I Survived 100 Days as a WARDEN BEE in HARDCORE Minecraft

On day one I spawned in as a warden bee in my skull flower Fields my sweet little bees go and collect pollen for our Hive anything for the colony man being a bee is amazing but as I said this a creature began to emerge from a

Dark scary cave revealing it was a giant bear beekeeper the warden be finally oh no the colony is under attack I began to race through the skull flower Fields trying to get back to my Queen safely but he was chasing close behind what are you doing don’t lead him to The

Hive in my panic I didn’t listen but before I could make it inside the bear hit me to the ground no the queen yes there it is I watched as he slashed right through our beehive with all of you little Warden bees I will be made

All of your precious skull honey he ran off as I hurried inside of our home on day two I looked around the hives interior everything was in Ruins Queen where are you that evil bear tuck our queen and the other bees without her our entire Colony will perish no we have to

Save her you’re going going to die when I got outside of the hive I saw a path the bear left behind and began to follow it but because of this I recklessly got trapped I looked around and realized I was now stuck in a giant spider web and

On it was a large tarantula someone please help hello my new dinner wa is that a warden bee a little flower creature please help me fast I don’t know I could but it’ll cost you yes fine I’ll do anything he quickly pulled me out of the

Webs just as the tarantula went to bite get back here follow me I quickly followed the flower with the large trantula on our Tails thankfully we made it through a small crack just in time I can’t even fight a spider how am I supposed to stop a bear ah you be forced

The Beekeeper don’t you yeah going after him is a death sentence what why I had no choice but to follow the plant as he went deeper into the forest on day three I followed the flower until reaching a field full of his other flower kind wao

I had no idea living flowers were a thing all flowers are living we could just move and talk yeah right as we went further in I quickly noticed how weak everyone here was what happened you see that tree right there we used to live on top of it bathing in the most beautiful

Sunlight but we uh uh fell and grew very weak in this shape huh well I’ll help you all get back up there if in return you tell me everything you know about that bear e with that I began searching around the tree until I found a large

Hole in its trunk aha this way we were able to make our way up inside its large trunk until we came across a room full of acorns why are these here suddenly a loud growl echoed through the air so I may have lied we didn’t fall we were

Kicked out by what I turned back around just in time to see a giant rabid Squirrel on day four the squirrel lunged into attack ah stay away ice squirrel I squirrel I don’t think that’s helping as I said this the squirrel knocked me out of the tree onto one of its branches ouch I looked up and along the branch was a strange skull Stinger is that from

Another Warden be the squirrel came running along the branch towards me but I went up and collected the Stinger because of this I became much stronger and now had a much larger bee stinger I gained five more hearts and my senses began to change I was now somewhere else and in

Front of me was a Str strange looking flower one larger than I had ever seen before what is this but then my vision was brought back to the tree wao the squirrel was about to reach me but I quickly used my new Stinger to unleash a

Sonic sting causing him to fall off the branch whoa I could do that not so scary now are you with that I reached the top of the tree which revealed a breathtaking view like none other the flower people looked much more healthy and happy as well okay so I don’t know

Much about Boris but I know he’s very deadly and where he goes to rest follow me on day five the flower and I journeyed to a pl’s clearing where I saw a large beekeeper site all around weak Warden bees work in the field and would

All go towards a den in the center the queen must be in there wait what are you doing I quietly buzzed through the fields and into the den only to see a horrifying sight machines were everywhere processing the resources our bees collected and turning it into skull

Honey this is awful there above it all was the queen bee trapped in a cage there you are my little Warden be you shouldn’t be here that bear he will return soon I’m not leaving before I get you out I flew around her cage looking

For a weak spot there with my new power I tried to break it open but it didn’t work and with one more hit a loud ringing sound rang oh no you found one of the Warriors lost fragments I guess so and when I grabbed it I saw a vision

One showing a flower yes that’s it young Foo listen there’s only one way to save us all you must find the rest of the Warriors fragments and when you do you will be able to find the flower of lost skull its legendary pollen can create a

