Minecraft, But Every Enchant Is Level 1,000,000…

I finally got my enchantment table oh and we found diamonds okay well first let’s enchant this pickaxe wait that’s weird i can’t see what in chan is giving okay i guess we’ll just go for wait what efficiency and fortune one million no wait that can’t be right if i just go

This is minecraft but every enchant is level 1 million oh these ideas just keep getting weirder in this video i have made it so that every time you enchant you get level 1 million enchantments this is for every single enchantment on armor tools and weapons the question is

Whether i can beat the game with the most ridiculous items can i do it stay tuned to find out and apparently only a small percentage of people who watch my videos are actually subscribed so if you do enjoy this video then please be sure to subscribe it is completely

Free and you can always change your mind later also let’s go for one like on this video it’s a lot but i think we can do it alright enjoy the video and we are in and straight away i noticed that right there that’s a pillager tower but before i do anything stupid

I’m gonna get a weapon but obviously the whole aim for this is to get an enchantment table because that is all that matters i have never used level 1 million in chance before that is insane so if i just grab my stone to begin with

And we make our stone tools boom now we can actually enter this thing without getting destroyed by the pillagers wait what there are none there’s none here oh i heard one no no no no oh what okay room portal over there as well oh no i’m sorry please don’t hurt me

Ah you know what i’m not gonna kill it i don’t a bad omen i’m just getting everything in here come on let me get out of here where do i go i’m jumping down ah he’s following me okay you know what i need food ah oh my what there’s a whole army

Behind me okay i’m grabbing this and i’m leaving okay what is in here please iron no oh if we had iron we could get that gold block up there you know what i’m going down into this cave i don’t care anything to keep me safe from these guys nope okay we’re safe oh

Oh this cave is giant what and there’s a mineshaft yes oh wait you know what before i go down i’ve got to get sugarcane and leather we didn’t get any leather from those cows let’s splash this xp and you know what let’s prepare ourselves because there’s

Going to be a lot of pillagers above me but leather and sugarcane are actually two of the most important items in this entire thing because i can’t complete this challenge without getting a book oh yes police horse give me leather i’m so sorry no i killed the horse for no reason and

Then the cow dropped leather are you kidding me ouch no no i gotta go oh there’s sugar cane right here is it the exact amount yes it’s three grabbing it looping back i’m gonna grab this wood actually because i don’t have enough oh no no no no goodbye goodbye please

Don’t hit me again don’t do it don’t do it yes okay we’re back in the cave good oh yes that was so worth it because now i have everything i need and i just have to complete the impossible and find diamonds first i want iron

Armor because i’m not dying on my way to do this and we’ve already got our furnaces and they’re going but there is something i need to say we’re not just crafting a regular enchantment table we need to merge iron with it to make it a super enchantment table that only gives

Level 1 million in chance so the more iron i have the better because it’s not just protection it actually helps with getting the enchants and finally we have got armor and a bucket and a shield right on full iron with iron tools but now if we head into this mine shaft

We’re going to be able to get a bow because of these cobwebs and if we can get a power 1 million bow or a punch one million bow i will be unstoppable grab string and oh chest hello nothing good great oh no no no no i don’t want you

No please no okay good i want to try and break the spawner oh it’s right here okay i see it ow no no no no oh that hurts come on get out of here yes okay we got it and now we can grab cobwebs which will be perfect for stop

Taking full damage in the nether or trapping enderman whatever i feel like doing no don’t kill me don’t kill me no no i’m really low oh this is bad and boom we’ve got 34 cobwebs yes that’ll do the trick the only thing i need now is diamonds oh maybe diamonds from this chest

Nope once again just bread right i’m just digging down to y11 and finding diamonds that is it it’s the one thing i need oh and more iron we don’t have enough oh are you kidding me wait please be five b5 no please yes oh my goodness we’ve actually got five diamonds

No it’s the perfect amount what yes okay that’s insane and i was about to say i’ve got to collect everything that gives me xp like redstone 2. oh my all right we just need a lava pool now i’m the luckiest man alive oh no i say that but i think it’s no no

