Terraria, But Every Boss Killed Increases Enemy Speed…

In this video I try beating Terraria but here’s the twist for every bot’s killed the movement speed projectile speed and AI speed will increase not only for bosses but for all enemies as well just how difficult will these enemies become and will I be able to defeat the final

Boss moonl Lord maybe I won’t even get to him stay tuned cuz you’re about to find out all right before I begin I’m going to clarify some things for when I do defeat a boss the movement projectile and AI speed will increase by 20% so

When I do get up to a total of 200% that’ll mean doubled the speed of all enemies when I say AI that means the attack patterns that enemies do such as shooting dashing and jumping it does not affect normal movement speed I also do have a list I’ve made for the bosses

That I’ll be taking on and I will try to get through all of them but if I notice that it’s getting to a point when it becomes impossible to progress through the game then I’ll take on only bosses that are necessary to move on in the game without further Ado let’s begin as

Always I’m going to start off by chopping down some trees for wood that should be enough wood for now let’s go to the left side of the world and see what I can find there’s a chest over there a blowpipe okay I’ll take that for now got

A range weapon and the Crimson is on the left but I don’t want to go there just yet cuz I’m definitely not ready for that okay that’s all I’m going to explore on the left side for now let’s drink my recall potion and search the right side found a wooden

Boomerang okay I made it to the ocean which means that’s going to be it for the right side unless there are some water chests in the ocean okay there’s one over there come on make it in time ooh okay I’ll take that water walking boots let’s teleport back home

It’s getting dark so let’s quickly make a little house all right this is good enough for now let’s start mining down to see if I can find a cave wait actually I just heard a fallen star and because I have a wooden boomerang I can combine it to make the enchanted

Boomerang that’s going to give us seven more melee damage beautiful I found a gold chest over here oh yes Hermes boots I always get so excited when I see Hermes boots I don’t know why oh that is a lot of rubies holy 12 and there are some more topaz

Over here so after this I have enough for a hook I got 16 there are some Life Crystals down here there’s a lot of Life Crystals here actually I’ve already got 200 health okay wait I have more rubies here 16 rubies now I think I’m just going to

Make the Ruby hook instead and then save one to make a slime crown for the King Slime ooh okay I’ll take that band of regeneration I finished exploring this cave so let’s go back home and craft some items let’s first craft the Ruby hook and then some silver

Armor let’s go to the Jungle now to try to find some more accessories and Life Crystals and then I’ll be ready to take on the first boss which will be the King Slime oh I think I just found the Shimmer pool ooh and also the mace too

Yep that is indeed the Shimmer pool so whenever I craft items or weapons that have bad modifiers I can always toss them into the Shimmer pool to get my materials back to recraft them oh my God another her boots but this one is with warding and this life crystal is going

To bring me to 300 health so I just need to find five more until Max Health ooh there’s two Life Crystals down here so I just need one more after this found the suspicious looking eye as well and some shoe Spikes bar Claws and here’s the Life Crystal for Max

Health oh a boom stick this is going to be really good against the King Slime and the aulu a sharpening station here that’s going to increase our damage by a bit found the magic mirror so I won’t be needing the recall potions anymore gravitation potion I’ll be able to get

My hands on some more accessories and the star Fury okay and there’s the cloud in a bottle I think that’s everything that I need for now let’s head back home and let’s start crafting a whole bunch of items first I’m going to finish off my silver armor set there we go 17 defense

Now I’m going to craft the Platinum pickaxe I’m also going to craft the thorn chakum oh my God that is beautiful The Godly Thorn chakram with 31 melee damage and let’s just make a few Platinum crowns now before I take on the king slime I am going to drink my gravitation

Potion to find some Sky Allens for more accessories all I’m really looking for is the shiny Red Balloon and the lucky horseshoe the starfury isn’t something that I’m looking for anymore because I now have the thorn Chum here’s the first Sky Island lucky horseshoe okay the star Fury I don’t

Think I can find the last Sky Island I’ve only got about 10 more seconds on my gravitation buff unless it’s very close by come on three two one okay let’s see uh yeah no I’m going to have to find that later on but for now let’s go take on the King

