Mechanical Bosses Are The Worst (Terraria)

Did that like it didn’t want to go to dinner later with my uh dad and grandparents so pretty excited about that I don’t know why that wasn’t working it’s so weird all right we’re going to take John’s advice and see if we have a metal detector because we we

Have got to find titanium and and [ __ ] Platinum do you have the work today Kate all right I’m pretty sure I have a metal detector Maybe Text enemies now I’ve been on spring break this week seems early doesn’t it I always thought spring break was in April but that’s good that you’ve had the week off unless you’ve had to go in and do like professional development man I thought we had a metal

Detector nope I’ve been lazy hey have good that’s good to hear well I guess I don’t have a metal detector which is unfortunate I really want to get a I have a fourth monitor but I don’t have enough HDMI ports I could get an HDMI splitter I

Suppose put it like right here would be good so I can be like oh there was like I’ve always wanted like a screen CU I got chat here the game than like OBS on the other side I don’t know I always want more monitors um all right so so

No all right we got a couple splunker potions maybe that will be the key maybe could go like right here I have any bombs feel like I do wait do I have metal detectors in here no damn I thought I had One well that’s depressing which means I guess we’re just gonna have to struggle to find this material like I I have found like virtually none which is what which is the part that sucks like I don’t think I have found any of this and we needed to even like

Remotely stand a chance against the mechanical bosses which haven’t been able to beat any of them either if I come across any shrines I’m going to break them so that I can um I don’t know add more into this world I really don’t know like is this supery that I haven’t

Seen I’ll take the gold and gold coins out of it be rich I got I got my long week unfortunately we work uh St Patrick’s Day weekend so I have no doubt Saturday and Sunday I have no doubt my ship’s going to be this week so not really looking

Forward to that but it is what it is all right I’m going to pop one I think oh NYX what’s up man how are you doing welcome in that’s copper oh goody the blood moon is rising guess what I’m I’m not going to go up there they can all die and I’ll repair

Whatever gets broken I do not know how I avoid that I uh I 100% in bro 100% in bro Nick worst time of my life 100 hours 100 F an hours do it dude there were some runs where I’m like this is [ __ ] I’m like there’s no way anybody

Can beat this [ __ ] but I did it I did it we still have not I sure wish I could explain why you’re an egg in a game called brotato right you don’t even look like a potato there’s a potato launcher but that’s like the extent of the potato

Wig I’m sure they’re doing fine up there if I just stay down here they’ll be fine have I found any materials that I need yet absolutely will I probably what uh what you been gaming on Nick okay that has my attention and I don’t know why

That was copper that no longer has my attention there that seriously like one block is going to prevent me from dropping all right what is this is this it probably Stone it’s iron which isn’t terrible to mine but Final Fantasy 7 rebirth how was that been

Also are you one that keeps up on um gaming news at all Nicks oh what is that have you have you heard the latest controversy around Resident Evil or five being remade IGN did like the weirdest piece ever I guess get me down here get wrecked I wish the BR new games uh

Unicorn Overlord Dragon do next week yes too many [ __ ] RPGs I uh actually just created my pond in my character last night Nick for Dragon Dogma super excited for that one yeah that’s the reason I’ve held off on getting uh persona persona 3 I really want to play

That but it’s like there’s that Dragon Dog coming out uh we have the elen ring DLC soon like it’s just it’s just too much for my little brain to handle I mean the good thing is Persona 3 some of them made a mod for two I think it fixed the camera Lake old

School game well the latest controversy Is Res Evil 5 can’t be remade because it’s racist IGN did a piece on it uh what yesterday I think they release a piece by someone that sounds British yeah the elen ring DLC that’s going to that’s that’s going to be another easily another 100 hours you

Know easily another 100 hours but they’re saying they basically have to completely redo um Resident Evil 5 and have a new narrative they’ve justest having uh a black protagonist which I I just I know I guess when I when I played it back in 2009 I was a

Senior in high school so I was like 18 I just saw it as a video game I didn’t even see it as racist so I was like when I saw this I cuz like I was like super pumps wait is that it is that the stuff I’ve been looking for this whole

Time nope it’s p [ __ ] is that the African one yeah it takes place in West Africa Y and five is the one I’ve been weighing the most for a remake actually see the blood Moon’s Rising see if I don’t go up there it’s not a problem I love Resident Evil 5 it

Honestly that’s what got me in the Resident Evil games was five five is the first one I beat and played I absolutely enjoyed it I I thought it was a great start but I will admit five and six um fall short of what the formula should be for Resident Evil

Game I’ll admit that without a doubt that was like the time everything’s Co-op and everything oh wow what is all this TI bro why are you I wonder if that was Far Cry 4 or three that might have been Far Cry 4 three or even two cuz two took place in Africa um to what I remember is that a is that a yo-yo Jesus Magic Lantern oh that’s actually pretty good

Slap pant that looks pretty cool might have to go for air here soon all right I got to go for Air flying toilet three you’re an um boss is the villain and you’re like in the Caribbeans I Think bone arrow bone torch I think that will Be I think that would be the best for me to find the treasures right like if I need to find this stuff think me hang on to that yeah I think that’s the one where the helicopters are made from toilet and you oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah

Yeah okay yeah that one three that also had like the weirdest ending to a Far Cry game in my opinion too you have sex and then you just get stabbed in the chest what what a way to go it just really it shows you ride her

Riding you and then she just stabbed you in the chest and she’s like yes I killed you and now I’ll have great baby because of you it’s like wow that was weird that was a weird ass ending I think that’s the one where you just wait the oh no that’ be four that’s

Four Pagan men that is that is number four with Pagan men if you just wait in beginning it for a long time and then it’ll eventually just kind of like be like a game over yeah which Pagan men honestly I thought was a pretty great villain four four is kind of where I

Stopped cuz I I play I played all five and beat it but I honestly hated it I hated five I hated the premise of it especially when it had the for uh especially when it shoehorned you back into the main story you did too much

Yeah three and four was about where I P with it cuz five would shoehorn you into the story if you did too much side questing the cult thing sucked the cult thing sucked but it was the it was the hey you did too much side questing we

Need to force you back into this so they’re going to come hunt you down yeah they did two five six I I didn’t even I didn’t even attempt for six as I’m like six is going to suck and at this point assass or yeah so at this

Point Far Cry is Assassin’s Creed 2.0 essentially my this what we been looking for probably not no it’s Cal no it’s oriculum I’ll take oriculum I just want to find what we’re looking for God is that it I doubt it it looks like gold yeah that’s a lot of gold we’ll still

Take that the best bug though oh hang on I’m in the water so six said the best bug though I hop on a horse and go fly up in the air and and just hangs there so I get up my character doesn’t fall but I’m just levitating screaming my hassle that

Sounds like a just CA four bug honestly that literally sounds like something that would happen and just cause 4 which they’re probably done making those ones too would be my guess I feel like they really PE po okay that’s good we need this this is good that’s some

Medusa you know what I have I have just the stuff for you y’ can’t kill me if I if I hit you first it’s fantastic I got a good clip nice we played uh ballarto that Rog likee poker game last night so so [ __ ] good I I’m fully addicted to it

Gambling’s never well it’s not gambling you gamble but like I I was so stowed playing that game it’s very good it is very good and something OD I highly recommend at least I’m not ever going to be out of gold I just don’t get where to find oh I’m

Exploded never played a deck builder before if that’s the case kudos to him he did a great job cuz honestly I I have not had that much fun playing a deck Felder since it’s description so I said why but also speaking of inscription um I just hey Ray missing hanging out I’m

Gonna try and catch one of your streams soon bet Ray I’m sorry man I wasn’t even looking down at the YouTube chat I don’t know if you’re still looking there man I appreciate it dude um I just bought the three-piece vinyl for inscription super stoked about that they announced it

Today and I was like yep that’s that’s an easy buy $60 free disc like I have the digital soundtrack but I just love my vinyl player cuz I’ll play it I’ll listen to my vinyl records when I’m building the Legos I’m still working on Bowser and they have like this Jack

Skeleton Halloween CH coming out that I kind of want to get I’ve watched people play the game for hours and I have no clue what’s going on dud I’m telling you it it’s it’s a blast honestly 10 out of 10 games like seriously good [ __ ] SC look at all those Cal

Bolts how how wonderful I like how that doesn’t even affect it I really don’t want to go back and get more spunking potions I should just brought them all honestly on me all right well that happens we’ll take the silt blocks javins are pretty good I have I

Already have like a thousand of those cob balt oriculum got some bombs those will be helpful mud block don’t care iron more we care about that tungsten bullet yeah we kind of care about that torches yay no problem Nix take it easy dude enjoy the meeting hopefully uh hopefully it’s nothing too

Stressful I just I just want to find the materials I mean look I’m using the wrong drill honestly I should be using the fancy one a hell of a lot faster I just don’t get how I have not been able to find like any of it all right so if

I oh it’s like a summon oh okay it’s a summon interesting thing that’s a pretty cool Summit I’m not going to Lie that is a pretty cool where are we at exactly so we’re kind of going into like Uncharted Territory so hopefully we’ll find find I see a lot of oriculum over here which is good question is is it still going to appear with my little summon it does not that is UN

Fortunate oh wait it kind of does kind of makes it Sparkle so I guess that’s good I don’t know I’m going to count that as good cuz it makes a sparkle that’s tungsten we’ll take you that’s some Grim Knight right there it will take it I mean