Please minecraft don’t make me do this hey guys what’s going on my name is welcome back to strip mining with wisp episode 14 845 553 today we’re going to be strip mining yeah the good news about strip mining is that we can get our iron so we’re definitely

Going to be able to make the super enchantment table all right the diamond pickaxe is done gold don’t really need it but i’ll take it oh actually i might need it for trading with piglets so let’s grab it all right we got plenty of iron

Lava pool you are the last thing i need no oh i held over finally there’s so much lava yeah we’re gonna be able to please yes here we go you know what we’re gonna slowly make this because i also want to make another portal but first we’re grabbing this one

Two three and four yes oh there’s diamonds right there how do i not see them how many come on oh please be a big vein yes oh it’s a seven vein no it’s a six vein okay i’ll take it that’s free armor and a sword maybe

This is it we make the book the enchantment table this is just a regular one okay now for the super enchantment table oh yes this can only enchant items up to level one million one thing to say lovely jumbly oh yes come on no i don’t have any lapis

Oh wow we’ve got to keep going it’s fine surely there’s lapis in this cave we don’t have to worry oh yeah there’s a ravine right here of course lapis show yourself i just want my enchantment a million how is there no lapis in this entire ravine at least gold’s good okay we’ll

Just follow the cave see where it takes us ah which no no no no what i missed oh we killed it what oh my instant health of healing wait that didn’t make any sense potion of healing is what i meant no lapis no are you kidding me the one half i didn’t

Check it’s right here oh come on please give me more than this no oh yes good please oh it’s a three event we got 23 all right that’ll do oh this is actually it now come on oh i forget it doesn’t show you what in chance

You get oh i could get anything on this pickaxe right now you know what no no we’re gonna test on the axe or we’re gonna get some beginner’s luck on this sword i know it i can feel it come on sharpness one million are you kidding me

What am i gonna do with smart okay i can kill zombies really easily that’s great what a waste of a sword okay fine you know what no more messing around this is it what oh my that sucks okay we’ll try the iron pickaxe right there boom oh efficiency one million silk touch one

Million and oh my goodness okay you know what we’re gonna save it because the silk touch might be helpful later but let’s just do the armor come on wait i’ll do the bottom enchant on all of them and see what no way wait wait i’ve gotta find a

Mob right now oh i hear zombies yes where are you pickaxe don’t break just take me to the zombies no oh i hear them they’re this way yep i’m getting closer come on oh hello buddy hit me yes okay this is great right i’m not wasting any more time

All the armor is getting enchanted right now boom frost walker 1 million soul speed 1 million both useless on leggings i don’t care what about you you give me projectile protection moment that’s so good and you know what i’m gonna make two more diamond swords i don’t care i’ve got to do it

Please please please please oh knock back one million yes that is my new sword unless this is terrible oh we did it sharpness one million okay in that case no no we’re keeping no no we’ve got to keep the sharpness one million i have to i don’t need this one it sucks

But i’ve just realized something we can get looting one million if i just get lucky nope terrible i’m gonna make three more swords please looting no smite no buy a raspberry oh that’s so good but no i need this looting nope oh yes but it’s knocked back one million wait is that

Going to be bad will it knock my loot away but now i want okay sharpness a million that’s great fire aspect of melee oh no way if i get iron now we could have something really good on our hands okay buddy come on don’t explode don’t

Explode i just need to see how much you give me please oh dude my fps is dropping wait what is my fps 117 if i look away it goes up to 700. and if i look at it it drops down to what oh my that’s too many

No too many entities no no sh no what oh my goodness i was holding my looting so it gave me oh my too many arrows please give me a bow here we go we can merge all these together get myself a nice revived bow there we are we’ll do

It with the second bow as well because the more bows the better okay what are you giving me come on flame infinity power uh what we’ve done it that’s the god bow i don’t need anything else either are you kidding me okay yeah wait so i’ve gotta test both of these but for

