Hermitcraft 10 – Episode 9: I’m Back As The RICHEST HERMIT!

Well hello there and welcome back to the wonderful worlds of Hermits and crafting and I’ve got some good news and I’ve got some bad news but the good news Pearl and I went end busting here in the end and we got all sorts of treasures like

Elytras and of course all of the Sher boxes and a whole lot more now the bad news I was clearing out some files and I deleted the end busting footage very sad about that we had some good laughs so you can watch it on Pearl’s episode so

F’s in the chat for the lost footage also Fs in the chat for why I cannot mine the Ender Chest I mean I broke the Sher box just fine I mean I’m really banging it I’m really banging it good what is happening why is it not breaking I I

Can’t break the walls what is happening I can’t break the Ender Chest can’t break the walls can’t break the carpet what in the world this is so peculiar I have no idea what happened why am I in my pants anyway that was very strange either way we’re back on our wings I’m

Not panicking that under the end Island right now at all okay that’s not the exit where is the exit I’m really rusty flying oh my gosh anyway it is so good to have our wings now but don’t fear we’re still going to be riding cwoo all across the server

We’ll just use these for those long distance tracks um but when we’re traveling around our base here cwo is still our best friend I haven’t been on the server much lately because I haven’t been feeling well we’ll talk about that in a moment and uh looks like old Larry

Jr escaped from his kennel and there is a sign over here it says we are mini and apparently just kind of uh spontaneously combusted into many different snails that have slimed their way all the way up to the train and it basically replaced the wheels as you can see with

The snails and down at the end the troublemakers themselves green snail and pink snail gem snail green snail ah those pesky pesky little snails here look at them they’re little wheels you know what’s hard about these snails you know what’s really hard about it is they’re

So adorable and cute it’s hard to be really mad at them look at them but big old snail there uh yeah apparently uh just replicated himself into mini mini snails and now I’ve got to figure out how to clean this all up and what to do with them don’t people

Eat snails isn’t it called like snail cargo or something cwo what do they call it when people eat snails snail kagu snu snook a cool new upgrade over here at C’s horse hole is that we now have a new design so originally this was two blocks

Deep and we would have to hop out of the hole every time we got on and off couo but I got an email that’s right I got an email almost as strange as getting something in the mail and uh it is a berry bush ring with carpet on top of it

And the horse can’t go out even if you have a golden carrot trying to lure cowo out so that’s amazing so instead of a two block hole horse hole thing we’ve got a one pixel hole and it works perfectly fine you love it don’t you cwo

And I have a quick question for you by the way do the cyan and the pink snail here have names or they just pesky one and pesky 2 let me know in the Comments I’ve gone crazy crazy for ore that’s right we’ve got an insane amount of ore from all of my mining now you might be asking scar why are you doing all of this mining well unfortunately my neuromuscular disease is kind of kicking me in the butt right now I felt it for

The last few weeks and in the last week now it really got me and put me in bed for quite some time so I just been mining from bed as you can see we’ve got chest after chest of ore and we even have deep slate Emerald so yeah that’s

Where I’ve been this last week that’s why there’s been no videos or streams I’ve been just trying to rest and trying to take care of my body but never fear because we’ve got a very exciting episode today because we are going to add another car to the train and this

One is going to be the herbivore car and that’s going to feed all of our heror for the zoo and this is going to come with some really fun additions to the train oh a wild Etho approaches come look at my Ora oh oh no oh

No oh scar oh my goodness see I always wonder what you do at night when when it’s late night crew and I think I know now yeah yep it just keeps going too oh my goodness go down to the bottom chest bottom chest oh my goodness I’m so jelly

I’ll send you some in the mail system oh I would love some Redstone I I know like people have raid Farms I can just but look at this one look at this one the gold oh my goodness that’s a lot of gold B look at this one look at this

One all righty uh we might have a richest terit now ah well hello there woke up this morning with a little surprise from my spring bunny friend and that was a basket of factor factor delivers ready to eat meals directly to your door they come never Frozen and

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First box so use that code enjoy the convenience and the delicious meals that will be delivered to your door via factor and thank you so much for sponsoring today’s video factor I just stand under this beehive and try to catch the honey as it falls oh anyway as Etho said very well