Slime let’s just make two slime crowns and now let’s start it up here we go yeah this boss should be no problem at all 50% Health now and you are finished that officially marks my first boss killed so now the enemy’s speed is at 120% in other words 1.2 times faster I

Forgot to mention that defeating the same boss over and over again will not increase the speed only on first kill for each boss I am going to summon the King Slime once again just to see the difference here we go now is there a noticeable difference I think so

The frequency of its jumping is a lot more faster now and same with the smaller slimes I’m a bit worried if it’s already this fast I think I’m screwed later on okay all done and am I able to get the King Slime mounts oh yeah I’ve decided I am going to swap out

My silver armor set with the n armor just because I prefer the increased movement speed and more Critical Strike chance let’s build some NPC houses and then I’m going to wait until night time to summon the I of cthulu night time has arrived it’s time to summon the Boss 3 2

1 on the left side okay yeah that Dash is really fast oh my God I’m a bit scared for second phase okay here we Go oh my God wait that wasn’t even It okay here it goes uh it’s not bad okay okay that’s that’s a bit scary oh my God it hasn’t been able to hit me though oh but it’s so hard to hit it oh my God come on okay there we go okay enemy speed is now at

140% the next boss on the list is the brain of cthulu okay the arena is all complete let’s break the Crimson Hearts okay you know what I think the Panic necklace is going to be really good cuz this accessory is going to allow me to keep up with the Enemy

Enemies moving speed okay let’s break one more to summon the boss here we go okay yeah they’re pretty fast oh my God wait hold up okay these things are so hard to hit come on okay it’s actually uh not that bad so far just a few more okay second phase oh my

God okay I need a dash let’s also make use of my King Slime Mount oh God I can’t tell which one’s which what is going on oh my God okay 300 health left oh that was good damage okay 160% now I may have overestimated just how much of a difference 1.4 time

Speed is so I might be changing some things later on with the Crim bars and tissue samples I’m going to craft the Crimson armor sets there we go 29 defense now as well as the deathbringer pickaxe now let’s go to the dungeon and build an arena to take on Skeletron at

Night once I defeat Skeletron I’ll be collecting all four Swords to craft the knight’s Edge if enemies are going to become hella fast later on I’m going to need a weapon with a wide wide ranged attack and the boomerangs are definitely not it cuz if I do miss an attack I have

To wait for it to return to me unless I get a weapon that homes onto enemies such as the possessed Hatchet but that’s until later on the arena is all complete all I got to do now is wait until night time all right it’s finally night

Time let’s talk to the old man to summon the boss and for the fight I think I’ll be using the boomstick here we go 3 2 1 okay those hands are fast let’s try to get rid of those hands ASAP okay that’s one hand down it’s going to start shooting now it is so hard to hit those hands okay both hands are down this should be the easiest part now just got to go around in circles

Oh my God that was scary okay less than 1,000 Health come on almost done okay by far this was the most difficult boss yet okay 180% now that is almost doubled the speed so all I’m looking for is the Cobalt shield and the mamasa wait even the Flaming wheel is going so

Fast okay Goblin arm is approaching I cannot wait to find the goblin tinkerer so I can combine my accessories and gain way better Mobility okay found the merasa all I need now is the calt shields there we go all right let’s get out of here let’s go take care of the goblin army

Now Goblin Army has been defeated let’s go search for the tinkerer oh there he is let’s purchase the rocket boots and workshop all I can make right now is the Spectre boots but I’ll be searching for the last sky island for the shiny red balloon to use

For the blue horseshoe balloon oh I think I see it yep here it is wait oh my God I got baited okay here’s the real one and here’s the shiny red balloon now I can make the cloud and a balloon and then the blue horseshoe balloon okay this is going to help with

Dodging the enemy’s attacks let’s go get the three remaining swords to craft the Edge and I’m going to start with the blade of grass so I’ll need 12 Stingers 15 jungle spores and three Vines what did I just see was that a be oh my god look how fast this thing is that

