Turning myself into an ACTUAL Minecraft Mod

For my biggest challenge yet I’ve decided to turn myself into an actual Minecraft mod that anyone can download I mean I’ve already got plenty of games under my belt but to have a mod that works anytime anywhere will not be an easy task the first step in digitizing

Myself will be to partner up with my good old friend lock. zip and his development team theyve made a bunch of games and mods in the past so I knew they’d be up for the challenge in creating the crafty Companion now to call this crafty companion complete we’ll need to accomplish three main

Objectives making sure the mod looks like me and it’s got to sound like me of course and has to act like me oh and I guess it has to work so four main objectives I’m not exactly what you would call an artist but honestly I don’t think this will be too hard I’ll

Start in this part myself creating the actual model should be pretty easy just has to look like me I basically just have to import my skin to make this guy oh gosh I just noticed something funny my leg is rotating wrong wait oh no we’ve done so many Maps

I think my leg might be messed up in all of them nobody check okay whatever I’ll just fix it and we’ll get back to work on the animations luckily we have so many crafty animations that we’ve made so we can use some of those look at this cool one of me Dancing if you see me dancing in your world from now on you’ll know why I’m just vibing wherever I go you know how it goes but we still got to make some new ones we’re going to have to have all the mining and chopping and fighting

Animations if I to be a good companion in the game we also have to have the tools I’ll be using from scratch cuz it would look super lame just to see a Minecraft dude walk around with some normal animations my companion has to be awesome oh oh gosh but not like

That what are you doing why are you holding all of them oh it’s a bug right forgot about those that’s going to happen yeah yeah there’s there’s going to be some of those I bet oh man this is going to take more work than I thought to make this mod this

Add-on you know add-ons right add-ons are like Minecraft mods but they work on like all devices and you can find beautiful add-ons in the Minecraft Marketplace including the crafty companion okay so we got it to where he’s holding only one item at a time so

That’s good but now we got to make the fighting animations I don’t want him to swing just like normal it’s it’s kind of boring I need him to be triumphant and dramatic yeah this is so cool it’s already coming to life I feel proud of my digital buddy already now to make it

Sound like me loud and melodious time to hit the recording studio okay just got to do some vocal warm-ups real quick the Ender Dragon has two toes the Ender Dragon has two toes okay there we go voice plenty warm so I’ve been recording for a couple hours now and I

Think I got a little carried away maybe it’s best to start with some lines that I know are good we’ll start with some introductions hey buddy hey buddy what’s up bud hey man what’s up D doino what’s up buddy hey buddy hey buddy hey buddy hey buddy hey buddy okay that’s enough

Hey buddies but in theory that’ll work if I make a bunch of iterations of greetings I just got to do some other ones before the words hey buddy lose all meaning okay so I’ve recorded a bunch more voice lines let’s see how they sound in the game what is happening stop stop okay

That might need to be fixed I swear this will be the last bug we have to fix I save before creating like 50 more bugs and with that problem behind me definitely the last I’ll need some voice lines that’ll happen when the player starts quests what are quests you might

Ask it’s a secret I’ll tell you later I promise okay please work now when he picks something up he should say something yes it works and when he picks up more stuff okay great oh wait he’s still going no stop stop too much talking crafty out here yapping that’s

That’s what the neighbors say every time I record hm now now the crafty companion also needs to be able to be like a player in the world so with the voice lines I want everything he says to appearer in the chat hey yeah it works

Okay cool that was easy now I need some stuff that just sounds kind of generic when I talk about items cuz it’ be crazy for me to sit here naming every single item in the game Cobblestone Oak plank Oak plank Oak slab Oak log Oak stairs

Oak fence Oak gate Oak sign okay I think I have all the voice lines I need that just took like I don’t know forever it’s fine I didn’t need to sleep any anyways doesn’t matter though we did it worth it now for the hard part the coding we’ll

Have to actually make this crafty act like me which is going to be a lot harder than it sounds cuz I don’t even know how I act this is where my developer friends are going to be a huge help because I look at all the code and

