220 | Stardew Valley 1.5 Let’s Play! | Modded | Raffadax Production

Good morning afternoon evening or nighttime welcome back to Hemlock Farm it is Friday the 5th of spring year three joining Sheamus standing warming his hands in front of the fire there um let’s continue off continue on into spring hey um let’s unfreeze the time go outside is it it’s sunny outside yay

Let’s eat some snacks oh these crops look terrifying and like not a bad way they just look terrifying cool and then let’s get fear in and start doing our little bit of morning chores let’s check out our mail first hello um came across some pine nuts traveling and Merchant honey thanks Kent

Oh and Crush pine nuts I didn’t shoot he gave us two I think that was a oh no that was um a rapidx one whoops quick rest overseas enjoy I want to say thanks for making me feel welcome super meal there we go there’s one of

The recipes we needed um did we learn a new thing I don’t think so maybe cuz we got crushed pine nuts which do these need to be shipped to they do so we can just ship them um cuz I we’ll be able to make those I’m going to give you like I want

Understand pelant town there Comes a Day you want to ask for someone’s hand in marriage you’ll need to give them a mermaid’s pendant don’t worry everyone in pel town understands the significance of the Amant it’s an ancient tradition in this region good luck um because we

Are very close why can I not have Puck not tracked that must have been a misclick at one point yeah because we have le oh she maxed out when did we Max you out must have talked to her he um Kent is getting there again and we are

Not going to be gifting anyone this week cuz we’re done gifting hey okay let’s grab you store you two different Honeys oh we just have a honey and then we have a wild honey interesting and let’s do another 20 of these get these cooking 150 wood from now that’s not

Bad and again we like the hard Wood’s like quite available to us so I’m not too concerned about that oh and you know what’s nice is how we can just pick all these and then pop them all in without worrying about Um storing our mushrooms our healing items okay we might just ship this honey because it’s like a we have 319 no we need like 5,000 never mind okay we’re going to store those for now cuz I think we’re taking a pause on that um there is

Some stuff I’m going to want to do oh we can move all of this down okay let’s go and say hi to our babies where are the babies here they are you’re you’re all grown up oh are you going to be giving us milk now yay we’re getting more milk

Cuz we need some milk for our cooking collection whoa eggs oh let’s get the we need to get the scissors we need to get the scissors maybe I could move this shed over and that could be the fourth shed I don’t know I kind of like the animal

Shed being by the end animals though um we have 53 iridium wool 19 of these we can cook up we’ll get more in time for Sebastian’s gifting okay there we go and we can move this chest closer again we’ll do the same thing we’ll kind

Of make a pad here probably we’ll make a pad for that too even though it does look nice being kind of wild and overgrown oh the stump is back cuz the shed is no longer there and I think it might be no it is definitely not Quarry

Day okay well let’s continue our our loop around exterior of town of Hemlock sorry e it looks so nice over here might do the same where we do a feature in the Middle with that Obelisk um but let’s grab our pale ALS or hops I guess and let’s now we can grab our

PS and we’re probably going to go sell these right away because we are poor and I don’t know how much money these will give us but it’ll be a good gauge to see how much some silver quality give us at least hey oh shoot we missed going to Sandy yesterday oh no oh

No our poor Greenhouse is just going to stay empty for a million years oops what am I doing any put on the Hops goodness putting in regular qu regular quality cuz we got to work through them regardless so I was actually thinking about the sorry I’m thinking about how we’ve

Designed the exterior and I may change it up I might move these chests oops um to where these I put the Torches oh I’m tapped over of the game sorry didn’t mean to tap out of the game um oops and I also just picked up a path I didn’t

Mean to pick up we might move these let’s pick up these torches while I’m thinking of what I want to do and then and I was thinking we might move the chests this one’s full so I’m just going to do this there like in front of the Machines I’m deal with these three too cuz then this chest can actually become um it might get a little bit funny here with path but that’s fine let’s change you back to oh do I have an invisible one nice um let’s change you back to the green green and

Green and then we are going to actually go dink dink I didn’t want to pick up the obelis but I did there we go oh interesting so I’m missing two pathing there how did I not even realize that there okay um I’m probably going to cuz that’s

Going to irk me too and it’s probably irking some of you just put in like Cobblestone or something right there mhm Um let’s go and sell this pale ale and get our our our cleanse on should this should we get 20 grand from this are we going to be able to build our second tree um tree house oh yeah we’re fine okay that’s cool because then we can buy like um 20 of

Those and was there anything else here I wanted to buy I mean the Delux speed grow but no cuz it’s so much more expensive here I don’t think so I don’t think there was other things I wanted to buy from you I just wanted to cleanse my sword down to hopefully