Might be the current richest hermit what the heck is happening oh my gosh I look away from the computer for 1 second and I turn back and it is absolute chaos and a man just enjoy some honey seriously you look away for 1 minute on the server and pandemonium

Strikes but anyway time to start working on the train first thing we need to do is clear away the little car because we’re going to need a much bigger car to contain my ideas for today so as as we go down the rails I do want to continue

To keep the same uniform design that we have for the underpinnings of the cars that’s the portion that attaches to the rails but on top that’s where we can be creative and be a little bit more cartoony so let’s get that in line with

The rest of the train and we are all set to start adding our creativity just like we did on all these other cars right on top of that structure but before we do that BDubs has summoned me to the shopping district BDubs you summoned me

Yeah I just had a question for you we were reminiscing a little bit how mad were you at Cleo for stealing Pizza like no no character what what was your personal actual real feelings Pizza meant more than I can express as you know I’m an offici anado of pizza I

Watch many pizza videos people making pizza people reviewing pizza and pizza meant a lot pizza was an integral part the sand uh Monopoly they had pizza stolen and viciously murdered I mean I built Pride Rock but was it funny it was it was not funny it was not funny take that back I

Thought it was funny no it wasn’t you take that back too all I remember is like murder scar coming back at the like like coming over and asking did you STI have you seen pizza and like no and then afterwards scar not knowing and and then coming back after on Discord saying okay

Seriously who took pizza that’s what really threw me Cleo is when he asked you he asked you directly did you steal pizza and you to his face we like nope that’s what really got me some stuff can be forgiven but you just double down what this is wait a

Sec I just realized a family assembled mom brother what a wonderful moment out shopping together M yes do you have a shop yet scar no BBS finally gave me inspiration to build a shop cuz the shopping district was looking it was a little rough there’s like an enormous

Sundow bigger the God’s ego and a bunch of holes and I’m just like what is going on I’m counting on you to blend this all in scar yeah this is you’re the glue I’m supposedly supposed to enforce rules in the shopping district you got to wait

For skis to come back to I do where is this man apparently he’s on the high seas or something dude what if the boat went down oh my goodness that’d be awful that would be awful what if the plane crashed well I feel like a boat you get to float

For a while and then you get to go on a helicopter or something be kind of fun that that’s that’d be nice yeah it’d be a story you could tell for the rest of your life right yeah you don’t want to go down a plane but but a boat I mean

You might see a shark or something who is that character from Titanic with the red hair she pushed Leonardo into the water rose rose there you go yes I you just blew my mind you knew that I can’t believe it I can’t believe it he never knows anything he’s like

Rose I never know anything like like movie movie references the only thing he knows is I’m a little bit slower on those that’s true why why are we reminiscing about the life series and why are we envisioning skis going down on a boat oh initially we were uh Etho

Said that that when Cleo stole Pizza that was the moment he gained a lot of like fear for her uh scar though since you’re here I know you are a dirt user yeah I’m a dirt guy I’m a dirt guy you’re a dirt user yeah okay don’t say

It like that it sounds weird I would like to have a race with you okay what kind of race that SC aing is far more efficient than dirt as far as a pillar as far as a pillaring block and it’s better okay I will prove it I’ll prove

It no he might have converted me scar I don’t know no e you were on my side no no this this will help you I I’m almost convinced no I mean if you beat them scar I might change my mind again you will pillar up you go up you ring the

Bell and then you remove your pillar and ring the bottom Bell and whoever Rings the bottom Bell first wins I’ll be going in scaffolding you’ll be going in dirt do you understand the rules that they’ been stated to you I understand the rules also I will state that there are

Other reasons to use dirt besides speed we know this to be true search your feelings you know it to be true n n not allow to talk about those things scar yeah we talk about we talk about all right Mom okay we ready three 2 one go oh the running start running jump

Start this one’s an easy one this is an easy win he gain it on you scar that was me that was me no you didn’t go down the my goodness he doesn’t no I call it you jumped off the scaffolding that’s exactly right I did because you can’t do that with dirt but

