I Built a House For EVERY MOB in Minecraft

Our server has been hacked and in 20 minutes every mob in Minecraft will die me and my brother Milo have to build custom houses for each mob before it’s too late including Ian the trusty Iron Golem great we don’t have a lot of time that’s right Milo we need to start

Getting the materials to build a warden house first we need some skull skull catalysts and some skull senses do you think you can do that Milo yeah I’m also going to use some blue W Milo no blue wo is for zombies instead we need to use skull it looks exactly

Like the warden does we’ve got to build a house for the warden and every other mob in Minecraft the warden is what we will do first though because he is really scary if he finds out we have built a house for anyone other than him

First he will be really really mad at us and even if we save his life from the hacker destroying all the mobs on the server he’ll be so angry at us he’ll Sonic Boom us into Oblivion I don’t like the wood he’s been really mean to me lately really Milo what’s the Wooden

Been saying pretty much one time I was in the Deep Dock and he blasted me out of nowhere a that’s really sad Milo don’t worry now that the warden is living in our mob City and not in the deep dark anymore he won’t be able to blast you you should be totally safe

From him and I will make sure the warden cannot blast you through the walls of his house we’re going to make this house so good that it won’t just save him from the hacker it will also give him the the best house he has ever had yeah but if I

See the warden walking around I’m going to give him a funny look H I don’t think you’ll see you Milo the warden is very famously blind what I didn’t know that yeah Milo that’s why he has to use sound to hear you like a bat oh you’re so

Silly while you come to the realization that the warden is actually blind I’m going to start building the top of the warden house it’s important that we use blocks like this one by using cyan wool we help make the top of the warden look really real

Now all we have to do is make his mouth his horns and the insides of the actual house and we’ll have completed the first house let’s go Wen better be so grateful that we’re saving him from the evil ha exactly Milo I think all the mobs we

Save will be really grateful but I hope the warden is especially grateful evil hacker is no joke he’s trying to wipe out every single mob from the face of Minecraft that is really sad we’ve made so many amazing mob friends yeah I don’t want to lose any of them especially not

Ian the Iron Golem we need to make every other mob house first because if we make a house for Ian before we make the mob houses oh Ian the Iron Golem would try and attack the mobs to protect us he would not understand that we’re trying

To save everybody that is why we have to get building really really fast Milo otherwise we don’t stand a chance against the hacker I really want to make sure we save thean because he’s my best friend hey I thought I was is your best friend oh um yeah I guess so Milo we’re

Going to have a chat about this later but for now we need to make sure we build the warden’s mouth I am going to use black concrete because that is the most Dark Void block there is if we can make sure that this really does look like the real warden’s mouth we will

Help make sure the warden knows exactly where to live no Warden would want to live in a warden house that doesn’t look like himself that would just be embarrassing he would never agree to live in that hey look it looks but the wood’s really taking a much of me hey

Milo the wooden’s not trying to eat you this is just the wooden’s house be careful you don’t go in the real warden’s mouth like that he might try to actually eat you which could be really really bad I I not want to be a warden snack today thank you very much no way

Instead we just need to place skull catalysts all along the bottom once we do this I’m going to use a pretty cool method to decorate the inside we’re going to make it look exactly like the real deep duck first we need to grab some deep slate and not just regular

Deep slate we also need to grab polished and Cobble deep slate we’re going to place the polished deep slate on a ring around the edge just like this we will miss some spots but that’s on purpose it’s all part of my amazing artistic design CH I thought of something really

Scary really what scary thing did you think of Milo what if I think this is the real deep dog and then I start screaming H I don’t think that’s possible the real deep duck has a special energy that flows through the the warden that is how he is able to use

His Sonic Boom there this is not the real deep dark so it won’t have that same effect wa using wared doors is a great idea Milo I think we should continue using warped wood for the inside I’m going to grab some warped stairs and some warped fences as well as

Some wared slabs to make the rest of the inside of this place we have to make sure we build everything pretty big otherwise the warden simply won’t fit the warden is a pretty big guy and if he can’t fit in his own house he won’t want

To stay here he might try to run away and that will put him in serious danger of being killed by the hacker maybe I should give him double doors just so he F yeah good idea Milo the warden is very very tall he will not fit in a small

Building like this one that’s why I’m making sure the stairs are as open as possible this entire building is designed to use as much space as possible that’s why the warden will love it he’ll actually fit inside yeah it won’t let me put more doors on top of

These ones Milo you don’t have to use regular warped doors you need to use warped trap doors just like this now if we right click them it should look like a regular door wow I really didn’t know that it’s okay Milo we all learn at different speeds yours just happens to

Be a little slower than most people’s hey what’s that supposed to mean I’ll let you think about that one for now we need to think about building an amazing fence to stop the warden from falling off let’s make sure we build it right down the middle it’s important to use

The same color of wood that that we’ve used for the rest of the wood around this place yep I actually have a really good idea for something okay I’m excited to hear this what is it m I’m going to turn his mouth into a window uh actually

That’s not a bad idea at all the warden is going to love looking out of his deep dark house into the uh not very deep and not very dark Overworld I’m sure the void that the hacker will kill all these animals into will be very deep and very

Dark even too deep and dark for the warden let’s grab some flower pots so that we can start placing down some lovely lanterns and decorations for the warden I think the warden will love corn flowers because it’s really close to the color blue which is his favorite color

After all yeah blue is a really good color that’s something I can agree with the warden on yeah you and the warden can agree with a lot about the color blue now we also need to place some chains from the ceiling this will help light up the place in the same way that

The real deep dock is lit up using awesome Soul lanterns oh yeah that looks pretty cool we also need to make sure we grab a bed and we grab some cyan shulker boxes we need to grab these ones and not some other random ones because this is the warden’s favorite color look Milo

