Minecraft SOS – Ep. 7: CHAOS & CREEPER FARMS!

Hello everybody and welcome back to Minecraft SOS and we’re here at spawn and it looks like a bunch of new bills have been coming up all over the place and I can’t wait to check all of them out hopefully people have signed my book as well we want to get that fake coin

And of course a lot of things have happened since the last time we were here we had a little bit of a live stream and I built this amazing food truck the wagon the meat wagon it is ready to go and I stocked it up with a

Bunch of food on the inside and it’s one Diamond per stack oh and people have started to buy stuff oh that’s awesome oh look at that for real for me oh baby yep we’re rich already do we have signatures oh we’re almost done we’re almost done we need one more for that

Fake coin and during that live stream I actually did a lot of bartending and we have a bunch of potion oh and already sold some we have slow falling we have instant Health we have regen we have speed I’m selling them three potions for one Diamond let me know if that’s a good

Price I think it’s fine we have sold any of these but we do have more speed strength a bunch of invisibility we did sell one over here perfect we have weakness we have night vision oh and we sold another one here oh and during that

Live stream uh I had a little deal done with Jimmy and it has something to do with our brand new stage over there with that built-in structural support let me show you oh look at Jimmy getting naked and picks his hole oh my hey hey get that SP

Glass out of here I see it I see you you undressing in no I was just taking off my armor nothing about the no I caught you red-handed no you didn’t Y in myle peeping arm doing all right aren’t I you doing better than last time you little

Cheap skate only doing a three block hole no hey that wasn’t me that was pix’s system you can’t beat the system yeah yeah that’s I will I will fully yeah I will fully vouch for Jimmy at that point that was definitely the system yeah this this is this is

Something Jimmy did sort of semi volunteer to do so I I think if if you use a coin on somebody you do owe them something but I feel like it doesn’t always have to be this uh in this case though this felt like something worth

Jimmy doing so I’m I’m having him do it yeah Ollie Ollie and uh FIP they haven’t asked me to do anything and I I’m not going to remind them so um I actually uh saved you so uh you do owe me yeah they don’t have to they

Don’t have to dig out a ho this you just reminded me that uh you actually owe me now thank you yeah hey my my own I’m going to put you to work you can get him dancing on the stage yes you can be my little dancer Eloise perfect yes you are in

Charge of dancing in my stage and perform one night this week coming okay how about a Tuesday are you busy Tuesday just tell just tell me the date and I’ll be there Tuesday 2:00 p.m. Eastern Standard Time I just I just there’s no uniform is there it’s just me I need you

To get in your best catm outfit no no the rules that’s the rules Tuesday rules rul please I saved your life you said you could do you’re going to do anything for the person who saved you and I want you to dance this Tuesday in a catm

Outfit I’ll I’ll uh I’ll think about it no no no notop thinking about it you get your best cat made outfit and you meow meow meow for me next [Laughter] Tuesday meow meow meow meow meow meow meow yeah practice practice practice that’s a good good start Good Start I

I’ll I’ll be there Tuesday what time am I turning up around 2:00 2 p.m. eastern time and what’s my what’s my shift what’s my hours uh just just just you know just just a good just a good 30 minutes you don’t even have to go that far 30 minutes of dancing everyone’s

Going to come over um we might get maybe the whole server will be there just to watch you dance excuse me yep so later on today Jimmy’s going to be performing for everyone here at the Winchester also besides Jimmy’s Big Cat made dance day we’re fighting the dragon so for

Fighting the dragon we need to be prepared they recently opened up a Tavern with a bunch of potions but you know I got a little private stash over here of slow falling we’re going to need that just in case the dragon decides to Y us into the sky oh but I should make

This into Splash so I can get a bunch of people under this thing and time to Splash it up while that’s getting ready to be splashed I’m also going to get a couple of books and these are the perfect too oo I’m so organized because

Just in case if we find an elytra in an end City I can put this on it and we can fly all over the place and we got the splash also we’re going to need a bunch of pillar blocks so I’m going to go with dirt we’re also going to need to find

The stronghold actually cuz we haven’t found it yet so I do got some pearls I get some of this blaze powder and we can make some eyes vendor we’re also going to need to make some Rockets actually I I only have 12 gunpowder let’s see how

Much that makes 36 H should be enough to get home oh and do I have pumpkins I have some let’s make some carved pumpkins for people we don’t want any Enderman to smack us around oh and um a fake coin for sure now let’s head over

