s So Clear you have to get used to it oh Gog oh Gog yeah it feels kind of nauseous looking oh it feels weird You have to wear it more often but what if you only want to be a half part-time Glasses It’s it’s it’s uh how big is the minus okay you’re not going to believe this it’s 0.5 it’s actually for uh looking at far away when I’m outside Is trolling d i notic this things are like Blurry maybe it’s just because I’ve been have to goo eyesight when I’m grow as growing is too goo whoa this is my left eye whoa whoa whoa whoa looking at the wall far away and I can see see all the little strokes Whoa Patrick looking for the mail truck no whoa m who I should get some pineapple juice yeah they feel kind of weird I thought I would wear them so that they wouldn’t feel as Uncomfortable hey can you [ __ ] kill that red name he’s so stupid Thanks I’m going to get some pineapple juice getting to the m side might be better yeah probably I’m going to get some line Up Somebody drank my [ __ ] pineapple juice what the [ __ ] I’m putting my Did I I did didn’t drink it for a while for because I was sick and Then and this is all that’s left it was a giant jug I look I pour it I pick it up to pour it and I was like why there’s only John tax Sheltering gym hos yeah what the hell it’s already 5:00 p.m. no I haven’t had any in um 2 weeks

Because my my throat was Sore years ago I thought you were only a former Chinese well years ago I was Chinese but I’m Chinese now too 2,000 I can’t afford that I I I I I I I um oh I wasted today should I restart the day nah I I I wanted to upgrade my pickaxe I forgot because I was getting pineapple whoa holy [ __ ] that took forever life is a beautiful cycle of becoming Chinese and not becoming

Chinese this is true everybody lives through cycles of you can tell how far your life is by how many times you’ve become Chinese and unbecome Chinese and become Chinese how tanky are these guys yes the answer is yes oh no [ __ ] off bats are you sure you’re not Singaporean Senator I’m from

Singapore have you been in in are you a Chinese citizen Senator I’m from Singapore have you ever been in contact with the CCP Senator as I said again I am a citizen of Singapore do you have a dual citizenship with any other country like China for example Senator I’m from Singapore

Are you John China actually that’s not what they asked they asked if he was in the CCP not in contact with CCP oh they asked is there any relation to it CP was he I already found the ladder oh did I I got distracted oh [ __ ] I did they got ban USA yet

No no egg it’s copper ore I need not iron mine’s more iron are you a baseball I Maybe if my grandmother had two wheels should’ be a bike are you a bike Can I get one more floor please maybe if I get really lucky here come on come on oh a diamond come on just one ladder please Please No please bro I got to go okay I it’s [ __ ] no I was 74 okay haul ass I won’t make it yeah I will I literally made it at 12 before I’ll make it what the [ __ ] ew it’s a posum don’t leave the game on pause I

Thought I paused it when I went to yeah I I got plenty of time I can even grab my mayonnaise and put these in mind I’m out of coal bunch of dramatic dramatic dramatic dramatic bunch of dramatic dramatic bunch of dramatic what’s a what’s the name that starts with Dr but not

Drake bunch of dramatic Drews yeah a bunch of dramatic Drews in here geologist or minor I feel I don’t do I really need gems do I need that many gems though wait Jo why I like I prefer the one on the left more or I guess I’ll end up getting so much or

Anyways um they’re both good GI works with geod okay I’m going to go with this one that sound someone’s doing something weird punchy punchie was scratching at my door and then I opened my door and then he immediately acted uninterested Crouch he’s being an orange cat right

Now just standing in the doorway oh over here and he left what is your issue I think you found a bug oh he’s being weird he left okay I’m going to do this one Miner it is I just got a DM from a Minecrafter just kidding go away I’m too Old conosur and Pegasus Alex I’m too old for them I know thank God we’re back putting my cup away let see what the [ __ ] Do Face no come back come back okay [ __ ] off this Pickles no I didn’t pause but it’s okay it’s only 7:50 I keep getting distracted by Whimsy ow I hurt my Knee I know Marney likes diamonds I remember that Wait does mayonnaise not have ratings because I don’t know Everyone likes them no really drink mayonnaise now it’s universally liked okay oh but love I think myy loves It wow I’ll keep one jar to Drink drink it later I need my four is it five five yeah five go upgrade a Tool thanks Manny van is manies not have a grade rating because I put a silver star one in It looks Spreadable hey D hey Alex twil ball sack Hair well I have no pickaxe I’m chilling now I’ll take clay Mayo sells better than eggs nothing here would have long enough ball hair to twirl it um I don’t know but you know what was really weird was when I was looking at my yogurt the other day they

