How JJ and Mikey Found SCARY GIANT FOOTPRINT? – Maizen Parody Video in Minecraft

Oh there’s Mikey I wonder what he’s doing hey Mikey huh did he not hear me okay let’s go up to him and say hi hey Mikey what are you doing here oh hello JJ look what I found over there what do you think it could be okay let’s take a look wow it

Looks like a huge footprint yes I thought the same thing JJ let’s take a closer look Mikey who do you think could have left these huge Footprints JJ it’s scary to think about it but it could have been someone very Huge wow Mikey look at those huge Footprints it’s just incredible yeah JJ but look further there are other Footprints let’s take a look at them too what JJ do you see this is that what I think it is yes Mikey I think it’s blood it looks very scary oh no but why

Is there blood on these Footprints could something terrible have happened here let’s move on maybe we’ll find out more about these Footprints Mikey JJ there’s blood here too how terrible and look what is this Mikey it’s a bone but why is it so big have you ever seen anything

Like this Mikey nope JJ this bone is even bigger than me I wonder where it came from let’s follow these Footprints and maybe we’ll find out who left them yes Mikey you’re right I hope we don’t find anything too scary all this Blood and Bones are terrifying look JJ the blood on these

Footprints continues to remain it’s so crazy hey Mikey do you see the village ahead I think something happened there oh no let’s take a look around JJ it seems that someone huge walked through the village there’s blood everywhere oh no villager what happened to them this is terrible Mikey he’s dead what could

Have happened here the whole house was just crushed by that giant foot JJ it’s very scary is is there anyone left in this Village oh guys it’s you something terrible has happened you won’t believe it some giant just came and crushed half of our village some villagers did not

Survive oh no it’s terrible to hear a villager how dare he do such a thing Mikey we have to do something about this this giant who leaves these Footprints destroys everything under his feet we must not let him continue to harm people yes JJ let’s keep following his

Footsteps and maybe soon we’ll find the one who leaves them JJ look there’s a last footprint ahead but no one is visible around what does this mean Mikey there’s something in there let’s take a closer look huh who is that lying here I think it’s herob brain

Mikey what he’s alive oh no what should we do what why is he getting bigger what’s going on I don’t like it JJ he is getting bigger and bigger maybe Herobrine is the giant that leaves these Footprints Mikey he’s not stopping JJ it’s time for us to get out of here JJ

It keeps getting bigger look how huge he is oh no we should have left that Herobrin lying there I do not know what to do with this giant JJ he’s coming for us I’m very scared we need to run as fast as we can away from him before he

Crushes us Mikey let’s get out of here run as fast as possible JJ do you think he lost us I think so Mikey look he’s not visible behind us that’s good but we need to do something with this giant JJ huh who are You hey you stop JJ what was that just now I’m not sure Mikey he left the chest I wonder if there’s anything Inside Yes JJ it’s a rocket launcher look how awesome it is wow it’s so amazing is there another one here great just for me

Hey Mike do you think we can beat the giant Herobrine with rocket launchers we won’t know until check it out ourselves JJ so we need to go back and try out the rocket launchers yeah Mikey let’s do it here he is JJ it seems he didn’t notice

Us are you ready yes Mikey I’m ready hey you look here giant launch the rocket Mikey hey JJ look this is all that’s left of this giant Herobine only the crater from the explosion can you believe that we did it JJ yeah yes Mikey we defeated the giant who destroyed the

Village he won’t be able to hurt anyone anymore we were very lucky that we got the rocket launchers otherwise we would not have been able to confront him hm I heard an explosion from this side but where was it I think I found it is this Mikey’s house or what’s left of

It I should ask him what happened hey Mikey what is this oh hello JJ a bad thing happened my house was blown up by creeper my family and I have nowhere else to live oh no it’s terrible Mikey I’m sorry about your house hey JJ

Can you build a new house for us H let me think about it I can build a new house for your family but you’ll give me 100 diamonds for it yeah I agree JJ 100 diamonds for a new house okay Mikey then show me the place where you want to build a

House yeah I like this place JJ build a house right here okay my ncky you’ve chosen a good place for a new home I hope you haven’t forgotten that it will cost you 100 diamonds yeah JJ I’ll give you diamonds right after you build the house good then we will start building

The house I have already prepared the materials for construction well let’s Go it remains to put beds for this family and it’s ready the house looks good I hope Mikey likes it it’s time to call him and show the result hey Mikey I finished building the house come and have a look wow JJ you finished very quickly awesome this house

Is so beautiful I really like it JJ the house looks very cool inside too thank you JJ now our family has a home glad you liked it Mikey now if you don’t mind I’d like to get my 100 Diamonds JJ the thing is I don’t have any diamonds at all Mikey it’s not fair we agreed that you would give me 100 diamonds to build a house for your family so if you don’t have diamonds then you can’t live in this house I’m sorry I didn’t tell you JJ all

My diamonds were blown up by creeper bad things happened Mikey so if you want to live in this house you should bring me 100 diamonds as we agreed okay family let’s look for diamonds well they went to get diamonds but I should have asked Mikey first if he had diamonds I hope