The warden now has custom colorful storage this is so great and really fancy exactly Milo let’s also give him an Ender Chest right next door it fits the color scheme really really well and we will also need to grab some cyan carpets to put on the floor like this we

Can add them on every level the warden loves silence and walking on carpets actually can cancels out noise this means that the warden will love every level of this place speaking of Silence there is nothing more silent than a library that’s why we need to build bookshelves so that the warden can have

A library of his own if he has a perfect zone of Silence no sound will ever get inside and he will really really enjoy it here let’s grab some books for him one of the warden’s favorite books is Swift sneak so we are going to be placing Swift sneak enchanted books

Inside this bookshelf this way anybody that wants a nice Swift sneak pair of books can come in here and get one CH there’s one little problem what is it Milo well didn’t you say the warden was blind this might need to be audio box oh that’s so true let’s add a juke box

Right next door with a couple of the warden’s favorite CDs let’s get an item frame so that we can properly display them the music disc that the warden loves the most is this one it comes from the deep dark but he also loves this one and his second favorite one is pig step

It’s pretty cool how much music the warden enjoys I gu when you don’t see very well you get really good at hearing oh yeah boy this is awesome yeah the warden will totally love it here let’s just add a couple more carpets to the bottom level just to make sure it’s as

Nice and soundproof as possible wo Milo we’ve built one out of the six houses we need it’s already looking pretty awesome but if we want to build enough houses to save every mob and Ian the Iron Golem we’re going to need to go a lot quicker than that yeah that’s really true chip

We better speed up actually totally will I think here is the best place to build our next house we need to grab some concrete for what we’re about to make we’re about to make some pretty awesome houses that need to look a very specific way Milo concrete what could concrete be

For I’ll let you guess Milo this next house is not just going to be for one mob it is actually going to be for three they will live together because they all live inside of caves that’s why we are placing them inside the same house they

Love living in the cave so much that we’re going to to make one big cave house for all of them this is the first mob out of all the three oh yes it’s a slime no Milo it’s not a slime don’t worry I’ll keep building more and more

Of it until you guess these concretes need to be placed but I see why you thought it was slime I built it too smooth I need to add some more lime green wool colors it’s not slime it’s just lime now if I add some more texturing around here it might start to

Look a little bit like what it’s meant to but there is still one thing we have not added that I really need to we need to add some gray concrete to the center of these black voids and boom do you see what we’re trying to build now Milo yeah

It’s a little froggy no Milo it’s a creeper face we’re building three different mobs that all live in caves we’re going to build a creeper a zombie and a skeleton what the I don’t like these bozos hey that’s not nice Milo I don’t think these bozos like you either

They are Undead mobs and they’re going to be pretty deadly if we don’t build them a nice house yeah I guess that’s where very true I feel bad now hey don’t feel bad Milo just try and be nice to them we don’t want all the new residents

In our amazing mob town to be mad at us yeah I don’t want them to be mad at all because maybe they could be my new best friends yeah maybe they totally could H I don’t think this is what a zombie looks like I’m going to need to grab a

Zombie skull and have a look at what the real zombie is okay I think I built this totally wrong we need to move the eyes a little bit downwards just like this okay this is looking pretty good now we also need to add a little bit of a beard area

The zombie did not shave last night so we need to make sure we build that properly in I think we need to use a different type of green let’s use these green colors we’ll use dark green terracotta for the edge of the beard and for the bottom bits we can totally use

Green concrete powder oh yeah this looks so cool already this really does look like a zombie yeah it really does Chip you’re pretty good at building thanks Miler that’s what I’ve been saying all along now now we also need to build the zombie some eyebrows he can get pretty

Grumpy being a zombie so we’ll need to make sure we build it very very right if we get this wrong the zombie will be so mad at us he’ll eat our brains and we don’t want that we need our brains to protect all the mobs from the hacker

Yeah plus my brain is really super smart yeah I don’t know about that Milo your brain is certainly something I think we need to replace this green concrete powder with green wool oh yeah this looks way better now there is only one more mob house we need to to make before

We’re ready I’m going to get ahead of the curve on this one and start making the skeleton skull with a reference in mind we’re going to need to grab a bunch of different colors of concrete let’s grab white the light gray and we’ll also grab some clay these do a really good

Job at showing the colors of the skeleton let’s make sure we properly build this out as well by not only using concrete and using wool as well we help make sure we use all the colors correctly let’s place all the gray down here this is what a real skeleton looks

Like I can’t wait to see the skeleton’s reaction to this Milo I bet he’s totally going to love his brand new very well-built skeleton house let’s also make sure we build some dark gray down here and some light gray right over here you’ll probably really like it I would

Love if my house looked like that yeah Milo I do not think you want to be living inside a giant skeleton it would get really really creepy really quickly and wait a minute there’s a bit of an emergency I’m using clay when instead we need to be using light gray concrete

Powder oh wow that looks way better already I can’t believe I was using clay before that is so embarrassing one big myth about skeletons is everybody thinks that skeletons are white when skeletons are actually a very light gray color the skeletons don’t like it when you get

That wrong you better make sure you build the skeleton house in the right color luckily that is exactly what we’re doing and wo these mob houses look so cool one thing I definitely will do though is replace a little bit of this zombie with some nice dark gray oh yeah

That looks way more like a zombie now all of these mob houses are pretty well built but we need to add a little bit more color around them let’s add some blue around the zombie and some lime concrete around the creeper it has to go all the way around and wow Milo you’ve