Now i’m gonna use the looting one million we’re gonna pick up our beautiful enchantment table and we’re leaving oh my fps is so bad i really want efficiency one million but i’ve got something much more important to do first i need my blaze rods come on oh and

We’re not gonna have to trade i don’t need this gold get out of here because i can just use my looting yes this is so good oh yes let’s do this oh good spawn i hope oh i want to test something this is a terrible idea but

You know what if i smack this guy oh come kill me come on come on what are you gonna oh my game it’s lagging so much oh so much gold oh my okay yeah i can’t look at that that’s just horrible oh come on nether give me another

Fortress you’re the only thing i need and just one enderman that is it enderman show yourself come here right now oh there’s not a single one right here come on there has to be oh i see you buddy wait i’m gonna look at him oh wait that was a terrible idea

I shouldn’t have done that oh my he teleported straight to me and now we have just what how many stacks do i want we don’t need three stacks of arrows because we’ve got flame infinity and power one million i need to find one single blaze oh that’s a bastion

Don’t need that at all oh i never thought i’d see the day where level 1 million in charts were invented oh that’s a fortress yes okay we’ve done it i don’t need anything from inside this place i want one blaze oh i hear one

Hello go on shoot me i dare you do it yes oh my okay you know what we’re gonna do we’re gonna grab one stack of these we’re gonna just boom make a stack of blaze powder and we are going to make one whole stack of eye vendors because yep look at that

I am so rich and now i’m done i really don’t need to be here anymore just swim through this lava excuse me thank you and i actually will need this portal because i’m gonna need to break all this obsidian and make a portal myself and there’s one in there perfect

This should take no time at all there’s one two three four oh buddy don’t do it are you poor man we need the last one boom through we go oh yes oh good spawn i know i’m technically unbeatable with this armor but it looks kind of rubbish

So we’re gonna dump out all of that we don’t need it grab myself some iron i’m gonna enchant myself some stone pickaxes come on efficiency oh are you kidding me the first one now we just need to get lucky with an iron pickaxe and get fortune one million come

On let’s go this is it show me the diamonds oh oh oh oh i’ve broken the game okay i need to go through just let me through please don’t break my game my frames are at 20. i’m playing on a mcdonald’s laptop oh we’ve done it we found diamonds oh

Wait if i need coal which i do just quickly head back to this disgusting place thank you grab that ah there we go that’s the dream keep going whilst that smells up the more iron i can get the better now i know i’m asking for a lot here minecraft but

If i could get fortune a million first try on this pickaxe oh please please please please oh what oh my come on come on come on show me show me show me yeah how many diamonds is that i’m gonna turn into diamond blocks oh my how many stacks what that’s a

Stack of diamond blocks right there i’m gonna do it again no way it’s still going i’m still picking them up another stack of diamond blocks and another stack of diamond blocks we just got three stacks of diamond blocks from one diamond and let’s do it again oh my goodness

And again and again okay diamond armor it is and we enchant it too blast protection on breaking i don’t care come on what else can i get protection 1000 oh yes depth strider one it’s not one thousand it’s a million i keep saying the wrong thing it’s two okay yeah you know what

It doesn’t even matter that only one piece is protection one million because i’ve got a sharpness 1 million sword a looting 1 million sword knock back 1 million flame infinity and power 1 million and a punch 1 million it’s time to go i’m taking this with me though this is

My lucky charm this super enchantment table i’m going to block with diamond blocks because you know me just got to be bougie and i am out of here okay wait we just dug up into another wait what that’s the second time i’ve done that now show me the stronghold oh that

Broke okay it doesn’t matter because i’ve got 63 of them oh wait what how how are they here mike awards oh jeez scared me again my chords are sixteen hundred sixteen hundred so hopefully we don’t have too far to go slightly this way now i have mining fatigue three for five

Minutes but i do have efficiency a million so hopefully it won’t slow me down keep throwing some of these bad boys yep it’s still this way land it is good stuff sheep what do you give me okay that’s great what about you zombie do you give me any iron wait no

Just stop disappearing oh actually did give me iron what oh man okay my frames are getting laggy because i have to kill all these mobs so i’m gonna use a sharpness 1000. goodbye okay i just want this iron yes there we are two stacks of iron we’re

