The Snowman Cannon is actually SO much fun! | Terraria 1.4.4 Ranger Playthrough/Guide (Ep.17)

Hey hey how’s it going everybody unicorn Ranger back here for another episode of the master Ranger playthrough I’ve done a good amount of grinding since the last episode so we can get some stuffs to do in today’s episode most of which involve this and also I got myself some decent

Reforges we’ve got rapid on the chain gun and we’ve got unreal on both the Snowman Cannon and the elf melter I’m very very interested to give these weapons a proper go in today’s episode but first of all what we need to do is we need to make ourselves a little bit

Of an area for some slimes to dye this should be relatively straightforward in that we grab this timer here we place down some lava yep rather like that absolutely fantastic and then we also need ourselves a wrench so we can wire it all up I don’t know why I didn’t buy

That’s just the last episode but here we are better late than never and all that eh okay now we just switch it on and then there we have it well that actually takes a fair well for them to die what I’m hoping is that the gel doesn’t just

Flat out dissipate ah it seems to be which indicates to me that the lava is actually too deep what if we were to spread out the lava just a little bit more hey there we are oh the Tim has disappeared oh man that’s kind of frustrating actually because I need to

Make myself another watch to be able to make a another timer all right there we are another one second timer let’s see if we can’t do this properly this time I mean I still don’t understand oh it has to be placed upon a surface right so let’s try that again shall we

We’ll put the timer here we will link it up to the slime statue and bada bing bada boom just like that the slimes are meeting their demise in the lava again so yeah this is going to be constantly running while we’re doing other things in today’s episode it means that we’re

Going to have an infinite supply of gel it’s going to be a slow start but you know once we start doing other stuffs and then we come back here later on in the episode there should be like multiple hundred hundreds of bits of gel so yeah very good very very good indeed

In fact we got ourselves a gel farm so then what do we want to do in today’s episode I was thinking of doing another event the Martian m this event there are I think two weapons that we can get as a ranger from it you can get the Xeno

Popper and the electrosphere launcher and depending on how that goes maybe just maybe it might be time to try and grab ourselves some Prismatic lace wings so let’s see if we can’t do ourselves a favor here folks we are going to make for ourselves a battle potion we are

Also going to grab for ourselves maybe a water candle from somewhere we’re going to see if we can’t maximize the spa horn rates over by our hallow over here so while we do this of course I just want to say a massive thank you for all of your lovely support throughout this

Series and these episodes here of course if you want to continue supporting this series dropping a like is by far the best and easiest way to support this series hit the Subscribe button and don’t forget to ding that Bell if you don’t want to miss out on my future

Content and if you do want to go one further with your support of course you can head on over to pythag slpc to check out my range of gaming PCs or if you’re more in the market for some Terraria merch head on over to Terraria shop and use code python for whopping

15% off oh hell no no no no no no I’m not ready yet no no no no no no no no not just yet Terraria going to have to make myself a proper little custom Hall da there’s too much other stuff going on here yeah it

Ain’t looking good is it folks I really do think there’s too much going on here so I think in this next upcoming day what we’re probably going to wind up doing is we’re proba going to do the martial mads event then and then on the next night yeah Prismatic lace Wings why

Do I feel like it’s so rare for me to get a world where there’s an actually decently sized Hall biome I mean I guess you could say it’s because we’re only using a small world here and to be honest me doing these playthroughs has really made me appreciate just how

Useful large worlds are you know what I mean like it’s just so many many upsides to having a large World um actually not that many downsides when you think about it I mean now that we have the pylon system yeah you don’t really have to worry about having to navigate around

Just so long as you prepared to build yeah you’re pretty much good all right let’s cheuck on our gel supplies shall we no way is there only 15 what the hell I’m really confused you guys definitely did just see that right only 15 bits of gel could it be that the

Lava is still a little bit too deep or something all right if we’re going to be making a little mini custom hollowed biome thingy we should probably make sure we got the materials for it pear stone blocks we need ourselves some dirty dirt we’re going to need ourselves

A bunch of hallowed seeds and then a bunch of hallowed trees because I don’t know about you guys but I always find that the Prismatic glce Springs they seem to spawn around hallow trees I don’t know if there’s any you know truth to that but it’s what I’ve noticed over