Done a really good job building the back of these I’m so impressed we make an amazing team I’m trying to go as fast as I can you’re doing a really good job I’m just going to place some gray concrete at the bottom of this skeleton house to

Make sure that the skeleton feels nice and at home in a really cool dark area the blue makes the zombie look like he’s actually wearing the classic zombie shirt wo this is so cool I think inside the zombie’s mouth we can actually add the door for the doors I think we should

Probably add some dark oak it looks pretty close to the dark green color of the zombie perfect now once we enter the house we will need to add some pretty good flooring we will also have two rooms on either side one will lead into the skeleton house and one will lead

Into the creeper house I don’t think we’ll use any regular blocks though we’re going to be using dark oak and some classic Stone as well as some mossy cobblestone most people do not want to live inside a mossy cobblestone house but these mobs actually come from the

Dungeons that is why they each deserve an amazing house with their amazing stone blocks right next to each other the stone blocks can help decorate the roof not the top roof of course that is going to be the official colors of each of these mobs so that it really does

Look like they’re living inside Giant versions of their heads these mobs are going to love these houses I do not think anything else could have better better protected them against the hacker about to delete every mob from the server these three mobs are some of the biggest enemies of the Iron Golem there

Are some bigger enemies on the way but these ones are very important to get out of the way once we build all of these houses we’ll be really really close to building the Ian Golem houses and saving our friend Ian Milo yeah I really want to save Ian that’s my top priority yeah

Me too and saving every other mob too that’s why we need to make sure every single mob’s house is really really nice I think we we also need to pick the plank choices that best fit each of these different mobs I think the skeleton house will look awesome with

This ruby red Mangrove planks wo it already looks so cool and in the creeper house I think jungle planks fit very very well it’s a really cool color that I know the creeper will absolutely love now that we’ve built all this we really need to add in the Cobblestone and the

Mossy cobblestone to the ceiling by adding these blocks we make this place really feel like home which of course for these mobs is the dungeon so it needs to feel as dungeon as possible yeah these blocks look moldy hey the zombies moldy too you can’t say that

Here the zombies love the mold that’s why we need to make sure we properly use all of these blocks as much as we can it really really warms the zombie heart or at least I think it warms the zombie’s heart I don’t know if the zombie actually has a heart I know they

Definitely don’t have a brain we also need to grab some Walls by using mossy cobblestone and mossy stone walls we help make sure that the roof of this place drips down nicely into to the floors below oh yeah doesn’t this look awesome Milo it does would you like me

To do it in the other room yeah that’s a great idea Milo while you do that I can continue adding chains to this room it’s important that we add the chains exactly how the zombie likes them the zombes chains normally drip from the ceiling of the zombie dungeon they absolutely make

It feel so creepy inside that’s why the zombie loves them he’s a bit of a creepy guy so it fits his look very very well we also need to add some Redstone torches red Stone torches are some of the creepiest blocks in the entire game most other blocks of light look really

Really pretty and have a nice blue Cool Glow or a really warm orange one these ones though have a creepy red glow that look kind of like evil red eyes oh wow if we move the Torches up they look like zombie eyes staring in that is so cool

Now we need to grab some green beds for this zombie or even better maybe a light blue and dark blue bed this looks exactly like the zombies clothes now because the zombie’s head is always falling off we need to grab some spare ones this way the zombie will always

Have a head if he ever needs to grab a new one he’ll never ever run out let’s also grab a chest for the zombie because that is what spawns inside of a real Dungeon he’ll feel so at home in this way let’s also put some Spruce trap

Doors above the doorway this way the zombie can store some of his favorite things like a flower pot with his favorite flower inside the dead Bush he really loves the dead Bush it reminds him of his home the graveyard and he also loves the gravestones so we’ll add

A couple on this wall we’ll even add in some signs that say RP on the gravestones this way the zombie knows exactly what they are and doesn’t get confused we can even grab some glow insects and some light green dye to make sure the rip signs really stand out and

Fit the green color of the room this looks so awesome we’re just missing carpets by adding blue carpets and light blue carpets we helped make sure that this room really does look like a zombie yeah if I was a zombie I’d be loving it room me too Milo wo the creeper room

Roof looks awesome you’ve done a great job than I think I’m getting really good at the cave stuff you totally are why don’t I decorate this room while you build the final cave room in this skeleton head Milo sounds great oh yeah it does sound great I’m so excited to

Build the creeper room this one’s going to be a little different to the zombie room we will still have the chains and the cave ceiling but there are going to be some blocks in here that the zombie would not like no Redstone torches are allowed in the creeper room that’s for

Sure because there’s going to be something a little dangerous in here we will need to grab some Bedrock the creeper bed will be surrounded by Bedrock that is one important way that the creeper doesn’t blow up his house during his explosive nightmares they can really send a shock wave through a place

That’s why he only sleeps surrounded by Bedrock it’s really important to him and we can also add some obsidian surrounding his chests his obsidian shock box chest will be pitch black to blend in with the obsidian instead of a window he actually has a storage room inside of his mouth it’s pretty

Different to the warden’s house but it’s still awesome in the same way let’s add some obsidian on this wall just to make sure it does not get blown up this Creeper’s house is pretty cool but the creeper has to get his explosiveness from somewhere that is why he actually

Has TNT in the house as well first I’m going to put the TNT in some item frames that is pretty important we can’t just be placing TNT on the floor that is very dangerous let’s also Place TNT in this item frame and we can even grab more of

The spruce planks to add on top of it oh yeah that looks so awesome I think we also need to grab a painting the creepa definitely has a favorite one and there’s a pretty clear reason why if we place the painting here wow look it actually has a creeper face he really

