Hermitcraft S10#5: Dispensing Deals & Frog Paths

Yeah I got to get better at my time spent what is yours see I’m not a very entertaining YouTuber gem so I have to put more work into to make my episodes better what do you mean what’s your time played I at 11 days 11 days is any of that AFK not really

No Etho I got four episodes out do you ever Lo yeah what yeah that’s worse that is worse that you only have four episodes out can you get off the server and do some editing my God yeah now I will say though all my episodes have been like 40 50 minutes I

Got to get back to the 20 minutes been huge I I got to get back to the 20s again I haven’t even watched your most recent one cuz I looked at how long was I was like I just can’t I know it’s a problem that long yeah so hello everybody and welcome

Back to another episode of hermitcraft oh ouch aha yeah so I’m still having a little trouble finding my sweet spot you know that perfect balance between how much I play on the server and and like when I start making my video cuz uh usually I like to play on

The server a bit before I start putting the video together just so it has some direction to it and I’ve been finding because like so much of stuff is happening on the server but when I start putting my video together like 20 more things happen on the server as I as I

Put it together and then it’s like oh I got so much to include and I don’t want to leave anything out but you know I’ve also been spending a lot of time hanging out with the Hermits goofing around having a good time which has been great uh but uh there’s something else as

Well this season of hermitcraft I actually went into it with a plan believe it or not and I’ve been I’ve been working on this plan now as many of you know I don’t have the best track record with with big projects I got a massive project I want to do this season

So in order to make this happen I realize I need to set a strong foundation for the season early on here so I’m doing like a lot of resource Gathering early on here Farm building infrastructure building I want to get our storage worked out and uh you know a

Lot of these like timec consuming kind of difficult grindy projects I’m trying to get done early on the season I want to try to get our Base building done early so that later in a couple months or so when we transition to this big project it’s going to go smoothly and

There’s a better chance I’ll actually get it done now I’m also trying to be very careful not to leave too many Loose Ends behind as we go through the season here so you remember that big storage mess we had here I got that clean up it

Was a it was a big pain organizing it and normally that’s something I would probably put off and uh you know those loose ends they start to pile up and then eventually I got to deal with them and I don’t want that to happen this

Season so I I organized it I got it all put away here and I I know this room looks horrible with all these Sher boxes but these aren’t that bad actually these are mostly organized like this is not like random stuff for the most part this

Is like I went and I got like 20 Shockers of sand that I turned to Glass so that we could sell it at our shop I made a bunch of TNT I mined up a bunch of Terra Cotta like six things of Terra Cotta here just doing resource Gathering

You know I I also went to like the end f a Wither there just to get some endstone even though I don’t need it now we’ll need it for our massive project eventually and it’s just kind of nice to get that in our inventory in our Ender

Chest in case we ever do need endstone for some reason of course one of my early season goals here is to get our storage room filled up so we can get the maximum Effectiveness out of our shocker loaders but that requires an incredible amount of resources a lot of crafting a

Lot of organizing to get that done and we’re probably at like 20% now after I spent a bunch of time on it and it it’s getting there but we got a long ways to go with it all right everybody now check this out this is so cool this is an

Example of setting up infrastructure that’s going to benefit us for the rest of the season here as long as we’re in this world every time I use this it’s going to make me happy instead of keeping our Rockets or our food or other consumables in a chest

Where we have to like fumble around manually looking for them maybe we run out I got to figure out where the rest of them are and that kind of thing and uh you know craft them and all that stuff we’re going to have these quick dispensing stations I did something like

This in season 7 of hermit craft and I absolutely loved it where you just hold right click on this comparator the longer you hold down right click the more Rockets you’ll get for example every time we click it we’re going to get eight when it’s fully

Filled up um and that way you can control how many you get depending on how many you need and it it’s just really nice right and now that we have the the autoc crafter we can actually make it even better uh it’s really simple as well is this an observer

Detecting the comparator goes up to two drops ERS and then up to two more droppers and you just keep repeating that pattern uh for however many droppers you want the more you have the faster they’ll dispense them and then we got a bunch of Hoppers going into those

Droppers to Auto refill them from a big storage unit like a chest and then we got a autoc crafter hooked up to that chest for the Rockets so we just have to get it going here and look at this so it’s going to take our our sugar cane

Craft that into paper that goes into here and then we have one for gunpowder and then that goes combines together in this one makes our Rockets they go down into our our dispensing station down there uh oh problem oh I guess this can fill up that’s never happened before all right I

Got to make some adjustments uh okay let’s shut it down for now okay I made a little adjustment here so now the wire goes up above here so it doesn’t interact with this crafter but instead it checks if this runs out of paper and then it tells this crafter to make more

Uh we’re going to add a couple more here I want one for ender pearls for sure maybe one for bone meal maybe one for TNT I we we’ll figure out the rest of them but let’s go get our ender pearls oh look at this we just hopped into the

End here and we’re getting greeted by a shower of XP uhhuh okay I haven’t been to this uh Enderman Farm uh just yet every season of hermitcraft jevin makes an Enderman Farm like within the first two weeks and this season to change things up uh I

Think you did in the first week all right this is a good sign when you can’t pick up the XP fast enough in an Enderman farm that means it’s a good Enderman Farm look at this uh-huh uh-huh that’s a good sign they refill pretty quickly here looking

