Building my FIRST SHOP and Big Base Expansion on Minecraft SOS Hardcore SMP

Hey folks who here and we’ve got a lot of work to do today today starts a brand new challenge here on the SOS server on top of that I want to expand my base a little bit further and follow through with launching our Beacon shop after the Wither Skeleton Farm last episode if

You’re new here here’s a quick rundown about the series welcome to Minecraft SOS this is a Hardcore Minecraft SMP with a Twist when a player dies they spawn a gravestone with a countdown to their permanent death however they can be resurrected by other players using the new fate coin but fate coins are

Limited and are awarded only through events and hidden challenges if a dead player is not resurrected in 24 hours they are kicked out of the series for good with that be sure to leave a like and please subscribe all righty we’ve got ourselves a busy one today and I the

New event on the server is just about to kick off and I have a few things the fates told me I needed to get done before it starts no no not L not lore just uh admin stuff you know I don’t even want to know how all the villagers

Got stuck in here but I’m just going to do a quick run around and see if I can’t block in their ability to fall oh they got all of this okay that should save that and uh how we going to do it here that’ll work okay that should stop nope

Right here right here one more one more okay do the villagers want to come out please one of you if the Sheep get out we can deal with that later oh they’ve eaten all of the grass in here okay villager go come here yep if the Sheep

Get out they just yeah we’re going to have some mud in right no no no no don’t go back in why are you going back in no oh how are you doing no I hate villagers so much they oh that yeah that’s pretty obvious why do the villagers like it in

Here so much why do the villagers like the Sheep so much hey villagers you got to get out of here you got to you got to move the Iron Golem can stay but the villagers you got to get out don’t you dare go in the cattle pen up there I see

You on that Cliff villager right I think I got to wait for it to be a little closer to night time and then they’ll move oh hello how’s it going hi I hope I’m not interrupting anything no I bet I got a little bit of a problem over here

Actually I could use a second set of hands if you if you got a quick moment it’s great to see you come come here sheep come here yeah all my villagers I just lug back in and um they’re all in here and I’m trying to get them out and

Keeping the Sheep oh there goes one there he’s going ooh h o here’s a stone cutter this place that down outside take the St oh he’s coming he’s coming there we go okay close it I’m it nice oh thank God I just patched up the hole they were

Using to get in there thank you are they are they free roaming villagers yeah yeah yeah they’re free they’re they’re homies minus the four in here they they they live in there but that’s fine hi what’s going on uh I have just been going around the server meeting

Everybody and asking uh if anybody needs favors and I was I was wondering if you have anything you need help with I mean other than the Villager incident you know what I was actually thinking this morning of I I got a little bit of a redstone project

Coming up here soon and uh I’m in pretty big need of red stone okay right now that’s that’s kind of a problem and then also I see that if you’re just if you want to go above and beyond you don’t have to do this if you happen to get a

Map of where a nearby Pillager Outpost is that could be pretty cool okay I will locate it I will make a map I will deliver you the map and a bunch of redstone that is that would be amazing thank you m also well thank you so much

I appreciate it yeah yeah no problem good luck with the Villagers oh a once back in the pen how did you do that that well right there that’s pretty obvious yeah I did miss that one okay right well M’s going to help us out with a lot of

That Redstone and how did you what are you doing I’m so confused what is this please read the sign I didn’t want him to die sorry he got out he yearns for the smithing are my four boys still in here okay yeah they’re good they’re good okay great I don’t think people really

Realize that I have free-range villagers in here so yeah he can he can Venture wherever he once we’re not rude in putting our villagers in boxes that’d be so dumb be free my child be free yeah you be a weapon Smith that sounds great right I just now realizing in my

Workshop I didn’t put a crafting table so we can put that there and I need to make myself a another stick as I need a diamond shovel here so that I can fix up my existing diamond shovel and we are off to spawn right I’m going to need a

Quick little horse hole for the horsey to hang out here for a little bit and you can hang down there if you didn’t here we did it we succeeded in the first challenge everything here is wrapped up everybody on the server is getting together pretty soon but look at all of

This all of our lovely materials have appeared here in front for people to be able to take them I won’t grab anything yet but we successfully filled all five bundles now our next challenge revolves building up this space here near spawn and well what I’ve been meaning to do as

We’re coming closer is I want to set up a few roads so we can have a little bit more of a plan where everything’s going to be going and I’m thinking for this we can allow people to still decorate the road as they wish so I just want to

