Pesticide Not Required 1 WHEN VAMPIRE SURVIVORS WENT TO STARDEW VALLEY – First Look, Let’s Play

Greetings and welcome to pesticide not required I’m Katherine of sky and this screen might look a little bit weird but we are playing the role of a grand froggy who is looking to defend his farm against wild enemies now this is a vampire Survivor Style game but it has some absolutely completely Unique

Mechanics we’ve never seen in any Survivor style genre game uh so far so I’m really excited to show this to you huge thank you to the Developers for giving me a key to play this game for you today um I am loving it so far so

Let’s look at the settings I wanted to show you a couple of things here plant weapons first is a very very nice quality of life feature I know that doesn’t make sense right now but I’ll show you in a minute if you like twin stick controls to aim stuff uh you can

Also do that too you can also set up Arachnophobia mode I’m okay with spiders but that’s always there and it’s very uh courteous for the devs to add that thank you very much for that um and let’s get playing cuz we need to defend our Farmland so this game has all kinds of

It’s a little bit like stardew Valley you create a home for yourself um there’s a backyard there are things this is not the game play by the way this is like the meta progress we assume uh for later land um I haven’t gotten very far

In the game uh just a little bit through and um but I want to show you the progress because there are many many many things to achieve there’s all kinds of stuff that we can get going on here so let’s select a season uh we’re going

To go with let’s see the demo you can play the free demo and that will give you summer so let me give you a little bit of variety let’s play spring because we have Spring right now in the northern hemisphere oh my gosh how pretty so you

Start out as a little froggy and you are able to whip your tongue around and get a little bit of gold for that now as a very d frog you can also mine minerals hence the sort of stardo reference here uh you can also go fishing as well so I

Think oh how cute there are little ducks on the pond I haven’t played spring before so this is like really cute ah there we go all right and they don’t do too much damage to you I’m also going to water my crops as you see they wanted

Water I planted some seeds as well okay so those are okay here’s another thing to mine now the most important uh well there are are two important aspects of this game there are the um there’s XP and gold now these are two completely different resources um the XP is at the

Bottom you see I’m level one I now got level two because I harvested crops now things that you harvest like I think fish give you XP and crops and I think mining gives you gold um anyway when you level up you get these sort of like side

Items these are not never weapons these are never weapons so these affect your weapons um and are in a completely different category and you can see the maximum level at the bottom of each of these cards um so let’s see drought plus 20% XP gain that is probably the best

Thing that you can get in the very beginning of the game so let’s go with drought uh that is absolutely huge it is massive okay uh all right we got another um level up here damage knockback mining speed damage ah you know I think that so

Over time Mining and fishing is going to come become a lot less important um whereas the um killing stuff definitely is let’s see watering speed is actually not too bad damage is good but I’m going to take the blue paint I’m taking blue paint so enemies disappear in the

Morning and then you go to the merchant uh who is here to serve us for all of our needs this is where you get weapons and you can choose what you want now you get a choice of three different seeds per day until you fill up your

Weapon quota oh no oh that was a big mistake oh shoot I was trying to escape to show you that you can have weapons here I believe it’s five Max and here are the rest of your items where you can only have uh where you can have seemingly endless amounts here are your

Pets they serve various roles on the farm we actually that was a big mistake where we did not buy crops for tomorrow uh or for today uh so we’re going to be suffering a bit okay crit chance and crit damage uh you can get over 100%

Crit by the way uh it’s kind of nice wrath is actually really good too but I’m going to take I’m going to take the donut going to take that donut mhm let’s get water water is shown by this water droplet here and uh let’s go ahead and

Do a little bit of fishing sometimes you’re lucky and you get a fishing spawn and a mining Rock in uh in close proximity and you can do both at the same time okay that did give us some XP as you saw okay XP gain and coin gain

Yeah let’s go get that that is nice okay so we really want to uh get the XP here since we didn’t have any crops coin gain and pickup range H you can press Escape in this window by the way so if we look at our uh coin gain we’re at plus 7% XP

Is at plus 40% we can actually afford to go minus5 here um um the move speed here is kind of nice too but I’m going to go with the coin gain cuz initially it’s nice to be able to get a little bit more land a little bit more seeds so why not