Skull Hy like no other one that can unleash a power never seen before what kind of power but before she could answer Boris burst into his den go now you’re our only hope I knew I had to listen to her and flew out before the

Bear saw me on day six I flew far away from The Beekeeper fields and it didn’t take long for me to see that my new flower friend was being chased around by a girl I want to pick the flowers they’re so cute hey I charged in and stung her immediately ow

Be thanks for the help yeah no problem little guys like us got to work together to stay safe with that in mind I found a safe spot for us to start building a base I went around the area pollinating nearby flowers and Gathering resources to construct my own honeycomb home it

Wasn’t a full Hive yet but it’ll do then I noticed my flower friend had built himself a flower pot home as well you’re staying with me you helped my people so it’s only fair that I stay until I can return the favor by the way my name is sunny nice to

Officially meet you sunny I then went out in search of any clues on the warrior fragments when suddenly I nearly dodged back to avoid being crushed by a man hey that’s the girl from before y y I got the sandwiches the saders and the deep dark

Honey cam I know how much you love your honey huh yeah well not anymore I hate bees a deep dark honeycomb that must be another Warrior fragment I have to follow them on day seven I followed the couple to a cute Beachside picnic area aw they’re on a date the boyfriend began

Setting up as he put down the picnic basket okay the deep dark honeycomb is in there I carefully flew low to the ground to avoid being spotted and made it to the basket safely but as I try to push it open it’s too heavy did I just hear

Buzzing I ducked behind the basket as the girl began to look around I got to be more careful but how am I going to get in that basket hey huh I follow the voice coming from behind a watermelon and found two ninja Flies what the seems we’re all after the same thing these

People’s delicious delicious food yeah but I don’t want all of it well you’re in luck we are the Ninja flies masters of food fevery we can all work together to accomplish both our goals if you distract the humans we will open the basket all right but why can’t you

Distract them with flies who’s scared of flies yeah good point you have yourselves a deal then I flew out of hiding and headed towards the couple here goes nothing I buzzed directly in between the two of them as they both screamed a a be on day eight the couple

Began to panic not again oh come on I’m not that scary the chaos created the perfect opening for the ninja flies go go go the two flies latched onto the basket and forced its lid open yes they jumped inside as one of the humans ran straight towards me with a fly swatter

THX it stay back oh no I tried to fly around to dodge his attack but he struck me dead on sending me straight into the basket ow that hurt looking around at my new surroundings I saw the inside of the basket was full of food and there

Amongst it all was the deep dark honeycomb bingo I started to make my way towards it but the ninja flies jumped out at me I don’t think so pal what the you guys are betraying me yeah what are you expect were flies all we care about

Is food the fly ran into attack and it wasn’t holding back with their combined hits I was losing fast oh no thankfully though one of them hit me straight towards the honeycomb no stop him you idiot they came after me but I grabbed a chunk of the honeycomb just in time and felt

Myself upgrade once again I gained five more hearts and grew even stronger but my vision began to fade again I don’t think I’ll ever get used to that I noticed that I was back in the place from my previous Vision I walked down a cave tunnel that led me to a

Dangerous dungeon entrance and as I was about to enter in you you seek the flower of the Lost skulk within this Temple yes uh yeah I do please take it from me entering here is a Death Wish suddenly the warden bee just died what how it was then that my vision returned

To the picnic basket the skull flower is that dangerous in the middle of my thought the ninja flies were still coming right at me however in my newly upgraded form I was able to shoot out hot skull CUNY which stopped their attack I can’t move with this honey it’s

Delicious well enjoy it I guess I escaped through the open basket to see that the humans had left left the picnic thank goodness getting to that flower is not going to be easy I wonder where the other Warden fragments are huh what’s that I flew around the

Corner to see a baby fox trembling with fear hey there are you all right ah you work for that evil bear leave me alone Boris wait no I don’t work for him on days 11 to 12 I began to Chase after the fox through the forest they were just a

Baby but clearly knew the forest inside and out hey I I just want to talk it wasn’t long until we stumbled into an area that was almost completely destroyed wo what happened here the baby fox had stopped in the center and just looked so sad that horrible horrible

