Boys it is finally time for the boys only beach day I’ve been waiting for this moment literally for a bajillion years zero caps involved yeah why do you think we’d be going so hard at the gym I’m about to pick up some bades at the beach yeah what is bro talking about we

Don’t even go to the gym and what do you mean bad’s at the beach what that means he’s going to try to get girls I know what that means okay really guys that means we cuz we F to get some bad we’re not getting baddies ly I already have a

Girl that I have a crush on it’s like a secret but like I already really no I don’t but but come on guys let’s go to the beach and not talk to any girls we just going VI out and oh no guys check it out there’s literally seats over here where we could

All sunbathe and we can get Tans o oh let’s get tanned up yes there I got the middle yeah look I’m so relaxed this is awesome sauce I love the sun cuz it’s red the sun’s not even red Roxy can we stop fooling around where’s the BTY at

Hello are you ly stop it bro we’re not talking to any baddies what if Crystal’s around and sees us it’s not going to end up you act like you’re married to her well it’s like it’s a it’s like I’m not saying anything but luky we’re not

Looking for baddies Roxy I have a good idea for a game we could play at the Beach come follow me let’s go play in the sand I’m going to bury your entire body inside get my whole body please all right ly come on we’re burying what are

You doing what are you doing sh OHS I spotted a again what is bro yapping about huh what what where is the g are you talking about that girl over there yeah dude I think she staring right at me well it looks like she’s just staring into the ocean mining her own business

And you’re just walking into her view oh oh me you want to date me and love me what I I don’t even think she’s looking at you who are you she doesn’t even know you exist ly she’s just looking at sh I’m rising her up you’re not oh my gosh

Let him lock in what are you okay what telepathic Riz what is happening no ly Crystal could be around I don’t want her seeing me talking to a girl that’s not right and girls are have cooties SS are you admitting that you and Crystal are dating and you guys smooch all the time

No that’s not true I’m allowed to talk go her up right now I’m not going to do that dude I’m not going to do that you have to or else that means you and Crystal are married but we’re not gosh are you Ser all right fine what do you

Want to say to that girl over there what should I say to prove that we’re not married to get Shorty’s number oh my are you serious right now Roxy do I have to can you guys just like not talk about me and Crystal and we could just go and put

You inside a hole no I want to see you fail when you talk to the girls go do it own what um all right come on Boys Follow Me hello ma’am hello hi my name’s SS I’m blue and I wanted to say hello to

You oh hello hi um um what are you doing here the life Garden you’re kind of cute what okay uh Luke I don’t feel good about this I don’t feel good at all about this this is weird she just said I’m cute keep going keep going just pret

Telling we’re not here what you’re clearly staring at me Roxy this is not funny at all this is this is hilarious are you serious right now okay ma’am my friends were daring me to get your phone number but I I don’t really want it cuz

I don’t think you’re like I I don’t like you or like that I just I’m just doing it cuz it’s a deare so can I get your phone number please oh my gosh you’re asking me to be your girl what that’s not at all okay are you serious L ke

Okay this is this backfired seriously she just said I want her to be don’t youare you’re W ring the w g dab me up dab me up five times I’m not dapping you upy can you move Roxy tell to stop this isn’t funny I already am married like

Not really but like kind of sort of cuz I already like talked to someone already M we all know that you talk to Crystal and that’s your wife but look this girl is kind of cute what she is not even oh my gosh guys stop being stop being weird

Stop saying hi to me say hi to Luke how about I introduce you to my friend who like he wants a girlfriend come follow me come follow me what’s your name by the way I got my eyes on who I want what uh okay let’s see who your eyes are

Follow yo yo yo why yo why is she staring stop staring at me yo stop it I’m hiding next to the okay can you please not I’m hiding next to the benches leave me alone so are you going to like Kiss Me or something yeah okay l

L I’m really not like here take l l r up bro R up what is happening now Roy did bro just like blow in her face was that what is L doing uh okay can you get this creep away from me what I’m not okay ma’am I’m just

Going to ask you very politely to have a nice day so me and my friends are going to go and enjoy our day on the beach cuz I don’t want my um I don’t want to say this to Luke and Roxy my girlfriend finding out what I’m doing do you have a

Girlfriend well well not like officially like like we just like out so you’re available what no that’s not what I no I mean technically yes but like no cuz like no the answer is no so I’m going to I’m going to have a nice day and I’m

Going to put Roxy in a sand hole cuz sand holes are dope No Cap well how about you come play volleyball with me I mean we’ll go play volleyball that does sound like a fun idea right Luke and Roxy let me yeah sure sure let’s play

With the girl what no we’re not playing with the girl I meant like just for us to play volleyball come on excuse me ma’am me and my boys are to play some volleyball okay I have Roxy on my team I have Roxy on my team L you’re on the

Other Squad I’m about to smoke taking the girl with Y stop stop stop put the girl down ly seriously yeah I love volleyball oh my goodness gracious excuse me ma’am we’re not playing with you do you mind getting off the court actually I’m the Lifeguard so no I’m

Playing with you what but just because you’re the Lifeguard what did you just call me do not what was that did you just say poopy you’re my Pooky poopy I’m not a what what what is a Pooky Roxy does that mean like a p check my butt

Please do I have anything like a stain he let me check let me check D this smells so bad this smells so bad oh okay well uh if you’re calling me Poopy that’s because it smells bad down there but I’m S no silly Pooky what does Pooky