Resource okay so you can see it you don’t know what it’s going to be so it’s like a life spung potion essentially still haven’t found any in I it’s up there is that a oh it’s a bat tungsten looks like gold that’s gold I mean at least I’m getting like a

Ton of resources but still like for as much as I’ve been looking I really wish I could find titanium copper and we’re kind of just like randomly searching at this point we don’t have really have a Rhyme or Reason where to go we have a lot of the map that’s not explored

Yet we got up here water that’s Emerald okay there’s a campsite here why is there a tent here I’ve ever run into a tent in the underground is there like something no there’s nothing on it Okay get out of here I wonder if I return back to the surface at some point the blood moon will still eyes which would be really unfortunate stone block iron oriculum again we’re not going to say no to the oriculum at least Cobalt I have like way too much

Of see like right there Cobalt do not Care we got here copper don’t care more Co balt don’t care why why why can I not just get what I’m looking for huh why why do I why do I not get what I want Copper working in luring Hall me thank you Jonathan still I did not have

A Melody detector so still out searching for for [ __ ] titanium and Myal I honestly did not think it would be this hard I really didn’t I really didn’t Cavern layer I don’t even know how I know I’m in the cavern layer I like I like to think I’m in the cavern layer but I honestly don’t know ah I think I’m deep enough right

Right like I’m deep enough I like to pick up I will take that still all day yeah you are okay good thank you John I appreciate that oh spunker potion that’s good oh and then I got I got this little guy here this magic lantern summon so he’s been pretty

Cool all right let’s look at some more original so like even if I run out of sper potions I can still tell where something is cuz it will Sparkle oh my God I think that’s it I literally think that’s it I have not seen that material holy [ __ ] did I actually just find

It I think I did I literally I think that’s titanium oh my God I finally found titanium oh my gosh Jonathan Bonsai the lucky the lucky I finally found some after all this time oh my God I did not think I was ever going to find any oh my gosh titanium holy [ __ ]

We did it Jonathan we found titanium all right only only problem is we got to fight more we don’t that’s not dear 25 is not even enough to make probably like four bars let’s be real every the notification is this a come party as long as I don’t get banned

Sure as long as I’m not out here getting banned over Cody yeah also dude I love that your your whole thing for 2024 is ROM hacks dude I think that’s so [ __ ] cool that you’re doing that but I tell you what if if you find

A dk64 one man I cannot wait to watch all of a sudden now I found it look at that sweet they are free dude that’s so cool just make sure Nintendo doesn’t get their hands on you is that mithil it must be they may be the

Biggest driver that may be the big I mean hey nothing wrong with that oh it’s Granite I got super Excited I was like I was like Yay was not what I wanted take a couple hits of those okay I don’t need to Grant it but we’re making progress though I cannot believe we finally have found some I mean there’s a lovely elevator oh my gosh all right well oh

There’s some more oh we are in the money now all they don’t die there’s that sweet sweet titanium how’s your uh how’s your Friday so far Cody oh beautiful there’s more titanium There actually you know what the granite blocks you kind of be nice the core so I probably take those getting hurt over there I can need spider P I did nice busy morning at work I’m done early to get my kids for spring break yo let’s go

Man I hope you guys have a great time hope you guys have a good time I always used to go to Arizona on my spring break cuz that’s where my grandparents were now as an adult I don’t get spring break wait what is that oh it’s 93 silver

Nice all right what do we got put the tungen in there I know I pulled out more titanium make us a progress those fter Fang are actually pretty clutch uh I don’t really care about the door oh that’s not what I want they get a week off I only took Monday off listen

All that manag though you get you get you get you get four four three four days of them that’s what matters my dude that’s what matters it could be silver I can’t trust my old eyes but that’s titanium oh baby remember one time like my parents took me back from they took

Me to the great with Lage for one spring break that was a lot of fun I enjoyed that no my spunker potion ran out you that another one C the main thing though is the main thing is we actually have some [ __ ] titanium that’s the main

Thing do that guy by the game feels louder than you [ __ ] does it really cuz in my ears it’s not that loud but we could definitely turn it down let me know how that is Cody really we’re doing a Blood Moon again I’m not going to the

Surface I will hide down here I will be a rebel I will be a rebel I am not going back to the surface also I would rather you be that guy so I know that the game is not drowning out my boring voice money money come on dude come on dude come

Back for round two wait a minute I think I know why I think I know why nope that’s muted nope I got nothing then I got nothing aha take that giant warmth oh that’s a nice Granite yeah take all that Granite with us are these trapped no they’re not

Is this one tracks oh I have cthulu I would say it’s better I didn’t I didn’t think it was that loud interesting all right I’ve turned it down to 48% you’ll have to let me know how that works wait what is this immunity to confusion that’s cool I

Suppose all right let’s load up the piggy bank uh what can go titanium absolutely can go recall potion do not care iron ore tungsten I want that eye of cthulu take that splunker take the healing all right we’re back in we’re back in business

What else was in here that I wanted oh I wanted that two gold don’t really don’t really need the recall you know I hear a worm wait is that more tungsten right there or tungsten I think that’s titanium I could be wrong it’s the mining over it’s the M

That was overing we’ll see when you start drilling it let me know yeah just let me know Cody we’ll uh we’ll adjust as needed I just can’t believe much better excellent success this is why we have friends friends don’t let friends have bad audio got to get ready for class

Tomorrow so hype why is tomorrow going to be more hype than what last week was bro how do you top that how do you top that Rob oh we can top it oh okay I I take your word for it also Rob uh I know oh never mind you commented on yesterday never

Mind what is this am I almost to Hell either going to be tomorrow or the week after well there’s only there’s only what two two three episodes left we we don’t have many episodes left Rob I I do trust you but I also know I also know we do not have that many

Episodes left bud I know for a fact we don’t if they get to the ending I hope they do I I guess we’ll see the question is how fast before we get a second season that’s going to be the real question with how popular it is that that’s going to be the real

Question scooters oh there’s actually no spoo here I was really hoping they’d have the things oh I have never killed that slime that slime’s not that slime’s going to die I mean this in the nicest way oh I guess I did kill it also Rob did you see that they’re

Doing the 100e quest all right hey take it easy Rob have a great day dude enjoy class I did dude so pumped right so pumped we cuz we were just I know we were just talking about it the other day too which I found hilarious all right we’re getting lucky with the titanium

Here oh goddamn right we will oh there’s a ton of titanium right there come hi there Speeders new PC Building Monday yeah dude let me know how it goes got to get everything ready Mood oh my God have all the resources just literally been all the way down here is that why I haven’t found Jack and [ __ ] I feel like this is why I haven’t found jack [ __ ] is that Cobalt or is that mythal that’s a weird looking color okay that’s Cobalt I don’t give two

Shits about Cobalt there was some yeah right up there man we are hitting the money Now I feel like we’re at actually ah [ __ ] I holy sord thought oh I want those all right there’s a lot of oriculum here but we also have a lot of oriculum I see more titanium down there let’s uh oh there we go let’s get up here let’s drill up this

Way I kind of want whatever I’m looking at Here hey what the [ __ ] was that all right what don’t I need all right I want that I want that yo hammer what’s good dude how are you doing this lovely Friday hopefully not working too hard or at all we’re finally we’re finally making somewhat progress oh that’s a spider how did you

Get out of your cage an hour 30 to go ah you got this man you got this yo Dan welcome in how are you doing bro you’re a terrible wizard is that Cobalt or oriculum that’s Cobalt we have enough C oh bro why are you on

Fire I think it’s almost time to hit back but the think we got to consider is that there’s going to be a Blood Moon enjoying the hunt event I’ve only played twice since it started and yeah it is what it is but definitely Hunt’s

Not not what it used to be for me I’ll tell you that oh hello is this marble all I know is a lot of people ran shotguns yesterday oh Jesus that was that was unexpected I did not mean to do that I did not genuinely oh that’s a

Volcano that’s what that does I’m sleepy dude I’m always sleepy on a FR why can’t I move ah I was turned to stone that’s why that’s fine we needed to go back anyways we needed to go back anyways all right no blood moon right we avoid the blood

Moon all right let’s deposit what we got that’s beautiful that it just all goes that way I am hanging did I get a banner for the worm I didn’t trying to think of where I can hang hang this gym I think we got room right here right below

Waldo that’s wonderful oh that’s great is that kite that’s going to be that’s going to be an accessory oh we did get a worm Banner let’s go hang that got to run the shotgun counter aka the katana listen my my reflexes just aren’t what they used to be you know I’m I’m

Washed up I’m dried up I’m not I’m not the hunter I used to be all right getting some Platinum off that yo Eternal what’s up good off Jesus look at us racking the money finally found titanium Eternal we finally found titanium this is why I always get the

Silt they’re just chalk full of good stuff oh beautiful we just we just made Bank all right I need that that out that out that that that that that that can stay that can come out what is this flying carpet that can come out that can come

Out that can come out oh we’re going to make a lot of gold we’re going to make a lot of gold yes we are I thought I had a platinum coin but I guess not all right let let’s let’s let’s make some bars let’s start with

Bronze oh we can only make two bronze bars that’s it okay how about iron all right 46 that’s not bad I’ve been considering releasing being a reseller at yard sales but hey I mean that’s a good side Hustle that’s a good side hustle I don’t want to make an empty

