You’ve never seen Terraria bosses do this…

Meet fart McNugget this guy right here yeah he’s taking on terraria’s hardest difficulty a difficulty so extreme that our good friend and the very first boss that you encounter King Slime well he looks like this what the heck is going on where are my wings how much with the

Dod step so join me through the man the myth the legend known as fart McNugget and experience what it’s like to beat the hardest content in all of Terraria the modded difficulty known only as oh yeah and here’s the mod list my first major goal of day two was to snag

The five remaining Life Crystals in order to reach the prehard mode maximum of 400 health I needed all the help I could muster in order to take down my next boss the eye of cthulu cthulu is a great checkpoint for any early Terraria playthrough as the guaranteed Shield

That he drops grants you the ability to dash every few seconds dashes are incredibly valuable especially early on due to them not only instantly changing your horizontal Direction but also granting maximum momentum in that same direction basically if you need to dodge something Dash Es are your best friends

Couple dashes with a decent Arena to give you adequate vertical capabilities and then you’ve got a recipe for Success against the majority of attacks that bosses can throw at you that is of course assuming that you can actually react to their attacks in time dashing

Ain’t going to fix a skill issue it took me about 20 minutes to find the remaining five Life Crystals and using the same arena in which I fought the earlier desert Scourge I decided to summon the eye and well yeah what the heck is he doing dude 84 contact are you

Serious wait that’s crazy even with a double jump yeah like that like oh my gosh dude he is kind of nuts oh that’s crazy all right I think I’m going to lower that platform by one Min shark Min shark shark oh oh oh no way no way why is he

Just sitting on me why is he just sitting on my face like that stop get away from me dude how am I supposed to dodge that how am I supposed to dodge that seriously just dropped on the tooth okay nyron don’t gank me next time buddy dude dude this is bugged it’s bugged

It’s bugged so a little more preparation was at hand and oh yeah if you didn’t know the Calamity mod gives you recipes to craft a spawner for each and every single boss in the game and the events too and the best part these spawners are non-consumable baby oh yeah that’s right

No more waiting around for an entire day to attempt a boss that’s what I’m talking about who seriously though the normal way to fight the cthulu is to either a wait for him to randomly spawn with a 33% chance each night or b craft a spawner by taking six lens items on

Over to a demon or Crimson altar but this spawner is consumable on top of that the eye of kahulu can only be fought during the night he’ll literally piece the heck out once it turns day if you’re still fighting them all of this to say that should you fail an attempt

You’d have to farm enough lenses to craft another spawner find the The Altar and then wait for an entire day to spawn them at night this problem can be further exacerbated by Future bosses who have much more involved spawn processes all of that to say being able to craft

Infinite spawns of any boss at ease is a much welcomed addition to Terraria from the Calamity mod and saves a ton of time over the course of an entire playthrough anyway I told you all of that to uh distract you from all the farming that I just did for the arena upgrades you’re

Welcome namely heart lanterns which provide some passive life regeneration while near them how am I not jumping on that right now help no how am I not getting it right now what what is going on I lowered it just for the Reon I could jump up I just walked straight on the

Tooth I’m not paying attention now gosh darn it man what happened how’s that a thing make a flamethrower for the Squishies guys I don’t want to have to put no back seating in the title all right I’m going to go down by two again cuz all I need to do is get a Direct you know what fine we’re going for it it’s not what I meant to do 72% all right nice all right nice one all right let’s actually finish the arena next time then we’ll be good I don’t come on after all and I came here to backseat immediately before guys I don’t

Want to have to put no backseating in the title is I cthulu I cthulu is actually like one of the hardest bosses relative to the gear that you have unironically it’s not a joke okay we’re almost there guys we’re going come on baby finish him off let’s go oh my gosh no no

No no dude okay that was better that was better stop no I didn’t meant to drop I meant to drop R Bar my ra Beyond you can drop all right that was terrible that was another terrible attempt okay rage Bar’s good let’s do it and I spawn a Nyon