Of course we’re going to have a lot of extra coins because we forgot to pick them up dang it but so now we got to do a lot of fishing today do a lot of fishing so that we can level up there we go okay uh damage crop growth speed

Enemy spawns enemy o plus mining yield when a fish is caught what an odd idea okay cool and there are also like plus future gains to mining stuff and I’m like uh that’s interesting okay at first when you read it it’s like uh what does that mean hold on what is

This anyway we’re having to be pretty careful uh here but soon the night shall be over and we will be back in a position to actually buy stuff okay let’s get this mining happening here that should just give us money I think okay we don’t have any fish oh there’s a

Fish fish fish fish hello fish fish should give us some level all right good okay uh minus 15% enemy Health but more damage I don’t actually mind cuz I’m pretty good at avoiding enemies but this is nice crit damage and crit chance wow that’s pretty fantastic let’s take that

Uh initially crit damage starts off at well I guess zero um anyway uh so you have to kind of build it up oh we got a for first pet a cow fertilizes crops increasing yield by 30% yeah I’m going to buy you all right and then we get seeds so these are our

Weapons here as I was saying before um you get a choice of three you can only buy one per day all right I mean you can buy one type you can buy as many size uh as many as you can as in they have a

Stock of five of any of them but you can only buy one um I’ve never tried the bomb I haven’t tried the katana those sound cool but I like the weed whacker oh boy do I like that weed whacker I’m going to buy Max of these and then we’re

Going to look at the regular seeds now these things have three different things that you need to pay attention to growth time crop thirst and XP yield now crop thirst is how often you got to water it growth time self-explanatory and XP yield I tend to

Go for the ones that have the largest yield um they just seem worth it so I’m going to pick up these we have a little bit of extra money so I’ll get these you can buy them out and roll if you have extra money so um that’s what I usually

Do now we’re going to plant all of these crops ourselves uh and this is where remember I was telling you where that we had the uh buy or or plant weapon seeds first yeah you don’t have I mean even if you get your automatic seed plant with

The uh with the tcen that’s a pet isue you can get uh they’ll plant the weapon seeds first so this is great okay so we got our weed whacker we got plus two amount or do we want attack duration and size H I’m thinking we want duration and size

We want this to go as long as possible the weed whacker is a very powerful weapon it doesn’t look like it right now but it will be trust me it’s pretty awesome okay so there’s some mining yield which which is basically we got some uh some money for that let’s go up

And get a fish up here so this game really makes the most out of hey you got to do something in this direction you know this is this is one of these where there’s more to do on the map than just avoid the enemies and

I really like that I think it’s kind of cool it’s got a really unique aesthetic about it uh as well as mechanics here um we got we have actual like bugs that our toad or frog is capable of eating um it’s it’s cool it’s it’s very well

Themed as well it doesn’t it makes sense you know okay I think I want to take pickup range yeah I like pickup range got to have your pickup range up here anything no I can’t plant anything okay got some money got a good amount of money hay bales are interesting these are they

Kind of like fly fly out in front of you uh and they’re like a Steamroller kind of um kind of like the mine cart I guess in uh except they go in all different directions in Vampire survivors I’m going to try the katana seed cuz I’ve never tried it before seems cool

Boomerangs are really awesome I kind of like them they they go forward and they’re a little bit random but they’re quite effective they I really like them okay so raspberries I think let’s see that’s good they have a lot of XP and um it’s probably worth buying these let’s

See and then get these guys pumpkins sure why not and then we plant them and we can also buy more land whenever we get to it okay there’s a well down here as well just FYI okay hello hi you look friendly not really these are bosses by the way they

Do not go away when you um when you uh finish the day and are going to the shop they will hang around just FYI in case we don’t kill it that’s why it’s around okay crit damage coin gain summoning blade damage and attack size yeah that sounds great this is good

We’ll take it attack size is what we really want here okay rubberized impact uh planting speed watering speed and watering range that might be worth it actually where do we get the KN I think we get the knockback knockback is kind of nice because you know this does

Get a bit crowded and also the trees have they have a um what do you call it uh an AOE that blocks you they have a hitbox hitbox is what I’m thinking about okay katanas plus two amount uh or damage plus one plus 20% damage and projectile speed I think we take plus