Bear is what happened he came here and destroyed my home using your skull honey I I lost my mom and pops wait he was using our honey how look I’m sorry I promise that I’m trying to stop that bear he’s using our honey against my hive’s will the fox wordlessly nodded

And seemed to trust me but they were still so sad we returned to the picnic and I found some leftover food to feed them thanks so I can see you’re out searching for the warden Bee’s fragments right yeah you know what those are yes I love learning all about the forest

Animals around me if you already have the singer and the honeycomb the remaining three pieces are the tendril antenna the ancient wings and the buzzing Hearts W you’re more knowledgeable than I thought what’s your name I’m Amber all right Amber I think I have an idea on days 13 to 14 Amber and

I returned back to my base where I immediately started building a cozy little home for them I promise you that I’ll find your parents and reunite you guys thank you but that bear he’s always been the forest’s largest predator and now he’s even more dangerous and your

Skull honey it’s changing him for the worse yeah that’s not good good news though I actually know where the next fragment is the tendril antenna should be in a beehive just south of here another beehive then that’s just where I need to go as I prepared to leave my

Base I noticed our home was blooming with even more vibrant flowers yeah being half flower has its perks then as I looked out of my base I spotted another Warden bee but they looked scared and flew off in a hurry what could they be running from on days 15 to

16 I tracked the bee as he flew into a snowy Forest great where did he go I then heard rustling in nearby bushes uh hello I crept forward until I saw the warden be oh my another Warden be finally I’ve been on the Run since our

Colony fell you’ve been on the run from what suddenly emerging From the Path were two massive tunder wolves not just one but two look how lucky we are oh no run we both darted away flying through the forest as fast as we could but they were gaining on

Us ow the Wolves slowly began to walk forward ready to kill but then bursting from out of the tree line was Boris he took down both of the wolves with one powerful swing he’s stronger than before this skun it’s doing something to me it’s giving me power wait he’s using power honey quiet

Down Boris sniffed through the air and came slowly towards our snow pile but thankfully he didn’t notice us this power changes everything I will consume all the honey from those bees and when they can’t give me any anymore they’ll be dead Our Queen she has to be so weak now the entire

Colony won’t last much longer I have to find that other beehive you’re looking for another Hive I just saw one a while back come with me on day 17 to 18 the bee brought me over to a beautiful Lakeside there in the center was a small island with a single tree and hanging

From it was the Beehive the tendril antenna has to be in there huh I wonder why they call it that I split up with the other Warden be and made my way to the hive once inside I saw that there was an entire B town and wait all of

Them were in business suits some were even driving cars come on I’m trying to get to work I’m a busy bee you know as I got deeper into the hive I saw that every single bee was in their homes just watching TV V this is not right you

Being here is not right I looked up and there on her throne was the colony’s Queen be and coming out of her throne were power lines all connected to the tendril antenna oh I see queen I’m here for that antenna it’s rightfully mine do not talk to me

With such demanding tone without this antenna this city would have no more power the TVs are all us busy bees need now so it is ours before I could react two policemen bees grab me from the side ah hey let me go put him in jail for his

Disrespect on days 19 to 21 I was thrown into a honey cell ah hey let me out oh shut up I’m trying to watch TV you guys too come on huh they all like that I turned around to see a prisoner be why are you locked in here something real

Messed up man I hate technology and I miss the beautiful flowers our Colony used to enjoy wait that’s messed up to this place it sure is I’m willing to do anything to show these bees that the outside world is a far better place than staring at a screen anything I love this part

Look what the what was that put your hands up what hands were bees he began to attack in frustration but me and the other bee easily dodged and made it through the open door now the other bee shut it and I used my skull Cy to block

The exit good one now how are we going to do this I think I have an idea but you’re going to have to trust me on days 22 to 26 The Prisoner be approached the queen hey Queen what you you how did you escape uh that doesn’t matter but you can’t catch me