Were upside down in the fridge I don’t even know how the [ __ ] that happened like why was my yogurt upside down it makes no Sense ew it smells let’s play by the sewage there’s a lock I want to explore the sewers do the do the sewers smell good H has the key no but would you you would be able to smell it without even going in there right it’s kobis walking around in

There oh that’s a sound he makes the W think we can just [ __ ] kobus is the implication that the quaint little town is draining their Rock was [ __ ] and piss directly into the sewer into the river yeah wait yag they areus is asexual yeah I mean in like a nonsexual manner

Oh wait it’s squash whoa that squash wasn’t that how I built my city skyline city um oh yeah I made a I made a giant volcano hole and then I made um all the sewage fill it up and then made Hydro power by using the flow of [ __ ] that

Was it was slanted into the river so it would go into the river and as it’s flowing down it would generate currents and electricity and it was great the poop Cano Yeah to understand City Skylands you must make a poop you Know wait why can’t we just Throw poop in a volcano fumes well then just have one guy that we really don’t like Huff it all up yeah I saw another cyber truck today it was really ugly and it drove dangerously close to our car I was like what the [ __ ] and then I said Ew you’re basically burning tons of [ __ ] going to smell nice worldwide then why don’t we just put 10 air purifiers you know the livo ones around the rim of the volcano and then that way when the fumes are rising up they get purified and then yay you actually drive those things I’m

Starting to think he probably gave out a few of the vehicles and asked people to drive them because nobody wants to drive that [ __ ] ain’t to no way there plenty a [ __ ] willing to pay yeah then I guess that makes it even more sad yesh yeah they said it was rust there’s

Like rust problems or something and also you can accidentally cut your fingers off the edges there’s a video of the guy intentionally shutting his fingers in the trunk what did he die did I drink the mail yet no I’m going to drink it now all right ready everybody I’m going to drink the

Mayo drink mayonnaise yes E help me hurt oh don’t be hurt you are disgusting sorry sth the blue grass is beautiful not as beautiful as the look on your mother’s face when you get a job I was going to say not as beautiful is you but then I switched it up last

Second you can never let the Ops an owl from that night remember not sure what it does can let the Ops know what you’re thinking switch up so crazy that you don’t even know what you are is it 50/50 low or mid Actually I should put this chest wait can I move this without a pickaxe if I take it all oh there we Go and I’m going to make another chest monster eggs okay oh monster stuff yeah dungeoning stuff It’s good the pond is dead no bunch of dramatic dramatic Drews thanks Ru swordfish wait are swordfish really fast I don’t remember I think they are no don’t fall in the water they’re the fastest fish really dude look at this loser got a shitty trout add Joel now why not just use fish

Buy I like fish moly F moly is better than Joel does the update make the game immensely different no but it gives you another excuse to play the game all over again hell yeah yeah brother D was now an FPS yep stardo would sell three times as many copies if

It actually was an FPS game this is true and they’re releasing a battle royale mode oh I didn’t water my cat today I think oops sorry hey my bad lari hope we had a good stream lari thinking about Tekken makes me nauseous because I played for too long

Yesterday he didn’t yeah that’s true he never has a good stream yeah sounds about right it’s summer Yipp my neet that’s my puss I have some seeds Nine did I get a oh summer Squash always got my ass out always yeah the are still here I I updated it too what should I PL for the Summer did I make the nippel smaller no I think they they added the v-neck blueberry oh I need to consult the spreadsheet summer um holy [ __ ] there’s so many corn maxing need one of everything oh the store’s not open yet oh my god look the cat is dead why ises he so

Spute am I getting D these sprinklers are ass these are not worth the other one is a little better though I’m going to go wait for the St want to upgrade T it takes two days no let me in how come he gets to go in first I’m Romancing Alex I’m going to make him gay oh okay what do I need tomato hot pepper blueberry and melon poppy red cabbage [ __ ] everything why they don’t have red

