Testing 1 Star Minecraft Challenges

Today I’m taking on some of the weirdest challenges that have been sent to me by my friends and you the viewers I’ll be raing them to see which ones are really bad and which ones are actually good and comment your own challenge ideas for me to take on next challenge every block is

Ice oh goodness gracious yep yeah I’m slippy you guys oh no this is going to be so hard chicken are you doing okay over there buddy he’s just drifted in circles he’s Ling life my goal is get to the end that’s so hard all right come on

We can do this just got to get one okay well see you later tree it’s been fun this is so annoying it’s like the worst level of every Mario game let me grab this no come back block no come back go to the bottom of the ocean dog come here

That is so funny dude you no just goes faster and faster where’d you go block come here gosh well the there’s one perk to this I can run super fast so that’s good I guess come here crafting table no no come here gosh dang it come here let

Me use you just trying to make a pi a there we go come on just give me the Cobblestone gosh dang it this is going to be impossible no give me the Cobblestone no I can’t run I can’t run away fun idea impossible challenge 1 out

Of 10 next challenge what’s next come on give us a good one randomize loot okay that’s not too bad and our goal get a full set of diamond tools so if I break a little leaf here I get wow Brown candles happy fourth birthday somebody out there so leaves always drop candles

How about you leaves you’re a different kind of of leaf oh Sandstone okay Sandstone not that helpful glazed terracotta oh gosh what do you drop egg nothing this is going to be hard dude I well at least I have some fish now I got some food for me so that’s

Good how about you little flowers oh wow Honeycombs the most underrated cereal of all time I’m a little scared though what happens if getting diamonds comes from like killing cows or something how about saying come on Big Money big money nothing okay Birch log oh okay we got

Wood now so that’s good we know how to get wood so at least we have some Fighting Chance let’s hit the cave shall we oh gosh dang it I can’t even break my crafting table well hey at least we have a nice bed to sleep in now good morning

Oh I can break the bed though wait a second oh I have an idea I can place and then break the same block over and over again until I reach something I can’t break cuz each of these will give me a new item okay well that gave me nothing

Fine stairs I didn’t want your item anyway you jerk some andesite slabs yeah oh gosh what is this a little pink hanging sign oh it’s so cute here lies Jeremy the cutest Tombstone anyone’s ever seen a buz come on give me a diamond dude oh no I can’t even mind

This one I have to find some way to get iron gosh dang it flowers oh perfect that’s a bunch of different kinds of blocks we’ll take one of you and one of you and one of you there’s so many blocks in Minecraft this is not going to

Work dude give me a diam Diamond please give me a diamond I break candle coal that’s nice brown candle a door one of these days we’ll find something useful nope come on please oh obsidian I can go to the nether I guess I don’t want to do

That that sounds terrible come on I’m running out of options man wait wait wait what a conduit that’s our first actually decent item I can’t do anything with it but a conduit is kind of hard to get okay sure why not come on Jungle log hook a brother up I’m running out of

Options here I might have to quit here here soon cocoa bean please give me something bones oh interesting I can’t do anything with that I guess I can make a bone Block H sure might as well how do I do it like that oh I don’t know how to

Make bone blocks oh gosh I need a crafting table this is the last one I’m doing game you have to give it to me or else I’m quitting uh Spruce log come on don’t disappoint me okay it was literally nothing it was nothing I give up I’ve broke it like a th000 blocks

Challenge failed you want to play Minecraft with yours truly then get the crafty companion add-on add it to any world old or new and I’ll help battle mine Place torches and even dance what Adventures await us in your world The Crafty companion add-on available now on the Minecraft Marketplace next challenge

New challenge oh goodness oh goodness gracious what just happened always one heart that’s fine that’s fine my goal is to survive until morning oh my goodness all right hello boys oh and then mobs just keep spawning right next to me that’s fine I’ve done plenty of one

Heart challenges that was my first video that really blew up here on YouTube so I’m used to it I probably shouldn’t sit sit still cuz of the arrows okay no Creeper Creeper no night reset okay great every time I die the night resets that’s fine that’s fine hide behind tree

