I Cheated With //SCAN In Build Battle…

I’m going a bill batt against my friends but what they don’t know is I’ll be cheating with sl/ scan which will create the most illegal things in Minecraft also I can beat my friends round one is Fortress ooh okay good luck guys at the end our bases are going to get destroyed

Wait what do you mean destroyed so we need to make a base that won’t get destroyed and by doing SL SL scan we get this which is a cool looking scanner and villager you’re a good test subject don’t mind me I’m just going to kind of block you in real quick now nothing’s

About happen other then I’m going to scan you now don’t worry this is nothing too crazy but if I was to right click the lever it’s currently scanning the entire villager and what it’s going to do is completely upgrade this entire thing and like that it’s completely

Changed we now have a god villager who works perfect for a fortress small small small small come here here we haven’t teamed up yet do you want to team up sure either way I’m going to get rid of all the evidence by killing him off and

Now I can saw my actual Fortress now this build doesn’t even have to be too crazy like a cobblestone box is more than enough it does need some kind of detail which will be the spikes on the actual build all right yeah something like that I like it I like it well

That’s honestly perfect because if I could place a scanner in all four corners it should upgrade the build to be something so much better now while the actual base is upgrading I have a cool idea and that’s to see what would happen if I was to scan a Wandering

Trader just like that who even are you yeah this is looking nice for like the first Tower what do you do he still has trades either way you’re going to be at one of our first line of defenses because this build needs to survive the

Entire round now I do want to check what kiple is up to give us some detail they’re going to have to get through multiple layers to get to me ain’t nobody breaking this Fortress and it’s already giving me some weird witch Destiny Vibes and since she’s making out

Of reinforced deep slate just to show you how overpowered this is yeah it’s going to be hard to break her base and she might actually win what was that but the rest of our base is kind of useless sorry about that G I was just testing something out who

Just that I literally just built this Small’s going with a similar sort of vibe okay we’re just going to finish this wall right here why is our hole leading into Peppers side and what is Peppa building but will it survive the end but now come back to a masterpiece

Of a build and I don’t think I want to upgrade you anymore so I’m going to turn them off but look at the detail of this build and is my witch vill just still inside okay yo he’s been protecting the base nothing weird has been happening okay Small’s making a castle thing very

Close to Pepper why are they so close together now what does a fortress need it needs big cannons to defend itself and if I sear cannons in Minecraft that isn’t a thing but that’s pretty much why I’ll be using a mine cart with rails and making three of them maybe I can add

Some fences to make it more Cannon likee to the point where that Cannon looks good but the question is will this actually work for that I need to activate free scanners who are now scanning to see if it can make it into a cannon well time to get some

Invisibility here no one’s Fortress wants creepers what the what hello run away what’s going on you you all right small what happened who did this I got it I got it I got it I got it I got it look behind you oh I was never there she’ll never know now will this

Actually work I have no idea if I can make a cannon goodbye kle build now in the meantime wizard you’re not much of a defense and I need something like the copper Golem who unfortunately wasn’t actually added to Minecraft but with the scanner I’m pretty sure I’ll be able to

Scan this entire being and P him into Minecraft well I hope that’s actually going to work there’s no way what do you even do he’s just rolling around on a wheel can I hand you a sword oh I can give him a sword okay I think someone’s

On to the fact that me and smaller teaming which is not a good sign nothing’s going to be breaken into this Fortress cuz I have Freddy Freddy the Golem now I kind of want to check up on how the Cannons are doing it’s actually made cannons how is this even possible

But what exactly does this do oh I’m changing how it turns oh my look at this okay I think I put TNT in here I hope I did do I just click the lever this is kind of scary oh my yo what the I just shot cannon where did

It oh that went far what is that what is that smoke like how far does it go that wasn’t me what protect your base the smoke Trail came from your side okay yo that is insane maybe I should definitely do some testing beforehand just to know how overpowered this is maybe that’s why

I’ll make an obsidian wall and now I’m going to test it if we can break through obsidian might need to aim you down a little bit and a bit more to that side I think that should be good oh even breaks through obsidian well now we know how of

A power this actually is did I scare away the wizard where did he go the wizard run away meaning I might need to make some sort of home for him and this is going to be simple cuz I’m pretty much just going to be making a wizard

Tower and like that a trash wizard tower is done we got a pretty good looking Fortress coming along here I’m making the build rubbish on purpose just so I could test how good this scanner actually is so while is scanning the entire wizard base I want to test the

Full capabilities for example a boat what would a boat exactly turn into and oh my yo there’s the boat okay let me tell you off we somehow made a plane all right we got the front walls looking good let me just carve it out on this

Side so it’s even now how exactly do I ride this it’s a working plane how am I going to explain this I didn’t really think this far oh no oh no no no no no no I’ve got one Health the plane’s going to maybe that’s a little too overpowered