My brain goes ew it’s so complicated the first thing I want the crafty companion to do is to be able to collect resources and our plan was basically to make a simulated character that interacted with everything had tools a full inventory yada yada yada even though this was the

Obvious answer we realized very quickly it was the wrong one for a huge reason because he was completely destructive like I said before he’s going to collect resources for the player and what’s a resource everyone needs if you said wood gold star for you you didn’t it but what do you think

Happens when I build a house out of wood and leave my companion unattended yeah he broke the whole house no my beautiful house destroyed uh so we basically had to start from scratch and make a version that doesn’t interfere with anything my new idea was to make it so he would basically spawn

In Virtual blocks that only the companion would get materials from he still collects resources but now he doesn’t destroy all of your work I’m still mad about that house this way he’s not breaking everything but also we get random crazy resources from this guy too

If we wait long enough we might even get diamonds but I I made him kind of rare so it’s not like super op okay oh okay what what is happening here oh no the block texture is all messed up wait it’s giving me netherite okay netherite is awesome but

That’s that’s a little too much man let’s make that rare as well so you still get it but it’s like winning the lottery it’s like a real nice treat for being in your world for a long time oh gosh we just got the last bug fixed now

This is happening what are you doing why can you reach that far you have magical powers my guy no what are you doing how is the block mining itself oh this is going to drive me nuts this is going to drive me nuts we’re just going to pretend that never

Happened now I bet you’re wondering probably not is the crafty companion just some Workhorse he is just doing stuff for me and while I’m happy to make my companion help I also want to give him his own purpose I want to go on adventures together so we’re going to

Give him quests and goals to achieve while we beat the game little side quest you know luckily we already know how to do this it’s really similar in a lot of ways to The Crafty MC butt map that the team made that’s so funny to say it like

That the Minecraft MC butt map there’s no booties in it I promise so now my companion actually has a purpose existential crisis averted he can collect stuff and give quests but I have another idea don’t you just hate it how dark Minecraft gets like caves especially wow so dark very bad so for

My own personal reasons cuz I’m scared of the dark a little I’ll make them Place torches everywhere that’s dark and that way I never have to place torches ever again ha goodbye Darkness hello a lot of torches my genius plan of laziness is working it’s not lazy it’s

Just energy efficient right okay no hey buddy what you doing there that’s that’s water torches don’t go there my man e you know what I’m just going to leave him to it I’ll fix that later we are now at the best part making the companion a Warrior this is definitely going to be

The hardest part of making a crafty companion he’s going to have to have a ranged attack and a melee attack and a death animation for the inevitable you know crafty deaths if we’re going to make him realistic he’s got to die a lot so we went ahead and made those but we

Haven’t tested it yet okay okay yes he’s fighting yes it works let’s go uh oh yeah oh yeah fight them get them boy I would usually say get them boys but there’s only one him so he’s just get him boy get him boy and now to see what

Happens when he dies that sounds so dark don’t worry he doesn’t die forever he’ll just basically just lie there for a little while at least in theory let’s see what what is he doing he’s still going wild dead that’s hilarious no no get away oh he’s attacking me now yeah

I’ve made him angry I’ve made him a warrior but at what cost I can’t say I’m a huge fan of the craftting companion being like a terrifying zombie but before we fix all those bugs that I have springing right up it’s time to pit my old companion against some insane Minecraft challenges

There’s no way I’d put something up for download that couldn’t do that which spoiler alert we did it just a little Midway video plug the craftting companion is available for download right now we did it I’m really proud of it it was a huge project it took us like

2 months so it would mean a lot to me if you tried it scan the code on the screen or check out the video description and I’ll have more to say about it later but for now the trials what I’m thinking for the trials is we put all the crafty

Companion functions to the extreme I want to see how the resource collecting does after a really long time and I’ve got a ton of fun ideas on how to take that combat to the extreme all right Mr crafty buddy let me right click you and you go mining please thank you buddy do