I’m not building this house for nothing okay time to rest what was that hey who was that no one someone left a note we kidnapped Mikey and his family a note from the bandits oh no Mikey is in trouble I need to save him as soon as

Possible I’ll take my sword and head to the Bandit base here it is the bandits Hideout there are probably a lot of them here there are already guards at the entrance but I need to rescue Mikey and his family so I can’t be afraid let’s go come on you weaklings I’m already

Entering your hideout there are even more of them here but I can handle all of you wait a little longer Mikey I’ll rescue you Bandits come on attack I still can’t see Mikey and his family they’re probably on the floor above I should hurry up and here they are oh no

They’re in a cage JJ is that you have you come to rescue us yeah but I need a pickaxe to break the cage how lucky it’s lying right here wait Mikey I’ll set you free a little more and you’re free Mikey I’m glad you’re okay wow JJ you rescue

Us thank you wait a bit I see a chest here amazing there are a lot of diamonds here take this wow that’s really a lot of diamonds Mikey hey I told you I’d give you your diamonds my family and I managed even though we were trapped by

Bandits let’s get out of this place already yeah let’s go I don’t like it here either there are no Bandits on the way back hey JJ since I gave you 100 diamonds and even more can my family and I move into this house that you built

Yes Mikey this house is yours now you gave me the diamonds at as we agreed wow thank you JJ you saved us from Bandits and built a house for our family I do not know what I would have done without you glad to help you Mikey I can’t wait

To move into our new house it’s so cool JJ I think I heard something from this place I can’t even imagine what can make such a sound wait a minute what is this a tank a real tank I need to take a closer look wow it’s such a big tank it’s so cool

I wonder if it’s possible to climb into it wait a moment that’s it h what do we have here it seems to be an engine and here’s the seat I’ll try to start this tank wow see how it looks from the inside amazing it seems to me

That the engine has started which means that this tank can go wow I’m driving a real tank I can’t believe it I need to show this to Mikey urgently I’ll try to get to my house the tank is a bit slow so the road will take some

Time I was lucky that there was enough fuel to get to the Village it’s time to go out and call Mikey I hope he’s at home Mikey are you there Mikey I know you’re there come out already what is that noise JJ what is this a tank where

Did you get the tank from it’s so cool come out and take a closer look this is a real tank wow it’s so big and look at this gun JJ where did you get this can I ride it I also want such a tank wait Mikey I only

Saw one tank so I don’t have a second one wait a minute who’s that hi guys I heard you want a tank so I have one but I need help with it if you follow me and help me I will give you a tank H an interesting suggestion Mikey what do you

Think about this JJ are you still thinking about it we have to help him I really need a tank so let’s go after him and do whatever he says and quickly I can’t wait to get my own tank okay Mikey because you want a tank so much then

We’ll help this guy here we are look at this tank JJ this tank is so awesome I really want to ride it but there is a problem this tank has not been completed yet a couple of parts are missing two turrets and most importantly the engine without these parts this tank will not

Go anywhere it seems to me that someone stole these parts and took them to this dungeon will you guys help me assemble this tank when you finish building the tank you can take it for yourself okay mechanic guy we’re in business Mikey let’s assemble the parts for the tank

Yeah let’s go down and find the details Mikey just be careful who knows what dangers might be down there it seems safe here and I can already see one chest did we find the first part so easily it’s not so safe here look spiders I hope we don’t have to fight

Them I see another chest in this tunnel Mikey go check on him and I’ll go downstairs while Mikey checks that chest I’ll check what’s Here H iron sword it seems we still have to fight with spiders I see another chest this one above the water what’s in it it’s the engine the most important part has been found there are two turrets left I’m sure one of them is with the spiders and Mikey is already

Gone after the other so it’s time for me to deal with the spiders it seems these spiders aren’t that dangerous but I still have to be careful the last spider remained and that’s it the chest what’s in it yeah the turret finally now it remains to check how Mikey is doing

There hey JJ you’re back too finding this part was a piece of cake my search wasn’t that easy but you still found the rest of it Mikey well done let’s go back up and assemble this tank finally JJ I can’t wait to ride this tank please put

The details in the right places yeah Mikey everything will be ready now wait a bit hm this turret is coming this way and this turret is right here and this seems to be the place for the engine this lid can be closed it remains only

To fill this tank with fuel and it is ready to go I refueled the the tank Mikey great JJ could you check if this tank is ready yet okay Mikey just wait till I get in the seat it seems the engine is starting and the tank is ready

To move yeah look the tank can go yes it seems to me that we have assembled this tank correctly wow thank you JJ this tank is yours now Mikey let’s go home and compare whose tank is cooler we’ve come home Mikey you can get out of the

Tank already JJ I can’t even believe I have my own tank but look how cool it is my tank is definitely bigger than yours yeah Mikey you got a very big tank you can even live inside but JJ let’s take a look at your tank now you have such a

Huge cannon isn’t it awesome I like it too Mikey I think we both have super cool tanks now just like you wanted yeah JJ and all thanks to your help thank you

How JJ and Mikey Found SCARY GIANT FOOTPRINT? – Maizen Parody Video in Minecraft

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