$1 VS $1,000,000 Security House in Minecraft – Maizen JJ and Mikey BUILD CHALLENGE

Well let’s get started we’re here at a tiny village a tiny village oh there’s a villager living here what are we doing here well today we’re going to have a security building competition oh cool let’s show how to build the best security systems ever but how are we

Competing here in a little while this Village is going to be attacked by Raiders what so how about the security system that best defeats the Invaders is the winner Raiders leave them to me with my security knoow those Raiders will be gone in no time I’ll Bight them

Off oh I forgot something important does the winner get a prize oh I didn’t think about that well this time let’s have the prize be ice cream ice cream I love ice cream I’m definitely going to win I’m going to start building first good luck then let’s get started let’s do

It JJ I’m ready oh give me a quick tour Mikey sure thing check this out an extravagant twostory house oh it doesn’t look like a two-story house well see two floors no kidding also yeah these are my secret weapons M what PE PE cool right I can hit far away enemies

With these I’ll fight them off with rapid fire that’s a lot of Firepower great right plus yeah that’s not all go on watch this okay 3 2 1 how do you like my Pitfall traps Pitfall traps if they get too close I’ll drop them all in the pits so you’ll

Attack far off enemies with your rapid fire arrow Contraptions and if they get too close you’ll drop them in the pits you got it JJ and to top off my perfect security system yeah taada Tada oh not a single enemy will set foot inside this

House and even if they do I’ll be there with my sword to fight them off that all looks pretty good protect your villager Mike leave it to me JJ I’m absolutely going to win well the Raiders could be here soon Mikey the Raiders are coming all right don’t

Panic apples are delicious good luck they’re here where here they come oh I have my secret weapons ready to go oh let’s go go Mikey a little closer take this huh oh they’re here nothing’s hitting pickall the pitfalls the pitfalls what are you kidding me

Yeah one fell in at least one fell in it worked hang in there I have to knock them in oh what oh come on keep it up Mikey you’re full of arrows no I’m not go go go seriously oh why me hey Mikey you can do it I want to get at least

One huh are you kidding me Mikey you fell into your own bigball trap this hurts oh no hey time out time out Mikey a I totally failed well it was a good try Mikey your pitfall trap didn’t really catch them though but don’t beat yourself up about it now it’s my turn

I’ll do my best to build some amazing security those were tough enemies it’s going to be hard to fight them off even for you JJ well good luck thanks I’ll try let’s get started get to it I’m done oh this this time Mikey I’ve prepared four secret security systems

What secret security systems what are they still even for you this is going to be a rough battle I’m worried for you well good luck mine is also a two-story house I guess I’ll go up no kidding all right all right ready to go now to wait for the Raiders

Oh they’re coming good luck JJ I wonder which direction they’ll come from oh here they come they’re really strong all right what should I do first how are you going to fight them from far away do you have any high-powered arrow shooting devices like I did I’ll hit them with this take that

What was that what go go go that’s your first secret weapon they’re going down what no away wo two left my bow and arrows make lightning and explosions wo where are they are you serious where are they oh shoot I fell off no another one down behind you look

Behind you huh yikes overpowered much I hit myself heading back inside it’s safe there wo that bow was too powerful yikes incredible right let me even the odds can I add more enemies more enemies sure I still have secret weapons left to use might as well use my second one attack

Get him what should I do right I have to use this secret weapon what 3 2 1 go yes attack what oh good good good good sweet my iron golem Builder activated woohoo I’ll use this too wao isn’t that a little much iron golems attack W oh nice nice I’ll take down the

Distant enemies and Iron Golems can take care of the rest no way W ravagers Mikey’s trying to release enough to beat me wow excellent do you give up JJ there’s no way you can handle this many enemies I won’t even spawn anymore you’ll stop spamming enemies sure H what now well

I’m not giving up just yet Mikey this isn’t the best situation but I still have two more secret weapons remaining I guess I’ll use my third ultimate secret weapon huh take this 3 2 1 Go oh that is sweet what just happened I used the ultimate pitfall trap oh there’s still one left I’ll handle that one myself take this attack how are you so strong hey what’s up with that bow yeses woohoo your security house is incredible JJ I lose oh hang on Mikey another raid is