Spend some time pathing in some pathway before I can throw these new Pathways in I do need to clear out a ton of trees to make space I just need to get some rough lines in here for now so I think everybody else can just break it out a

Little bit farther if they need to the other step is I want to clear out a lot of the Tall Grass just to make it a little bit easier to see around here my hope is that by the end this does look like a little like spawn town of sorts

And a cool place for people to come back in and meet and in the effort to keep it safe we definitely don’t want creepers just hiding in the grass everywhere so since P already put a portal right here at spawn we can just drag this over to

The existing pathway and I’m going to kind of level this up a little bit I don’t want to do too much terraforming as I got to leave that up to everybody else I know we have the Rocks back here on the back of this but I am kind of

Tempted to just tear this out and hopefully somebody can turn this into like a center point of a Market Square or like a courtyard or something in the middle so we can also extend our pathway coming back out this way a touch and maybe we just Define where that Market

Square can go absolutely no part of me wants to be telling people what to do here on the server so I’m really trying to use this as some very very rough guidelines and then they can take it from there as they want to for whoever

Might want to pick up this task or if nobody picks up the task then we just have a cool little path area in the middle around our portal I haven’t really told you all what the next challenge is well that’s kind of on purpose uh so you’ll have to figure that

Out probably in like a 2 minutes farther into this video so I swear you can wait uh but for now we’ve got this and I’m thinking we can take ourselves back this way a little bit farther that’s probably space for a shop right in here or something thing and that can connect all

The way over here to the path to own in my base now I know sausage just finished up this beautiful path right here but uh what if instead of going up there it just came to here and so it’s not fully symmetrical where we have that pathway

Coming in here this one I’m thinking we can just take it down this way a little bit closer to that ditch down there and by ditch I mean giant spooky cave that you can die by falling into then we just bring it as a straight line down this

Way to meet up with where the new connection will be into the town Center and there we go we’ve got a pretty good inner and outer square of Our Town Square square it’s all blocks it’s fine now we’ll be meeting up with everybody here soon so let’s patch up the horse

Hole that we made and hopefully there’s an actual Stables here soon that uh our buddy can live at what the oh oh mug must have dropped off all the red stone that is that’s a lot of blocks of redstone and there’s even a little front porch and everything oh my and he got

The Pillager Outpost map that’s 1,880 blocks away oh MOG that’s I was hoping you’re going to find one a little closer than that okay got a journey if I want to use that Pillager Outpost I’ve got plans oh no no no no no no no

MOG all the way to the pit can’t be mad at a gift he willingly went out and got a lot of redstone for me I just have to actually clean it up and collect it oh this is so much better than mining right that is a stack and 38

Blocks of redstone oh that’s going to help out a lot with my next project for now we’ll put the map up here with all the Redstone I already have that might be everything I need with all of the Redstone mogs swamp provided I would like to build a moss Farm tucked into

The side of the mountain hopefully this here is enough space to hide a moss Farm inside and more importantly I got a cat for our village this little guy spawned and he was so cute and we’ve got a new friend here along with all the villagers

Stuck in the bamboo I’m trying to grow if you notice during the time lapse Scott helped me mine up a bunch of the stone and with all of that and the Redstone from MOG I can craft down all the different Redstone materials I’m going to need to build up this Farm

Pretty much everything is in here ready to go except I am missing two items first as a trip down into the mines as I found a really really big pool of lava that I think I can safely work my way up to right here oh yeah easy I need three

Buckets of lava now next up I need jack’ lanterns and I don’t have any pumpkins but I’m hoping my neighbor over here I’m going to give him some moer helping me dig so I’m just going to go borrow some of his pumpkins and it looks like he

Made a bunch of lanterns here these are cute come on Scott tell me you planted some pumpkins they got to be around here somewhere right no has he not planted a single pumpkin I searched his entire base no pumpkins maybe my other neighbor has some pumpkins maybe who around here

Can I steal pumpkins from come on Eloise has a greenhouse and there’s no pumpkins oh come on even MOG swamp cleaned up his pumpkins does nobody have a pumpkin patch on This Server I haven’t found a single naturally spawning one pumpkins ah okay this is going to work it’ll be

Fine we’re just going to borrow a few of them and then I’ll make my own little patch of pumpkins they’ll regrow it’s fine whole reliable mythical sausage with this unending area of Farmland he’s got plenty of pumpkins don’t mind if I do this is why we all play on smps right

So we can borrow things from our friends yeah it is the Minecraft way of life and a stack of pumpkins should do now I just need to take 30 of them Shear them down into to our carve pumpkins and we’ve got ourselves Jackal lanterns we’ve got a