Good all right so we’re going to fill up I think nine chalkers of Ender Pearls and we got it loaded up so let’s give it a try that should give us 16 yeah perfect woohoo we got ender pearls again free yes please thank you all right everybody

Well check it out here we are at the shopping district and that’s the big thing that’s been happening this week on hermitcraft everybody’s getting their shops down in the new shopping district we got Carell’s uh candle shop there we got Ren’s Beacon shop I think XB made a

Grocery store here and he uh is anxiously waiting for people to come by uh we got mumbo’s item frame shop and there’s like skizzle wood shop Joel just made a uh like glow squid thing and you know there’s big shops there’s there’s little shops there’s all kind of shops all over

The place little pop-up shops happening and as many of you know I have well I don’t not really I don’t have a shopping addiction uh I I can control myself um no put those away put those away it’s temp though but this season of hermitcraft I am vowing you know I I am

Going to control myself I’m not going to just do impulse buies all the time I’m going to actually try and make my diamonds last and spread them out throughout the whole season 400 diamonds lifetime supply but you can never deplete my resources you’ve got to always leave at least a few shulkers

Behind yes yes that I’ll make sure of that but that’s uh that’s that’s like all my diamonds oh my goodness I’m broke 45 diamond blocks get your shops up at 45 diamond blocks yeah that that’s about right I’m rounding up here too just just to be fair I appreciate it does that

Sound like a deal oh that sounds like a deal to me 45 Diamond I might have made a big mistake here but lifetime supply I have a piece of paper here for you it is signed by myself you’ve already paid me so there’s no need to put down the price

Or anything oh snap very good thank you beef sweet thank you I might be the richest person on the server right now a lot of time this is amazing oh I’m excited I going go get help myself to some Sher boxes actually go for it I just restocked I just got something

Amazing what you get what you get what you get what you get what you get look at that look at that I’m very excited about this oh my wow how do I you know what I’m out of here no my my paper my paper ah he had to come back one day

Cost how much did it cost you got to tell me firstborn child I don’t know what pretty much all my diamonds do you need diamonds Etho I am poor now if you want to help me out maybe buy some frog lights I I am I I

Feel like I’m rich so uh you can have these oh thank you go you’re welcome oh that’s great I’m I feel I feel like I’m rich cuz I’ve got like you stacks of diamonds already you do have a pretty awesome shop here I got to say

I I do enjoy the shop it’s a good shop mhm mhm feel free to spend them on concrete so let’s pay a little visit to fal’s shap next to ours here you know she’s uh she’s got concrete for sale my concrete box is empty all right we

Filled her up do you own this as well about yeah oh man I’ve been buying out all your h BS oh it’s it you well I just got some more diamonds from Cleo so this is this is wonderful oh wait yeah yeah yeah yeah yes good job no not this shop

Don’t use this no so I gave Etho diamonds to give myself more work right understood and we got Joe’s Bookstore over here nice and cheap actually just one Diamond each wait oh it’s random wait I can choose right I can choose so I ripped two Joe what are you doing man nobody’s

Going to buy Riptide one all right I’ll buy this one cuz my my Trident has Riptide 2 on already I will be your second customer I would like to purchase some flight Rockets uh one Diamond per stack I will need to borrow one diamond from you esale okay yeah that is fair thank

You there you go you made a purchase Yayo this G 35 85 85 it does lot I don’t know it does not from this angle it’s a three it it does not and it’s also perfect it’s also a three the only angle that’s an eight is like dead

On and barely don’t steal Dylan now you’ve already raided him what okay he’s low on health I’m getting off why are you killing him how did that even happen I don’t know I don’t know you opened the box and then he got squished and sad for science we got to try it again

Huh I don’t know what that was I think you might have smacked him with your sword no no he he got squished there here happening again who oh he almost died okay okay okay why didn’t you like it happen again and you didn’t get off I didn’t realize

He was taking a villion damage every time he took a hit dude I was half a heart there that was a close call three two one oh that’s a lot of TNT so cool oh that is so good that is so good we’re back at base again here I

Forgot to show you all the map that’s right we did another snapshot in time I’m trying to do this every month so we can see how the area changes over time and and a month ago this is how our our area looked remember we were missing the

Corner on our house oh Cleo just died and I got that filled in now and most of the stuff I’ve been doing is underground though recently so there’s not a whole lot there but you can see uh Tango’s foundation for his Factory appeared we got pearls area got massive

Updates with the pathing and her house is like two three times larger on the map here big big Improvement there uh skizzle pyramid showed up and then we also got uh Cub he got his firework Factory going now I got to say I really do like this location we settled down in

At first I just picked the spot to be close to like Tango and Pearl and other Hermits here but the more time I spend here the more I realize just how good of like a geographical location is how many good things it has going for it we got

The jungle of course which I love uh but it’s also got the double cave spawner down below it’s got cold biomes nearby like there is uh mountains near here so if we need snow or if we want to set up an ice Farm we’re going to be able to do that nearby

There’s goats up there and a bunch of different animals because there’s so many different biomes here we also have the height variation going on for us so this is like a high spot it allows us to make some more interesting like build stuff terraforming in the future