Bucket I want to make the rest of my bars how many gold bars are we going to get off this 161 Jesus make some platinum bars not too many Crim KN how many Cobalts can we make a sickening amount oriculum good amount out oo why can’t I

Make what do I need to make titanium bars hello Um okay silver or can go in here melee got a silly hand that’s going to be ranged it’s an accessory why can I not make put that in there that’s actually a pretty good accessory why can’t I make titanium bars come here you tell me

Why Adam Manny and Forge how do I get that give me Place use to smelt adim Titanium Ore wait how do I wait so need canuse to smelt animate and titanium so how do I get an anim manate Forge oh I can I can make this right now I can

Always go find another hell Forge actually I can always go find another one but I really don’t need to smelt them or maybe I do I don’t know an a manate forge how do I get an anim manate Forge okay this says titanium Forge use to smelt Animania and Titanium Ore

Incorporate the same f as a regular furnace and hell for the additional bonus of Animan so how do I how do I get it anim manate ore and Hell Forge do I even have any do I I have Animan I don’t think I do so how do I make that

Work do I even have hellstone [ __ ] is anim it where do I where do I get adamania for starters it’s very rare obtain from look like bosses looks like they’re from crates how okay anim an En for required craft of 30 well how the [ __ ] how am I supposed to get Animan it

Then I I can’t bro just when I find titanium now I got to go find anim manate an anim manate is or that can spawn every third destroyed alter in har mode it’s the RAR and most viable of the three alter spawns okay so where like how deep

Can BS can be extremely difficult to spot in Crimson biomes okay so they’re in Crimson biomes very deep oh oh so deep oh hi Kyrie okay anim or veins can be exceptionally difficult to spot in Crimson biomes unless Crimson is oh Jacob welcome in also hello KY speed

Which uh Hayden pener is coming to the ComicCon I’m going to I’m going to have her sign my Kyrie pop pretty excited okay on the large map anime it starts swating around 2,930 Ft at which lava settles in the Underworld so I’m so jealous I am too I

I am stoked like I’ve had that Ki pop forever what is up uh I’m trying to figure out where to find animia Jacob but it looks like I have to go quite a ways down above at which the lava settles in the Underworld so we need to go 2,930 ft

Down to find Anam manate so God I found all that titanium and then I can’t even like use it for anything yeah there’s actually a lot of um Lex Luger’s gonna be there Ron Simmons is going to be there I was really hoping like Jeff Hardy or

Somebody was going to be there cuz he’s coming the past but I I might when are we starting a server together when I don’t see suck Kyrie when I don’t suck I’ll you’re not trying to say adamantium I probably am listen I I don’t I’m trying to make the Adam at

For depth meter all right we’ll just take that with us wa wait I should just take the elevator honestly Kyrie once I beat it for the first time I am totally down to start one 2,930 that’s how deep we’re Going this is why I have my elevator also I really who are you talking to I’m also live on Twitch Jacob I dual stream when when I made YouTube Partner I started streaming on YouTube um but my main platform is Twitch also Kyrie I need to get to a horror

Convention oh be lurking on YouTube totally can if you want oh it’s literally all the way in hell oh wait what was that was that titanium twitch Master race listen oh that’s Cobalt I don’t know the the between the two platforms Tik Tock getting banned there’s not much going on

Here all right so like right about here is where it starts yo Tonka 998 okay lurking on YouTube Kyrie this is why you’re the best Bon Kai Alfred thank you for the follow over here on Twitch that is titanium right there all right here’s what we’re going to

Do we’re going to break our construction a little bit okay you also stream on Twitch yeah I started on Twitch couple years ago and um like I said only recently made YouTube partner and once they allowed live streaming on Bold I was like screw it I’m going to stream on both then it

Makes it easier to put content out all right now the goal is to not get burnt here so we’ll see how this goes yeah stream on Twitch I’m just kidding all are welcome yeah we’re a pretty chill Community you like anime you’re in the right spot that’s

All I talk about that’s all I watch all right so basically can spawn anywhere here do you notice something ah your name says Japan katana I do I do you were in the right spot then YouTube uh doesn’t let me comment sometimes so wait Kyra are you banned

Over there I don’t need any more [ __ ] coal bolt all right I should have brought my little lantern that I just switch platforms oh yeah I noticed ory chat listen Kyrie that’s you just hang out with me on the twitch side that’s why you just hang out on the

Twitch side all right so we need to find this [ __ ] oh it loaded Oh yay that’s a dub K I’m banned on YouTube on so many accounts gosh do I need to ask why do I need to ask why to get B I feel like to get banned

On YouTube is a lot harder than banned on Twitch so now you pe my curiosity a little bit I mean I guess if you you posted like hateful comments or stuff like that it’s a quick way to to do it all right so allegedly it’s somewhere in this

Stuff I should have brought I don’t know having alts I mean I guess I’ve heard of where they will ban you if you have too many alt accounts I have heard of stuff like that incredible I still find I still find Cobalt no matter where I go

I forgot the audio Sim that is the drill I know right Cody had to tell me to turn down my volume I see you over there Kyrie I’ll see you did you have a good birthday by the way no that’s not what we need ah slug monster oh that going to count as

Hurting me okay all right we’re too high now need get over here having Altis against to I mean it’s YouTube so they’ll ban you for anything I had a chill bday just went to my dad’s for dinner got laid went home I mean that seems like a pretty solid you know birthday

Honestly I mean no need to go out to the bars oh that’s that’s trapped that is that is rigged out the ass why is this Kyrie heartless it’s from Kingdom Hearts she’s not really hard new terrar player someone gave it to my birthday two days ago yo let’s go welcome in

Welcome in to my stream as I navigate how to be a noob in Terraria I literally just had to use the wiki to look something up so don’t lie to Jacob Kyrie I know you’re not heartless shut the [ __ ] up oh that’s a splunker potion wonderful

Kyrie I know for a fact you’re not heartless the sh the Menace I am the shadow of death hell yeah ton I hope you like it yeah it’s a good game I’ve been determined to finally beat it plus it’s something to play when I don’t feel like playing the the main

Games we’ve been on also I like the statue I take statue I did not forget about the other chest we were going back to it ADHD is just strong the shadow of death I mean listen if Kyrie came from my life I really wouldn’t fight it I just be like

I I just be like yep that’s cool I knew this day was coming I knew she’d take my life it’s okay totally okay wait where was that chest where where the [ __ ] did that chest go I I Crush I listen no complaints here honestly no complaints I can’t think of

A better way to go honestly jit thanks to him glory glory Adam manum Forge what the [ __ ] get the [ __ ] out of here all right who’s trolling you ain’t him dude I’m talking to this literal f but it’s fine listen Kyrie I’m not here to judge I’m just

Here to save you I’m just here to save you if you need it also it depends on what level of felon Kyrie like there’s some we let slide right the biggest red flag is he’s oh he’s an Aries nah dump them I mean listen you could commit a

Financial crime and be a felon so like what what what kind of felon are we talking about Kyrie do I need to do a background here someone talking me about Sky Train what height should I put it at I don’t know what Sky Train is the

[ __ ] I are you able to sneak it background I don’t know ncic is a little funky God damn it I did not see that geyser [ __ ] that’s a bummer that’s a bummer I should just get this Blood Moon out of the way I’m I’m going to get this

Blood Moon out of the way otherwise it’s going to keep happening if I don’t if I don’t if I don’t do this it’s just going to keep happening I know cocaine possession for sure let me look at what uh I mean listen cocaine’s not

That big of a deal now if it’s lace with fat andol then then we kind of run some issues Kyrie can’t can’t be can’t be run to the cocaine lace fatan all that’s how you die you know I can’t I can’t have that happen only cocaine yeah only cocaine [ __ ] blood

Moon I’m try and honestly if my NPCs die I don’t care they’ll respawn actually I think one of them did die I like how they’re all just chilling here damn he a lightweight so yes it was a kilo respectable respectable that means he probably flipped on somebody

Yo gorg what’s up if he real men have heroin ah no they don’t tell you right now no they don’t why is the corruption spreading so far hello I need to stop the corruption I died ailo is good akilo is good why is the corruption like all the

Way into my Village this [ __ ] needs to stop how do I stop the corruption like legitimately I thought it was like a gram or two that’s what I’m saying having like a kilo is respectable howdy howdy lost souls welcome in LPC we got ja baited on we got ja baited

On can’t have a gun wait but that’s any felon any felon can’t have a gun an ox of coke too much money yeah we’re going to die what I have to purify I have to purify my Village otherwise the crimson’s going to take over and that’s just going to be a

Pain in my ass man was slanging yeah no kidding like I said respectful numbers I think the most my co-workers have ever pulled recently was like 75 gr of meth so that was pretty cool Oh you mean in the game yeah in the game I can’t do anything about the real

Corruption no no nobody had a recap episode it’s just what we expected Guido did not fight like I thought they would fight Guido just is like yeah I’m op but I’m still not show you all my power and I was like [ __ ] Iceman did most of the

Fighting once you beat a Mech BOS you can get a steam Punker to remove and buy okay The Green Solution okay so I need to buy I need to defeat a goddamn mechanical boss all right that’s my problem I can’t beat a mechanical boss I will say this though LPC they basically

Straight up said that Guido didn’t use all of its power so I I really want to see that now is my mushrooms infected no it was still a really good episode cuz Guido’s like [ __ ] how do you even obtain a kilo typically cartels cartels you got a