Coming huh get inside I’m scared but right it’s safe in here what’s this here oh that oh that’s a shelter there’s a shelter down there we can hide there if it gets too dangerous oh then what’s that H this oh that yeah that’s my final secret weapon oh you see the lever in

There yeah that’s only meant to be touched in a real emergency huh your final secret weapon for emergency use only that’s so cool oh but the Raiders are are coming Now Yep this could be your only chance to use it hang on Mikey wait wait wait wait that lever activates my most powerful

Security system it’s not meant for this low of a threat it’s really dangerous so don’t touch it a but if you tell me not to touch it it makes me want to touch it even more bam yeah shoot Mikey we need to hide in the shelter right now fun hurry

Up Mikey I’m going hooray go go go seriously why did you touch that get in the Shelter Today we’re holding a zombie security house building competition oh good idea JJ that sounds like fun I’m going to build a security house that can hold off any number of zombies all right I’ll build here let’s see who can build the strongest anti-zombie security house a competition with JJ yay okay okay first

I’ll build my House’s frame H yeah I want it to be sturdy so I’ll build it with iron I’ll start by laying out the blocks to build the frame I want to make a nice big house with this all right that should do it for the House’s

Frame oh Mikey’s hard at work I’m doing my best mine will be more impressive than yours mhm let’s give it our all next I want to reinforce my house by using using security lasers first I’ll make the pillars and then I’ll place the lasers here I’ll surround my entire house with

Lasers like these okay my security lasers are complete basically it’s impossible to reach the area around my house now but there’s just one problem I can’t even get into my own house I’ll use slime blocks to build a jump device now I can leave the property to go

Outside and still get back in from the outside uh how’s it going Mikey H I’m putting in Windows so I can see outside this is definitely going to be an amazing security house oh it’s really coming along Mikey I need to pick up the pace okay I think I’ll work on the

Interior of my house next first I’ll put in some glass windows so I can see what’s going on outside the house okay now I’ll be able to see outside from within my house right this is a zombie security house so I only want to put what I absolutely need in the interior I’ll

Start by putting a bed here next I want to store emergency food and weapons I’ll put a chest here now how about breakfast bread and H cookies and golden apples maybe water I also want to put weapons in here how about a flamethrower now to take these and leave them inside the

Chest all right now I have bread cookies golden apples water and flamethrowers all inside the chest if I want my security house to be as reinforced as possible I don’t want to use a door as for how I’m going to get inside the house I think I’ll make a secret entrance over

Here and the secret passage is complete I’ll try pushing the button I’m in the tunnel leads here now when I push the button I’m able to enter the house hey Mikey how’s it going I’m working really hard on my interior right now it’s going well it’s really coming

Along Mikey all righty then I need to do more I’d like to work on increasing my anti-zombie security measures next see these walls I want to place turrets here and now if I pull the lever the gun will automatically attack zombies this is the ultimate turret now that the first floor

Is done I want to work on the second floor I’ll make a hole leading to the second floor and place some ladders there all right up I go this is the second floor oh hi Mikey oh hey JJ I’m working on how I’ll fend off the zombies when they come oh you’re

Really working hard on it I’ll try to keep up now then the second floor has a great View and it’s perfect for getting a handle on the situation outside to make sure zombies can’t climb onto the roof I’m going to set up some security lava I’ll place a bucket of lava into this

Dispenser then I’ll add more dispensers Here just like this there are buckets of lava in all of these I’m placing them all along the roof next I’ll connect them all together using Redstone then I’ll place redstone dust along the outside I’m hooking them all together with a redstone circuit to activate Them okay the Redstone circuit is complete and with that my security house is complete I wonder how Mikey’s doing oh are you already finished too Mikey oh JJ my ATI zombies to security house is complete isn’t it awesome wo show me how it all works Mikey sure well