Mean that means that you’re my handsome hubby bear all right py bear py bear it’s not funny ly can you tell her that weirdo to stop talking to me like that seriously tell her that I already have someone in mind uh um what do you think

Been talking about what why are why are you doing that hello hello ly mom stop talking I’m busy you’re just staring at the girl ma’am Luc is staring at you that’s fine I got my eyes on the prize all right okay let’s play volleyball Roxy you ready I’m about to set you up

And then you got to slam it on their faces oh they’re going to go down in the dirt yes s you ready for this Roxy I’m about to set you up my boy are you ready ready throw it to Roxy and then Roxy grab that grab grab it and throw it oh

My gosh no way L catches it no way L catches it no way catches it UNC you caught it all right well you have to hit it back ly and it’s not happening you’re not doing it buddy all right I just ate it so give it a second

It’s going to come right out what is wait wait does he mean like it’s coming out of the other side bro I hit the net Ain’t No Way bro’s trash with it oh no me and Roxy are smoking you right now bro I don’t want him on my team I want um Luke

You’re going on the other side what who are you to make the rules of the beach you think like you’re the Lifeguard that controls everything or something yes I actually am the Lifeguard so I do make the worlds oh wow I I didn’t think about

That all right well L I guess we have to switch sides now but I’m not going to like I’m I’m just going to be friends with yeah yeah you could be with your new girlfriend y Crystal if you’re around there’s no one new oh no yo can you guys not be

Weird cuz Crystal might be watching and if she finds out about this oh my booty cheeks are going to fall off forget about that Crystal Girl Let’s Have Some Fun do not ever say that ever again it’s not Crystal girl it’s BBG wifey material Crystal oh my gosh just have some fun

With me all right Luke I’m just going to play the game nothing weird okay so don’t go back telling cryst that me and this weirdo did anything okay yeah I won’t tell her anything Roxy definely got to tell her everything yeah okay no no no no no all right all right well um

You ready you you’re ready to play Sam are you ready to play yes new boyfriend let’s do this oh my gosh boyfriend oh no boyfriend boy oh no I’m done new girlfriend alert stop talking all right Sam I’m going to pass you the volleyball Catch It you what was that

You you missed the ball I’mma pass it up for you go go okay that’s not how the game works but okay SS gets it and thens hit with yo guess what guess what guess what guess what you’re not that guy buddy over to now my y you did not get

It ly let me see the ball in your hand right now if you actually did get it no he got it he got it in my hand it’s in my hand no no no so that means SS gets two points cuz I scored on both sides

All right um well lady we’re going to have a a nice day we’re going to leave the beach and uh never see you again cuz I have to go back to my uh friend that’s a girl she’s not my girlfriend or anything she’s just like a friend that’s

A girl and I’m going to go back to her and say that like all I did was play at the beach and hang out bye never see you again wait um do you want to win 100,000 diamonds what 100,000 diamonds bro I’m malfunctioning right now ly did you hear that 100,000

Diamonds bro we can buy a whole beach with that type of cheese dude come ons I said we just hear her out what if it’s a good deal yeah but what if Crystal sees me talking to this girl and what if she gets the wrong idea and then what if she

Gets upset at me and then speaks to me again who am I going to talk to all day I like dude sometimes I go stoping sometimes I go on side adventures with Crystal without you guys and like I don’t want to say you hang out with

Other boys some days some days it’s just like hanging out like like go to the park and maybe hold hands and then sometimes I would like put my lips I knew I knew it this whole time wait wait Roxy you cut him off you was about to

Say he puts his lips on her what no I that’s not okay anyways you definitely said lips I did not but Roxy what do we do whatever you say is what we’re doing I’m getting that money all right luk you’re definitely teaching him these words but okay um ma’am sure we’ll hear

You out what is this deal that you want to tell us how do we got 100,000 diamonds oh you have 2 minutes to build the best sand castle in the winner gets 100,000 diamonds that’s it what what okay guys we’re definitely doing this all we have

To do is build a castle and we have 2 minutes and the winner gets 100,000 diamonds yes sir is there any catch wait why would you ask that no no no no no we don’t want to know about there’s no catch right oh yeah I forgot to mention

It’s teams of two and Luke and Roxy you’re the closest so it’s going to be me and Els what H really L you just had to ask about the catch you just had to ask about the catch my boy seriously sorry OHS there’s always a catch oh my

Gosh all right well I just want the diamond so I guess I’ll work with you Sam like like I don’t mess with you like that or anything so don’t get the wrong ideas and don’t try and be weird about it okay so let’s just hurry up and build

This what you don’t think I’m like pretty what no not at all you’re just like a person dude come on let’s build this sand castle the time is ticking and I have to win the 100,000 diamonds why don’t you think I’m pretty are you like

Married yes I am if that’s what you want to hear yes I’m married and I’m not talking to you where’s the ring what ring stop being weird I’m not interested in you man please help me build the outlining of the sand castle I’m trying to win well tell me more about your

Girlfriend then I guess oh Crystal she’s like super awesome and like very pretty and like very awesome she’s like the best ever you you’ll see her one day what do you like about her so much well she’s like super sweet and she calls me babes a lot so yeah that’s about it she

She’s a cool guy what you like being called babes I start calling you that babes all right do not do yo L I don’t like this this is weird bro Crystal’s here she’s already calling you Bab dab me up dab me up she’s about to start smooching you