Cabbage wait he’s selling my parsnips this [ __ ] why [ __ ] yeah I think I need oh corn is so expensive I don’t have that kind of money bro tomato Blueberry oh I remember needing uh wheat for hops you need okay these are cheap make one wheat um just so broke right now poppy oh wait hops is hops not wheat I got that one hops um tomato pepper blueberry melon poppy red cabbage sunflower one sunflower

Please and that’s all the money I have left I $25 or broke guy alert broke guy Alert I should have upgraded my hoe melons clown fish for a Clown okay that’s everything I need now I just need Money why is your so fugly [ __ ] you I’m on the come up you’re going to wait you’re going to regret talking [ __ ] just you wait I’ll be a millionaire soon trust the process you do have to trust the process did I tell the chickens I love them I Did oh Monday I can um I can go feed the Boyfriend go feed him you can’t rush art here is taking 70% Really that’s a sayane he’s going to be selling my wine why don’t people just buy it from me at that point I already drank the Mayo okay Alex’s birthday is on the 13th of Summer don’t forget Trout Derby that’s new this is new on the 20th where is Alex oh he might be selling ice cream Where is he Alex where’ he go he’s with Haley where no Alex Alex stard stard Valley Alex where’d he go oh he goes to the beach then he goes to his ice cream stand Clara knew where he was there he is I have an egg for you who even pays to work

Here damn that’s Expensive anybody ever play this game where you could shove eggs up someone’s ass and then they would like crack and Stuff yag no like on the computer not in real life some browser Game oh I don’t have a pickaxe what am I doing nothing to do in the mines I’m I’m just going to go to bed Mayonnaise going to bed at 300 p.m. bed rotting bed rot maxing play the one where you as a sheep need to [ __ ] the other sheep and avoid the Rancher wait why would the Rancher not want you to [ __ ] don’t they want more sheep did he say did they say my pickaxe

Was ready cuz I missed It It’s a Welsh game you avoid the Rancher for other reasons what no I don’t want to drink mayonnaise are well sheep not allowed to have sex with other sheep because of religious reasons English meme that Welsh people shag sheep what Why it’s this game Weird what the [ __ ] you guys play this you guys played this game Interesting I played Stickman RPG and scary maze 3 for some that it was installed at some PCS in the kid Center but we weren’t allowed to play it some guy probably thought it was a funny Joke I’m going to [ __ ] Alex cuz he’s a is he you can turn him gay or he has like a different scene if you’re a guy you played sexy FL trash game where you had to run on the beach collecting condoms and roses and at the end

Depending on how much you collected they show a sex scene uncovered from Palm leaves is that a porn game wait you know that one what no on the BS oh something Island was it called [ __ ] Island by any chance family friend gifted pie in year 10 and

He forgot to format it and it was full of porn games and then and then you as a kid saw titties and your world changed I remember seeing boobies pop up on the family computer when I was a kid and I was trying to find some Club

Penguin walkthr or something for the for the detective stories I remember playing boobs butt or what’s it called it was boob’s butt or something and they show you a little crack and you have to guess if it’s boob’s butt or something else not busy armpit I don’t remember what it was

Pretty sure I showed it on stream before Boob’s butt or armpit boob’s butt or busy you want to play random games where do you go now on the browser Me and [ __ ] rub upper left arm no lower left arm yes Bo oh boob’s but or shoulder yeah that’s what it was boobs butt or shoulder it wasn’t busy guys Min clip died rip what about eight games you know that’s crazy those sites die because they could make so much Advertiser money now [ __ ] I’m speaking corpa if it was so popular it would it would still be popular they add money Bro should more ads oh yeah now everything oh yeah all the games are cell phone games now with a million microtransactions choose your player in sexual preference Traverse the dangerous beach in order to collect roses and condoms to reach the destination of your lover to get it on hey at least they’re

They’re uh preaching safe sexs that’s good no condom no sexs Monopoly ghost spent 500 million on ads how much money did they make holy [ __ ] somebody caught a shark that’s crazy using reusing use condoms picked up from the beach teaching safe sex and recycling what more could you ask

For they made 2 billion and 10 months 500 mil on Advertising is insane though what the hell that there’s no way that money has to be getting embezzled somewhere what the [ __ ] yeah who the hell is spending money on Monopoly go I want to see I need to

See pictures of these people that are spending money and Monopoly Go please Waring there’s an Earthquake They have 10 10 million I did are they playing with random people we lost the shorts has story wait maybe I should give this Monopoly go a sniff oh the condom sex game oh never mind I thought the Monopoly had story mode play the condom sex I don’t really