To spawn oh okay oh my goodness how did you two turn up we run yeah how did you how did you get walked up from the spa was here we’re in the area told us it was here in chat yeah I did oh is this the Stone Henge this will

Eventually be Stonehenge very cool yes also known as a summoning Circle yes like uh you know spirits and other shh he’s not here is he here you can’t hear lap dog informance oh excuse me what do you mean by that the informant no M what’s your favorite wood in

Minecraft oh um H maybe Spruce I know it’s boring but good wood like honestly the best one I think that’s the worst one M that is blasphemy I know what he’s doing I think we’re having an argument right now follow me mug argument oh it’s argument time

You’re going to slap each other fight fight fight oh is the goal to knock them into the edge yeah a super wrestling pit you can punch me you’re allowed to punch me destroy him upet oh that was it you had him have had him then and you you

Broken all of my gun armor I hadn’t realiz wait he broke it all of it’s all gone it’s all G how long that took me to get there’s also there’s also just a pig strangling under the bridge yeah yeah you could you could you could give

Him some well you just I told to go and check doing a dance I’m the bartend you can just you know what you could do is come here come here come here I thought I was going to help you serve trinks don’t just dance no no you’re a dancer

That’s what you’re here for you’re going to be dancing for us okay this you’re the entertainment of the evening okay what do you mean can’t just I thought I was I thought you told me I was helping to serve no no no yeah Serve Yourself no you’re going to be serving Jimmy not

In in the kind of way you thought you were going to be serving MOG MOG get your eyes off of this don’t look don’t look don’t look yet the entertainment is later you got to pay to watch jeez so where do you want me in the in

The tabin should I should I be assisting you or no this is going to be you’re going to be the entertainment for the evening so basically what you’re going to be doing this is your back room entrance okay uh you could just when you’re when it’s time everyone’s going to be in here

They’re going to be you know drinking some drinks going to be having fun having a good time I’m going to go behind the bar I’m going to be behind the like hey no I’m going to go no I you I’m going to call you I’m going to call

You this is how I’m going to call you I’m going to go meow meow meow okay meow exactly exactly and then and then I’m going to to introduce you as the entertainment for the evening can we have a round of applause then you’re going to go ahead and come over here to

The stage no I’m not no I’m not I can’t do this sausage it’s okay this is structural support this is just so it doesn’t fall down okay and then once and then I’m going to have the music ready I have a lot of assortments of beautiful

Music today this is going to be your track for the evening ready yeah what is this get ready that’s going to be your track for the evening okay no looking no looking no looking not yet yet it’s not time yet and this is going to be your track and

When the Beat Drops I want you to let everyone have it I want you to slay this bar there it is okay so don’t don’t not too much not too much I don’t want to get too tired there’s a help excuse me he’s being chased by a bunch of men oh

The people are here for the Winchester OH the Winchester’s not open yet are you okay Joey death be with you don’t the ball door is not open yet let them have it destroy them go up there you can just drop down from there yeah yeah so we’re

Going to have a lovely lovely show for everybody once everyone arrives right before the dragon fight yep wow what a cool loadbearing coal this is yeah oh no we’re going to have entertainment dance is going to be here we’re going to serve some drinks and we’re going to get ready

We’re going to get a little wasted before we go fight that Drake that’s a good idea yeah you know just makes it more fun we go a pregame we go a pregame yeah so welcome to the Winchester this is my bar I’m selling potions here well it’s uh three for a

Diamond any potion you like all the way down here we got all kinds of drinks got anything that can wake me up put a little energy in my oh yes I got special special drink for that give me a second all right here I got some some sausage

Water vodka right here oh that’ll do the trick Joy I don’t I don’t want sausage water it’s just it’s just a little a little a little ping a little Ting of it you know a little tiny little ping you know the rest is pure vodka oh is it there a

Little a little a little a little tiny little droplet a little droplet of sausage water the rested is pure vodka so good it tastes like hot dog juice told you just a little bit just a little little tiny little bit are you guys ready to come into the tavern yes let’s

Go come on in come on into to the tavern coming to to the Winchester I a point a Guinness you want a point a Guinness oh I got you wait for allow oh please come on in come on in seats there’s not enough seats seats in

The back the back at the Winchester that even on the table oh perfect oh thank you thank you for coming so we’re going to be fighting the dragon today but just to be on the safe side maybe some of us won’t be coming back and some of us

