Hermitcraft RECAP – Season 10 Week 6

Welcome to the Hermitcraft Recap! My name is Pixlriffs, our writer is SloyXP, captions on this video were provided by Lyarrah. And for the record, I rebind the F5 key to R, and I have a custom knob on my keyboard that lets me right-click really fast. If you aren’t sure why this is relevant,  

Stick around to hear us talk about how  weird Mumbo thinks all his friends are. We’ve also got exploding villagers, participation trophies for all these Millennials,  a fight club we can and will talk about, and shops for all the things!

So let’s take a look at all the events and mishaps  that occurred on the Hermitcraft Server this week. MUMBO: [laughing] This is the stupidest  thing I think I’ve ever participated in. >> Surprising no one, when  trusted with gravity blocks,   Zedaph immediately applies  them directly to your forehead.

ZEDAPH: Look at me outrunning it.  Aw, it’s so- I’m so super quick. >> Thanks to his ingenuity, the server’s  permit-most dripstone source will be a   minigame in which you have to outrun  a descending hail of pointed dripstone   while dodging the randomized obstacles. To his credit, that does deposit the  

Rock-Doritos straight into the player’s inventory.  And thanks to Etho’s testing, we know that this  game is both multilayer and PvP compatible. The other player doesn’t even  have to know that it’s PvP! ZEDAPH: I’ll get in the- Wait,  why am I at the back, actually.

No, this is- ETHO: I have a secret mission in this run. ZEDAPH: [laughs] You get to- The spikes! Ah! ETHO: Alright, there we go. ZEDAPH: [laughs] Oh no! >> With the money on the server really  starting to flow, Xisumavoid decides to   reward the most accomplished shopkeeps  with a shopkeepsake to remember.

XISUMA: Keralis, I’m trying to  reach 250 diamonds. I need 46 more. KERALIS: And I will get this,   and one bonus diamond, like that. XISUMA: Aw, bonus diamond! Thank you! >> In the permit office forest, Xisuma  builds his own store for custom trophies  

To go out to those who have earned milestone  numbers of diamonds through their exploits!  Sure, signing up will cost you, but you don’t  actually have to have the alleged number on hand,   as long as you’ve been counting  how much your shop is bringing in.

XISUMA: […] ten or fifteen diamonds  to sign up, then you’ll get a model like   this. And each time you reach a new goal,  you get to upgrade it to the next model. >> Naturally, for some this will be  more of an achievement than others.  

As Keralis could surely make  100 diamonds worth of candles,   but selling them would probably  require a server-wide power outage. KERALIS: Sheshwam- XISUMA: Oh my god, you blended- KERALIS: Hi! XISUMA: [gasps] KERALIS: [laughs] XISUMA: It’s Bee-ralis! KERALIS: It’s back, Sheshwam!

>> Still, he is determined to at least give the  gang an opportunity to buy his product, and joins   Xisuma for a lecture in automated beekeeping. Letting us tell you here and now, that Xisuma   does in fact explain Keralis a  thing about birds and the bees. 

With his knowledge, Keralis is ready to  provide the community with the bee nests,   bee hives, the bees wax, and  of course, the bee’s knees. KERALIS: So we’ve got about two  shulkers worth of bee nests, and…  And then all the bee nests we will be  selling will have free bees inside. N-not freebies.

Not gonna give anything away for free. Do- do you mind? >> Cubfan135 is much more clever with his  supply, since he’s not just selling people   the fireworks. The network of clients  with his firework backyard shows grows   rapidly. Even including BdoubleO, who now has a  machine that launches a rocket every nightfall.

Yeah, that’s never going off, is it? BDUBS: Yeah, let’s sit   here and enjoy this together. CUBFAN: Here we go, here we go. BDUBS: They didn’t sleep- CUBFAN: Oop! BDUBS: Cleo!! CUBFAN: Ohh, there’s one. [laughs] BDUBS: What? We got one! Eyy! CUBFAN: Woo!