Check this out look here I go this is a cobweb barrier ah the cobwebs slow you down when you get caught in them so the zombies won’t be able to reach my house interesting the cobwebs are there to slow the zombies down but how are you

Going to get inside Mikey JJ all I have to do is jump over there ready wo m j i got caught wa well it’s not easy to jump over that it could be a problem if you get caught when there’s zombies around I’m sure it’ll be fine I’m confident that I won’t

Make any mistakes during a real zombie invasion JJ look at this next what are those these are Arrow launchers how do they work just watch ready mhm woohoo yay wo that’s awesome yeah how does it work whenever I pull this lever it shoots out a bunch of arrows your interior is quite luxurious

Oh JJ you noticed but there’s no need for it to be this nice there’s plenty of stuff you don’t need to secure yourself against zombies in here hm that’s true but I really wanted it to look nice inside just look at it JJ I even have diamonds

On the wall H over here I prepared lots of treasure too see I’ve become quite attached to this security house thanks to all the fancy stuff I have in it I like it so much I wouldn’t mind living here forever h i see but still it’s certainly a very nice interior I know Right it’s night Mikey the zombies are coming it’s time to find out whose security house is stronger all right zombies GJ wow yikes zombies into your security house I’m going in they’re coming hurry Mikey what oh I jumped over the cobwebs nice oh shoot they’re coming for me too

I’ll use the jumping device to hop over the lasers all right wo here they come there’s so many zombies coming those laser should oh they’re getting in into the secret entrance okay through the passage and then use the jumping device to get inside w wow there are already so many

Zombies here now right now I’ll activate the turrets and let the guns deal with the zombies woohoo they’re shooting them automatically I just have to wait for the guns to fight the zombies for Me all right much better the turrets have taken care of the zombie threat woohoo uh how are you doing over there Mikey no problems here piece of cake I’m fighting off the zombies with arrows keep it up Mikey let’s Bo survive this let’s do it okay let’s go up to the

Second floor and take a look around let’s see I might as well take the golden apples and flamethrower I prepared I’ll eat one now all right up to the second floor wao Mikey’s house is surrounded by zombies hang on Yik my house is still surrounded by zombies all right in that

Case I’ll fight them off with this flamethrower it’s time to take out the zombies woohoo wa there sure are a lot of them oh hang on oh the zombies are climbing up this is bad this is bad it’ll be okay though don’t forget I still have security

Lava security lava switch on wa the zombies don’t stand a chance at getting up here thanks to my security lava all right all right Now to turn the security lava back off uh Mikey how are you doing I’m in trouble zombies got inside my house they broke down my wooden

Door what get to the roof to the roof okay W I made it I never thought they’d be able to get inside save me JJ what do I do escape to my security house got it I’m stuck Mikey’s caught in the cobwebs no no Mikey well then let’s get started today we’re holding an anti-zombie security house building competition oh to see who can make the stronger build that sounds like fun yeah that means Mikey and I are each going to work on building the most secure house we can to fend off a horde of zombies

Well let’s do it I’ll get started okay I’ll go this way well let’s find out who can build the better security house I’m going to get started first I need to lay down the foundations for the house I think I’ll go a little overboard on the size of this one let’s

See H 30’s good how’s that okay this is how big it’s going to be although it is pretty wide I’ll just make the whole thing bigger now I’ll place the frames for my walls next I’ll work on the ceiling this will only take a second yep the roof is

Ready to go I think I’ll get to work on the entrance now I’ll put it over here this is a good spot well first things first I need to be self-sufficient so I’m going to build an indoor Farm once the farm is finished I’ll have fresh produce always growing and ready I

Can live here for a long time no problem okay the first first step is to place these levers on the side of the dispensers I can flip these to plant a row of seeds then the other side needs to be triggered a few times so the bone

Meal makes the farm grow wicked fast look instant fresh wheat awesome my self-sufficient Farm is complete with that done I won’t need to worry about food for a long time so now it’s time to move on to my next idea I think I’ll start working on the second floor that’s really nice with