Connection steal it no that’s how you wind up dead you steal a kilo of cocaine I promise you you will be dead within a month I I I promise you’ll be dead I could protect it from well the W so in the first episode it says a witch a powerful witch Cur

Guido’s body to be sealed and only the original wish witch can do it buying it is out the question oh yeah buying it’s far too much so if I dig down and around that should take care of it so I I God I really hope witch in the

Beast I really hope that gets renewed for a second season I really do cuz it’s so good listen that’s okay if I keep dying I don’t care new funky town fun get my ass handed to me all right I I will just I’m going to mine just

Completely underneath of it m man what’s up this is why I hate the blood moon I I kept avoiding it because I’m like if I come up here I’m going to die I do too because like Guido apparently based on what they said today Guido has the power to destroy the

World much like the demon sword but no the aring is definitely worse yeah no [ __ ] that KY we we can’t have that [ __ ] yeah Kyrie we cannot have that [ __ ] I want to see what happened EX exactly same because how does the witch seal Guido Guido I don’t know how to

Properly say it I think it’s Guido or gido like how do you seal something with that much power even if you are a witch either way super good episode today wrong way to use healing magic with fire well you still have stuff to purify the current stuff but yeah you can make

A four block tunnel protect the area once it’s done Stars signs I know right listen Kyrie’s very in tune with the Stars that’s why she’s L I like just everybody’s dying everybody’s going to be dead look go bro why why y’all just chilling here what armor you got

On uh oriculum mask legs I saw healing magic D the wrong way to use healing magic is actually fire was actually fire yeah so not very good lost soul not very good Kyrie’s a menace listen listen only I can talk to Kyrie like that even then I don’t I I

Do are you able to oh yeah definitely now I’m able to yeah yeah I just I just got enough to finish it I think yeah as soon as everyone’s done dying and I can rebuild here yeah yeah well we definitely got enough definitely got of I Lucha man oh

God not Lucha man again please Kyrie anybody but Lucha man oh the set bones help with clearing nice am I oh I got cursed or something dude the rainclouds are just pissing on me can’t even heal is the time up yet it should be he goes to me for the fourth timeus I’m

Officially done knock knock knock knock Jacob all right [ __ ] you cloud yeah oh well he told me to [ __ ] off all right we are going to effectively fix what’s going on here well it’s 5 a.m. so they need to be [ __ ] done now I’m TI bro get [ __ ] lost all

Right everybody’s done Dying God damn it I need to I need to fix I need to fix this no don’t get me yeah all all right I need to I need to effectively tunnel underground and fix this [ __ ] you stay away from me too listen wait me or Kyrie cuz Kyrie is the

One you need to fear all right we need to fix this [ __ ] ASAP otherwise we’re going to be severely you said don’t get lost listen I’m I’m a natural boring lost person we said get lost no no not you the the the [ __ ] that were causing me problems can get

Lost all right we’re going to do the tunnel thing because oh we can hang that one oh yeah the rain clouds needed to go I’m sorry they they truly did oh that’s a nice one too let’s hang that bad boy up they they truly needed to get lost

Okay listen don’t worry tats keeps me on a tight leash God damn right I do hey Greg what’s up man thank you sir all right let’s [ __ ] hang on hang on I’m going to the voices are acting up again do you hear voices in your head too oh

God not all of us all right so how deep and how wide do I got to go here to stop this God damn corruption I assume if I stop it right here right like how do I that’s cute I try it’ll probably be spread pretty far now God damn

It I hate this whole corruption mechanic all right if I take out this [ __ ] I was talking to lost oh all right I just got to get I just got to get rid of you know what I should do I’m serious though for is guarantee I if the corruption I afraid of nobody

Oh oh child child if there’s one person you don’t [ __ ] with it’s Kyrie it is lovely Kyrie corruption please stop spreading I know very little of the modded Terraria scene I barely know how to Terraria as it is listen I’m just going to mine all of

This out you know what I no they’re all dead I can’t even buy it this is why I made my base Underground [ __ ] this corruption [ __ ] all right that should stop the spread of it this way at least wait okay it’s still over there those used to have the mod called

Malice I’ve heard of malice they summon T to their aid yo you know how cool that could be if she could actually do that I summon the demonologist who the [ __ ] is the demonologist you beat it on Hardcore I just moan and cross my eyes God what he

Knows I plead the fifth who was the [ __ ] demonologist you know what it was probably demolitionist you’re right yep bro get this corruption out of here how do I get rid of it [ __ ] you guys I’m just going to have to like wall it off I’m that’s what I’m going to do

I’m going to have to wall off and build new homes on top of each other that that’s just the plan I I see no other way and this whole place is a graveyard cuz of all our deaths yeah we’ll fix that all right I

I’m just going to have to wall it off I think we’re going to wall it off so the rest that’s Crimson yeah we need to get rid of it I I need to get rid of it is what I need to do but I don’t think people will move in

Unless I get rid of it bro okay I was going to say what a pain in the ass I I’m literally just about ready to section all of this off I think that’s what we have to do you can buy purification power from the dri is not as effective as the slator

And a solution that SW work can corruption spread to a dungeon I don’t know that’s that’s an excellent question that I uh nbus stop [ __ ] on me all right I’m I’m calling all of this a loss I’m calling we’re building the great Terraria wall starting right

Here this will be the start of the Great Wall we will no longer tolerate the spread of corruption in my mode it’s not the actual place just the great hole listen I’m just going to build a wall and keep all these [ __ ] out and I’m going to stop the spread of

Corruption any further this is all lost for now I’ll have to build new homes I’m pretty sure I’ll have to build new homes all right hang on let me go get a building material let let me go get a building material God damn this [ __ ] corruption here I am just trying to fight

Mechanical bosses and Jesus all right what are we going to use what what what have I got for building materials I need a lot of something you know what I could just make it I’m going to make it dirt I got so many [ __ ] dirt block no no dirt will make it

Spread no that’s a terrible idea yeah dirt can be in I just realized that I have 99 Stone bris can Stone I don’t think Stone can make stone bricks goddamn right I can what I thought you just said Stone can’t be okay yeah we’re making bricks right now all right that should be

Enough oh God damn [ __ ] I’m I’m just G to have to like expand my housing it’s like we’re it’s literally we’re just quarantining all of this off from like here over how goes it it was terrible man corruption is taking over like to see them try to get me

Now do they have cream for that I don’t know maybe a pill you think that’s high enough I think that’s high enough just a solution or powder right oh God all right that that should stop the spread right there cuz like all of these ow I don’t know I’m hoping that’s

Enough took the left side left side hasn’t changed a bit it’s still all this this is how it has been this has not moved at all it has been all this from the start you stay over there corruption you [ __ ] all right we’re going to have to redo some housing here

Oh good God Almighty all right hang on I need just cuz I have these I’m going to add I know right see see giant trees giant trees help me out you know what I’m saying Booga oh I did have another statue yeah that’s okay what is this

Green cap I don’t need no green cap here I am just trying to like you know get my get all my get all my materials and all that [ __ ] and I just I just failed I just failed oh we have Sil blocks yo lot of souls Bon kaappi thank you for the

Follow appreciate that all right I think I have to build some houses do everybody back I mean yeah as far as I could tell all right all right I’m glad I did this a while ago I think everybody has a house I think wait okay good good good good all right so we

Don’t have to worry about housing for now so that means I can go back to my [ __ ] that means we can go back to my [ __ ] we need need to go back down below uh we’re going to take the splunker forge stuff let can go in there

Where’s my orriculum so we can finish this set you can probably section up a huge ones you could probably SE off the huge ones into four more that’s what I was kind of thinking I I built this big box up here in case I needed to do

That I was going to make this into one and then just like make stairs like to come down and connect here and all that good [ __ ] but I wanted to I wanted to focus more on the housing later on all right let’s let’s make this up I mean the current big ones oh

All right we have 66 13 yep we need that make the chest plate beautiful gives us pretty good defense yeah all right the set Bonus Goes Crazy it does it actually does uh I can now my little coal bolt one there nice all right so now we Ascend back to hell to

Find the stuff to make actually I’m going to see if I can’t find some hell forges to take back cuz we’re going to need a few of those maybe like two to three two to three hell forges will do it should be able to find them pretty

Quickly cuz I’m going to need them anyways yeah so we’re going to send into hell I spent so much time on my fancy elevator goddamn spiders I called an exterminator but clearly doesn’t want to do his job he kind of weird to ascend all right fine descend actually I don’t know if you

Were if you were diving head first that would be technically ascending right but you’ll learn here that I make a lot of mistakes as I am not again that’s the second time that’s happened I don’t know why that block keeps coming back the block just

Is like you know what [ __ ] tats that is the second time that has happened God damn it all right I’m just going to hug the wall this literally the second time that’s happened literally the second time do you have a lucky horseshoe yeah

Yeah I do I have like hor Sho in one of my boxes yeah it’s going to be a terrible night no it’s not cuz I’m not fighting I am not ready for mechanical boss I do not have the damage the armor nothing cuz that stops fall

Damage oh maybe I should equip that then all right where did I die all Right right right there all right as you can see I’ve also died a few times here what the [ __ ] also with wing yeah I’ve been trying to kill waver wyverns waver whatever you want to call them not not going the best what the [ __ ] are you you’re a tormented Soul tough

[ __ ] all right we need hell forges oh is that what that is oh okay all right that’s good to know I’m trying to remember where I left some hell forges I I think I need like two to three but they’re pretty common down here you’ll get the tax collector NPC I

