Herobrine is CORRUPTING my Hardcore World…

What is that oh my God I knew it hello everyone and welcome back to Minecraft from the fog a series where I have added a load of terrifying things to Minecraft hardcore and my only job is to survive so let’s just get straight into it in the last episode of from the

Fog we found a village mined some diamonds started building a base and avoided some Tre terrifying mobs welcome to episode 2 where where where where where where please oh my God okay can he get through that it’s freaking me out that he keeps doing that okay I don’t think he can get

Through please please I think that means he’s gone okay okay oh my God now we’re just hearing children scream and cry wow okay oh of course there’s another one Jesus all right let’s just keep hollowing this place out oh man this has not been my day this is just terrifying oh actually get

Lost what do you want oh he ran towards me he ran towards me I’m sorry sorry sorry I shouldn’t have opened the door it’sit him oh my God this is where I need to be careful because there is literally an open port outside my house so let’s just build

This up nope I don’t want this to be my problem at all no thank you goodbye and I also don’t want anything getting in from the cave okay we should be safe that’s fine oh man yeah shut up little laughing girl please this is just oh it’s so much more

Stressful than it needs to be I then continue to hollow out my house decorate and with no terrifying interruptions before heading off to collect a load of wood Herobrine please let me just collect it is absolutely fine you don’t mind me stealing from your little village do you

If I just got rid of all of these ugly trees come on they look terrible here anyway oh my God I thought that horse was something terrible okay I hate this I’m literally just mining logs I’m so on edge and of course it’s turning to night and we just have

No idea at all if the game will let me sleep because why why wouldn’t it you know it’s just uh it’s one of those things where apparently you’re not allowed to sleep in these horrific games oh God I see what is oh he’s coming

Towards me oh my God oh my God he’s so quick oh my God whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa okay okay okay I need to go Quicker still behind me oh my God okay I think I’m fine holy smokes okay please please please let me what was that you guys can hear that right that’s not just me please oh there he is he’s just sitting there he’s literally just sitting there no I look away ises he oh my

God he’s just he’s just staying there what do you want and why does it sound like there’s something in here oh my God okay okay okay okay please buddy there’s actually just no need for this is there oh my God that looks terrible that looks absolutely terrible we’re moving this we’re moving

This where is that where is that oh my goodness we need to block off the cave that’s above me because that is horrific I don’t even know if he’s still there what is that what is that okay please let me sleep please please please oh my of course not

Of course of course yes the one brother I can’t see anything what is that oh my God I knew it I knew it okay right we just need to I just need to sleep this is horrible bloody hell all right all right that’s fine I’m never going to get used to that

Sound okay does it mean I can sleep yet no okay so this what what what what get back get oh my god oh no I just got bad Omen again oh I actually got rid of it and now I’ve got it back okay I can’t go near the village all right this is

Infuriating I’ve just got to I’ve just got to decorate and so decorate I did where is that noise coming from oh my God what there’s just an H up here what can I mine this I don’t know if I should okay oh okay and get rid of that

Yeah okay I’m I knew that was coming I knew that was coming oh my God okay are they just okay they’re all just breaking down now I can just hear mobs as well I don’t know where they’re coming from was all of those steps just Herobrine up

Here making an H for no reason what a weirdo I’m going to break this see if it does give anything what oh my God oh my God it just teleported me to his biome okay do not get hit by those silverfish and now I need to make sure I Don’t Go

Near The Village cuz I’ve still got bad Omen oh my God okay kill these things don’t hit me oh my God this is such a terrible idea what Earth did I oh my God oh my what I’ve just I’ve completely spawned in a new chunk and I’m pretty

Sure that’s a little flame in the water isn’t it yep it is that’s a flame in the water that’s fine that’s not really annoying is it okay I’m pretty sure I just got teleported miles away from the village so as long as I’m not starting a