That final piece my poolside bedroom SL living room is complete this is awesome now even if a giant horde of zombies sends the world into chaos any fortunate Soul staying in my security house will be living a life of luxury that should pretty much do it for

The house part of my build now it’s time to add some security to my security house our first tool for reinforcing is a personal favorite of mine lasers yeah nice I’ve installed a laser rifle turret now I’ll load it up with energy cells this is a good idea nice

It’s done the ultimate turret time for a demonstration let’s say a witch tries walking up to the house the turret will activate automatically and start firing the laser rifle at the witch see it’s super powerful but I’m a bit of a worry wart I want to make a plan just in case

The zombie somehow break through the lever goes on the end here and when I pull it it transforms all of these iron blocks into Iron Golems they’re super powerful bodyguards if anything can protect this house from zombies they can moving on actually my security house is almost finished but I have one more

Thing one more important security measure I’d like to put in it’ll be my last resort when I have absolutely no other choice this will be it and it’ll go up here I’m going to build the last mechanism on the roof time for us to test it out let’s

Go wo it launches me straight into the sky this will be my final security measure but before I activate it I think I want to add some elytra into the mix now all you need to do is step on this and cool check it out I’m wearing

Elytra holding a golden apple and I have a diamond helmet on my head I’ll get the equipment slapped on and hop straight into the Escape mechanism here we are hm Mikey’s security house looks like like it’s all finished so let’s start checking out what he’s built check it out this is it

Isn’t it great it’s pretty cool to test it out I’ll start by spawning some zombies sure you can act as my guide okay leave it to me all right I’ll go ahead and make the zombie generator here there once this lever is pulled the zombies will swarm then you try to fight

Them off using the security house you built sounds good can I pull it sure go head 3 2 1 start oh this looks bad Mikey the entrance it’s closed pretend you’re going in from the front door hurry over here oh I see you dropped the trap door

Yep gotcha isn’t it cool you parkour over here wo they’re falling in into your lava trap hurry up JJ over here up the stairs and open wo what a view wow look at all the zombies do you have any plan on what to do about them I’ve got

Weapons come over here and grab one oh sure thing okay grab the bow from here and then wo that’s wild you shoot the zombies down below I get it when the zombies get stuck in the spider webs and can’t move you shoot them like fish in a

Barrel exactly it feels like one of those carnival games good point take that feels like there’s no end to them there’s so many grny well what now is there anything else this dangerous thing here can help us what’s it do I see the gold block with an arrow in it you put a

Lever on the gold block oh I see don’t pull it yet see I made this in case everything gets out of control but Mikey I think everything is already out of control JJ just watch sure after you pull the lever do everything that I do

Okay hey hurry up and pull pull it okay I’m coming pull it hurry go JJ oh man I need to get away wo wo wow crazy some of the zombies survived the explosion still that was really interesting okay let’s keep going Mikey we better run away my

Security house was a bust I even used my last resort it’s okay your last resort was a self-destruct mechanism huh that was a lot of fun let’s run let’s go Mikey now I’m going to show off my build how does it look it’s huge and so fancy I’m

Really curious about how you made your security House show me around okay get ready I’m going to start summoning the zombies I’ll be right behind you but where’s the entrance don’t worry about that 3 2 1 go run Mikey get inside the perimeter look at the the turrets they’re shooting the zombies instantly

Nice yeah that’s awesome piece of cake look at that wa uh-oh JJ they’re breaking through oh you’re right let’s go inside this button opens the door I’m right behind you wao no it’s not shutting a few made it through don’t worry I plan for this bodyguards go what no way they’re

Attacking I made Iron Golems saved us oh nice now it’s super safe inside the house look outside thank you the zombies are fighting with the turrets wow cool well I doubt the zombies can get in here now how are you Mikey my health is really low I’m not doing well honestly

Watch this I can make as much bread as I want how I can plant the wheat with this one huh then if I flip this one look it’s gross so quickly yep I have an almost instant farm that means I can make as much bread as I want wow I could

Go for a quick bite now that’s amazing you’re self-sufficient yep and you have bodyguards hey Mikey should I give you a tour of the second floor let’s go check out this room oh wow isn’t it cool man it’s like a living in a mansion I know