Want to play the condom sex game I’m going be honest what does an earthquake do by the way Real Road opens Oh very cool nothing I mean there’s really nothing to do here except the bath No I don’t want the song to end no can I kill this ghost faster this maybe the dagger kills him please die please die this [ __ ] this [ __ ] this [ __ ] oh bit this [ __ ] over here [ __ ] yeah I’m Brit bong maxing with this build I think kill killing people’s good

Because they give you rewards at the Adventure Club adventure group or whatever o oh he boned me I’m the shank killing people is good that was out of context your honor and not in good faith oh I want to find out what the Derby thing is later big 20 ooh me

Item McDonald’s girl the strike lead Rod incredibly heavy but terrible speed this goo me try it boom boom boom probably good for the ghost spaming attack while you use special makes you attack multiple times what with the rod spam left click oh wait I hear hear it wait

Yes very good let me try this oh what the [ __ ] that’s insane come here bats oo goodbye shitty dagger with the lead Rod I mean I think blunt force is the best way to kill somebody is because you don’t leave a mess the more DNA they leave everywhere the worse it

Is how do I know I don’t know it’s just a theory a game theory Who kind of low use an icicle so the murder can’t be found exactly that would definitely work oh I missed had one shot the Skelly Bros John would be so easy to poison not that I would want to poison him he eats Everything didn’t I do that no he got owned buy some mushrooms I had nothing to do with It ooh what’s this Boots give that oh I don’t have space just gobble all these What if John pulls a Uno reverse and actually killed me instead turn the table I don’t have space for any of this no um okay I’m just going to leave I’m out of space Oh and I have to do summer fishing I could be like boom dead stardew Valley murder

Edition what’s the thing above my head is a hat Mag good oh what do I need to fish summer fishing River fish oh my honeymoon be a GU oh no I probably go to a Bora Bora Bora Bora oh no no no please bro no no the fish should get tired after a bit and stop fighting in come

On Pike do I need a pike pike nope Pike is not needed oh stop it no Things N I need a sunfish puffer fish Tia Leia unaa oh wait some of these aren’t available after well these are only available in the Morning you want borer I enjoy Borger thanks for coming to my TED talk I’m going to sell all my mayonnaise I’m kind of strapped for cash right now you need someone who grew up in Guam his life goal was to never go back to Guam yeah that makes sense o I could upgrade

My um watering C but then I won’t be able to water wait it’s raining today I’m going to go upgrade it today scary spear yeah I’m not going to go to the mines today then kind of ass on batteries I [ __ ] what I I don’t have an electrical

Rod F batteries I’m like 12 days into my farm oh yeah now I can okay I need a fish um riverfish when it’s raining I need a Shad wait didn’t I I already got a Shad go to the ocean wait the weed mod what you can grow weed there’s a weed mod

Wait tell me more there’s a shirtless mod is there a hyper realistic portrait mod that would look kind of scary honestly may I catch something in the ocean River I think I already got a Shad Fu I didn’t check it off I need to check Birds fishing time ocean I need red snapper Fe in hunger mod in stardew Valley that would be [ __ ] up why there’s so much seaweed um oan hello these going be difficult perfect no h but those are pretty yummy they added thieves that sneak on the farm and steal crops okay grocery simulator I don’t think so red snapper red snapper red

Snapper red snapper red snapper red snapper I need a red snapper there’s a there’s a fishing game is kind of really dranky though I can’t someone make a good fishing simulator instead of a asset flip cash grab please I am begging I would pay good money for that just make a good ass

Game what I’m only getting Hutts where’s the red snapper 6:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. only when it’s raining in the ocean can only make an ass game yeah I like what I I it I think a lot of these janky ass games do the realistic look because

Um those are the free assets that are always available it’s always like the realistic looking style great asset great great asset asset great great asset asset well I got the tuna which I also need but red I need a red Snapper red snapper red red snapper red snapper red red Snapp no see wait that’s new what the hell is that sea jelly red snap or red red snapper red snapper red red snapper yay bye-bye byebye why doesn’t concern ape add predatory gamble microtransactions to his game is he stupid yeah I think he

Is insane can you upgrade my uh water Wing can please thank you my plants are going to starve for one day hopefully that’s fine Dy Valley battle pass Battle Royale battle pass Battle Royale battle subscription battle ass battle pass B yeah I do have a Shad I didn’t mark it