Loves the painting because it reminds him of his mother who also is a creeper oh yeah that’s perfect now we actually need to place in the real TN which is a little bit scary I say we build it in a nice compartment in the floor this way the creeper won’t accidentally blow it

Up and Destroy his entire house that would be a big disaster and I know the creeper doesn’t want that at all it would put him and all of his mob friends in danger causing the hacker to know exactly where we are okay we can add TNT

In this place and we’ll add a Bloss proof glass I think this blast prooof glass is perfect wow this already looks just like the Creeper’s bedroom but we also do need to place a flower pot and there is one flower that I know the creeper would absolutely love and that

Is a torch flower it reminds him of the explosions that he causes with his own TNT oh yeah this room is looking so cool let’s just add a caret and then we can start building the skeleton room oh I’m so excited to work on that one hey Milo

What how’s the skeleton roof coming along yeah well it’s pretty much done isn’t it that’s amazing now I can actually start building the skeleton room this room is going to look like an actual graveyard the zombie only has gravestones on his shelves but the skeleton is going to have them

Everywhere he even will have patches of podzol on the floor to look really really spooky not to mention some soul fire burning around just like all the souls from the graveyard yeah because skeleton is just a guy without a soul okay Milo you’ve been listening to some

Crazy internet theories but I know more about the skeleton he’s actually a really cool guy he’s just misunderstood we can even add some amazing Target blocks in here because I know he loves to practice his archery how would he misund if he keeps shooting me I don’t

Know my maybe he just has a bone to pick with you he’s got lots of Bones yeah he totally does have lots of Bones to pick that’s why I’m going to add an item frame where he can have some bone pigs just to clean himself he cannot use a

Real shower his bones get all soggy it’s really weird and he also can’t use a real bed he can only sleep on really hard rocky surfaces like pure Cobblestone what that’s pretty bad why don’t we give him a bed uh Milo because skeletons don’t like to sleep in beds

Their bones get tangled up in the covers and and it can be a real headache trying to get them out and when a skull has a headache it can be a real bad day y thank goodness I’m not a skeleton I know me too we’re not skeletons at all I

Don’t even have bones what does that even mean uh it means I don’t carry bones around Milo that would be insane only creepy people do that all I do is write nice signs on skeletons rooms well I guess I’m a creepy guy cuz I have bones in my pocket what Milo whose bones

Are those well just in case I me a little dog and I want him to be my friend how did you get those bones Milo you can’t be holding bones in a skeleton house they get really really rude about that Bo I found them somewhere crazy

Milo go put the bone back where you found it please yes CH oh my gosh Milo you can’t be removing bones around skeletons that’s a terrible idea we’ve now officially built two out of the six houses that is really good it means that we just need to build four more before

The hacker destroys everything oh my gosh quickly chip what’s do what the next house that we need to build is the Ila house Milo I’ve been really excited for this one yeah I bet me too we need to grab black concrete black terra cotta and yellow concrete Milo yellow concrete

Yeah we need to build the ioka he is one of the most dangerous illers and we’ve got to build him pretty tall he needs to be the main part of the iller household they’re going to be a pretty big community and they will all live together if we don’t build this right

Milo they will not want to move in and they will get so offended that they stay away forever meaning that they die in the attack from the hacker even though I really don’t like thees I don’t want them to die so we better do this one

Right now exactly Milo I had the exact same thought now we need to build a little band outwards these are going to be the avoca’s arms they fold inwards exactly the same way that the other arms do oh yeah this is looking so cool already I can already tell that these

Are the arms of the avoka we also need to make sure we build the wrists too oh yeah this is looking perfect Ian the Iron Golem hates pillagers so if we build a house to keep them inside of he won’t be angry and he won’t try and

Escape that is just one way we are keeping our amazing friend safe from the hack attack I really hope that he is stilling okay me too I don’t even know where he’s hiding at the moment we better make sure that we find him and build him a house soon if we don’t we

Could be in serious trouble and so will Ian all right now that we built the back of this awesome we need to start building the top of it I think building an avoka head is going to be pretty difficult I’ll need to really really think about it while I do

This Milo make sure you totally keep building the sides of it I need to make his arms a little bit thicker otherwise he’ll just look like a weird sideways pole I do not want him to look like a sideways pole yeah I don’t think the aokas do either they would totally never

Forgive me for that that would be really really uncomfortable if I built a sideways pole and had to show it to them they’d never never talk to me yeah and that would be really sad for you because they aren’t your only friends what Milo they aren’t my only friends I thought

You are my friend well we’re kind of friends when I think so what Milo that’s crazy you can’t be saying that well sometimes you mean to me and then I cry sorry Milo I do not mean to be mean to you and I don’t mean to make you cry

Either well that’s good then we’re friends again thanks Milo I’m glad it was that easy one friend that it will not be easy to recover if lose him in the hack attack though is Ian the Iron Golem if the hacker destroys him forever we’ll never be able to recover the

Friendship even if we apologize a thousand times because we’ll have lost him to the hacking void yeah this is a very important situation and we have to do this exactly Milo once we finish building the sides and back of this avoca’s head we can actually start making the official features wo that

Definitely looks like an aoka creepy as usual we need to add his classic giant nose that even hangs downwards Beyond his face yeah I don’t like his Vibe at all wo Milo you almost got stuck underneath the arms yeah I nearly did I would have been really scared that would

Have totally sucked I’m really glad you did not get stuck there and I think we also definitely need to add some emerald green eyes the aokas love to steal emeralds from The Villages so by adding official emerald green eyes we really help make this avoka as realistic as

Possible we also need to make him realistic by adding giant Angry Eyebrows he’s really scary yeah he totally is he is one of the scariest mobs ever and wo I can almost feel his anger just from looking at him Milo don’t stand on his eyebrows he might get really really

