Minecraft 1.20.5 Snapshot 24W12A | Custom Stack Size & Trial Chamber Map!

Hello everyone and welcome back to another Minecraft update video for 24 w12a this is a snapshot for 1 120.5 but of course it includes experimental features from 1.21 and that’s where we’re starting in this snapshot new advancements have been added to the game let’s go through them

One by one starting off with entering a trial chamber let’s move inside of the structure hey and there it is advancement made Minecraft trials Edition oh now this appears in the adventure Tab and as you can see there’s some more advancements related to the new features here let’s go ahead and

Scrape one of these copper bulbs we get wax off as well as lighten up of course in these trial Chambers we can obtain a trial key and when we use this on a vault that’ll give us the underlock and key advancement here we have a room with

A breeze spawner so I’m going to pop on into survival mode and we’re going to try and kill the breeze with its own wind charge so this means I’ve got to deflect one back directly at it it’s going to be tricky so in the past 5 minutes I’ve learned that this is

Insanely difficult we can see the wind charge coming my way it is so tricky to get the timing right but this guy has just one heart left yay there we go okay that that took some effort yes blowback was the name of that advancement and that took me like 8

Minutes and yes I was in survival but I had resistance it is really really tricky to kill them that way by the way that one gives you 40 experience points I think it’s the only new addition to give you XP as a reward as well this next advancement requires the mace and

Doing over 50 hearts of damage which means falling from really high up now the creeper here obviously only has 20 health so I’m curious to see if it’ll actually work on a mob with less than 50 health so let’s see how good my aiming is

Oh first time love it there you go over Overkill deal 50 hearts of damage in a single hit using the mace and of course we have just learned that doesn’t require a mob that has more than 50 Health this next one requires us to be near a crafter when it crafts a crafter

Ahuh look at what it just made Crafters crafting Crafters that one is on its own little category here the last one is a part of this group of them and it involves blasting yourself up into the air by seven blocks with a wind charge so this is obviously going to require

Some fine timing that felt kind of oh that’s got to be the one there you go who needs Rockets use a wind charge to launch yourself upwards seven blocks I should point out in the patch notes it says eight but there you go it says seven in game so obviously the majority

Of these were related to the trial Chambers and the contents within them I mentioned this because trial Chambers themselves are going to be a little rarer to find they’re now going to generate spread out a little further from one another than in previous snapshots we can actually see the values

For these changes separation went from 8 to 12 and spacing went from 32 to 34 and if you think that’s a bad change fear not because the Cartographer now trades a new type of map here it is down here the trials chamber map you can see the

Icons got a little bit of distinguishing color where of course going to go ahead do that trade and check this map out right here that my friends is what signifies where the trial chamber is and of course it’s pretty close by in this case so we can fly directly over to it

And then around here I guess we would dig straight down but of course I am here just to show you what’s going on let’s go into spectator mode go underground and there it is the trial chamber I should also mention I traded with these villagers in a couple of

Different village types and all of them seem to be giving me the ocean map first and then when you reach the next level you get the trial chamber map all right there’s more cool stuff coming up but quick sub plug from me if you’re not subscribed to the channel and you want

To keep up to date with these snapshots and Minecraft changes hit that subscribe button down below next up the heavy core which I don’t think we’ve seen the last of there have been some suggestions and hints from moyang that this might be receiving more features in the future

One of the things that you can do now is actually water log this block and previously it could be popped off by water so flowing water doesn’t do that and neither will flowing lava it will go around the heavy core a tool of choice has also been assigned this is the

Pickaxe this is the tool to now mine it within a reasonable amount of time but it still looks like it’s going to take oh I don’t know 10 to 15 seconds and when it breaks it drops itself its blast resistance has also been adjusted uh since I didn’t test this before though I

Don’t know quite what the change is look at that it survives a TNT explosion and it didn’t destroy any of the blocks around it I think that’s because the TNT was sitting on the Block which might be an interesting Quirk this could also very easily be something that gets

Patched out yeah look at that it’s preventing other blocks from being blown up well what about entities for science oh no they don’t survive I’m going to guess this will get patched and on the topic of the heavy core one of the devs said that the likelihood of getting this

From a vault was 2.2% and I forgot to track my source here so I don’t have a tweet on the screen to show you next up the changes for Minecraft 1.2.5 a lot of this stuff is Technical and as you’ll see it’s sort of laying down some foundations for some of the