Isn’t it a bit much there’s a place to sit and eat then you can play in the swimming pool fabulous I’ve never seen anything like it I know right wow look here Mikey huh we can watch the outside world from the pool let’s sit back and relax while the security system takes

Care of the zombies look at it go you’re right wow they’re dropping like flies maybe it will destroy them all for us I feel safe in here well Mikey let’s take a much needed breather yeah that sounds nice here what’s that the lever first I have to smash the glass then

What after that we have 20 seconds before the giant explosion using my device I’m going to destroy all the zombies you ready Mikey will we be safe we’ll be okay as soon as I pull the lever Dash up there we’ll use the Escape mechanism to run away got it

Ready you only have 20 seconds let’s go this security house is going to explode and take all of the zombies with it let’s do it 3 2 1 go hurry up Mikey let’s go what’s up there what do I do you’re going to be fine oh I see it okay

Go through the entrance to the left I’m in in the center okay we’re out of here here we go what use the elytra to fly away we did it wo this is amazing a I’m flying what a beautiful view Mikey woohoo you need to get further away oh

No I can see it are you okay M wa waa what’s going on wo H that was a close one that noise was terrifying what happened JJ oh no way wow well to wrap it all up my security house is gone Without a Trace wow but

The zombies are sealed away so I guess we achieved our goal today we both built our own anti-zombie security houses if you like this video be sure to like And subscribe thanks for watching see you later thank you so much bye-bye take a look at that City Mikey

It’s lovely is there this where we’re spending the day yep I can’t wait except there’s something off about it can you tell maybe I should take a closer look go for it all I see are these massive beautiful skyscrapers look at this one usually I’m the best when it comes to

Figuring out what’s wrong any guesses hm you know how I said I’m the best I take it back this one’s tough there are no people here oh now that you mention it I never noticed the city was empty why isn’t anyone here they’re missing out on all these fancy

Skyscrapers here’s the thing in a couple of hours a massive tornado is headed to the city everyone’s either taken shelter underground somewhere or fled Town it smells like rain should we run away too I’m afraid it’s too late for that Mikey the only way to survive is to build our

Own shelters and wait out the the storm are you serious a shelter building competition Yep this may be a Minecraft world but we still have to prepare as if it were real in a real situation we’d probably evacuate but in Minecraft we can make the ultimate shelters to protect ourselves how dangerous are

These tornadoes anyway they’re just wind right don’t underestimate tornadoes Mikey they can lift cars and buildings like they’re nothing it doesn’t even matter how heavy they are are if you ever encounter a real tornado you need to get everyone in the house to hide in the basement really yeah then I

Guess I should make my shelter a bit stronger than this I have to build it the right way that means no dirt walls you seem super motivated today let’s get to work I’m finished how about you Mikey huh maybe he’s inside let’s go see I guess Mikey’s done building his

Shelter already that was fast where could he be I wonder if he finished early then went to hang out in the city in that case I better go find him before the tornado does Mikey oh oh what are you doing out here Mikey are you done with your shelter yep it’s all

Finished it’s been done for a while since there’s no one around I figured we can get into this amusement park for free we don’t have to wait in any lines plus they have all kinds of rides and yummy snacks see you can’t just eat everything because no one’s around it still belongs

To someone yeah you’re right I’m sorry let’s head back okay okay we made it back welcome home did you see how strong I made my shelter guess how long it took me to build believe it or not it was 10 whole minutes I think that might be a new

Record for me usually it’s only 3 minutes 5 minutes tops that’s like twice as long as usual I but a lot of effort into it you probably took 10 times as long as I did to build yours your house isn’t made of dirt anymore I’m glad you

Noticed since I’m a turtle I try to be eco-friendly and filled with dirt but this time I decided to use wood how come Mikey I didn’t think dirt would hold up against a tornado you said they were super dangerous that’s right well come on Mikey hurry up and show me the inside