Angry at you and try to attack you using his Vex hey chip look I can make my eyebrows angry as well wao that looks almost exactly like the evoca careful Milo you’re soaking up a little too much of that anger yeah well I’m just going

To be angry for a little bit okay once you stop being angry let me know because we still need to build the bottom of this aoka I need to dig out the bottom layer of his aoka wizard robe and replace it with some blue terra cotta these are what the avoca’s shoes

Actually look like and we’re going to need to add an entrance into the aoka Milo if we don’t none of the pillagers will be able to get into the Pillager Tower hey yeah that’s right and then it wouldn’t even be really A house at all no it totally wouldn’t that is why we

Are grabbing bamboo stairs just like this as well as some bamboo doors see it looks exactly like the avoca’s colors it Blends in really really well and once we go inside we can add some amazing carets to the floor to make it really match the yellow color I’m loving this design

Champ thanks Milo I’m really really proud of it and I think inside we can even have some LS these letters will take every Pillager inside all the way up to the top where we will dig a hole into the Pillager head yeah this is going to be the main house section of

The Pillager section sure but there are still lots of houses for every mob we have to build Milo this is not the final step here let’s also replace this yellow with a little bit more yellow on the inside this way we can dig out a ton

More space over here oh yeah we are not missing a single spot to include more room for our amazing mobs in if we make this house as big as possible we really give the mobs all the space they deserve yeah that’s right oh my gosh this is

Really crazy yeah I agree Milo it definitely is crazy let’s make sure we add enough space to go up into the roof section it’s important that we don’t miss this Milo if we miss the roof and the illich head they could totally not like it yeah and that would be really

Bad exactly and I think for the top room we can even make it out of emeralds there’s not just a normal creature we’ll be putting in this top room we’re going to put a ravager inside a ravager what yep exactly a total ravager ravagers are

Very scary but before we do that we need to grab beds for every single Pillager let’s grab black and gray beds because they’re very dramatic and very moody the king illers will get to sit on these gray ones underneath the yellow robe I think the king illers will definitely be

Aokas yeah because those guys are always grumpy yeah they’re totally grumpy every iller is actually I don’t know why in the ravages section we will even add chains hanging from the ceiling this is to show just how evil and dangerous the ravages are you need to chain them up if

They get too crazy otherwise they may Escape ravages are my least favorite of all of them yeah me too they are so dangerous I can’t wait until the moment we spawn down all the mobs Milo that is going to be very important and we can’t let ourselves forget if we do we would

Really be letting them all down instead we need to make sure we add all of the chests to make sure these pillages have perfect storage if they have good storage they can fill it with all their emeralds that they’ve won from destroying Villages if they’re going to destroy villagers at least they’re going

To get some rewards for it it did not all go to waste we just have to make sure we do not let Ian the Iron Golem see these emeralds he will really really be angry and jealous and try to destroy them if he sees them come to think of it

We should also probably build a defense against Ian the iron golem around the aoka house he is not going to take too kindly to us Sheltering his mortal enemy the iller Pillager of Voca Club yeah even though I really like him he can be a little aggressive sometimes yeah

Exactly that’s why we need to take important steps to keeping every mob safe even if those mobs are the evokers and the pillagers and the vindicators TR CH look Milo we’ve already built three out of the six houses we’re halfway we just have to build three more and then

We will save every mob in Minecraft Let’s Go champ we got to do this the next house we will make will be a nether themed house we’re going to build the nether fortress Milo so we’re going to have to go quick the nether fortress is

A pretty big build and it will not build itself oh and we don’t have a lot of time do away no we don’t the hack is coming closer and closer the longer we leave this build the sooner the hack will come and destroy everything this nether fortress has to go well otherwise

We will be out of luck and the mobs will be destroyed I can’t believe this is happening to us I never thought we could get hacked like this I know neither did I and I don’t think the mobs would have thought so either it is crazy that they

Didn’t realize this I wish we could have stopped it sooner I need to grab some nether brick slabs to build some platforms on the edge so that the Ms do not fall off if they do that could be really bad these nether mobs are pretty sensitive from being taken away from

Their nether home if we drop them off the edge of a building they’ll be so sore and they won’t have the lava in their familiar lands to fall back into the nether mobs are very very in tune with the lava it is very important that we provide a nice amount of lava for

Them inside of the nether habitat if we don’t add proper amounts of lava they’ll probably get so cold that they get the flu and die oh my gosh no that would suck it would almost be as bad as if the hacker totally destroyed them that is

Why we need to put all our effort into protecting these mobs from the hacker Milo even evil mobs from the nether yeah we really need to protect them luckily they got the best guys for the job exactly those best guys are totally us let’s add another platform to this

Nether fortress it can go even higher and it can Tower over the other one the nether mobs that will live up here will totally be Blazers and they can fly why don’t you make this Platform One More block thick in this direction Milo while I continue making the top of this nether

Fortress sounds good to me thanks Milo I can’t wait now at the top of this Blaze section we really need to make sure we add a big big wall for them the Blazers often have their own little section of the Fortress it actually looks just like

This they even have stairs going up into it it’s where the blaze spawner lives we’ve got to make sure we do this Blaze spawn of justice and don’t totally build it wrong if we do the blaze will never forgive us that’s why we need to build nether brick fences around the edge just

Like this it’s exactly what they have in real Nether fortresses The Blaze love this area that’s why they decided to put their spawner there it will be the official home of the blaze in our nether fortress as well they’re totally going to be so happy about it and they’ll be

Really Greatful to us Milo this is an important part of making sure that we do not upset the nether mobs they can have a little uh fiery tempers so if we upset them we could never hear the end of it and they might get so mad that they