>> But this means that eventually all of  these folks will come back to Cub’s shop   asking for more multicolored explosives. Best of all – Hypnotizd actually ordered   a custom firework launcher aimed at the  sky just above his neighbor’s castle.  The play here is to send beautiful  patterns into Welsknight’s backyard,  

Whenever Hypno feels like he’s still angry  about the tunnel between their bases Wels made.  It’s well enough he got a brand new  redstone auto-sorter for his storage   room, he doesn’t need welsknight  sorting through his chests too. HYPNO: This is the same system that  I made last season. And once again,  

Lummie Thief is the person who made  it, so check out their channel! >> Etho and Cub join forces  to bring that vision together,   and of course nuke his attic while doing so. CUBFAN: Etho, the redstone  master, gave us some nice tips. ETHO: More TNT! CUBFAN: More TNT, yep!

ETHO: Oh no, it blew up! HYPNO: No, what?! How! CUBFAN: Nooo! >> With the business actively booming, Cub even  glamours up the firework factory back at home,   painting multicolored columns on  the deepslate exterior, as if to   represent the towerchart of incoming profits.

CUBFAN: I think it looks pretty  good, actually. Yeah, not too bad. >> This is not even the worst  that may come Wels’s way,   seeing how he decided to pay FalseSymmetry  for her terraforming services with an IOU. FALSE: “Assistance with one  project, build, or task-”  Oh-ho-ho-ho ho-ho! I do love an IOU!

>> A disturbing precedent to set when one of  False’s rivers now circles out her base, breaking   away Iskall, Stress, and a few others. The stream  even runs underground into a secret waterlogged   passage to False’s backyard, so her residence is  totally an island depending on your Y elevation.

FALSE: Yes, and it is an underground river right  now. I don’t even think anyone knows about it! >> Smallishbeans becomes his old Shrek  skin for a bit to see if anyone notices,   and needless to say, anyone notices. GEM: [laughs] I was like, who’s  on the server? Who is that?  Why are you green?!

>> Though his main goal for the week is to get  a honey farm setup, he is also very interested   in fresh meat. Specifically, those who pass  through a secret fridge door in his restaurant,   can join the sword fight club – Where you, presumably, fight swords. 

Man the first guy to bring  a pen here is gonna win big! JOEL: Sword fight club! Number one rule of sword fight club: We don’t sword-talk about sword fight club. >> Naturally his first candidate  for the gauntlet is GeminiTay,   who spent so much of the  past season collecting heads. 

This season, however, she takes a reverse approach  and instead collects one, but a really big one. GEM: Oh, that’s creepy! I like it. >> Utilizing her knowledge of spheres,  organic building, and being diagonal,   Gem arranges an enormous skull poking  out of the side of the cherry mountain.

GEM: Would you call this terraforming or organics? PEARL: It’s a… [stammers] If they’re part of the   terrain, and you’re making it look like terrain, then it must be terrain, yes? GEM: Right! >> Now this will take some intricate  finagling to put headphones and sunglasses on!

It’s going to need to accessorize to  be more fashionable than Susan [ding] who Stressmonster adds a storage cube to the back  of this week once she’s evacuated all the cats. STRESS: Look, it’s like the  stars are sparkling in the sky!  It’s so cozy!

>> She even finds a use for the fake diamonds  Xisuma has been circulating – they make good   labels for the valuables chests. Warped and  sculk blocks provide the pillars and ceilings,   but there’s still room for a sheep farm in the  basement – an essential build considering she  

Owns the license to sell light grey and orange. Unfortunately she didn’t realise her new home   came with an alarm system. To be fair,  though, Iskall only just installed it. [layered ghast screams] STRESS: Oh my god. What is that noise?! What the hell?! [ghasts continue] ISKALL: Hold on!

STRESS: Why is that- wait! ISKALL: Hold on, this is- Wait! You’re stressing me out! Wait! Okay- STRESS: What do you mean I’m- >> In retaliation, Stress insists he  also install a better nether portal   than the Kandinsky painting they’re currently  working with. But together the two of them get  

So wrapped up in goofing around that the new  portal ends up surrounded by a knife and fork,   and it’s up to anyone else on the server to  take up the mantle of complaining about it. ISKALL: At this moment in time, we kind of  can’t say anything about the first arch,  

Which you said- I don’t- that looks ugly. STRESS: [laughs] Yeah. >> You’d think Iskall did this to  procrastinate on organizing his storage,   but the joke’s on you – he’s  already done that part. It helps   that Docm actually sold him a bunch of  shulkers by offering a log in each one. 