Did not know that that is something to keep in mind that is cool thank you for the tip did not know that was a thing you you bats get off my ass thanks at least we’re making some progress now see that’s that’s the kind of [ __ ] I like tip wise all right

There’s one hell Forge all right let’s pick that up I’m always on TR streams giving tips yo appreciate people like you hey there’s two right there beautiful beautiful got what we came for what is this living fire block the [ __ ] is living fire block all right I got

Those uh we’re just going to put those in the Forge stuff cuz that’s where it’s going to be used uh quick stack whatever we got there I don’t know what living oh it’s only decorational oh it says material so we’ll put that in here then all right now we can go spelunking

For an manate anaman whatever whatever whatever the [ __ ] it wants to be called well it’s a block oh okay that makes sense so like we need to go right in here and I brought the splunkers this time so probably right about here right here also build a house in your

Serv restroom yeah that’s that’s the plan that was the plan I I that oh [ __ ] that was the original plan and then I just kind of forgot cuz I got sidetracked if I’m being completely honest is that about 10,000 yo [ __ ] yep right here that is not where that goes God damn

It lady please I’m busy yeah grapple before mapping not my not my smartest choice you know what I’m saying all right there we go all right let us take a splunker and go to work I have no idea what color the an man it should look like but if we get more titanium

That’s great A I don’t really have a reason I don’t know I just I just feel like I always need the pick for something so I always try to carry them both on hand honestly what the [ __ ] oh that’s oh that’s a big mimic yeah dude die in the fire yeah

Yeah take that bro yeah you don’t like the fire do you here you want some bows here yeah yeah yeah dude come on come fight me come fight me you can’t wait what man what do you mean he can jump through [ __ ] bro this isn’t a mimic this is a

Menace oh I’m coming back when he’s close he’s Invincible oh God damn it I feel like I should take I’m going boost my stats while down there then uh potions well good thing I don’t have bullets oh what a waste of a potion though what a waste of a potion let’s

Take take one of those no take a fried egg all right hey girl first what’s up Miller playing ocreative time the day dude I approve I approve Miller I’m gonna Whoop That chest ass but I feel like you’ll get more frustrated in that game than Demon Souls how was work today Mill does the weather better hopefully it’s better I’m Coming For That Mimi’s Ass right here all right let’s let’s try this again actually that’s titanium right there I’m going straight for that oh you’re not going back to Demon Souls oh snap that bad huh man that makes me glad that I never played it bro the chest is still there taking damage he just

Died the chest just clapped itself into Oblivion I want to point that out yeah we got titanium but I I need Animania for the forge otherwise I can’t make bars so it’s like what’s the point you know there there’s there’s literally no point and it you can use titanium how is it mean

You’re looking for always how how can I use titanium it said I needed a forge you make the titanium Forge pass so what you’re you telling me I just take a hell Forge 200 titanium and a hell Forge since the worlds have two metals so you’re telling me I can make you want

Me to make a titanium Forge they don’t lock you out of progression okay what what do I do with this then also I need to extend H I can put it down here I guess okay what what do I do with that oh I can make all right cool because it’s

Titanium or Adam manate oh so I didn’t have to go look for that [ __ ] interesting all right what’s God damn it pass how you been man all right hang on what what can I make now that’s your next upgrade oh let’s [ __ ] go oh baby oh God damn so what should I make

First what what should I make first what what do I do I go for the armor so I stand a chance against the mechanical bosses or I I feel like I need more titanium then h what’s the I I feel like we go I feel like we go for that right

Like that that seems like the most logical thing to do is that or should I just go get copper tin iron lead gold Platinum okay so I have Cobalt and oriculum oh oh okay that makes more sense that makes more sense so when you’re iion should I just go ahead and start getting

More titanium to crap the armor so I stand a chance or like is the titanium sword something like I I feel like I can make a few here yes to both all right we’ll do the titanium sword armor is good okay we can do that what else can I make the knights

Edge I I already have the knight’s Edge I thought it requires four Swords I thought I had the Night’s Edge are you tell me I don’t what’s up John oh you help Jonathan too oh I’m so sorry if you helped Jonathan I’m so sorry if you helped

Jonathan I I know what a I know what a pain he can be he’s a menace to society bro dad you have a good teacher in chat yeah a lot better than you oh anyways I thought I had all right so I need more titanium keep on until you have full titanium okay

Bet bet we could do that okay set bonus is everything okay bet bet bet bet I don’t care about the Crimson sand did you finally find titanium yeah don’t take that [ __ ] from a Miller shut the [ __ ] up you a [ __ ] I’m just kidding um

What was I going to do I need more titanium oh wait swords yeah so I have I feel like I had the night sge I have mamasa what four Swords do I need Miller I told you I’m going to kick you in the knee and you’re done dude

What what four Swords do I need where did you find it in the depths of hell so I have it yeah so what do I do with this this was better yeah in his ass you can upgrade I can upgrade it how what do I take and where do I

Go MOX what’s up all right so we can upgrade it once you beat the three me bosses I don’t even have enough to beat I don’t have enough to beat the three Mech bosses I haven’t even beat one I I haven’t even beat one they keep kicking

My ass I’m going to Tinker with this all right oh wait I don’t need to Tinker with that do I that’s pretty good it gives you range I I don’t need to Tinker with this right that’s pretty good right legendary’s best good thing I checked lost he’s not going to tr got

He’s not a ter God like me unfort I am not a Terraria God not even John Crimson like over my place dude I had to like I had to stop the [ __ ] here look at this I had to stop the [ __ ] all right I need more titanium

If you’re a TR God what AM you’re the creator of Terraria then you’re the Creator Terraria obviously what’s up Max how you doing all right we need more titanium if we need more titanium I need to go back back to here is where I found like a [ __ ] ton of it back to

Hell all right we’re making progress we’re making progress to maybe fight a mechanical boss I have the summons wait didn’t I get the ey for one back to work been lurking have fun you as well Jonathan I need more titanium this is what John was talking about we’re making that forward progress

Yeah I know they count as two at once I have the summon that’s cobal I have the summon for the mechanical worm I know that for sure you’re so hot I think you might have me confused with somebody Kyrie maybe yourself bro you can’t even handle my titanium

All right now that I’m stronger I’m not going to die to [ __ ] lava cuz I’m stupid well can’t really actually guarantee any of that the Destroyer is hella easy on Knight’s Edge you mean the one thing I don’t have yeah stay down there Crimson chest I got your number son oh that’s

Right he can warp God damn it he’s going to kick my ass again all right he’s stuck I unstuck him come on step chest step chest what are you doing ha Revenge [ __ ] you have the Night’s Edge you just can upgrade it to its true night Edge so you think the night Edge

Will actually be helpful if I take on the worm like right now I got flesh Knuckles what the [ __ ] is flesh Knuckles enemies are more likely to Target you why the [ __ ] would I want that okay I mean I’m down to try it flash nuggles that’s what I do to [ __ ] I’m just

Kiding well you already drag all the aggro it’s also A3 to fense that’s true you have a valid point oh my God look at all these baddies sir sir s sir is that Cobalt [ __ ] Cobalt nobody wants Cobalt Cobalt’s a piece of [ __ ] sir B not down there no

Boy come at me you ain’t going far I promise you that right now I told you I told you weren’t going far is that going to be cob balt yeah [ __ ] Kyrie’s like I thought I only made that noise Kyrie’s like T you’re not supposed to you’re not supposed to sound like

That well I got some of my money back I suppose that’s good all right so if I take only with you titanium is gray and looks more like bumps oh yeah I know what it looks like now I I have a a better understanding of what it looks like now that is

Titanium I just got to make sure I don’t burn myself to death which is honestly more likely to happen I saw that John I was looking at the achievements eventually that’s my plan to do as well actually you know what I could do bro you’re just yeah you’re just going

To kill yourself man I still need to grab my mod list I also need to do more of the fisherman’s quests I’m trying to do this without getting burned but I see a ton of titanium over there as well grapple n i see a bigger deposit I got a better idea

You leave Tim alone godamn it oh that’s bad oh that’s bad that’s some whoopsie that’s a whoopsie wait what oh I’m confused oh God Tim what’s up dog what do you got for me Strange Brew unpredictable healing inconsistent potion sickness Brie periods of inexplicable invulnerability I don’t

Know if I should buy that or not oh anglet is that good all right I’ll buy that and know I think I have one I’m gonna [ __ ] it I’m gonna buy the potion too that just sounds hella fun all right oh I nope I definitely did not

Drop in the lava y’all didn’t see [ __ ] that is Cobalt that is Cobalt you’re right I always love how random shopkeepers are just luring in Earth’s core listen Kyrie if that was an option I would totally do that I would totally godamn [ __ ] geysers it’s I’m the kind of geyser I

Like I’d like to get the titanium armor and then try um the worm boss digging through hell digging through hell that’s a big graboid bro you and your [ __ ] magic why don’t you come up here and fight me like a a real like I’m coming for your ass I told you

Wizard I told you wizard [ __ ] ass [ __ ] Rune wizard I don’t even know what a [ __ ] a room best vanity in the game best vanity what the [ __ ] is a vanity oh oh that is kind of dope actually but I kind of like my sparkling head I don’t

Know I I see that now I was like I’m like what the [ __ ] is Vanity again like I said listen I’m I’m about the biggest newb in Terraria there is Bud Kyrie and you know damn well you would have a shop at the core of the earth too don’t