Hornet okay that’s the last Stinger now I can craft the blade of grass I should have have enough Crim Tain bars to craft the blood butcherer oh yeah just need a 10 and that just leaves the volcano so let’s mine all the way down to Hell okay

Finally made it down to Hell let’s start mining some hellstone okay got the Hing bow if the knight’s Edge ends up being really bad against the wall of flesh then I’ll definitely use the Hing bow here’s a Voodoo Demon sorry but I’m going to have to take take your guide Voodoo

Doll there we go all right that should be enough health stone I mind 339 let’s first craft the volcano then the full molten armor and finally the molten pickaxe let’s go to a crimson alter now to combine my four Swords to make the knight’s Edge all

Right there we go please make my life easier and then let’s try to get this to Legendary there we go much faster now I should be good to take on the wall of flesh now okay made it to the end of the world I’m really not sure how this is

Going to go the lower Health the wall of flesh is the faster it’s going to be and with this mod I feel like it’s just going to plow right through me but I’m here to find out let’s drink some potions and get this thing started 3 2

1 okay right off the bat is really fast but it’s like honestly it’s not that bad I’m just worried about when it gets very low Health yeah like I am full on sprinking right now and it’s keeping up with me so I have no time to actually stop

And slow down I just got to keep on running oh my God okay dashing now dashing oh god oh here he goes come on come on oh I’m getting you know what I kept my health up pretty high throughout the entire fight that was actually pretty easy I was worried for

Nothing okay now let’s open up our treasure bag and see what I get the firecracker and the summoner’s emblem not sure how I feel about that matter of fact being a Summoner during this playthrough is the absolute worst cuz there’s no way in hell that the

Minions will be able to keep up with the monsters now that I’m in hard mode Let’s go to the crimson and break some Crimson alars so we’ve got valadium mythro and Adamantite and now enemies are officially doubled their speed this is going to be really scary oh my God they’re they’re so fast

That glitching through the blocks oh my God the fire rate on that ior sticker okay this should be enough padium wow that was a lot onto the myth okay that should be enough mythal onto the adaman ties and that’s enough Adamantite let’s go ahead and craft the full Adamantite

Armor sets now this is going to give a huge boost to my defense 74 now from 49 then with the rest of the Adamantite bars I’m going to craft the Adamantite sword it does have higher damage but it doesn’t have the wide ranged attack but that’s okay come on legendary please

Perfect now let’s go up to some sky islands and kill some wyvern for their Souls of Flight to make myself a pair of wings oh my God that wyvern’s freaking fast wait am I going to get killed by this thing you know just dodge it how I used to there we

Go okay just need one more okay I have enough Souls of Flight now okay that should be enough Souls of Night let’s go craft the demon wings beautiful I’m all set to take on the mechanical bosses now so let’s wait until night time so the first mechanical

Boss that I’ll be summoning is the Destroyer because I think that’s going to be the easiest especially with true melee at the moment so let’s begin oh that is scary I really have to be careful oh my God I have to be careful of that head

Cuz that’s going to deal over 200 damage to me oh my God this is dangerous maybe I should have gone um with a ranged weapon I think the dataless stormbow would have been so much better okay 50,000 Health left this is going pretty good so far

Although I did have to use the nurse a couple times and that more Health oh that’s big oh my God come on faster oh I almost died there that was way too close I’ve got some Hollow bars now so I’ll be crafting the Excalibur cuz this weapon has higher

Damage and has a bigger reach compared to the Adamantite sword and hopefully I can get this thing to Legendary okay it looks like there’s not going to be enough time to take on the next mechanical boss so I’m going to wait until the next night all right and now

That I’ve defeated the Destroyer let’s increase everything to 220% okay it’s now the next Knight let’s go ahead and summon Skeletron Prime wait a second um this might be impossible unless I use the nurse cuz look at that it just go right on me oh my God okay

Yeah I’m just going to have to do this then oh my God okay let me take out all of its arms first and then I’ll try fighting it normally again yeah that’s one down wait I don’t have enough gold oh no I think things are a bit too fast now

