JJ and Mikey RAISED FARMLAND and Found SECRET PASSAGE in Minecraft Maizen!

Huh wow that’s amazing oh what is that Mikey check it out huh what is it I’m not sure Mikey press the lever faster wao really I think it’s a secret basement wow I can’t wait to see what’s down there shall we go Mikey I’m curious let’s see Mikey

Let’s go inside and find out it’s an elevator right let’s do it the villagers are watching oh you’re right everyone is looking at us there must be something good up here where does it Go what’s this huh I don’t like it I’m being attacked what are these creepy things we’re under attack by some creepy monsters but we don’t have any weapons just punch them come on let’s just try fighting the same one this yes we got one ow stop hitting me

Yeah I think we can do this nice oh one more got it we barely won there’s armor in here but let’s open the treasure chest first let’s see open oh there’s a gun huh and golden apples oh wow wo these are some really tough looking guns yeah let’s eat our golden apples to

Recover and grab the armor how cool are these Wow Let’s put all this on and awesome bling oh these guns are definitely strong yep I don’t really understand this elevator but wa we’re fast you want to keep going up let’s go this elevator will probably have more stops along the

Way if we do we can find out what’s at the top there must be something great up there what could it be let’s go all right I wonder what’s on the next floor H wo we can see the whole village from here we’re so high up what’s next oh what’s going

On huh what are they uh they’re creepy they’re black and pink creatures shoot them get them oops sorry Mikey go yes these guns are strong wao nice job JJ oh a chest oh nice let’s open up this chest 3 2 1 oh wo look swords and golden

Apples these are cool let’s heal with the apples those enemies were scary all I got was that they were black and pink but we took care of them quick let’s keep moving what’s up next I think it’s going to be something good I hope there are no enemies just treasure let’s find

Out all right let’s go up I’m curious about what’s up there it’s so exciting look outside we’re so high up it’s a little scary what’s next on the third level there must be something good H H there’s something in here but what huh huh there’s something in the cell it looks

Like a fox a it’s trapped wait is it a wolf ouch H did I imagine that I thought I got hit were you attacked well it does look like a tough enemy hey Mikey there’s a lever here should we pull it I want that treasure

We’d have to let it out though we have our sword so we’ll be fine no matter what you’re right we don’t know that it’s an enemy and I’m curious about the treasure flip the lever ready please be friendly huh no it’s not friendly it hit me attack it

I’ll use this sword I got I’ll use the guns bang wo keep hitting yeah hurry yes we beat it we’re strong what’s the treasure huh let’s open it let’s find out 3 2 one what’s this we got new guns and golden apples these look great W cool what is it looks strong there’s

Fire coming from it I’ve never seen a gun like this before they’re flamethrowers awesome these are strong we can beat up whatever enemies come for us with these ready to keep moving up Mikey we’re only on level three let’s go there must be more above us I hope it’s good going up

Wo wow look we’re so high up I can’t even see the ground yikes wow we’re above the clouds wow wait what what is that are you being attacked there’s something really weird up here JJ what just look at it a robot is he friendly I think it’s an enemy it hit me let’s

Fight it take this let’s use our new flamethrowers H wo wao flamethrowers are strong I didn’t even need to use my sword H what weird yeah there are two choices a big door and a small door which one should we go into your choice H the big one it seems like it

Has more going for it than the little one yeah okay this is the right choice sounds good three 2 1 see what they’re attacking no a enemies take them out yeah punch all right we got this one down I’m low on health oh no not good yeah yeah

Nice that was close totally I’m glad that’s over this was wrong see anything there’s nothing it looks like a dead end it does yeah well let’s let’s try the small door it’s the right one let’s check it out 3 2 1 what’s this uh I’m going in what I know

Mikey H that’s TNT parkour wow one step and the floor explodes we’ll have to outr run it okay with a hop hop sweet yeah your turn Mikey all right well wow cool good job thanks let’s go all right open what’s this I don’t know look H we need to get across the lava