Changes we just saw in 1.21 as you’ll see here there is a trigger for crafter recipe crafted you can specify a player a recipe ID and some of the ingredient ingredients too and if you happen to not know a trigger is like a detection of something taking place in the world that

Can be interacted with VI commands and so in this case this and the following were used for adding the advancements the other one is fall after explosion trigger the explosion here being the wind charge I assume you got the player as a parameter starting position distance and the cause of the explosion

So all of those parameters can be heavily customized to create some amazing experiences map makers and we are seeing a ton more changes under the hood here as well there’s a new entity type tag for sensitive to Smite the new wolf variants have been added into sub

Predicates which is a similar setup for the cats and the frogs and the paintings and that means that some of the files have been moved around a little bit to be more consistent with other things in the game now a lot of this stuff is really technical so if this is your

Wheelhouse of course go and give the article a read for yourself there are a couple of things in here though that are really interesting like the ability to toggle tool tips I think that explains this cryptic tweet that we saw earlier in the day like whatever is going on

Here one thing’s for sure there there is no tool tip on the cursor so as it shows in this example you could actually hide the enchantments tool tip specifically and there is a new item stack component for food that explains this mysterious tweet we saw earlier can you eat

Inventory management for breakfast look at this breaking a block picking it up and then of all things going ahead and eating the obsidian so have you ever wanted to eat a diamond block that is now entirely possible and don’t you wish you could have more than a stack of diamonds well

Yep that’s right I’m currently holding 99 of them this is because there is now a Max stack size component here and the max stack size is indeed 99 and if we try and go any higher it doesn’t let us and our third example in includes using

An arrow as a tool because now you can Define it as being like a tool uhhuh this is like a pickaxe and the arrow has a custom durability of 16 uses I think map makers are going to have a field day with this snapshot also want to say

Thanks to Mis for providing us with the commands you just saw for these new custom features so back here on the website you can see the max stack size there’s also Max damage resistance they keep opening up more and more of the game for customization and so with that

A lot of new tag types like tag lists for incorrect for a particular tool and the food that mobs eats have now been separated into their own tag list so you can customize this and make it so that rabbits for example could eat different types of food now there are quite a few

Bug fixes in this snapshot but most of them just relate to things that broke in the last couple of snapshots and that basically wraps up my coverage of the snapshot so if you enjoy it be sure to leave a like thanks for supporting the channel and I’ll see you next week with

Another one

Minecraft 1.20.5 Update Playlist ► https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL7VmhWGNRxKixIX8tWEQn-BnYKE9AaAXk
Snapshot 24W11A for Minecraft 1.20.5 adds advancements for Minecraft 1.21

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0:00 Minecraft: Trial(s) Edition
0:52 Blowback
1:45 Over-Overkill
2:16 Crafters Crafting Crafters
2:53 Trial Chamber Map
4:16 Heavy Core Changes
4:54 TNT Exploit?
5:35 New Triggers
6:30 Under The Hood
6:56 Developer Tweets
7:33 Eating Diamonds
8:23 More Customization

Featured In This Video

#minecraft #minecraftnews #snapshot


  1. Stack size is good for anything, especially pvp servers. Like if I wanna specify a durability but not have the randomness of durability, I can give say a 99 stack of swords (hopefully this means u can stack none stackable items) then give them 1 durability, so they'll break in 1 use, u can. Hell let's say I want different weapons to have certain amount sof Ammo, now I can. Its hella useful but imo it'd be better if it was 128. Just saying mojang, just saying.

  2. They better not be almost done with this update. Usually when they start adding advancements they’re almost done. The trial chambers still need WAY more work imo and need way more variety in the chambers and a new boss.

  3. Makes sense that "Over-Overkill" wouldn't require the enemy to have enough health to take all that damage. Overkill implies doing more damage than enemy health by default, so the achievement name is acknowledging that the mace is capable of doing that to an extreme degree.

  4. …It's just struck me that lava-logging doesn't exist.

    We should totally get that added. Aside from general aesthetic purposes, it'd be great for parkour challenges.

  5. I feel like the trial chambers map should be renamed to trial seeker map. It gives it more character and fits in with the uniqueness of the ocean explorer map.

  6. I Really hope they remove the 99 Stack Size cap, why give people an option when its bearly going to change the game

    So many people i know want chonky stack sizes like 512 -> 2048

  7. If the Trial Chambers are going to spawn and not be cut apart by the world generation, I'd like it if Strongholds get the same treatment.

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