THE 1.6 UPDATE IS HERE! – EP 1 (Stardew Valley 1.6 Let’s Play)

Hey what’s up guys it’s Nash and welcome to my channel for a super super exciting video as well as a brand new series that I am bringing to the channel today is such a big day in stardy Valley because it is the official 1.6 update day which

Means we have a lot a lot and I’m telling you guys a lot of new features that are being introduced into the game this is a free update I will leave the patch notes down in the description box below so you can go read everything that’s new in this new update it is

Crazy when I was reading through the patch notes my jaw hit the floor so throughout the series we are going to be experiencing everything that 1.6 has to offer we’re going to be trying to play through the game from the very beginning so without further Ado let’s start a new

Game create our character and start looking at some of the new things the first thing being that there is a new Meadowlands f Farm type like this is an entirely new Farm it is so exciting so cool so of course we’re going to be choosing that and playing on the new

Farm type so it says it’s not the best for growing crops but there’s chewy Blue Grass which is a new thing that animals love and on this Farm you get to start with a chicken coop as well as two chickens so that is very exciting there is also some new pet preferences there’s

Two new cats and two new dogs so we have like a little blonde cat here and then we have the black cat which I think are the two new ones and then for dogs we have the gray and white with a bandan and the little brown dog so super super

Cool I think we are going to name myself Nash we’re going to call this the Meridia farm and I think I’m going to say that my favorite thing is family because it really is and as for pet preference I usually like to go for a cat in this game even though I’m

Technically a dog person more so in real life but I think I’m going to go with the black cat I like the way the black cat looks so I’m going to go ahead I’m going to edit up my character and we are going to get started so before we get

Started I do want to do the advanced game options really quickly I like to remix my community center bundles as well as my mind rewards and guarantee that I can get these in the first year everything else is going to stay the same we’re just GNA kind of keep

Everything pretty normal and then um there are actually some new community center bundles the of the remixed kind so I’m hoping that throughout this playthrough we get a couple of those but that is pretty much everything so let’s hop into the game and get started look

At this house is this oh my gosh there’s new little things oh yeah we got a dresser we can actually put things in here that is so nice we have the TV that of course we want to check I think this is a coffee plant right looks like a coffee plant

Can we turn this light on decorative Lantern okay I’m just looking around I love this chair I can actually sit in it and we got this so there is a lot of new decorative items I want to say let me check the the little thing here there’s

Like there’s new books in the game there’s 280 new furniture items you guys there’s 41 new floor styles 24 new wallpaper Styles there’s mannequins that you can dress like there’s going to be a lot for us to explore let’s open this hey youve received 15 hay okay that’s kind of interesting um I

Didn’t get seeds to start out with so that’s different okay getting started if you want to become a farmer you have to start with the basics feed your chickens each day by letting them eat eat grass outside or by placing hay into their trough once they are mature Harvest an

Egg okay so we need to harvest an EG from my chickens and then we need to introduction it would be a nice gesture to introduce yourself around town some people might be anxious to meet the new farmer exciting so pretty average stuff and of course we want to check the TV

Every day that’s going to be super important 500 gold to get us started so let’s check the weather report what have we got your number one source for news and weather it’s going to be a clear it’s going to be clear and sunny all day okay good forun tell welcome to the

Warwick wellwick Oracle the spirits are in Good Humor today I think you’ll have a little extra luck and then living off the land welcome to living off the land we’re back again with another trip uh tip for y’all it’s ones for all the greenhorns out there chop wood and search for wild

Forest to earn some cash while waiting for your first harvest okay exciting oh my goodness okay can we so I don’t know what this Farm even looks like like that’s the crazy thing holy cow okay we have a new thing special items and Powers oh yeah so there’s new books there’s new special

Items in the game I don’t know what these are there’s like some new fancy stuff oh wow I can’t wait to see this animals beluga and Misty they named them that’s so cute oh this is amazing so we can now see all the animals on our farm

If we have pet them that day which is incredible and then what heart levels we’re at with them that is so nice all of our crafting we’ve got a new menu map look at this this is like is this yeah this is the train station area I’m

Trying to see if there’s anything new that we can explore but I’m not sure this is so cool and uh we can see our little face there all right what else what else what else I’m excited so socials this has kind of always been

Here any new f faes I don’t think so oh wow level one locked we have the star thing that’s probably our star drops and then yeah I don’t I don’t know this seems new down here yeah it’s a little bit different okay let’s uh let’s explore the new Farm I’m excited okay so