Really really the millisecond that I killed him he respawns come on keep it going keep it going keep it going what okay never Dodge up that was a terrible idea okay this guy’s going this way okay let me just why is a zombie here what you going go go

Go let’s go let’s go let’s go all right ready again drop down oh come on oh oh he backed off what how did that just happen oops oops Noe you’re going to hit me oh my gosh I’m lucky I’m lucky okay more eyeballs not a big deal

Drop down that’s a terrible drop down that’s okay not a big deal drop down drop down rage mode again go should have waited a second there oh well oh come on no way he went for that all right about have her potion up come on why are you just sitting right

Here all right let’s go what Goin Army what what wait why are you here right now Goin Army what do you mean why why are they on that row why are they on that row ah shoot I got distracted boys I got distracted not good come on give

Me the kill right here come on 2% 1% let’s go baby come on baby let’s go huge beautiful infernal ey of cthulu Relic boom that Shield cthulu baby oh yeah that’s a way better Dash directly after beating the eye of cthulu or rather while I was still actually

Fighting the eye lo and behold a goblin invasion decided to come tickle my toes stop siling don’t tickle me too much uh Now The Invasion itself actually doesn’t give me anything you man I mean it kind of gives me like spiky balls which are gang Buster op on the Eater of Worlds

Like wow look at that it’s convenient next B supposed take down that’s really cool The Invasion itself doesn’t actually give me anything useful rather the main focus of your first goblin invasion is to then go underground afterwards and find the goblin tinkerer NPC this bad boy is where it is at let

Me tell you not only does the goblin tinkerer sell rocket boots which which Grant a couple seconds of flying budget wings but more importantly sells you twofold number one his workbench and number two his Services uh what what no not like that get your mind out of the Gunner you

Dirty dog his crafting Services take any accessory on over to the Goblin tinkerer and allow him to craft on one of about six or seven random modifiers such as extra defense damage crit chance or movement speed or you know stealth generation good job Calamity guys really

Good one if you ever feel down because you’re feeling left out or alone just remember that stealth generation exists as a stat and you’ll be just fine but seriously being able to craft on an AIX to each and every single one of your accessories provides quite a big Power

Spike at really every point in the playthrough but namely in the early game just from getting that juicy extra defense normally at this point in a playr you’re probably sitting around 20 or 30 defense total so being able to slap on an extra 20 on top of that yeah

It’s pretty good also I really can’t overstate the importance of his workbench either it enables you to combine certain accessories together to create a singular more powerful version pulling together the combined ones effects not only does this obviously give you more stats and effects per accessory slot but it also potentially

Freeze up an entire slot on top of that you know if you were previously running one two or even three accessories and then combine them into another one long story short the goblin tinkerer is pretty much the main source of power in a Terraria playthrough aside from acquiring you know entirely new weapons

And armor but okay okay I get it Mr streamer where the heck is the content I’m trying to see some bosses over here bro where the heck is the hey Okay okay actually you know what hold on though cuz first we need to do some more jamming I found It GI clim all right let’s go baby I feel like feel like just staying to the default bow is a little bit better this thing right here oh my gosh snuck right under him I feel like just the toxic bow in general is better all right that was dumb seven

Gold really that’s pretty just garbage all right let’s check out the uh barade I think yep there it is all right let’s just try it out can’t I’m doing no damage to this as well I think it’s B is better wait my money I fre keep forgetting let’s see what are we

Upgrading to Molten Fury how are there no worms there we go it has to be a warmer here yes yes beautiful make a little dock boom bomom who’s that guy wa we got a saw tooth on the first one what the G 45 axe power wait is that a joke what the heck

What don’t you do it slime no not again what is that what what is that come on where’s the Reaver yeah buddy 100% pickaxe power and then we’re going to go down to the dark dank depths below 53 Demonite bar five more Demonite upgrades let’s go