Next come here come here BR if Crystal sees this happening I’m literally toast I’m literally toast no one’s allowed to call me you got to live a little bit Crystal’s not even here what do you dude that is not something I want to mess with if she finds out I’m totally toast

My boy my buns is going to get burnt a No Cap but it’s supp poos to yeah we got to do what we got to do Roy I’m not oh my gosh oh my gosh okay stop being weird my friend said for you to stop being weird and immediately or else there’s

Going to be serious repercussions to your actions well it doesn’t matter what your friends think what do you think well I think that you’re like very very sus and I think that I’m already happily speaking to someone so please stop being weird to me I’m sorry about that well

Fine I’ll just give you some space oh thank you I appreciate it see now I can actually build a Cen castle and I’m totally going to win the diamonds baby so let’s go over here and wait she actually did give me space hi what what oh my gosh you’re staring at my butt

Okay ma’am can you help out it’s supposed to be teams of two and you’re literally not doing anything except for just walking into me I’m so busy looking at a hunka hunka blue doggy all right okay wait wait what did you just call me blue doggy no one actually calls me blue

Doggy do you think that I’m a real dog by any chance cuz if you do that will change my opinion on you fake dogs really but what I don’t think you’re a fake dog can you get on all fours and start wolfing all right never mind see like you started off really

Good but then you made it weird come here let me pet you yo wait actually that is something a real dog would do so sure so that means you think I’m a real dog right yes of course I think you’re a real dog let’s go all right you’re

You’re chill as a friend so we could just be friends don’t make don’t make anything weird okay so we can make the castle have a little path that goes inside over here and we could have a throne room where like the king and queen could sit so I’m going to make it

Diamonds and Lapis because Crystal really likes lapis and when I see her I’m going to bring her to the beach and what what’s up why did you why’ you make a dramatic sound effect what happened I mean uh why would you pick someone who’s not your teammate what I

Guess you’re right ooh this is a w setup OHS you f to get caught what what do you mean w I don’t know what you’re talking about ly hey stop trying to reveal my plan all right I’m so confused but okay we’ll make the throne room both colors

We’re going to make it diamond and I’m assuming you like Redstone just like Roxy because you’re like a red lifeguard correct yes what made you say that what because you’re literally red I just said that what are you talking about oh so that means you’ve been checking me out

No it’s just that you’re okay stop being weird it’s just that you’re super clearly red it’s like all over your outfit so we’re going to make this side of the throne right over here red like that then this side over here diamonds like this wo the throne is looking

Awesome and it has two sides and if Crystal comes we’re just going to explain to her that this is just like a friendly Build Challenge and I’m just doing this for the diamonds right yeah sure totally not what I okay I don’t like when you’re doing stuff like that I

Heard you say that what do you mean totally not me and Crystal are like very happy together but check this out the castle I’m adding some Peaks because we’re running out of time so this is going to be the last thing we add and we’re going to be done ly Roxy how is

Your Sand Castle coming along ours is popping off no caps when the two boys start cooking it get devious wait what are you serious right now oh my gosh I want to check it so badly wait let me just finish off connecting hey no piing you’re going to cheat wait I’m not

Cheating dude I’m about to be done right now don’t worry I Pinky Promise let me just connect all of my castle just like that then let me put these on top and then over here I’m going to fill up the top just like that Boop then over here

Just like this and wow the castle has been made and wait I’m going to put a sign in the front that says the ohms Castle hey what about me make it the ohms plus Sam heart Castle okay did you just try and sneak the word heart in

There sure I’ll make it ohms and then I’ll put like two spaces in between and I’ll put Sam okay just so it’s what you don’t ship us what ship all right don’t be weird Luke she’s talking about shipping I don’t want to go on a boat homs that’s not what shipping means

That’s when two people fall in love in a relationship all right okay now okay Sam you have officially been demoted to being all the way on the bottom of the sign Boop SS and Sam and then at the bottom I’m going to put Castle bow

Awesome s why do you yo what are you doing with that sign Sam what are you yo can you please not be I’m making an addition it’s a team project after all oh okay and oh my gosh om Sam Castle in love really really dude really if you

Want to win you have to leave it there what no way Jose stop being weird just give me the diamonds cuzz my build’s really good and isn’t the time up right now yeah fine the time’s up everyone’s in the middle for the diamonds let’s go

I’m going to get a bunch of diamonds but I have to watch my back I do not want Crystal watching this dude stop being crazy she’s not even around are you sure ly cuz I have my crystal senses tingling right now I feel like I could smell her

But whatever I guess so you might be right okay Sam we’re on the middle right now come on Loki come on Roxy building time is over we’re to see who officially wins the 100,000 diamonds and I might have done something to make me win no cap forget that check out the boys

Awesome sand castle wa this is awesome you guys use Sandy diorite blocks I’ve never seen these before and this place is gigantic nice job dude yep it’s super official it’s definitely going to beat your build ooh oh my gosh I like it a lot I like it

A lot and you guys even have a telescope you can see everything from this thing and okay I like it I like it Sam do you like this place yeah it’s going to get first place what come on Sam I did like the whole sign thing it says om sand

Castle and love I guess I’ll just break it wait if you give me a hug then you win OHS what all right are you serious right now my friends would not want me to do that that would be cheating do it do it come on Ms you want to see you win

