The Minecraft Sword That Rules Them All.

This Minecraft server is home to many custom God weapons but there is one that’s above them all it’s known as the sapphire sword it grants its wielder strength 10 permanently or as long as you’re holding it imagine a weapon forged by the owner himself a player

That can do anything he wants you would be able to take on anything striking anything down in your path with one Fell Swoop but there’s just one Teensy little problem the sword is located in just one buried treasure chest which could be anywhere in the Minecraft world it’s a

Really big world which means that this is going to take a ton of time to find also welcome to play. an amazing Minecraft server with custom items armor and more and if you join right now and do/ redeem taken you’ll receive a free temporary rank on the server all right

You guys I don’t think you truly understand how big this Minecraft world is I think we’re coming on oh damn we are currently 25,000 blocks out which means that um the world B is essentially like 25,000 blocks out in each Direction so it’s 50,000 wide 50,000 long although wide

And long don’t really have any meaning cuz it’s a square but the point is is it’s really big there’s a lot of area for these buried treasure chests to be yeah it’s going to be fun but really quickly make sure you hit the Subscribe button it’s one click of a button and it

Absolutely makes my day so yeah why not do it and there’s uh one other thing my base is gone it’s it’s it’s destroyed I think I gave the coordinates out last video on accident so yeah it’s no more we’re going to have to make a new one

Right so now that my base is destroyed we are going to have to make a new one ah I should have made a Shovel all right yeah I’m going to need some wood for a shovel it really sucks trying to mine all that dirt with my bare Hand all right all done now we’re going to need some support beams uh which means we need some more Wood all right got a little base here it’s not anything you know spectacular it’s it’s it’s just the usual B taken sort of style of Base we got the nice little cave in with the uh with the little support beams that you don’t need cuz we’re playing Minecraft here is the

Next step as we saw earlier the world border is sitting right around um 50,000 like wide so like think about the world it’s it’s 25,000 blocks from zero in each Direction which is not a lot actually but it kind of is it’s a lot it’s a lot of surface area that we still

Have to look at the one thing I will say and at least it’s not 30 million that would have been awful so the fact that it’s a little less is is very nice but I guess we can actually just start right here I got to get up some air here we’re

Going to start right here let’s go in uh and see if there’s uh any okay Berry treasure map perfect break this in um got some iron that we don’t really need uh leave everything else okay so here’s the buried treasure map let’s look at it

From from this so it looks like if we look at our uh Compass here or like you know virtual not actual Compass I don’t even know North is this way so that’s that’s going to lead us this way we want to go a little bit South and then if you think

About the map uh we want to go west as well go south west oh wow it’s right here look at this um and so this is where I might need a shovel actually ooh yeah okay um just going to create some difficulties not having a very good

Shovel I’m not going to lie to you All right um grab this and then we’re going to this like this make a little we little crafting table or whatever and then boom boom boom boom boom boom perfect Okay so we’ve got a nice little shovel here and honestly it’s it’s not going to make the most massive

Difference in the in the uh entire universe but it’s it’s it’s nice to have okay it’s going to last me a little longer and it’s overall just quite a bit better the other thing I wanted to do was go ahead and grab a um a door or I

Guess three because we have to make three that way we can kind of avoid having to get aqua affinity because it will just allow us to not have to deal with with with you know the slow when you’re mining things underwater you guys know what I you know what I’m talking

About it’s always usually just in the sand um it’s never like in the stone uh Sandstone uh which is which is kind of nice oh that’s such a good Str look at that good strategy right there I’m not really seeing anything though okay barely missed it there

Oh all right um perfect got some diamonds oh hello let’s get inside here oh potion of water breathing that’ll be helpful for later I don’t need a heart of the sea I’ll always well I W take the food um and that should be that should be it honestly all right rtpd out um

Trying to see if there’s anything oh okay one right here is kind of buried in the in the kelp here so I’m kind of trying to look underneath here because it looks like this is the only chest I can’t tell if it’s like been looted or something um cuz it doesn’t look like

There’s there’s much here to be honest just regain our our air here and then mine down I don’t even know dude is there no is is there no um chest or uh like the chest I guess not that’s fine okay we’ll just find a different one then okay um looks like there there’s