We have the box in the same spot we’ve got this kind of area up here this is very interesting okay and then that’s the the dog bowl or the cat Bowl whichever one you get yet we also do want to make some progress today so

Although I do want to look at the farm I definitely want to you know plant my crops and stuff like that I do also want to go say hi to my chickens look at the new blue grass oh that looks really good okay whoa what’s that there’s definitely a secret thing

There uh I want to say that’s maybe uh the shrine Grandpa Shrine is that oh yeah we need to get okay this goes up to town oh there’s a water fall oh this is cute okay here’s the greenhouse here’s my little chicken cop let’s go inside

And see I love that we don’t have to pay for this we just automatically have chickens so now if we open up our inventory quickly is that going to show yeah that we pet both of them that day that is that’s pretty exciting and again the new blue grass which is very cool

Because the animals like that better than the regular grass so we want to definitely keep that around I’m really liking uh so there’s not a lot of space for planting things is what I am noticing on this Farm but there is a lot of space for animals so this would be I

Mean probably the number one farm for Animals if if that’s what you want in your game play so we’ll probably go the animal route for this TR to see if there’s any ways we can like get across like up here there is the greenhouse that we will unlock later on game

This is really cool I also like that there’s a river so we could probably do some fishing here very good and then let’s just kind of go down below and see yeah there’s I mean there’s quite a bit of space down here if you want to farm

And stuff I I’m excited to see the full layout of this we also have some blue grass just kind of around which I really like and then there’s some more space down here there’s little ponds which will be fun for decorating your animal pens with that’s very cool and then we

Have the nice big pond in the center yeah so there’s there’s quite a lot of space for farming it’s it’s definitely I would say probably smaller than yeah definitely smaller than the main Farm but still pretty good all right I want to go and meet all of the towns folks so

Let’s go ahead and I do plan for this to be quite a longer episode we’ll probably play through a few wo giant tree oh I wonder if we can explore that that’s interesting here is Jas da hi hello J good to meet you what is this giant tree

Oh my god oh this has definitely got to be a thing we can actually get to it that’s got to be a thing later on in the game that seems new there’s also another giant tree here secret Forest access is yep still a thing over here and the

Traveling card is probably still going to be here we definitely want to go ahead and pick up all the for jables that we can and we will come down and meet the wizard later at the Wizards town to and let’s see man my inventory is going to start getting a little bit full

Here soon that’s not great let’s go pop in and see if Marne is in her house this is so exciting whoa does this seem different to you guys I feel like this wasn’t here before this like pickle yeah there’s definitely new uh decorative items is this a new cabinet too looks like someone’s

Chopping but vegetables but never finish like I feel like this is new uh it’s locked has anyone gone back here is this new I’m like I love this game so much and I’ve played almost 300 hours of it but there’s still things that I’m like is that was that always there ah here’s

Mary let’s go ahead and talk to her uh mayor Lewis told me you just arrived I’m mney I sell livestock and animal care products at my Ranch you should swing by sometime oh I was just over there taking a peek I was definitely snooping we can probably still dig through the trash

Cans yep that has not changed which is beautiful let’s just pop inside every house and and take a look and see everybody there’s Miss Jodie oh you aren’t exactly how I imagined but that’s okay I’m Jodie it’s a quiet little town so it’s very exciting when someone new

Moves in having a farmer around could have really changed things and here is her son Vincent oh a stranger my name is Vincent mama says not to talk to strangers but you seem okay I’m going to be a new person in town but I promise

Not to be weird well not to be that weird just your average amount of weird oh I love it okay let’s talk to Emily oh I can read it in your face you’re going to love it here in Pelican town if you’re ever looking for something to do in the evening stop by

The saloon that’s where I work oh okay and then let’s see if Haley’s here too I don’t think she is we might have to go out go out somewhere else and find her just totally fine we just we just want to keep an eye out for everybody meeting

All the town’s people here is Miss Evelyn why hello and welcome to our little Community dear you can call me Granny if you’d like I will definitely do that thank you Granny Evelyn and then it looks like we have Caroline hello you must be Nash the new farmer I’m Caroline

And then jod who we already met my husband runs the General Store here and have you met my daughter Abigail she’s the pale one with the purple hair we have not met Abigail yet here is Harvey one of the bachelors in town that we can marry there are bachelorettees that we