Wowoo so satisfying so I can do molten Fury flare gun hell storm bar is that good meteors after breaking the orb oh wait so I could have had a meteor already so we get free flaming arrows from the molten Fury that’s so bad dude I think the Firestorm Cannon is actually

Going to be kind of good I own ially think it’s going to be good should be all right oh shoot wait that’s kind of nuts 3 2 1 it’s time boys let’s go no my race bar ah close the inventory let’s go get up there get out of there yes we made it

All right GG spiky ball that damage man oh oh yeah come on baby rage mod what no what no shot what is this come on what is that 25 HP in a dream in a dream uh-oh got trapped that’s GG that’s GG that’s GG no way uh-uh uh-uh not

Today baby I’m focused up no I got distracted what was the White stuff coming out every don’t don’t say well you saw a white haze there was a white Haze that happened on the I saw it let’s go wait that slime damag me to break my

Shield I’m already missing 100 HP I just smoke a hit right here you guys think I can do uh no hit in front him I do every boss without taking damage you think so what if I do every boss no hit no crafting that’s doable I’m going save my rage I don’t

Need it for this fight or this part of the fight dude stop getting hit by that oh my gosh I’m half Health what the G um what the G boom ah all right wait for it I’m waiting for my health bar and my health bar oh I

Just stood right in that should kill him right here boom here we go all right let’s get him over here boom ra mod huge rage mode boys huge I just ate him I just ate him for breakfast massive rage mode right there oh yeah let’s go baby massive Spa chunker

Dunker of a rage mode coming in let’s go uh-oh R Moon woo all right watch right into that D no hitting me no hitting me ain’t no hitting me not today boys oh that was bad that was bad that was bad that was bad that’s really bad that’s really

Bad okay we’re good we’re good we’re good we’re chilling we’re chilling we’re chilling we’re chilling everyone calm down calm down chat everyone calm down let’s go woo that’s for the Believers right there that’s for you Believers let’s go all right now have to wait for a meteor we

Need a meteor yeah I think we oh meteorite there we go if you were a meteorite where would you be chat I would personally be right here okay now right here hold on actually landed in a hole or it’s above me in the sky island dude no it

Could be here it could be here 15 minutes later hello hello hello yeah I I’m excited for new continent hell divers but wow ow we actually found it that’s kind of crazy take a lot of damage from this that’s all right though how do you m a meteor without lava immunity burning

Immunity very slowly right there stand right there how am I still dying how am I still dying what do you mean I’m on the freaking regular one let’s dig Diggy Diggy Hole Diggy Diggy Hole I am a DF and I’m digging a hole last time one more time one more

Run over there mhm dude I don’t have the floaty boot don’t don’t I knew I did I knew I didn’t do that last time now we’re not going to die all right we’re good oh my gosh all right what are we making with this chat what was it it was the opal Striker

Magna cannon that’s pretty Sick what’s that do come here bunny wait is that busted it’s just better to tap this now there more DPS than both of them stop I can’t move that’s not fair I can’t move that’s not fair stop a I think it is better tapping get away from

Me oh dude why 61 dude this boss is annoying all right anyway let’s do some farming real quick but look how fast I can farm this guy ready ready Bo I killed this boss five times actually really oh my gosh that did 10% of his health bar you see that approximately 10 hours

Later no way no way where’s my health potion oh my gosh almost died that was close man almost died on the last one that would have been crazy all right zero deaths GG Z cell cell cell cell cell cell all right let’s do it first

Try let’s go I missed the first shot not a good sign yo Chad if the queen bee offered would you say yes oh oh my gosh he’s peeing what is that 11% first try that’s not bad how do I make food chat let’s see here potions this counts as a potion apparently apple

Pie apple pie apple pie major improvements to all stats yeah we’re getting apple pie I need more apples though how do I get more apples what no one drops Apple fight trees where’s the Apple hit trees with your axe there’s no way that’s the only way to get apples