Raid yeah okay there we are that’s my Hill that’s all good oh my God 500 blocks just for being hit by a silver fish are you joking right I’m getting rid of this once and for all okay okay okay my God I just don’t want to get hit there we go there’s

One nice okay all right the H is gone which I don’t particularly know if that was a good idea is the H for Herobrine do I oh I just don’t know what happens should I have left that is that going to have annoyed him okay I afked my bad om

Is gone I’m safe and I want to get on to what we actually want to do this video and the main thing is one get enchanted and I mean properly enchanted with books and everything and two I want to get more diamonds because I want at least

Half diamond armor oh and I also forgot to mention going to the Nether and I’m realizing that this will be uneven but I don’t care ah the first place I think we can get books from is that little house or big house I should say with the

Enchanted guy it where I got the enchantment table cuz there are a load of bookshelves in there I don’t think there’s any in this Village and I should probably also just to be safe lure some cows okay fellas come here but now this is where you will go

Okay because I may need to farm you for leather I’m afraid all right yes that is so many cows that I can breed I’m pretty sure there’s still wheat left in the village as well so come on fellas then you get in the lovely hole so I can Farm you

Just like McDonald’s perfect thank you guys so sweet what the [ __ ] are you looking at all right guys get breeding please thank you nice okay now I’m going to go get books and find sugar cane on the way because I might as well also if these are bad horses yeah slow horse I’m

Just going to kill them free leather okay there’s the house wow if I turn my render distance up we can see so much more and you know what the base is looking pretty sve I’ll say I mean it’s a beginner base but still I’m pretty

Happy with it and you know what we have not been too unlucky today I mean we got teleported around by some silverfish we got scared by a cave dweller we were fearing for our lives okay maybe we didn’t get lucky today but I feel lucky today and bookshelves now we’re really

Lucky today is this guy up here here still the oh he is he stayed as it so we can come and get the cassette player anytime I think I’ve got half the amount of emeralds I need so that’s good oh my God oh my God please please please please please did he

Despawn oh my God no he didn’t he didn’t okay okay I’m running I’m running will he despawn or is he just going to stay there looking at me what happens if I shoot him I missed I had one arrow and I missed wow that’s horrific oh well you

Know what some of those books were good I’ll take them I feel like he’s just behind me and he’s just not slowing down why does he just stare that’s what annoys me the most he doesn’t do anything but it does make me think if I attack him I could be please please okay

Okay okay I’m ignoring I’m ignoring I’m ignoring I’m ignoring I’m ignoring I’m ignoring okay he’s looking at me I’m ignoring I’m ignoring oh my god oh block up can’t see I can’t see okay is there going to be another bloody h on my base right how many of these can

We make we can make six bookshelves so far oh no we can make two more actually per perfect boom haven’t even got enough levels to make level 30 enchants but this is getting there right there we are we’ve got a uh shape and level 14 all right it’s

Something it’s a it’s a starting progress and whilst we very carefully go and check on these cows I think it’s going to be time to go mining cuz I also want to collect obsidian oh no I really don’t want these guys here I can kill all of them except

For the ones with the banner on the head oh my God oh my God oh my God what is that no I’m running that’s a different guy that is a different guy okay lights up the way come on oh he’s following me he’s following me oh my God he’s getting

Close every time I turned around he got closer okay oh my God oh my [ __ ] oh okay please God something is near no there isn’t what do you mean I can’t sleep something is near something isn’t there hello okay oh my God it is watching okay all right so something’s

Watching oh I’ve got weakness and Mining fatigue is that from it just being around goodness I heard it where is it is it here I don’t see anything oh my God that’s it oh my God kill it Iron Golem oh my God he’s the goat no way does it just not

Die oh okay parine skeleton oh it’s gone it’s gone you are the goat Iron Golem oh my God it’s still there right making some arrows I’m not being stupid about this right well this guy oh my God that’s it can I shoot it it can’t be shot

Okay oh my God it just disappeared it just disappeared are you kidding me so I can’t leave because I feel its presence but I can’t sleep because I feel its presence unless I just try do I just try and go I don’t want to go caving whil this thing’s behind me yeah my

