SO MANY new Terraria ranger weapons to try! | Terraria 1.4.4 Ranger Playthrough/Guide (Ep.16)

Death weed on a non blood moon can only mean one thing we finally have a full moon again so let’s get right to work with farming some werewolves for that elusive Moon charm and in the meantime I want to welcome you folks back to another episode here of the Terraria

Master Ranger playthrough I do hope you folks are having a lovely day thank you so much for tuning in and indeed for all of your lovely support throughout this series if you want to continue supporting this series of course the best I need easiest way to show your

Support is simply by dropping a like beneath the video hit the Subscribe button if you’re new around here and you don’t want to miss out on my future content and if you do want to go one further with your support of course you can check out my range of gaming PCs

Over at pyth PC or if you’re in war the market for some Terraria merch head on over to Terraria shop and use C python for a whopping 15% discount and would you look at that we’ve actually already got the moon charm which means we now no longer need to farm any

Enemies as far as I know anyway so uh yeah not doing too bad in terms of locks so far certainly a turn around compared to last episode what I can do now of course is head on over into my accessories chest we need the Sunstone the Moonstone and the Neptune’s shell

I’m sure you guys know what we’re going to be going for right now there’s the moonshell there’s the celestial Stone and there it is one of the alltime best accessories in the game just all around like you could be any class and this accessory will still buff you up real

Nice like the celestial shell love to see it now some of you folks in the last episode were saying that having all menacing accessories might not actually be the best way to go so here’s what I’m going to do if there is an accessory that specifically boosts the damage

We’re going to go for menacing if we’ve got something like the ank Shield here which has four defense I’m thinking we go for a bit of warding for eight defense in one accessory and there we have it there’s a bit of warding we now have 59 defense for the rest of the

Accessories here I’m thinking maybe a combination of warding and lucky lucky will allow us to have the possibility of doing even more damage and then warding of course Will Keep Us Alive so a worm scarf is supposed to keep you alive a bit longer so for this one I’m thinking

A little bit of warding beautiful this is an incredible defensive accessory now folks four defense and the damage we take is reduced by 177% this is going to be incredible to have on now the lightning boots I think we’re actually going to take off in favor of the

Celestial shell and with these three accessories here I’m thinking we go for Lucky on all of them and that will boost up our crit chance quite nicely lucky Master ninja gear love to see it lucky fish ROM Wings excellent and there we have it absolutely fantastic so ladies

And gentlemen with all of our newly reforged accessories on we have a grand total of 70 defense we have a total of 58% crit chance that is incredible we’ve got 83 with the sniper rifle and that’s not in stealth mode what the hell wow I think having a healthy mix of

Reforges Might indeed be the way to go folks the reason I’m taking off the lightning boots is because I mean let’s be honest when we going for bosses we’re mostly going to be flying around so having the fish run Wings on alone I think will do the job quite nicely so

With our accessory set looking pretty well I think today we’re going to try and buff up the amount of weapons we have and I think the way we’re going to achieve that is by doing a bit of an event Extravaganza we have the Pumpkin Moon and the frost Moon we can get the

Candy Corn rifle the Snowman Cannon or launcher whatever the devil it is that one cannon that allows you to shoot homing rocket projectiles maybe even the chain gun could be gotten all of those things or even any one of those things would be very nice to have all right we

Don’t have enough Souls of fight to make ourselves a naughty present and it’s just about to become daytime wellow that’s less than ideal Now isn’t it all right here’s what I’m thinking folks we try to maximize our productivity okay we’re going to spend this day planting

Down a few pumpkin seeds because we need pumpkin seeds to get pumpkins for the Pumpkin Moon Medallion of course ah totally forgot about the existence of these bad boys if we’re want to try and get the Snowman Canon I think getting these to really maximize our damage might just be

A fantastic way to go we need shite bars in order to upgrade these up to mini nukes so here’s what I’m thinking we pop down to the jungly Jungle we do a little bit of a zoom out Deo and we see about picking up some chlorites best way to

Maximize our chlorop FY gains is by having a speelunker potion you know what else the speelunker potion will be good for finding life fruits we only have 455 health and for the end of hard mode that’s kind of crazy actually I’m kind of surprised that we haven’t got 500 yet