Hopefully uh but we also have low spots for like our creeper Farm to get better rates down below here we have the water for making a squid Farm the only body of water near us as well so we get incredible spawn rates down there and look at this I also realized just

Randomly we have a little sliver of planes uh just over here this little section and then it turns to like water the river there that turns to Forest up there and jungle this way Birch Forest that way so this is a tiny little spot but it’s perfect for what we got going

On down below here uh this allows us to do something cool without having to leave our base did you wonder what was behind the door here ah huh huh what could it be what could it be it’s another door uh yeah so just over this way towards the the plains

Biome uh what do we have what do we have everybody a bunch of doors and we’re able to make a flower farm here so Plaines is perfect cuz you get the the dandelion here let’s turn it down real quick here you get your poppies you get your blue flowers you

Get the gray flowers o daisies and the azeret blits so it’s one of the best uh Flower Farm locations and now we got it right by our base so that’s cool so I set one of these up um this is also good for farming a bunch of other things

In the game yeah so if we swap out the grass block above the bone meal dispenser here with nyum we can use it to grow the nether plants as well and this is an 8×7 in dimension the grass area here one of these sides has has

Grass next to the Pistons and one is uh empty so on that side you put the other nyum and then you just start it up we get the mushrooms and all the nether plants and stuff making a flower farm like this is super simple as well you

Just have an observer detecting when the grass moves above here and then you uh send power to the left and the right of that one goes to the dispenser and then you run the the power up to both sides of the Pistons they’re so simple to make I actually ended up making five

Different ones so we got the one at our base we got got one in a swamp and then there’s this flower Forest by greens here uh let’s see if I can remember the location it’s not well well marked or anything oh there it is right there so

We got two of them down here this is for the Tulips there’s any bone meal left yeah so we got red and orange tulips here and then this one gets us the White and the pink tulips uhhuh and then we got an elium uh flower farm down here as well but

Anyways I’m in the mood to do a little bit of building everybody so let’s get to it here so I think it was back episode 2 or something I marked out this path to go to Tango’s place and I didn’t have the resources back then I haven’t

Had the time since to get it done but I think we can do it today if we if we do it quickly uhhuh so I think this tunnel for sure needs to get bigger so we’ll get that going uh but you see I kind of leveled it out

Here we’ll get a nice windy path around the Bay Area all right might want to go a little bit bigger than this I’ll think about it for a second but let’s uh let’s check this out so I got some stuff together yeah over here so I’m thinking the way

We’re going to do the path is we’re going to use packed mud as our primary so down the middle I’ll just run the the packed mud I think in the very center of the packed mud like the highest traffic area on the path we’re going to use the brown mushrooms it’s a

Smooth Block matches well and it’ll be like uh the area that people walk the most you know and then on the outside think anyone’s going to sleep I’m one of the main sleepers on the server so if I ever don’t sleep I always worry cuz people get into the routine of

Not sleeping when I when I’m around right and then it’s like oh man when I need it nobody’s got my back I think we’re going to do rooted dirt on the sides of that next to the pack probably and then even further that the area where you walk and the grass kind of

Dies will do course dirts uh-huh and then I also prepared some bricks and some Granite which I think we’re going to use as a retaining wall uh going along along here now you got to be careful with bricks I find if you use too many bricks it looks really

Bad but if you just have a few I think we’ll just go too high maybe we’ll try that out we’ll mix in some granite in places maybe some terracotta get some plants in front of that I think it’s going to look pretty good I am going to get rid of this

Tree and maybe Tango wheat cuz this is like where I want the path to go right yeah he won’t mind he’s on vacation all right I don’t think it’s quite wide enough here to do what I want either so we’re probably going to have to expand out a bit and maybe take some

Of the cliff away too just to make it a bit nicer usually when I do paths I find it works best if I don’t try to mix in all the blocks to begin with I I just put down on the main path material first and that helps me gauge like when I add

The other stuff how it looks with that like how it’s developing this also allows us to get the shape a little bit more refined without being distracted by the other blocks as well let me give you a little update here so we made the tunnel a little bit bigger in here I

Think this feels a lot better now I’ve been working on the shape of the path and I’m pretty happy with it now I think it’s a good width a good good bend to it you know a little bit of character it’s not perfectly straight or anything and

I’ve been messing with the wall I think maybe I put a little too much granite and stuff in there but uh the other thing is it just looks a little strange right why is that well I think it’s a little too little too perfect we’re going to try mix in some stairs some

Slaps some fences and also I want to do a little thing where like every second block we have a little Jag in it you know like that and sometimes we might go down as well so we’re going to actually how do we do it I think we

Got to go like here instead if we want to go down so we’re trying to transition it from like 2 and 1/2 blocks down to 1 and 1/2 sometimes and just like mix it up a bit uhhuh all right maybe we go down here and then that’s fine well it

Looks a little strange let’s get a stair in there sure we can use some walls as well to give it a little bit of irregularity between uh the corners you know just in a few places you don’t have to do it everywhere okay I’m not really

Sure what I’m doing here but we we’ll figure it out uh just try stuff you know see what it looks like it’s probably fine right now I think we look for any areas that have a high cluster of the packed mud and we try to get the rooted dirt to go into that