God okay oh my God so I I okay right okay I really it really doesn’t want me to sleep right noted okay we’re not sleeping then we are just oh okay sorry Village we are just leaving y we are just leaving we are do you know what we

Are going to dig down we are going to dig down oh my God what the hell is that what is that okay okay no no no no no oh my God it’s there okay okay okay um now I’m completely lost I don’t know where I go or what I do

No matter where I go I’m doomed I’m wasting this up I still can’t sleep why the [ __ ] can’t I sleep please please let me try are you kidding me protect the villagers protect the villagers I just want to go mining how is this so difficult oh my God I literally I was

Trying to save your life I was trying to save your life oh my God oh my God yes go on Golem what the [ __ ] is that no no no no no oh my God what is that coming towards me I shoot it oh God oh God I’ve I’ve up oh my God

Why does it run like that oh my God what the hell is that it can climb up walls can it break [Applause] glass it took my door it took my door and now there’s an invis guy coming for oh my God I want my door back oh my God oh no oh

No oh no oh no oh no what’s happening what is happening it’s not going away what is happening what is happening what is happening oh my God oh my God please no oh my God come get out get out oh my God oh my God no no no do not die do not

Die oh oh my God right that’s our totem gun that is our totem gun and whatever that is okay goes close night Shard oh this is giving me slowness and darkness for no reason okay so this does absolutely nothing good they spawn it oh my God wait so if I was

To right click this on the floor it would spawn it no nope nope okay that’s going in a chest and never being touched again well I’m now safe and we can now go mining oh wait oh no I’m I’m going insane yeah of course I am of course I

Am come on cows I’m going insane are you real good very good cows very good right what I think I’m going to do because I really don’t want to Veer too far away from this Village and the base is dig down I mean I know it’s all I didn’t shave that

Log I didn’t shave that log I didn’t shave any of those logs okay it’s not my problem it’s not my problem not dealing with this now nope and I forgot my shield that could have been bad decided to bring my rock sack along as well so

That I can use the fortune 3 gold pickaxe on any coal I find what would be really nice is if I hadn’t run out of torches oh man I don’t know if I want to do this without them this does just seem like a bad idea nope yep not doing it without

Torches I’m leaving get me out of here no no no no no no not for me get out just any surface cave That Could Have Some Coal I didn’t think this is what I’d be searching for at this point in the game coal because I’m too scared of

The dark you know it could be worse I could be dead yes this is what we’re talking about it’s the small victories oh my God yep we’re leaving we’re leaving I’m nowhere near my base I am nowhere near my base oh my God he just teleported behind

Me yep we’re running and there’s more just Shar logs okay whoever is shaving all these trees needs to actually go away okay he is literally just following me oh my God oh my God oh my God and there’s another one there is another one nope nope please please please this is

Actually the worst timing this is why you can’t Veer too far away I’ve done this to myself I deserve this I deserve this pain they’re causing me and I hate it oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God if he catches up to me I’m

Actually dead oh my God there’s another one there is another one please okay ah oh my God it’s so close it’s so close oh my God no no okay where the hell did that thing go I can hear hey okay okay okay okay okay y right we safe please let me sleep

Please oh Hallelujah okay wow I hate this I actually hate this but the good news of all of this we’ve got torches ladies and gentlemen and now we can ignore everything and not Veer too far away okay right let’s place a torch just here so we know exactly where our

Mine is right this is where I got scared and just didn’t want to do anything from further on so hopefully that doesn’t happen again and I can deal with this I don’t know what this does but we’re collecting it just in case okay lapis or thank you oh I’m an idiot

Okay don’t like that don’t like that it’s happening again it’s happening again it’s fine we’re okay we’re okay es will save me they are my savior be careful around corners as long as I just leave a nice trail of torches so I know exactly where I’ve been