Look at this what do you see the wind know it’s two layers thick oh wow that’s thick this one’s thick too wo I’m showing you why it’s the perfect defense the only downside is how small it is on the inside oh you’re right but I’ve got

A farm and a bed this place is so self-sufficient I could live in here forever for at least a super long time I bet this is the strongest shelter you’ve ever seen huh it’s a nice little house Mikey but you’re missing something you need three wheat to make bread it looks

Like you only have two huh you need three yep three wheat well this is awkward ignore that this is still one of the best Emergency Shelters ever made and there’s no way you can change my mind the only thing I would do differently is make it a little more

Comfortable but that’s just a dream of mine and at some point you have to stop dreaming and face reality oh well all right my turn this is it these iron blocks are really something don’t you think it’s a bit much why put in effort when you can do things super Speedy like

Me when it comes to safety it’s always necessary to put the effort in it took me a while to finish sorry to keep you waiting for so long no need to apologize even your door looks sturdy how’ you do that you really pulled out all the stops

JJ thanks why don’t you come in don’t mind if I do wow even the lighting is nice you have a computer that’s my PC huh what’s this A Weather Vein awesome it’ll tell me which direction the wind is blowing which might come in handy for the tornado some people use them as good

Luck charms too wow it’s fancy thanks I want one let’s set it up seriously okay let’s go wo it’s so cool thanks a bunch JJ I can’t believe my shelter got even stronger than it was before let’s put one on top too awesome thank you so far so good GJ wait what I

Don’t want to sound rude especially after you hook me up with those weather veins mhm but your house needs a farm seriously you can’t be self-sufficient without one what if you’re stuck in there then what JJ you got to think about these things JJ

I do have a farm Mikey where I don’t see one there’s no need to lie I get it you’re mad that my shelter is better I’m not lying follow me come on huh here hurry huh look wow mhm amazing a farm you weren’t lying that’s right it’s a

Potato farm potatoes are one of the best foods in case of an emergency that’s why I grew them not only that but you you have great air circulation down here check out the ceiling fan that’s incredible it’s important to have good air circulation underground is this your

Living room wow I understand why it took you so long to finish I’m glad you like it I gave special attention to the kitchen though is this it yep Oh a microwave an oven a blender you even have a toaster that’s unbelievable the only thing you’re missing is a proper

Bathroom you probably didn’t have enough time to build one as a turtle I need to have a bathtub but as a human you don’t need one your house is great and all JJ you just forgot one thing I had a feeling you’d say something so I

Prepared this what take a look no way I didn’t think you’d have one pretty cool huh a toilet a sink yep I can’t compete with this my house doesn’t have a bathroom a kitchen or even a living room all it has is one tiny bedroom the bedroom’s the whole thing wait we

Haven’t tested it yet my house didn’t take long to make so the cost performance ratio is more balanced yeah I guess you’re right you can have that one it’s up to the tornado to decide which of our shelters is better that’s right let’s get into position come

On I can see Mikey through the window is it here yet I feel safe and sound inside my shelter I used wood instead of regular old dirt it took me 10 whole minutes Bring It On tornado I’m ready woohoo you sound super confident today Mikey I know you’ve got a lot of

Faith in your shelter but don’t underestimate the power of the tornado looks like it’s starting to rain I wonder if the weather reports were accurate I can’t wait to test out my shelter seriously okay Mikey I’m so excited JJ wo wow lightning the rain’s picking up it’s getting super windy wait

A second it’s starting to hail I can’t believe it it’s way too dangerous to leave home now my house is insanely tough OB be okay do you see my roof yeah what about it the entire roof is 2 layers thick oh yeah I guess you’re right there are two layers of wooden

Blocks good thinking Mikey even though it’s hailing I’m 100% safe nothing will hurt me in here mhm not even the tornado will be able to hurt me I’m so calm my body’s dancing all on its own nice moves thanks I’m excited hm what’s taking the tornado so long I can’t wait any

Longer wo the wind’s getting stronger Mikey look at got a tear huh for real huh oh no Mikey how is this possible it took me 10 whole minutes to build my shelter I’m flying away where is it taking me Mikey what’s going on where am I it’s pulled you into the sky