115 I swear like I I swear there should be a way to complete this Quest SL 115 okay so we have like another week worth of cleansing at least um so now we need to scr Dr like what if I go talk to the wizard I don’t

Know um this maybe your only chance to lift the I’m so confused why this like broke that Quest is it because I did more than what was intended I’m not too sure um sweet I’m happy that that was fixed we can let’s actually just copy this and then bring it down

Here reat all of this pathing while we got the chance oh shoot I should have done that before I put the chest and everything down H I might switch the crystarium um shed to be the one over here just because we have the chest inside right so we won’t really need a

Chest here but we’ll leave it for now um I was going to I don’t have the my warpy I want to warp back to the greenhouse CU I’m going to want to get let’s bring all the wood so I think I’m going to want where are you how many was

That nine sure see how far that gets us and then do the bus entrance again jump on a fearin Fearless Steed here and we’re going to put down this I know it’s going to look a little funny right now cuz it’s just like grass but it does have a really nice alternative

Texture this alternative texture is who why is there like oh it’s like pink and whoa that’s so cool that’s so funny how you can’t actually see it um this alternative texture is really nice it’s actually what we’re using in um our kitchen it’s just like a softer path and

We’ll see how this looks we’ll see how we feel about this um I may change it again cuz I don’t know and then I was thinking for these four torches just putting them like this this yeah little twinkle around um and then we can figure out more torches later but that’s fine

That’s good and then we can let’s retexture you even though that looks really nice like that but the um Brown is kind of sticking out there we go okay yeah that’s looking fine now let’s rip up to Robins I thought it was blinking there we can also check on the wao this grass

Is growing so fast there we’ll check on the backyard on our way back got some stuff to do hi Robin can you construct forarm buildings and I want to move buildings I just want to move this shipping bin before things maybe get a little bit funny with it being here cuz sometimes

Again there’s some weird interactions so I just want to lock that in register that um we can put it like here for now I guess maybe one back I don’t know um cuz then it’s still kind of nearby and like I’m assuming we’re going to put another shed or something right there I

Think that’s all the moving of those we want to do these are fine don’t need move those yeah that sh been is kind of funny there but that’s okay we can kind of make it more of a feature like we can put it here and then the path wrapping

Around um everything’s looking fine here yep so then let’s get you to build a witchy arum and then you’re going to build us yet another um oh we it’s 500 wood oh my gosh H can we buy that 50 we need 200 198 * 50 9,9 35 what is that 35 25 I think we can do it 190 and I know we’re going to go chop down more wood but I really want to build these uh construct farm buildings there we go and now I need to re-choose the

Color Okay build there we go oh was it 25 Grand woo for some reason I thought it was 20 grand and we’re just going to pump you right there nice okay I’ll start working on your new wiy arum first thing tomorrow morning and it’s going to be done

Tomorrow because I think it’s in the mod it’s set to be a one-day building which is it’s it’s fine um if that’s how the mod Creator said it we’ll play with that um if we’re making a bunch of them we may change it to three days just for

Balance reasons I don’t know um but let’s check out what’s going on here you don’t have anything you have things what did you harvest for us the garlic and the wild barley cool what did you plant garlic and the rapes not grown Wild Oats is one day oh and

You replanted the Wild bar cool so you do just replant the stuff awesome stinging nettle is two days Shamrock’s already Harvest so we’ll go and harvest that but let’s just clean this up a little bit plant oh I don’t have the garlic seeds on me that’s fine

Um yeah all this is still going to be growing in for quite some time okay let’s go and get pick up these jamrocks see what these oh and they do turn lighter okay that’s cool yay there we go so we got like a million of these Shamrocks which I don’t know what they

Do so we’re going to go store probably all the regular quality ones and then we’ll ship the rest and the Clover we can ship too we have so much of that Clover let’s see how I feel about this now that it’s it looks okay I mean it looks kind of

Just funny without the other shed there um yeah it looks fine did we buy how much I buy 20 okay okay so we need to wait have we shipped these yet we have so I need to add these to the cell the cell bin they’re not going to sell for a whole

Lot but we’re not we didn’t grow them to sell have we sold the wild barley we have sell cell and we don’t even need make seeds out of those cuz we have so many okay um let’s actually use our warp to the greenhouse cuz we can store these

Shamrocks in our spring spring crop chest um I can put away this path cuz I think I’m done with it for now is is and let’s make seeds out of all of these there we go doing pretty good um and now I would like one two one two and 1 two three

Four for just a little bit more designing um you are five sheds there we go now that you’re kind of oh the warp point is obstructed oh is it because I put all of those okay so the Torches can’t go there that’s good to know apparently you can’t just spawn