Somehow it’s slime parkour I’ll show you it’s easy show me aim for the Slime and C see five nice I’ll try too don’t fall in wo I made it yeah is there treasure on the other side of this door let’s see yep two one let’s see oh man I hope we find

Treasure huh what no treasure just enemies why are there so many take them out you’re tough take this careful of the lava thanks for the heads up down they’re done we did it not bad all right now what’s this it looks like a parkour course I think we need to hop

On the platforms who wants to go first I will good luck good job huh there are two choices we need to decide which way looks easiest to clear left looks too hard so does right oh well Now what I think he need to ride the wind generator oh wow cool come on up wo I’m bling this is wild don’t let your guard down sweet yes I get it now wow that went really well beat it in one try I have a feeling something dangerous is waiting for us on

The other side of these doors let’s go open you’re right there were two things waiting Watch Out J what are these weird ghost things they’re attacking can we beat them take that one down one left back off go go got him yeah wao they look scary but they weren’t that hard oh

Well oh man oh a CH let’s see what’s inside oh a mining charge nice where should it go maybe on this wall sure let’s go yes wo it worked how’s it look it looks like what’s this it looks like a parkour course to reach the other side just like That looking good yes awesome careful that went well I made it cool W we’ve been sent somewhere again wow incredible yeah that’s true huh but I’m still a little scared of what the book said huh look there’s a sign that says do not push oh H Mikey that’s awfully suspicious I’m definitely

Getting scared there’s a portal here so I think I’ll use that to go back home a trust me JJ if we keep going together we’ll become billionaires oh yeah yep I want to go home though but I guess it’ll be okay H here goes nothing 3 2 1 Super Rich huh what ouch

Ouch Mikey run it’s behind you what was that pH oh man sheesh we made it now we can take it easy that was a close call seriously but at least it’s trapped now mhm what it’s behind me watch out oh no go just keep running master you okay

It’s fast it’s coming wait that’s poison watch out careful the ghost it’s coming around no JJ Mikey no what is it it’s going after me ouch attack punch yeah ouch yeah a little more we can beat it stop two versus one oops sorry oh no I only have two hearts left uh-oh no

Stop take it down oh we won that was a close mat that was scary and dangerous it was strong the door is locked again though H I guess we’re stuck huh oh a chest oh hold up huh I found lock picks again oh I’ll use them to pick this lock oh

Just like this is it here like this okay nice I successfully picked the lock so now let’s move open what’s this H what’s all this huh is this what oh it’s a maze but Mikey there are enemies in here this wait it attack me let’s do this get the enemies use

Your weapon shine to fight get them we got this a no they’re strong we should be able to win with these weapons careful no they’re kind of tough there we go good there must be something once we get out of this maze so creepy take this wo

Yes nice ouch all right yes come on I’m low on health we’ll make it we can ha oues I’ll handle this Sho Sho Sho all right we beat them all nice job yep let’s finish the maze let’s finish this off Mikey let’s go nice oh huh what could be past this door

I don’t feel like there’ll be something good waiting for us oh open up h w what is it anything huh it’s amazing H wow what huh look look wo expensive cars and treasure that’s awesome but how are we supposed to get down there oh we might

Be able to jump down let’s go get a good running start uh-huh and go all right come on yes will I make it I made it come on down wait for me wow I actually made it look yeah these are awesome luxury cars wow expensive fantastic oh there’s chests too wow wo

This chest is full of diamonds what about this one wo gold oh incredible does this mean we’re rich uhhuh Ultra Rich woohoo I’m curious let’s see h Huh where’s this what is this place huh h wait Mikey stop what is it we don’t have a minute to lose hang on take a look

Around you see these raised white tiles they’re called pressure plates and they’re scattered around the room trip one up and you’ll ignite the TNT so don’t step on them got it I won’t even touch them I’ll go around them good luck and watch out for the lasers you don’t