One on this beach here beached ones are a little bit they’re kind of cool but they’re a little Annoying just cuz you have to mine to get to everything it feels like I am again not seeing anything yeah so I’m I don’t think there’s anything there

Either that’s kind of kind of crappy I am getting so much input lag as well it’s actually insane it’s really frustrating okay here’s another one got a little dolphin guy there come on come on come on flee okay this is a uh buried treasure map and so if we look at our

Compass look at North we want to go south so it should just be straight South and then east east should uh should do it too we just go along here hopefully it’ll oh this one’s kind of far or not it’s just like right along here okay and

Then right in here oh wow this is a weird this this one’s like half on a beach half not I can’t really tell I I say what we do honestly because I can mine Sandstone so quickly oh never mind that’s not going to work I thought

I could just kind of I think I need to be a little further underneath where the sand doesn’t fall right doesn’t fall make the sand fall oh make the sand fall like that and then just like like that okay and then you know theoretically in my brain there should like

Anywhere that’s like maybe well like up a little bit cuz the sand caught on a chest that could be I’m not seeing anywhere like where where is this thing again we’re like supposed to be right on top of it seriously though it’s actually you know what I think we’re going to

Let’s go get efficiency just just screw It all right let’s make an enchantment Area All right let’s uh light the Portal [Applause] [Applause] Okay that’s not not bad now we’re faced with a different issue yeah that’s pretty good timing hello what the hell oh my God how lucky could you be Jesus oh my God that’s a vein of like 12 all right here we go okay so what was

I doing oh right we got a we got a god level shovel net try and get right on the dot oh there we go hell yeah uh okay no Sapphire sword in here but did get some more diamonds we got some uh water breathing potions as well I’m just going

To keep the one I think um and yeah that’s that’s pretty cool well that’s not great that’s it’s kind of frustrating actually ow ow ow ow ow get the totem in there okay all right uh we’re about to run out of oxygen so let’s just put this

This here I don’t know if there’s any like I’m on some of these guys there’s just no map like like there’s just nothing now here there might be a little a little chesty chest or something but I’m not oh wait hold on there could be a

I think there’s a back area for sure on this one or like I guess technically a front area maybe not if it’s a front area that wouldn’t make much sense I would have thought it’d be like Captain’s Quarters so deal but nah there’s nothing here all right

Here’s another shipwreck and we are just going to kind of Slither on in here a damn it okay nothing in that nothing perfect very treasure map all right let’s uh I don’t need this one anymore do have this one though so we’re going to go we’re going to go and

Head north and then I also want to actually it’s pretty much pretty much just like a little bit of Northeast no that’s sorry Northwest we just keep going up here or North rather and we should oh hello yeah the the treasure chests are never too far away from their their

Little ship counterparts are they I might want to convert this shovel to NE r at some point as well we’re going to lose durability on it too oh hello that was a quite a ways off well I guess not we’re like pretty much right under the the x mark okay there’s still still

Nothing it seems like this might be kind of hard to find I’m not going to lie to you zombes coming on my Wazoo here all right I guess we’re good to just uh continue on got a little slime there I don’t need it but it’s kind of cool I

Always love uh what is this bomb called again wind swept no it’s not what I guess yeah it’s wind swept Savannah it doesn’t feel like it I feel like it’s like almost Amplified hello nothing in there yeah okay well there’s nothing here it’s just that one little crappy

Chest sometimes there’s uh like not a lot in the CH or in the in the ship itself like there’s only one or two chests usually actually only one I feel like most of the time I only see one now and it’s kind of frustrating cuz I feel

Like that one also like never has what I’m looking for nothing nothing nothing nothing you know there aren’t that many buried treasure chests in this world I’m not going to lie to you it’s like it’s not as crazy of a an amount as you would expect heyo what the hell my

Working Theory I think is that my elytra broke and it oh we have no more Rockets either that’s wonderful my working theory is that my elytra broke and I just I fell and I had a totem I was like afking a little bit trying to get far

Out uh so I could try and find another another the problem is when you so when you find one Buried Treasure and you look anywhere in the proximity of that Berry treasure for other like um ships all you’re going to find is ships that lead to that berri treasure you have to