Might die along the way uh I wanted to celebrate this one one one day you know before everything goes crazy or before uh somebody perishes forever so um I would like to welcome you to the Winchester and tonight’s entertainment meow meow meow excuse me meow meow meow meow meow

Oh take it away guys hi guys this is this is what happens when you die and you owe someone this is uh this is the things you have to do meow meow meow I can’t away no please turn away guys will turn but I can’t it’s like watching a

Car crash ince turn your back it’d be disrespectful to look away look away thank you Jimmy he’s doing it yay let’s go right now let’s let’s go I’m 27 years old let’s let’s stop this shall we kill a dragon now then let’s kill the dragon oh oh my God thank you pay the

Man pay the man more diamonds I’ll have oh yeah God have a couple oh godes anybody have ender pearls no but I got pumpkins pum two eyes of end on me take pumpkins is carrying the team as usual let’s go wait I got three Eyes of Ender

Three eyes of single one of those oh pumpkin I need a pumpkin I’m not feeling there go for it yeah all right that way the portal and the way we go under the hog towards the hog what if it is under the hog that would be incredible would be law which you can’t

Be having cannot be absolutely would it’s not lore it’s just drama my L my lore thing only it’s Auto setup to ban sausage so do a lore he’s he’ll probably end up banned wait if they do lore I get banned yeah somehow it connect you please don’t do L has

Anyone heard of Chom no stop no no no no no no no was have no was have I can’t believe it this not it is is auto connected to me no one’s heard of chromia someone started to ra sa totally what is happening can we come back for it can we

Come back for it yeah we’ll come back for if we leave it will it not kill his guys no all my villagers are safe all my villagers are safe they’re all indoors it’s okay this is going to be insane Joey this was you this is the

Most Ked out group for it though we’re never going to have this many people there for a raid I don’t know if it does or not but if we complete the raid we all get the advanc for completing it the point or not that’s a coin each but as long as we’re

Nearby yeah okay we have to do it now let’s go back to the back to each back this is awesome all right we’re doing it we’re getting fake coins for Yay coin coin coin coin I got my coin right here wait where are the coin I got my coin oh what an incredible and very intentional for us all to get a coin before we go to the end totally intentional guys one died I’d like to

Admit that that was my fault it is it is toss the toss the eye I I already I already thre it it went basically this way so let’s just keep Whoever’s got the last I got it I got it here we go all right hey go time go oh my how I when you say all good uh don’t look down we’re good we’re good let’s do it time to get the crystals oh it’s been a

While it’s been a while since we did this yeah the last one we had a demon let’s go let’s go let’s go no it was not me it guys remember Zoro did you just say I’m playing with fire it me I didn’t hear it I didn’t hear it

Everybody stand close to me stand close to me I got slow falling in case you get eated come here stand in a circle hello oh he’s oh yeah sort me out fell so falling boys ah who hit me toed you didn’t put it on me throw another one oh

Come on another group lay it on him oh yeah I’m feeling light there a feather there is like a you’re safe oh he’s killing me I’m going to get the kill I’m getting the kill let’s go let me hit her come on why I got

Her come back to ground let’s go oh my God come on oh here we go here we send me up there got it no way give ow some give XP get XP give the man some XP oh my God oh my God was the Expos who

Just tried to needed to sleep for the someone tried to sleep can you just try and kill us with a b no I wouldn’t do that I would never such’s villain Arc is actually happening F there’s Enderman after him it’s Revenge the insecurity God the way

They run I want to go find some shers I’m going to come with yeah I want to go I want to go and there we win two groups one with flip MOG Owen and Scott and the second group is me pixs Olie Joey and Shelby the first to reach an n city wins

So guess what of of course we the greatest group group two wins we found an n city real quick look at that only problem no ship but that’s fine ship please no boats a boo we get some good loot though yeah yeah we can get some

Good stuff at least we’re the first to oh we got to get there quick the race is on run the first to get in start making fun of them start laughing at them we win woohoo woohoo and for me shulker shell yippee we got shulker boxes let’s go sh sh another another

Here you you hey baby I’m gaming I mean I will share these out because I feel like I’ve done none of the damage you have done none there is one there is one wa all right let’s get down we got this easy right P get on

It get to work lad we need a bridge now all right I’m I’m I’m going to go for the I’m going to go for it and I’m and and I’m going and I’m going to get all of your your elytras you watch now just in case I’m going to do this and now