So we’re going to see if we can’t change that there’s one beautiful life Fruit another life Fruit seven remaining another life rot for you boy a third of the way through our life root goal number four well that’s less than ideal isn’t it I think what I accidentally did there was switch load

Out I can’t say I’ve ever done that before I think what I was trying to do was actually hit three on my keyboard to bring up my Stinger quick sharp um it did not work yeah look at that I did switch load out H what a doofus all

Right 1 2 3 4 5 480 health is what we’re rolling with now folks let’s get ourselves a whole bunch of chlorified bars don’t imagine we’re going to be getting a great deal of mushrooms from up here 156 so that should be enough to make ourselves what 10 shite

Bars uh I mean yeah there we are ah turns out the mini nukes are actually made at the auto hammer I just tried to do it at the orac calcum Anvil back at base but no you don’t do it there apparently all right next mini odd job

We need to make ourselves a skul prime Summoner and we need some Souls of fright but we’re going to go absolutely crazy mode okay we’re going to do the Pumpkin Moon and Skeletron Prime simultaneously to maximize our productivity and so we don’t have to wait for too many nights yeah plenty of

Pumpkins on the go and the good thing is the pixel when you have it just swinging and not actually aiming where you’re going it will only uproot the fully grown pumpkins so yeah that’s pretty handy dandy isn’t it just need some ectoplasm and we should just about be

There my friends there we have it the Pumpkin Moon Medallion now we just need a Skelly Prime Summoner there we are easy peasy oh man is this going to be insane we’re going to go with our full proper load out here we’re not going to have the greedy ring on all the mag

Luminesence in fact I think I might retire the mag luminesence I think that’s time has come unfortunately got plenty of Buffs on our person which is absolutely lovely are we really about to put battle potions on as well um yeah yeah we are here we go my friends

Boom and boom and Buffs Sky Prime this is the guy we need to be taking down and my hope is that the dudes down below will get hurt as well as a result of all of the shatel coming from the Stinger bolts here so you know we’ll see how it

Goes I mean it is 0% through wave one no make that eight make that 20% ah it is actually working oh good grief all right we need to try and focus this guy down real quick like otherwise we’re not going to get to a very high wave in this

Event are we to be honest there’s not a great deal that I really want to get from this event maybe the witches Gro that’ be kind of boss to have but aside from that the candy cor rifle that would be kind of cool although then again the

Jacko land on laer as well actually that could be kind of nice eh I don’t know all I do know is that this guy is dead right now it’s time to do operation eradicate the scary guys from our world I really need to come up with better

Operation names don’t I I suck at them boom boom boom all the boom sounds oh my good grief ah little poltergeists now is it yeah why you get exploded son yeah you ain’t taking me down anytime soon there Broski oh Snappers our first boss hello there buddy 23,000 heal that’s what this

Guy’s got going on ehh but the good news is as Stinger is just absolutely wrecking shop I don’t think I need to say anymore do I I think my current load out might struggle a tiny bit to take down a pumpkin I mean maybe not struggle so

Much as it might take a while it might be a bit more of an endurance fight compared to some of the other pumpkin moons I’ve had in my Let’s Plays and playthroughs as of late you know I can’t believe we’ve got 61% crit chance going for us I think the thing that boosted

Our cring chance even more aside from of course the celestial shell probably would be the satisfied buff I’ve got going on one of the things I do have in my void bag is food so yeah I mean food is always a good thing to have in vast

Quantities on this game isn’t it get yourself a whole bunch of additional stat Buffs you know what I was saying that maybe pumpkins might be difficult to take down but actually I mean we have the fish R Wings here which are allowing us to keep this guy at B quite nicely or

More to the point us be able to get away yeah this is turning out to be quite easy what did we just get there a Horseman’s blade I think I just saw right there well okay then that’s how it it’s going to be is it we’re looking for

A candy corn rifle the Jacko lone launcher or the witches Brom any one of those three would be fantastic to have I would literally take only one and I would be happy with it I think in terms of priorities I think the thing I want most of all is indeed the snowman moner

Or Cannon whatever it is because I want to give my mini nukes a go with it I think it’s going to be absolutely ridiculous here we are oh the Jacko Lantern launcher we actually just got it holy crap the witches broom do you only get that from pump king or can you get

It from the morning wood guys as well I confess I don’t actually know the answer to that one now imagine if I had wrath and rage potions on me right now imagine the damage we’d be doing then maybe add a little bit of the exquisitely stuffed buff you know the major improvements