Destroy every other mob even if we’ve worked so hard to save them all well they better be grateful cuz we’ve worked really hard for them exactly Milo we totally have and instead of placing a spawner inside here we going to place a Bedrock block and we can even light it

On fire by using a flint and steel we totally allow the elements of the nether to come here into the Overworld wo The Fortress is already looking really cool but it is very important that we add Netherrack to the floor Milo if you make this pillow one more block thick in this

Direction I can add more Netherrack to the floor than we’ve ever seen this will really help bring the heat and make sure that all the nether mobs we protect from the hack as evil destruction will always be happy and safe here in their new habitat you got it champ thanks Milo I

Know I Can Count On You we make a really good team protecting all these mobs especially when we protect our amazing friend Ian the Iron Golem he’s such a cool guy remember when he gave you that Rose for your birthday mil love yeah I was so friendly I really hope so we can

Build this house soon me too Milo don’t worry we’re almost there we just have to make sure we built the other mob’s houses first if we build him before the other mobs we could forget all about them and then the mobs would never be saved from the hacker by leaving Ian

Lost we make sure we won’t forget him because Ian is our amazing friend that we would never forget to protect from an evil hacker like this I think Ian’s pretty much my best friend Milo don’t say that I’m your best friend yeah but you’re sort of weird what why am I weird

Because you say lots of big words big words Milo by weird do you just mean smart well yes Milo you can’t just call smart people weird that’s really mean ha you’re a nerd hey I’m not a nerd I’m just really good at making sure that our

Friends do not die to evil hackers I think that’s a very important skill Milo yeah it is important and I’m also helping you yeah that makes you a nerd as well hey I would never be a nerd or a noob hey my little you are a noob all

The time that’s why I always have to save you and would a noob know this when I use this flint and steel on this Soul Sand it will make blue fire blue fire you got to be kidding me no way Milo I’ve witnessed it myself see the blue

Fire is real what the I didn’t know that yeah only a pro like me would know how to make blue fire and a pro like me would also know it’s a very important part of the nether that all of the mobs inside the nether habitat really really

Need in order to stay nice and toasty that’s why we’re including it in our super cool nether section oh this Soul Sand’s making me slow yeah Soul Sand will do that Milo but if Soul Sand makes you slow glowstone makes you glow that’s why we’re going to add it underneath all

This nether fortress area it is what the real nether has and since we can’t exactly build the roof of the nether this is the next best thing y this is looking good and all but we need to get moving because there’s not a lot of time

I know Milo I’m pretty sure I consider this nether fortress to be totally finished we’ve already finished four out of the six houses so we only need to do two more oh yeah this is great let’s do it this second last house will go right next to the nether fortress because it

Still belongs in the nether even though it is a totally different mob what is it I’m not going to tell you right away Milo I know this mob really scares you so I need to make sure you’re ready okay all right I’ll prepare myself this mob

Lives in the nether but is not made out of fire and it’s also not a pig it’s a special mob that we’re going to need to build a special containment area for containment area that doesn’t sound friendly no it’s not and neither is this mob Milo it can be very very dangerous

It even has explosive powers and can shoot out explosive skulls in any direction it needs to be summoned but it can only be summoned with three heads of wither skeletons all put together oh does that mean it’s a little SL slim no Milo it’s not a slime I don’t know why

You keep guessing slime have slimes been bothering you lately or something I’ve been having really crazy nightmares about them oh that explains a lot then well no Milo this mob is not a slime it is a lot more dangerous than a slime while this mob does not split into three

Of itself it does have three heads that is why you need to place three with a skeleton heads those three wither skeleton heads add up to being three real wither Heads This mob is the Wither one of the most dangerous mobs in the entire game wow my gosh champ I don’t

Want to have anything to do with this guy I know Milo the Wither can be very very scary especially when you’re building him a house you don’t want to do anything that might upset him but we don’t have a choice Milo if we don’t build the wither house and the hacker

Gets his hands on him who knows what evil Devastation he could do the Wither is already very powerful and very destructive imagine how dangerous a hacked wither would be oh gosh chip don’t make me imagine those things okay Milo I won’t make you imagine those things I promise instead just imagine a

World where we build a secure containment area for the Wither and stop his evil reign of terror across the Overworld that is the only solution yeah that’ be pretty good yeah I think it really would be that is why we just need to make sure we do this properly we just

Have to build one more layer of the Wither’s ribs right over here and then we can start building the Wither’s famous heads D he’s such a freak hey don’t call him a freak Milo that might just make him angrier and try to attack us more instead it’s just going to be

Freaky how well we have captured him no one has ever captured the Wither like this before we will be the official first that’s why we need to try extra hard to do it right do you think you can do that Milo well I think I can try

Thanks Milo I think I can too we just have to try together that’s why the first Wither Skull we built needs to be really well made I’m going to add in the white concrete right over here this looks exactly like the Wither skeleton’s eyes yeah it actually super does thanks

Milo I’m glad you agree adding in all of this extra detail we really help make sure the Wither cannot just randomly Escape that would be bad the Wither would be able to do so much damage across the Overworld we need to summon in this wither ourself otherwise he

Won’t properly come to life but that’s good Milo because the more we can summon him the more control we have over making sure he doesn’t spawn in a really destructive way way killing a bunch of the nature and Wildlife the Wither doesn’t just attack players like most

Mobs the Wither is actually so evil he will attack any mob he sees even harmless ones like pigs and sheep and Little Birdies what a meanie yeah he really is a meanie that’s why we cannot let him wreak his destructive evil across the land I’m going to make sure