Two I think that’s mathematically better uh for this situation okay let’s get some water okay I’m not sure I like these katas actually I think they’re kind of terrible they sort of like Drop in front of you I don’t know they don’t seem very effective to me but I don’t

Know that could be just my perception I’m not really sure trying to get this boss here okay uh crit chance and crit damage yes yes absolutely we want this okay it’s kind of hard to like go in front or uh anticipate stuff in to go in front because you never know when the

Attack is actually going to hit okay there we go we got a chest which is nice ooh so we either get a cow or the I like the elephant they water stuff for us oh needed needed absolutely needed hello um all right so let’s go and get our seeds

Going on tadpole spew seed wow spews out a bunch of little tadpoles in a cone in front of you H uh mower blades are awesome fires out a set of blades that fan out and return to dealing damage each way I’m going to try these I I mean I have tried these

They’re wonderful I do kind of hope we get those tadpoles next time I forgot how many weapons we have um okay let’s get the other stuff now wheat gives very little XP and it’s very thirsty so I don’t I kind of want to avoid that one let’s get

These um okay and then we have 90 left yep there we go we can Pat the dog woof okay good good good so let’s go in oh and I forgot to buy land whoopsies all right so we do have one elephant and one cow so we need to plant seeds ourselves

We only have three weapons so looks you know chances are good that we’re going to get uh more stuff here that’s pretty great all right let’s go and see if we can fish and mine at the same time we certainly can nice okay very good very good okay thank

You okay coin gain when a weapon is harvested wow okay Minus 12% damage I’m going to use a re roll I don’t like any of those let’s see crit chance and crit damage that sounds amazing uh plus 1% mining speed when an ore is mined that sounds kind of amazing but I’d rather it be fishing I don’t really

Want or mining I mean or mining is fine it gets you money but overall we really just want XP that’s what we actually care about let’s see if we can do both of these at the same time okay thank you all right there we go we’re getting

A little bit of damage going on here good good hoping we get this all right good so crit damage fishing speed damage projectile speed attack size I really like attack size especially for this weed whacker as as you can see those weed whacker strings are getting longer and

Longer it’s pretty fabulous I’m going to go get this apple cuz we are uh losing Health just a tiny bit there we go all right there is our fish so crit chance XP gain coin gain I don’t like the minus move speed we don’t have anything to

Counteract that so we’re just going to have to yeah just just save it for now if we had a lot of move speed then it would be ah it’s fine but nah not right now it’s not so fine not so fine for sure there’s our fish okay nice and our

Shop is opened we can go and harvest these guys for now um XP gain and crop thirst yes let’s take some more drought that’s nice okay and more okay Max Health resistance crit chance um this is nice attack size projectile speed ah speed seems good we get a reroll every time it looks

Like too so that’s kind of nice okay so let’s buy some land that’s important oh we got toad oil seed H I want to try the tadpull spew speed uh oh and what is this Fairy Oh fairy Dan is kind of amazing but with weed whacker we don’t

Really need a Fairy dance I would say those two you don’t need both you don’t need both but they are pretty awesome okay pumpkin seeds and then we have yams and grapefruit grapefruit are overall easier they don’t require as much water so we’re going to get some of those and

Then we’ll take a couple of these all right cool and then see we got some more plots of land and we are able to sew these seeds now our elephant is going to help us mostly um so anyway so damage attack size and crop yield uh ooh 100% minus 100% Effectiveness to

Future Max Health changes wow that’s rough okay this is interesting plus 40% Effectiveness to Future coin gain changes crazy all right I think we’re okay I think you know so far as I’ve been playing the game I have way too much money I can’t even spend it

All I literally can’t spend it all so um of course that’s not right now but later it will be okay plus four amount mower blades yes we definitely look at those mower blades there they go we’re looking we kind of want duration I think and projectile speed I would really like the piercing

But let’s see these they have same damage size and frequency and four piercing oh God you know what let’s take those let’s take it they’re they’re short duration as in they don’t go far but they are more um more bigger more bigger oh let’s try this I don’t even

