Level eight oh God this guy’s crazy can I take this guy on full health boom just like that this is like I don’t even know a boss dude like look at this one it’s got blue eyes this thing’s crazy and this guy is dead as well so close oh and

I was killed I was killed by bunny what’s up guys I’m going to be testing this MMO RPG that I found on Steam that is also free and it is called artwood online and the character I’m going to be playing for this is going to be the

Priest and this is going to allow me to keep my character alive so this is going to let me experience the game and actually F through it without you know knowing what to do but without further Ado let’s hop straight into it hey look they want me to collect rodent Pelt

These are all my controls right here just kill this little friendly rabbit right here oh I got small game meat nice whatever these rabbits level one those a level three here don’t think I can beat that just yet go ahead and start attacking these level ons I’m already starting to like this

It’s honestly interesting oh level two we’ll attack this level two right here this should give us more XP right I’m already losing a lot of Health there’s one belt another level two right here I have saw something flying through the air my guy just has this little little

Sword so close oh and I was killed I was killed by bunny so I got some over here in the spawn area I guess I can kill this bunny as well I am only level one my XP gain is minimal and I’m getting killed by level

Ones I can’t even kill this level one hey and I ranked up to level two perfect what was this I just guy right here all right I’m going to try attacking something see if I can attack these level two bunnies oh I got I got two level up points right here increase

Okay so my talents all talents are temporary Early Access test thing or accept that you change okay so I basically get skill points I can spend on something um I don’t know what I put this into I went into a priest so I assume I have magic abilities I want to

Say so I’m going to put both of them just in the mag magic abilities going takech this level what does this do y me perfect I am doing more damage which is interesting now I can just kill these level these level threes right here also level four right

Here I and try to get that too and then see if I push one here I should heal oh I’m back to full health that’s pretty crazy actually and the cool down on it is not even that long actually all these level three bunnies I can kill two at one time look at

That I just keep going I don’t even have to worry about nothing I just po my ability what is this a ore right here looks like some ores keep killing these rabbits before perfect perfect I think this class is pretty good so considering I can just keep rehealing myself every

Time I’m getting into a fight these level fours are nothing and I’m only level two when I was fighting when I was level one it was a struggle now I got this healing ability though I can just go like this and then just heal and I don’t know how much it heals

Me but it looks like it’s instantly healing me okay can I hit him we’re looking at our inventory we have eight pelts not bad just need two more wonder if I can collect the ones that people are leaving on the ground what is that do I got my uh I need one more I did level up though I wonder if putting more point in the magical abilities is any good or cool down maybe I might try I might put cool down reduction on abilities and try that out I don’t know where I got to go for okay so I was

Or a Trapper maybe I go to him uh complete Quest I only needed three for him oh I got to select the reward okay so um I probably want to go with the magic wand here I went with priest I believe that’s what they would use go ahead and equip

That okay so this is a three to four damage increase so much better oh I can shoot little um magical missiles now it looks like they hurt oh yeah take this can handle these level ones I guess nothing wonder what all these flags are for there’s a bank okay can store stuff

Um I don’t want to store none of that what was this guy selling oh he’s selling a oh this one’s crazy 120 gold and a wizard Hut oh 15 that’s pretty cool I need a pickaxe flumsy pickaxe wonder if he can give me a quest I go

Upwards and just kill these deer oh they’re level five see if I should be able to handle these with these right push my ability does it feel any faster I have no idea but I can just keep walking around like this oh yeah priest is something nice look at that

Boom back to full out ease I wonder if cool down reductions is probably something crazy you might want to work towards that but also if I want to more Dam oh level eight oh God this guy’s crazy can I take this guy on full health boom just like that oh there’s

Looks like there’s a distance I can kite them I don’t know if they’re um dropping anything these guys oh I can mine interesting and what is this giving me it is giving me 10 ore I can use to craft I wonder what this is right here coal oh