We build this wither head properly it’s going to be a little difficult to build the skull right but I think we can totally do it if we grab a wither skeleton skull I’ll be able to see exactly what he looks like okay I think

I’ve got a pretty good idea of how to do this now instead of using black for the Wither Skull the real wither actually glows a crazy white color oh yeah this is really starting to look like the actual wither that is terrifying in the center of his face is Darkness just like

There’s darkness in the center of his heart oh yeah the Wither can be very very scary we need to build him properly Milo if we mess this up we might accidentally summon him which would be really really really bad CH this one’s head looks a bit flat don’t worry Milo

It’s not going to be flat forever pretty soon we’re going to build another element to this head which will make it no longer flat it will mean the Wither’s head probably looks thick and normal like it’s meant to see now the Wither’s head is no longer short and we’ll also

Be able to turn it into a nice big box hey yeah that looks good I agree Milo let’s make sure it keeps looking good going all the way around let’s build the skull continuing over to this side it needs to be a perect perfect shape because inside the Wither’s skull is

Where we will keep the real wither oh no this is one place I won’t be visiting off yeah me too Milo that’s why it’s really high and up away from everything if this was all in the middle of all the other houses the Wither could get really

Angry and Destroy them this is an extra security measure to make sure he can’t totally be destructive if he’s away from all the mobs so far away he can’t even see them he might be less angry and less evil one thing about is we do security

Really well yeah we totally do we never mess up security it is way too important that is why taking care of the Wither is a very very strong Duty that has been given to us not just anybody gets trusted with this responsibility Milo only us because nobody else knows how to

Do it many many sad adventurers have tried but they have all been destroyed by the might of the Wither it’s really dangerous I’m really glad we’re able to do this together to make sure we are not in danger at all me too otherwise I’d be crying or something yeah probably Milo

It would be understandable though the Wither would make anyone cry even the most tough person ever all right Milo I’m going to build the inside of this wither right now first we need to grab some official Bedrock this is one of the only blocks that the Wither cannot

Explode if we tried using another block he might actually break out and be totally ruining everything that would make me angry me too Milo and one other thing summoning the Wither can be pretty difficult it takes a while and is a very very hard process oh no Milo you better

Get out of there you just trapped me sorry Milo I did not mean to do that instead I mean to trap the Wither in here but since we’re going to need to spawn all of these mobs in a very quick pinch we’re going to also need to spawn

The Wither in a quick pinch that’s why I’m going to build the start of the Wither summoning object really right now man I’m just going to put a bed down for him in case uh sure Milo I’m sure he’d really appreciate that right now I’m going to build the wither like this and

Oh goodness I need to make sure I place the final wither skeleton skull right over here this way there is no chance it will accidentally get activated before it is time to save the mobs from the hacker yep that’s a really smart idea chip let’s block this up with Glowstone

We’ll need to return there and we can replace it with bedrock and gray concrete when the time comes that’s so true five out of six houses built Milo we’re doing so well we only need to build one more house and then we can spawn on all of the mobs before the

Hacker arrives quickly now let’s do it this final house is going to be pretty crazy Milo do you think you can do it with me yes I’m going to help you perfect Milo we need to place endstone all around this area this final house is going to be for the Enderman and the

Shulas and most importantly the Ender Dragon the Ender Dragon oh he’s way too scary yeah he can be pretty terrifying Milo but we still need to build him a house he’s a partt of the mobs just like everybody else and the ha wants to destroy him too F I guess we can build

One for the silly end the dragon even though he kills me every time that’s the spirit Milo it’s important to treat everybody like your friend even the people that kill you over and over again what that does not sound healthy it’s not about being healthy Milo it’s about

Being right and making sure you save absolutely every mob you can instead of letting the hacker just destroy them now that we’ve made this amazing area into a big endstone circle we need to start building the pillars of the end these are where the ender dragon draws his

Power from Milo wow that’s very crazy can I draw power from here too uh I guess if you become the leader of the end Dimension and grow wings and the ability to harness power from crystals sure I can do that what since when since yesterday that’s pretty impressive how

Did you learn how to do that Milo well I just did a little spell in my garden oh wow that’s a pretty impressive God in Milo you must really really know your stuff yeah I’m like a is it now and stuff wa what did you go to Hogwarts

Well yes that’s impressive Milo I guess you must have met Harry Potter and Dumbledore what’s that oh Milo what Hogwarts did you go to just a place Milo did you just go to a really gross Pig yeah that’s what I did ew Milo that’s disgusting why would you learn from a

Gross Pig how to be a wizard why do you keep judging me whilst I checked you couldn’t do magic you’re right I can’t do magic I wish wish I could though imagine all the amazing good I could do for the animals and mobs of the world if

I had magical powers yeah I guess so but you definitely also be trolling me yeah that would be the best part I’d be able to do so much trolling of you Milo that you would never ever forgive me although I guess I could use my magic powers to

Make you forgive me like a genie well that sounds really naughty you’re right Milo I would never use my magic powers to upset you I might just play a little prank every now and then but look this amazing end pillar section is really coming together now it is time to build

The Ender Dragon Roost section this is the nest where the Ender Dragon comes to perch it’s pretty important we build this right and it’s pretty important that we grab the dragon egg and put it right down there oh this is awesome I can’t wait to see the dragon egg hatch

Yeah me too it’s going to be a little baby I don’t know Milo it could hatch right into the giant Ender Dragon we won’t know until it’s time we also need to place these end crystals all around the towers just like this hey Milo that almost scared me be careful we don’t

Have time to waste playing around like this we need to be very careful yeah but I’m the Ender Dragon I know Milo I see the head but we need to add a couple more things we need to add some purple pillars and some purple stairs these are