Hey Oh no this is bad wao Mikey’s flying around Mikey thanks for letting me in there’s not even a trace of your house left I don’t get it I spent so much time on it JJ this isn’t fair seriously 10 minutes isn’t that much time dude we better stick around here till the

Tornado passes although it’s probably safer in the basement I’m coming safe and sound can I take a bath wow I’m so exhausted after being sucked up by the tornado all I want to do is lie down eat a potato and watch TV good idea but remember tornadoes are no joke bye-bye this shelter

Rules today Mikey and I both have built Ultimate Security bases that’s right I built a secret hideout using my best security systems it’s a perfect defense system no one can get in that’s the kind of secret hideout I’m talking about seriously well I can’t wait to see that

Let’s decide on rules oh right we never set the rules mhm let’s compete by releasing zombies outside the other person’s base to see if the security system will really protect us oh and how about summoning zombies indoors is off limits sure JJ still my secret hideout

Is so beyond perfect that no one can get inside so it really won’t be much of a contest and sure I agree to the no summoning zombies inside rule all right oh by the way what should today’s winner get I think the prize should be some food how about the person

With the weaker security system buys gummy bears so the person with the stronger security system gets the gummy bears yeah okay it looks like it’s time to test my master piece just so you know this really is the perfect defense system so if any amateur uses is it it

Could be dangerous for them if they accidentally exit the base they won’t be able to get back inside it’s like a home with an automatic lock like if you leave without your key and lock yourself out oh it’s that tough you’ll have to be careful give me the tour

Mikey I’ll show you everything mhm but these are the trade secrets so don’t tell anyone look at the light from these beacons aren’t they cool they’re just here for show though just that yep they don’t do anything for defense they’re cool Mike thanks next we’ll take a look

At this water here oh water Y in olden times castles had Moes like this mm their enemies were like oh no water and wouldn’t be able to attack but I’m a turtle anyway humans don’t normally like water right yep people don’t like it that’s why it’s a great defense system

Next we have the perfect wall it protects my secret hideout now I’ll show you my number one selling point the most powerful thing I have is this ultimate security gate which uses a redstone circuit I built it to make it impossible to enter from the outside there’s

Absolutely no way to Open this gate from the outside so I got to be careful huh oh wow close open is it okay if I jump in uh-huh go ahead oh interesting close and you can’t enter once it’s closed you can’t get in oh careful oh so that’s

What happens only a pro like me can use it or it could be dangerous let’s try it I want to see it in action okay I’ll switch to survival mode so bring it on are you ready Mikey whenever you are here it comes bring it okay there’s a

Lot of them I spawned Lots can you see this JJ here yeah can you see the lava cutting down their numbers they’re falling into the lava impressive yeah piece of cake piece the cake I could eat all this popcorn now I’ll e them over here mhm

The lava really thinned them out can you make it inside Mikey what are you doing they can’t get inside can they interesting that’s incredible it’s the perfect gate this is too easy so I’ll attack them head on oh you fell off oops it’s fine I have a wooden stick this is

Bad can you fight them off with only a stick hang in there Mikey this is really bad I’ll take the long way oh the water keeps them from following you okay I ditched them oh you did it huh there’s absolutely no way to Open this gate from

The outside so I got to be careful Mikey this is bad that’s because you went outside what you would have won if you’d stayed inside oh can you get back inside I’m not sure this is bad you died getting stuck in your own water oh

Now’s my chance wo only a pro like me can use it or it could be dangerous this is bad this is really really bad Mikey now you can’t get back inside still none of the zombies have gotten inside your house so it looks like your defense systems are functioning not even

The owner of the house can get inside though that means it’s perfect right yeah well at least I was able to show you how well it functions how about you show me yours JJ I showed you the ultimate system first so it’ll probably be hard to follow sorry for showing you

Something this awesome huh okay Mikey let’s go see mine this is the Ultimate Security home that I made incredible still as far as first impressions go it’s not that fancy show me everything if you please Mr JJ check it out it truly is Ultimate M first of all Mikey these are the