Everything will be fine that’s what I’m just going to keep telling myself what I just hear someone digging to me I just heard someone digging What the [ __ ] Hello I can hear him you we heard him Mining I’m not crazy right you all heard that okay okay easy easy easy easy right I need to do exactly what I did last episode if you guys watched the first episode of this I made a little bunker that I could Retreat to because genuinely if you don’t have

One you might as well just give up now that’s what I’m talking about right now I have no idea if that’s something coming for me it just needs to be somewhere open enough for me to get to oh my God no no no no we’re doing it here we’re doing it

Here don’t know what that is I don’t know what that is oh God my God oh my God oh my God oh my God need to heal I need to heal now oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God what the [ __ ] ah oh my

God oh my God I so nearly Died what that is why you need a safe space Oh my God okay hello buddy you’re actually just nothing to me right now I hope you know that genuinely I just had aing rat on me me right there’s diamonds here we are building a safe space right

Here I have got exactly enough wood for a crafting table and a door which you know sounds stupid but TR okay okay yeah that’s why that’s why you need a door okay you make this open we don’t make it too big we don’t want we don’t want things getting in at

All oh my God yep of course I’m going insane of course now oh my God the ice the ice the ice right we saw Diamonds oh my God where the hell is that thing okay I think we’re safe to get diamonds what give me give me give

Me two diamonds is that all okay that’s all come on the other on he oh my God oh my God oh my God get away oh you can’t shoot it I’ve pissed it off I pissed it off it broke my torch is it swimming oh my God CL one more okay

Right this is where our little handicap is if we need it oh my God I actually just saw that in the darkness what the [ __ ] is that oh my God it’s a type of zombie Oh my Jesus I literally only just saw an outline of that okay I can’t shoot this

Thing cuz it’s a Herobrine one all right come on oh my God the Strangler thing oh my god did you see it did you see it run run run Oh my God yep it’s there it’s there I thought it was gone I thought it was gone oh my God oh oh my God me stand in the middle stand in the middle ah okay okay okay okay whenever I run in it can hit me through blocks it hit box is so big yep it’s still here if I break one of these blocks it’ll get through so I need to just stay

Completely [Applause] still that means it’s gone I think that means it’s gone oh my god oh yep okay go away you are actually the least of my worries right now now right all of these things are still fooling me for diamonds despite the fact I’ve been playing this update for what 3

Years now okay that’s fine don’t care about mobs right now Diamond here give me come on one come on oh my God what the hell another one of those zombies nope ah oh my God oh my God go away go away oh no okay I need to run I need to

Run running running running oh my God mining is actually just too difficult okay this is just a zombie a really fast zombie I can kill that oh my God oh my God there are actually just too many mobs I actually hate hardcore mode right we’re just going to check for

Diamonds in this last part maybe we’re not maybe we’re not oh my God that thing is huge that thing is huge what the that is huge that is actually huge run run run don’t care about any of the mobs just run oh my God that thing is humongous what is

That I don’t think half diamond is happening we got five diamonds after all of that this is so difficult oh that’s herrine that’s herrine okay okay I don’t even know what I do now we’ve got 37 iron oh I’m trying to think do I risk finding a lava pool and Mining

Obsidian is that thing still there the thing’s not still there okay I need to find a lava oh it is still there what is that Thing I shoot it oh I shot it oh what we killed it did it drop anything it dropped nothing that’s Useless oh we found our way into a water cave these can be quite good for Diamonds oh my God no no no no I that I messed up I messed up did I mess up maybe I didn’t okay just Gathering our riches this is okay diamonds please Cub saving me oh my goodness Clow quids they’re good all right do you know I actually

Think I might be safe in the water I then decided to just do some strip mining oh damn okay nice decided to strip mine and we found five diamonds okay perfect what was that okay I’m all alone there is nothing in this trip mine with me so that’s good to know

My God why why why was there really any need for that dear Lord oh no that’s that’s dodgy that’s taking a just to break I’m not minding that what wait did you guys see that oh yep yep yep yep running running running okay running run run I’ve just trapped