Off um star do spreadsheet 2024 Shad catfish red snapper unaa bardine and mark the red Snapper Bullhead Bullhead you just have to be faster whoa that’s kind of cool sea jelly is that a real thing hi da hi chat he it’s just jellyfish but but it’s strange what you get when you pour Gaton into the really um making sure I’m marking off

Stuff chat elf I contracted the only watches ugly fat ball streamers dise hey they’re not ugly that’s subjective what chii it’s the stardew valley ultimate cheat sheet spreadsheet ni M boot Maybe I put fish stuff here people kept red mullet as pets really actually right now I need money so I’m going to sell this you can smoke fish now or something or dry them I think than H Miss Boy I’m G to go fish in the river somewhere oh yeah we yeah yeah I saw the the smoker that’s new going to fish since there’s nothing else my watering can I can’t water my plants tomorrow you tried prawns for the first time they’re goo what’s the difference between prawns and

Shrimp I think it’s Dino wild bigger why what is yag yag is yag impressed okay I feel like if I um feel like fishing from the farm is just ass item is scary like fishing in the fishing in breath of the or Karina was fun what it’s

Called I like that fishing with the with the reeling and Stuff breath of breath of the wait is this a lake or is this a river I think this might be a river I don’t know I played orc Arena of time yeah last week it’s a lake okay things you sad W rivers are in circle but I thought it was cuz of the

God the Pike and I also I thought I got the pike from the river so I thought it was count the body of river but like I can’t really tell because what this is just really really big river on cuz take ooh take that I’m just getting

Pikes wait can I put bait in this bamboo pole I don’t think I can this place gives River fish wait this is a lake that gives River fish now I’m confused found the diamond in the rough is this Minecraft yeah I’m going to find an emerald next

Y I can mine obsidian now and make a nether portal but you know if you if you make the Nether Portal you can skip the corners and then you don’t have to use as many obsidian I I I saw xqc do it hold on hold on Billy mother is locked in right

Now this is just all pikes is ass Wahoo here was itchy um well there’s a TIA Pia but it’s 6:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. there’s no I’m not sure what night fishing there is nothing for me right now byebye Byebye sell these Tila Tequila oh my God I’m too young for that but I knew of it anybody know what she’s up to now is she alive yeah but didn’t she get she legit she legitimately had brain damage or something like that who is she she was like the biggest

Myspace star of the 2000s I believe and that was also when there was tons of just insane reality TV shows around she was on some of those I think oops I you saw her she was trying to prove she can make psychic energy balls interesting you can put hats on your pets yeah I want to put a tiara on my cat a green rain has descended upon the valley what that is scary as [ __ ] wait what what is that

The TV is not working ew what is this Moss interesting wait this can be planted to grow rare wild trees trees Mossy seed is that this is new interesting rare wild trees go to the middle of the farm now can I clear this first chit’s on my farm yo

Skyler white yo thanks you cow why do I have to go to the middle of my farm looks the same there’s just Moss Oh look The Weird trees weird weird egg what what do they do they didn’t drop anything they just look weird oh inside they’re just like us and

Then the trees look like they have moss on them or these ones do or you can you can take the Moss off interesting oh there’s another one here it’s like it’s just strange trees this is suspicious green and the TV doesn’t work that’s weird that’s suspicious that is very

Weird you get GRE oh yeah what if I fish during this see what happens wait I got so lucky two days of rain because um I went to actually fishing in your farm is kind of ass talk to the villagers about this cuz I went to upgrade my watering

Can why is there green rain I don’t know something new oh hat Mouse I saw the weather report last night I’m not sure what happened if anyone wants to take shelter in the saloon I’ll keep it open all day okay whoa what the hell weird egg glorp it’s

Glorping and then even in the town maybe people are in the saloon whoa I just got to the phone of the governor apparently this rain is supposed to be completely harmless just the usual phenomenon of nature oh my God we’re all going to turn into frogs in a

Year it’s [ __ ] the towns are panicking which is never good I saw the weather last night it really gave me a scare let’s not get into tizzy I propose a round of drinks to settle the nerves of course Elliot the I was I was going to call him a

Little Manor but like I I don’t know he gives like a little like a Manor Vibe I don’t think I ever set for this place it’s actually kind of cozy of course he wants everybody to start drinking there must be a meaning behind this Nature’s trying to tell us