Know what they look they work like but let’s try two amounts let’s see if we can and see what they look like oh there they are those little there they go man that’s fun let’s get the two amount two piercing uh because they’re in front of us so

Piercing is going to be good because we’re likely to turn around and then just like yeah use them and even position ourselves so that we can be very effective here ah I miss missed it okay there we go try okay there we go I think we got a

Couple hits on the boss there all right yeah I have to say I thought the katanas would do kind of more of a swingy diagonally effect but they do seem to just like Drop from the sky it’s a bit weird um I’m not a fan of the

Katana so far it’s the first weapon that I I don’t like at all okay so here we have we didn’t quite kill the boss here so um let’s go quickly to the shop good thing it pauses for us so tongue lash seeds we already have tongue lash of

Course we actually have all of these um mower blades are super powerful so I’m going to get more of those now let’s check our our um other crops that we can buy wow none of them have any XP GH all right well we’ll just buy a bunch of these buy these and

Then I guess these are the next best thing then we buy some of you too okay and I didn’t buy any land crap okay well that’s fine don’t worry it’ll be fine it’ll be fine there we go nice oh those those like weed whacker blades holy crap that

Was amazing so we have a the uh tan can plant seeds for us and the Elephant Waters plants I think we get the elephant that’s where we really need the most help I feel so yeah we definitely want more uh Critters watering we do actually have to come by and harvest

Them so far as I’ve seen there’s no harvesting animals and that means we have to walk over and as we’re walking over harvesting we are going to be planting at the same time so I think that’s okay so crit damage and coin gain um those are okay resistance crit chance

Yeah but pickup range yeah I’m going to go for the pickup range I really like pickup range it’s good stuff good good good stuff there we go okay Pride crit chance oh that’s yeah I don’t mind enemy loot yield you know what I’m going to

Take it going to take it I think we’re going to be okay I think we’re going to be just fine here we do have a lot of forward facing attacks we want to try to yeah oh one okay per Apple spawns what is our Apple spawning like 0% okay

So it doesn’t matter we’re going to get more enemy loot yield this is going to be more gold coins for us we don’t really need it um let’s take this the crit we we love crit we are we are really loving the crit okay let’s do a fish fish fish

Fish by the time this fish gets here there we go we should have enough to get some crops watered potted peas oh my God okay um yeah we’ll take the pride I think let’s take pride okay the the the spawn is pretty okay you know the the um the tadpole spawn

Okay crit chance or knockback mower blade frequency is good too but the crit chance does more for us I think in terms of stuff and things so okay more Apple spawns more resistance move speed is always good but attack size I don’t want that to go down I think we

Take uh this one big cans I think that’s better there’s all kinds of very amusing puns in this by the way at first when I saw the title I thought it was a play on batteries not included if anyone remembers that movie it’s from the 80s

It’s such a lovely little movie um but it’s a little bit different I don’t know if that was actually a thing but anyway so let’s see apple healing crop yield crit damage this seems like the best thing for us here so let’s plant some more okay mower blades what do we want here

Four piercing attack duration attack size and damage so it’s got half the damage I feel like the piercing is much better yeah I think we’re going to have to go with that alas alas but it’s fine it’ll be fine so let’s go and probably get some

More water so we can help water the crops a bit even with a lot of pets you still need to do some of your own watering stuff okay what do we got here no pets for sale that’s a shame let’s buy some more uh Farmland what do we got

Here um we have tadpoles tongue lash and katanas let’s get the tongue lash maybe um that’s our main weapon that we start out with by the way oh my God there’s nothing that I want here the seeds are crappy dang it maybe wait I wonder if we reroll if it would roll

As a pet I don’t know if I’ve ever tried that before Oh okay doing pretty well here there we go there we go oh those weed whacker blades I really would like to get my weed whacker um upgraded cuz you can have many of those strings flying out

Okay um max health health regen mining yield and fishing yield I’m going to reroll I don’t like any of these okay button mushrooms attack frequency projectile speed attack duration that seems amazing Um I think yeah we’ll take the mushrooms those are the best I think of that for our build right now I like kind of swinging down by that lower watering or well to pick up stuff so tongue lash attack size and Dam damage I think we take the size as well