Run away from SPO there how am I alive I’ve got an arrow in my face a ravine is there water down there that’s probably not a good idea hello Pig goodbye Pig I shall gosh dang it the mobs spawn right next to me this is not fair it’s

Different than I’m used to can I hide in the water ah yes perfectly safe inside the water nope okay I can do this I can do this come on crafty you failed too many of these dumb challenges up till now I have dirt from the creeper

Explosions I can stack up maybe if I need to or I can do epic parkour there there’s a bridge I can walk over now oh gosh I got to be careful fall damage as well hide behind the cows come here cows I shall become one of you oh gosh he saw

Right through my cow disguise water yes yeah okay if I can find a little hole down here mobs can’t spawn can I find some place for water maybe a magma block for air balls oh gosh no they’re swimming oh go gosh the arrow no go away

Dude go away go gosh dang it yeah they’re spawn camping me dude all right that’s it I’m bringing the fight to them looks like I do keep my inventory if I can just get one single wood yes oh W okay we’re going to do oh gosh no bad skeletons bad

No all right no they spawn on top of the tree fantastic no no how am I supposed to do this man the mob spawn directly next to me I hide inside this hole they’ll never find me here yeah can’t touch me spider you’re too big to fit down here I’m not

Calling you fat I promise you’re just big um you’re you’re big do spiders have bones okay no they they’re just spawn camp in me now as soon as I spawn look I I’m going to reach down to bedrock just from all the creeper explosions wait a

Second hold on all I got to do is oh gosh if I can make it out of this hole alive there’s so many mobs all I got to do is dig straight down and cover myself up and then waited out till morning I don’t know why it took me this long to

Think of that okay quick quick quick quick quick quick Dig Down Dig Down dig go go go yes as long as no creeper spawns in my little hole then I shall be safe to wait it out until morning I hear mobs dying are they dying no it’s still night time

Why are you dying guys I don’t want to know I don’t want to know while I’m waiting in the darkness let’s go to our next challenge next challenge challenge mobs drop mobs what mobs drop mobs that’s got to be a dumb challenge I got to get 50 kills why you putting me in

Front of a baby rabbit I’m not taking out a baby rabbit my guy I’m no rabbit ravager let me find a bad guy any bad guys here chicken did you Ed bezel some money did you leave the scene of a crime just interrogating chickens those chickens are innocent let me find is

There any mob I can take out that I won’t feel guilty doing baby husk scary all right we got one husk here so if I if I take him out oh my oh no that spawns a lot of mobs oh oh wow okay and they are very cursed all right all right

Wait hold on if I take this Brute out is that also going to spawn more and more mobs oh now he’s a pigin okay we take out husk oh my gosh no dude what this is going to be impossible man I got to get 50 kills like this oh gosh oh gosh okay

Well let’s take out the brute first no I’m sorry piggy boy oh my gosh this is an impossible challenge I think this is just going to be impossible if curse brood spawn every single time he when I take out one more spawn it’s like weeds

In the garden okay okay not too bad I just got to wait it out till they become piglins I guess no no no 50 you want me to get 50 kills there’s no way there’s there it’s just impossible this is a onear challenge man this is dumb I can’t

Even take out passive mobs cuz then yeah cuz then that happens I don’t like this challenge no hey yeah come on come on swing b b better swing oh no Enderman Enderman no I am fighting gas can you wait your turn please where’d he go where’d he go oh

Gosh no man cuz this oh gosh dang it I just saw a cow fly across my screen why am I so bad at this yeah take that you jerk come at me I’ve got to save the forest ouch I’ll use your Fireball to take out the other guy yeah a he’s

Swimming he’s like I’ve never seen water before yeah take that he dodged it okay well I’m done that’s a onear challenge from me no thank you next challenge challenge Minecraft but there are chairs why is that a challenge oh no chairs Golem I just feel like you don’t even