The years you know what I’m going to do something completely crazy we are going to make our custom hollowed biome out here why uh because why not totally not because of the whole I can physically see the enemy spawning in thing totally not that at all pretty sure I know the

Answer to this already but can we or can we not buy hallowed seeds from the dryad no matter what biome she’s in oh she can wow okay well in which case we better to put on our greedy ring so we can save just a little bit of do uh get ourselves

100 seeds cuz that’s the amount of dirt I place down and then we’re pretty much good I’m starting to think that this gel Farm doesn’t work when you’re not at the base only I went to the ocean just now and stayed there for like a good minute

To put down those seeds and then I came back and there was just no gel at all Ah that’s kind of unfortunate if so oh well doesn’t matter great deal we’re still going to get a good amount of gel just you know while we’re hanging around the bay organizing our inventory doing all

That kind of jazz you know so yeah it’s all good right I need to make myself some fertilizer and the way we do that of course is by pooping so what do we think is it finally time to make the almighty Terror toilet I think it maybe there it

Is seriously this is what you use the Broken Hero S for I mean when you’re playing as a ranger and there’s no Terror related Ranger weapons yeah I’m going to do it what are you going to do about it devs huh all right so we just

Got to consume some food go into stealth mode so it looks like our food is hovering over us and then we just sort of play the waiting game all right very good 141 bits of poo I mean that should be enough to be getting on with right uh

We need ourselves I think it’s Ash block blocks and some bones excellent there it is three bits of poo three bones three Ash blocks should be able to make a good amount with that yeah let’s go make a hallowed Forest shall we and now time to speed grow this

Forest oh yeah this is our the pros roll folks boom do a little bit of that make sure there’s not any wood too close by and that will allow my Forest to be nice and dense and just like that we have a homemade hallowed forest and oh man does

It look good well my friends I was going to do the Martian Manis event today but I didn’t get round to it apologies for that but uh we will get round to it in today’s episode don’t even Fred about it let’s get ourselves one of these bad

Boys placed out I’m going to put another one sort of at the edge here as well just to ensure that all of this area is encompassed by the vastly increased spawn rates and yeah by the looks of it it’s working very nicely oh no way a blessed Apple oh that is so cool

Hey pirate maps I forgot we’re going to get those from here as well huh we’re getting so many drops I didn’t even realize I could get is it just me who finds it hilarious physically seeing the enemies spawn in only for them to like die within literally a couple of seconds

Ladies and gentlemen time to go crazy mode Let’s activate this bad boy boy oh man this this going to work out for us I don’t know all I want to do is grab these fellas look at that we’ve already got one wow this might have actually been a really freaking good idea how

About that huh would you have ever thought I’d come up with a good idea hey look at it do there’s another one there three and literally like the first 30 seconds of this here night time we’re going to wind up with so many Prismatic lace wings ah there’s another one thank

You very much normally I feel like I’d be lucky just getting like three to five Prismatic lace wings but here we are we’ve got what six so far we’re not even halfway up to midnight from when the night first started as well that’s absolutely ludicrous oh hell no uh I didn’t mean to

Do that I’ll be honest with you folks I did not under any circumstances mean to do that uh I mean let’s see what we can do just going to do a dashy and then we’re going to roll over this way we should probably get rid of the battle potion effect a

Man I genuinely wasn’t supposed to do this right now oh God all the lines the lines all the lines I can’t believe we’re surviving this so far I am in no sense prepared for this but it might actually turn out to be the case where I

Actually am I’ve got the Buffs I’ve got the gear and I’ve got semide decent Weaponry well not semide decent Weaponry very decent Weaponry you know this is just like brilliant actually the only thing is we seem to be hitting nrab quite a lot which needless to say is

Less than ideal however ladies and gentlemen check it out can you believe this we’re actually about to hit second phase and this is completely accidental by the way Ah hell okay okay okay okay and okay okay 49,000 Health if we managed to do this when we weren’t even supposed to do it