Though what get back in your cell now the queen flew off of her throne and chased after him leaving the tendril antenna for the taking yes I seized the opportunity and grabbed it causing me to upgrade even more I gained five more hearts and grew into a larger Warden be

With a powerful Buzz boom but because I took the antenna all of the Power throughout the entire Hive shut off e the queen began charging right at me oh no we began to fight and even though she was just a normal bee the queen was very strong and had a very powerful

Stinger thankfully with my new ability though I launched her into the wall of the hive causing it to break open and reveal the outside ah my head oh hi this place it’s it’s beautiful wo it looks real the quality here is way better than TV this is what I’ve been trying to tell

You I am so sorry and foso I owe you an apology as well we are bees we belong with nature I’m truly sorry I’m just happy I could help you guys see that on days 27 to 29 I returned to my base and saw a group of warden bees here they

Must have followed the one from before but they all still looked so weak all right foso time to get to work I built them their own Warden be sleeping quarters so that they can all get some rest the warden fragments are keeping me strong but not the others I need to save

The queen yeah with her help we could actually have a hope in finding the flower of lost skulk no Warden bee has ever found it before really only someone with strong enough senses can and that’s only if they can Sur survive the trials did you say trials that’s just what I

Heard huh good to know hopefully we can find it and Save Our Queen before Boris becomes too strong just then I heard a scream Echo over our entire base of course race for impact I rushed out to find a dragonfly splashing in the water outside no no no I’m never going to make

It to the secret society at this pace hey man are are you all right that was a major crash yeah my concussions numb the pain nothing’s going to stop Master pilot Ace from getting to the sky flower Fort okay Master pilot Ace what’s there that secret society you were talking about yes

Exactly yeah any insect that they allow to join are granted the ancient Wings ancient Wings another fragment well I guess I I need to join it then too on days 30 to 32 Ace brought me to the base of a large intimidating Mountain the skyflower fort is just up here should be

Easy enough but just as I started to fly up it lightning began to strike all around us ah we were both blasted far back because of the impact ouch yeah now you see why I crashed earlier whoever’s part of this Society made it super EX exclusive well they haven’t dealt with

The warden bee I began to push onward through the lightning field path and as the lightning struck around me I used my heightened Warden senses to dodge around them this is too easy it wasn’t long until we reached the mountain Summit and there stood the entrance to a grand

Flower for it wo we actually made it this place is beautiful from the fort emerged a large tarantula hawk ah no commers that’s right we’re here to join the secret society and claim the ancient wings for ourselves very well it’s your funeral the insect press the switch that

Open the doors of the fort all right time to get those wings so there is another Warden be out there well he will soon be mine on days 33 to35 we were led into the council room of the flower Fort where two more imposing winged insects

Glared down at us and above them were the ancient Wings all right which one of you first oh wise and mighty Council of the Wings please accept my application into your Society no what what we aren’t leaving without a yes we need those wings h a Wen be I knew I smelled you

Coming you’re here seeking the flower of lost skull aren’t you yes and I’ll do whatever it takes to save my Colony follow me she led us through the fort and into a chamber with a long hallway and at the end was a golden map what’s this this map leads to a biome in

The clouds one with trees that are made of pure gold if there’s one thing I would change about this place it’s the trees and these trees scream best of the best The Moth threw over the map to me if you go there and bring us back just

One simple sapling the wings will be yours but beware the residents there do not welcome visitors on days 36 to 39 I followed the map and made it to the golden cloud forest okay just got to get one sapling no biggie but as I got close I spotted goblins flying around the area

In Golden helicopters yeah I should not stay for long I quickly went over and started to mine a tree but its leaves are just Gold Blocks how am I supposed to get a sapling then needing to know more answers I went deeper into the area but while I was searching something blasted

Me from behind I looked around and saw that I was now in a field of dead plants but in the center Hill stood one last golden sapling Bingo before I could run for it though the attacker revealed himself as a goblin in a fully golden Mech wao no