The outer reaches of the end where we will need to spawn the shulkers if we don’t place these down the shulkers will not actually have a place to live and if we need to harvest some more resources to make more chests for every everybody we won’t have anywhere to go after the

Hacker destroys them all shers are really tricky they are pretty tricky Milo you’re right they always teleport around and hide in their shell when they try not to get caught they are a very very mischievous and mysterious group of mobs so mysterious and very mischievous now we just have to make some more

Shulker stations on the other side and we’ll be done with the sixth house Milo we really don’t have a lot of time once we place down these final few purple pillars we’ll need to start actually spawning in the mobs before the hacker gets here and tries to destroy

Everything I totally forgot we haven’t spawned the mobs in yet oh no it’s okay Milo we can’t forget I’m sure there’s nothing else we’re forgetting now Milo we need to start spawning in all of the mobs this is how we will make sure we stop all of them from dying to the evil

Hacker hey look there’s a little guy in here yeah that’s the Shula he lives inside a really big shell it’s really really cool they’re really nice until they start shooting you with their levitation orbs well that’s very mean yeah they can get pretty mean and so can

The Enderman that’s why we need to spawn them right now these Endermen will teleport everywhere but luckily if we spawn enough of them we should be totally fine look these are the minions of the Ender Dragon and I’m sure they will serve him well hey guys I hope you

Like the house we built for you now that we’ve spawned in all of these Enderman and all of these shulkers we need to spawn in the Ender Dragon are you ready Milo let’s do it right now wo look it actually spawned that is amazing luckily he’s totally frozen by the power of this

One Crystal this is important Milo it means he won’t fly away and be destroyed by the hacker I would be really sad if he actually disappeared forever luckily he totally won’t now we need to spawn in the wither skeletons and the Wither do you think you can do that with me Milo

Well yeah but I don’t really want to me too Milo let’s one in the wither skeletons here oh yeah they look great above the little wither heads this is so awesome and now if you remember Milo we promised we would go back into here and spawn the real wither hey wither you

Better to be on best behavior otherwise Milo’s going to have a real thing to say to you yeah I agree Milo okay we need to make sure we spawn this wither well I’m taking this skull off the wall and putting it right on the Wither and wao

Look the actual wither is spawning he’s real and he’s here wo his boss bar is charging take cover Milo wow wa that could have been real bad luckily he’s trapped inside the Bedrock let’s dig underneath to get out of here that could have been really bad if we did anything

Else now Milo we can start spawning in the blaze yeah better y these guys are really cool and pretty wow they look really awesome and we can also start spawning in the zombified piglins we won’t spawn in the regular Pigmen because they will totally just turn into zombify piglins yeah and they’ll

Probably try and fight me as well exactly we also need need to grab magma cubes and gusts to spawn them inside this nether area quickly now we don’t have much time you’re right Milo we totally don’t look at that gust wow it’s amazing we also need to spawn in the

Warden inside the warden house yeah the warden’s my crazy as mob yeah totally look there he is Milo make sure you don’t make him angry he’s going to try and Escape but he should be totally safe inside there wa he’s looking at me oh wow that could be real bad instead of

Him looking at you let’s go inside the creeper zombie and skeleton house let’s grab the different eggs that we will need to spawn in we have to go quick Milo we do not have much time before the hacker gets here and oh my gosh chip we

Have 1 minute oh no this is bad hang on wait where did the zombie go okay they’re all safe in this house we need to quickly spawn in the pillagers before time is too late oh goodness gracious We need vindicators aokas oh gosh there are

So many we also need the Vex not to mention the pillagers they one of the most famous ones and finally we can’t forget the ravages let’s spawn the vindicators on this ground level here then we can spawn the aokas inside wo they look just like the statue we made

Let’s also spawn the Vex around them since they are their summon creatures on this level guarding the emerald loot we will spawn all of the pillagers with all their amazing crossbows look this one even has a banner hey he really does I think it means he likes his house yeah

Me too Milo and on the very top level we will spawn the ravager wa look how big he is I really don’t like this guy neither do I he’s pretty scary let’s quickly leave and I know we only have 1 minute left but I think we’re forgetting

Something Milo yeah we totally are wait a minute Milo we’re forgetting out Iron Golem friend Ian oh it’s okay I’ll just SP him down what Milo no no no we need to summon him properly remember I need to grab iron blocks and a coughed pumpkin this is the only way to summon

Ian we’ve got to make him a little iron platform so the ha cannot get him and surrounding the iron platform we will also need to place some iron bars these are very important Milo I can’t believe we almost forgot this if we had forgotten these we would have lost our

Friend Ian Milo that would have been so bad I would have totally freaked out we’ve been talking about him this whole time and we almost didn’t build him a house exactly we’ve built every other mob in Minecraft their very own house so it’s only fair to make one for Ian as

Well are you ready Milo let’s do it and boom okay we totally made one for Ian all right I think this is good no I don’t like these iron bars I want him to be free Milo we can’t let him be free these iron bars will protect him but oh

No there’s no time the server is being hacked in 3 2 1 oh no it killed our friend Ian what oh no we lost Ian oh no we saved every other mob except our friend now I’m really going to cry oh no oh

All Minecraft Mobs are in BIG danger and now Chip and Milo must Build a House for Every Mob to keep them safe!

#minecraft #minecraftmod #miloandchip


  1. >iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii lllllllllllllllllllll ooooooooooooooo v. V vvvvvvvvvvvvvv eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee yyyyyyyyyyyyyy ooooooooooooooo uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉

  2. ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

  3. Don’t forget that zombies can break doors the door needs to be strong zombie will be able to open it and make sure it’s a bit dark so the zombie can stay inside his house without burned to death

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