Ton of stuff to do today so I wanted to fly through getting this Farm up and running to start producing Moss I still have yet to turn this thing on but hopefully it’s going to work and all I got to do is flip this switch and

Nothing will get messed up oh things are firing that’s good good news the lava didn’t disappear it’s uh not not a working big time not not working okay uh turning that off and removing the lava and we’ll see what’s broken good news it has produced 17 moss bad news I think it

Only did one Moss thing because uh for some reason this dispenser is just not firing and I’m just wasting bone meal I’m turning this off I’ve been here scratching my head for about 30 minutes trying different things to fix the farm and uh I think I figured it out I think

I figured it out of I was rushing through things and uh that’s supposed to be full of bone meal and well I had filled that with bone meal too it’s supposed to be a lava bucket let’s see does it work now that sounds like it’s working that sounds much much better

There we go and our bone meal count here looks like it’s going up it’s not going down it’s not going down so that’s a good thing okay that is amazing and we already got a stack mamos I love it right if I’m ever in the area I can just

Turn that thing on and it’ll be running and honestly I think if either of my neighbors even maybe Catherine oh what are you doing don’t Don’t Run Away these villagers they have a death sentence I got to make sure they don’t fall in the lava but regardless we’ve got near

Infinite Moss now I turned the farm off for now as uh well it’s been going for about 4 minutes and as you can see it’s uh that’s a lot of moss and uh sounds like pix is a little little in danger over there I’m sure he’ll be fine as for

Scott though I did bring over three stacks of heras as a little thank you for helping me dig got to help your neighbors out such a good little community over here A bunch of people gathered at pixel rff’s hole and I tried to see if I could get some kills by

Bribing people with a stack of diamonds to water bucket clutch and get the caves and cliffs advancement from World height to the bottom of the world I have no idea how I convince them all to do this but uh we’re just going to get rid of

The water I need another bucket of water hopefully Scott will toss me one cuz MOG doesn’t want to do it oh there it is sweet oh he’s going he’s going he’s falling is he going to get it is he going to get it going to get it let’s go

Let’s go let’s go oh go no I’m the best oh I shouldn’t be feeling so happy right now but I’m I’m right at a high oh my God all right I got you I got you stack of diamonds coming your way all right I’m a man of

My word let’s get our fake coins ah there they I got a little scared there and stack of diamonds okay all right well MOG you’re coming back in three two one well there’s one coin and uh now you’re back yay hi buddy welcome back I got the bucket placed and then my Game

Just crashed I didn’t even get to see if I died or not oh that’s rough we got this this is easy for Jim countown he’s got this here he goes do it buddy do it go you can do it yeah got this don’t die don’t die don’t die don’t die don’t die

Don’t die okay [Applause] okay I’ll throw mine in you can you can bring it back you can do number two there he is welcome back buddy I have to go do that again now don’t I yeah with the water here yeah so I just walk and

I’ll I don’t like this what if I mess up again though well I’m out of coins they they got coins to resue though we’ve had enough people get it now I’m nervous right FP you got it but I believe I’ll see you on the other side one coin Rich

No say say your thing say your line catch you on the flip side oh he said it so oh he moved to the side no jimy oh my gosh okay I guess I have to go now um right yeah it looks clear all right we’re going

I’ll take that Co oh I couldn’t even speak during that I was like aim full Focus aiming all right well uh good job on the bundles everybody we finished them all up but uh one weird thing the the fates only gave me 13 Coins back and

There’s 14 of us here on the server so anybody want to own up that they didn’t okay well uh here’s your coin have a coin have a coin coin for you coin my coin give me my coin coins coins coins coins we have the coins to bring

It yeah yeah exactly exactly well we’ve got 13 more coins on the server so that’s absolutely amazing and now it’s time for the second Advent I’ve need through it we’ve got the lect turn here at spawn if you want to read through it a little bit more but

Basically this one is the build something at spawn challenge what that something is is up to you because there’s a little bit of a Twist on this one you’ll see on page two whatever you build that spawn it’s whatever you want to make but the challenge is you have to

Get eight people on the server to sign your book to say it was a successful worthy addition to spawn Town whatever that might be you want to make a shop you want to make a park you want to make whatever it might be so I’ve got LEC

Turns and I’ve got book and quills for every single person and you’ve got to get people to sign on yours all right everybody take a lecture and take a book and uh go build and go get your signatures Beacon Boutique coming soon Beacon Boutique yeah the beacon Boutique we could buy a