My boy what that is not true Roxy do you want to see me hug this Rando I guess we’ll have to change this one up and S other s I guess that works yeah Vol Bonet Vol Bonet yeah okay okay I’m messing with it continue Luke you could

Sing part two I got you k i s s and G and then you have babies and marriage and then Sam and you Bab now okay I don’t like it anymore Sam I I’ll give you a high five if that means I win the 100,000 hug or no oh gosh okay fine but

Let me just make sure no one’s looking is Crystal around over here uh I don’t see her do you guys see Crystal anywhere M okay I the coast is clear okay here hug okay I gave her the hug I gave her the hug oh no oh no you know what they

Say about hugging a girl that means you guys are dating luk has a point what is that actually a rule Roxy that can’t be a rule is that real my boy you got two girlfriends stab me up stab me up no I’m not no don’t wait Heather that makes it

Three no tap me up three times what are you okay ma’am ma’am ma’am I just want to make it clear that we are not married I am married to you not but just said you’re married to me poy I just said no all right okay can you please stop

Seriously Crystal could be anywhere right now listening in on our conversation can you stop bringing up your ex-girlfriend and talk about your new one all right okay Sam uh I’d appreciate I would appreciate the diamonds just just hand over the diamonds please and me and my friends

Will head home oh there is no diamonds we’re just dating now oh my N luk I just got W scammed bro you got another girlfriend that’s a w in my bus no it’s okay guys okay ma’am we’re going to go and hang out on the beach do not talk to

Us stay over there I don’t care if you’re lifeguard we’re we’re going to keep our distance from you okay I literally cannot believe in you have you have no shame what what am I listening to why do I hear a dying squirrel oh hi Alexa what’s up what’s going on with you

Hi you are the bottom of the totem pole the fil of this world disgusting what what’s happening what did I do Heather what is she talking about you’re exactly what everybodyy is what what does that mean what are you talking about is it cuz me and Roxy have

The same outfit on I guess you could say that about Lily as well cuz me and Lily also have the same outfit technically why would you do that to Crystal she’s so nice and sweet and pretty what are you guys talking about right now huh Alexa what are you talking about why am

I why am I at the bottom of the barrel what happened is it because you guys found out that Roxy sniffed my butt and it smell like poop is that why no way we’ve been watching you this whole time you’re cheating on a crystal with another girl and that’s gross Hold Up

Wait I was right guys I told you I told you boys where where were you watching us from cuz I like looked around but I couldn’t see Crystal Crystal hello Crystal Crystal CH yo cryst yo okay why is Crystal back up off her no you don’t

Get to talk to her when you do things like this what did I even do how come yes things of that nature you’re literally not specifying at all what’s happening Crystal Crystal can we speak hi I missed you what’s up she doesn’t want to talk hey stop talking for cry

Crystal check it out I made the oh wait I can see how this look bad think you’re the worst wait wait I can explain this guys I can explain this Crystal Crystal hello why is she not talking to me crystal what oh my gosh guys crystal is

Giving me the S give her space she needs to process all of this process all of what me and this girl named Sam we built a sand castle and the reason she put this sign okay what what is Crystal what is she doing Alexa what is she doing why

Is she shaking her oh my God she’s whing right now you don’t deserve this girl it’s okay take my napkin what what is happening Alexa I am so confused right now I I didn’t do anything wrong you are a pumpkin eater what what what does that mean what what what is pumpkin because

You’re a cheater cheater pumpkin eater what no girls I didn’t even cheat what are you guys talking about me and Chris are just friends first of oh no wait Crystal I can explain the inside at first I was going to make it out of lapis and diamond blocks so it could be

Me and you colored but then Sam was like I’ll give you 100,000 diamonds if I made it redstone blocks for her color so as you can see Crystal that yo why is she okay she’s walking away again Alexa can you tell Crystal to talk to me please

She’s ignoring me oh no are you silly SS why would someone give you 100,000 diamonds for nothing wait she literally said that if I built a sand castle in 2 minutes she would give me 100,000 diamonds that seems completely legitimate hes you built that for that girl we’re not believing none of your

Stories okay what are you talking about the 100,000 Diamond thing was an actual real thing that happened but now it’s real and now that I think about it it kind of doesn’t really sound legit but still I I thought it was oh no where is

This girl I need to give her a piece of my mind wait hea oh my gosh relax Alexa can you please tell her the show Alexa tell her to chill I don’t want any c look at what you did to Heather and look at what you did to Crystal she’s like

Frozen well Lily are you still upset at me I’m not upset I’m just disappointed I’m going to walk away what okay oh my gosh wait Alexa Alexa calm Heather down please I don’t want to fight between her and Sam oh hey girls this is my new

Boyfriend okay Sam Now is really not a good time to okay why would you up right now wow this is like top five worst timings no she is the bottom of the filth as well for cheating with you she knows about Crystal I know she does wait

Do you know about Crystal Sam it seemed like you didn’t yeah that’s your ex-girlfriend right okay can you not say stuff like she’s my current girl I mean well we’re not like officially you know better you know what the girl code is what what’s the girl oh god oh no no no

Okay wa wait someone get Crystal Crystal Crystal here let me take wa no no wait Crystal’s now doing some motions so maybe she wants to speak hi Crystal do you want to talk hello how are you feeling I just want to let you know that it was totally a misunderstanding and