Chair about me anymore Jeremy you just got a chair out like a chill okay what am I supposed to do here oh we’ve got chairs did I win the challenge am I done this is so dumb I don’t even have a goal my challenge is just chairs challenge

Chairs all right well did I win I mean honestly those are some nice looking chairs look at that wow aesthetically so pleasing so seable wow wow wow wow just iconic you guys want to see if I can jump over a 100 chairs yeah no I can I

Can’t even way I just walk through the chairs I sit on it do I win now did I win the challenge no do I right click on it oh gosh what is happening oh okay they’re flying chairs great flying chairs what more could you want out of

Life come on Minecraft we need the flying chair update oh gosh they are exploding flying chairs good to know what’s happening with this guy you all right buddy he’s doing like a wheelie or something wow nice handstand dude proud of you well um that’s it I I did The

Challenge Minecraft but there are chairs complete that was dumb I loved it how you doing crafty in the hole um I’m just chilling I I’ve gotten used to being bored inside holes I could make a little home but I’m afraid that a mob’s going to spawn in here so I might just make

Like a little bit of room in here so I can breathe more than just dirt uh that looks nice no mobs can spawn here right we’re going to make this place a nice little home there now I have a crafting table nothing to do but it’s a little

Craft crafting table I’ll call you crafty oh wait nothing much to report here just hanging out until morning is it morning yet nope next challenge challenge Minecraft but I’m hungry oh eat 10,000 Things my gosh what am I supposed to do eat an entire Village eat

The whole world Supply oh I do have a spoon here all right n n I’m eating blocks dude n mom always said eat your green so I guess I’m doing that n n n delicious 10,000 Things is a lot of things though can I eat dirt oh there we

Go I’ve eaten 100 things I can now eat any mob by running into them oh snap thank you ah such delicious dirt I love eating grass I’m a lawn mower oh I can even eat like Stone and stuff too all right this shouldn’t be too bad

Oh gosh have I grown am I larger now yeah look at me dude I’m massive okay okay this won’t be too bad the more food I eat the bigger I get the more food I I can eat delicious oh gosh I’m I’m so massive already dude a Pillager Outpost that

Looks um munchable oh I’m drinking water too heck yeah ah I was so thirsty but now I’m good what’s up boys n n n ah delicious Pillager Outpost what a delicacy oh hi little guy it’s so funny how tiny they are n oh I can just walk

Into mobs and eat them too n thank you thank you delicious what a nice dessert pill n ow hey hey get out of here n can you imagine what it be like then a giant shows up and eats your whole base eat 10,000 things should be no

Problem now the only slight problem is my hunger bar ironically is low so I can’t regen any hearts my Hunger can’t be squashed until I eat an entire Mountain I am giant crafty I can eat everything I can jump over blocks climb mountains and oops sorry Pig that’s my

Bad I always feel bad for eating mobs although that bacon was quite delicious in comparison to the dirt I’ve been munching on for the last 20 minutes oh that’s so satisfying I’m going to spell out something there’s an age kind of and then there I spelled High kind of I

Tried oops sorry C was my bad my most efficient way to eat is just to sit in water and just absorb it through my toes so I’m just going to sit here until I reach 10,000 gosh look at how giant I am honestly I like this challenge it’s not

Even one star dude I would do this as a full video give me some custom items some custom structures I’m happy just a little more and yes challenge complete uh I’m still hungry though anybody hey Mom can you make me some macaroni and cheese next challenge challenge blocks

Can teleport that sounds dumb my goal craft a wooden sword okay well if I break a block is it just going to no that’s normal okay that doesn’t teleport right clicking blocks no seems ominously easy enough I guess make a little crafting table and I oh gosh yep the

Crafting table just it appears for a second no the crafting table moves every time I right click it oh no hold on hold on all I got to do is craft a wooden sword if I can be fast enough I might be able to do it but it’s it’s way too fast

Man like like look at that hey come here come here little crafting table where’d you go he’s hiding from me where did he go gosh dang it there he is ha it’s like hide and seek oh no it’s teleport further and further now if I can catch