Lumberjack where’s The Lumberjack if you were the Lumberjack who would you be nope GG I can’t believe it oh oh lemon apricot no give me Apple I’ve cut down 10 trees no no apples Apple apricot like a big monkey apple wait I need 90 apples I just realized we need 90 it’s

Three per pie and if I want Perma pie I need 30 how many do we have we have two you can buy from squirrels are in your inventory I don’t believe you if if I can buy them from the squirrel you get mod straight up now what does he get chat now what

Does Mr out nut get oh I see oh so you want to oh oh so you don’t actually want to cut it down all right I’m going to do something wacky I’m going to do something wild new tree time submit watch this it’s a big brain it’s a big brain move right

Here chat W wa Double Apple it’s a good sign boys it’s a good day it’s a good day y woo all right we’re out of here goodbye and we go tree time delete tree time two Trey time the guy you banned earlier was partially right I’m pretty sure you can

Buy the apples and get 30 of them it send the tool tip oh true yeah once I get 30 we’re good yeah it’s a good point so I don’t need 90 I only need 30 oh my gosh this world was terrible all right get me out of here all right you know

What fine we’ll go uh I kind of want to do it again I kind of want to do it one more time tree time two goodbye new tree time three oh watch this ready 10 apples really really really really really none dude no apples again zero Apple

Time one seed Johnny apple seed Boom come on baby apple seed Nice Seed that was a terrible one as well oh my gosh Apple time two by one apple I saw it mega mega Mega Apple oh my me mega this sucks where are all the trees

Let’s do Yep looks good uh-huh come on baby come on baby yes pick it up heck yeah I’m just going to create a random world no no typing in let’s go let me let me uh oh what’s this seed copy seed 3.12 one2 what come on Apple Apple Apple

Apple Apple what is that dude actually no apples again copy paste go again create dude no apples again nice a freaking big fat apricot grapefruit plus one baby oh I can’t wait blo me reach of frost that has to be the best world that has to be the best world

Oh come on baby miss you too that’s fine guys we got two we got two we’re progressing we are w W wa that was close what Oh oh we have 15 apples we’re getting there boys all right we need 11 more Ohar a noob here time to back oh oh I’m going to be back by the time this is done you ready Go oh ooh ooh look at that I even talked to the wife for a second wash my hands great proof oh yes how many are we getting wow oh 18 apples on this world we have four apples waiting for us in our base now we going to go see if we have

30 apples yet all right come on how many do I have oh I got scared oh we had six apples how much are they four silver oh baby apple pie major improvements to all stats you ready for this oh my gosh major improvements exquisitely stuffed permanent yeah baby apple picking stream

Is over ladies and gentlemen I can safely confirm that we are back to your regularly scheduled game play oh come on oh come on oh come on oh the entire playthrough uploaded on YouTube by CH all right 2% looks like it’s about 2% damage per hit can you imagine if we

Were in a regular sized arena for this be dmed get the bees out of my face come on man come on let’s go 489 I did Dash what how am I not hitting these how am I oh I hit okay okay let’s go baby come on ah shoot come on

Baby oh come on charge these up man H wo let’s go freaking sniped her in the face dude let’s go let’s place this down there we go guys all right we’re good Chad if you had to rate this game on a scale I give it about a six honestly I

Give it a six out of 10 right now ask me in 20 minutes how I feel this Region’s kind of crazy actually look at my region actually kind of redonkulous now was the sacrifice to Sticky bomb’s main risk of Rank 2 I see you always 07 the ver

Before the very first update I’m not kidding the first update of the game not even first major the first update they nerfed sticky bombs because sticky bombs used to scale in both percent damage and proc chance per stack so you could get a 100% chance to proc a sticky bomb and

They would dealing like 2,000% damage every single hit was dealing 2,000% damage so if we found a sticky bomb printer that’s why we specifically pay respects to the printer cuz if you found a sticky bomb printer the Run was just it was just GG all right music maximum it’s time