Onto what if I remove the one in front maybe if I remove that one in the front oh no am I going to can I okay I can cuz I like I’ll pop up the the mini Obelisk again if I’m not careful okay so we’ll just grab you that should help and let’s

Do um one two no two um do we want to do the same or do we want to do different Oak Maple do Maple and then oak you were tucked up here right one two three over one one two three over one yeah there and then we can go doop and

Doop and d and doop and then we can grab this grass starter and just put it here so that it spreads accordingly we thinking we might put some trees around though and do and D actually just Sol in here we go Grass Grass Grass cannot go there really can I draw grass in

There yes I can okay that looks a bit better with a grass drawn in can I draw grass in here yes I can that looks okay I don’t know how I feel about that grass right there but it looks fine can I draw grass in right in this weird spot right there

Oh I I close Smart building and okay yeah there we go that looks better too um so now we need 1 2 3 4 we need 1 2 3 four more there so let’s try that out we need two more of you and let’s Do where did my there we go 1 2 3 4 will you let me warp here now yay you will sweet oh and that’s perfect okay so we did Oak and we did Maple so let’s do the opposite here Maple Oak and then this will be Oak and

Maple and let’s just plant some of this grass starter up here just so that that all grows in and doesn’t get all funny with the pathing um and then this will be whatever we’ll have to keep our eye on that okay so what else did I want I

Wanted something else here what do I want Um can I I can I’m going to make oh I can make a lot of these let’s make 15 why not I know we’re kind of trying to hold on to the idium for other projects but I mean this is one of the projects we’re trying to hold it on to so let’s

Use it and we will put are you our crystarium shed you are we will put this actually we’re going to move the crystarium shed to here shoot oh that won’t work cuz that’ll still be obscured okay we’ll put that there and let’s fill this out accordingly one 2 3 4 5 5 six

7 Two 3 4 five 6 7 okay there we go oh my gosh it’s stanky what the heck it’s like it smells like skunk but I don’t even know if it’s skunk it might be something else someone else having some fun outside doesn’t matter um um okay so those are cooking

Which is really nice we can actually you know what we can do is we can actually go to whoops we go to the greenhous and we can grab I think we have some rubies and Jades in here yeah so we can just use these oops oops oh my gosh um

Sheds and we can put in a Jade I think here that might be the best bet and then let’s retexture you to a fun color where’s the purple h no let’s do like a blue where is like do we have like a brighter yeah this blue I like that blue okay um it’s

Like a softer blue I know that the crystalarium are normally blue but there we go and then we’ll do Jade Jade Jade so I’m going to be really careful when I access this chest I don’t have any gems actually in my inventory okay there this is coming along quite nicely Um yeah I’m liking that I just want to get some decorations but that’s looking really good and we got that’s let’s go to the traveling Merchant let’s see cuz what if she has a caviar cuz that’s like the one thing we’re waiting on Hello do you have a caviar for us I don’t have any money if you even have a caviar so it’s fine if you don’t oh yeah you have like nothing so let’s um what was I do let’s go to the backyard again CR my fish four more pressure nozzles it’s a

Friday so we can’t do that craft more deluxe wine cakes we’re still working on that cleanse the room blade working on that um I do want to go to oh we have one of these let’s put it down here how are we doing with our leaks two days okay two

Days until we can finish off that Quest let’s go and see how our trees are doing here now that it’s the daytime as well a debris man is it because I missed that this weed okay so let’s just cut down some trees and then we’ll plant the seeds that they give

Us oh my gosh there’s so much debris everywhere can can I can I pick up these SE now I can okay we we’ll actually do this the um the normal way of doing it except for these cuz this one’s already grown in so I’m just going to move it over one

So that it can actually grow oops Yeah there’s so many tree seeds like scattered around here this looks really nice also go look at the bus stop see how that’s doing oh this is really good too that we’re cutting down all these trees cuz it’ll expose all of

The um stuff that we missed cleaning up up yeah like look at all these seeds here these are none of these will grow here so we got to move them we’ll just kind of gather them with us right now um we can get these ones out of

Here and then I’m going to move this one over just a hair because it won’t grow there either and same with this one that one won’t grow beside but it will grow there same with this one move you up there we go and then move these friends out as well cuz

I don’t even know if they can grow on the stairs right there there we go okay let’s continue actually I’m curious I want to keep the wood here 304 though that’s really good cuz we’re getting more from the wood chippers which we can probably go and turn never thought we’d be so woodport

I’m pretty sure we’ve been wood woodport since like the Autumn time here since fall okay looking good let’s plant some seeds while we’re here cuz there’s like a lot of room for seeds and again we’re just going to be like halfhazard Le like I know no method to to the