Up to it maybe it’ll work eventually come here come here crafting table I just got to block them off somewhere come here yeah no stop moving stop come here crafting table there’s no way dude I got to be way too fast there you are surprise attack nope he’s gone gosh dang

It what am I supposed to do are you under here oh there he is yeah yep that’s not going to work I do have kind of a dumb idea though I’m going to surround the crafting table with more crafting tables hopefully then he can’t teleport and I shall craft my sword be

Right back I got to punch a lot of logs okay bunch of planks acquired let’s make a bunch of crafting tables now if I can just surround the crafting table it’s going to be genius don’t worry about it I shall make a house out of crafting tables just got to surround it perfect

Perfect this looks ridiculous I don’t know if this is going to work but we’re going to block ourself off inside the crafting table home and now can I right click you ah no all of them teleported oh gosh dang it wait wait this one works come on yes I tricked them challenge complete

How did that work I don’t know well the good news is is that we completed our challenge I don’t know that one was pretty one star next challenge challenge blocks are words oh why why why is this a challenge grass Birch log why is that funny to me

Grass I I am grass all blocks are in fact words o planks made a little crafting table crafting table side crafting table top wow this is dumb this is dumb I got to go to the nether so hopefully what are you a brown mushroom oh wow dirt one of my favorite blocks we

Got grass block side overlay and we have dirt it’s just all caps I am dirt conqueror of the world there’s some water very nice oh there’s a village over here I’m going to try to find an abandoned whatever it’s called um a ruined portal that’ll be our best bet to

Try to win this challenge by going to the nether oh there’s a door it is upside down apparently though there’s a torch ah what glorious interior decorating we have wow you’ve surely spruced up the place oh sorry you’ve surely oaked up the place hey Jeremy oh well goodbye Jeremy I guess nothing

Really useful around here hey here’s a little ruin portal I think yeah obsidian good do we have any obsidian in here I can’t oh gosh I got to read everything fire charge um oh gosh there’s no obsidian dude a this one’s crying with drip hangs and drip Falls well to do

This I need diamonds to break the obsidian and I don’t really want to do that so I’m just going to take the L and move on don’t judge me the world’s kind of ugly and I just don’t want to be in here any longer meanwhile in the hole

I’m fine I’m just hanging out listening to mobs above me there’s got to be thousands at this point should we take a little peek hello I’m going to make a little mob farm I guess I’m just bored I all I got to do is wait it out I just I

Just have to survive come on crafty yeah hold it together agal toen challenge your speed is random interesting oh gosh yeah I’m very fast I’ve got to move 3,000 blocks without dying that should be fine right oh no I’m getting faster oh goodness gracious oh gosh all right

I’m normal speed now oh gosh oh gosh I’m very fast it’s fine no oh no careful the cactus careful the cactus that’s horrifying just got to move carefully avoid the cacti and I should be fine here I got to find myself a treadmill or something oh gosh what’s

That boys oh careful oh gosh is this how Sonic Feels there we go found a decently flat place I can just run around circles in oh gosh oh gosh I’m going to vomit oh I’m going to vomit I’m going to vomit oh now I’m very slow okay okay

Fantastic night is setting too that is very bad and my food is running low this is not going to be an easy challenge it looks like I thought I could just run in circles but no while I’m decently fast oh no come back dang it got to be

Careful of fall damage too let me get let me get oh gosh let let me get the bread dude just got to make sure I’m plenty fed oh no I’m slow come on man it’s too close to night time for this I just want to make sure I don’t die

Starvation uh you just going to you doing okay there buddy your head’s in the roof he’s fine I’m not going to question anything ah shoot I only have five pieces of wheat man is that all for the entire Village okay I’m going to wait it out until morning and then your

Boys got to go on an adventure to find some food excuse me gentlemen is there room for one more well I can’t sleep apparently I got nightmares how come you can sleep but I can’t there we go no no no Jeremy don’t go outside right now it’s night time all right I’m whatever