Want to touch those either this is tough keep going slowly this course is extremely dangerous Shou are you okay Mikey yeah it was hot but I’ll be Fine yes uh what is it wo bad guys we’re under attack hi get him nice these swords came in handy yeah just like the portal gun take that all right what’s next more locked doors there’s a lever let’s switch it on look the door’s open that’s what the lever was

For now let’s see let’s move wait look no it’s a boss Mikey attack you won’t stop us from escaping do you think it’s the boss or just a mini boss H keep swiping he’s strong but but not strong enough he dropped a key and some golden apples woo let’s keep moving we’re

Making great time mhm what is that let’s find out oh it’s a chest yay let’s see there’s some boots not bad and some golden carrots but what are these boots for oh it looks like they prevent fall damage JJ These Boots are great and all

But look it’s a total dead end what are we going to do H can we escape or is this it I don’t know it might be we’re stuck oh no oh Mikey yeah I see a way out look up here uh what all right okay Mikey let’s start

Climbing wo wow let’s hurry to the top yep we need to give it our all Yes oh no that’s bad enemies we have no choice get up all right take that and that last one yeah we did it nice job but we still haven’t escaped and it looks like we have a way to go there are boats in here grab one and hop in maybe

That’s how we’ll get out out of here it’s worth the try let’s go wait watch Out we must be getting close to the exit careful boats speed up when they’re on the ice this is tough all of a sudden it’s hard to control huh yeah but we’re making progress I wonder what’s next let’s find out shall we in your boat straight ahead and row

Whooo didn’t see that coming same this way through the gck made it now straight ahead I’m going to fall hang in there I got through how about you oh I fell I’ll wait up for you heads up though this room looks like trouble really that scared me have you spotted

The exit not yet I want to get out of here there’s lava everywhere where let’s be careful in this room and oh a chest what have we got here tons of potions of healing we can use these to recover our health whenever we take damage awesome looks like we’ll have to

Do some lava parkour so take it nice and slow let’s try to get over there it burns and the lava try not to fall in Mikey are you okay my bad I slipped I’ll eat my golden apple if you eat that it might heal you fast enough to save you

Okay now without touching it jump over the laser are you okay Mikey just I need so many golden apples we got this it burns this isn’t good now here hot one step at a time right ow good I cooked way too long that was close take it easy that was close

Too close it’s h you okay hey Mikey use a golden apple hot lava ouch I have one left eat it oh there’s a door open it done wo okay charge let’s break out of here no another dead end but we’ve come so far oh we’re never going to get out of

Here H why is there lava here wait hey Mikey yeah remember what was in that chest potions of fire resistance hear me out what if we used them and tried walking through the lava that’s crazy talk what if it’s an endless wall of lava it could be but it’s a risk we have

To take fine let’s make it quick right drink your potion and run come on huh that was easy good thing we risked it the lava was hiding a secret entrance yep it all worked out that looks just like me and that looks just like you what is this place it’s so

Creepy I don’t know why there are clones of us but I don’t want to stick around and find out we have to break out of here but there’s another dead end I see something oh a chest let’s see what’s inside there’s a key I found another one oh where over here H all Right yes we have two now okay can you pull that lever for me Mikey done wo the Wall came down this way everything’s coming together oh look another chest and it’s got G look out the fat guys are here quick Mikey get to the chest there’s a super powerful

Weapon inside a yeah now we’re talking it’s called a bio gun it’ll make quick work of those guards let’s move out nothing can stand in our way nice H this bio gun is so strong for real he’s down come on right behind you easy peasy keep moving

Woo uh-oh this looks hard ow hey are you okay I got ambushed and knocked off that was close W nice shot it’s a good thing I drank that potion of fire resistance earlier yeah I’m still alive for now I’ll use a potion of healing and top it off with a golden