Beacons yeah we’re going to have the first shop on the server here is going to be selling beacons I’m going to preemptively sign your book yeah that’s not fair this is I haven’t even we haven’t even started yet I got take that woo I just raided the

Community bundle chest at spawn for a few more materials and this should get us going towards building our new shop I’m so excited about this thing I’ve got a plan in mind and it’s going to be so cool for the beacon Boutique but uh we definitely need a lot of materials to

Throw this thing together cuz we need a lot of knickknacks to be able to sell I was just chatting with Scott and he said he left something at my base in a mailbox and I that looks like a mailbox okay cuz we’ve got a new librarian and fisherman too don’t fall don’t don’t

Don’t do it du oh honeycomb wait that’s going to be huge for today oh amazing throw that in here and I got a ton of copper and with all of the coal that I have here we can start smelting this down because I’m going to need a lot of

Copper for the roofs I’ve got a ton of spruce in here I’ve got a lot of Oak and Birch jungle we’re doing pretty good on but I really want to make this feel nethery and I’ve got 14 Crimson logs oh we have so much Mangrove right I forgot

About that and I have no warped okay I know where we need to go as we are off to the nether as pix did a lot of the bulk work on the Wither Skeleton Farm itself I’m taking point on the shop here and I want it to feel nethery so we’re

In the warp Forest by the farm Gathering up some warp logs I think I’ve got enough logs now and uh since I’m here I might as well get a few wither skeletons to follow me around come on buddies so I haven’t used this Farm since we actually

Finished it so if I bring all my friends over here they should walk on top of this with our Zombie Pigman and then we can just take them all out safely oh that is amazing oh we got a lot of zombie pigman up here no skull but uh

I’ll take the coal back at home I started to assemble a lot more of the materials I want to use for this Boutique and I’m now realizing how annoying not having Shuler boxes is for larger projects like this one where I want to use a lot of different blocks as

I can only carry the things in my inventory to get over to spawn this is the first load and I’m a little worried I’m going to have to do this walk three times with materials right that whole new fancy horse stable Scott just built and we signed his book for a moment ago

Yeah I could use my horse to get over here well I will drop all of this off and then I guess I’m walking back I’m almost fully loaded up for the second trip but I’ve got a few more things that I want to take with me starting I want a

Little bit of cyan glass for our windows and I believe Scott somewhere over here has a cactus farm and yes there it is we’re just going to borrow a little bit it’s fine it’s he’ll never notice going to ring his doorbell run away right we’re going to save most of

This Cactus but I will smell eight down because I only really need like a I put it all in there there yeah we need that there’s that and then I also got a bunch of smooth B salt here for our floor and we’ve got some glass we can turn into

Our cyan that I need a little bit of lapis for and now we wait got our cyan dye we can make our cyan stand glass put the rest that die back over here and I actually want these guys the glass panes this guy needs to get off the roof he’s

Scaring me so much next I want to make a quick little trip down into the mines by that I mean all the way down into the mines as over this way we have a spider spawner now I’m not quite ready to turn this into a farm but I do need a lot of

String and I’ve got looting three so it can’t take too terribly WR long right yeah sure right 29 string should be enough and we’ll put the Torches back and take ours dropped everything off and realized I forgot to craft the candles out of the string that I had just gathered so uh

We’re good to go we can park our horse inside of here and I laid out the few bits of copper that I do have to age I know it’s really not going to get them that far but uh everything else that we need is right in here but I will be

Needing another Beacon and I’ve got a few heads but I kind of want get some regular wither skeleton heads too but we can worry about that after cuz those are just little details oh I guess uh I probably need dirt to terraform and

Bring that up no no no no no no no no no not the portal not the portal ah a you would okay can we light another one can we light another one about right here how could you I hate you stupid gas oh and now you’re not going to fire any

More fireballs and he despawns ah I don’t have anything to open it I have to go the long way a the worst day ever try to take the shortcut and use the nether Hub it’ll save you so much time yeah just go through the nether you’re going

Eight times faster than you would if you’re in the Overworld ah yeah don’t worry about the scene views you’ve created to get back to your base just use the nether Hub it’ll be so much faster man travel’s so easy in the nether stupid gas got a bunch of dirt

And a bunch of stone and we can make it work with that I need to relight the ne portal so I guess I’m just uh going to take that back over of of course that makes a new one hey free obsidian I’m just going to leave that there yep that