Can marry as well it’s a pleasure to meet you I’m Harvey the local doctor I perform regular checkups and medical procedures for all the residents in Pelican town it’s rewarding work Harvey is one of my favorites although I don’t know if I’ve decided who I would like to

Romance yet so we’re just going to see here is the bulletin board ooh oh my oh my book seller oh yeah this is a new thing so the book seller comes into town and sells books and I think the books uh 19 unique books of power which Grant

Special perks is what the wiki says and the the patch notes so I’m excited to see what that is we have the egg festival and the flower dance we have some birthdays to think about and then of course we have the um the little whatever this is about the new things

Help Wanted on the bulletin board so that is all good that seems new but maybe not all right let’s pop into Pierre’s store and see if anything’s new in here here is Miss Leah so hello it’s nice to meet you you picked a good time to move

Here the spring is lovely it really is I love the spring and stardy Valley I love all the seasons to be fair all right so this is Pierre let’s see if he has anything new I don’t think so I would like to get crops planted cuz it’s

Pretty important part of stardy Valley I feel feel we could sell the horse radish um I at least would like to get one of each of these we can come back for cauliflower later actually you know what let’s sell that because there’s more when that came from and should we buy let’s

See I like buying potatoes but then let’s also buy some parsnips here and then maybe we get a bean star we’ll get a couple beans we’ll get three beans one cauliflower and some parsnips and potatoes I think that’s good and then we do have to go back behind to meet Pierre

Here so hey it’s Miss Nash the new farmer I’m Pierre owner of the local General Store if you’re looking for seeds my shop is the place to go I’ll always buy produce uh from you for a good price beautiful this is where we can sell things we’ll come and explore

This building later as time goes on and that’s kind of how everything will will work can I dig through this no can’t dig through the trash though Maru don’t look all right what do Maru got to say oh aren’t you the one who just moved in I’m Maru I’ve been looking forward to

Meeting you I have been looking forward to meeting Maru too cuz she’s one of my favorites we also have Gus here in the saloon all right well hello there I’m Gus chef and owner of the star drop Saloon welcome to the star drop Saloon

Can I get you anything no no sir I just here to meet you although actually I will take a look we have coffee Pizza hash browns recipes that we will definitely want to buy eventually that would be kind of nice we just don’t have money they they are selling cookies

Today and that’s one of my weaknesses in real life anything sugar I I love sugar it’s kind of uh it’s kind of bad actually I think I might have a small sugar addiction but it’s fine here is George the old old grandpa of the Town H it’s irritating to have to meet all

These new people H name’s George by the way now buzz off H all right George he’s always so lovely to talk to but he definitely eases up as you get to know him so it’s kind of fun all right let’s head down and see if there’s anyone this

Way I think we can go over and meet Clint hopefully if we make it up in time is that a squirrel back there what is that Clint no it’s locked and just turned four that’s always so unfortunate a the old stardo Valley it’s coming back into play even in the new series when

You like just can’t open the door by like a split second I really like this wallpaper oh are these okay again are these new like I swear this has not been here before but maybe I am missing things I’m also these dangling plants are super cute and I feel like those

Weren’t there before but again maybe I’m misremembering anyways they do give you tips here I’m not going to read through these you guys can read through those if you want but there’s like so many new decorative things I feel anyways this is Gunther owner of the museum hello there welcome to the

Stard I’m tripping on my words today I’m sorry guys I’m just so excited uh hello there welcome to the stardy valley archaeological office uh this is embarrassing but the previous curator made off with the entire collection we don’t have any artifacts for display but I’m hoping to remedy that soon hey if

You find any artifacts or minerals out there would you let me know absolutely so this is the museum it’s going to be one of my goals throughout this series to complete the entire Museum so there’s quite a lot of blank tables and spaces for us to fill up over time I think

There’s 95 different Museum uh items that we need to collect over the game they can be uh easy to find or hard to find it’s going to take a while what is this I’m just curious it close until summer that’s fine I it looked like a

Weird squirrel and I wanted to see if I could pet the squirrel that’s the most random thing ever but let’s go see hi to Shane if I can catch him Shane don’t run away I was saying something and then I forgot I don’t know you why are you

Talking to me oh okay all right I’ll buzz off then hey Shane I was hoping maybe maybe be concerned to a made Shane nicer but it doesn’t seem like the case so welcome guys to jojamart this is the ah the corrupt corporation of the town of stardew Valley welcome welcome