Carrots that’s better what do we have here I see lasers lava and a challenging unforgiving parkour course I can do it I messed up get out of there I’ll be okay I drink a potion let’s get out of here before our fire resistance wears off touchdown you’re good at this yes

Great jump now let’s go ready huh wait what no way what is it huh wao that’s a long way to the bottom of the hole it looks like there are slime blocks down there for us to jump on Wow me first sure yum be careful I guess it’s my turn H

Come see this what is it okay hurry hurry JJ come on wo there oh there’s so much slime I can’t believe how much slime there is down here look H whoa that’s even deeper than the last hole do you see an exit somewhere down there here I go aim for the ledge

Mikey huh oops I missed I know the Slime is fun to bounce on but there’s not much else down there let’s get to the ledge I don’t get what you mean okay watch me jump oh I missed total fail I’ll climb the ladder and try again okay go for It a OH Close was I this is really hard hey nice jump oh I did it I made it to the ledge wow you’re really good at this I see another room through here come on Mikey wait I’m coming don’t move a mucle okay you got it here I come come

On a a not quite don’t give up Mikey one more time let’s go okay oh you had it so close this time for Sure I made it thanks for waiting great job now then W I almost fell off let’s move on to the next room what do you seeing there Mikey what is what is it looks like there’s two holes this time how come interesting what’s down there a little pool of water and

Here lava that’s pretty dangerous are we supposed to choose which one to jump into oops I dropped an apple my bad what I dropped an apple let me try it burned wo that’s pretty suspicious it’s probably safer if we jump into the water instead yeah lava’s too hot on second thought maybe the

Lava’s safer no way that’s crazy JJ I’ll let you decide this one easy I picked the water let’s go JJ water it is I trust you you’re probably right absolutely okay then let’s go 3 2 1 go go wo huh what’s going on oh a chest let’s see what’s in side all right

Swords woo great find now we have something to defend ourselves with shall we keep going wait guards oh attack slice them up take that nice one thank you let’s keep moving so we can get out of here but JJ look the doors are locked we can’t get through what do we do perhaps

There’s a way to unlock them there’s a chest over here maybe there’s a key inside nope just cookies you want one sure we’ll need something that opens those doors but there’s no key what’s this way oh there’s a room down here let’s take a look good thing there’s a bouncy slime

Floor yeah what happens if we pull this lever I wonder H oh Huh the block lit up could that mean the doors are now open yeah they are they’re wide open wo awesome let’s keep going okay a chest oh really here I go ready wo Diamonds oh iron too that’s a lot of treasure awesome yeah here’s your half of the

Loot Mikey thanks are we done yep we did it let’s head back this one then it must be although I’m still not 100% sure what do you think I mean how are we supposed to survive the lava for now let’s just be brave and go for it okay okay I’m

Going to go first again no wait should I oh man what should I do don’t worry I’m right behind you I’m doing it I’m falling too fast let’s go wa huh what’s going on oh I see there’s water beneath the lava wow I didn’t even lose any health hey look at this there’s

A chest let’s see what’s inside oh there’s a gun a laser rifle check this out a helmet too awesome 3 2 1 how do I look now we both have one but what’s it do other than look cool I think there might be a boss coming up after this

Really W gross come on Mikey shoot it with your laser rifle it’s not doing anything don’t get too close it’s doing something sh that get him attack go go go keep shooting this could be bad we have to destroy it wao nice these guns rock yeah they’re so

Strong it almost feels like cheating to use them come on let’s go open up do you see treasure in there it’s open oh now let’s check out the Treasure 3 2 1 open wo more diamonds and the ultimate cookie yummy we found a special snack we’re rich if you enjoyed watching today’s

Adventure don’t forget to like And subscribe thank you bye bye-bye

in Minecraft Video compilation you will see: JJ and Mikey RAISED FARMLAND and Found SECRET PASSAGE in Minecraft Maizen!

👉Maizen Original Channel – @maizenofficial

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