For me but while the wizard tower is still scanning I want to create lava around this entire build just to give it a bit more of Defense all right we just need a bridge how do you want to do the bridge we need the hot dog in the middle

Of the bridge I feel like this is the stupidest thing yeah something like this should actually work now I also want to do is make a draw bridge that will connect to the other side yeah that kind of works again it’s nothing too impressive until we’ve actually scanned

It because I want to make this moving where it goes up and down I don’t know if that’s possible but I did notice the wizard tower is completely done so I can get rid of this scanner an insulate door is that’s crazy and if I make my way up

It’s a little cool wizard tower which will be home to a bunch of wizards we’re going to have like a little bit of a uh another walkway here no I’m looking at the progress on pepper side and for some reason he’s teaming up with small that shouldn’t be allowed I’ll be using this

Stick by simply scanning this stick it should theoretically turn to something even better wait a second why you a basic broom I can fly this is awesome actually and what I’m going to do from here so I’m going to get TNT and keep placing it oh and then head out we’re

Getting R TNT on they have no idea what’s about to go down I think they discovered that we’re working together now though so that’s kind of a problem now I’ve come back in the draw bridge is also complete now how is this exactly going to work if I right click it oh

It’s literally oh my wait a second I thought it did nothing oh this is going to be a great line of defense now there’s also one thing I didn’t check and it’s can I get different pieces of gear well it’s scanning and I don’t think anything’s changing no the gear

Still looks like iron okay that might have been too good to be true that’s not iron gear wait we saw that change night gear wait I literally have night gear right now and I actually look like a night I don’t want to be wearing this though but you my friend you will be

Wearing it Oh my he looks insane I’m liking it I’m liking it a lot now if I was someone a zombie okay they’re all fighting him and wait they’re doing like crazy damage oh I have my own Army our build’s getting too big beautiful now we

Have this cute little entry way I need to make a Stairway going up to this area so I can just add some is right here just a simple build and some chest inside nothing too crazy I think this is good enough to completely scan although I think I need a little bit more

Scanners there we go this is scanning the entire base which is kind of cool in the meantime I’m going to copy this build and paste it right over here so we now have two witches Towers but what’s better than two yeah something like that I never really checked up on kipley side

Of the base oh my God we have to do redstone for the store I don’t know what I’m doing with redstone and she’s building more out of the reinforced deep slate which is going to be hard to actually go inside and look at these teamers how is this even fair well then

Again mine’s actually coming alive and if I go to check on the inside it’s been completely renovated yo it’s giving ammo for the Cannons what is this and something that’s very needed is Archer Towers okay kind of simple nothing too crazy looks kind of cool and maybe

Instead of normal ladders we use iron Underside ladders this is looking like a Clash of Clans base now I just need to spread the archery Towers all over and like that this looks so secure what am I witnessing they teamed up yo I’m going to lose at this rate what is this now

The new Golems are kind of cool but we can’t forget about the normal iron golems cuz they’re Pinnacle of every Fortress there we go we have a few Iron Golems ready to defend it’s invis time baby I don’t know what else to say at this point I think a nice lay of Defense

Might be cobwebs around this entire place all right we’re spamming lava in random locations small we’re getting invaded no no no no no no no no no no no no no no unlike that cobas have now been added place the lava place the lava we

Need defenses we need to do not why are you using logs to put out lava I first need to make some sort of flag and that kind of looks really cool the Qui Fortress if I was throw a gold helmet down and scan it I’m pretty sure the

Gold helmet should thetically turn into a crown oh yeah I I mean I’m not even surprised and now it’s on my head I am actually the king their fortresses may be bigger and better than mine but mine will actually kill someone that I will make sure of but before I actually fully

Finish my build I need to check how overpowered these guys really are can please adding some Redstone what I’ll do is secretly place this here and place some TNT right under I think she might have heard the TNT but whenever she activates that who’s clicking the lever

Do not click the lever no don’t click the lever no oh I just clicked the I maybe I should have left it I just finished that who are you I think kly might be a little bit angry it was totally them it was totally Bean N Pepper I’m going to past the cannon

Right here B in the perfect angle of shooting to Peppa’s build just add some TNT inside and goodbye say goodbye to your build what was that oh we’re under siege close this off it did leave a massive hole in that base that was perfect that’s what

They get for teaming but with my build fully secure and ready to be invaded we had to meet in the middle to test our builds follow me this way now I know what you’re thinking it’s not as big or as flashy as your guys’ base all right

But it is very functional all right I’d like everyone to go into survival mode for me please all right we’re heading into the Fortress and you know what I don’t I really want you guys here wa well it’s been nice knowing y’all as you can see I have a airlock system for