To Jojo Mart how are you doing today I don’t believe we’ve met I’m Morris joa customer satisfaction representative when you decide you want to become a joja member I’ll be delighted to help you make your transition a joyous experience so you can join JoJo Mar you can buy a membership that will close

Down the community center and the community center is something that I want to work on so I would rather kind of work on the community center then go the JoJo Mart route but you can buy a JoJo membership become a part of the corporation and bypass the community

Center if you want to uh but the community center is something I always personally find really fun so we are not going to be doing that in this playthrough but potentially we could do a joa playthrough at some point because I’ve never done it before I’ve never

Done the JoJo route so it would be actually pretty interesting what is this oh it’s just a table it’s a new table I’ve not seen that before it’s really nice to see all the new things it’s partially why I’m just like running around and and kind of looking at

Everything because it feels like an entirely new game I can’t pick up things my inventory is full even with the extra slots so yeah this is the community center this is what we will be fixing up you can see it’s run down and Vines are all over and things like that it’s so

Fun to fix that up so that is definitely going to be a priority in this series ah there’s Robin I think we’ve technically already met her but maybe not have you met everyone in town yet that sounds exhausting it is a little exhausting but I feel like we’re doing good we’re

Making good progress uh Demitri is is still in here so let’s go talk to him hello Demetrius greetings I’m Demetrius local scientist and father thanks for introducing yourselves do you have another one I’m studying the local plants and animals for from my home uh laboratory have you met my daughter Maru

She’s interested to meet you I love Maru she’s the best she’s so sweet okay looks like Robin’s going to bed they’re all going to be going to bed soon and then I think yeah maru’s here going to bed and then I think Sebastian might be over

Here if we are lucky unless he already went to bed but kind of hangs out yeah he’s over here smoking a cigarette jeez Sebastian still smoking oh you just moved in right cool out of all the places you could live you chose Pelican town it’s a pretty nice place I must say

So far friendly people very interesting magical things happen happen here which I mean is pretty intriguing can we meet lius is the question yes we can lius lives in this tent a stranger hello don’t mind me I just live out here alone all right so time to head on back

Up to the farm or I guess head down to the farm since we’re technically above it right now um and move on to another day in stard Valley and see what we can get up to tomorrow so because I have full energy super quickly I know it’s

Really dark for you guys but I am going to try to get my crops planted uh so let’s do a little little line here so we have four four one and three so we’ll do this um let’s do we’ll do four four and then one it’s going to be weird but I promise

It’s going to work guys okay so we’re going to plant these up at the top just because they have the trellis or the the post then we will do the potatoes next I know you can’t see I’m so sorry guys it’s so dark but I want to get this done before

We move on to tomorrow and then quickly I’m just going to go through and water all these all right all the crops are good to go tomorrow I’m going to work on getting storage uh but let’s go to sleep and move on to a new day day two in

Stardy Valley first things first we always got to check the TV so the weather report is saying that it is going to rain all day tomorrow pretty typical for the third day in stardew Valley if you guys don’t know it usually always rains on third day in stardew

Valley just so you can actually like get a taste of what the rain is like and you don’t have to water your crops that day it’s pretty nice ah yes I can hear the spirits Whispering the spirits feel neutral today the day is in your hands

We’ll try to make the best of it speaking of let’s see how we’re doing on introductions okay so we need to meet just a few more people actually we need to eat way more people than I thought we needed to 28 wow who are we missing that’s crazy okay let’s check

Our mail oh my God I love this game you guys I’m sorry just seeing the seeing it on my screen again just made me so excited anyways uh I keep feeling cool uh I keep finding cool stuff but my backpack is full wow that is true uh

Does this sound like you well Pierre’s got you covered stop by Pierre’s General store today and check out our afford affordable size 24 backpack see you soon I think right now just settle with a chest but definitely in the future hello there just got back from a fishing trip

You should come down to the beach sometime I’ve got something for you okay exciting so in this new update you guys there is two new fishing events which is going to be fun to experience and there is also a new fish they added the goby

Fish I believe uh is what it’s called so that’s going to be super fun to see what that looks like and see if we can find one but right now we need need to try and get a chest my inventory has been filling up and I really want to collect

Some forgeable items so that’s what we got to do is make a chest another new exciting update I know I keep telling you guys I’m trying not to spoil like everything but I also want to get you guys hyped for the new update they added bigger chests you can add like a chest