Interesting level five we’ll kill this one off oh accidentally shot shot it somewhere I probably shouldn’t have keep killing these level fives until I reach level four should help me killing something above my level 126 XP not bad on my heal perfect that’s to level eight what are these guys level nine

Yeah let me not deal with these guys come on now if I hit level four I might be able to um kill this give me some extra resources I’m guessing on the bottom right there is um maybe my XP bar right here someone wants to duel me I really don’t want to duel

Okay what is that what is that all about level seven can we handle this one maybe kind of hurts I can probably take another hit here yep full H just like that supri is kind of crazy I got to do stuff like this and I think I can beat

Out its rotation so I can heal I can heal again before I needed to um switch it up yeah right here I don’t know why I can’t attack the bunny but there’s another bunny right here this guy has a oh no I thought I thought he’s riding a he’s riding a sheep this

Guy looks crazy with the beanie on the all black fit bro was vicious like that this one’s level eight I don’t know if I can kill this one even with um my healing I keep missing on it I think that’s my problem here is I can’t um can’t promise myself yeah I

Can’t I can’t promise myself I’m going to um what’s it called not miss I’m attacking I’m just missing so um what is this what is this stuff worth 10 gold for 10 of this what is this mean everything’s only worth okay I guess so everything is only worth very

Little there’s a guy with a sheep again got that bunny I can’t fight these dudes go to the left oh I can’t even fight this one well maybe I can cheese him here I found the spot this guy can’t do anything oh he left that’s not good I

Can still do it with this one though it’s level six as long as it doesn’t reset as well and this should give me to level four oh okay so you reset to full health because I was holding him in that spot if I was doing more damage it’ actually be pretty good

But this guy shouldn’t have to okay kind of chuing me down but just like that full health we go we got the level up there can I not get through soft hide wonder how much is that that’s worth sells for two okay so when I click on it

It tells me how much it sells for going to go ahead and pump this into um damage so I can handle this guy I’m doing extra one damage now two damage right there I did seven this guy will hit me right here boom hit him with a full health so I can

Easily handle these level Ace now this should give me a lot more XP yeah 176 that’s really nice right there three seems crazy seems like a crazy um class set Up easy Pelt oh I got really low right there die little deer this guy’s hurting boom so it seems like only the level um sevens and eights are going to be giving me any type of um resource any type of money if if I push

T here okay so it looks like I get a Teleport here when I push T okay so I’m back to the main area okay perfect so it wants me to okay so I’m supposed to be doing Quest that was my problem okay so I get um collect 10 10 small game me and

I get boots okay perfect going do is kill the little dudes right here these ones dropped to me or is it just just random okay I can’t be missing this much on a on a a little little bunny with no Health right there’s two three just snipe him a far I like

The range too boom they’re hiding in the bush over here got them this guy’s farming up too he knows and what’s up it looks like I sniped this from from far away what does that leave me with nine there’s 10 right there perfect back to this guy the fur trapper

Can turn the clust in I get boots that give me more Health perfect okay so let’s see what he has now okay I already have the I could already have the thing so I can get the Trapper vest 23 armor and 19 Health perfect this G me a lot of XP as

Well so just equip this okay so the it looks the same when you switch them out I think oh I need to be level five to equip this actually okay so collect the Stag rack okay okay so I got to I got I got to level up and

Um go back up here and kill some more deer if I can ever find where I was at what is this skills talents skills mining okay so okay so we have we have a skill set here we can we can track all of um what we can level up

That’s pretty cool still doing um seven damage eight six damage not bad I guess but I should be able to tank this a lot easier now and I think this one right here is probably the Elder stag that they speak of that I need to um

Handle I keep missing I don’t know how effective this wand is die die die what is z doing come here bro was hiding in the tree there we go so close to leveling up I’ll kill another level seven I might level up I’m not sure heal real