That stays there now okay right happy thoughts now so I’m going to be getting back into placing blocks and building out a new platform for our future shop to sit on top of which means we need a lot of dirt pushing back from the road and a Stone Cliff running around to

Create some space to work with this copper here is taking forever to age down not a single one has even aged one stage left yet words are hard so I’m thinking instead we’ll just let it age down on the building itself so that we can keep moving forwards as I want to

Assemble the base structure here for our Beacon Boutique and add in the building as the first official shop building on the server I thought I’d jump ahead with this bulk stage of work before we focus on the Minor Details we still have a lot

Of work on here to do with all of our decorations in the blank store but nothing a few shelves and The Works can’t fix up oh check this out we still got a lot of things to throw into here but I’m really really happy with how our little boutique’s coming around look at

All these useless knickknacks and things you can purchase when you’re buying beacons well they’re only for display they’re not for purchase that’s fine though now our shop is so cool that we don’t actually need a name for the shop instead it’s going to be more of a symbol the ultimate lamp shop selling

Beacons more likely what we’ll probably be selling is wither killing kits so we’ll give you the three skulls and we’ll give you the four Soul Sand or if you want the premium cost you can buy the beacon directly we’ve still got a lot more places around here to clean up

And decorate and maybe we can get like a food truck in here I would love for like a background seating area for people to hang out cuz our Boutique so cool that they just come here to hang and eat some food and look out over this beautiful

Little Lake yeah it’s it’s going to be a whole vibe okay but I’m ready to bring pix in I I got to go get him so I completely failed to look at you know the clock before I was going to head over to meet up with Pixar riffs as uh

It’s it’s currently uh almost 1:00 a.m. for him yeah time zones so that’s not going to be happening right now but what can happen instead is I got two ender pearls in here we can take some blaze rods and craft some blaze powder Eyes of Ender and we can break ourselves two

Ender chests one is going to be going right here as we now have access to all of that storage and the other one I’ve got silk touch so it’s coming with me as I’ve been a little busy on a side Venture a little a little side hustle we

Are making a ton of moss in here right now I know it’s a little noisy but check this out we’ve got over a double chest ble already so I can turn this guy back off here fill all of this up and I’m just going to fill my entire ender chest

With moss and my own inventory as well back over here at spawn I really wish the portal put you out this direction because our shop is right here but I have built out this little tiny side hustle along with a pathway leading around the back to our staircase getting

Up to the top and a few little like industrial bits like we got a trash can of sorts and I added our pathway in here it took me a while to realize that pix was asleep already okay it’s just I was like oh he’ll be on anytime soon yeah no

He’s definitely pretty active on the server I’ll just catch him next time he’s on and nope he’s probably been asleep for a while yeah so we got a nice hedge going around here we got the road going and our second entrance there while the exit it and then this which

I’m so very excited about we’re going to be selling Moss for one diamond for three stacks of moss I feel like that’s a pretty good deal so I’m going to just fill this thing up completely and then we’ll fill this up completely and I need another seven Stacks I can do that but

That that shop not open yet not open yet if somebody else makes a shop then my Shop’s open right before theirs is open but otherwise it’s not open yet because Becon is still going to be the first shop to open up on the server so people

You can’t you can’t buy it yet until we get the beacon open okay got it cool overall though I got to say the shop is looking pretty great so far but we can keep adding more onto the build to kill some more time so I jumped around to the

Deck at the back to build out a simple stage and a few seating areas for people to relax At we got our little hedg in back here and this is looking pretty good we got the small stage maybe OE or somebody will perform up here they got a great view we got the with the seating and then I decided to Mark out three spots

For food trucks to see if anybody else on the server wants to build a food truck here so maybe it’ll happen if it does we can really decorate a cool with some like lights hanging over it could be super fun over here I’d absolutely love that I did add a little cheeky

Bench up here with these brown bed so anybody can sleep if they need to pig pig I’ve been waiting for you I’ve been so busy I’ve been keeping myself so busy waiting for you I’m so happy you’re here you really have been busy what the heck this is our shop welcome to

Beon it’s such a shop it doesn’t even need a name I mean it seemed to be called The Beam here and I wasn’t sure that that’s part of it so the beam is actually the super cool hip Lounge stage area back here oh right okay we’re going for

Theace yeah yeah yeah yeah cuz our Shop’s so cool people want to hang around here that they want to come back to the beam and we got a stage if anybody wants to perform nice nice and and a death drop over here in case you want to kick anybody out for spreading

