28 Facts about Stardew Valley Townies / Villagers

Hello and welcome to my stardo Valley Channel no don’t worry next week we will continue with Animal Crossing but since the new 1.6 update is almost here I want to start a new save file to get ready and excited about the game again in your

Very first Quest you have to meet all of the townies well at least 28 of them and while we do that I thought it would be fun to list a fact about every single one of them so let’s get right into it quick disclaimer maybe don’t watch this

If you have never played stardo Valley before first of all because I do spoiler some heart events and dialogue from Towes but also because I tried to not pick super obvious or popular facts so I am sure that you will enjoy this video much more if you are already familiar

With the Towes and the game let’s see who we find first okay let’s try the store closed might as well look inside the trash cans don’t tell me you’ll never do that ah we have a volunteer Alex fun fact he has a football as a face well at least right now but Alex

Actually works at the ice cream stand in summer however if you choose to marry him he will never work there again so as soon as you marry Alex he immediately quits his seasonal job that is definitely a red flag in my opinion but no need to panic since you can still get

I ice cream as long as you have a horse if you position your horse where Alex would stand you can get ice cream whenever you want in any season so I don’t want to be the one to tell you this but your horse is more capable than

Alex yeah bear with me I have not played for a while so I have to orient myself a bit how do I activate Running Oh I am running I can see Penny let’s meet her fun fact about penny is that she was originally named Dana and she has two buns one just isn’t

Visible on her portray some people think those aren’t even buns but just a form of her hair here we also have mariey later in the game you can buy your farm animals from Marne but it seems like mie is selling you only her sensitive cows since her own cows can be seen outside

During winter while yours are stuck inside and will not even move a hoof outside even if you leave the barn doors wide open I do remember who lives where but I don’t know the schedule of everyone anymore and we have Vincent Vincent is one of the two children in

Pelican Bay there is no school here but Penny teaches them in the museum and Vincent has a crush on Penny he will tell you not only this but also about his plans to marry her eventually even if you are married to her already in the kitchen we can see Jodie washing the

Dishes look at that little foot stool Jodie is Vincent’s mom and a military wife her husband is deployed right now the fun fact is that a military slang the name Jodie refers to a guy that steals your wife while you are deployed spoiler alert nobody is stealing Jodie

But I think it would be great if we could steal her because she seems a bit depressed most of the time Sam is here too but you can only enter their private rooms if you have a certain friendship level so we have to come back when he leaves his room honestly number one

Always get the horse first walking this slowly is painful let’s try out the saloon closed that’s weird I do feel a once familiar frustration creeping up again about opening times in the game well at least a store should now be open and there is Gus Gus is a great and

Generous guy he runs the saloon and there is a hard scene where he offers food to lonus when he catches him searching the trash Gus catches lonus not the other way around but if he catches you looking in the trash instead of offering you something to eat he will call you disgusting kind

Of hypocritical if you ask me Farmers need food as well and here we have the shop owner Pierre you can sell prepared meals to pier and he will actually resell them however if the quality isn’t topnotch some villagers might complain about it I think that is a great detail

To make the game more realistic let’s let’s see if we can go back here yes we can and there is Abigail fun fact she eats rocks if you gift Abigail a quartz she reacts with this line this can be explained because most of her liked items are food items but the quartz is

Among them so this confirms that she crunches them away in her room when nobody’s watching let’s see if Alex’s grandparents are home jackpot so first we have George when you become friendly with Towes they will send you recipes in the mail and George sends you two eel recipes even though his wife Evelyn

Hates these dishes so maybe he’s trying to get someone to cook them if his wife won’t speaking of his wife here we have Evelyn I can’t really dish any dirt about Evelyn she is a kind and sweet granny but I did find a fact that she signs her letters with Granny which is

Adorable let’s check if Pam is home of course she is since the saloon is closed at this time Pam is the town drunk and she is pretty problematic but the most concerning thing is that later in the game she resumes her former job of being the town bus driver while still being

The town drunk with this speed it will take me forever to find everyone great Elliot is outside all I can say about Elliot is that he looked much better in his prior design in my opinion now he looks like an old school romance novel character the ones that your granny is

Reading well not every granny I guess great Robin has a full house first we have her daughter Maru fun fact about her is that she wears glasses in her portrit but her character in the game does not have glasses also a fun fact about Robin I kind of forgot her since

You meet her at the very beginning of the game so if you want Robin as your mother-in-law you have two options since both of her kids can be married that was the fun fact and her husband Demetrius when Robin is busy working on a new bill for your farm Demetrius will dance all