Quick my heal’s on a pretty low cool down so I think I’m not sure I’m sure I’m sure all classes have some sort of healing if I’m not mistaken but the Priestess seems so nice I can just heal on command whenever I want to my first

Ability too at that pop that get that on cool down perfect this last one should level me up to level five then after I level up to level five I should be able to handle this guy level 9ine I actually unlocked my second ability as well we’re going to go ahead

And pump that back into um let’s see we can do should we try doing crit chance that might be something interesting my health regeneration is going up so this is this is actually going up as I um I don’t level it as well as my health okay and I

Guess my magic power is as well it looks like going to try that and we’re going to try killing this level 9 right here and see what uh goes down I wonder what happens when I push two see this little star ability looking like thing it’s

Like a glowing hand I’m going to push it oh so it’s like a missile oh and I can shoot them and it looks like they heal me okay so that’s good that’s perfect so I got a missile that I can shoot that heals me it’s pretty interesting nothing I guess not

These are Level 10 I wonder if I can handle a level 10 we’re going to try though go up here boom that heals me I don’t know how much that heals me but it heals me for oh this a decent chunk so I wonder if it scales off of um my um my

Abilities he here full health perfect dude that’s just so so nice hit him with a missile boom soft odde I need to kill a big one so I can get my bu done should be able to take another hit here right yep get over to here get that on cool

Down I take a little bit more damage like that I can hit with a missile boom this is not good though I stacked two of them on top of me it’s okay that this one’s stuck so I can feed that one off and then heal this one’s hitting me with

This hits me again I hit him with the the missile boom he Chunk on my health that’s pretty good so I think I I think I’m doing fairly well with um Capri it’s honestly kind of crazy oh I did another one that’s not good die die die oh boom explosion I

Wonder if it Stacks when I hit two of them like that people are leaving these soft soft belts around I don’t mind I one bit I’ll take some extra resources these are kind of giving okay XP nothing crazy to be honest not sure I mean I think these are the antlers that

I need to be going for go and heal just want I look around see if I can see anything um extra um go down here looks like like where the bunnies were when I was over here earlier yeah I keep going down I can expand my map out

Actually so it looks like there’s a crafting table here I think maybe a crafting table it is okay so I make this with wood that’s what I make um what I need five pine wood I don’t think I can um do any of this stuff this is going to level up my um

Lumbering okay oak logs so I need Pine definitely not Pine down here okay so I just leveled up in my log log cutting let’s see what this let’s see what that does okay so level level two on this maybe it just fast like makes it faster I’m getting attacked by bees what’s going

On like what is that there’s this bees right there I can’t even attack them either let’s see what I can make with this oak logs Oak boards okay so I need um level 15 actually I need level 15 for that so I’m just not going to do that how much

Does this pay though one per piece I guess it’s not terrible oops need to go up and I guess Farm these guys I don’t know boom what the Hell I just keep missing on this guy boom I already killed him there I got the Stag rack that’s exactly what I needed perfect I need that for my quest I go ahead and kill this one off though come on thank you I missed like all my shots I’m going to teleport here

And I mean would you look at that I’m level five and I’m completing Quest like this can I even there we go I need to equip these at level eight so I don’t even know if I’m supposed to be doing this Quest already but dude I think the Priestess sounds crazy collecting board

Tusk I didn’t even seen bores yet it just sounds crazy I can equip this now though level five there we go so now that’s a lot more armor and health I have on me nice my character’s also starting to look cooler but um I need to hunt or you don’t have

BS okay so we need we need ores as well if we want to um we need ores as well which is what looks right here is the little Forge so we need ores as well if we um want to upgrade our axe which will make it um obviously probably hit faster so that’s

That’s pretty cool I need to level up now though that’s what I need to do I’m taking I’m taking a lot more more damage now or I’m having a lot more health so it’s it’s good for me taking more damage and whatnot well this guy is on it I do need