That we should still be good what Crystal no hey Crystal what guys crystal is running away Heather why is Crystal running away I didn’t even do anything it literally says that you and this other chick are in love what okay okay seriously it’s CU we are yo Sam please

Alexa tell her to stop talking please how dare you whoever broke that sign must leave now wait I was the one that broke the sign is that do that mean that I could go back to Crystal and like live my life with her again please no you

Stay with me forever okay are you serious Alexa hold her still hold no no Heather don’t fight her no no Alex you want to square up yeah cuz we can really like go okay Roy Roy need to back up Roxy Luke I’m going need to back up girls

Relax relax ly ly can you make this situation a little bit more calm oh what’s up Ms how’s your new girlfriend okay really are they doing this on purpose what’s happening right now confirm Luke you’re dating this new girl oh my gosh how could you what Roxy tell

Them what’s happening right now please I think these girls got to confused my boy Al has two girlfriends to change all right okay you you guys are doing this is not what I asked you for the girls are upset at me what why they think I’m cheating or something you are dude you

Wanted to smooch her all right all right luk you’re getting in the no no no this crazy get in the sand L come over here now get it you want to smoocher no no you have to go OHS you are disgusting get in Alexa stop okay can you pleas ow stop it

I didn’t do anything Sam can you just please tell these girls that all this is just a misunderstanding and that we’re not even anything and then I can go back to Crystal and no one’s upset anymore wait she’s writing a sign guys maybe it’s going to say something like SS and

I aren’t together let’s see what it wait what does this say Heather Sam and SS sitting oh maybe we’re like sitting far away from each other like a bunch of feet away right okay yeah in a tree maybe there’s like a tree house and me and her on the opposite sides of the

Treehouse right right um wa K oh like K know you text someone you’re like K like bye K yeah K okay k i s s um well I okay wait uh oh no don’t do it g you’re a cheater this is crazy are you Ser Sam why wait let me do one more

Thing what what is she doing oh maybe you’re going to put like grass so like like you could like put what what are you doing why is there a tree y yeah just don’t even worry girls come over here I want to show you something what

What what what are you showing the girls huh don’t make anything weird please uh I know she is not trying to do the thing that you do with Crystal wait what’s the thing that I do with Crystal what are you trying to do Sam I don’t understand come over here

For uh a million diamonds a million diamonds all right hold up guys this seems like a great deal I no way HS what do you mean I’m getting the million diamonds yeah hi I’m here for the million diamonds cuz I please have it look at your lips okay really are you serious right

Now are you Ser no no one saw that oh my gosh he did the song oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh oh oh my gosh I can’t take in my eyes you really did the kissing in the tree song with a different girl you are disgusting wait I

Just realized what she no no no no that’s not what happened she like missed she was like and missed she missed she missed I’m serious right now I’m serious crystal is not going to believe any of that you smooched her no I didn’t Heather tell her I didn’t I’m not I

Don’t like this new girl she’s weird right you did we saw it in 4k right no you didn’t come on Roxy Luke come on back me up back me up I was in this hole this whole time but you definitely have two girlfriends all right really okay

You guys didn’t see that but no seriously guys how can I prove to you that I don’t like the Sam girl te te around her and blow her up right now w w okay that seems like a little bit crazy are you her is there any other way like maybe a more

Peaceful route that I could do Heather no you heard Alexa do it now okay are you serious okay okay I’m going to do it a nicer way I’m going to do it in a way that doesn’t boom her it’s just going to like send her flying so we never see her

Again okay guys so let me just put some water over here then boop boop boop boop boop boop like that Boop Alexa is that going to cut it yes it is let me H about this design yo stop y leave the water alone girls leave the water trust me

We’re just never going to see this girl again and then we can go back to normal uh Sam Sam if you want a smooch please stand inside of this water it’s it’s really nice trust me on this yay can you girl sing the song for me all right

Really do not sing the song just get inside and okay just oh gosh wait that oh my gosh oh no oh what’s happening oh my gosh you just geted her yes sir cuz I had to show how much I care about Crystal girls is this good now is this

Good do you think crystal is going to be my BFF again M you’re going to have to make it up big time have you thought about a gift to give her what a gift are you serious right now what if I just explain the situation to her maybe

That’s going to make her feel better and then like we can go back to being BFFs forever are you just being serious right now you have to make her feel G give her the biggest gift you’ve ever seen okay what but how am I supposed to do that

Boys I need some help I need to make a giant gift for Crystal so she could take me back cuz right now she’s so upset she’s not even talking to me dude that’s fine we could just go get the other girl all right no l Roxy get him Roxy go fly

And get him go fly and get him what are you doing dude L she’s gone bro she’s gone she a b oh my gosh girls what is something that Crystal likes what can I even make her that she’s going to like oh no it’s your babes I know exactly what I must do

Girls follow me I’m going to need your help on this so check this out first we’re going to need to grab some cyan blocks and guess whose favorite block is cyan is that new girl no no it’s it’s Crystal’s favorite color and now check

It out you guys have to go up in this zigzag format and just follow me okay just follow me go all the way up a bunch of blocks and make sure you’re completely even on your side all right Heather stop bossing us around okay what

I’m trying to make it up to her are you going to help me or not I thought you cared about Crystal okay we’ll help just cuz of Sisterhood all right w w okay and then right over here make it go up and we’re going to have to make it go up like