Myself no no no no no no no no no no no oh my God we literally need two more diamonds and we are half diamond oh wow I I need to leave now 10 diamonds is all we’re getting cuz I’ve been so brain dead I left my only crafting table there

I have got seven PL uses left on this diamond pickaxe and I still need to mine obsidian so oh that’s not good we are just leaving here now we’re just digging up yeah that’s exactly why whoever is making that noise you are the reason I’m doing this I’m

Leaving okay I think we’re up to surface oh my god I’ve accidentally turned on oh my God oh my God oh my God I’ve turned on chunk things I don’t know how to turn this off okay it’s off where the hell was that thing on why was it

Directly above me all right it’s gone it’s gone that’s something I’ll take it it would have been nice to get two more diamonds but you know what in a time like this you really can’t be picky can you all right now I have no idea if this

Means anything but I’m just going to yep don’t want anything coming out of that and we can now breed our cows again and then I think we might have enough to make all the bookshelves yes feed my pretties this guy thinks he’s got me fooled no no thank

You yeah that’s how I know man that’s how I know if I don’t interact with him does he just this guy he actually thinks he’s so slick can I shoot him can I not shoot him at all oh go on I got it’s SM want try and kill him want to try and

Kill him what hunts me down the entire time the one time I try and chase after him he just disappears into the floor what a kned right now that we have got everything we need in the works for the enchantment table that’s all I wanted that literally

Is all I wanted as well as the diamond chest plate and helmet but sadly couldn’t make that happen so you know what I am going to do instead I’m going to go get obsidian on the surface I’m going to find a lava pool get obsidian and then build a another portal and

They’re almost always in savanas that’s what I’ve noticed from every man hunt I’ve done every challenge I’ve ever done Oh I thought that was one then that was about to be so good I will grab pumpkins though cuz you never know when you’re going to need to make an army of iron

Golems hang on a minute what is this oh nope why am I going insane it’s nothing it’s nothing I’m not going insane maybe I am maybe it is something oh it’s that thing oh I actually I actually hate those things oh my God please buddy oh my

God that it such a oh dick move man dick move what was the need in that and what and what is that and why did it disappear no okay I need to find this lava pool now and oh I see Stone this is just Stone there is nothing

Here oh my God this is actually the worst timing oh lava oh my goodness oh we are going to cut this so close okay right I hate it but I’m just doing it need 10 I’m not grabbing 14 forget that okay we got it we’re out I’m

Leaving I’m leaving oh and of course all the mobs are spawning now yep and there’s another one I think these are just called like corrupted mobs or his minions or whatever I don’t know but I hate them I’m leaving they have so much health that’s a skeleton

Creeper oh my God blindness for 3 seconds why did I fight that okay we’re okay oh my God I thought that was herrine oh my God there’s a demon over there okay run around it why am I going near it hasn’t seen me and there’s a big fat

Zombie over there oh it’s seen me it’s seen me okay we’re running oh yeah it’s chasing it’s close oh my God oh my God oh my God it swims it swims no no no no no go away go away oh my God it runs faster me I don’t know what to

Do oh my God oh my God what am I supposed to do in those situations how do I out how do I outrun that thing do I just let it kill me and give up oh my god dude not the time okay I thought it was Herobrine I’m going to stop calling him Herobrine and just

Refer to him as Brian from now on because Herobrine’s getting too long and it’s hurting my ears ah oh oh my God what is that what is that what is that oh my God okay it’s a type of zombie I didn’t like that one bit it dropped quartz

Okay I’m leaving I’m leaving please let me sleep tonight please I would actually love it if just for once there were no complications and I could sleep oh my God there’s another guy over there yeah there is there is I’m leaving I’m running I’m running the GU still just

Chilling over there yeah we’re good we’re good oh my God in in in okay I the fact that I’ve got doors there still just doesn’t make me feel good I have to block it up every time and please let me sleep please of course not of course not why why would I why