My mission today is food oh gosh I feel bad for this but it wasn’t my fault careful of fall damage I’ve got to find food as fast as possible otherwise this is going to be very hard challenge ah no no don’t fall damage Golden Apple please something give me something here um

Bread we take those yes my first bit of food this episode that’ll heal me up okay we can do this more bread perfect what are you doing way out here man there’s there’s no other tracks anywhere did somebody start an abandoned M shaft and then just give up 10 minutes in okay

Oops I’m slow again oh now I’m fast this is so disorienting I go from super slow to like instantly 1,000 miles an hour in 10 seconds I’m doing fine on food I can make it ow I can do this we’re over halfway there already just got to keep running around and don’t

Die and there’s 2,000 blocks one more to go hold on lunch break oh my goodness I’m so fast oh gosh dang it just a little more just a little more no I’m I’m so slow come on yes 3,000 blocks accomplished let’s go that was kind of

Fun but also yeah that was very dumb that was very dumb next challenge challenge Minecraft but everything doubles oh this is going to be bad hi camel I’d like to see two of you please does that mean like items and stuff double two oh there’s two Golems what’s

Up boys even more protection for the villagers oh and there’s four uh I just got a boat why did I just get a boat thanks I guess oh gosh okay so even the multiplied mobs double oh gosh yeah this is going to get chaotic real quick oh no

The villagers are already dying gold don’t crash I guess they’re just going to keep multiplying until my computer dies that’s fine this is our this is already getting so bad oh no bad mobs too yes get them all thousand of you one skeleton against just an army of Golems

Yeah yeah my computer frame rate is already pretty rough oh it’s already getting very laggy hey how’s it going my boy would you like a cactus there you go oh gosh okay this is already getting bad gentlemen it’s time to rise up against the pillagers oh this is getting very

Bad what is this Dune pillagers you guys haven’t seen Dune right oh God go I I got like two frames a second right now oh gosh it’s fine everything’s fine come on computer just hold on a little longer oh gosh I think one more multiplying and my computer’s

Done for you can do it come on oh gosh uh-oh uh-oh yeah yeah it’s going to crash yep there it goes meanwhile in the hole there once was a sailor and his name was Poncho and he likeed to toot toot all day is what he did his name was Poncho oh

WEA I am so bored next challenge Minecraft but I devolve devolve I’ve evolved before I’ve got to devolve what does that mean little shippers do you know what that means oh goodness I have I’ve got one leg now I’m a little onelegged boy they call me Pogo

I’m not sad I’m happy get it cuz like hey hey sheep get get it cuz and look at me look at me in the eyes no sheep I’m sorry and there goes my other leg okay great yep I can’t Sprint anymore but that’s fine well might as well build

Myself a home oh did I lose an arm I just lost an arm oh no I can no longer fend myself can I still hold items and stuff oh I’ve got weakness Infinity now so I can’t even attack mobs anymore do I still take how do I take fall damage I

Just write to my spleen don’t worry I can fend myself off with a sword still oh never mind I lost my arm gosh I’m holding the sword in my mouth now come here mobs it’s just a flesh wound come here Grier hey yeah mouth sword attack

Oh gosh ouch oh no my stuff oh no can I not even break any blocks anymore oh I I still can I just shimmy at it I just break it with my teeth come here log I’m holding hold the log in my mouth oh I’ve got splinters in my gums I got splinters

On my fingers we support AEL Gamers yeah crushed it I can mine I can slash with my my teeth I can take on the dragon oh now I’m just ahead I’m just ahead now if I squat if I squat just get sent into the grass they’ll never find me here I’m

Just a little blueberry plant no just kidding it’s me crafty I don’t know how much more I can devolve yeah there we go challenge complete I’ve devolved all the way I certainly got ahead of myself on that one next challenge challenge I’m Chester wait what there’s crafty and

Then I’m Chester now oh dude this is awesome craft is my companion today today this is Chester’s Journey come on crafty I’m going to get a taste of my own medicine I Happ to be around crafty all the time have you seen my merch I have merch all right crafty we get it