We’re safe oh I’m glad I saved this slow falling potion man it’s good that I’m a bartender at a Tavern called The Winchester and here we go baby give it to me woo now let’s put all the good stuff on it mending and Unbreaking and H something non Lor yeah that’s non

Lor oh I look look good in this now I only have 36 Rockets hopefully this is enough and let me grab that dragon head woohoo bye friends I shall see you on the other side and with 36 Rockets I went and I already have a deal in place

Mocko he was going to give me a whole diamond block for one elytra and I found the next one here so that’s one for me one for MOG and guess what I found another one and guess what I did after I found another one I found another one

And I I don’t know how to mention this but I have a bunch of elas that’s right I’m rich I’m super rich and that is how you do it oh three elytras in that Journey well four because I got mine too ah home sweet home take this stupid pumpkin head off

Oh I get to fly home for the first time let’s do it woohoo one rocket left after this oh wow this looks amazing from the sky the farm this is great I did it and my payment let’s go let’s put all of our goodies over here that we found look at

All of this oh besides that a new armor trim the Spire one couple extra diamonds four dragon heads 21 Sher shells a couple of the fake coins that are going up right now and let me go give MOG his elytra one rocket left the last one

Woohoo oh hello sir hello I did it oh thank you thank you so much Victorious I did my first fly around here and it looks beautiful in this area a thank you did you get your uh diamond block yep that’s perfect the money well spent yes

And as I was flying home Shelby and Joey showed up and I was like you know what here give me two diamonds one each one from Shelby one from Joey and I’ll go ahead and give you elyas a little bit of a discount for my friends in the north

Technically mogs in the South so he gets you know gets upch charged a little bit the South gets upch charged but that’s fine my friends in the north one Diamond each wait I just noticed with the minimal armor thing um my wings look like fairy wings and that’s amazing look

At this I didn’t even notice that oh that’s fantastic now I guess it’s time we prepare ourselves to get a bunch of gunpowder because you know what we got a lot of flying to do and I’m going to build it right here in front of the

Monolith so I’m going to need some space I need to clear some trees level this off a little bit and prepare the Grounds the Sher have been loaded up and prepared with all of the items we need to build this farm and we just need these five shers and we have all of this Stone all of these guys a bunch of random colorful blocks here’s some more stuff some glass included and all the

Mossy bits and one of the most important parts of this creeper farm that I’m making is going to need cats and now we have cats all of these well we’re only going to need four of you guys and it was all because of my friend Rocky over

Here and my newly named Amber which was right here in front of the blacksmith thank you to Amanda for that beautiful name name is perfect Amber Ember not Amber it’s Ember like you know like Embers of flame which which makes sense which uh you’ll see later when I build

What I’m going to build so I’m going to take these four kitty cats right here come on friends you’re going to be very important to the gunpowder business and we’re going to start this creeper farm right now I’m going to do the first couple layers first get it all set up

Make sure it works and then we’ll build a really cool thing on Top Now the creeper Farm it is done right now it’s only two layers I could have made it a little bigger but I think two layers is fine for what we need here for the server I still need to light up the caves around here a little bit here’s

Some bad guys underneath and pretty much light up this whole perimeter just so we can have the best rates but we’ll do that after and over here that’s our little AFK platform which in keeping up with the theme of obelisks everywhere we have ourselves another little floating

Obelisk right here which is pretty cool I do need to do a little bone meal action but it is spawn proofed on the top I got some liying and stuff like that so it should be good to go and then on the inside we have a little a living

Area in case I need to do some AFK in hang out here write a book or novel or something who knows maybe write some nothing but we’re about 120 blocks in the sky above the little platform on the bottom where the kitty cats are at and

Now the only thing we need to do now is build something really special here on the top part of this area see I would like to build something really cool something to commemorate all the people we’ve lost throughout the series and a lot of people have died so far none of

Them permanent but maybe that’ll come one day and what do you put down whenever you uh celebrate someone’s life maybe in a little Cemetery or something you never know or maybe just in your home yep a candle and I want to build a really big one here on the top and

Whenever anybody loses their life right down here we could put a bunch of candles for the people we’ve lost along the way and this was inspired by an amazing build a Minecraft artist called nightly Builds on Instagram I’m going to put a link in the description this is beautiful candle so beautiful so

Textured pretty big I’m not going to build it as big but I’m going to build it to scale to this little stand we have here on the top so let me show you this is going to be pretty cool let’s Go And there it is look at that really cool candle the texturing man I love the texturing so much you get that little bit of glow down there at the bottom the brown is like little bits of Shadow and darkness the really bright spots is the glazed terracotta there and then the