Lore or anything if they have a bad performance they get they get they get thrown into the pit yeah they get yeated there’s a a place we can Yeet people we don’t like totally totally well welcome welcome welcome come on in this is you got the front entrance over here I might

Have started a little side Venture but we’ll talk about that in a moment yeah what do you think it’s incredible it’s really cool it reminds me of one of those like hippie stores in the mall with all like the candles chaotic with all the junk you never need to buy

Absolutely and then like wither skulls which makes it weirdly Sinister at the same time and then back here is where we have the actual store where you know you actually want to buy things so I got these barrels set up I haven’t figured out pricing or anything cuz I figured

That was uh we should figure that out together I know we’re talking about doing wither kits where you get three skulls and four Soul Sand and for that we have bundles so we can wrap them up nicely people can just buy a little bundle and then they’re they’re good to

Go all right I can bundle those up right now now and uh yeah there you go so that’s a that’s a Wither kit that’s like a a little do it yourself do it kit so we can do those in here we can fill that up and I’m thinking we probably want to

Go of diamonds for these I’m thinking maybe like a couple of diamonds per skull maybe or maybe just one Diamond per skull and then one extra for the Soul Sand so like four diamonds for that and then closer to like six eight maybe even nine diamonds for Beacon I feel

Like a diamond block for a beacon is a pretty solid swap okay so let’s go four diamonds wither killing kit okay so we got that ready that’s good to go there and then we can have nine diamonds one Beacon so I got six of those ready to go so I’ll

Put them in the barrel already well I’m I’m actually going to say we have five cuz of course we need a marker for a beacon back here I was hoping you brought another when when I saw it from a distance for some reason it gave me Perry the Platypus Vibes I think it’s

Just the the copper looking kind of like the tail or something it’s so slowly aging it’s not getting there it’s going to be all like cyan at the end it’s going to be like I was hoping it always or fully ages down and then I wanted to pop a green and I made

A moss farm so I figured I set up a little like side Venture shop in here uh for one diamond for three stacks of moss we’ll see if any of that actually sells and then coming around past the bin we have this really really steep staircase

Oh right um our our office that’s very undecorated do we have any signatures already has anybody like signed off on this since you built it I have gotten let me see so far we have Catherine and Scott I’ve got signed into my book here

And then if you want to put your name on the book and if you got your book on you I’ll sign yours I’ll sign off on your book and then I’ll figure out what else I can do around spawn and uh contribute something to the landscape perfect Out

On the Ocean trying to find a few glow squid right now oh jeez and maybe we can get lucky with some down here that’s just a drown and right I don’t have respiration this is a whole Lush cave what I’ve never seen one of these completely sunken let’s get some bubbles

Here oh drowning drowning drowning no back to the bubbles please okay I’m starting to see why there might not be any uh glow squid over there perfect this is a dumb idea this is an incredibly dumb idea yeah let’s go swimming in a giant underwater cave and

I have no breathing anything okay Yep this is smart this is so smart but I need the glow squiding there’s one two dying again dying again and we are breathing okay I got 16 glow squid ink and I think that should be good enough still dying still dying very

Much dying okay might as well bring a little Axel home with me yeah why not okay I got a little a little little crazy here with all of the signs and decorating but check this out oh my gosh I’m in love I brought a little brewing

Stand over we’ve got this is hooked up now as you get all the skeleton sounds we got our live laugh love we got the signs back there changed them out to light blue dye there some potatoes on I don’t know they kind of look like a bar

Of soap that you could buy while you’re checking out and we got our amethyst crystals over there cuz of course we’re going to be selling crystals here would’ be crazy not to well actually we’re not selling them but we have them and I’m really happy with how this shop has

Turned out it’s been really fun just building something crazy like this cuz I don’t do it too often so this has been this has been really enjoyable I’ve been having a great time with it I’ll be honest it’s the first project I’ve done in quite a while where I can’t stop

Fiddling around with it and just changing little things like I’ve tried like 10 different variations on these signs here and landed on this one that kind of looks like a quilt I want to be like canvas hanging down and then of course we had to add in a few skulls cuz

We’re actually selling the Wither Skeleton skulls we’re pretty stocked up on our wither killing kits right over here and then we have our beacons ready to go in there so now we just need some customers anytime now any anytime now just hang out here the customers are

Going to be rolling in right let’s head back home as we’ve got a lot of work to do I’m trying to add to my base every episode and with the gross Moss Farm we built earlier showing I want to hide that and stop villagers from climbing up

The mountain or falling into the lava with some of our new buildings I am also down to level two right now because I finally got sweeping Edge three on the sword which is absolutely amazing and check this out up here I’m really really happy with how this has come together