That and then spin the block up over here and can you tell what we’re making right now Alexa do you see the shape of it what do you think this is oh you’re making a big diamond what no I’m not making a big diamond I’m making something very special it’s better than

Anything money can buy come on look again what does it look like I’m making two even sides of something hello what are you trying to build I don’t even get are you serious all right wait wait look what about now if I just bop bop and

Then up over here boom Oh my gosh it’s a giant heart yes sir ski and that way check this out guys we have to expand it a couple of blocks just like this cuz you know what it’s going to be it’s going to be a hor house for me and

Crystal hold up that’s actually so cute yes so are you admitting that Crystal is going to love this and she’s going to take me back and we’re going to be happily ever after for the rest of our lives that’s not at all what I’m saying oh you’re just a bad person okay really

That is not true come on guys I’m really good is luky still going to get the girl Luke are you still flying up there dude I know she’s somewhere up here okay this is crazy oh my goodness but let’s go down like that double you all the way

And hold up girls you’re actually going crazy with it thank you for the help Crystal’s going to love it so much so let’s go up over here and then wait I’m going to use the magical wand let me use it hit the first position down there second position up over here then I

Could set it to some SI concrete like that waa n I’m speedr running right now Alexa No Cap I just like 10 layers in one go yes but you’re not as fast as me respectfully yeah respectfully I am actually boom boom boom zooming zooming boom excuse me hather professional

Coming through no point of you even going no point yeah you did it before you did it before you have no CL you have no CL what are you talking about okay now I’m about to do two at at the same time all the way down over here

Then two at the same time all the way down over here like this then finally let’s bust out this row holy guacamole it is so thick there’s so much room and now I got a great idea we should make the walls all out of light blue stained

Glass so it could show me and Crystal’s colors together hold up that is actually so cute let’s do it yes sir and wait wait wait we should use some light blue stained glass paint not the normal block so we have more room since it’s already kind of tight so let’s go around over

Here and I’m going to start with the corners and Alexa can you use the magic W to do the middle part please yes I’m actually a professional with this so I got you oh thank you very much let’s go crazy Bow Bow Bow Bow Bow like that and

I am done with this wall over here Alexa run up the magic wand so I can see what I have to fill in by hand please I got you thank you very much hit that John let’s see and wa W Alexa nice job and

Wait we just got a pix up these and dude that actually so much all right do the other side I’m going to work on the bottom and Heather can you help me out with the bottom part please we have to do it by hand to connect it all together

Yes I’m coming down butt face hey do not call me a butt face Heather I I already said I’m sorry she can tell you whatever she wants I think you guys know that I’m completely innocent and I didn’t talk to Sam in a weird way because my heart is

Already to someone I’m not going to say who but but there’s hints there’s hints don’t say who you guys think it is but I know it’s that lifeguard girl no it’s not that lifeguard girl that girl is weird but wait I’m going to combine the two sides over here just like that and

Wa no that’s actually so fire is it makes a me and Crystal then let me throw it down over here just like that boop boop boop and then up over here like this boom and this side is completely done and Heather you can finish the bottom and I’ll finish the top over here

Okay I’m on it thank you very much let’s throw the glass panes Boop and then up over here let’s throw the glass panes Boop and okay it is officially completely done now you girls could work on the other side I’m going to work on the entrance right over here so the

Heart is super nice to enter so let’s break these blocks just like that and hm we need a cute door for me and Crystal o I could use the warp one cuz it’s blue so let’s put that John right over here like that bow and Boop connected over

Here wa guys check it out I made the door and did you guys do the other side already nice job Alexa and Heather yes we got to make our girl Crystal feel better you guys are actually fire for that and wait wait we have to make the

Roof over here so everyone lock in put the roof like this on all sides and make sure to connect it all pleas wait I got even better idea Heather instead of making a normal blocks we should keep the theme of the glass so let’s grab some normal cyan blocks and connect it

Oh my goodness she would love this yes sir ski so it’s the light fluent s all over so let’s throw the floor down just like that then connect it down over here then let’s go over here and B I’m speedrunning right now excuse me guys excuse me professional coming through

Professional coming through yeah and waa is this lit or is this lit Alexa you wish that you had someone build you this You Wish You Wish actually if I wanted to I can have all the boys in this world whole lot of cap whole lot whole lot of

Cap but guys this is going to be you’re not the prize Alexa but this is going to be our living room so I’m going to put me and Crystal’s favorite TV show on guess what it is Alexa guess what it is is it Kung Fu Ms yes sir ski you already

Know cuz you do know that’s the best show ever made so check it out I’m going to put a TV right over here then I’m going to grab a painting and as you can see I already put the block here cuz B bro what Incarnation is that that is

Called looking into the night sky what this is a waack show turn it off Alexa turn it off we got to switch this John off right now wait if you look closely it says SS and Crystal sitting in a tree okay okay okay what okay what the

What are these TV shows is that like the winter Forest wait actually if you look closely it says something else what what does it say Alexa what what do you see over here it says oh say a butt face all really okay and stop stop yapping you you guys did

Not see that but we got it guys and guess what colors I’m going to use for the sofas I’m not using any lime I’m just going to use straight light blue and excuse me Alexa I tried to place it here but your big fat head is blocking