One will be taking our last golden sapling we cherish it protect it with all our hearts I have a feeling this isn’t going to go well team blast him to it SP the helicopters came swooping in and started dropping deadly bombs onto me oh no I was doing my best to avoid

The explosions and skillfully used my skull Cy to bring one down hey stop that the mech then charged in and was about to crush me me when suddenly Ace came flying in knocking him to the side ace yeah it’s me I’m here to

Help on days 40 to 44 ace and I team and using our combined attacks we push the golden goblin Mech that gave us an opening to go for the sapling no please it’s the only living plant we have left on this Cloud without it we goblins will

Have no VI to love wait what oh okay Goblin I have an idea I quickly flew around the area and using my echo poen I was able to bring the surrounding plants more and more back to life with this golden flowers bloomed across the entire field how beautiful oh my the beauty all

The Goblins then began to run around and sing around po ofies I did not expect this from goblins this is amazing thank you please take the sapling together ace and I collected the sapling and flew back to the flower Fort but something was wrong it had been attacked there was destruction

Everywhere and as we made our way inside I saw strange claw marks and the ancient wings were gone the bear he did this no no on days 45 to 47 Ace went back to base as I snuck my way back to boris’s Honey field but now the place was completely

Different everything was overrun with skull and my fellow Warden bees looked so weak they couldn’t even move anymore a loud roar echoed from a staircase that LED beneath the fields I followed it which led me into a room where Boris was where is that Warden be I uh I don’t

Know he roared out in anger again but this time Unleashed a powerful sonic boom that nearly destroyed half of the room oh my these stupid Warden bees are on the verge of death I need another one healthy like him if you don’t know where

He is then you will die he was about to unleash another roar I can’t just let them die hey I blasted Boris merely getting his attention my new pet I don’t think so quickly I tried to lead him away but before I could his Roar sent me crashing

Into the hallway ah all around me was the skull honey he had been harvesting from my hive I flew up angrily and turned to see him stomp into the hallway after me you will die working here just like the rest of your Colony no I won’t

On days 48 to 52 Boris began to chase me through the narrow hallway as his massive attacks would destroy his own Machinery oh look what you made me go I tried to fly ahead and as I did I saw the ancient wings were being held at the

End of the hall I kept going and even turned to blast him with the sonic boom but it barely even phased him every single year I have to prepare for that horrible winter gathering enough food to make sure I survive but your honey it’s given me senses like none other I not

Only stronger but faster and I can hear my prey from miles away I don’t need hibernation anymore he roared again hitting me to the ground right in front of the Wings but I was only at one heart oh don’t worry I won’t kill you until I’ve

Extracted all the honey I can from you no you won’t I quickly got up and grabbed the ancient Wings which empowered me again I gained five more hearts and grew out even larger Wings Boris anchor charged towards me but I was able to soar up just in time on days

53 to 56 I exited the tunnel and flew up into boris’s Den There Our Queen was still still locked in her cage looking weaker than ever oh no I could still hear boris’s Roars coming from below we have to get out of here uh Foo with my

Upgraded form my attack was now strong enough to break open her cage come on my queen we have to go now I escorted her out of boris’s den causing all of the other Warden bees to follow us no no it’s all that bees fault yeah I’ll use the rest of this honey to

Heighten my senses even more and I will find that colony and I’ll take him down once and for all on days 57 to 59 I made it safely back to base with my entire Colony all of the flowers in my base bloomed and flourished thanks to Sunny and some of

His people were there as well well look at everything we did this place looks so much better now nice work Sunny now let’s make it even better I immediately got to work building more resting quarters for the rest of the warden bees and a royal throne for my queen to

Overlook us all despite everything we’ve done all of the bees were still so weak Boris had really taken his toll on them it won’t be long before that bear finds us again none of us are strong enough to face him the lost flower is our only

Possible answer leave it to me my queen she then handed me over a skulky looking key what’s this you are the only healthy one left that’s strong enough to do this I know where the final Warriors fragment is left wait you do where the entrance lies within our old Hive but please be