Upgrade now and make your chest I think double size we’re going to have to see but there is 29 logs we need 50 50 to craft a chest and don’t worry we will go see beluga and Misty here in just a second after we get our chest situation

Worked out I know I probably shouldn’t do this one by one but it does help us clear our farm which we’re going to have to do anyway so there’s a lot of wood around this Farm I’m noticing I am not complaining ah look at them go look at

Them eating the Blue Grass Blue Grass like the music music style let’s see what’s up here can I actually can I actually go up here think I can I really like this little area let’s explore explore a new Farm we just got to chop this tree down I’m I’m

Assuming this is Grandpa’s Shrine or this is the teleport Stone ah this is like the warp okay I really like how this looks this is the warp Stone thing very cool can we get rid of this bush I might need so all that’s just stuck there no wait I can’t oh that

Sucks I can’t get to my wait can I no that’s so much wood is it going to go away oh that makes me very very sad that’s okay okay I think this is like the warp Stone let’s go say hi to my little chickies there we go I need to I

Need to see which ones which so uh we’ve got a yellow chick which is Misty and then Beluga is the brown chick so we can be uh Brown Beluga Brown beluga and little chick Misty okay I like that Misty like Pokémon okay so we should have enough to make our chest upgrade

Here let’s go ahead and go to the crafting menu oh yeah text signs are a new thing oh that’s so fun we can make a campfire oh I love the text sign it looks so good anyways chest is what we’re going for maybe we can we can make

One of these uh later and I’m trying to think I normally put the chest like right here but maybe we should do something different maybe we can have like a little chest chest Zone over here like a little designated chest area so let’s go ahead and start off loading

Some stuff uh I don’t think I really need any of this I’m going to carry my tools with me just in case we find any thing of use and I know that they’re feeding outside but I kind of want to go and put this hay in here oh yeah we need

A silo okay let’s just pop that there then just in case they want to eat it or or need food or anything we can have that there and then we’ll just put the rest of the hay in in here I do need to water my crops super quickly and then we

Can go and continue meeting some of our neighbors okay I want to see on the social tab who we need to me because we’ve met a lot of people and it’s weird to me that I’m missing people um oh yeah okay so Haley Sam Alex Clint Pam well okay

Yeah Penny Willie okay there actually is quite a lot of people that we missing ah to the beach visit the beach south of town before 5:00 p.m. someone named Willie invited you to visit the beach south of town he says he’s got something for you or something to give you can do

Will do let’s do ah but of course we want to collect fores on our way this is officially going to be the time that we start collecting all of our forgeable so let’s grab all these there’s Haley let’s go meet Haley she is one of the ones

That we are missing oh you’re the new farmer girl or whatever aren’t you mhm yes I am H oh I’m Haley I know I know who you are don’t even worry if very infam Infamous around these parts Louis’s birthday is coming up um one of Louis’s

So you do need to get villagers and one of Louis’s favorite gifts is parsnips so hang on to a parsnip cuz he likes those hey you’re the new girl H I think we’re going to get along great I’m Alex hey I overheard someone saying that you got

Your first chicken the other day man I wish Grandma had chickens I’d eat a dozen raw eggs for breakfast each morning that seems like new dialogue I like that they did uh concerned ape did add new dialogue Hey kid the name’s Pam don’t be a jerk and we’ll get along fine

Pam I love like she again another character that I feel like warms up to you over time all right we’re going to pop in and go see Clint this is Clint’s shop oh look at this got little ores on display that’s cool oh he’s got a

Prismatic um or what is that called Omni Geo that’s what that’s called hi I’m Clint I’m in the town is blacksmith if you ever need to upgrade your tools I’m your guy yeah so if we need any upgrades you can go into his shop you can buy

Iron and copper and all kinds of things like that but we haven’t quite uh obviously done that done enough to do all that stuff yet so we do need to pop by the beach before 5 but I’m going to check these trash cans super quickly and

I kind of want to see if Penny’s in here cuz sometimes she hangs out in here yes she is she teaches the kids school so this is a good place to find her if you’re looking for her oh hello I’m Penny oh I think she has two dialogues

No she doesn’t and we met Vincent and we met Jas Miss Penny says I have to read this book before I can go play off to the beach we go let’s go see if we can meet Willie and also Elliot Elliot can be a little hard to track down the beach

Is a good place to look cuz he in fact lives on the beach in Little Shack but here is Willie Hoy there miss oh there Willie there was a newcomer in town good to finally meet you ah I’m still trying to unwind from a month out