Boys oh oh oh oh yummy yummy in my tummy tummy let’s go I should destroy this for sure shoot Ah Oh come on I’m getting stuck Man oh oops y y y oh come on I’m trolling right now I’m trolling stop dashing man what am I doing I’m actually just trolling bro I’m I’m literally trolling I’m literally trolling literally oh oh oh new animation oh shoot oh shoot he’s crabbing he’s crabbing all over look at him look at

Them Crab look at them crabbing dude boom bo boom boom uhoh uhoh bad position for CRA line right here see you buddy spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam ow got him boys gg gg crab see you buddy see you

Crabulon get the he out of here let’s put the crabulon Relic down here always put the bosses in order there he is be beautiful boys beautiful all right chat I need to go to the bathroom add block on you block on when I come back we’re killing more bosses wall of flush today

Oh yeah oh yeah dreamer crabulon in his pants I did not I did No Such Thing 3 2 1 let’s go baby oh waa oh oh Dodge oh Dodge a weave baby Dodge a weave hit that thing let’s go oh how am I getting hit by that there’s no

Way I’m trolling I got hit by everything let’s go baby so what does he do boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom let’s go how am I missing 100 Health already let’s go this guy’s annoying no no too far let’s go come on get out of the freaking thing

Let me fight you this boss is so annoying man oh shoot help uh uh uh uh uh boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom big charge big charge boom jump oh I knew it was going to happen Arn this is too easy now it’s too easy chat now it’s a

Joke dude where are you let me fight you there we go there we go yeah stay here yeah yeah take the damage take all the damage oh my gosh all right what was that boss fight what was that boss fight what a joke the sky is glittering with cyan light all

Right what do we get range damage oh shoot ooh those statues coming in boys we’re going in nice and hot you better to pop a fatty with his one you know what I’m saying oh there it is look at it oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh all right

This should be more than enough aiite 100% I look sick yo rate my drip on a scale from 1 to 10 rate the drip honestly like a 16 three a three all right instant Bridge right on the edge right here what that’s not where I clicked inst the brid oh ow that’s where

I CLI hey thanks oh it cut the trees down wait hold up hold up go like right here perfect perfect we put this right here that right here Sweet let’s put the cake down and we’ll wait for night time boys it is time for skellon the hardest boss in the Game fungal guy stinky what is this okay there we go oh my okay so stay in the middle stay in the middle okay I see I see I think go to opal Striker now holy moly it’s kind of nuts I go do it once per night as well dude that’s actually wild what

That’s like I’m playing Providence right now okay I’m trolling let me just hit all those guys real quick let me hit all hey let me hit all those real quick hey guys don’t worry let me hit all of those real quick I’m trolling all right dude how do

I keep getting hit by how do I get hit by that every time oh oh oh oh we’re living boy okay dude I need to make sure that I’m dodging those when they first come all right happens again happens again I get hit by the first one every

Time every time I get hit by the uh wait wait a second okay all right I just want to check I just want to check what am I doing get back over here there we go so bad oh come on I can’t see I need to get closer for

That one oh that attack all right oh no way and I’m going to die all right new phase I think nope okay dude holy crap I just died this is a terrible fight can you kill me thank you I got hit by everything right there man I got hit

There no way I got hit there no shot no shot just kill me I’m going to lose it I’m going to freaking lose it no way I got hit by those all right hands [Laughter] go oh come on oh come on oh come on oh Skeletron oh Skeletron

Ah oh there is one over there after all got H three times three times what no did I really get hit did I really hands let’s go let’s go why does it spawn in different PL all right keep moving keep moving all right demolitionist go here

Aner go here how do I do this I have to walk away right they move at night time right I know how to make it night time they move hey they did it see you see you nerd I’m out of here see You wait he actually despawned what dude I’m moving from the freaking Sandstorm it’s going to mess up my placement house here there there there there there why is it not working okay stop why is it going on that side now why does it go on that side