Careful foso obtaining this piece will be far more more challenging than all of the others no pressure right I reluctantly flew out towards our old Hive and there it was on the ground just as broken as before I was about to enter inside but then I heard movement behind a nearby

Tree um hello on day 60 to 63 I flew behind the tree to see a pair of foxes have you seen our baby your Amber’s parents yeah I have she’s safe oh thank goodness where is she I directed them to my home and as they headed off I went

Into the destroyed beehive everything was still in Ruins inside and I have no idea what I’m even looking for just then the skull key the queen had given me began to activate it pointed me towards where the queen’s throne once was and after I cleaned up some of the rubble I

Found uh button pressing it caused the throne to move which revealed a passageway into a hidden room W the queen really kept this place a secret at the center of the room was a chest and I used the key to unlock it showing an empty skull heart inside the heart of

The buzz as soon as I grabbed it I was suddenly pulled away I now found myself on an unfamiliar Deep Dark Island and there was a giant empty heart floating at its Center finally someone who wishes to fill the heart whoa what look around this island

Has been Barren for far too long now but if you wish to collect the heart of the buzz and leave this place you must fill the hot with honey on days 64 to 68 the large shrub began to dance as they leapt up to a viewing platform joining a bunch of

Others okay I tried shooting skull honey directly at the empty heart but nothing happened how do I even do this fill The Cauldron around the area were three separate cauldrons connected to the heart oh I began to shoot my skull honey at one filling it up completely which

Caused the heart to partially fill yes but suddenly a skull honey monster emerged to face me what the woo yeah entertainment woohoo the monster slid towards me and began launching attacks hey knock it off I dodged around and made it to the second cauldron filling

It up as well okay just one more but the monster also grew stronger again and blasted me with another attack ouch I tried to fight back but it just absorbed my attacks I then looked past to the third cauldron wait I have an idea let’s hope this works I Unleashed as powerful

Of a sonic boom as I could right into the monster which knocked him back and into the final cauldron as it sank within the skull CUNY was absorbed inside of it filling it up which filled up the heart as well yes the large heart then transformed down into the filled

Heart of the buzz we did it as I looked around I noticed that filling the heart caused the entire Island to come alive with skull honey the Heart Is Alive finally I approached it and picked it up causing me to transform into the strongest Warden B ever I gained 10 more

Hearts and can now select bam into the ground with deep dark energy but then my vision became blurred and I found myself back at the entrance of the dangerous looking dungeon wait this place again why am I here there walking in front of me was my queen what am I doing here it

Seemed like she couldn’t hear me but for some reason my attention was drawn to her crown What In A Flash I was back in the old destroyed Hive again her crown it’s the key to finding the flower of lost skull on days 74 to 77 I flew through the

Forest as fast as I could trying to get back to my base when I heard a roar in the distance where are you oh no he’s getting close to finding the colony I finally made it back to my base safely and went straight to the queen there you

Are your highness you did it you found the heart yep and now as weird as this might sound can I borrow your crown my crown she was hesitant but trusted me and tossed it over please keep it safe yes of course my queen I will I promise

That I as I touched the crown I was instantly teleported away uh did Foo just spish looking around at my new surroundings I realized where I was at the entrance to the dungeon from my Visions as I went in I was met by an ancient chamber this is it the trials of

The lost flower on days 78 to 80 I walked forward as a figure on the wall breathed out the trial of the flower has begun suddenly the room shifted as a row of platforms formed in front of me here we go I began to move across the

Platforms as the spikes above stopped me from just flying over the course I had to leap over the gaps and evade moving saw blades on every platform this is definitely a serious flower wao finally I made it to the last jump and completed the parkour challenge yes wow that was

Surprisingly straightforward do other bees really struggle with this the true trial has now officially begun say what now I spun around quickly and there in the chamber was the flower of lost skull I found you but suddenly it reached down and tried to bite me what the it’s alive

I tried to fight back with the blast of Honey which hurt the flower oh no I can’t destroy it I need its pollen reveal F the beauty of the sun to it this is the only way huh what does that mean I then spotted a lever nearby this