Dude you do have the coolest merch in the game but where’s the Chester plushy where is it crafty no Chester plushy and we Riot is that right Chester fans what is Chester sound he makes like a come on crafty you’re lagging behind here dude gold crafted diamond pickaxe

All right that shouldn’t be too too bad we’ll start by munching on some logs you just going to watch you’re just going to watch me do all the work as per usual my little Shake crafty straight up do you do anything dude are you going to

Help me fight or anything oh no I’m stuck crafty help that was a close one well if we need oursel a diamond we’ll need a pickaxe gosh dang it we’ll need a pickaxe and some Firepower yeah look at Chester with a sword his mouth man I wouldn’t mess with this guy hey yeah

Take that foul monster I am Chester and I am the Conqueror oh gosh conqueror of death hold on let me just run away real quick where’s crafty dude help me out here buddy it’s dangerous out there boys all right let me go find a village for food real quick greetings glorious

Village don’t be afraid I’m just a sentient chest don’t look at me like that what is there something on my face the judgmental side eye they gave me goodness gracious I’m just here for food boys and also this might be the most beautiful Village I’ve ever seen it’s

Right in between a normal mountains biome and then a jungle it looks gorgeous dude I love it little Vines growing and everything you may not want to put your food supply directly next to Lava but uh what do I know I’m just a chest I like how I hold blocks in my

Mouth like this it’s very cute ah I love Chester so much well we got plenty of food so that should get us covered and we’ve completely lost crafty I don’t know what he’s up to probably stuck in a hole somewhere ehh editor you going to cut to the segment of crafty stuck in

The hole Can You Feel The tonight did you do it did you cut to it I’m so proud of you let’s get ourself a little bit of bread here that’ll do it and I guess we’re just doing this adventure solo now I normally wouldn’t steal people’s cobblestones from their

Homes but Chester probably would so if we’re going to be Chester we got to think like Chester let’s head into the caves come on gentlemen pick on somebody your own species oh God my goal is the diamond pickaxe so I do need some iron here oh

Gosh those guys are after me I have enough food for this there’s iron but there’s a lot of bad guys hold on boys ow how’d you even hit me I’m behind a block no no no no no let me heal up let me heal up I got him that was a close

One we can’t let Chester die Chester can never die let me get three iron I don’t even know if I can wear armor is Chester but I just need three iron for the pickaxe that’s all man ah these skeletons are going to be the death of

Me dude just need a little more fire power here yes oh that’s so close I just need two more iron please please please have have two that’s just one are you are you kidding me dude am I out of bread no I I still have bread I still have bread just

No more skeletons please everybody else is fine but skeletons are very hard to avoid as a little innocent chest yes I can use my a no go that was so close I can use my old tools to smelt up my iron then just got to find a couple diamonds

And we’re done it would be quite nice to have Cy with me on this journey but it’s fine this is what Chester does and every episode he’s not in the videos he’s got his own little side quests come here monsters yeah I eat monsters like you

For breakfast and I don’t even put milk in it zombos a part of a balanced breakfast could you imagine a cereal called zombos contains real life human flesh okay okay that gets me the sticks perfect let me grab this crafting table ah go away go wa go away go away oh my

That’s not what I was expecting Chester would certainly be brave enough to tackle an ancient city but um for some reason he doesn’t want to today if I’m Chester Chester oh gosh I’m already terrified okay I don’t like this no never mind I’m sorry Chester I’m sorry

Sorry I failed you you would be brave enough to tackle a warden but I am not wa how cool is this we got like a spawner inside of the end I mean the the ancient city no diamonds in it though unfortunately I’ll see you later boys I have had such horrible luck with

Diamonds come on man I just need three diamonds please two okay well that gets me almost there just need one more come on oh no no thank you no no you you guys can stay over there all right please please no please please no I mean I can’t not take the Apple though

Delicious Chester loves munching on valuable items two come on give me the diamond no yes finally we got it we’ve got our Diamond Chester we did it or uh me I did it now we just craft our pickaxe and our challenge is complete it’s fun being