With scaffolding you can you just sold your sold it to yourself now you can see wow wow I’m glad I bought my scaffolding now yes yes yes have some here you know scar sometimes you get stuck in your old ways it might be time to change it’s

Time you were on my side eth though you know it to be true I’m going to give it a try for a little bit I I’m not fine I’ll give it a try too I I’ll give it a try that’s giving it a try I think there’s correct and incorrect uses for

It as well the way Tango uses it is not correct most of the time correct oh that actually hurts this is the dangers of scaffolding you’re just like him no he knows he knows this is the dangers you could you could this is a workplace Hazard that anybody a rap scallion with

Intrusive thoughts could ruin your your work day people don’t try scar try it again a I messed it up shoot you can clutch it you can clutch it yeah yeah yeah let’s let’s do that Cleo’s breaking oh dear hey let’s go I just got you a sail there bebs he does it

Too oh is that is that easier than water bucket clutch it looks like it this is you better get this bring me down come on break it break it guys come on here we go oh oh I’m dead oh no that just reinforces be up is correct with the scaffoldings Better Than Dirt

Scaffolding oh two bebs zero scar all right let’s go pick up our stuff and buy the things that we need from the shopping district wow that got really derailed we started talking about old life series and people sinking in boats I got my gear back from BDubs and been

Doing my shopping here in the shopping district and this is Cub’s firework shop which is amazing watch this oh a few minutes ago there were fireworks going off when you open the chest here we go here we go yeah let’s go let’s go okay so here here’s the deal here’s

Why I’m here there’s lag on the server it makes it really hard to use a bow so Hawkeye instead of using a bow is going to be using a crossbow shotgun style and I need the most deadly fireworks to shoot from the crossbow from Cub being

The firework guy the boom boom man and there we go special order request and oh no no no don’t get me no no hold on I’m going to kill I’m going to kill with the fireworks I’m going to kill with the Fireworks I’m going to kill all the mobs okay well I killed myself maybe that wasn’t the best idea to defeat the mobs but I’ve got my book with a special order request for Cub so let Cub know that he has a special order request for fireworks and uh where’s my

Diamonds and where’s the rest of my stuff while I’m here I’m going to buy a premium high flyer box and those are 12 diamonds come on cowo we got to get back so got everything we need and finally we can start working on our build and I do

Need to start working on my shops by the way we’ve we got to get our sand and gravel shop off the ground so if you have any ideas for my sand and gravel shop let me know in the comments hello I have I’ve got a bit of a a problem and

Uh yeah I got to come clean about it uh clean is actually a really interesting word for what I’m about to show you this just kept getting worse but I was so accustomed to it being off the surf a few days while I’ve been sick coming back I’m realizing oh my gosh

I’ve got a huge problem down here look at this mess look at this mess the floor is a shulker every inch of this is covered in chests and these things are full look at this they’re absolutely jammed packed and I just realized right here that actually could be another chest right

There no I’m doing it to myself I can’t do that oh my gosh I’m just like literally looking around around for more spaces look at this you have to walk around down and then all the way to the back here to open the different chests that’s not creepy at all anyway

What kind of storage solution should I use this season we’ve gone with let’s throw everything in a pile to Advan technology and none of it really seems to suit me so if you have any ideas let me know in the comments this might be a dumb idea but we’re just about to start

Working on the next car but I thought it might be fun to use the boom boom Rockets I want to do it again I want to do it again one more time one more time here we go here we [Laughter] Go all right let’s get to some work finally today and with that let’s jump into super fast build mode and whoa where did that Arrow come from wow that was a highflying arrow hkey would be proud of that anyway as I said let’s jump into super fast build mode and

Build out our herbivore car which I’ve got some fun and exciting surprises for this green houses parrots and a whole lot more so hit It A and of Superfest build mode and we’ve got the car with the greenhouse and the surprise of the giant honeyhive here looking absolutely amazing if we do a soft touchdown here on the loading dock we can take a look at all the details here so as I said we’re on a little

Loading dock that goes up and down when the train is stopped we even have some little cranes moving down what will eventually have a parrot Inside the Cage there we’ve got some honey going up and down and some wheat and bamboo of course in this section here is the Open Fields