It thank you I appreciate hey you have a big fat fake dog butt what my dog butt is very very real but check it out oh it’s all sofas and I’m going to use a w building technique I’m going to put ladders all the way down over here so we

Can easily reach the sofas like that yeah and then I could put some more ladders right over here so we could go higher up and hm what should we add in the living room right over here guys oh you guys should add some nice food and

Drinks so you guys can enjoy the show O great thinking Heather we can have a little snack area here that’s actually so smart okay okay what snacks do you guys think Crystal would like cookies Dad don’t you know your girlfriend I was Ty I was I was literally already typing

It and I’m going to get a red tray of cookies not just one and check it out bow gingerbread cookie I know I know say that I’m the best guy say that I’m the best so cute yes sir and cookie tray cookie tray cookie tray boom n we got

The snacks but we need some drinks let’s see what drink do you guys think Crystal would like Crystal likes milk with her cookies duh oh okay here I’ll put some milk there’s a little cow on it and no the snack bar is actually fire I’m

Messing with it heavy guys w W but we have the second floor so we have to make a way to get to it we could place some blocks right over here like this then we could replace all of these and add some ladders just like that going up and boys

Check it out we made it up to the second floor what’s goody with he W there’s so much more room in here I love it yes sersi and now do you know what I’m going to add in here Alexa I’m going to add something that’s going to make crystal

Very very happy I’m going to make a giant ohms and Crystal themed room and you know how I always make our bed super far apart I’m going to put it only one block apart this time this is a big level gosh you guys are basically married yeah seriously as friends though

As as don’t make it weird though seriously cuz we’re not no y’all are getting married for real for real no no no no no don’t make it weird don’t make it weird it’s just like we’re just friends so check this out I’m going to put one two three beds and then a little

Space in between and then boom wait actually I’m going to give Crystal three beds cuz I’m feeling nice and in between us I’m going to put like a little oh I could put a nightstand so let’s grab this Boop put this right over here and

On top I’m going to put some oh I’m going put a water bowl so we could sip on it just like that is that a dog water bowl oh yeah it’s a dog water bowl cuz I actually am technically a dog so I’d be licking my water like this yummy it’s

Busting No Cap are you serious that is gross all right wait wait wait speaking of dogs drinking water me and chryst need a pet doggy so let’s grab a wolton and then we can put it down way over here and guys what should we name this buddy boy om Junior

Wait what about if I name him uh what’s SS and Crystal combined how do you like that or what about Cron’s CR Cron’s N I think still is better right yes that ship name is giving what it’s not a ship name Heather is that a ship name yes you got are

Shipped # comment and like what what are you talking about who’s going to comment and like everyone’s going to comment # still watch what what are you talking about I’ll show you later but promise you’re going to check the comment section okay is this like a another one

Of these Tik Tok things sure I’ll check the comment section but just this one time but L bro you got a name tag but first I have to tame you with this bone let me grab this and Bo Bo boop boop awesome now name tag you up and I’m

Going to need some light blue dye so people know that you’re owned by light blue owners Boop there you go and we’re going to give you a little pet home so let’s grab the pet home and guys I’m going to make it this blue one and I’m

Also going to get some doggy accessories like look at this cute dog old plushy first let me put this over here then some doggo plushies over here then let me grab my boy boop didy boop and no he vibing in there for real for real check

That out guys and I’m also going to add some nice carpets so he could scratch his paws on it whenever he wants boop boop boop boop boop boop okay you’re actually a great dog owner thank you I appreciate it well it’s actually me and Crystal’s dog pet pet but H Alexa I need

You to brainstorm with me what would Crystal like in her bedroom that would be awesome you should make a lazy river for you and Crystal to go want it as a couple hold up that’s actually fire and wait we can make it go straight to the

Ocean over here it’s going to be so much fun to go on o this is going to be so cool yes sir ski all right I’m making it guys I’m making it check it out let’s make it three blocks wide just like this and Heather and Alexa you guys are on

Wall building Duty so make sure to build a wall just like that so me and Crystal don’t fall it needs to be very very safe please yes we don’t want our girl falling off the boat now wait what about SS what do you want SS falling off the

Boat would you be concerned about I I mean are you guys going to be in the same boat yeah we’re going to be in the same boat so you’re very concerned about ohms as well not just Crystal okay just try to protect Crystal if anything bad happens are you what about okay whatever

You say but let’s go over here just like that on the turn and then we’re going to make it go straight okay you guys are actually popping off right now with these builds W builds W builds let’s make it go down over here then we can

Make it turn a little bit just like that and then make a turn over here just like that boop boop boop and then over here like this boop boop boop Boop okay now throw up the walls and then we can make it go straight and it can start going

Down into the ocean wao oh the little drop I love it yeah me too this about to be Saucy so let’s go over here like that Boop 1 2 3 Boop and then make it over here and how’s the walls coming along girls is it going good they are sister

Laying oh W and the floor is coming along super good and wait I’m just going to have it so it just drops you into the water cuz we already made it far enough and you guys are doing so good right now now I just need to grab the water so

Let’s grab the water and oh gosh wait we have a little bit of a leakage if I get some fences place it towards the inside like that and then open them now won’t flow inside and yo this is so lazy my boy and then we could add another one

Right over here and we add another one over here I’m just trying to make it so we keep going down and yeah boys it’s working so well check it out guys I’m lazily going in yeah yeah and then we can make over this is great relaxation