To be stacking him up honestly try stacking him up and see what um I can get done here this doesn’t look like it’s healing me now though oh that hurt okay how much am I at right now can I see sells for 20 Trapper yeah fur

Trapper gotcha um this guy sells the one but I need it’s 11 to 14 which is good but like I just can’t get to that right now I need more money which if I wanted to I could just sit here and chop trees 120 Wood how much do they even give me

Whenever I I hit a tree I’m going to see real quick so I got one right there two right there I had two from a tree it might be just two from two from a tree each time I what on my wood cut again three from this one I get three

From the trees now I wonder if that change or if it’s just CU of the tree size or just random going heal 180 from this tree what is this one still Oak I wonder I wonder why I’m getting 180 maybe it’s a bigger tree maybe looking for bigger

Trees as I say that look for a bigger tree I hit down the smallest tree here there we go okay so they got okay I summoned a bat what was that all about a bat with a skull and it had like um I don’t know that was

Crazy I guess I hit the tree you know hit the tree too many times you know bats pop out of them see how this goes over here in my tracking on HUD there we go level three level three in that I’m working towards I need a 10 axe for that one

Okay all these people are running around saying they can buy um all kinds of crazy stuff holy this tree is huge I wonder if I can cut this one down there we go leveled up level four another bat it’s a bird okay kind of hurt I like this little

Area over here it’s got the big trees I got um bees around me again but okay so this blocked me off from the area completely I can’t even hit them trees I wonder if I can mine this right here I don’t think I can okay this guy

Just is crazy stuff I’m selling 10 each of these Stacks perfect what does that give me to it looks about 80 or 90 gold right there okay so I’m I’m I’m 30 off I just need 30 more logs login is honestly not that bad if you think about it pretty simple and

Basic and there’s plenty of trees to go around so I also like in this game that you can um you can do a lot of stuff like I can also customize here oh cool it’s a bunch of crazy stuff but uh you can you can open your inventory while

While you’re um doing things in game so like while I’m mining or interacting with stuff I don’t have to really worry too much I can just open my inventory do whatever all right perfect just enough I got 30 logs and I just sell five wood axe cutting so what is called wood cutting

Wood ax cutting that doesn’t make sense whatever wood cutting now I should be able to go to Geraldo over here and I go here I’m going to sell everything all my w I just got from all that and now after selling all that wood right there I have 123

Gold and I can come here and buy the Crooked one which should be honestly a big upgrade yeah see I need L eight to use it okay so I bought it for no reason that’s just great well I guess I actually got a go grind

Levels it’s going to make me mad if I um I I can I now I hit this Guy you’re dead brother you’re dead well this guy’s just going around destroying all these this is like I don’t even know a boss dude like look at this one it’s got blue eyes this thing’s crazy and this guy is dead as well that’s that’s crazy if you like this game let me know

What you think in the comments down below this is a a fairly small game to be honest with you and it’s a pretty cool MMO like M RPG you could say yeah roughly in that area but this game is Heartwood online and yeah it’s pretty interesting honestly I

Think it’s you know not bad for it being a pretty basic game I mean it’s got the style of um stardo Valley if you ever played that or like the Terraria like the the up the up and up view but it’s it’s it’s honestly pretty cool I mean

It’s a pretty interesting uh MMO RPG and there’s obviously you can see there’s task and things you can do and I like I like how it’s set up it’s honestly kind of pretty good polish for being fairly new but without further Ado um if you’re new here hit that like button hit the

Subscribe button it’d be greatly appreciated and peace I’m out

I played this fairly new MMORPG and it reminds me of the game “Stardew Valley”

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#heartwoodonline #stardewvalley #mmorpg

What I used –
Adobe Priemer Pro, OBS Studio, and my music is from @PandaBeatsMusic .

About LurkBelow:
Welcome to my channel! I post and review gaming related topics latest in the gaming industry. On the channel I post my gameplay experiences, “game movies”, and educational content over said video games that I hope you find entertaining. Enjoy!


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