Then you guys have got to drop a like okay that is the deal that I am striking up with yet oh wow I am in disbelief that I still am still alive still am still alive that’s some great grammar right there python you big old goofball oh jeez more

Lines okay okay I’ll tell you what the Homing projectiles oh man are they doing the job very very nicely in fact 20,000 19,000 18 17 16 15 yeah I can’t believe this I think we might actually be able to do this WOW 4,000 oh if we get the aventi first time

Rolling oh dude we did it if I get the Avent i’ first time rolling then clearly this episode was built for me boom ah ah can you imagine though that really would have been quite something though hey there we go we just took down the Empress of light when we weren’t

Actually supposed to um we did it oh my goodness me oh what can I say the power of the Snowman Cannon and its Associated homing rocket projectiles of epicness better still we’ve got six more attempts at the Empress of light if we really are wanting to get the event tied so yeah I

Am absolutely I’m elated with that I really am all right ladies and gentlemen this next upcoming day is going to be another mini event extravagan we have ourselves a snow globe and we have ourselves the ability to get ourselves Martian prob sorcer dudes spawn in right

So why don’t we go ahead and start taking those poror saps out I mean why not right in fact let’s start off with the frost Legion right now simply because we can and yeah we’ll get that done and out of the way just to say we’ve done it and then yeah we’ll get

Them with the Martian dudes yeah oh hello hey what is Snow’s most mortal enemy Flames although then again technically these are like ice Flames does that work I don’t know maybe I’m giving these guys frostburn I’m giving snow creatures Frost bur that makes no logical sense what whatsoever but then again what

Actually does make logical sense in this game eh I think that’s one of the reasons we all love it so much a lot of things don’t make sense and as a result they’re pretty hilarious I mean to say that this is a bit of a pushover event

Is probably giving it credit too much credit in fact this is incredibly easy like I think this event should definitely have some sort of overhaul in a coming update whether it be a 1 4.5 thing or a 1.5 thing if that even ever winds up being a thing I don’t know I’m

Just as in the dark about it as you folks are but yeah I definitely think this event could do with a little bit of an overhaul maybe give them some proper weapon drops or something make it like a proper fully established event you know all right battle potion it up and well

If earlier in the episode was anything to go by it shouldn’t take long for a martian probe to spawn in oh Martian boys come on now where’s your little probe dude at there you are go on go get your cronies let’s get this thing underway

Shall we we’re going to do this back at base of course ah jeez all right oh snap if we manag to survive this without dying a single time I must admit I’m going to be very surprised ah jeez there we are maybe I need to use a weapon

That’s got a little bit more range what do we think hey I’m thinking the sowman cannon why not we’ve got 3,000 bleeding projectiles let’s make usage of this stuff shall we the Homing projectiles should be sure to hit something at least maybe we should also have ourselves some

Buffs going on that I think would be a good idea yeah everything go boom oh hell here it is all right now is where things start getting a bit interesting right there he is there’s a bunch of rockets trying to fly towards I’m actually literally one

Shot right now oh deep Joy wait we’re already in second phase what the wow that’s kind of nuts actually that is really nuts please don’t die for the love of God don’t die kill this guy there we are oh laser machine gun interesting see this is where the Snowman Cannon really starts

To come into its own folks it does a lot of damage to the Martian sorcer dudes it does damage to like all four bits simultaneously which I think is just brilliant and look at that we just came back from being one shot come on you can’t say that my ability to survive

Hasn’t gotten better over the years folks come on oh I’ve Chu a bit all right come on let’s see if we can get this guy taken out the game see what kind of epicness he may or may not drop there’s the Xeno popper as a matter of fact

Hey uh oh we don’t have any ammo though okay never mind let’s keep it going got him again Cosmic KH key excellent things you’ll love to see we now have like multiple different types of abilities to infinitely fly Cosmic khi which is boom s an Insignia we got them all now what

Do we think what’s the chances of us actually getting the electrosphere launcher if we manag to get that oh man happy will not cover how excited I’m going to be cuz once again it will be another episode in a row of good RNG like how often does that happen we

Normally get one episode of good RNG and then the LW of averages kicks in and then the next episode it’s really really poor RNG what say we get ourselves something good ah Zeno stuff okay in interesting interesting 80% of the way through the event here folks I must