Unwanted guests very smart oh small oh and uh got some iron GS got the villagers and then got our treasure room and diamonds gold okay that’s actually insane the question is kipley will it survive a raid I mean if they all come through the front door maybe kipley will

They survive oh well they’re going going to break down the door oh oh the Vex start cheating oh managing to almost find that way in hey all my villagers are surviving somehow they’re attacking will they survive oh the Iron Golems are putting in some work though they are

Fighting for their life right now oh this is tough so far it’s working really well yo I don’t know about their chances anymore how is this fair this one trap alone was really good and you detered all defenses this is a a out of 10 I

Think it functioned great I mean I got to give it a nine you protected your villagers really nicely so I’ll give you a nine GLE got 26 out 30 all right so if you come over to the Magnificent hot Fortress dog the build that me and small have created together it gives me

Japanese Vibes hands levitating the hot dog in the middle oh it does look really cool all right guys if you just follow me this is the main entrance where you can see that we really do love hot dogs here hot dog banners woo okay they’re all going to start coming in bring them

In you get let’s I’ll put some villagers okay your villagers are currently being destroyed y they’re here the the the’re taking over guys what what kind of Fortress Is this if leaked in there’s no defense I guess all that’s left is our loot quiff if you’re the leader of the

Army might as well go grab our loot okay I’m just going to break this and I’ve opened it oh I had TNT oh my oh this was a distraction everyone was very distracted the entire Army is dead and our base our true base where we store our riches no

No way that’s a really good idea you know I really like that wow this this has to be a 10 out of 10 I’m going I’m going to go with the eight pepper and small got 28 out of 60 and now this is my Fortress ooh I like it oh this is

Sick so we have a full defensive Fortress they’re villagers with weapons what they have crossbows there’s no way we’d be able to get in here there are actual cannons in Minecraft what how did you do this boom wao we have a drawbridge an actual drawbridge and the

Entire point is to get to the throne which where the king lays and as you can see I am the king oh all right we’re trying to kill you then buddy huh everyone go inside this little elevator and there we go wait wait what is this

Little guy he is a he’s a copper Golem and then this is the throne right here this is crazy but guys call upon your army right now oh I’m so ready I’m ready ready go enter yeah they’re not going to make it even past the mo oh some are

Trying swim the Gods coming in go you want Backup backup is now arriving L what the from your entire Army nothing’s really survived and I’m going to lift the draw bridge up and yeah they can’t do anything this is easily a 10 I’m giving it 11 dude these cannons are

So much fun it’s a 10 out of 10 from me meaning my Fortress was the last one standing and my Village just survive fantasy base okay good luck guys yeah I don’t wish him good luck and that’s because I have a scanner right here we’ve already seen what it’s capable of

So let me place it back down so now we have a nice scan radius now before I start upgrading I first need to create the base of this place and make it maybe seem a bit like a box if this works I’ll be able to scan a dragon so it’s time to

Activate the first scanner all right we’re going to make like an epic Tavern like thing I think and now they’re actually scanning the entire build trying to find the best way to upgrade this fancy base so while that’s scanning and preparing for the actual build I’ll

Be popping over to invis to check out Kip Le’s build all right there we go we got kind of a sky island going here needs to be cleaned up a little I kind of like that she’s going with the floating island wait no it’s ruined oh

My God but wait a second why did this change so fast I think she might be using wed it this sky island is going to look awesome now I have this creeper spawn egg right here and I want to test if this works if I was to just scan this

Creeper spawn egg and if I’m not mistaken it should thetically actually upgrade it that’s not a normal creeper egg what is this I’ve got a Charged Creeper Egg and I kind of want to test it how does this work if I was just to

Place it down wo yo wo wo wo wo wo oh water bucket on standby a charge creeper spawn block the base defend it defend it defend it defend it defend it that’s actually overpowered Kip’s not inis someone’s running to kly kly I just came over cuz I heard lightning yeah I mean

That had to have been quiff right I don’t know but in the meantime my building’s been scanned and you could tell by the scanners missing so what exactly is this there oh there’s literally nothing inside it’s just a cool looking building but now I need to

Kind of make the roof it will build our first Tower which honestly looks kind of good so far I want to scan upside down but I guess you can’t place it upside down which makes is kind of tough either way since it’s not a big build I could

Scan like that I’m loving how the purple blocks are looking this is going to be the best ever but I didn’t think the scam would be this fast I guess cuz it already knows what it’s basing off I could break all the evidence although I don’t think it finished scanning I think

We need revenge on quiff that had to have been him right TP let’s let’s just send all the creepers back to him but now this is looking more like a fantasy house but why is there a charge creeper in my base has there been someone infiltrating this but how do you get

Upstairs like the stairs are cool but that’s not enough for scanning so I have an idea let’s say I scan this which right now is just a door with a bunch of chests I’m going to get a sign right here that will say elevator and hopefully understand I don’t know how op