Maybe maybe as an idea oh Snappers all right everybody well we probably spent about 2 hours working on the pathing here and it’s in a much better place now I do need like another 2 3 hours at least to finish it though we did make it

Come out uh in front of our base here though which is nice we kind of got an idea of how it’s going to go now um so this is kind of what I would call level one pathing in front of our house where you just focus on getting the the shape

The width of it the position all figured out um so I think that’s fine but then over here we went more into the level two pathing where you actually start doing texturing and adding little details to it and I think this looks way better over here this actually feels

Pretty good to me uh so I went for more of a rough like overgrown look to it because it is a mountain passage as well so you got to think there’s probably not going to be a lot of people coming through here especially with Tango on vacation you know he’s is pretty much

Just me right now uh trampling down the path here uh but yeah this is this is good we added in some some brick structures broken down fences throughout in a few places got one by Tango there I do like how this looks with the wheat on both sides

Actually so I’m going to leave this you know Tango can change it if he wants but uh yeah I kind of like that and then and uh what else um the thing that is missing we we do have hidden lighting by the way as well but the thing it’s

Missing to like really complete this to make it feel a lot better is some unique structures to it so this is all kind of like background decorative stuff right but in order to really sell the scene make it feel better you need stuff for your eyes to focus on so for example we

Have this tree that was here and I got thinking you know maybe I make like a US shape out of the Hill here put some benches like a rest stop kind of thing and then tear down this tree build an actual nice looking custom tree over top

The benches I think that would be really good for this area you could add things like uh chain fences or bamboo fences along the path here um it would really help if we had some more interesting terrain like Boulders and you know rougher stuff you know uh would be cool

Maybe some pathing down below here as well um wooden structures to support uh our cave maybe another custom Tree in this flower bed thing I just threw some berries in there for now you know stuff like that really helps to finish things off and make it feel better but that’s

Going to have to wait till another episode because we got to go check out the shopping district everybody oh we stole some uh Stone actually very good and I’m guessing no glass sold uh yeah looking looking about the same as I left it last time glass you

Know it’s a it’s one of those Commodities that’s going to really take take off soon I’m sure mhm let’s see if Joe sold any of his oh my goodness he actually sold some that’s so unfair what how did he sell some okay we sold some of the yellow that’s good uh one

Stack of the green and oh okay purple’s the big seller for some reason yeah hi are you having a hard time getting in i’ I’ve constructed a wall there’s no way in anymore it go over here by Joel’s Arch there oh thank goodness there you

Go there you go I got stuck in the river sorry about that yeah it’s under construction you know we’re starting to to build up the walls and the streets on the cyberpunk city here so it’s coming along all right yeah a lot has changed even you you got fancy armor look look

Look see what we’re using oh you’re using frog lights for the roads that is excellent that’s a great choice impulse uhhuh yeah except uh I am out of diamonds because that was a lot I bought 13 stacks of the poent ones uh and I only I only had 39 diamonds left in my

Pocket and I’m broke now so got to go mining then huh well I was hoping not to uh how would you feel if I traded you the brown glass permit in exchange for use of your frog L Farm not saying you got to go collect it I’m just going to get it

You’re going put the work in okay lifetime deal kind of thing I’m I’m okay with those I feel like it’s maybe skewed a little bit in your favor though um I I’ll do it under one condition impulse I think you got to be my my frog light spokesman my my

Advertiser Frog Light spokesman all right uh should I start now sure you got something in mind Cub have you seen how amazing frog lights are inside the cyberpunk city have you seen it yeah most amazing light you can possibly get I mean what other lights look that

Beautiful and are vibrant with lots of color I walked in on a deal for frog lights here didn’t I well okay let me I’m just going to give you free samples imp pulse I’m giving these to everybody right now on the server I just went to eat those so

That’s a good idea give some free sample stuff maybe to give visit the firework shop in the shopping dist for how my SP with the with frog lights go you interested in frog lights now yeah oh I I’m G to need a lot too so

Yeah you got one you got one just like that yeah yeah yeah perfect yeah you got it you got this I think you double dismounted your horse and it broke my door but that’s fine keep negotiate yeah okay fix a self fixing let’s go okay okay you demonstrate your skills

There that’s that’s impressive yeah yeah yeah yeah I think we could make this he’s probably heading straight to your shop right now right all right I I I think I’m good with that you know you throw a little frog light advertisement in your everyday conversation every once

In a while I think we got a we got a good deal there yeah yeah okay I see it working away okay I’ll be happy to uh AFK any chance I get at this you know we can we can take turns and then I’ll just

Skim a little off the top you know so it’s incredibly fast um oh usually I’m only here for like 5 10 minutes at a time and I got the chest full so holy cow okay so yeah you’ll need to expand the storage if you want to stay

Longer sure okay I can do that yeah yeah yeah or or uh if we go down below I’ll show you the situation right now yeah if you don’t mind me modifying it as needed that’s cool I can do that just down here now the tricky thing is though it’s like it’s faster than

Hopper speed right so if you’re just doing item filters connected to it it’s probably not going to keep up so I I just have a hodge podge here of like two double chests okay and a bunch of Hoppers into I’ll give it a and uh I’ll see if uh I feel like