Your thing I love his animation oh it’s so satisfying so let’s see what happens when I leave my companion mining here for like I don’t know an hour and while he does that I’m going to do some good oldfashioned strip mining and now let’s begin I’ll just strip mine I don’t even

Know if this works anymore in this version of Minecraft but I’m just going to mine in a straight line and then we’ll see who gets more resources here we go crafty versus The Crafty companion who will get better resources in 1 hour all right it’s been an hour it was

Excruciating but we did it we got 11 diamonds which isn’t terrible we got some gold and enough for a full set of iron armor let’s see how the companion did shall we what’s up he’s still going man he’s not stopping all right give me what you got my boy oh my goodness dude

He got way more than me he got over a stack of gold okay you crushed me and now the nether oh that is so nice dude got all the free quarts you need now you can make that beautiful quartz mansion without all the work thank you crafty

Companion now for the fun part let’s see how crafty does against some enemies let’s make it a challenge let’s do some Ghasts the main reason I’m doing Ghasts is because the team actually found a bug like a year ago that moyang still hasn’t fixed custom mobs like our crafty

Companion actually can’t normally Target gas which is weird right and it makes the ne like more difficult for no reason found some workarounds though so let’s see if we fixed it he’s got his bow out yes get him crafty y snap we yes dude we’ve done it he two smacks him no he’s

Got a out shoot him with the arrows he’s on fire but he’s crushing oh no he’s dead can’t get up it’s all right I’ll give you a CPR well he tried you did good buddy now for a battle of the century go my Army get him boys yeah

Yeah now we can take out the gas Army no problem good job boys most of them didn’t even take damage oh yeah they’re crushing that dude get them boys or get them me oh easy what a an absolute Slaughter dude heck yeah good job gentlemen I’m

Proud of you let’s kick it up a notch Notch get it time for the Ender Dragons I have no idea how they’re going to do they are shooting the dragon so that’s a good sign they’re standing very still so fire breath is going to have some issues

But their their accuracy is pretty solid heck yeah get him it’s all right don’t worry crafty let’s give him some more help shall we shoot them right in the booty oh gosh they just flew everywhere come on keep going gentlemen our barrage of arrows look at our army our crafty

Army you stand no chance against us come on yeah nice job crushed it but how do they do against the creepers all right let’s see oh gosh he’s singing at me so we have that happen a bunch let’s see how you do against creepers my boy

It works okay was not sure if this was going to work there we go run away run away crafty okay well that’s fine too he’s supposed to run away when creepers are going to explode and there he goes yes it works and it’ll wipe him out

Before they go boom I’m so happy with that okay now I’m just curious how the crafty stands up against a warden I am not confident in this one I personally am so terrified of the warden so I just programm just a smidge Terror inside of

Him too oh gosh here we go here we go he’s already shooting with arrows he just stayed in his ground he is way more Brave than I am oh gosh yeah two hit yeah that was about as I expected oh no the warden’s just smacking him while he’s down ow that’s a

That’s a rough place to be smacked let’s add some more buddies in the mix shall we come on Warden it’s you against my Army yeah we got some High Ground he’s distracting him the other crafty’s coming into the mix come on gentlemen yeah use your sword wordss it’s been so long oh my

Gosh is he going to do it are you going to get him oh they’ve done it I did not think that was going to work yes crafty army versus the warden The Crafty Army wins hey guys break it up I’m going to test something just kind of for fun

Honestly obviously the crafty companion doesn’t attack other players or his crafty Pals but what if I just turn that on for a second so we can see our crafty battle who’s the strongest crafty I mean me obviously but I’m not competing it’s time for the crafty battle dome who’s

Ready do we have some volunteers if not you’ll be volunt told That’s a classic thing my mom would always say there we go yes that’s the battle dome commences which crafty will prevail I’m voting for crafty crafty versus crafty versus crafty oh no they’re all ganging up on