Yeah and then oh yeah I’m relax relaxing my way down and then you go we inside the pool but wait guys we should add some floaties so we don’t sink and we go on the Lazy River correctly oh yes add some light blue and Canan ones ooh okay

Okay okay I’m going to grab the light blue and Canan ones and wait I’m going to throw them like all around as little decoration pieces wo those are so cool and then I could throw one over here one down over here and then once we land

Inside I’m going to have some so me and her could just chill inside the ocean so let’s make it go all up like that then we can grab the S one and put it right over here so we could chill out together this is awesome guys pull up in the

Floaty I’m vibing right now yo this is serious Vib zomes No Cap yes s ski and hold up boys I’m really messing with this but I feel like it’s missing a little something up over here Alexa what if we put a giant o on the left side of

The heart and then a giant C on the right side and then I put a plus in the middle so it says o plus C yes that seals the deal with you want your babes back yes sir ski okay okay so let’s make the diamond block right over here and

Then we can make it go around like that and boop boop boop boop and then now we have to grab lapis cuz that’s Crystal’s favorite so let’s grab the lapis like this then we can put it right over here like that make it go all the way down

Turn it spin the block make it go this way turn it spin the block then we can add the plus sign in the middle just like this wait is this a plus sign oh gosh guys I’m messing up on the plus sign how do I do thiss move the SE more

Right okay I got you let me just Boop and then I can shave this off okay yeah yeah good thinking now I could just wao and I’m going to make the plus a mix of diamond and Lapis now the o plus C works so well and this house is awesome SAU um

Um it’s your time look behind you wait what oh hi Crystal uh um are you still giving me the silent treatment hello oh my gosh well while you were gone I made you a little gift that I really want to show you I don’t know if

It’s going to make it up to you but I really hope it does okay hello okay it’s really hard to talk to someone they don’t respond oh she just made a hum sound okay well check this out I made you a giant heart and as you can see

It’s Canan with some light blue and also if you look in the middle it says oh plus C and the the the plus is like lapis combined with diamonds and the C is lapis and the O is diamonds do you like it Alexa Heather she made a m sound

That’s a good thing right that’s a good thing yes that’s a step in the right direction and check it out boop boop boop there’s a light blue door and it’s kind of mixed with sign and if you come on in check it out we’re playing Kung Fu SS and there’s

Even a giant SE and it’s half s and half light blue do you like it oh oh guys she said mhm I’m getting some progress and then Kung Fu hes and I’m beating up Luke you hear that L I’m beating you up in the show but anyways um I’m over here

Are you still looking for the girl dude yeah I still hear you talking trash though oh my gosh but as you can see over here crystal is your favorite it’s cookies cuz I know you love cookies cuz it starts with a SE and and we also got

Milk so you can drink it with your cookies it’s very delicious yeah guys I heard her say m is that good Alexa is that good oh my gosh this is great keep going you got those all right all right I’m locking in I’m locking in and then up over here we have

Like a glass floor SL roof so like we can see the bottom and then here is our room where we have my beds and your beds and we’re only one block apart this time normally we go super far away but I put us a little closer and there’s a little

Doggy Bowl in the middle in case we get thirsty at night oh that’s good I already know that’s good and then over here we have our dog and his name is Oho it’s our ship name as friends like a friendship name yeah mhm it’s super cute and then

We have two little doggo plushies you like it oh yeah and then finally over here this is the coolest part we made a little Lazy River so like me and you could Vibe come on viy with me yeah ah so relaxing right Crystal M yay so come

Follow me and look there’s even floaties over here but just relax and Vibe inside the lazy river is taking us all the way down and Crystal there may be a little drop so be careful be careful M okay we’re going down now we and then we land

Into our floaties and there’s one light blue one and there’s one San one here let me grab you up Boop now we’re in our floaties do you like it yes bab this is the best gift ever thank you are you serious you really like it and wait

You’re talking now yeah I forgive you and I kind of knew that you would never cheat on me wait what so why did I just do all of this because I just wanted to see you build me stuff babes there’s actually no way ala did you know about

This Al where where is she where no no no cuz she was she was going crazy I mean did you know about this Alexa yes but now you got to put a ring on it you’re marrying her there’s actually no way Alexa come here right now get away

Come here and that was an awesome adventure and if you want to join us on the next click right here by

Today Omz Roxy and Luke are going to the beach and a meet a new girl! She is a lifeguard but Crystal Alexa Heather and Lily CATCH Omz! #Minecraft #MinecraftMod #Omz #OmzandCrystal


  1. Omz and crystal kissing in a tree k I s s I n g❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

  2. Omz hear this😅😅🤣… roxy and lily are sitting on a tree k-i-s-s-i-n-g they go on a date and go in marrage and they had a BABY😅😂🤣😂🤣🤣🤣😂😂😅🤣😂

  3. Oms and luke sitting in a tree k.i.s.s.i.n.g then comes love then comes marriage then comes a baby in the baby careg ha ha ha ha ha ha 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

  4. I'm not sure what the best way of getting the best of both times and what to do about the situation is to get it out there and then you can go to the store 🏬 to get a few things that you can use and then you can get a little bit of money back from the store and then you can just go

  5. I Saul Chris so you didn’t see any camera in my pistol is there a thing watching you on the stairs up top of that stairs not on top of it but on the bottom of the stairs you can see her blue little little little little 😅

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