Bumping up the collection speed if we need to otherwise I’ll just kind of like stop here for a few minutes every time I visit my gold Farm you know yeah either works perfect this is going to be a great deal hopefully for both of us oh I

Grabbed them all first step of becoming the spokesman impulse that’s right that’s right with our powers combined we’re going to sell a lot of frog lights I think perfect looking forward to it and we also did a little permit trade with pearl right sir I got a Mossy Cobble

Permit all right can I please have the one the fabled one in your hand oh my gosh want many permits is that Spore Blossom right I would love Spore Blossom even though it should be in my permit anyway thank you very much I don’t know

I don’t know cuz you got dyes right and you can’t make dyes from that yeah but the permit says all Dy and flowers ohome to flower oh very good Pearl got us our shocker boxes for the mail system ready here the idea behind those white shocker

Boxes is we’re trying to hand them out to all the Hermits that have uh mail systems installed they’re supposed to be like their envelopes right for sending packages when tango and I designed the mailbox system we tried to think of all the possible sources of friction that

Might prevent a Hermit from wanting to use the mail system and one of the big ones we thought of was like they’re not going to want to spend their own shers to to mail stuff to to each other cuz they’re not going to get those back right shers are kind of valuable early

On in the season so we we got a bunch of shers from Doc and we’re supplying them to all the Hermits to use for mailing stuff for free but they’re not supposed to use them for their own personal use so if you see anybody using those white boxes you tell postmaster Pearl she’ll

Get on their case right away uhuh so how’s the mail system going here well Pearl’s got this cool board installed at the post office that shows you everybody that has a mailbox uh working right right now and you can see we got probably half of them installed now so

It’s going pretty good and yeah Tango added something pretty cool to the mail system recently as well a custom uh mail message check this out You’ve Got Mail uhuh so it’s the the AOL uh you got mail thing from the movie you know uh so that’s pretty cool it’s just a a custom

Music disc so let’s go in the back here I actually need to like collect records to get this though which is a problem cuz I’ve used all of mine and I’ve gotten a few from Hermits but I need a lot more of these You’ve got mail but it it goes

Into a jukebox in a loop here yeah let’s go head down here check out how things are working in the network um I can install these I think in like 20 to 30 minutes now so it’s going much faster than when we first started they were

Like an hour to two hours when we first started uh putting these in it’s like uh a little scary actually that we would never get this done but it’s going good uh I think um one of the big things I’ve added recently to this was the Lost Mail

System so whenever uh package goes by this Hopper it picks up one of these lost mail tags and then it does a full loop around the track clockwise right and then it returns um to this Junction if it does the full loop without going into anybody’s portal that means like

It’s it’s got no stamp it doesn’t know where it’s going right so then it ends up going in our lost male Junction here um we detect that with this right goes this way and right now I just drop it in a hole it’s good to see there’s no

Packages down here uh eventually we’ll probably rout those over to the post office though I put this right next to it um so that’s good I’ve been having trouble with the chunk loaders like one out of 50 times just randomly it seemed like we were losing one of the items

That’s supposed to like bounce back and forth one of the shears would just randomly disappear and I would go through the portal looking for it and it would never be there so I don’t know what was going on I don’t know if they were getting linked to some random

Portal in the Overworld that I don’t know about and I can’t find or if it’s like the lava thing for lighting the portals was burning the item somehow I don’t know I I’ve just I’ve shut this off and just kept them lit for now to test it and so

Far I haven’t had any problems with uh item disappearing since then so I’m just uh keeping an eye on it for now this is my dripstone farm it does Farm dripstone but also I thought turn it into a little mini game try and run away from the falling dripstone as it crushes down

Behind you killing everything in its path whenever you’re ready though off you go any tips any any uh recommendations oh goodness I mean there’s a lot of tips on the ceiling um so avoid those right okay good just don’t stop oh no oh they’re behind me I can

Hear them it’s coming oh man they’re fast they’re fast excellent yeah you are safe uhoh get out the boat get out the way you made it you were there sorry I should have told you you can exit the boat when you get to the end that was a key point I I

Missed I was looking at F5 and I thought I was just missing the spot so yeah it’s like when someone teaches you to ride a bike and they forget to teach you how to use the brake right whenever you’re ready all right so you added some

Delay on the the pop-ups too right yeah yeah yeah the pop-ups should hopefully pop up less often so as as we get near to them it’s going to suddenly pop up but the timings might be terrible and then we’re both dead or it’s going to be perfect and then just me I’m dead

Apparently well you’re going first if anybody all right let’s do it go for it oh easy oh it does make it harder it definitely makes it harder oh the timing was pretty good actually oh nice there you go oh we got a pretty good path as well Ohan they’re coming scenic route

They’re coming aan the Spikes all right there we go you run up the pressure plate jump onto the gravel Perfect Look at that he goes that’s so cool oh man how do I even say that euuu is that what it is ethu sounds so wrong uh this is a little

Hard to explain I made a deal with Joe Hills the other day he’s been taken down mountains he’s got endless Stone and Cobblestone and we have the mossy cobblestone and stone permit and I don’t want him giving it away to the other Hermits I want to sell it to the other

