New Additions For Pets PLUS a Brand New Pet Type! – Stardew Valley 1.6

The pets in stard D Valley 1.6 have just had the long awaited but welld deserved overall a lot has changed with pets it’s the little things let’s start off with the basic stuff you can now put hats on your pets just like you can with the

Horses and your kids this is adorable oh my God look at him his tails wiing at me this is the panda hat you can have the Frog hat come on look at us down here let me let me see that cute face he’s adorable guys and we can even put him in

A helmet that doesn’t quite work another change is you can now walk through your pets much faster if they get in the way and we also have a brand new animal tab where you can keep track of how much your pets and animals love you you can

See their hearts you can see their name if you have petted them not only with the pets but also all of the farm animals the only animal that doesn’t have hearts or will love you is your horse which is a shame I think the horseshit as well but that’s not all

Guys let me show you what else we can do you can now buy pet ballls for your farm and you’re probably thinking why well we can customize these there is different appearances they will match your farm you got the wooden the stone and the hay which is amazing and this is also an

Instant build it’s 5K you just need some hardwood and the reason you can buy these and actually move them around wherever you like you can now give the pet his own place wherever you like on the farm and the the reason for that is because we can now get more than one pet

Oh my God if your pet dog or cat has got Max Hearts this allows you to get even more all you have to do is take a trip to the most hated person in the valley who’s never bloody in I hate that woman with a passion

We’ll try that again shall we but look how cute that is oh I’ve accidentally moved the ball in a an absolutely ridiculous place that is my bad I am so sorry but look you can even see the name budy Bowl because you can get more than one and obviously they have their own

Bowl so you just right click on them and it will tell you whose bowl that is all right buddy relax we’re going to get you a new friend but another awesome thing guys is you can actually get two new species of cats and two new species of

Dogs this is a new type of cat and also the black one with the yellow eyes so these three was the original the ginger the gray and the the blonde and then we got now we got the white the black dogs we have the original one here the pointy

Ears and then the floppy ears we now have the gray almost like a Husky type I love it and this brown one here looks like a labrador very very similar to this first one here to be honest but just a nice dark brown color so they are

The new dogs and cats the new types I would love to get one of these on the farm especially this one or maybe this one as well but I just haven’t figured that out yet here just sat talk to you guys while waiting for morning to open

As always so how’s your day been you enjoying 1.6 yeah me too yeah yeah not bad loving it still trying to discover a lot of new stuff you know yeah we’ll be here all day so what you up to guys what’s your favorite God hurry up you finally she’s coming useless absolutely

Useless all we want to do is buy a new bloody animal but here we go guys you talk to M you don’t go to purchase animals you go to the shop and you can buy an animal catalog but also another thing that’s come to this update is some

F fure we’ve got things like a bird house we’ve also got a cat tree for your cats if you’ve got one and we’ve also got amazing dog houses finally our dogs can have a place to stay oh my God so exciting we will be getting another dog

So I’m going to buy two but guys the dogghouse is amazing look at this so it’s time to move things around that can go that can go uh we’ll also have these that can go by the way this bird table is absolutely Ely amazing I love

It you can’t be a farm game without one of those guys so there is the first dog ball as you can see he absolutely loves it and it even comes with a little ball Buddy’s bow look how cute that is buddy you’re loved but we’ll also get

Another one there in the corner and this is going to have another Bowl which is actually going to go in this location I need to move that one over there so let me do that right now so this catalog I thought this this is where you get dogs

From uh but it says you can access M shop when she’s not around so you just right click we learned a new power oh my God this might be the best thing in the game guys all the times that m is not in a shop we could just go to the catalog

And Order animals we don’t need to wait for it oh this is the best thing ever thank you concert n maybe building the pet ball might trigger getting a new dog let’s get the hardwood guys I’m discovering this with you we’re doing it together I’ve only just got enough I’ve

Only just got enough hardwood right pet B this one is going to be I think we should maybe just have this wood as well buies can go there and the new dogs can go there yeah that’s kind of cool oh how convenient M’s left but we can still buy things oh let’s

Go and look at that guys if your dog loves you enough when you pet them they can now randomly find find you gifts that time we got two random bits of clay we could get loads of different ones so keep petting them make them love you and

Get free goodies what a good boy guys I actually have no idea at the moment in time how you get more than one dog or cat but you can actually do it I have got full hearts and I have got a new water bowl that is the two things you

Need to do I just don’t know why we can’t maybe there’s a new place you’ve got to do it I’m not there yet I thought M would have done it but uh there’s no option to buy a new or adopt a cat and a dog yet I’ve tried a few things so let

Me know if you figure this out yourself but just know that you can now have more than one on certain conditions still trying to figure that bit out myself I’d like to have another dog I thought it would have been easy as just going toor and getting it but at this moment yeah

That doesn’t kind of work don’t know if mine’s glitched out or not let me know if you’ve managed to get another dog or a cat and the last thing regarding pets kind of a big spoiler so I don’t want to reveal anything too much for anybody but

We now have a complete new pet type not a cat not a dog don’t listen if you don’t want the spoilers but the new pet is a turtle we can now get Turtles as pets I’m not entirely sure how or where we do that I’ve got to play a little bit

Further but just know that we can now get Turtles as pets I thought maybe it was going to be the raccoon so I’m not sure where the raccoons fit into this update just yet so that is some new information about the pets the new overall I love guys being able to have

More than one different types being able to have a dog house and More Pet ballls putting hats on them the fact that they find you items as well which is amazing you know the more loved they are and happy they are they’ll find you items just a cool little feature like that you

Know can’t wait to get him a friend and also can’t wait to get the turtles which I’m hopefully going to do very soon but thank you all for watching smash the like button and subscribe for more 1.6 content we’ got loads more to cover I’ve got so many videos to do hope hopefully

You guys are enjoying them thanks for watching stay cozy


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  1. Your response to the animal catalogue 😂 but you’re right, it’s probably going to be the best thing ever. Haven’t got a chance to play yet, work’s been busy but I hope I get the chance to poke around the game this weekend!

  2. Another update, woo!
    Btw, if CA (or other people) hold another stardew valley cup with 8 people in a team would you participate, Sharky? 😂

  3. since you have full hearts if you sleep you will get a letter about Marnie offering pet adoptions, which adds an 'adopt animals' bit under 'purchase animals' in her shop! 🙂

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