Must do something right the lever caused the ground to shake as it began to lift me and the flower up towards a hole in the ceiling and the flower of lost skull looked very upset about it on days 81 to 885 the platform continued to slowly rise to the surface while the flower

Began to unleash a barrage of attacks at me it was doing everything it could to take me down and some of its attacks would even spawn smaller plants that would try and bite me it was extremely strong and I was only getting lower and

Lower on Hearts but as I looked up I saw we were getting close to the surface come on come on the flower tried to bite me one last time and released a powerful Sonic Boom with it but just before it hit me we broke through the surface

Exposing the flower of lost skulk to the sunlight it stopped and froze mid attack did I do it then the flower transformed into a large and beautiful skull flower the one I saw in my Visions yes I used my ability to collect all of its pollen which filled me with a powerful Essence

Stronger than anything I had ever felt before this is what’s going to save my Colony on days 86 to 90 I was getting close to my base when I heard Boris nearby I can sense you oh no I can’t let him find the colony before they’re ready

I quickly began to fly away from my base as I crossed his path there you are he began to chase after me through the forest and I ducked in and out of the trees oh no stay away wait that’s it I used my skull Cy and completely covered some of the trees

Blocking his path more power he obsessed over it and began eating all that he could it’ll make him stronger but it should distract him for long long enough on days 91 to 94 I quickly returned to base where I saw that Amber’s parents had reunited with

Her you guys made it they did and you found them just like you promised I then flew up to the queen and returned her crown I believe this belongs to you bozo look at you are you ready to take on Boris not quite yet Your Majesty we need

To do one more thing the other bees and I quickly built up a new Hive for the colony and with the Lost flowers pollen I was able to upgrade it into a warrior Warden beehive all of the weakened Warden bees now looked strong again and some even became Warrior bees like me

Yes it worked our Queen also looked like she returned to her full power goodness my dear foso you did it you’ve completely restored the hive what’s the plan now we fight to defend the colony on days 95 to 99 I flew outside the new Hive just as Boris found our base he let

Out a massive Roar all you bees will suffer for escaping from me yeah that’s not going to happen Boris what is the little bee going to do to me these defend defend the hive charge the warrior Warden bees went flying out of the hive and began attacking the bear they were much

Smaller but the completed Hive empowered them all making up for it what we had caught him by surprise but enough with a powerful Roar Boris began to fight and took out some of the Bees No he started attacking wildly and even clawed through some of our base the

Queen fell back to protect the other bees inside the hive he’s still so powerful I have to try to take him down Foo no everyone fall back hey you looking for me on day 100 I was face to face with the giant skull bear you are

Still so weak you think you st a chance against my power I don’t think I know I do we began to fight as I flew around and kept my distance as he would try to get close and swipe at me with his powerful attack I was trying to hit him

With everything I had but he had absorbed so much skull with another powerful Roar he knocked me out of the sky just as I said you’re weak and Only the strongest survive and I am the strongest creature there will ever be Boris hit me again knocking me down to

Almost no Hearts ah Boris I may be weak alone but together with the rest of my Colony we are strong now all of the warden bees together unleash their skull honey from The Hive sending a massive Glock that completely covered Boris no he was held in place which allowed me

To unleash my new deep dark slam taking out the bare beekeeper once and for all and with that our Warden be Colony could finally live in peace

Today I had to survive 100 days in Minecraft as a Warden Bee! I had to save my colony from the evil bear beekeeper, Borris! Will I be strong enough to defeat him? Make sure you watch until the end to see what happens!


  1. Pls do 100 days as every alliance member like
    Cameraman, speakerman, tv man, clock man, drill man, radio man, phone man and computer man in 1 guy

  2. Oh yeah, can you please do 100 days as a evil necromancer, who goal is to rule the world and you have to gazer the legendary artifacts to build the most powerful army of undead the world and become the most powerful necromancer there ever was

  3. There is an idea for a video of a seahorse spiderman who will also evolve and he must fight the main villains green goblin shark and other villains along the way to meet and help the rest of the characters iron man crab stingray hulk and dt

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