Something yeah I get I get manhole vibes from hey I hope these weird rains don’t bother the fish it could ruin me life sign from almighty we’re doomed everything’s just green yeah where’s Alex maybe he’s at home there he is holy [ __ ] that looks so scary what’s going on out there any

Action George dare is this the end it’s been a good life but I like to see Alex find his way before departing oh I didn’t even see George I thought he was was a I thought he was a kitchen chair there there honey don’t you worry even if it’s poisonous I

Breathe in more noxious gas and one minute back in the old coal mines and I’m still kicking I found a bug Mr concern ape my face melts into the TV when I go inside of it whoa The Grudge is going to come out I want to say what happens if you

Fish go to the ocean I could maybe try here put the user layer above the TV layer and then hit the electric Baloo to make sure you can do a backwards user GUI interface to hack and back tra the hacker to find out who was the one that hacked Apex

Legends wonder if there’s a maybe I don’t want to walk around and look I mean the mine is probably fine cuz it’s Underground we looks normal didn’t they get hacked the day I didn’t stream I was in bed it wasn’t me with a laptop hacking yeah me on my MacBook Pro just girly

Things hacking algs this seem normal I don’t know that’s the joa dude oh yeah is he going to be at the store this random guy over here he sells the marriage necklace me go to joj Mark green rain that’s got to be radio active what the [ __ ] it doesn’t say anything about

It just membership he hasn’t been outside whoa what the [ __ ] look at that you can cut this oh and it gives you Fiddle Head ferns maybe it’s a way to get more Fiddle Head ferns because they’re kind of pain in the ass to get if you need them I don’t

Know that was a Magic beant by Jack I need more Fiddle Head ferns leave it for decorate it looks ugly as [ __ ] take that [ __ ] down it looks like one of the props I used for the glass GL wi Willy Wonka decoration whoa wait that’s the scientist D I

Think don’t Demetrius he’s in a whole full fmat suit don’t mind me I’m collecting some samples this may be a once in a-lifetime Opportunity it’s Walter whitebody else is home meanwhile that shit’s hitting my bear skin well he could just be paranoid oh where’s uh lonus maybe he has

Something to say if it’s raining he might be in his house house I’m going to we’re all going to turn oh there he is hey all these strange trees will be gone tomorrow it’s one of the mysteries of nature wait what they’re going to disappear wait then I should cut the ferns down

Now but if you have the seed you can plant the tree I I don’t know I mean I guess for decoration this is an the update this has always happened you’re the crazy one what no w i mean the trees don’t drop anything special besides Moss just getting some Moss

What triggers the green rain I don’t know um it might just be random it said on the weather that it was going to happen I didn’t see what the what the weather prediction said yesterday though [ __ ] apparently the message creeped out some of the town’s people talk to the

Mage oh yeah wait does his Tower close early it’s 36 no I want to see what he says forgot about him so did his lover apparently but the closes at 8 go move I got it rain response though the unusual rains may be alarming there’s nothing to fear on this

Day in fact it’s just a day of great joy for many living things I think it’s just it it from the way I mean it seems like it’s just like horny nature rain because it makes everything overow so I think he’s right it’s like some kind of horny rain like a PL plant

Plant horn rain Yeah this modded no this is a new update yeah I think um this is it’s pretty good for Gathering Fiddle Head ferns cuz how else could you get it you could only go to the secret place to get them I think not sure talk to the witch I don’t have the

Witch is it meant to be acid rain no this is not Rim world wait there was a fern somewhere over there I want to grab where’d it go here you’ve heard Cay I’ve wisely stopped dating Sebastian the streets are saying the truth yes I’ve decided to

Have a gay relationship with Alex as a male farmer got new ideas to sleep on I got a bunch of Fern byebye when I fix Shane is it one of Shane’s heart events him trying to kill himself and you’re like no I actually don’t remember where you do what the I wonder how this rain affects your plants though curious tell him he’s sexy but he’s not

34 of his events are him drowning in alcohol or piss and people romance him I feel attack you should oh they’re trying to sleep I don’t think I told them I love them today it looks better with the mods for new portraits what the gasifying everybody does everybody like eggs

Can I give eggs to everybody o hunter or gatherer uh gather does anybody not like eggs if I was friends with a forer I’d be so happy if they gave me eggs every day dude I and is lucky today and and my my I Ed my watering can perfectly hell