Good if i want to merge anything i can but i don’t really care right now i’m leaving just check does it okay good yes the mining fatigue doesn’t affect my braking it’s good okay let’s get out of here still should be this way yep okay and still this way i’m guessing

Okay yep i can just pearl travel yes way easier over the water like still oh my oh don’t tell me it’s on the other side go again come on oh yes okay good finally right throw another one is it here okay it’s literally right here then because we’ve gone straight past it

Oh straight down did that go down yes it did okay we’re leaving i can’t break i’ve got eight seconds left it’s fine guys i don’t want to do this to you but you’re making me i’m going down yes here we go this is it it’s gonna be right here

Oh it’s cold i thought i just dug through bedrock i got so confused oh hello oh look at this i definitely don’t need anything from this because it’s all gonna be terrible compared to what i’ve got power three yikes get out of here fortune three you’re trash

Just let me find this portal please i feel like i’ve explored this whole thing oh are you kidding me i just break random blocks and i find the portal i love efficiency one million come on right i’m doing this quick i’m not wasting any time here we go

What why are there so many of you ah guys i don’t want to knock you back this far but you know what i’m leaving goodbye oh this is it let me out of here i’m mining blocks too quickly come on where are you dragon yes there you are

Yes come on dragon punch one million i refuse to kill it with my power one million it’s too no it’s too strong i at least have to break all of these first put up we go no i don’t know why i’m scared this is just gonna be so easy

Oh that’s fine let’s just pull onto them see what happens oh it literally doesn’t damage me at all this is great i’m also just going to drink my potion that i got ages ago thank you and we’re just going to pull over here again i’m so bad boom oh what the heck okay

That did three hearts that one actually did a fair bit of damage let’s break this guy right there we got it off we go oh what the why okay that’s fine i’m just gonna break this one from here got it get that one got it and that far one come on come on

Come on yes we got it okay there’s one more right behind it and boom that’s all of them okay and the dragon’s perching oh i really want to use my sword no no i can’t i can’t i can’t i can’t i’ll use my looting see if it drops anything please drop me something

Drop me a little snack come on here we go here we go yes oh come on dragon no this is it why are you moving it’s so bad yes yes we’re gonna kill it oh wow okay i lied wait that’s just yes oh come on buddy right you know what

I’m letting the dragon swoop me and i’m gonna kill it with sharpness one million punch one million baby doesn’t affect the dragon though come on swoop me dragon swoop me i’m going up i want it to swoop me so i can kill it straight away

Come on come here where are you oh i want to get hit on you in midair please that’ll be so good dragon yes come on no i missed i’m so bad oh i can’t kill it that way no that sucks i’ll get a few hits on it now just like

This just so it goes up again come on no i don’t want to do too much damage just kill just die i’m killing it with my fist this dragon is terrible just fly away what is it doing oh i want to kill you in midair please please dragon please

I’m literally kissing you and you’re still not leaving me alone this is so weird this is such an intimate moment what are we doing what’s happening i’ve i’ve officially found the most stupid dragon in the whole of minecraft i’m just watching it now and it’s just standing there finally okay it flew but

Right i’m going up i’m going up i need this dragon to swoop me where are you what where did it get that oh my okay it left already come on come swoop me oh dragon come here yes oh i knew i could do it i knew i could

Do it in a fancy way where i fall down oh yes oh well that’s what happens when you make every single enchantment one million um i wonder if looting one million works on this guy nope it still disappears and leaves me oh i’m so lonely so uh bye

Minecraft, But Every Enchant Is Level 1,000,000… (Challenge)

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This is a Minecraft (1.16) challenge in which I am trying to speedrun Minecraft and beat the enderdragon, however, every time you enchant an item, it becomes LEVEL ONE MILLION! This is not a Minecraft Speedrunner VS Hunter, but a ‘Minecraft but’ challenge… This is a super weird one.

#MinecraftBut​​ #MinecraftChallenge​ #Minecraft


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