Lie I’ve seen worse well that hey friend what’s up that looks like silver man are we dried up of all the titanium think if I go up more we’ll find some but I got to avoid like the lava I need a hug but I will Stiller

Wonderful voice and energy you got it it would totally offer you up a hug if we were in the same area Bud ah ah we Unstoppable now well we’re not Unstoppable but like we’re a little stronger now just a little bit okay we’re about to same mode just the webcam

Out got you right in these tatted arms oh mushroom biome but I need titanium I don’t need mushrooms to get higher how much titani did we snag 28 that’s not enough we’re playing uh bajaro as usual just scored five cards as a some unit nice nice I have o oh baby that’s

Titanium right there also you can craft life SCS and heartlines with change yes I have been doing that in my boss Arena yep I’ve been doing that already so you get extra regen yeah I got a whole Boss Arena set up for that stuff oh I have cthulu please I have cthulu

O man I swear I put an i in all you know no maybe not I don’t know I do like that VY that’s actually a very nice vity I do not need that many stone blocks I already have a [ __ ] ton I swear I stored an eye yeah that I

Actually already have one wait the what what do you want me to do what is a cool bonus put on the room wizard set we will do that when we get back to the base I know exactly Oh I thought I just picked up dynamite did I not no I guess not H

Well die die die die die that might wouldn’t break it anyways yeah look at all this mushroom look at all these sussy wussies cleaning house absolutely cleaning house absolutely cleaning house we’re making progress dad oh that went the wrong way I don’t need that one I think I

Already have that one oh gold chest that’s not rigged to blow thank you lucky regen oh always take the gold yeah else from there I need more titanium all these bats they be in my way [ __ ] we’ve been having so much fun we only have about an hour left in

Stream I got it in early today because uh we going to dinner with the papa tats and the grandparent tats I me they don’t have tattoos just I do but you get the idea ooh give me some thanks I want that Spider Queen summon yeah

Spoo isn’t this oh there she is hey I’ve been looking for you yes I’ll have to make a house for you we’ve been looking for you legitimately have been looking for her I knew she was in the spider we but we haven’t had too many where I could actually

Like go in and like find her that’s awesome oh I need another splunker look at that luck look at that luck she likes the beach well guess what she’s not going to the beach just got home from work let’s go Miller starting the weekend well no I forgot you’re a

Mailman you work more than me I like how John said the other day that my stuff looks like a an an Farm yep I work tomorrow now you know what Miller I think you should call in bro I got to work all week in and in St Patty’s weekend we’re going to be

Busy people are going to be stupid I know how I know how this goes oh baby hitting that good stuff I guess we’ll keep going up we got four minutes left of Scavenging that’s coal bolt don’t need that [ __ ] live Wisconsin people don’t need a holiday pay to be

Stupid bro every day I deal with stupid people doesn’t need to be a holiday I’m just saying it’s going to be extra cuz alcohol is The X Factor for my job alcohol is the difference between someone cooperating and someone getting thrown to the ground what is this is this like a void

Oh it is I have way too many of these hey do you know a do you know a Lacrosse Wisconsin Miller is that near you do you know of Lacrosse Wisconsin Miller genuine question is that Cobalt yeah that’s Co oh that’s a lot of silk oh that’s good that’s money right there yeah

That’s Co don’t need that [ __ ] come on there’s got to be more titanium yeah it’s about four hours away dude there’s always this one kid always making on a donut operators videos from Lacrosse Wisconsin I mean he’s probably been like five or six of donut operator’s videos it’s just it’s

Hilarious I think you’re a bit higher than it likes to spawn oh yeah I guess I am I did go a little too high you’re right easy adjustment we got 2 minutes left on splunking oh I want that statue he’s he’s like a he’s like a 2ome

Year old drunk and it’s just honestly hilarious am I full up what kind of videos uh where he’s get get domestic donut operator is a cop a former cop and he covers police videos he’s been on there for domestic violence drunk driving sounding like a T-Rex it’s hilarious

Dude he’s only like 25 dude he’s got probably like 18 arrests actually a lot of videos come out of Lacrosse Wisconsin it’s like a it’s like a Mecca oh we’re way high I do recommend throwing the pickaxes and since you have a drill okay all right I’m down to take up inventory

Space all bet we will definitely take that suggestion oh that’s silk that’s money yeah Don it was in the Navy and then he became a cop review YouTuber after he worked for Baltimore PD for like five years which good for him all right got like N9 seconds left of this

We’ll probably go back cuz we are pretty full up whoop yeah I don’t have enough tissue samples that’s been brought up I I do not have enough tissue samples do I not have I was going to say I definitely have enough all right let’s go back just fight the brain again I don’t

Have the materials to summon it oh wait I think I actually do now that I think about it I think I have the cloer if he’s the one that um is able to summon forth did you run out of crimson’s Hearts to smash no no I didn’t realize that you

Could crush them again to summon him interesting oh clo with a skeleton well good thing I didn’t throw that in the fire then let’s get let’s make some money be Mr Krabs for a second you smash three at any time and it summons him oh okay so

So do you think I honestly stand a chance against the twin worms right now the worm I I’ll show you what I have I’ll show you this I’ll show you the the item I have to summon the bosses and you could tell me which one you think I could

Take let me just deposit all that melee and you say get rid of the pics okay do not need that maybe with some accessory upgrades okay Knight’s Edge in his third form from top left uh by the way yeah yeah yeah yeah I I’m just going through and um redoing this

Stuff I had no idea why that’s in there don’t mind me I’m dying uh so this is what I have mechanical worm I have mechanical worm I can do the the Wall of Flesh all that stuff I die a lot too okay good I’m glad I’m not the only one that’s dying a

Lot Um honestly I guess I could go I don’t that be pretty good oh I need to put that in there I need potions I don’t have any money I have enough tin and you saying this is the best huh o that do be clean that do be clean

Walk okay that is that is actually cool that is actually cool what did I just take off time trav’s Hood I thought I had one for that but I guess not Trail fire too nice okay yep y That’s What I took off all right what do I have for summons not much really

All right so you’re saying Night’s Edge I’m going to try to reforge that because that’s pretty [ __ ] weak nope nope I’m not I’m not tied down to anything I think we could I think we could do better small Keen quick annoying Savage heavy getting there God damn it bro come here

No we need legendary don’t we annoying Superior Savage dull broken damaged quick shameful agile legendary are Godly okay unpleasant gosh damn it why does it keep I’m not even selected on the [ __ ] mirror oh I guess I was all right we got we got money to spare

So I I see that now I I see that now broken I don’t have enough enough we’re stuck on broken oh God God no God no we got stuck on broken wait I can fix this I can fix this what’s your ore situation cash money it’s it’s cash

Money I could probably sell all my gold right I I was going to make it into coins I thought you could do that should I I’ll sell the gold no no to which part cannot craft coins oh well then I’m going to sell all my gold that be broken right um

You how about that all right we can’t we can’t go too heavy on this one that was basically everything I had I even had a platinum and I still [ __ ] that up demonic build two houses undergr and move the Goblin and mechanic in oh yeah why is

That I can’t I can’t reforge it again it also lows the price of reforging okay all right I got to I got to build a house I I got to I got I got some time to do some building can s for good and lower the reforge price okay okay that’s good to

Know I need to do some I need more wood honestly building materials what do we got all right see right there silver coin wait no that doesn’t sound right oh [ __ ] that’s going in my piggy bank wait what is this holy [ __ ] I didn’t realize I had that much

Titanium this because you have gold coins yeah uh I didn’t realize I had that much titanium I might be able to make the set 44 you can craft coins when you have coins yeah you know what that makes sense God that took 26 Jesus damn all right I need to move in these

Two NPCs I need eight doors take some extra chairs take a couple tables yep I need some walls the goal is definitely to try eight do for two no I’m going to make a few I’m going to make a few yep we’re we’re we’re going to make

A few that’s what we’re end up doing best of luck thank you lost souls uh any recommendations for accessories before I uh I attempt to the twins or the world Eater of Worlds any uh any tips let me see your current ones again I I put on the flesh Knuckles too

So we’re sitting at 60 armor what what I can’t Farm to get the wings all right well that’s not going to work like I thought it would I just locked myself in here that was dumb yeah that was careless of me wings yeah so important all right we’ll try to get the wings

Then all right Brasi we are editing your house a little bit and then replace the with shark to necklace or its upgrade oh I do have the shark to necklace I actually do have that I actually do have that haha okay how am I going to get I know I have the shark

Tooth yeah that all right that takes care of that and then you said said probably the wings okay it’s always hard to recommend access right going to take a quick shower I’m pretty done for the day I eat building material can I just actually no it doesn’t let me do that

Okay that in there okay okay I need the wings what does it take to make the wings now I have to have some kind of good summon don’t I I don’t no I can summon the Imp one I have the Imp somewhere I have the M1 somewhere don’t

I start by getting Sol of flight you’ll need 20 Sol of flight I thought I had some kill waverings okay I thought I had some already but they get dropped in materials they did solo flight right there I have seven all right let’s come up into the forge so I know where they’re

At or if you doing fish you can get lucky fin wings I have been doing them I mean we could see the quest are annoing one a day oh trust me I know I know I need a gravity potion to go find a wyvern I think

I need a gravity potion who knows if I’ll even find oneic Scythe uh 99 pixie dust how much pixie dust do I have now I got to find where I put the pixie dust I have I have 45 pixie dust so we need more of those too