Chester I feel bad for him now that I had to deal with me mean while ah it’s getting there it’s get a no no bad idea oh gosh no no shoot oh God all right all right uh this is fine this is a terrible idea it’s me crafting in the hole and

I’ve made a terrible terrible decision I’m just going to mine out over here just in case a creeper spawns and I’m just going to block him up like that okay you guys hang out in that hole all right and I’m just going to wait like a nice patient boy next challenge

Minecraft but I’m unlucky uh I got to get a diamond am I floating I’m levitating oh no is random stuff just going to happen to me and I just got to deal with it I just got to get it diamond oh no am I just going to float

Forever I’m poison now come on how am I supposed to do this challenge I can’t even touch the ground okay there we go got to go fast one Diamond no problem I can ah anvils no no no no no no no no I’ve got slowness now perfect that’s

Excellent let me ah no go wait everything is dirt my whole inventory is dirt now why I lost all the stuff I had and now I’m levitating again how am I supposed to get diamonds if my whole inventory gets turned into dirt I guess

We just got to go fast fast huh oh gosh anvils are falling again this is bad come on hurry up come on okay I got two birch logs no everything got turned into dirt again gosh dang it how am I supposed to do this Challenge and there

I go floating yeah this is a one-star challenge man I don’t know what else to tell you this is just impossible get that dirt out of my face I guess theoretically I could find a diamond inside of a chest in a cave ouch but getting down there is going to be so

Annoying M shaft oh that was good that was so fast now we just have to get very lucky no this this is so hard I just need to find a chest with a single diamond in it but if I keep levitating I can’t get through it oh no I’m going to

Die I’m going to die I’m going to die from the poison or the mob give me just the single chest I’m slow no no no no no go away go away why do I have slowness please please ah no no I just need to find a single chest it’ll take me

Forever to find this place again give me oh no there’s the spiders that’s that’s very bad spiders very bad I’m on half a heart no no no I found a chest over there but I don’t know if I can get to it let me block this off so the mobs

Can’t touch me please please have a diamond in here please no that was my chance I don’t think I’m going to survive nope nope no NOP no no no no Yep this challenge I can’t do it that’s a one-star challenge ah man I was so close I don’t like that challenge

Challenge next oh wait no the other way challenge touch to TNT everything I touch turns to TNT oh my oh my that’s bad that is horrible my goal is just to survive I don’t know how long I’ll be able to do that but I know that no these

Poor innocent mobs the longer I live the more destruction I cause oh gosh oh gosh run run run run Can I stack up oh this is weird this is weird I was going to say this is a really dumb challenge but haven’t we done an entire video on this

Yeah we have it was not 20 minutes of this though I’ll tell you that much oh goodness I’m so sorry trees I’m so sorry a gosh dang it well it’s been fun boys wait can I just stand inside the water nope that’s that also kills me that’s I

Think that’s it for that challenge if you want to see a full video of this but better I’ve got everything at touch turns to TNT on the channel I’ll link it in the description why not how you doing crafty in the hole wait mobs are dying mobs are dying they’re burning they’re

Officially burning yes that must mean I’ve made it to morning hold on let me go see the Sun real quick after they’ve all passed away there are so many mobs you can just hear thousands dying above above me stop it there’s so many of them

No no no no no oh gosh why all right you’re just going to go this way and run run run run yes challenge complete I won’t survive for very long but your boy has survived okay terrible challenge one out of 10 oh I I lived never mind five out of five subscribe

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Mods/Datapacks/Resource Packs used
Random Loot:

Simple Chairs:

Blocks are Words RP:

Everything Ice Mod:

#Minecraft #But #Craftee

Testing 1 Star Minecraft Challenges

🗣️ Voice Over Artist: Parker Coppins
🎶 Music courtesy of Epidemic Sound
📜 All music used with permission from its creator.


  1. Fun fact about the Honey Comb cereal. My older sister once bit her tongue open while eating them and had to go to the hospital to get her tongue stitched up. She hasn't eaten Honey Combs since.

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