Ultimate lasers that completely surround the house this is just the first part of my Ultimate Security System part two is this gate made of obsidian which is an extremely hard type of stone it’s the ultimate gate H well it may be the ultimate gate JJ but you can’t get

Inside hm even I can see that if you’re wondering if this is a proper entrance just try pushing the buttons to open it there’s no way in huh and pushing this button closes it incredible how does that work incredible show me later how you made it well let’s go inside

Oh this is my room isn’t the chair cool and this is my computer router and printer so cool you’re like a super hacker right the chair looks nice too those are my handmade command blocks I want to use command blocks too they’d be pretty cool if I could use them well

Let’s go upstairs the second floor is my testing area I made this place to test out command blocks and other things there’s lots of prototypes so I’ll show them to you later I want to see what with all the lucky blocks oh that’s my Ultimate Weapon Mikey I’d like to avoid

Using that today if possible it’s dangerous so you shouldn’t stand there JJ let’s get this started already okay go zombies first up right here huh here they come okay I’ll block them with obsidian impressive now all I have to do is sit in my chair to be

Honest pH easy it’s strong I’ll get bored if I stay here so I’ll go upstairs oh nothing will work against me easy peasy what if I add more go ahead as many as you want go go go if they come to the entrance I’ll use this attack huh

TNT cannons a TNT cannon it didn’t have much effect on the front did I miscalculate the attack range no I’ll just get you from the side then even if they do come from that direction go go go charge I’ll use this go go go playing

Yes huh I can still do this it doesn’t matter how many times you attack easy peasy that’s so overpowered boom huh sorry Mikey but I win this time I’m going to lose at this rate could you please take it easy on me H not fair JJ where’s where did you go I’m getting

Bored so I’m sitting in my chair Mikey I can’t go easy on you for the entire match I’m going to have to buy gummy bears for you at this rate m gummy bears I can’t afford gummy bears what is it Mikey hey hold it no

Summoning in the house go go go go go go come on Mikey hang on I guess I have no other choice huh go go go huh I have no choice go go go huh Mikey I’ve activated my Ultimate Weapon it’s pointless go go

Go huh go go go no no no no huh give up already I used my secret weapon so it doesn’t matter how many you summon amazing they all die the instant you summon them I can’t win but I don’t want to give up hey what give me another chance just one

Chance I just turned my mic off Mikey ignored the rules and summoned zombies inside of my base that’s why I’m playing planning on doing a Revenge prank on him if I summon some mysterious monsters instead of zombies Mikey won’t be expecting it so that’ll be the prank I’m setting

Up ready Mikey I’m ready I’ll switch back to survival mode how many respawns should we allow H I would have won the last round if I hadn’t messed up so if I used the secret hideout perfectly I wasn’t able to properly show how ultimate my base was last time but this

Time I won’t mess up uh-huh huh I’ll defeat them easily H so I’m fine with zero respawns let me know when you’re ready bring it whenever here huh what are they huh what huh oh they’re monsters oh you died they’ve already seen me Good Luck Mikey hang in there

Get them you can do it that’s it keep it up nice I can do this let’s go uhoh oh oh oh give me the ultimate Lucky Sword Lucky Sword oh I’ll give you the weapon I used earlier I can’t get away I can’t run away Mikey pick it up take this

A you said you didn’t need any respawns but you respawn but I didn’t know you’d spawn something so powerful let me try again with respawns this time in exchange you can spawn as many strong monsters as you want oh I can spawn anything sure this weapon can defeat

Anything then I’ll summon one of these I’ll beat anything here we go Mikey I’ll Inn here that’s not on the same level I summoned a powerful demon what is that oh hang in there it’s on another level my weapon is useless I’m losing hey hang in there Mikey come on

Thanks for watching my friends! If you like this videos, please like and write me an interesting comment so that I have a good mood!

This video is an unofficial work and is neither created nor approved by Maizen Sisters.

Maizen channel : https://www.youtube.com/@UCJHBJ7F-nAIlMGolm0Hu4vg


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