At the salty Seas it was a big Hall I sold a lot of good to fish hardly safed enough to buy me a new Rod here I want you to have my old fishing rod that is super generous and I will take it so we can start our fishing Journey it’s

Important to me that the art of fishing stays alive and hey maybe go buy something from a shop once in a while definitely thank you Willie oh glorious moments in stardew Valley you received a bamboo pole very cool there’s good Waters out in the valley all kinds of fish

Including the new one the GOI oh yeah my Shop’s back open now so come by if needs supplies I’ll also buy anything you catch if it smells it sells that’s what my old poppy poppy used to say my old poppy my old poy used to say good stuff Willie good stuff Willie is

One of my favorite villagers so it’s always good to have Willie around and we get to do some new fishing let’s get this mini game started oh I love I have grown to love this mini game so much and I think there’s some new Bobbers there’s actually a lot of new fishing things

Along with the two new fishing festivals or whatever they’re called like events there’s a new fish in the game like I’ve mentioned before and then there’s also new Bobbers there’s like a soner bobber and there’s um a couple there’s like deluxe bait and stuff like that there’s

All kinds of new things if you guys check the if you guys check the patch notes then it will say everything on there I seriously when I was reading the patch notes my jaw dropped to the floor with how much stuff there was I was

Blown away I was like what how is this even the new update this is crazy the amount of stuff that is in this it is so exciting so we’re not going to spend too much time fishing today I do want to catch a couple fish and maybe get some

Money so we could possibly go ahead and get some more seeds going uh I just want to take my time with fishing and things like that but oh what is this this is new for sure bobber Styles new a random bobber style or just oh that’s cool so yeah this is this is

Defin definitely new The Tackle Box it’s full of lures Bobbers Hooks and fishing line all right well you have some things to sell you stonefish bait fish smoker yeah see this is a new thing sea jelly River jelly cave jelly that’s all new stuff 10,000 gold for the fish smoker

Recipe wow trout soup stonefish bait wow increases your chance to catch a Stone Fish so there’s baits for things now hanging fish look at this furniture Decor definitely more where that came from but again we want to kind of keep going off and meeting people uh that’s

Kind of what I want to do with my main thing what is this is that the new worm decal carrot seeds plant in the spring takes 3 days to grow what that’s new also what are these little ripples in the sand do these do anything are they just decorative are these like oh

Clay okay those don’t do anything they seem to give me clay which is kind of cool I want to come and pick these up but we don’t have any inventory space maybe I should do that tactic where I oh these are the normal worms so the green worms will give you

Seeds that’s actually really cool okay plant in the spring also carrots you guys what what am I even doing by bypassing the fact that these are carrot seeds carrots are new in the game there weren’t carrots before that is so cool okay also Elliot’s here ah the new farmer we’ve

All been expecting and whose arrival has sparked many conversation I’m Elliot I live in the little cabin by the beach like I told you guys it’s a pleasure to meet you it’s pleasure to meet you too let’s go ahead and meet Sam I don’t think we’ve met Sam yet and I think that

Might be close to being everybody hey I’m Sam good to meet you yeah let’s do we have one more person who is it off the top of my head oh man it’s not the wizard I got to check I got to I got to check the social panel this is

Very oh my gosh we haven’t met Abigail we haven’t met Abigail where would Abigail be hey here sometimes I get new items in stock so make sure you stop by okay also it is spring isn’t it so I can go PL these carrots I wanted to buy all Abigail’s in her

Room no we’re going to have to spend one more day look at the ladies having having a little meeting over here hello ladies you’re looking really fit Jody those dumballs do wonders don’t they we meet every week to encourage each other to stay healthy I love that little

Women’s group healthy groups awesome I’m going to sleep well tonight oh there’s nothing like an after exercise sleep oh my arms feel like gelatin so I just missed their little workout which makes me really sad cuz it’s always fun to see them working out how much is the

Backpack upgrade against 2,000 okay what is is this oh it’s like okay never mind it would be nice to get the backpack upgrade ah that stinks I don’t know if we’re going to be able to meet Abigail today I don’t know if she comes out of

Her room but I do kind of want to go see if the if we can plant these carrot seeds also very curious so takes 3 days to grow interesting let’s go ahead and plant these right here oh I’m excited to have new crops in the game that’s so so