Would I let me sleep why would I let me sleep right well at least we’ve got an extra seven books and with that two bookshelves okay what are we up to we are up to an 18 level 18 which will get us Bane of Arthropods too yikes okay let’s just get our iron

Smelting we’ve got a lot of stuff just slowly getting ready here oh my God there’s more no matter what there’s just more oh wait 20 uses left on my pickaxe all right we’re going to save this in case I need to repair it and we’re just

Going to use iron from now on nope NOP no nope what is that okay how many hits is this going to take what now you’re joking it doesn’t even move move I don’t know how many shots this is does it give me anything at Least okay well I have to keep going Now I’ve got 15 arrows left I don’t even know if that’s going to kill It it doesn’t move at all it just stays there oh okay I died did it don’t tell me it dropped nothing do do not tell me it dropped no oh my God oh my God okay okay okay it dropped something newi crap oh my God oh my God run run run run

Okay okay it’s coming it’s coming oh my god oh oh it opened the door oh my God yep it can open the door what the do you want what do you want please let me sleep please oh what a stupid assumption what a stupid assumption are you just going to stay

There and make that noise mate is that do you have nothing better to do oh go away you know what we’re going to make some pumpkin seeds and save them for later oh also let’s do this I don’t care if it’s a waste of gold I don’t care

What the comments say I’m doing this golden apples open the door can you get in oh my God should I try and kill this thing try okay okay okay come on come on oh my god oh no oh my god get in get in get

In okay that brought me to a tear a little bit that freaked me out all right okay we’ve got our obsidian we somehow got a netherite scrap I don’t even just from killing that obese mother trucker we are going to make this nether portal

And we are not going to do it right next to my base because I have a feeling that would be a terrible idea we’re going to do it out in the open oh go away if I shoot it okay that doesn’t work either okay we’re just

Leaving that b right here we are this is where the nether Portal’s going one two three all right and done okay it’s done this is the part that I’m genuinely quite terrified for I’ve been scared up until this point but here we go I didn’t make my armor I didn’t oh oh

Okay do you know what I’m actually quite happy with this spawn it’s not good but it’s not bad cuz we can flatten it out and there’s no surprises I don’t know what’s new in the nether so this is this is just terrifying I’m not doing this without

Blocks no no thank you I’m going to get my leather I’m going to make my chest plate I’m going to get blocks I’m not going to be stupid about this yes absolutely not what the hell is a sheep doing in there Diamond chest plate and because

We’re going to the nether golden boots I do not want to get absolutely merked by piglins no thank you that’s just not on my List oh my what the what the heck what oh my God what is that what is that how did that happen I killed you for food you freak oh my God I was Lally just killing pigs for food okay okay don’t set the village on fire please

Right are you going to do it again are you going to do it again are you okay good all right you’re a regular one oh my God oh my God why what how do I what do I do what do I do every time I

Kill it it multiplies I have to set them all on fire you actually can’t win no matter what you do you’re doomed I’m leaving that one just so he knows weirdo oh no way there is a fortress right there that is huge okay that’s really good oh my God please actually not

Now actually not now why is he just Why is he just standing there looking at me oh my God okay he disappeared I don’t think he’s around me we’re fine I really don’t want him to jump scare me when I’m bridging oh my God bro I actually can’t

Catch a break okay I’ve turned my render distance up just so I can see a bit further okay yeah that’s definitely another Fortress I don’t see much over there a Bastion oh my God we’re actually in between both wow that is huge that is really good okay we are going to create

A pathway oh yes it’s literally right here this is so good oh oh my God I really I hate these guys go away oh my God he’s there no no no no I’m not doing this he disappeared he disappeared absolutely not no no no no no I’m going back I’m going back

Herobrine is CORRUPTING my Hardcore World… (Minecraft: From The Fog #2)

Instagram – @wispexe
Photo Instagram – @wisp.photos


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