Towards that oh the amount of damage we’d be doing would truly be dizzying then already up to wave 15 can you believe that folks that’s not bad going is it we haven’t even like focused on this event like the whole night we’re still at wave 15 not bad and another

Pumpkin bites the dust that is the dark Harvest we just got there a nice summon Weapon by every stretch of the imagination but sadly we’re not allowed to use it this is a ranger playthrough all right about 45 seconds left of this event can we take down this pumpkin in

Time time can we get the witch’s broom from this guy uh no doesn’t look like it not that time anyway that’s unfortunate all right we got about 20 seconds left not too much going on in terms of bosses but no matter we can do we’ve taken down

Some of these small guys anyway just so we can pick up all of our drops in a little bit in peace yes that would be nice wouldn’t it oh look at all these headless horsemen get out of here so then there we go everybody that was wave 16 and we

Didn’t even like 100% focus on this event that’s not bad going is it I think that’s pretty good actually not bad in terms of money obtained either we’ve got what nearly two Platinum coins from that that’s not bad going we genuinely haven’t done too bad wait there it is we

Actually did get the witch’s broom but I don’t know where I got it from I don’t know if I got it from the morning wood or a pumpkin I genuinely have no clue all I do know is ladies and gentlemen we now have finally Infinite Flight in the

Form of this particular bit of gear I mean we could get infinite flight from the saor and Insignia when we hopefully take down the Empress of light hopefully in the next few episodes but for now we got a witches boom which is pretty boss opening up the treasure bag and there we

Are a bunch of Souls of fight no way I completely forgot this was a thing the steak Launcher coming in at whopping 179 damage oh that’s a stealth mode though without it 129 damage and this thing I’m pretty sure can take the arrow Buffs from the archery potion a that is so

Cool I completely forgot about the steak launcher how can I forget about this thing I used it in my forgotten playthrough and we found a great amount of success with it didn’t we all righty question Jacko Lantern launcher does it shoot homing projectiles let’s go go

Ahead and give it a bit of a go I can’t remember the last time I tried to use a Jacko Lantern launcher boom wait does it oh no okay uh wow they are Bounty oh they’re very Bounty okay so it’s just bouncy projectiles more than anything huh okay that might be where

The Snowman Cannon launcher whatever the devil it is that might be where that comes into effect eh I mean it’s still kind of cool this Jacko Lantern launcher but I just don’t think it’s going to be as good as the Snowman Cannon the first and only treasure bag

We picked up and we get ourselves a unicorn outfit yo I mean I don’t know about you folks but I’m definitely down with this I I’m going to stay as a unicorn for the rest of the series why the hell not so then ladies and gentlemen Here We Go There Are the souls

Of fright we need ourselves a ton of silk got plenty of cobwebs for that that and then some ectoplasm I think that’s all we need in order to do this thing yeah 20 silk five ectoplasm five Souls of fight there’s the Nory present now I must admit I don’t imagine us doing as

Well in the upcoming Frost Moon I’ve always considered it to be more difficult than the Pumpkin Moon but I mean come on the Snowman Cannon launcher whatever the heck it is oh I can’t not have it in fact you know what maybe to make our chances a little bit better I

Might do two Frost moons obviously if it only takes one event to get the Snowman Cannon launcher thingy then yeah we’ll just do the one Frost Moon that’s all we want the frost moon for really but if it does take two then it takes two how’s about a quick reforge for the Stak

Launcher and there it is 122 range damage 58% crit chance damn and we can buff this even further with an archery potion I’m pretty sure maybe I should test that before I roll into this next event give me just a second here there we are 10% increased

Bow damage and 20% increased Arrow speed so 122 brings it up to 134 yeah ah there you are pesky B statue I’ve been looking for that for a little bit now any defense is good defense so then ladies and gents are we ready for this [Laughter]

The frost moon this is going to be absolute pain isn’t it like truly it is I’m both excited but incredibly nervous for this I hope my sanity doesn’t take too much of a beating here here we go oh yeah maybe we should get all these guys down to the

Floor then we’re going to be doing some damage eh yeah smart ideas from the python aor here already at wave number four doing a crazy amount of damage here wa okay now it’s time to get back to the Stinger oh look at this dude you watch I