It’s very very cool we got the entrance into the Moss farm right here that’s a little sketchy so hopefully no villagers going there we’ve got like a little fake door frame right in here with the mangrove it comes up here I covered this thing completely with vines just to see

The chaos that’s going to unfold when they start growing we got a Spore blossom in here I found in the Lush cave and we got a tiny door because I don’t want anybody coming in here as uh that’s the lava so we really want the villagers

To not end up in there so I’ll probably just leave it like that so even the babies can’t get inside I’ve added a bunch of beds down here as well and we have a ton of baby villagers running around as they were able to breed up a

Bunch more here but with that I’m extremely happy with the progress on the base so far and some new upgrades for myself I was going to fiddle around with little details here and there on the builds a little bit more but MOG wants me to meet up with him for a little bit

And he asked me to bring a bunch of coal so I’ve got three stacks here that I got from the Wither Skeleton farm and just mining a little bit of ore and uh let’s head over that way he said go to Catherine’s Catherine lives up here yeah

There’s her Giant Tre she recently built and there’s M’s Place hey there hi yeah this is very safe yeah I I just I know how valuable life is on This Server I wanted to build something as sturdy as possible yeah no I get it I get it yeah

This is I mean you can’t burn it you can’t you can’t get rid of it at all it’s it’s like here forever yeah only my best materials here go ahead go ahead oh thanks yeah sorry yeah I’ll just squeeze by you try to not trip up any of the

Pressure plates and break anything oh oh there’s sorry I broke here let me just replace that there yeah it probably wasn’t important easy easy uh-huh oh great bridge Great Bridge excellent bridge I love it um anyways I’ve got some stuff for you I got some books for you some

Mending books just a little sample love it oh I got three stacks of coal on me I heard you needed some fuel oh yeah that would be amazing um so yeah however many mending books that can get me yeah I was I was thinking this 10 is good because

You can get all four armor five tools and then the sword so you should be able to get like the full set with yeah that is perfect thank you so much all of my armor has been taking a beating say have you been over to spawn recently have you seen the new shop

That’s opened up on the server huh huh not yet not yet would you like to show me I would I would love to I’m after some signatures to try and get my book signed so I can complete the Second Challenge and get my fake coins so uh i’

Love to give you a little tour of what I’ve been working on oh my God that is so cute yes Catherine did it amazing good all right I’m I’m signing Catherine’s I I got to do it oh I should have brought diamonds I’m I literally as

Soon as we’re done I’m going to go home get all my diamonds and spend them on cookies wait I love this this is so cute but yeah this is my shop over here yeah amazing I won’t I won’t force you to do it but I got my book out here if you’re

I’m still looking for some signatures oh absolutely absolutely I will sign this uh I’m also going to come back and Shop here because I do want a beacon very badly we’ve got all these mending books right here that I want to throw in all of our tools that hopefully I have the

Levels to be able to do it sword 17 all right already off to terrible start three love that two great even better how about the helmet five okay we’re down to three chest piece and that takes us to zero okay uh let’s let’s go get some more levels I think it’s going to

Be faster just to go down to the zombie spawner instead of all the way out to the Wither Skeleton Farm cuz that’s a it’s a little bit of a track I realized since I was uh repairing my gear that I just put mending on that’s going to take forever

So let’s grab some blaze rods here no it’s Cobblestone not Stone I know how to craft and we can make oursel a brewing stand as I believe I still have a few villagers that don’t have jobs oh a cleric wh I need your help I’m getting a

Cleric I’m giving him a job take all the red flashh please no no I need to trade with you I need experience please oh you got so much experience oh that got me to level seven wow that was great thanks bud do you have any um string string how

Much are we talking just a few little bits I think so I just want to make some looms how do you remember where everything is that’s impressive pure skill professionalism just being a allaround great Minecrafter I see I see I must learn your ways yeah okay mending

On the legs and mending on the boots we’re back down to two levels and I still need to put this on just my sword and all these things have it great well and my fortune pickaxe that could use it so we need two Ming books these other

Two are just going to be extras for now all my armor is repaired up and here we go the last mending enchant going on all of our gear including our Fortune pickaxe also found unfortunately my looting three villager died but I got this guy here instead with an Unbreaking

Three Book trade so we’ll have to get some of those uh before he eventually dies too because that seems to be happening to all my villagers I and make them free roaming villagers and they just keep getting look at him what is he doing up there at least they got an iron