Now why would I be trolling how am I trolling right now I’m trying to put the other house right here click on the Block chat it demolishes it if I do that I’ve done it before n didn’t do a laugh at me see just cck on the BL clck on the BL

Just place the freaking House how did that land perfectly how did that literally land perfectly ah ah uhhuh ah okay it’s not where I wanted to put that that’s fine okay no not again not again not again right there what you know what I don’t care I don’t care all right who wants to be here angler

Make it night time with the uh oh it is night time right now stylist no dang it dude PR Skeletron right here all right ranged it recommends the gaale force this guy sucks maybe the bullet field shotgun is actually kind of good that might be kind of good

Actually what the heck what is that has spr it wasn’t joking when it said spread yeah we don’t aim at all slime God is not easier I’ll be the judge of that what oh gosh darn it you guys are trolling all right here we go Sledge

Time okay all right that’s kind of nuts yeah I’m thinking uh Skeletron might be easier boys I’m thinking skelling Tron might be a little bit easier oh my gosh man can I stop doing that oh I’m at half HP that’s not okay I should die I just die real quick look at

That I need to figure out a way to be able to do this just AFK on him with a shotgun see all that Damage all right it’s going to get scary here any second watch out watch out almost almost there boys look at the Torches they’re burning out one by one look at them here we go three two one can we do it can we get it done can we do It okay that might have been the hardest boss in the entire game torch God’s favor consumable unlocks the ability to toggle the left of the inventory when enabled normal torches change according to your biome boom can we kill Skeletron first try literally don’t fart again you fart wrong one more time chat we’re

Going to have a big problem all right let’s go let’s go baby 29 health and a drain this thing sucks I’m just not going to take any more damage the entire run no way they hit me twice three time all right Focus up guys not today skelling Dron oh come

On come on no it was daytime it turned daytime I think I would have had him there okay stop okay that doesn’t count that was that was a scuffed fight ain’t no way hey no way okay now I’m getting irritated and we’re on the outside of the hand there

That’s bad that’s really oh yeah I’m Dead oh my gosh come on dude I die here I had it I had it if I didn’t mess up right there yeah I I literally had it man come on oh come on oh what is that star it’s okay no tilt oh okay understandable never mind can I

Get a big like beam around my character so I know exactly where my hit box is at all time I’m going this way right hand right hand let’s go Dodge it up this is the real deal this is the main course okay let me tell you

What no what how did that get on me how someone explain all right left side Dodge left side Dodge screw it we’re going left side Dodge let’s go okay okay that was pretty good and then I got immediately got hit by the other side so it rendered that

Entire Dodge phase irrelevant nice okay keep running keep running oh my gosh that was close I’m locked in I’m locked in baby I’m locked in there’s no way I’m getting hit that much dude dude Chad I’m so bad oh please man give me a break so hyper focused on the Run give

Me a freaking break man all right right side oh my gosh all right that’s pretty good that’s pretty good we got hit once okay that was terrible potion time let’s go come on all right do your freaking uh other attack man there you go oh I can stand above now

Wait didn’t think this one threw deaths did you okay okay stop stop stop get away from me I’m sorry bro I’m sorry I didn’t mean it SK I didn’t mean it bro stop it let’s go come on man I stop I really need to stop getting hit by those and

This and this attack I really need to stop getting hit by that attack there we go all right uhoh uhoh uhoh all right all right easy easy easy okay here’s the other attack where he goes like the rain yeah yeah here we go okay okay one more let’s go let’s

Go he’s doing it he’s beginning to believe he’s beginning to Believe come on baby oh shoot come on pay attention pay attention come on let’s go baby let’s go baby first try look at him he’s like ah he totally looks like Sinar no you know who Sinar is he goes