Slasher scan is so far we’ve seen it’s made some crazy stuff all right there we we go something like that I like it I like it we’ll throw in a couple cracked ones just to give it some character now while all that good and cool what makes

It even better it’s literally going to be what if I make a windmill I know quiff that’s a stupid windmill it looks ugly not if I was to make it realistic in the meantime I could check up whatever this is no way was this right a working elevator oh there are two floors

Wo guys this is insane okay cute we got a little Tower thing going on right there now we just need to make three more of them now I don’t know how long this is going to take we need to make this Wim look insane and I don’t exactly

Know how it’s going to be moving but look at Kip’s build all right there we go we got four Towers this is beautiful what is this okay this looks exactly like I built and wait it’s turning this build is insane my only competition here is kipley and she’s going for some weird

Looking princess base but you know what would be cool if I turned the dirt into gravel what has happened here there’s no way why does it actually look kind of cool though in the meantime I’m going to grab the corners of my build just so I

Can make it more fantasy like and that’s the type of vibe this gives me that’s because if I place these trees down okay surprisingly this looks a lot cooler than I would have thought someone dropped half of my base down here but I think I can make it look cooler you know

Now the idea I have is if I was to make a nether portal and light it either I’m going to be bringing the entire nether towards me or it’s going to be scanning the entire thing to make an amazing nether pool that’s very fancy like let’s just uh let’s drop a couple extra

Pillars down there and up here is a working portal I can add some stairs to give it some decoration but there we go a little area you can walk up find another pole that’s still in bounds okay the scan did amazing but before I could

Do anything else the time was up and we had to meet in the middle all right gentlemen follow me this way to the kingdom of kiple ooh I kind of like how this is a floating island that’s spout poop it’s a dark Forces trying to climb

Up to the island but don’t you worry we have uh Mages here to protect it oh sweet okay what’s inside is just kind of plain I I didn’t have as much time as I wanted but uh they’re all training you know they’re sorcery Powers um I’ll go

I’ll go seven out of 10 I’m digging the sparkle all right kipley I kind of like the idea you’re going for you had an idea you didn’t execute it I’m going to give this a 6 out of 10 all right follow me we’ll come down to this cozy little

Cottage in the little mushroom Forest ooh I like this Vibe you’re going with so you just come on in it’s just nice little base just you can kind of walk around there’s a patio lots of room just lots of decoration everywhere just a why is there a source looking lever right

Here it’s supposed to like fill up the cauldron see with water oh oh oh makes sense makes sense it’s like a little humble AB boat I would totally live in this and it’s got a little cool cold uh not cauldron this is a little cool

Chimney I like it a lot this is a eight yeah I really like this it’s super cozy I like the custom plants you got going on here I like this I’m also go to eight so when you come to my build you automatically see a house that’s completely covered by lava okay little

Lava Moat how do we cross you come across if any of you guys have realized a working windmill oh it’s rotating that’s so cool how’d you do that wait what how is that spinning what can I say I’m just I’m scanning the best objects wait I can even stand on it yeah it’s

It’s really cool that’s crazy so then you come down here and you realize wait a second why are there two doors let’s say you don’t want to go up the stairs you want to take a different weight you go to the basement you got like a ladder

Or something and this is just an average room you got a bed chest anything you really need I don’t know about the the grass flooring but uh pretty good it’s part of the fancy Vibe you see this what is that now it’s two meaning we’re going

Up the elevator what the oh there’s an elevator what the my brain there’s also upstairs area if you want to view it it’s just it’s just kind of storage room I like The Vibes then you come down and let’s say you’re in a rush you’ve been

Invaded you need to head to the nether to get blaze rods you run across here and boom yo it’s like a hand and your army is coming through look at this what the and that’s my entire Fancy build y whoever lives here is actually got magical powers they got a working

Windmill and an elevator uh I’m going to give this a 10 I’m going to go 10 too just because of this windmill it’s so cool I have now won the building competition and these guys are completely idiotic SL scan is the best

►I Cheated With //SCAN In Build Battle…
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I Cheated With //SCAN In Build Battle…I Cheated With //SCARY In Build Battle… I Cheated With PRO BUILD HACKS In A Build Battle… Why I Cheated With Build Hack In A Build Battle… How i stole max hearts/infinite hearts on this minecraft smp to get revenge, this was using lifestealing every hearts on this smp using traps on your friends in minecraft, this is similar to the Lifesteal SMP in which we do the Why I Burned The World to get over 100 wardens in full netherite and get revenge on our friends by fooling them with a real life netherite wardens in minecraft

#Minecraft #MinecraftSMP


  1. Poopy diaper 🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮😌🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮😌🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮plllleases😃😃😃😃😃😃😃

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