Candle going from the darker bits on the bottom there with Spruce and Oak going into some sandstone and then some bone block and I love the way the the little uh the wick is flickering there at the top it looks pretty cool I did add a

Little bit of a path over here and it looks really nice a nice broken little area some random Candles there at the bottom and this thing it just looks so good it’s very symbolic lots of symbolism over here right it’s almost like a little bit of a candl light

Visual definitely no lore into this it is just symbolic yep if you want to put lore into you can go ahead but you know what I think this looks really awesome and it’s a really cool centerpiece here to this area but I think this looks

Really cool in our base I did add add some random candles for now but I want to add candles for the people we’ve lost so far and maybe do some color coordination with them now in the comments give me all the Death counts how many desk do we have so far from

Each member I know there’s a couple that haven’t been released yet but give me what you have so far and give me a color that corresponds to that one member we could probably add that in a live stream and then I’m going to do a bunch of AFK

In because I didn’t even show you this part this is where we get our collection we got some soulfire campfires here and we got one I actually used a bunch we’ve had like about 25 so far since my going up than going down and I needed more

Rockets So I this has been working pretty good we have two coppers underneath the campfires and then two more lined up to get this one just to make it easy for ourselves to get it in and out and then over here I’m going to put extra stock when we get more but it

Has been working pretty good so I’m going to stay up here for the night AFK and get a bunch of gunpowder see you guys in the next one

In today’s action-packed episode of Minecraft SOS we’re celebrating at the tavern while Jimmy performs a show! We also cause an accidental raid while traveling to the stronghold to fight the dragon. Once home I build an awesome new Creeper Farm to start supplying the server with rockets!!!

Knightybuilds [Candle Inspiration]:

My Friends:

Fwhip – https://www.youtube.com/@fwhip
Joey – https://www.youtube.com/@JoeyGraceffaGames
Katherine – https://www.youtube.com/@KatherineElizabeth_
Lizzie – https://www.youtube.com/@ldshadowlady
Mog – https://www.youtube.com/@mogswamp
Owen – https://www.youtube.com/@OwengeJuiceTV
Pix – https://www.youtube.com/@Pixlriffs
Sausage – https://www.youtube.com/@TheMythicalsausage
Scott – https://www.youtube.com/@Dangthatsalongname
Shubble – https://www.youtube.com/@Shubble
Joel – https://www.youtube.com/@Smallishbeans
Jimmy – https://www.youtube.com/@SolidarityGaming
Eloise – https://www.youtube.com/@soupforeloise
Oli – https://www.youtube.com/@TheOrionSound


ā–ŗTwitch āžœ https://www.twitch.tv/mythicalsausage
ā–ŗYoutube Member āžœ https://www.youtube.com/TheMythicalSausage/join
ā–ŗPatreon. āžœ https://www.patreon.com/mythicalsausage
ā–ŗTwitter āžœ http://www.twitter.com/MythicalSausage
ā–ŗInstagram āžœ http://www.instagram.com/mythicals_minecraft


#minecraft #hardcore #sos


  1. Jimmy 3 deaths. He should have yellow candles because he is the canary curse boy. I was able to watch this again during lunch. Best video yet of the SOS so far.

  2. The new additions look amazing!!!! I have some build ideas in the future: maybe a trophy room to keep all of your heads in, or some more floating obelisks to add to the base

  3. 8:30 hahaha that's the music Pixlriffs uses as a closing theme in his survival guide XD

    edit: I only knew Pix when SOS began. He's why I got on the train in the first place.
    Now I'm subbed to all 14 and that's a pleasure šŸ¤ŸšŸ¤Ÿ

  4. Poor jimmy thought he was meant to serve šŸ¤µā€ā™‚ļøšŸ· but he was actually meant to servešŸ’…šŸ»āœØ

  5. I honestly love the awesome builds Sausage makes, it's makes me excited each episode because I know he's going to build something amazing <3

  6. All the peeking MOG did, jeez that made me laugh so hard šŸ˜‚ Jimmy the Kitty Maid's reaction for the ''structural support" dropped me on the floor and then he started dancing around it šŸ¤£ this made my awful week 100% better! Thanks Sausage! I can always rely on your EP's to be weird, funny and full of jokes! Can't wait the next EP šŸ˜„ ps, that tavern is beauty for sore eyes šŸ˜

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