Hermits right so I cut him in on part of the deal I think I’m going to pay him two diamonds for each of these shulkers which uh I don’t have cuz I’m broke so I’m might to have to figure that out uh for next episode somehow cuz I think

He’s waiting for payment now um but yeah that’s that’s what the deal is with this okay we’re at the the shopping district again I got thinking we got to work on our shops here okay so here’s the deal we’re not selling any glass it’s terrible it’s it’s hopeless even what do

We do about that oh let’s check our profits again oh we’re selling a little bit more okay good I think what it comes down to is we got to upgrade from our trash Heap shop this was only supposed to be here for a day honestly I just

Left it for a couple weeks and uh you know the Hermits have pointed out you know maybe I should try a little harder U maybe it’s not quite good enough um so we’re going to upgrade to not the permanent shop we’re going to do like a proper popup shop for it for

Our glass stuff and take it from there so we still got to get in contact with the other Hermits that have the other glass permits and build a shop all together kind of thing so we just want something simple clean looking and effective right so I’m thinking we go

Like get some andesite to highlight it right we get this going around we will put our shocker boxes like right here full of glass so we’re just going to do a weird stair pattern thing here we’re trying to make it look like futuristic almost okay so if this is the light blue

Glass shop what we’re going to do is put light blue glass here do like a 2X two Cube make it look like a giant glass block right and then we will put some end rods underneath that make it look like it’s holding it up and they’ll

Light up the glass make it really stand out and that is our shop oh I don’t know about this honestly I was hoping it’d look a little cooler than it does uh but it’s fine right it’s fine it’s a temporary shop it doesn’t have to be perfect I’m going to tear it

Down very soon I’m sure but yeah I just uh tried to randomly change the Heights and positions around to scatter them and then we have our supplies in the shoger boxes each one’s color to the color of the glass we got it two diamonds per stack written on the Shocker box bebs

Who you’re in you’re inside I was waiting for you I decided to just walk in you know that’s so rude you brought the horse in does he not belong in here a horse has never I saw the hay bales in here I thought it was like uh no that’s a

Carpet out out not horse food out okay no okay I know there’s a lot of of things you got to yell at me about okay number one you’re going to first of all you’re looking around you’re like how does this guy get anything done what no

Beacons and clear and land and what how what’s this storage system and I understand I’ll be honest I’ve been that way with you my whole life bebs I honestly don’t know what you do in this game but you somehow make Mak beautiful stuff happen do you want to see my

Storage right now uh sure I’d love to come look at this come this is my storage system so and I know where everything is so there’s this what’s in this one without looking in that one without looking is that is like some plants stuff mhm um just random like plant stuff some

Animal stuff and drops and stuff yeah yeah exactly mhm he you got your big furnace array over here got my furnace array yep yep and then this is where it gets kind of crazy this is where you start uh going into scar territory a little bit a little bit a little bit

Except I know where everything is um copper right here y y oh snap I actually came here to for a favor I was I was going to compliment you actually but uh oh okay okay let’s do that so I’m always really impressed with what bwo does with

His shops on hermitcraft we’re going to use it as our model our example of what to follow with our own shops I think and I broken it down to four main things we got to copy all right so first first of all B always makes his Shops look really

Good you want your shops to look good you want your the other Hermits to be like wow did you see did you see that Frog Light shop Etho bill it looks so nice then they show it off in the video cuz they’re really impressed and it

Looks cool and kind of like I’m doing right now with his with B’s bamboo shop uh so that’s important number two advertising you you want to have some way of advertising your shop so B he went for the sign technique here big bold signs in front of his shop to try

Pull people in get them to go to his store so every shop we build we got to think of some kind of advertising strategy with our Frog Light shop we’re going to get impulse uh you know he’s our spokesman he’s going to tell people about it it’s going to be great we’re

Going to try that out uh but also number three the shop needs to be functional first and foremost you know when it comes down to it the whole reason we have these shops on hermitcraft is so that if another hermit needs something uh they can just quickly come down to

The shopping District picked it up and they don’t get sidetracked for hours trying to collect resources on a project they’re working on uh when they’re in the middle of it you know uhuh and uh fourth uh this is a thing I especially like with B shops is he always adds some

Kind of game or gimmick or some way of interacting with the shop Beyond just like purchasing stuff some fun thing so with his bamboo shop here he added this game to show try to prove that scaffolding is actually faster than using dirt so that people will buy

Scaffolding from shop all right the the game goes like this you pick your block of choice okay that you like to stack up with you stack to the top ring the bell and then remove the pillar and ring the bottom Bell once you ring the bottom Bell that’s it okay

Two wait he’s getting a head start he’s getting a head start what is this okay okay okay I’ll Stand Back on the rim DS on the rim get off the sand what is this get on the rim b dubs come on okay on

The rim on the rim 3 2 1 go oh snap oh man I missed it I’m up I’m up oh somebody told me a way to do it wait how close am I oh I went way too high uhoh I broke the bell and I

Win you didn’t ring the top one you you didn’t ring the bell he some idiot you know what the amount of comments I got on my last episode people are saying oh you should do this don’t you know you can do that and I just tried one one of the stupid

Commenters said and it’s worse you added the trapo later didn’t you no no they said go in it and start stacking up but that doesn’t work fast that’s slow okay I’m not quite sold on the scaffolding just yet bats let’s try one more time I think one more time one