Yeah San just Giga turned On no the fan just the landlord did something to the fan and now the and the fan directly hits my ass my Face croissant shark I still haven’t added custom fishing s I’ve been slacking There’s a I’m sure there’s a way to change the direction of the fan so that it doesn’t face towards me oh new fishing pole and you can attach bait ooh I’ll pick up my watering Can and all the vines are gone Moss wait some of them have green [ __ ] on Them they know I run this place under my dead Grandpa and I can’t hide my tax fraud no the green [ __ ] is moss that’s what I said open up Clint open up I know you’re not doing anything in there come On I should have dropped something I should have dropped a fan off at the Museum he’s busy harassing woman uh no he’s busy [ __ ] whale blow holes a train is passing do you guys ever go to that I never bother it just gives some ass is always [ __ ] yes I Love Trains do

You have a model train set by any chance I really want to look at one like I really want to see someone who has an insane train model set collection and just look at it and just look at their set and watch it go that shit’s expensive too let me go

To your house I want to see please please let me see see um I’m just going to buy more Melons there’s a model railroad oh yeah isn’t there there’s like one where they have like airports and the tiny and then it’s like a tiny miniature Museum and then they have a bunch of people that make that Stu you know what that would be a sick job building tiny models I would love That oh the strafing That’s the Update Boom that’s the the wave dashing Tech that I’ve heard so much about Hey I don’t really know how I want to lay these out 20 this is [ __ ] oh God I should have got one More here we Go I heard a BL o That red neg are you are you a redneck and stardo I don’t feel like you are where’s my cat there you Are I’m going to go to the mines should bring some food is winter root Needed yeah one renter route and root what about a fiddle head fern this is also needed oh that’s summer foraging okay M [Applause] time you need Graves you do you need one I’ll just save one if you hover it moves Oh Yeah Oops oh no now my stuff is going to be out outdated for this part Again I want to see how my hammer smacks this guy holy [ __ ] he didn’t die in one shot though this [ __ ] sucks ow 20 oh my God that took half my health it’s [ __ ] wo than LT and organized Fusion and rev Love the fan is so cool wait there’s gold ore over there d gold Tools in games always throw me off because that [ __ ] is ass that’s kobis his Cousin I’m going to see how much damage I can do to Ow here we go ow I got hit let you fish well unfortunately you have to line up actually no you just have to you have to flick faster but I also don’t think the time the timer is the same for everybody just like in life not everybody plays by the same rules

Anakin I don’t know I’m not even a Star Wars strange bun yummy oh if they if they get stuck and you and they can’t get knocked back then you can oneshot them depending on how fast you can click and I can click pretty damn fast what am I getting that gong

Um gee I don’t know a Gong dude stop I don’t know I I just don’t think I can afford it maybe the next subathon G I don’t know I mean I like this bundle but I don’t Know yeah I want it made out of pure gold this this this this this this this weapon trick is insane absolute Game Changer BBL is cancelled we invest in gong yeah huh 250 gold oh is that a gold slime or something is that new never seen that before

That’s crazy that that has to be a hack that’s a cheat that’s cheating is this was that a common knowledge that everybody else did that too or something is that intended no there’s no way that’s so strong wrong but I got hacked get away from me get away from

Me Bann from stardew Valley 2024 evil no personally assassinated by concerned to ape than Lucid do first I H I didn’t hack Apex I wasn’t there I was I didn’t stream that day because I was in bed cuz I got taken out by a giga sleeping weed

Gummy because um I found out that if you bite half of a a 10 MGR gummy it’s not actually half the dosage that [ __ ] is not mixed evenly I didn’t know that what am I a stoner how was I supposed to know I don’t know about um animal products for crops I don’t

Know I feel like wine is I want to do um like artisanal stuff crops products is better later I’m just going to do tiller okay I’m freezing Al I’m going to I need to go turn off the anyways yag I’ll be back tomorrow wait when does dragy dog Dragon doggy come out again

Dog went to only 3 minute stream I know is it going to be on Steam dragy doggy Dragon doggy yeah let me see Dragon Dogma $100 Canadian Jesus yesh

streamed on March 20th, 2023.
watch me live https://www.twitch.tv/39daph
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0:00 – setup
6:45 – gameplay

channel manager

game: Stardew Valley
39daph plays Stardew Valley

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