Let’s see if the twins are any better okay well I can dodge these attacks and then I can deal damage for when it dashes but um second phase it might be impossible as well yeah this is just not possible what was I thinking okay so things are way too

Difficult now and I probably should have increased by 10% for every boss killed so this is what I’m going to do I’m going to half the current amount that I have right now so in total I’ve increased the percentage by 120% so half of that would be 60 so

160% the six bosses I’ve killed right now are the King Slime I of cthulu brain of cthulu Skeletron wall flesh and the Destroyer okay let’s try this again Skeletron Prime first there we go that’s much more doable okay less than 10,000 Health now going have to stall this out a bit by teleporting

Oh heal up come on that was more Health come on oh fallen star let’s go yeah that was a lot better it’s currently 3 a.m. so the twins will have to wait until the next night and with the defeat of of Skeletron Prime the speed is up to

170% for the twins fight I’ll be swapping weapons for sure I’ll be needing a weapon with a ranged attack so I’ve decided on the light dis to make the light dis I’m going to need 20 Hollow bars which I have 15 Souls of light and 25 Souls of M which I also

Have okay and that’s enough Souls of light let’s go make the light dis now can I get Godly on this thing yes I can night time has arrived once again so let’s summon the twins okay I can tell already phase one is going to be very doable I’m just worried about second phase

Here we go oh my God wait oh oh e is that curse flame longer oh my God it’s so fast no I’m going to have to keep using the nurse here okay spasm tasm has been defeated just the retin now here we go okay this one one is so much easier I

Don’t know why the cursed flame on the spasm was so long almost done here 2,000 more Health there we go all three mechanical bosses have been defeated that was a struggle with the souls from the mechanic bosses let’s craft the pickaxe axe now I would make the hollowed armor

Set however I really don’t want to go through those bosses again so I’m going to settle with the Adamantite for now and the enemy speed is now at 180% let’s go into the jungle to search for the plantar bulb and mine some chlorites oh there’s the plant bulb so

I’ll be making the arena right here okay the arena is all complete and I know I said I wasn’t going to fight the mechanical bosses again but I realized that I have to in order to craft the true Knight’s Edge and eventually the teror blade so let’s summon the destroyer

Again okay all done let’s take out our Knight’s Edge from our chest and turn it into the true Knight’s Edge beautiful and because I have more hollowed bars now I’m going to craft the hollowed armor set cuz the invincibility is going to be very useful

Let’s go take on planta let’s begin 3 2 1 okay it’s right here um does flying around still work just in circles I think so okay second phase now wait why isn’t it moving um I’m not complaining oh but I got to watch out for those bouncing balls oh my God can I

Um close it up okay okay this is good this is good okay my life is full again let’s go back out yeah why isn’t it coming at me that is so strange like if I move closer to it it kind of oh no it doesn’t back away okay

Okay this obviously isn’t fair but I’m not going to just purposely die so let’s just defeat it and move on there’s also another Goblin Army that have to take care of but it shouldn’t take too long okay Goblin Army has been defeated once again let’s open up the treasure

Bag and see what I get nettle burst and the thorn hook oh you know what it says I can Shimmer this into the leaf blower so that probably means I can keep cycling it over until I get what I want and the weapon that I want is the seedler okay drop it

In turns into the leaf blow then I drop this in oh yeah so it does cycle through um the contents of the plant bag and there we go the seedler okay made it into the temple now I’m not going to fight Golem just yet because I’ll be making the teror blade

First so I’m going to use this solar tablet to summon the eclipse all right here we go also after defeating planta the enemy’s speed is now at 109 % yes there we go got the broken hero sword I don’t have quite enough chlorified bars yet so let’s go back

Into the jungle to mine some more okay that should be enough let’s go craft the terrablade first I got to make the true Excalibur and then I can make the terrablade oh yes and this weapon is pretty pretty much the very last weapon until I defeat the lunatic cultist after I destroy the

Celestial pillars that’s when I get my hands on some more weapons I’m not going to wait until the solar eclipse is over so let’s head back into the temple to summon Golem okay made it into the boss room it’s a pretty decent size let’s clear out all of the traps and now let’s