Of the cart so we have our bamboo we have our wheat our sunflowers we have our giant oh I absolutely love this uh beehive and then here we have absolutely nothing and if you have any ideas on how to decorate this let me know in the comments and one of my favorite things

About the honey hiive here is the mo oh hello there um is the motion look at this look at the little drips of Honey coming off of it it is so difficult in Minecraft to actually make things you know move and feel like they have energy

And with this we have it we have it it’s dripping honey and it feels so alive and you can just get right under here and just catch some of the honey in your mouth as it falls and of course the honey is dripping right into the honey

Pot there so this area is looking pretty darn good but the interior here of the greenhouse needs a whole lot more work so we need to figure out what we’re growing inside of the greenhouse and find a spot for the tree that will grow out of the greenhouse now here’s a

Problem trap doors in Minecraft are way too expensive they’re straight up highway robbery look at this I haven’t been able to finish this section here because I uh ran out of copper and I am very upset about it these things should be far cheaper than they are and it is legitimately

Driving me crazy I don’t know if it will be possible but I do think it would be funny if we had something growing out of the side of the car here on the back because it’s a little bit boring on this side so if we were to incorporate some

Kind of like I don’t know zucchini or big carrot or something growing out of the side I think that would be really cool but before we get to our pumpkin or a zucchini or whatever we’re going to have growing out of the side of the greenhouse we got to start working on

The interior here and the biggest thing we need to get installed of course is the tree growing out so with a quick spin we’ve got ourselves a tree looking very fancy it’s almost a Jack in the giant beanock uh Vibe going on in here as you can see the tree is growing up

And out of the greenhouse and you can see the beautiful leaves and the flowers on the tree now I did a little something different with the tree so let me know what you think the branches are blowing towards the back of the car to give off the feeling like they’re blowing in the

Wind right the train is Jing that wind force and it’s blowing the leaves backwards and hopefully that does give off the right Vibe we can always increase the leaves and you know make it look a little bit better so let me know in the comments added some roots coming

Out of the bottom of the train and look at the silhouette oh I love the silhouette of the train now I got to figure out what to do with the flowers inside I’ll be doing something with you snails in just a minute but I’ve got to

Say of all the stuff that I’ve done today this straight up is the hardest thing putting the little parrot friend into that cage but very exciting we now have a pumpkin on the side of the greenhouse looking super super cool and best of all inside the greenhouse we

Have a fully growing out Wonderland of boty and it looks super super cool and of course this is where a lot of the food’s grown for the animals so lots of different types of things in here and eventually when our farms start pumping up resources from below or at least when

There is Farms that is we will will fill these chests full of the stuff and it’ll be magically Pumped Up From Below right into these chests build right into the trunk of the tree and oh I love this I love it it’s so peaceful in here you

Walk in here you see all the plants growing just looking absolutely amazing and when I do get more animals uh like more parrots and stuff I want to put more of them in this area like one up there and then outside of course we already showed this but I love it too I

Just want a little lounge chair right here just to sit back and relax and take in all of our plants and of course our giant beehive dripping away with all of its honey and we cannot forget our beautiful tree with a whole lot of detail and we only looked at it for a

Minute but let’s pop in the back here and take a look at our pumpkin growing out the side of the greenhous car this side just felt a little bit Bland it needed a little bit of pizzazz and a little attention and I think the pumpkin there fits that bill very very well and

I might put something else on the side just don’t know what yet now it’s time to do something with these snails this wasn’t my idea in the slightest I just want to have everybody know that this wasn’t my idea it was the pink snail and the turquoise snail this was their idea

But it is genuinely hilarious this of course is Chef green snail making some s [Laughter] Scaro okay okay all right I tried writing it out because I was trying to remember how to spell escargo and I’m like oh snap that’s too good to let go so yeah our little snail chefs here are

Making some escar go hopefully those fools stay away from my train and speaking of the train look at how cool it’s Sil OU looks with all the different shapes of the cars and that’s something I wanted to achieve with this build is to have a really unique silhouette and when you think of