More time one more time I’m going to do it my way all right you show them BDubs okay shouldn’t have been that trap door up there but that’s fine I’ll tell you what BDubs you can you can have a head start okay you go on two I don’t need a

Head start I’m going to go at the same time all right here we go you’re going to love scaffolding after this sure sounds like it three two one go stacking okay he he got those down pretty fast and that should be enough wait he’s not

Climbing though yet oh am I not oh I went way too high how do you ring a bell wait what got to ring it on the side what got him got him it’s a okay that was pretty fast speeds um 6 seconds faster yeah okay yeah well no cuz side

Of the hit box yeah cuz even if you aim high on that it doesn’t work you have to go lower weird oh like even if you’re on the correct face of the like where the hit box is it doesn’t always ring Oh weird Okay 3 2 1 go

And here I go oh ddubs has the height hey no cheating that’s the way to do it no oh no it’s a disaster who said put that trap door there it’s gone again it’s the worst okay I’m fixing the trap door man this is this is good this is bug testing

Man oh I was really impressed with the game beat ups now I’m I’m having second thoughts on it actually I enjoyed it quite a lot do you want the B it might have a couple of flaws e you ready I’m ready got to do us

Proud and also if you put a block on top of his scaffolding it’ll just absolutely do not do not okay three two one go go you’re not going to sleep bebs you’re not going to sleep it’s night time night time you want to play Let’s Play Break Let’s Play

Breaking blocks ouch all right here I go oh there we go here we go here we go I’m going for real no who pushed me this way I still can’t do the oh I got the bell I got the Bell stop yeah business relies on this you

Guys my primary jails tactic I feel like the scaffolding is like open to trolling someone just comes along and breaks it from underneath you all the time right three two one go oh with a running start running jump start this one’s an easy one this is an easy he’s gain it on you

Scar okay scar with the first it’s the way down that matters oh my goodness he does it yeah no I call it do over you jumped off the scaffolder that’s exactly right I did because you can’t do that with dirt but with scaffolding you can you just sold your sold it to yourself

Now you can see wow wow I’m glad I bought my scaffolding now yes yes yes have some here bebs convinced me we’re going to add it to our system as well all right everybody well that was a lot of fun but uh here’s the deal I’ve been

Trying to figure out what did we do with our Frog Light shop ever since I got it and I’ve been struggling cuz I want to do something fun something interesting and then I saw BAU do his uh game there and it really it hit me finally we got

To do a game as well and I was I was trying to think of what kind of game we could do I think I got a great idea now we’re going to make Frogger uhhuh Frog Light shop Frogger you know I love Frogger guys I think it was 12 years ago

Like a long long time ago I tried to make a Frogger game in vanilla Minecraft which didn’t turn out too well I’ve done it in modded Minecraft as well which turned out a little bit better but it was crazy comp kid I think I have a a

Nice simple way of doing it in vanilla using ravagers in Minecarts aha they’re going to be our vehicles uh I got to build a road for them so that’s what the basalt is for here I don’t think anybody is selling uh basal in the shopping

District so I have to make my own here and this is a little bit goofy I’m not sure if it’s going to work we’ll find out oh I forgot something that’s right I got to put uh obsidian by the Pistons or they’re going to move let’s give it another go here

You’re supposed to build these in the nether so the lava flows faster but uh oh did I break it Oh no I got to actually mine it now I think okay let’s see how fast this is okay it’s not full speed struggling to make uh Basalt

Now okay yeah we got to play with the timings I think uh let’s head to the back Here so what do we want slower maybe okay we’re close but it’s skipping every odd cycle now interesting okay we got four Cycles in a row and then it stops for three I think or four h this might take me a while to tweak how much are we at oh we got

Enough okay let’s go back build it man I did it again didn’t I it’s another 50-minute episode oh I haven’t improved at all okay we’re just going to have to introduce the idea today maybe I’ll build the road real quick just to give you a feel for what it’s going to look

Like but we’ll have to get more into it next time so let’s just talk about the plan here uh at the shopping district I think we’re going to put our Frog Light shop around here up against this hill I marked it with the four uh corners of uh scaffolding okay

So it’s going to be a standard shop you know you come in you exchange diamonds for frog lights you get out if anybody’s in a hurry I want them to have that option but if they’re looking for something more fun something exciting we’re going to also offer the Frogger

Mini game in the basement okay and I think we’ll we’ll have like a Frogger arcade game at the back of the shop you put a diamond block in it if I can build it if I can make something that looks like that uh that would be awesome we

Throw a a diamond block in the arcade machine and then it drops you down to a room where you drop off your stuff you set your spawn once you do that you drop down again into the actual Frogger game down below now speaking from experience this isn’t my first time trying to make

Frogger in Minecraft um we got to be careful not to get bogged down into the details of trying to make a perfect clone of the game uh it’s going to be very similar but we’re going to take a couple Liberties you know I don’t want

To add a life system for example I think you just get one life you either make it or you don’t and uh if you die you go back to your bed with your stuff and you can play again if you want or you can

Get out of the shop kind of thing um so that will simplify things a lot we also I think we want to make it so you get rewarded based on your performance so the better you do in the game the more frog lights will get rewarded and