By himself in the saloon I don’t know whether that’s good or bad but yeah Sebastian is home but the door is locked so we have to skip him for now close to Robin’s house we have lonus lonus is a homeless man by his own will he prefers

That lifestyle but he’s also a bit paranoid because he mentions that someone throws rocks at his tent this might just be rocks falling down from the passing train or maybe lus actually has a hater or a prankster who do you think it could be I think maybe the kids

Are playing a prank on him if at all now the Town Center is a bit more lively we have Harvey the town doctor I think he is the bachelor that I like the least because he has two quotes that I can’t stand in summer he says people don’t get

Sick much during the summer that’s nice but it also means less business for me and in Winter you can see him say I hate to say this but I do make a lot more money during flu season I guess if people start getting sick I would be out

Of business don’t get the wrong idea I want people to be healthy really I don’t know maybe this is normal for a small town doctor to say but I do not like it and I do not want him around me then we have the green haired Caroline Caroline actually mentions sometimes that she

Likes to help granny Evelyn in her garden but you can never see her do so so does she actually do it maybe she only does it around 3:00 a.m. when nobody’s watching and you are passed out otherwise she is not honest we also have Emily here Haley’s sister in one of her

Heart events Emily adopts a parrot and the best thing is that if you marry her the parot will move into your house as it should since it is her parrot her pet her responsibility and I wouldn’t trust Haley with any living being of course it’s locked well look who it is on their

Way to get a beer Shane Shane is the other Town drun yes we have two of them but you can only marry one of them and that’s Shane and a fun fact here is that Shane wears a soccer shirt under his hoodie that has the number two on it

Well the more you know side braid matching Leah here is actually left-handed you can see that by watching her paint and there is Clint look it’s dark already because I moving in slow motion Clint only has four fingers on his left hand I guess that is a risk

That comes with his profession of a blacksmith well somebody has to smash those geod and we caught Sebastian we caught him smoking well I guess at least we can’t really see that well in the darkness I think think Sebastian is the only smoker in the game besides Willie

Who has a pipe but don’t worry your love can change him you can ask him to stop smoking but don’t take this way of thinking into real life don’t overlook stuff that you are not willing to accept just because you think you can forcefully change it in somebody else

You can only change yourself it is the next day and we got a letter from the pipe smoking Willie so let’s meet and greet him you most likely already know that Willie is the local fisherman but have you actually ever seen him catch anything besides the Festival of Ice

Event you can never see Willie catch any fish he is just standing there and waiting forever don’t mind me I’m just waiting for Mar’s house to open here we have the second child in town Jess the fun fact is in her room that I cannot excess but I can show you a screenshot

So when you examine her dollhouse you get this message the little family is gathering around the dinner table wait except Grandpa he’s wedged under the bed for some reason Grandpa probably refers to marne’s Hot Lover Boy and how he hides under the bed so nobody sees him talking about the man in question

Another character you meet right at the start is Mayor Lewis fun fact about him he now has the power to divorce you what was formerly only possible with witchcraft mayor Lewis decided to make it legal and to make you pay for it 50k gold magic is much cheaper but good to

Know that there are other options too now we only have two people left there is Haley Emily’s sister Haley loves photography but there is no dark room added to your house if you marry her only a weird photo area with two Palms behind your house so it appears that she

Always has to go back to her old house to use her dark room there he still in his room so I will just stay here until he comes out sooner or later he will get hungry or a full bladder fun fact about Sam as you can see in his portrit he’s

Wearing a yellow shirt but his character is actually wearing a red shirt did you ever notice that so these were 28 facts about 28 townies I hope you had fun watching and maybe discovered something that you did not know before I am super excited about the new update and I will

Continue to work on my farm until the new update comes out to the switch let me know have you been playing Stu Valley are you excited about the update what is your farm called I’m always overthinking my farm names and then they end up being totally basic anyhow thank you so much

For watching and for being here I appreciate you and I hope you have a great Day

Today I wanted to talk about some fun facts in Stardew Valley. So, since I also wanted to start a new save file, why not combine the two and use the Introduction quest in the game, to talk about almost every NPC in Pelican Town.
I haven’t played the game in many months. With games like this, I feel like this is the only way to enjoy it again, once you completed it before. If I did mix some things up, please let me know. I tried my best to compile these facts and hidden details!

Let me know what your farm is called, I just couldn’t think of an original name and just decided to name it after a flower.

Thank you so much for watching!

These two pages helped me the most, in compiling these facts:


  1. Sad to see you dont like harvey! He-s my husband in my playthrough and i adore him. I do think he wants the best for people, hes just very awkward 😂❤

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