So fun like the fact that we just found that randomly in the ground is so cool to me so it looks like the little green worms are the like the you can get seeds from them and then I think the regular worms get artifacts from Okay so we’ve

Taken care of our chickens we’ve taken care of our farm I’m trying to think if there’s anything else that we want to do today we could try to go meet Abigail but again I don’t think he’s going to come out of her room um we could try to

Clean up the farm a bit because it is kind of messy so I think I’m going to spend the remainder of this day just cleaning up the farm all right I’m also starting to run out of energy so I guess I’m going to retire for the night let me

Actually go ahead and get some stuff up here we’re already getting coal that’s really really nice and then potentially we might be able to go to the mines tomorrow that would be cool if we could do that uh today is a rainy day which means that we don’t need to water our

Crops but let’s go inside and check the TV as we usually do so weather report is saying that it’s going to be beautiful and sunny tomorrow that’s great the spirits are very displeased today they will do their best to make your life difficult that’s not good to hear

Raining and a not so great day well I guess uh I guess we’ll take it so the plan for today is to definitely meet Abigail and possibly go fishing I love this waterfall in this farm this might be my new favorite Farm layout I’m not going to lie our chickens

Have grown and we have an egg that was so fast holy moly okay so getting started if you want to become a farmer we’ve got a once they harvest an egg 100 go for that reach farming level one and craft a scarcrow okay and build a silo Robin the

Local Carpenter lives north of the town in exchange for raw materials and money she’ll construct new buildings on your farm if you build a silo you can start harvesting your own grass with a scythe and store it in and store it to feed your animals so that might be something

We want to do today so these guys are doing great Misty looks really happy and Beluga Brown Beluga uh looks really happy so that’s awesome we could sell them if we want to or we could change their home but I don’t plan on selling them but it is raining today so they’re

Also not going to be going outside to hang out we’re just going to keep them inside but aside from that we have two eggs and I guess we could go sell them in the selling box let’s go just jump dump those in there and then let’s go

See if we could try to find Abigail I’m also just peeking around areas to try to see if we can find harvestables or forgea bles my bad forgea bles I also didn’t put my tools away I probably should have did that but it’s all good

It’s all good oh it looks like we have some stuff on the bulletin board here let’s go ahead uh and check the help wanted so trying to keep the art of fishing alive I’ll pay 90 gold for any fish Enthusiast Who cashes three herrings good luck 90 plus we get to

Sell the fish if we want to that sounds like a good deal to me oh yeah Pierre is closed on Wednesdays so how are we going to find Abigail is the question I don’t know if she like hangs out I don’t think she hangs out in the Sal Bon balloon opens

At 12 all right man I got to go to go find some herrings oh we found a field snack that’s actually really good I guess today you guys I am just going to spend the majority of my time fishing uh because it’s a rainy day we might be

Able to catch uh some good fish oh got our first carp out of a trash can I guess that works and then if I see Abigail walking by I will try to catch her but let’s do a little fishing montage I’ve changed my mind we’re heading down to the beach to do the fishing because that’s where we’re going to catch the herrings and also fishes closer to Willies so that we can sell fish first chest and we got a halit let’s see what’s in this chest a geod

Our first geod that’s exciting so we should probably get Clint coming over to our house tomorrow to talk about this local blacksmith can break this open for you who who knows what might be hidden inside we’ve got some new ideas to sleep on what does that mean and chovy Bay oh

So it looks like every day he sells like a new bait which is cool so you can technically buy these and then hoard them and then when you need them use them uh so I am going to sell off those we’re going to try to keep catching our

Herrings and this is getting us a good amount of money so I’m happy with this back to the fishing Montage yay we completed the Herring Quest so that’s awesome so do I need to go talk to Willie let’s go seeing so yeah return to Willie I think

We’ll probably have to go around and talk to him there we go hey you succeeded Nash the Herring is an exciting catch don’t you think one time I caught one the size of a four ring chair well here’s your reward congratulations thanks Willie and I am actually just going to sell all these

Herrings to you so let’s get a little extra money 9gs for that ah I love it I love it I love it a little bit more time to fish I think he closes at 4 so I’m just going to try to catch like two more fish and then we’ll be good to go

Actually you know what I’m going to do while it’s raining I think it’d be kind of good for me to go and buy some oh want to grab all these it would be good for me to go buy some more crops although oh it’s Wednesday never mind

What am I talking about let’s just go ahead and and get all these I do need to try to talk to Abigail though and I want to get these old wormies a it’s just a rock dang it I was hoping it’d be like an artifact or something cool for the