Okay oh I didn’t grab my gravity potion well maybe we won’t fight it today cuz we’re only got we only got an hour left gravity potion take a couple of those all right let’s go to disguise baby and I’m flying ever higher I’m going this way this

Time all right lost take it easy thank you for all the tips today how high do I even have to go to find these [ __ ] well I guess if I’m going to space that’s too high here wyvern here w when come get killed for the sake of some

Wings it’s like I’m literally just charting it out like a yeah we’ll see you next time this is our last stream for the week though I got to work the next four wait what was that that was one right there wait am I upside down or I’m upside down I’m upside down right

Now oh we’re trying to FAA what’s up dude how be you all right oh there’s one I have to make sure to not oh [ __ ] I clicked off way too far oh God yay Sparky last year for the week Blues what’s up thank you for 21 months I appreciate you wait what are

You wait I’ve never killed you before you look sus that I think that’s TW no we got we got 10 right there oh pet I’m trying to kill you you’re actually my friend I’m terrible what’s up FAA okay is homie coming back for round seven yep homie came back for round

Seven all right that’s 20 that’s 20 Bab B that was that was easy holy [ __ ] we doing good FAA we doing good we going to be uh we got about an hour left in the papats and uh the grandparents we all going out to dinner that was surprisingly easy Tad

One day I want to see your body Camp footage on YouTube definitely not allowed I’m not allowed to do that I not allowed to do that but as fun as that would be I am not allowed to do that as as wonderful as that would be I am not

Allowed there if if if I ever leak that I would probably be fired um just be unless the only way you ever see it is if something big happens and either I’m getting fired or I did something very heroic other than that that body cam Swit stays right at the

PD stays right at the PD this tell the higher ups you’re vlogging and doing PR listen listen I’m not sure how the chief or the captain would take that the captain would probably look at me I mean the captain is a dude’s been there a long time very respectable very

Intimidating man he’s a great guy um not a man you want to make mad though because I’m pretty sure you can pick me up and bench press me 150 times before he throws me 150 yards so the goal is not to anger the captain I’m stuck on cops getting

Arresting stupid people right 2D Minecraft game listen you’re only allowed to make fun oh look at the little slime moved in you’re only allowed to make fun of um Elder ring Elder ring rdy nothing else nothing else you’re not allowed to make fun of anything else those a little Boss Arena

Here all right we got to go find oh you know I really can’t see anything there we go I can see um Sparky if you’ve never watched uh donut operator highly recommend it I never un oh really oh okay well that’s good to know I’m glad to know we’re on

The same page for this game uh donut operator on YouTube um Sparky phenomenal phenomenal channel to watch if you want to watch stupid people get arrested absolutely phenomenal channel oh oh no no no no no no no no all right we’re going to try to battle the worm

Today I need to get into the grassy null aka the icy null it’s weird I’ve been so used to having that one thing that lights me up for so long but I’m not used to carrying this [ __ ] I thought that was going to kill me get into the what now listen you didn’t

Hear anything FAA also what are you playing tonight dude it’s uh it’s your stream night what will you be playing sir wait I hope that ice Golem’s not out here cuz he will slap my booty he will absolutely slap my booty if he’s out Here father you’re asking questions you don’t want the answer to that’s how you wind up on an HBO documentary sir another meteorite I swear to God if it landed if it landed in my boss Arena I’m going to be so mad I do not think a third one would

Land I thought you only got two democracy I cast manage democracy ooh just what we need that’s not a lot of pixie dust though I need more oh that works oh my God the fact that we’re actually sa chance get wrecked unicorn this reminds me of a gamertag I

Saw in high school name was Lee Harvey Oswell and some little of the grassing is that legal legally speaking can I do that seven we have 40 something so we got to wait I need like 99 instead I feel like it was less bro jellyfish with lasers kind of

Op well I wonder where this meteorit landed cuz it could be detrimental oh yeah oh yeah back in the day they knew no bounds that’s 12 what’s 12 plus 43 chat someone do some math for me looking for 12 + 43 cuz tats can’t math I know I know someone in there can

Do it in the like in the blink of 55 my man pass that was another Three I will admit we are wrecking these guys a lot harder now and we’re making money doing it 350 about 55 you get a glow stick you get a glow stick you get a glow stick you get a glow stick you get a glow stick Actually I don’t even know if

Those are jellyfish now that I look at them more I don’t think they are I hear nope come here you don’t get to live fairy all right we’re still at 25 so we’re almost there maybe I don’t know I can’t Count I might be the world’s worst mathematician if I’m being honest I only got one out of that Jesus I really should get more titanium H I wanted fight this boss today but that means we’ll probably play Terraria Wednesday then and then Dragon’s Dogma the rest of the week 28 that’s what

73 I don’t m I don’t MTH nor will I ever math that’s why I’m a Cop no oh I hear one here two 31 I’m pretty sure I heard another one up there I’m not going to the Crimson though it’s another three it’s two oh almost s see a little ghost oh two right back to back let’s go at 38 oh no now they’re just spawning left

And right on me and another unicorn and another unicorn bumber they have to die I mean they charge right at me so someone’s got to keep the Unicorn population in check but they remain mythical oh I hear another one three that puts me at what 46 so we should have

Enough if I kill like two more now only give me one that slug is trying hard I think if we get 50 we’ll be good beautiful okay okay I make wings now maybe I have 95 and lost needed like 99 so we’ll see wait what the [ __ ] is this brisk fast clock immunity to slow that’s pretty cool let’s do that deposito there we go all right where do I

Make said wings do I not have enough I swear I do or do I need 50 of flight I thought I need 20 where’s the guide crafting okay angel wings take soul of light I need feathers are you are you [ __ ] me I don’t I don’t have any of

These wait how what was the point what was what was all right let’s try this okay I need 99 I do need 99 let’s create the mythal Anvil wait did I just okay bro leave my slime friend alone hey TS having a good even what I

Missed on stream not much we just been grinding a lot just been grinding a lot still haven’t seen where that meteor landed I wonder where it did so far bar metors have been to the east so we’ll see either way super inconvenient wherever it probably did

Land resting a bit you have a headache well I hope you feel better dude at least we can do some real [ __ ] damage now and we’ll obviously need to get the rest of the titanium armor before we even try it which we don’t need too much more but

It would always be helpful to get more tianium but maybe keeping the oriculum set on I don’t know I’m going to try this against some of these [ __ ] okay doesn’t why is night side just double right that’s why what me we got a demonic and that does 56 but then the titanium does

90 how did you sleep this evening ah I woke up at eight went to the gym like I always do I’ll take a nap after dinner got to stay up all night going to get some good gaming in tonight going to play some uh Grand blue fantasy

I’ll probably play B play some po you know how it be chill with the homies all right yep we got I think we’re probably going to spend the rest of the stream just getting the materials and then we’ll play Terraria next Wednesday and the attempt to fight these mechanical [ __ ]

Question is do these fairies spawn in the pixies fairies whatever they they spawn during the day they should Right right do they spawn dur they I I just need like two we have 95 otherwise we’re just going to be waiting here oh 96 ah come here 97 I’m going to get 99 all right so now we got wings okay we have wings phenomenal I do not need any of that okay all right let’s go see if we can find some titanium to wrap it up today I think we got to go about right when we started seeing the

Lobo we’ll start digging down we got about 45 minutes left we’re ending at 5 today instead of six so no 4our stream today I gotta make dinner at six which I’m hungry so would be good all right where we at almost where we need to be we need to

Be like in line right here so I’m Thinking yep that looks good I’m not going to lie I need some [ __ ] torches though oh that that did not go as planned oh no did I break the elevator I think I think I did yeah I’m missing a few blocks oh wait no I’m not okay all

Right I work so hard on it I’m going to do my best to you know maintain it all right let’s see if we can’t find probably should go down and around bro I don’t know how you expected that to go oh there’s titanium right [ __ ] here wasn’t that lucky

I think we need like a couple bars and we just keep going straight down there we go excellent excellent oh there’s jellyfishes in there I didn’t even see them bro you thought you thought what’s that put me at that’s 24 I don’t know how many that gives me

Total we might be able to get one attempt in the problem is I don’t have spelunker oh get out of there wait I just get how did I just pull that out out of the fire also I should try to make some more uh heart lanterns that should be a must as well

I think we get like a couple o we got a lot of spiders in here think we do no all right there was a lot over here yeah we’re like right on par with where the titanium should be at least ideally we are look at those actually did we hit

This mushroom biome no we did not should probably do that cuz I did find some titanium here I think we get 40 to 60 I should have enough BR you can’t even I got that Rune again you thought son you thought but you couldn’t right into the mushroom

Biome at least we’re dropping hards for me titanium it’s a little harder spot without the speed lunker potion sitting at 24 I think takes like three to make a Breck so we’re not making that Many off the rip it’s 418 did they give me a spunker potion here oh we got some fangs let work towards the spider summon that I want always take the gold coin take the gold bar I’ll take the Z dynamite and you know I’m going to actually use it here real

Shortly I’m going make it sticky BR who was shooting at me you [ __ ] learn anything what thought oh get out of here all right right there Yep this is right in line with where we need to be can’t really make much progress of uh all these spirits and [ __ ] are holding me

Down all right let’s get out of here make him come chase me and then maybe I’ll take him out yeah we’re still on par with where we should be fact even I go up a little bit we might have better luck see some Gil oh there’s titanium right