Summon the boss Jesus that jump was insane what the heck okay both fists are down let’s see how crazy things will get after I destroy the head Jesus the fire of that laser is crazy oh my God can I even do this I cannot no way oh my God this is not

Possible I think I might need a better Dash so let’s go into the dungeon and kill some bone Lees for the Tabby oh my God there’s the Tabby ooh Paladin Shield as well I might as well try to get the black belt as well just so I can make the

Master ninja gear cuz I do have the shoe spikes and climbing claws there we go there we go Master ninja gear has been made now I’m praying that I’ll be able to defeat Golem with this accessory if not then I’m pretty much screwed okay third attempt 3 2 1 okay fists are

Down yeah no there’s just no way look at this look at the fire rate on those lasers yeah I’m going to have to lower it just a bit Let’s do 170% let’s see if I can kill it with this percentage round four okay yeah I am not taking any damage just

Yet that’s a good sign okay both fists are down yeah this is a lot better 5,000 more health and you’re finished okay got the possessed Hatchet but I won’t be using that let’s go straight to the lunatic culus now I’m also going to bump it back up to 190% there we

Go oh my God even the startup phase is faster oh God I hit the wrong one oh not again wait did I oh I did no I keep doing that oh my God it’s cycling through its phases so fast okay okay uh here there we go there we

Go and I think I’m dead here oh my God yep okay well now now I know how fast it gets to that duplicating phase so I’ll be more prepared next time okay round two okay Switching oh no I can’t see no wait did I oh I did it

Nice okay this is a lot better oh my God just kill it cre yet come on there we go oh I had 20 Health left okay I am so glad I was able to defeat that boss on my second try now I’ll be taking on the solar pillar first

So that I can get my hands on the last two weapons okay solar pillar has been destroyed let’s craft the Daybreak and the solar eruption I’m mainly going to use the Daybreak since I think it’s a better weapon than the Sol eruption let’s go take care of the three remaining

Pillars okay Vortex pillar is done nebula pillar has been destroyed and there goes the stardus pillar here we go Moon Lord time oh my wait that was funky what oh Jesus oh wo wo wo wo wo wait it’s permanently just stuck on me I cannot outrun it teleport okay no nurse I need

You oh no I’m going to struggle with this boss yeah Um heal up grab out my soul eruption can I cheese it like this I’m kind of scared I might run out of gold but we’re just going to do this for now okay let’s fight it normally now whoa you see that those eyeballs are just flying everywhere oh no go

Back I shouldn’t have left you okay both hands are down now yeah there’s just there’s there’s just no way I think I might just have to permanently use the nurse for this there’s just so many projectiles spawning and the speed of them too there’s just no way for me to dodge them

But let’s see if I can even defeat Moon Lord at two times the speed with the nurse to help with our DPS let’s make the Stardust Dragon staff here we Go okay it’s just the core now do you see that there’s no way that I can dodge those packs and W Lord has been defeated it even exploded super fast all right that’s going to be it guys thank you all for watching what a very interesting video if I must say

Honestly I overestimated just how big of a difference increments of 20% speed increase can be even 10% was high I probably should have done 5% instead but any anyways if you’ve enjoyed the video don’t forget to leave a like comment below if you have any

Other mod or video ideas you want me to try out and of course subscribe to the channel I’ll see you all next time peace

In this video I try beating Terraria but here’s the twist… For every boss killed the movement speed, projectile speed, and AI speed will increase, not only for bosses but for all enemies as well. Just how difficult will these enemies become and will I be able to defeat the final boss Moon Lord? Maybe I won’t even be able to get to him. Stay tuned to cause you’re about to find out!

If you enjoy watching the video then don’t forget to leave a like, comment and also subscribe to the channel!

Mods used:
NPC House Builder
Boss Checklist
Recipe Browser
AlchemistNPC Lite
Vein Miner

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#Terraria #Necr0 #Terrariachallenge


  1. Fast hint: Sky islands can be easly founded by seeying little "puddles" on the ground, and it will be above this puddles. The puddles is one or two blocks of water in the surface, its pretty easy.

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