Museum there’s an artifact our first artifact you know what I’m going to do I’m going to eat this field stack that way we can grab our very first art fact the curator the local Museum wants to know more about this so possibly we could go take that over I’m grabbing all

Of the daffodils that I possibly can let’s get these they’re really good as gifts uh early game so it’s a reason to grab them and sometimes the reason I’m going up here we sometimes abil like to hang out up here I’m also going to I

Think get rid of this rock that I can pick up this leak up here I think the Museum’s closed so I don’t don’t think we can go there today it might close at 6 but it’s going to take me a while to walk down there so we’ll just kind of

Kind of walk around this area see if we can find any forage bues and look at this there’s a guy trimming up the Rocks there getting rid of that rock slide a warm rain is a pleasant way to get clean mhm all right so we didn’t meet Abigail

Today I’m a little bit sad it would be nice to get all of that completed but that’s that’s okay that’s okay we don’t have to rush through this series we can take our time slay back enjoy it and then um what we’re going to do I do want

To go go grab those horse radishes so let’s put all of this away this is kind of just my junk chest at this point um what we’re going to do is go grab the horse radishes and then clear out more of the farm I think yeah I definitely want to

Take my time with this series I do want to try to accomplish as much in the game as possible if not like you all the cool things and especially all the new things if we can so that’s going to be super fun I love the new Farm the new Farm is

Awesome looking I could totally see this becoming my new go-to farm and I’m I’m happy that there’s still spots for you to plant crops and stuff like that it’s not just entirely grass uh we’ve got a little plot here I think there’s a little plots yeah there’s like some it’s

Quite a nice area down here uh and lots of rooms to get animals going too so that’s going to be fun I feel like there’s a a good balance here I also love the waterfall that’s always a fun fun little feature to have on the farm

So I’m curious if we do one of those new signs let’s go see if we can try to make one of those before we finish off the episode cuz I want to try to do as many new things as possible we saw quite a lot of new things in this episode so

That’s always fun and we’re going to be exploring more and more and more as we go let’s go here and let’s give a craft to the new text sign I want to see how this thing works and what we’re going to do is put this like right behind yeah

That looks so good enter sign text okay so this could be miscellaneous oh and then you walk up and it says I really like that I love that that is amazing start at 1.6 oh the hype is real and you can change the sign to whatever you want so

I’m going to call this the everything chest because it has everything in it right now but like oh my gosh this is incredible this is so much fun oh I love it I love it I love it I love it I love that feature I thought it would just be

Like big text but I love that when you walk up to it it’s that’s when it says something that’s really cool I like the new the new layout of the house too is very nice anyways guys that is gonna have to do it for this episode of stard

D Valley the first one of one our 1.6 playthrough thank you so much for watching I hope you enjoyed don’t forget to subscribe so you never miss another stard Valley episode we’re going to be playing so much of this this is one of my all-time favorite games so I’m

Excited to play through it with you guys but I will catch you in the next one have a very beautiful wonderful day don’t forget to head down below subscribe subscribe leave a like we are trying to hit 100,000 subscribers by the end of the year and we still have like

10 months so or 9 months we’re getting there anyways again you guys are awesome have an awesome day and I will see you in the next episode bye guys we also leveled up foraging oh my gosh trees sometimes drop seeds ah yes and we made some from my chickens okay officially bye

THE 1.6 UPDATE IS HERE! – EP 1 (Stardew Valley 1.6 Let’s Play)

Welcome to the wonderful cozy peaceful world of Stardew Valley! The game has a new 1.6 update and it is HUGE! In this let’s play we will be exploring the new update while we play through the game! 🤗


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Thank you for supporting my channel and watching my videos! Hope your day is amazing, hope to see you in the next video! ❤️️ #stardewvalley #stardewvalleyupdate #stardewvalleylets


  1. I literally just looked up your channel to leave a comment asking if you were gonna continue the stardew playthrough you had started 😂 I was pleasantly surprised to see this!

  2. If this is a bit too private or anything you dont need to answer, but are you still friends with Mythical Sausage, fWhip etc? I used to see you in the Smps they are in before like Legacy and stuff

  3. Just a bit of fun info, if you really wanted the drops from that tree you cut down, you could have used your axe to remove the bush. It would be permanently gone, but it was a way. Just figured I'd mention it if you didn't already know.

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