On average we’re going to want to make it so you get more than if you just buy at the shop as well so let’s say an average player does an average game we probably want to give him like one and a half to two times more frog lights and

If they just bought it for diamonds at the shop kind of thing just to encourage people to play and I think we’ll do something like this right that looks pretty decent I think now we’re going to add a deep slate and other texture into the road we’re just

Trying to get the basic shape figured out laid out here so yeah the thing is we’re going to have to get some ravagers probably about 10 to 15 ravagers we’re going to have them going around on mine carts so they’ll be every four blocks I believe is what we’re aiming for so rail

One two 3 rail one two 3 rail is how we’ll have the ravagers and we’ll zigzag them through the road so that they’re always in use kind of thing and not just sitting around that way we don’t need as many of them and then above the rails we

Will have gray carpets see how that looks just so that the the mine cart’s hidden away that the ravagers riding in and we’ll probably aim for the standard you know five Lanes of Road five Lanes of water Five Frogs at the end we can actually use real frogs from Minecraft

To represent the Five Frogs at the end that would be kind of cool uhhuh but we’ll get more into it next episode and hopefully we can get it working maybe get some Hermits to help us test it if we if we do that is going to be really

Cool but that’s going to have to do it for this episode everybody thank you for watching I hope you enjoyed it until the next one take care have a wonderful day bye-bye I bought this new microphone one time and I bought a mic stand with it

The mic stand didn’t work very well so just as a temporary solution I stuffed the mic in a Kleenex box as a holder and it works surprisingly well so well in fact it dampens the the sound and everything from the desk and it’s wonderful I decide just to stick with it

I also play with my keyboard about 16 18 in uh up at the desk so that I have room for my arms I like to keep my elbows on the desk kind of like when you’re eating and stuff um shouldn’t eat with your elbows on the desk either yeah that’s

Rude R in Canada it’s very comfortable actually my elbows are on the desk so it might run in Canada this allows you to keep your wrist perfectly straight with your mouse cuz I keep my mouse also sideways so in front of my keyboard instead of off on

The side of it when are you done I need a Q&A how old is the kleenex box it’s about 5 years old or so I got my settings written on it in Los what dude is there still tissues in it do they want SP help to absorb the [Laughter]

Soundes that’s impressive it’s a Costco box a nice big beefy one it matches my desk same color it looks nice I’ve got one on my desk and it’s flimsy how we need a new category is what we need I think you need to go right to the

Very end buddy top I’m not done yet I’m not done yet there’s more so because I play with my mouse in front of my keyboard sideways right um I only have about 16 in or so to move it so I have high sensitivity um I have a pretty nice

Desktop though so I play without my mouse pad so it’s it Glides nicer smoother M and instead I use my mouse pad under my left elbow as a cushion oh my God I think that’s about it okay get to the end bate there’s no Way

Long episode… lots happens. I talk about some plans for the season. We build a quick dispensing station for our consumables. Big deals happen at the shopping district. We check out our flower farms and basalt generator.

I work on the pathing from our base that goes towards Tango’s. We play Zedaph’s drip stone mini-game and Bdub’s scaffolding challenge. We upgrade our glass shops and look into our plans for the Frog Light shop. I also show off my completely normal and sane desktop set up.

Hermitcraft Website: http://www.hermitcraft.com

Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/EthoLP
TwitchTV: http://www.twitch.tv/ethotv/

#hermitcraft #etho #minecraft


  1. So am I one of the only ones who loves the longer videos???? I absolutely LOVE that your videos are 50+ minutes. And you're entertaining, Etho. Don't feel down about that. 😊

  2. Dear mister Etho, You are installing so much mailboxes, it is no problem that there are less episodes, every time someone gets a mailbox Im so excited for you!

  3. You know how when you watch tv shows with specific etiquette like Vulcans dont express emotions or bare ankle is indecent in victorian england? and then they break the rules and you feel scandalized as a viewer? thats what Etho lore feels like to me.

  4. In all honesty, that’s a really nice looking desk. I have a real sturdy desk as well and it’s by far the best I’ve ever had. After seeing this I do kinda wish mine had drawers lol.

  5. Oh my goodness I forgot about the earbuds as well. What a setup.
    Its mostly amazing simply because you know he can probably afford a huge upgrade, yet temporary solutions are always the most permanent ones.

  6. It's 2am for me, but at 30:01 why does one of the signs say bdoobs? Or am i just seeing things? Also another one says zeo and a third says skizzy, im guessing these are nicknames, but i have never heard of them before.

  7. now that i have my senheiser headphones on and i know that your pop protection is a tissue box ikinda can hear it XD
    its alright though
    please continue to be ur self XD i cant say this offten enough
    couse now adays people on the internet can be so toxic

    love greetings and apreciation from germany

  8. I just tried the keyboard placement and he's not wrong about it being more comfy, sideways mouse with high sensitivity is where I draw the line though. absolutely legendary setup

  9. Etho is the second person I know, that uses mouse like that. 🙂 When I saw it for the first time, it was strange, but I made sense when my buddy showed me it in action. So for me, it was nothing unexpected, just unusual.

  10. Ethos desk set up is like if you took normal things on a desk and just rearranged them to be diffrent enough that its noticable

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