Get in the proximity of a different Berry a different Berry treasure and then you look for the other ships and to do that that you kind of have to get far out so every now and then I’ll AFK and just kind of go for it holding a totem I

Fell in water and I drowned which is not great um luckily we have this keep inventory armor here and so we didn’t lose any of our stuff or our XP levels but it does mean that well I mean it doesn’t actually it doesn’t mean first

Of all it means that this guy is broken second of all it means that we don’t have any more fireworks so that sucks a lot of mobs out here oh perfect throw that on and we need more fire luckily the sword has looting three

But for now we got to do uh we got to do this before we get more fireworks got a little uh something here little something something thought I’d check it out while I’m uh you know looking for these anyway there’s got to be another chest right somewhere nothing darn well that’s all right The door here maybe ah perfect okay buried treasure map let’s do this again so many buried treasure maps this video it’s kind of insane um all right go up like this and so it should be so if we go we look at it again I always have to like calculate my

Brain it should be South and then what West hold on so so if we look North let’s think about this logically for a minute North we would have to go East so we’re going or sorry West meaning it should be this direction there we go perfect okay and it’s right on the edge

Of land per usual like down here right right here does look like most likely it’ll be in the water somewhere and we are going to jump back in the water be careful not to use too much durability on my elytra oh hello two diamonds this is

Actually not a bad one no um no Sapphire sword though unfortunately still nothing always take a diamond um stuff I feel like runes might point to bury treasure as well um just try and swim around here and see maybe not I don’t really uh I don’t really know that guy’s holding a notil

Of shell that’s pretty rare I think at least oh there you go buried treasure I did not know that oh we’re like right on the uh right on the cusps too boom all right um so again with the north thing and then West North West what the Northwest okay

Go perfect okay we’re going to go down here right around oh I’ve already been here I left behind a diamond but there’s still like I don’t need the Cod or anything like there’s nothing um I’m starting to starting to come across ones that I’ve already hit you know when you

We we live in a pretty big big world I feel like when you start coming across things you you’ve narrowed it down quite or coming across things you’ve already looted you you’ve narrow down your selection by quite a bit like we’ve hit a lot at this point I feel like this is

Going to get harder because we’re going to like start coming across shipwrecks that we’ve already hit because I I actually haven’t really kept good track of it I just don’t really know where anything is all right let’s get right on the X there like right here nothing at least we have oh

Hello oh my God that I did not expect ladies and gentlemen that is the sapphire sword and if we look at our inventory permanent strength 10 now it doesn’t say 10 but it’s strength 10 okay you got to trust me but when you don’t hold it nothing absolutely nothing and then when

We switch back over strength 10 Again turning actually night right now oh we got a little uh little thingy thing here check this out okay perfect here’s uh just a villager ready boom dead gone instantly all right let’s test it out against the warden hello all right ready for this we’re

Probably going to die but that’s all right cuz we have to keep inventory not good not good not good not good oh okay well you know you get the point that didn’t work out right but you you you get the point okay God level sword that gives you strength 10

Permanently while you’re holding it anyways you guys that is just about everything for me I will see you in the next one

In Todays Video I Found The Worlds Most Powerful Sword and It’s known as the Sapphire Sword, and it has the power to grant its weilder strength 10 PERMANENTLY. This weapon was forged by the owner! Making it one of the most powerful pieces of equiptment on the server! It’s located in a buried treasure chest, which could be anywhere around the world, which makes it extremely difficult to find. Welcome to FoxSMP!

Make sure you get your free beentaken hat, pet, and cloaks by subscribing and commenting #beentakenfeather! Or by heading over to!

Join Me In My Adventures:
JAVA SMP IP: Play.FoxSmp.Net

Edited by: Me

Thumbnail by: Mango

Twitter: @beenstaken


  1. Bros vids are so fake bc he always buys rockets but not he has to make them? Also he is a a single player world bc there is custom biomes like there always was and he switched to the server at the end the the vid. Don't you have to be wearing the whole set to have keep inv. Sorry not trying to hate but its making me little tilted…

  2. Tipp: Hold the sapphire sword in ur offhand and a better damaging sword in ur main hand so u get the most dmg out of ur hits

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