It means he has enough boxes to  rebrand them for his rocket shop,   and even considers setting up a system where the  factory sends the finished product to him by mail. ISKALL: Such a- such a beautiful built house. STRESS: [laughing] ISKALL: Shop! STRESS: It’s uh. Yeaaah! ISKALL: Yeah,

>> He settles on installing the aforementioned  alarm system to let him know when one of the farms   has run out of packing crates, and wires it up to  Stressmonster and Rendog’s bases for good measure. ISKALL: Gotta test this out. [distant ghast noises] ISKALL: [laughs] Yes! That’s brilliant!

>> Somewhere in this time span, his cyan  tube is rebranded with the False Beans   logo. When questioned about it,  False blames Joel Smallishbeans,   despite the fact that these beans are huge,  and anyway the prank is clearly signed “X”. ISKALL: “Love, Joel”? And a kiss!

>> Joel is more than willing to visit the scene of   the crime to confirm that Iskall’s  latest addition looks like a face. ISKALL: No, it’s got- it’s got strong  kneecaps. It does- never skips a leg day. >> In a place much deeper and darker,  Docm77 has gone back to using Wardens to  

Mob-proof his tunnel bore. The zombie  villagers just weren’t cutting it,   and an unfortunate accident on-stream led to  him losing almost all his equipment. Fortunately   he’s back in action quite quickly, and the  new mob switch can dispose of the old one. DOCM: Uh… they’re taking them out. That’s funny.

>> After appraising BdoubleO’s approach  to the bamboo shop, Doc returns to the   hourglass and adds a timely “Big Wood” sign,  then gets to work decorating the actual shop   space below and adding a redstone system that  splits payments 50/50 for the co-owned shop  

Spaces. The interior is surprisingly cozy for  the scale of the hourglass above, but is at   least well-lit for the future where the Hermits  blot out the sun with all their sand gathering. DOCM: Hey man! What’s crackalackin’? KERALIS: Hey dude! DOCM: Yeah? KERALIS: May I borrow some glass bottles from you.

Yeah yeah yeah. DOCM: I might not have the license for it, I’m sorry. KERALIS: [sighs] Alright. DOCM: Yeah, you can. KERALIS: This is a robbery. >> The jury is still out on whether  the trapping of their villagers counts   as Doc’s revenge on Cleo for salmoning  the top half of his hourglass as well. 

But one thing for certain, is now  that all the traders have died,   Cleo super doesn’t owe Doc any of the sales money. [dispensers throwing] [bottles breaking] CLEO: No!! CLEO: [gasps] Yeah, no, I  shoulda figured that! [laughs] Alright, let’s get rid of the redstone at least.

>> But the absolute cornucopia of Mending  sales isn’t going anywhere either,   as with the donated emerald supply Cleo is  able to reassemble their book trading hall in   about an hour. So they can continue selling  their coffee you can’t drink, guilt free.

CLEO: I don’t know how to do this. I wanted  to learn how to do this anyway. So, it’s fine! >> Also, if their cup models  are all retextured pumpkins,   does that mean that all the  drinks are pumpkin spice? Also finding himself recently retextured,  

Joe Hills mails himself to the wrong address by  stepping into a nether portal that disastrously   leads into the server postal system. Clearly  he hadn’t swallowed enough stamps beforehand,   otherwise he might’ve arrived  at GoodTimesWithScar’s base. JOE: I have only speculated about how  funny it would be to mess with Etho,  

And already his mail system seems  to have activated to defend him. Okay, I was afraid of Etho, but  I’m not anymore. Look- look at me. JOE: I’m not afraid anymore! QUINN: [strums guitar] I’m not afraid anymore! >> After Joe is eventually returned to sender,  PearlescentMoon turns up to fix the portal,  

And Joe can get back to his plan of farming black  dye by collecting wither roses. Unfortunately   for him, the Wither escapes immediately because  there’s no longer a mountain there to contain it,   and he has to enlist Welsknight, Xisuma, Rendog,  and FalseSymmetry to fight it. Which they do,  

Once they’ve managed to find their spacesuits  and made it to the upper atmosphere. RENDOG: We’re fighting it in space! JOE: Oh my gosh, you- WELS: We got it! [group cheers] >> I’m surprised they didn’t run  into a Gigacorp rocket on re-entry,   because Rendog summons one which  assembles itself into a beacon  