Like beware I live this game’s Awesome by the way definitely play this one anyway uh let’s push down the infernal Skeletron Relic like that was probably the hardest boss fight in the entire game I get bones now don’t I deadly Archer fish all right reforge let’s go

I’m going go unreal first try oh oh look at that thing look at that thing look at this thing dude honestly we going Ed the Hasty bullet fil shotgun here let’s get some gold key action dude no gold keys still maybe we should get out of here

Craft our necro armor and call it good we have there we go I have two keys now beautiful what is this the handgun oh yeah that’s crazy crazy dude dang I’m so glad to use my keys on that there we go let’s grab that bad boy

No oh Shadow key nice all right let’s get one more chest and we’ll get out of here all right open up boom all right let’s get out of here first order of business is to complete the necro armor set boom boom boom you know we also need

Obsidian Stone skin you know why because we’re going to who is this increases luck by 20% uh is that good what does luck do 20% luck that seems kind of not bad maybe luck does a lot basically has randomize better outcomes I ever including damage variation crit damage

Fishing I’m buying that right now so luck is really good so I should buy the greater luck potions yeah greater luck potion one plat oh let’s look up luck real quick let me see what this does maximum luck of 1.73 wait no oh no benefit from one okay

What does luck do did I miss it impact here we go why is the first thing about what luck does explained this far down the page who wrote this Wiki page man here we go finally here’s what luck does guys for example if the base probability

Event is 10 so if we have 10% crit chance if you have one luck there is a 100% chance probity something between 1 and five and 1 and N average final probability approximately 14.9 okay so you get about a 4.9% fer it’s called it 5% at maximum luck that’s a 50% increase

On that value though that’s pretty good but who knows how that actually works with a formula dude uh item drops are affected by luck apple pie yeah I don’t know we want to get some luck up I don’t think we’re using that accessor is worth

It okay I don’t be worri about that can I buy it from the accessory guy you are the access Guy yeah buddy Terra spark boots oh baby all right let’s Go oh shoot oh we’re popping off baby bo bo bo bo bo bo boom boom Oh shoot help let’s go baby let’s go oh shoot he’s not done he’s not done help oh no wait I’m dying what what’s killing right here come on no come on come on no

No no no no wait I’m full health wait how am I full health how am I full health wait why am I dying why am I dying what’s going on here what what happened that’s what the necro armor does that’s kind of cool what am I doing

I’m just eating everything right now I’m actually dead or am I am I bad kill me please all right let’s go Focus up oh he’s stuck again uhoh oh shoot what is how is that fair how is that fair you literally cannot Dodge that you actually cannot Dodge that what what is

Seriously what is that how do you dodge that he goes through the wall it’s not like I can just float down on my platform Bro get him kill him kill him let’s go potion again Let’s go Huge a I jumped right into That dude they move so fast it’s crazy actually kind of ridiculous now look just ping ponging him ping ponging them okay I’m dying please please I just walked right into that all right here we go Big Time come on baby Big Damn Big Damn come on oh come on I’m just trolling right

Now oh we hit it let’s go Oh no I got necro no no no no come on damage damage damage come on baby let’s go let’s go it counts it counts it counts huge all right slime God is up these relics look so cool after slime God Was Defeated all

That remained was the final boss of pre hard mode and my ticket to the rest of the game Wall of Flesh the wall is a pretty unique boss in that number one he’s a giant wall of flesh as the name would imply but two he requires an absolutely gargantuan amount of

Horizontal movement space in order to to defeat him as I just mentioned he’s the final boss before entering hard mode so the devs quite literally made him a wall of flesh to represent what you must overcome to reach that next phase of the game once you spawn it by throwing the

Guide NPC’s voodoo doll into the lava the wall of fles travels in a single Direction across your entire world in the depths of Hell blocking your ability to move behind him totally whatever Direction he moves either left to right or right to left depends on which half