Madness wherever we think some will Grow then we have nine one two three four five six 7 8 nine there we go wait oh some sap oh we’re getting sap from this too oh amazing we need so much sap for our project one of our ongoing projects and we can totally go grab a bunch more seeds from our

Chest let’s continue chopping wow there’s like so many trees down here now or ready to grow trees I should say just mow down all the adult trees before we plant more just so again we can see if there’s any debris that will be messing us up a

Little adjusting any of those that we know will not grow cuz they’re too close like this guy we can move over I don’t know if that will grow like in front of the stairs so we’ll just put him right there there we go I also don’t know why I’m calling all these little

Seedlings males hey we’ll leave that one there see if it grows I’m curious thank you trees doing us well oops whoops oh my gosh how many swings does it take before we hit the tree hey I see more debris how did you spawn it’s probably because I missed

That stick it blended into the um the wall there move this friend out of the way to there actually there’s another one right there too oh my gosh we have a full stack of wood what sort of crazy projects can we get up to I need to cut from the bottom and

Then go up cuz I can never see okay I see these two here though so we’ll fix that oh there’s two more right there and there’s two two logs oh my gosh there’s actually like a lot of so those won’t grow that won’t grow Potentially and we’ll move you in move you in grab a grab fine the rest of this is looking pretty okay oops Yeah those will be okay okay let’s clean up Here my goodness these logs everywhere everywhere I thought we did a good job maybe there just is a you know an automated debris spawn or something but no I remember last year especially in the backyard there’s never like a crazy amount of debris okay there I think that’s all of

The oh no never mind debris debris I can’t get it one second debris debris there okay now that’s all the trees so now and we got over a stack of wood that’s amazing like a stack and a half okay so now let’s plant some More to help our wood supply um 27 of these whoa holy oh we lost our speed we lost our speed um sorry the mic’s a little far away from my face here we go now it’s really close Al how this has become a natural Tree Farm perfect use of the space while

We’re not really investing too much into it hey there we go there we go okay I’m feeling good about that let’s find furin there he is I see him hiding in the dark and we’re going to rip on Back 11:20 the day is pretty much over let’s see what sort of Designing SL maybe even crafting stuff we can do um yeah I really want to see those trees grow in here before I do anything else crazy with that area so I’m justing every oh

Right we were going to do down here okay let’s put away all this stuff first wood yay and let’s get the fence cuz we’re probably going to break all of that fence there um and we don’t have any shoot this might be a a little funny CU we don’t have any um grass

Starters nope that was the wrong one what if I don’t put down the fence cuz the grass will hypothetically spread down hey I keep on picking the wrong fence this or the wrong path like this top path can or the bottom path can stay there’s a

Truffle back here um and that one yeah like this bottom path is totally fine staying here cuz then we’re going to be adding one more path underneath which means that this whole thing needs to shift down we can shift it down to here actually now how can I Scythe this

Without scything away my oh shoot I scythed the grass up there that’s what I was trying to avoid I should have used the sword I should have used the sword okay cuz I want to actually ah we’ll actually move it up one I think cuz what I’m thinking is I want

To put pathing around it right um okay I don’t know if I want to put it here cuz I might plant some trees there you Know let’s do the same that we did with um over by the bus stop we’ll plant two pine trees there um where are my Pine seeds one two and put that pathing away and what if we grab oh we have like no stone pathing more of you and oops and I need

To make the two tree fertilizer there we go just to clean it up a little bit let’s see what this looks like if I do this cuz then where are the trees the trees will go here and here with fertilizer okay and Then now let’s just try and retexture these to the softer oh it looks kind of nice I kind of like that I kind of like that did I not put a path underneath there though that’s my question I thought I put a cobblestone path underneath oh I didn’t I do want to put

A cobblestone path underneath oh shoot I’m going to have to move them all anyways oh it’s 140 yay designing stuff sorry I love it I’m so sorry if you don’t um I know we have a truffle on us we can figure out Shuffle tomorrow let’s go to bed we made it inside that’s all that matters hi ragas let’s go to bed all

Right that was the fifth of spring year three and I don’t think we sold anything oh we leveled up our foraging though almost is this our Prestige version I don’t know we’ll see cuz we’ll be cutting down more trees and such so I’m curious to see um but yeah thank you

For joining us on day five of spring year 3 and I will see you in the next episode until then byebye for now

Welcome to a modded adventure in Stardew Valley, following our farmer Seamus, the druidic scholar as he embarks on his ecological and zymological rite of passage on Hemlock Farm!

Raffadax Production mod located here: https://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/8256
MARGO mod located here: https://github.com/daleao/modular-overhaul

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