Shop. Which is surprising because he obviously  ordered some flashlights and walkie-talkies. [🎶 Bass boosted ice cream truck 🎶] RENDOG: I gotta say, very impressed   with the delivery speed of Gigacorp.  Usually they’re a couple of days late,   ’cause you know, they gotta send  these rockets across the Gigaverse-

>> I guess the shop’s stock counts as flashlights,   and he has spent plenty of time in the  usually lethal company of wither skeletons. The companionship of Hypno is decidedly  less fatal – unless you’re a zombie   piglin. The two of them team up to make  their own gold and bartering farms,  

The better to be supplied with  obsidian for the foreseeable future. HYPNO: Oh my goodness, yeah this farm is so good. RENDOG: It’s working, it’s raining bacon down here, man. >> They aren’t making as much bacon  as xBCrafted, though – elsewhere on  

The Nether Roof, he’s set up a hoglin farm to  better supply Half Foods with the whole hog. XB: Part of me feels like I really should’ve   looked up a tutorial or something?  But I think this is how it’s done.

>> When he meets Beef to discuss pork,  the two of them have already made profit   on golden carrots – which they split  50/50 – and have the opportunity to lure   in Hypno for a personal shopping  experience. Almost too personal. XB: See, all we gotta do is just  drag people in and then hound  

Them until they buy stuff. BEEF: [laughs] Yeah, that’s- BEEF: Thanks for the- thanks for the purchase! HYPNO: You’re- you’re welcome. XB: Come back in tomorrow! BEEF: Come back any time! XB: [whispers] Tomorrow, tomorrow! Tomorrow. HYPNO: Yeah, I’ll be right back. BEEF: Oh, tomorrow! Yes! XB: You need more food tomorrow.

HYPNO: Alright. BEEF: It’s all fresh! XB: Bye! We’re just… we’re the best. >> VintageBeef took it personally that Docm  was dealing shulkers to people over the table,   and heads out to the far End islands,  where Xisuma helps him build the Ending  

Credits shulker farm design. After just  a few hours’ work and a few minutes AFK,   Beef has enough stock to  build a pop-up shulker shop,   then compare notes with ZombieCleo on  how Docm has wronged them both this week. BEEF: He killed them?! CLEO: [laughs] Yeah, he killed them. BEEF: Oh my- Doc!!

BEEF: That’s okay, he didn’t retaliate to me. CLEO: But if- but if it’s just me he   retaliated against- You don’t get away scot-free, if he doesn’t  come after you I’m coming after you. I want you to be clear. BEEF: What? That’s not how this works.

>> Shortly after the words “shulker shop” are  mentioned, Etho turns up and bargains his way to   a lifetime’s supply, leaving Beef to farm basalt  and sweet berries a few hundred diamonds richer. ETHO: Forty-five diamond blocks. BEEF: Get your shops up and-

Forty-five diamond blocks? ETHO: I might have made a big mistake here, but. Lifetime supply. BEEF: Lifetime supply! >> These aren’t the only lifetime deals Etho  makes, although the other comes from Impulse,   who has flattened out the cyberpunk city area  and wants to line the street with froglights.  

After seeing his share of shady deals when Keralis  contacts him about his extended extended warranty   warranty, Impulse wants a straightforward trade  with Etho – a brown glass permit for the rights to   use and collect from the Froglight farm privately. Etho’s only other condition is that Impulse  

Promotes the froglight shop to the rest of the  server, which Impulse acts upon immediately. IMPULSE: Froglight spokesman? Alright, uh, should I start now? ETHO: [chuckles] Sure, you got something in mind? IMPULSE: Cub! Have you seen how amazing  froglights are? Inside the cyberpunk city. I-

CUBFAN: I walked in on a deal  for froglights here, didn’t I? [ETHO and IMPULSE laugh] CUBFAN: Well, okay- >> And after a quick guide to the farm,  Impulse can time lapse all the roads he wants. This will be good news for BdoubleO,  who has now built a perimeter wall  

Around the Cyberpunk city which he invites the  Hermits to graffiti to advertise their shops. Something tells me the first graffiti will  probably be about Etho’s froglight shop. But the second might be about Bdubs’s Bamboo  Alley – after growing a truckload of bamboo  

And experimenting with the Crafter, he builds a  whole row of bamboo themed shops, reasoning that   the server might pay well to take the pain out of  crafting blocks like mosaic and bamboo trapdoors.  He also owns the string permit, so he can  sneak a craft-your-own scaffolding business  