Bet we’re going to get the razor Pine first time rolling go on tell me did we get the razor Pine first time rolling no we didn’t okay good I would have been incredibly annoyed if I did because you know how many playthroughs in the past I

Have tried to get the razor Pine and it’s taken me like 20 ever screams to get one it’s crazy for us to get it in a playthrough where we’re not allowed to use it like really quickly that would have been the ultimate stab in the heart folks but yeah anyway all is well

Already up wave number six ah I love the steak launcher like truly I do it is such an incredible weapon and we slept on it for so many years didn’t we like really oh a lot of years were spent with us not using the steak launcher all that

Much I’m just so glad that we’re finally being enlightened now oh no way the elf melter oh dude I literally totally forgot about the existence of the elf melter that is another weapon we can use holy crap holy oh good grief is he is right here

What we got to do with this gy we’re going to use our boom stick to see if we can start prioriti izing these ice queens that is right these GS have 56,000 Health are you insane wow that’s kind of crazy isn’t it I’m trying to avoid all of these

Projectiles because any one of them could freeze me on the spot and pretty much end my life come on first ice queen any second now there we go what was that that is a blizzard stuff okay another ice cream straight away okay let’s get this guy taken down huh we got 4 minutes

To try and take down as many ice Queens as humanly possible we really want that snowman launcher Cannon thingy ah got her all right what did we get no way we got it yes yes oh my God we actually got it we got the bloody thing we got the bloody thing

Boom Oh it’s all about the explosions now folks I don’t even care that we’re using all of our mini nukes right now oh it’s game over oh I don’t think you can get any more fun than this folks homing mini nukes come on oh I’m so happy dude I’m so happy we

Got it I’m so happy we got it the only other thing we can get in terms of our Ranger Weaponry is what the chain gun if we can get that from Sand tank then we would have pretty much finished off our collection oh there he goes whether we

Dro the chain gun remain to be seen we have 2 minutes of this event still folks plenty of time to continue farming these guys out wow I’m absolutely staggered that we haven’t died yet like genuinely I am what do we got down here H it’s the

Razor PL oh no way there it is we got it that’s it we don’t have to grind this event again folks already I can’t believe it only took one event what a turnaround compe last episodes RNG he a I’m so happy with that like really I am we got all three of the

Range of weapons I was looking for from this event I could not be more chuffed if you tried seriously all right about 20 seconds remaining our health is definitely getting a little bit on the low side here but no matter oh God there is indeed another ice queen I was kind

Of hoping that she wouldn’t spawn in maybe we’d have just a tiny bit of red spite all right 5 seconds and we’re good we’ve got two ice cream now now um not really in the market to oh oh wait wait no you’re not going anywhere son get out of here oh dude

Dude like could we have gotten a better Frost Moon than that seriously we got all three Ranger weapons we will looking for the elf melter the Snowman Cannon and the chain gun all three of them if that doesn’t deserve a like on today’s video I simply don’t know what

Does because ladies and gentlemen we will be wrapping up the episode there I mean come on what an episode RNG wise what an episode this game has well and truly bought itself back for me compared to the last episode apocalyptically poor RNG luck in the last episode versus

Incredible RNG luck in this episode I just I don’t know what else to say other than thank you so much for watching if you guys have enjoyed today’s episode of course you’re excited to see more I’m certainly excited to continue playing more there are so many

Weapons to try out now if you’ve enjoyed today’s episode and you haven’t already drop a like beneath the video I’d very much appreciate it hit the Subscribe button and don’t forget to ding that Bell if you don’t want to miss out on my future content but for now thanks for

Watching have a great rest of your day thanks for all of your lovely support and I’ll see you guys in the next episode bye-bye

Terraria Master Ranger Playthrough/Guide – The Celestial Shell, Mini Nuke Rockets and *FOUR* new Terraria ranger weapons to try as a result of battling the Pumpkin & Frost Moon, it’s all here folks!
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This is Episode 16 of my Terraria Master Ranger Playthrough/Guide on Terraria 1.4.4!
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  1. Python, while Godly on the Chain Gun is good for ammo reservation, I would highly recommend reforming it to Rapid, as it results in higher dps (and is more satisfying to use)

  2. On your next playthrough of you gwt early staff of regrowth it's worth making the axe of regrowth as it replants trees and it is best to use for harvesting herbs all around best axe to have

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