Admit if we don’t manage to get the electrosphere launcher I’m probably not going to actively go for it I just want to get this event done for the sake of being a completionist and just doing it because why not if we so happen to get a weapon or something cool from it then

Sure that’s epic if not then you know it is what it is all right looks like we got ourselves potentially one more chance here folks so let’s see if we can get getting nice and lucky here wait a minute we ain’t getting lasered here

Today no no no no we a having none of that nonsense what we will do is absolutely wreck the heck out of this guy and that totally rhymed ah brilliant all right come on one thing I may do after this event I may go ahead and try to take down the

Emperess of light until we get ourselves the event tide I mean why not right we have managed to take down the emess of light already so clearly we have the ability to take it down so why not go for it what we have managed to get

Though and I did notice it don’t worry we actually did indeed get the electrosphere launcher so once again it looks like RNG may actually be on our side for once in our lives again ah what an episode this has been though eh let’s go see how many bits of gel our little

Farm has been producing here huh 388 oh man that is a good amount of ammo right now we’re back up to over 1,000 ammo for our beautiful elf melder are you kidding me I’ve been using the greedy ring this whole time oh wow okay turns out I’m a colossal doofer brain doesn’t even

Matter though we still managed to take down everything today with a lot of ease so you know what can I say all right believe it or not you can summon in the Empress of light outside of the hallowed biome you just just have to be extraordinarily quick about it so let’s

Do it boom boom a buger I missed it okay you know what I didn’t do a very good job of showcasing that let’s do that again uh this time we’ll switch to our pickaxe boom there we are we got there in the Finish didn’t we all right come

On man it’s emperess of light time again we’re looking pretty much exclusively for the event TI if we manage to get it I’m going to be very very very happy indeed hell yeah all right another little dashy then it’s going to be a whole bunch of stars whole bunch of

Shooting stars uh okay little bit of a dashy dashy then it’s going to be the lines another dashy more projectiles and then after this I think it’s going to be shooting stars then a dash then some more sun phase I do believe uh there we are who says your boy doesn’t learn hey

Folks ladies and gentlemen I think we may just about have this in the B and in fact there we go bye-bye Empress you big old doofus brain what do we got here the Kaleidoscope nice as it may be it’s not what we’re looking for so I’ll tell you

What let’s pretty much just skip to the ends of all of the rest of these fights here uh let’s do this thing boom down you go and boom down you go all right come on Empress number three and There She Goes Again There She Goes Again all right beautiful event yeah all

Right we done did it folks we done did it we finally have an excuse to change over to our bow damage helmet ladies and gentlemen I mean I don’t know about you folks but I think this episode has just been absolutely Stellar everything has gone right like how often does that happen everything

Has gone right wait Empress wings are these better than the fishron wings do you know what I might have to Wiki this real quick give me a second all righty a quick look on the wiki seems to suggest that the empress Wings actually have slightly more vertical speed but they

Have less flight time than that of the fish run wings now at this point in the game I feel like flight duration is Paramount so I’m going to go ahead and continue opting for the fish run wings but yeah pretty cool that we’ve got the empress Wings not very often we get

Those bad boys eh so then what else is left to say other than thank you so much for watching if you folks have enjoyed today’s action packed epic RNG episode do be sure to a head down beneath the video and spend a second to drop a like I’d really appreciate it hit the

Subscribe button and don’t forget to ding that Bell if you don’t want to miss out on my future content but for now my friends thank you so much for watching do have yourselves a fantastic rest of your day and I’ll see you folks in the next episode bye-bye

Terraria Master Ranger Playthrough/Guide – In today’s Terraria episode, I show you why the Snowman Cannon has rapidly become my favourite Terraria ranger weapon! It’s so FUN to use!
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This is Episode 17 of my Terraria Master Ranger Playthrough/Guide on Terraria 1.4.4!
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  1. Python, I’d just like to say thanks for your consistency and quality over the many years I’ve been watching your videos. Hoping 1.4.5 can restore some viewership!! Keep up the awesome content. Cheers from New Zealand

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