In there – and plans to prove scaffolding is  the bees’ knees with a minigame round back that   challenges hermits to race him in ringing  two bells with any other utility block. BDUBS: 12.48 seconds, good luck. You think you’re so cool? Try to beat that. >> And finally there’s Mumbo,  

Who claims to be the least weird person  on Hermitcraft, and sets out to prove it. MUMBO: There’s all sorts of strange keybinds,  people using odd pieces of equipment. It’s a mess on here. >> By lining up nine of his friends and asking  them to share their unusual play styles,  

Recording setups, and rebound keyboard keys  they’ve been keeping quiet about this whole time,   we discover Grian has been playing with the  same headset since before you were born,   Joe Hills sprints by actually using  his feet, and holding shift with your   thumb is not the only way you can  play twister with your keyboard.

[group chattering and laughing] KERALIS: I’m just left handed, that’s my only- Thank you for the invite to this freak show. >> And that’s about it for this week’s Recap! Our writer is SloyXP and my name is Pixlriffs, captions on this video were provided by Lyarrah.

Don’t forget to leave a like while you’re still here,  and subscribe so you won’t miss future Recaps! Thanks for watching, and we’ll see you next week.

This week, on Hermitcraft!

This episode covers videos released between Saturday March 9 and Friday March 15, 2024.

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Bensound – “Clear Day” and “Energy” – http://www.bensound.com/
Roa – “Journey” – https://youtu.be/ttcI1PI1wK0
Dan Lebowitz – “Mysteries” – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uy7gk22OwqY
Vibe Mountain – “Operatic 3” – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CO6gpC4het8
Nat Keefe & Hot Buttered Rum – “Cats Searching for the Truth” – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NoAS-ef9odM]
Kevin MacLeod – “Bushwick Tarantella” – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8t3iQifCaxE
Abstraction – “Respect the Wig” – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MCAobmdDB8Q


  1. If you’re not changing keybinds it’s odd. Don’t understand why you wouldn’t be. Unless MC is the only game you ever played. But I’m assuming that most aren’t aware that WASD is “standard”‘for movement is because of a competitive Quake player. It wasn’t always the standard.

  2. I don't really have anything helpful or witty to add, nothing up to the standard of this video, but I know how comments help with the algorithm, so here! Comment! 🙂

  3. I really appreciate the thought that goes into not just what to cover but what things not to cover. There's a good amount of lines from different videos (especially Mumbo's) that would have fit in well with the Recap for this week, but limiting them allows for much more unspoiled content even when covering all the events and mishaps from the server.

  4. I reset my Spring key to Q and is set to toggle while my Drop key is R.
    I have my Sprint toggle on Q for like if your gonna be sprinting it will be forward so I can just tap Q with my finger that would be on A while holding W to move forward.
    The reason I switched my Drop Key to R is because by default it would have been Q but I use Q to sprint so I moved it to R which is more convenient to me plus I no longer drop my stuff randomly seeing Drop Key is not right next to forward W anymore.

  5. I play Minecraft fairly normal. Exept for having all key but WASD and jump remapped.
    Shift is sprinting. F is sneaking. It would have bin on ALT but that made sneakjumping realy uncomfortable and you need it often in creative. Inventory is on Tab. F5 is on E. Item in offhand is on mouse thumb back. Dropping item is on mouse thumb down. Zoom is on mouse thumb forward. Player list is on P. Chat is on Enter. Did I forget something?

  6. I don't like that single people can skip nights on servers. It should at least 51% needed in bed. So that even of just two are online, you still can't do it alone.
    "but phantoms" just laying in bed testes the. No need to also skip the night.

  7. I use a split keyboard (ZSA Moonlander), and have my mouse in the middle like Etho does. And I revind F5 to R.
    (I also use my thumb to press ctrl, but that is because I have ctrl in my thumb cluster)

    Also, I'm left handed, so back in like 2012, 2013, 2014, when I was relatively new to Minecraft I played with the arrow keys, and my mouse in my left hand. And since it was hard to reach the space bar, I used the mouse wheel to jump (not scrolling, pressing it down). Additionally I used to use left click to place, and right click to break. But eventually I switched to the right handed way of playing.

  8. “Same headset since before you were born” is a wild take considering that he started using it in 2008

    Is- is the target audience really <16? Am I just old?

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