Golem to protect him but next up I need to run in here and grab a ton of our Moss why is there a villager over here what are you doing here the villager’s up there all of them we’re getting oh my I I can’t I can’t I’m moving on I’m I’m

Out what I’ve been wanting to do I think I mentioned a while ago but I reserved this area here this whole Stony Shore and I want to transform it into somewhere we can create a bit of a theme park of sorts which we’ll get into probably in the next episode but working

Out with Scott on the actual space that I can have he said that I could have everything on this side of these Spruce planks cuz that’s kind of where his base plans were going to stop so let’s add all of our moss in here bringing it all

The way down and then we need to Slowly cover this entire space which is the real reason I made the Moss Farm not just for a shop I wanted to actually get all this I was going to bone meal it and just turn the stone into Moss but I

Think it might look better with without all of the grass stuffy grown up on top of it it would save a lot of time though cuz then I wouldn’t have to do all this I don’t know I got a lot of time to kill i w Wait for people to come online and

Sign that book of mine so uh let’s get plac it a bunch of moss down this is a very large space of land that is a little too far away on the far end from my base to load the Moss farm so I’m filling in The Far Side first so that we

Can be a little closer to the base and the farm can run while we do the rest I still got trees to chop down but we are like a third of the way done covering it maybe even a little bit more if we just leave all this grass here I really just

Don’t want the stone but there’s somebody else online to sign my book come on Hy I haven’t really figured out where sausage is I was kind of assuming he was at spawn and oo somebody’s building something here sausages Tavern coming soon there he is there’s sausage

Over there fishy fishy fish fish I love fishing oh I can’t fishy fishy get the fishy get the fishy fishy hi i i Fishing that’s great do you want to sign my book go in the water oh yes yes diary yeah yeah yeah can you come set my book oh

Yes yes yes yes let me let me get on your horse well I got this finished up PX and I are selling beacons here oh right right right right the The Stables The Stables yeah yeah Scott Scott would be mad if we didn’t use it yeah K signature is this approved on from

Mythical J sausage is this approved for a spawn Edition let me think about it how are is this structurally sound quality Woods yes very nice mhm mhm okay there’s a pu there’s a puppy of course I’m siging it now yeah we got the shop dog oh I love this oh yeah perfect

You know what yes I’m taking just because of the shop dog if it wasn’t for the shop dog I would have thought about a little longer but I’m I’m yeah great great great great great ran it for a little bit longer and we now have a

Little a little over a chest full of moss which is looking pretty good taking a quick climb up here to the top of this house cuz apparently this is my way to get up for a viewing Point we’ve still got a lot of work left to do covering

That place I’m going to need a lot more than just a double chest think I can make it to the water from here let’s right o nailed it right let’s get these trees out of the way so it’s a little bit easier to see this Project’s really

Going to go in the next episode as I really want to spend a good amount of time on it instead of just throwing it here at the end of this episode because I have some really really cool plans in mind for what we can do out here if you

Think you can guess what I’ve got going on let me know down in the comments below but all I can say is uh we’re building a little bit of a ranch well and a bit of a theme park I mentioned that too it’s a ranch Theme Park Nature Walk of sorts

And here we go a half Fillin blank canvas ready to go to we filled in the rest of the way and I got a ton of logs here from chopping down the rest of our trees and I’m waiting on a few more jungle saplings but that is all I’ve got

Time for today thank you all so very much for watching leave a like down below if you did enjoy and I’ll catch you all on jle stop playing on the flip side one more and I can replant these trees come on now one more please please no

fWhip is building his FIRST SHOP and making a big expansion to his hardcore minecraft base! Minecraft SOS is a new Hardcore survival SMP!! CLICK the LIKE button if you enjoy!

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  1. Fwip you should burn the seeds and other blocks you don't want in the moss farm so it can hold more or if you like it mossy (made a joke) then do what you want just a idea

  2. Ranch + theme park + nature walk (of sorts)? And he's putting a bunch of moss down…. perhaps a minecart roller coaster through a combination sniffer ranch and arboretum

  3. fWhip, I know they are slow, but I have a suggestion … llamas and mules/donkey. You can add chests to them to help you carry stuff for your projects.

  4. fWhip ringing Scott's doorbell and running away reminded me of something… I remembered how Joel said at the beginning of Empires season 2 that he would just run around saying "I'm a goblin!"

    Same energy

  5. Did you and your editor do something a little different with this episode? I really love the goofy vibes going on here, very very fun!!

    (Also, no lore you say? Hmmm…. )

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