Here beautiful what’s that give me 28 nice think we’re in Pro oh is that coob balt it’s a cob balt that’s not going to do me any good sitting at 28 still but then again we are kind of going in blind spunker is without a doubt the easiest way to see

It oh these guys are just annihilating themselves all right we still at the same level yeah we’re still at the same level the [ __ ] bats won’t leave me alone I think if I get like 40 that’ be pretty good yo Punk Lord what’s up welcome in try to

Get wait don’t know big deal our inventory is getting pretty Full probably not going to run into anymore might just have to turn around I want I want I think I think I have enough I think you only need another 23 to do the legs maybe even 20 was I already here yeah I was that’s spider’s

Nest oh well it might be down in this region we’ll see it might get lucky it’s a little Brighter oh that’s a lot of fire all right all right [ __ ] all right we’ll go back I think I might have enough if I have enough we’ll try it we also need to make some more heart regen land stuff uh I guess this can go in the

Armor chest cuz I don’t have anything I can do with that right now I can go in the bars we got 18 now have you be no no we we’re going to take a swing at our first one here well we fought him before but we didn’t have enough like armor damage

[ __ ] like that so we’re going to we’re going to take a College try at one here in a minute if I have enough for the Titanium um did I get two of those I did if I got enough for the finish off the titanium set I just see the legs legs legs uh Forge stuff tungsten I got excited cuz I thought that was my titanium all right we have 33 what bars is that going to get

Me more than I expected I think we have enough holy [ __ ] balls all right we do what’s my current at 11 go for the Destroyer first it’s the easiest which one’s the Destroyer is that the worm I don’t know which one the Destroyer is if I’m being

Honest if I’m being honest I I have I have no idea who the Destroyer is all right we got the Platinum but I might I might keep this on I don’t know it’s the worm okay good that’s the one we’re going to do that is the one we were going to do

What’s the set bonus for titanium attacking generates a defensive barrier of titanium shards oh that’s prettyy pretty good destroyers is the Destroyer does that help no pass it doesn’t I mean it does but all right we we’ll give this a shot then it’s 1200 a.m. let’s let’s try it um potions let’s buff

Swiftness take that take that don’t need Mona don’t need that don’t need crates take that don’t need gravity don’t need that don’t need that uh do that do that uh do that all right God speed let’s try this and not die how about it what do we say about it about it oh God bro gets [ __ ] lasers what why does bro get lasers come on come on you little [ __ ] smile for me you son of a [ __ ] I need to wall this off so I don’t get interference I think we’re going to do it oh my gosh

Woo okay that that was a little that was a little touch and go right there boy that was a that was a little touch and go you know what I’m saying I need to you know what I need to just qu and why did I not get the

Achievement for it you you could stay down there you little [ __ ] why did I not get did I not get the achievement for it I did not or do you have to beat all three that’s what I’m guessing so we did it we made it we made it we’re Gods I’m glad I

Switched to the titanium sword because that ended up melting him but not too high because it’ll just despawn in the Sky and use range weapons I I I don’t know I don’t know [ __ ] that worked out out pretty good I think that was my first mechanical

Boss and now I have a nice little little trophy to show that I did it I be a mechanical bus Soul of Might that’s all you get from it is a soul of might what the [ __ ] does that even do all right well I mean we took one

Down oh I got a hollowed bar what does that do what’s a hollow bar do um I’m also going to go quart and off uh marble I’m not going to waste my marble I got I got so many stone blocks wait don’t I have hearts can make more lamps

Too I think that’s all you need and then some chains yeah it’s the titanium sword I don’t even know what the zeni looks like I have not had the pleasure wait what is this [ __ ] what I’m not going to make a large soap has what is this dondel jousting L build momentum

Increase attack power oh wow oh wow that that armor is way better oh Excalibur what Excalibur is only 12 hangang I got to I got to focus up here I got to focus up here where are the chains where did I put them actually went pretty good to tame

Sword I read that where did I put the chains I thought we had a lot they they random yep there they are I think that will create me one or gave me two I just need more chains let’s go Place those and wall off the section so I

Don’t get interfered that that boss going worked out pretty good though so if I do another one I can get um more Hollow bars which would be good put one there probably put one there and then we are just going to so that way nobody can interfere I mean they still might

Interfere but like that ended up that ended up being a really good boss fight also I don’t think that party girl ever moved in oh no she did the stylus did move in okay holy crap all right eventually I need to build more houses I can’t believe we won holy [ __ ] that was

Huge okay so now the question is do I what’s the titanium at it’s a 23 it’s one better I mean obviously I think we want to go with the hollow [ __ ] at some point cuz Excalibur unless wait excalibur’s your summon will F okay that’s a summon but if I do that you

Should kill the Destroyer a few more times that’s kind of what I’m thinking that’s kind of what I’m thinking fonk because I have what one more I have one more of those I have one more of those yeah we’ll we’ll probably do that can I wait I can make the

Mechanical I think hang on I feel like I can make them can’t you make them or am I crazy also did we stop the spread of corruption we definitely did okay all right crafting I know we can make that sum’s the brain of cthulu viscous powder Pro tip to Destroyer is

The one that destroys object God damn it I missed that memo father okay we can so we have more than enough to make that okay I still need black Dy cuz I really want that okay so that how do I summon the brain then how do I summon the brain and

Skeley boy I think I know how I think I know how we might now taking on all three ah that might be a little rough um I think it’s in here how often do you stream so um depending on the week it’s three to four days this

Is the short week because I work the next four so next week I stream Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday uh I don’t stream on the days I work and unfortunately this is my long week so I work Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday and I work night shift I think I need the

Bone or the tissue sample I can’t remember which one is this hentti it can’t be for you bud you just say the word we’ll look up rule 34 Terraria not on stream I don’t want to get banned crafting is it the bone I I guess not fertilizer I thought the bone was more

Useful but apparently not oh that’s why I want oh wait no that is take get the void bag oh no it is okay so we need oh yeah we got we got plenty to make the skull so we need 30 bone five iron bars and okay so you know what we’ll

Do let’s Corp those right now so we need the Soul of Light soul of night uh what else do we need sort okay so we got those we got the bones uh I need any iron bar that works I I don’t know what it takes to

Summon the brain though I don’t think I can summon deer apocalypse yet or deer Ops or whatever the whatever the hell it is let’s take a look here what can we make actually no if I just have those I should wait where do you make them probably the

Mythal we are going to be wrapping up here shortly though where do I okay all right there’s Mecca let’s make one of those make another one of those I feel like we should just make two for the sake of being too how do I make meca

Brain all right we got two of those two of those perfect excellent oh excellente all right that can go back in here that can I can stay with me think you need a lens but we also stream um on YouTube and twitch V so if you go into my tab it

Should give you my twitch or my Discord you can join there and see the latest stuff up to date too many blocks Building Material that’s pretty good though that we beat uh our first mechanical boss that is actually awesome oh you got to beat all three to get that achievement

Okay okay craft a Drax or pickaxe using the hollow bars in The Souls of three mechanical bosses wait did I get the soul of it how do I get the soul of it yo Nick what’s up man we’re just wrapping up here shortly how do I get the soul oh

Wait that needs to go in here oh Soul of Might the essence of a destroyer okay that could stay there I could stay there all right I can’t believe we [ __ ] won I honestly I almost died in the end though let’s be real I almost died in the end I can’t even

Lie although I feel like where is oh that’s much better oh yeah oh we rocking now that’s good that is good so I guess the next one we’ fight we would do the mechanical warm again just to get more Hollow bars cuz we want to get the armor up because I feel like

Skelly is harder and then the mechanical BS for the brain is two of them or something like that the brain in the eye something like that but hey we beat it we beat it I think we’re going to wrap it up there though I think I think we did good I think we

Did good I think we got everything we needed we beat a boss we finally found material we were looking for the unlik thing I’ve had to happen me what’s what’s the unlik thing you had happened to you in Terraria Funk so I summon the eye of cthulu but when I

Looked in the bottom left I saw the eye of cthulu has been summoned and you feel e oh no oh no that means you wasted the summon oh that’s awful I honestly feel for you because I did that too I did that recently myself actually I’ll do

I’ll do you one better fun I took the eye this is before this is prehard mode I took the eye and I was going to farm it I used it and then it disappeared right away cuz it switched to daytime so I didn’t even get a chance to fight it I

Used it and then it was daytime so I lost it I was I was quite upset so oh you had to fight two at once oh at least you got to fight two at once I I didn’t get to fight mine because it flopped

Today and I lost it I did no chance oh gosh that that makes me worried for soloing the three Mecha bosses like that’s going to be rough we’ll we’re going to have to make like some crazy potions to be able to survive that I feel like our stat boost

Definitely um did pretty well we got we got we got some good stuff left yeah all right we are we’re going to wrap it up there though we’re going to wrap it up there hey if you’re watching on the YouTube side thank you so much I appreciate it if you haven’t

Already consider s to subscribe button be sure to check out the other content on the channel comment down below throw a like to the videos helps the YouTube know that you like me a little bit and then next week we’ll play terrar on Wednesday and then Thursday Friday

Saturday we’re going right into Dragon Dogma 2 I’ve already love you T love you too uh I’ve already made my character so be sure to tune in for that and I’ll catch you next week for more streams follow the community tab to keep up with the schedule

Grinding in Terraria to beat mechanical bosses!

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