Of the world that you spawn them on basically this all equates to you needing to be very well prepared and having plenty of platforms built built to run across there is just no way you’re going to be able to Juke his attacks find good damage windows and keep moving smoothly without clearing a

Bunch of terrain and placing down a nice and easy walkway of platforms and on top of that you can’t use just any old platforms that you have lying around no you specifically need obsidian platforms as if lava makes contact with any other type of material it you know does its

Lava thing now normally this would then require you to farm a bunch of obsidian in order to make obsidian bricks to then make obsidian platforms but uh thanks calamity obsidian brick five copper oh yeah and on top of that we don’t even have to place the platforms

Ourselves ah I really do love the Calamity mod after platforms the final piece to the wall of flesh puzzle is to place an adequate amount of bus stations along the inevitably massive land bridge that you’re about to craft and once again Calamity moment the semi Bridge of

Fire can be reused infin infinitely all right so I should just uh oh my gosh did it just space him out perfectly did it space them out perfectly let’s see oh it’s beautiful what do you say we just hit up a wall of flesh right this very instant like that

All right let’s go this looks uh interesting hello oh shoot what’s he doing oh shoot help oh my gosh wait what’s going on here help what the heck is this fight man I’m getting freaking tentacled stop wait what no way that’s hitting me um that’s that’s going to be kind of

Crazy actually finish him off with Arch fish let’s go oh I got trapped oh no no no I got trapped I’m dead no I got trapped man how much HP did he have no way not again man what am I doing man this fight’s not hard this fight’s actually not hard all right

Let’s go not the right weapon let’s go I just sit right here should get him look at that no not again I actually didn’t take damage what I actually didn’t take damage that’s a miracle it’s the jump speed from the statel I’m not even kidding I keep underestimating the jump

Speed so actually don’t want to kill the eyes it looks like cuz I can damage the wall the flesh without them just got to time that let’s go baby big damn big damn big damn Big Damn Obsidian Rose let’s go let’s go oops come on let’s go can’t really

Dodge right here unless I go down let’s go shoot let’s go no come on man I got stuck go down oh let’s go baby let’s go baby let’s go baby let’s go baby this a really cool fight oh come on not again come on 3 2 1

GG let’s go hard mode acquired they said it couldn’t be done what is this the goat skull brutal whoa is that rare pretty sure it’s R whoa is this wait this kind of sick oh it’s actually cool where we going sigas

Part 2 of my Calamity Infernum difficulty playthrough.

Part 1:

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  1. As a Calamity Rogue Enjoyer, i will not stand for this Stealth Generation Slander! We are marginally more useful than movement speed reforges (I think maybe)

  2. IDK if you plan to add any mods considering you're so late into your playthrough, but if you want to really spice up the final few bosses, I'd reccomend 2 mods: 1: The infernum music mod, it adds a bunch of new tracks for vanilla bosses and gives new ones to some calamity bosses(Exo mechs being the absolute peak, the mod is worth it for their music alone) and 2: Wrath of the Gods. I don't want to spoil it, so ill just say that its made by the devs of Infernum and adds 2 new bosses intended to be boss rush tier difficulty, and are an amazing way to cap off an infernum playthrough.

  3. Something I love about music is, years after, finding out where their samples come from. Scrimshaw Carver samples "Beware I live" and "Run coward" from Sinistar in his song Deadline!

  4. Friendly neighbour hood tip giver for those who want some help in their own playthroughs. Calamity and Infernum arenas are typically better the bigger space they take up but also the bigger the space between platforms, especially in the early game where often your best way to avoid things is actually going vertical if you can. For EoC try to get used to making the vertical gaps between your platforms something that you can comfortably double jump or grapple to and then when needing to dodge either drop down (can also use slime mount to drop faster) or grapple up to the next platform. Also helps a ton if you have 1 more row of platforms than you think you'll need for things such as the spikes Infernum EoC drops. You can bait them to get placed on the top platform and then just drop down a level to avoid them!

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