This guy come on guys leave him alone well that did didn’t work out exactly as I was expecting but oh oh there we go there we go they’re battling only three crafties remain come on I’m I’m voting for the one in blue wait wait no the one

In blue come on come on yeah one down two more remain oh he’s teleporting he just keeps smacking him while he’s down all right we have ourself a winner it’s slightly light blue crafty who would have guessed I think we’re done I think everything works well and the crafty

Companion add-on is officially finished and ready to oh gosh looks like we got a message from the developer at ldz tons of bugs tons of bugs yeah okay okay let’s see what’s wrong can’t be that much right okay so the companion died and oh oh they just keep attacking

Go come on man leave him alone leave my poor boy alone no okay we got to fix that and now he’s shooting shooting Arrows with a sword oh oh oh it’s Enderman just hate my companion even if I’m not looking at them they just swarm them M that’s wonderful hey buddy real

Quick why are you walking straight into a wall that’s that’s not supposed to do that and he just placed a torch in a cave on the opposite side of the wall that’s definitely a problem ah the knocked out companion is moving again I cannot escape this bug although it is

Kind of funny I almost wish we could keep it I don’t even know honestly how that one happened and I don’t even know how we didn’t test that why are you on fire why why is your head on backwards are you an owl my guy ah yes my favorite

Minecraft item name let me just go get that for you no problem ah this bug I know it well it’s the one where the entire game breaks and I can’t resummon the crafting damn okay okay we finally fixed everything I think we’re so close to having this add-on ready come on I’m

On the prize we got to lock in now we just have to make sure it works with other add-ons and Maps let’s really test the boundaries I’m on the crafty custom Hearts map and we’ve added two add-ons to this so let’s see if everything works right come with me crafty to a new

Dimension let’s warp into The Nether things are looking good yay he comes with me okay sweet except crafty just going to die get him boy come on Craft you got it crafty versus a piece of bacon don’t worry I’ll help and I’ll punch him take that I should have

Brought a sword to the battle oh all right there goes the companion and uh there goes me on the nice classic dropper map spawn in there we go and now let’s drop oh he right he spawns right next to me there go it’s your turn buddy you know what let’s go down together

Yeah oh we’re not the best at this okay well it works let’s try out a boss battle shall we come on buddy get in there crafty he’s following me like oh there we go there we go battle him use your sword swing at him yeah I think we’re we’re probably we’re probably

Going to lose this battle I do have a fish I can slap him with is that going to work take my cheese cheese attack go that’s not bad I mean he’s already taken down but did some good damage oh gosh oh yeah yeah I’m I’m dead get him crafty

Come on dude come on Ju Just A couple more hits yay crafty companion actually got the last hit all right we take those dude well seems like things are working except um you’re doing all right there buddy it’s done we did it I I had no

Idea how hard that was going to be when we started this but I’m super glad we did it I can’t play Minecraft with all of you even though I’d love to so this is my version of being able to join all of you in your world I’d love to hear

The stories of what lovely Journeys we went on together there’s hundreds of voice lines I get to encourage you as we adventure and tell probably bad jokes but regardless I am so grateful genuinely that you enjoy watching these videos and I’m super grateful big shout

Out to the ldz team to make this dream a reality I really hope you like this project and I can’t believe I’m finally saying this but the crafty companion add-on officially available now on the Minecraft Marketplace QR code is on the screen and the link is in the

Description thank you all I’ll see you in the next one

✅ PLAY My NEW Marketplace Add-on Craftee Companion! ➡️ https://cutt.ly/Craftee_Companion_Add-on

✅ BECOME Craftee! My latest Skinpack ➡️ https://cutt.ly/Craftee_Season_5

👕 Get some *OFFICIAL* Craftee Merch! ➡️ http://craftee.store/

#Minecraft #But #Craftee

Turning myself into an ACTUAL Minecraft Mod

🗣️ Voice Over Artist: Parker Coppins
🎶 Music courtesy of Epidemic Sound
📜 All music used with permission from its creator.


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