Design silhouette is actually an important way to identify is your build easily recognizable think about all the iconic Star Wars characters and how you could instantly recognize those characters through their Silhouettes and with our most recent car here I am so so happy with the way this came out this of

Course is our herbivore car and I really think it givs off the vibe of growing some food for our animals here with our honey and our wheat fields and our bamboo in this blank area that still needs something let me know in the comments what I should do there and

Inside here we have all of our plants and vegetables growing away and fruits now we are going to get the armor Stam book very soon and we’re going to start uh adding some really customized things in here to really Spruce it up along with getting a parrot for the cage above

Now just think about this with the armor stand book maybe we can make these look like banana trees and if there is is a block or an item in the game let me know and we’ll turn this right into a banana tree on my next stream and yeah I want

To really make this area special with the armor stand book and yeah I have had so much fun with this build but there is something very important that I have not got done and I neglected in this episode and uh do you know what that is because I still don’t know what the

Bass Ruben test is and it’s driving me crazy and I didn’t start it in this episode and I don’t want to get put back on hold and Green’s terrif Ying me because the Perman office is my worst nightmare and yeah we need to fill out form mjy aa5

Ko6 form for the creation of a new permit so in our next episode we’re going to do what this book tells me to do and we’re going to get our brand new permit now I do need your help with something start helping me come up with

Names for the zoo I don’t have any good names yet so I’m counting on you guys to help me come up with them until next time this has been good times of Scar and we’ll see you later and don’t subscribe because you may very well just become scarred for Life

Use code SCAR50 to get 50% OFF the First Box and free wellness shots for life with any active subscription at https://bit.ly/42o2WtG! Thanks to Factor for sponsoring this video.

Welcome to Hermitcraft season 10 – Episode 9! I’m back on Hermitcraft as the richest Hermit with a massive amount of Diamonds, Copper and other rare ore! I build the biggest train car yet for the Zoo Train and meet up with Bdubs, Cleo and Etho for some fun and games in the Hermitcraft shopping district. Hope you enjoyed the episode and see you in the Hermit permit office with Grian in the next Hermitcraft video.


New Hermitcraft members:

Skizzleman: https://www.youtube.com/@UCYdXHOv7srjm-ZsNsTcwbBw

Smallishbeans: https://www.youtube.com/@UC4qdHN4zHhd4VvNy3zNgXPA


My Links and stuff:
* Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/user?u=21298347
* Twitter: http://twitter.com/#!/GTWScar
* Twitch: http://www.twitch.tv/goodtimeswithscar
* Instagram: http://instagram.com/goodtimeswithscar
*TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@goodtokswithscar
*Business Inquiries Send to: gtws@pbnj.gg
Hermitcraft SMP – season 10 info and seed coming soon.

For more information and links to all things Hermitcraft, follow the link to the Hermitcraft website: https://hermitcraft.com/

#hermitcraft #hermitcraft10 #hermitcraftseason10


  1. Scar you can replace the block that you spawn on top of with a pressure plate so it only stays open when you are in there and it closes automatically.

  2. in the empty part on the cart you shoul put decorated pots, with either the wheat or tree symbol, with a smaller plant pot with the torchflowers and other things in it, looking like huge plants or as little food containers (you can even put some honey blocks beneath some of them to look like stored honey!)

  3. The blank space on the car you asked suggestion for – add a villager who buys pumpkin melons and carrots then sells golden carrots? Make him a swamp villager to fit in with the scenery 😅

  4. God loves you so much scar (and viewers) He wants you to know the depths of His Love and transform you from the inside out to make you a living breathing testimony ❤️ He wants the best for you period and even if you don't believe in Jesus He still blesses you because He loves you that much! He saves us from ourselves and any outside forces including sickness 🙏 He is faithful and He said He is not willing any man perish but have life and to have it in abundance ❤️ I Pray Healing and a divine awakening to the reality that is our creator and first Love in the mighty name of Jesus over you scar and over any and all viewers. He will never leave or forget about you and your concerns. God bless and the upmost Love to everyone! Blessings abundantly! 🙏

  5. Cleo, Etho and bdubs brought up third life, and now scar has an actual sand monopoly, so maybe he should remake monopoly mountain as his sand (and gravel) shop lol 😂

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