That’s very nice okay big Shield resistance and attack size um frequency I don’t like the minus on that what do we got for frequency plus 47% I guess we can take that why not it’s okay I don’t want to roll and then get something I really don’t want okay tongue lash plus

Two um so an attack frequency and damage what do we have on tongue lash it’s got crit chance zero here we have 95% crit chance we don’t actually need crit chance on this uh and also the weapons things are different than the main things so yeah that’s very funny

Okay pickup range y That’s amazing let’s take that and I really want to get that going we don’t need the crit chance attack size knockback is also kind of nice so all right oh Rock almost killed me there that was rough okay I’m hoping that we can get these go go go I

Want go lawn more blades finally hit it okay it’s kind of tough when like it doesn’t go randomly it just goes in front of you um so I find that a little bit difficult actually and right now I don’t want to take the golden retriever I feel like watering the crops is much

More helpful let’s go and pick up water there we go and we can also plant as we’re going along here we’re almost out of water okay attack size attack duration resistance move speed oh my here we get just straight move speed crit damage coin gain that’s actually not bad uh I don’t

Want to really lose my watering so we’ll just take the move speed for now it’s a shame it doesn’t have any other uh qualities there but that’s okay I mean what can you do okay here we go we need to get more crop land I think buy two more katanas tadpoles or weed

Whackers let’s upgrade our weed whackers oh yeah watermelons have massive XP I’m really surprised about The Thirst cuz watermelons in real life require a lot of water uh this these are next okay okay cool we are doing well uh oh I forgot to buy the animal oh shoot oh my God I

Can’t believe I forgot to look at the pet it was a cat too could have bought that to help us with our attacking uh cats help attack animals around or or the critters around I should say the enemies the enemies yes um all right we can do planting attack

Frequency minus Effectiveness to Future attack frequency what do we got plus 37% h I think that actually might be worth it because it is so big uh yeah let’s just try to go with that all right weed whacker let’s go knockback frequency and damage yeah let’s take that it’s good it’s good we

Good we have almost 100% crit normally so yeah we should be good this will give us 100% but I don’t like the minus on attack size let’s see summoning blade yeah that’s fine we don’t mind if more enemies spawn we can kill all of them

This is not a problem that we have here we go we go there we go there we go oh too bad we didn’t get things from there okay it’s fine though no worries no worries weed whacker let’s go plus two amount is almost always better duration size and damage yeah let’s go

With that let’s go okay okay so let’s see fishing speed fishing yield attack duration oh my God no none okay we can get the blue chili again but this is strange because it says minus 25 we got this last time and it didn’t change this number for

Whatever reason it didn’t change it so let’s see attack frequency 89 12% additional oh my goodness that’s quite a lot that is quite a lot all right we’re trying to plant some down here let’s see plus one amount damage duration I think we take the duration

Here look at our weed whacker now holy fuzzy cats did you ever imagine it would get this big it’s big oh my God it’s big wow okay plant 50 crops in one day achievement that’s quite nice okay damage duration and frequency yeah that’s good crop yield I’m not too worried

About we actually we actually could use something like um uh w a planting speed that would be nice all right let’s buy some more land and we’re out of land that is it okay what do we want we have tadpull spew tongue lash weed whacker let’s get weed whackers maxed out uh um

And then our XP we’ll take these raspberries and then potatoes and then you can we we can’t roll okay I was wondering if we could roll the pets but I don’t I’m actually not sure if we can actually do that so let’s see can I do anything here let’s plant

Stuff we’re going to plant plant plant let’s get water okay yay I like being able to do multiple items at a time like watering and planting cuz you can actually do both as long as they’re different sort of tools um you know what I mean okay let’s

See resistance attack size size is great um yeah that’s fine I have found that I don’t actually need like crop quickness things I mean you can get a um it’s the cow actually allows is it the cow that gives you I think it’s a Cy bar that

Gives you speed one of the animals gives you speed of crops and one is is uh yield okay weed whacker we have projectile speed duration and frequency that sounds amazing duration and speed here wow oh boy here we go we going kill St look at that massive weed whacker

Blade did I not say this is awesome hey hey okay let’s plant stuff down here let’s water stuff here too let’s go getting everything going in here oh and a big boss Big Boss okay knock back attack frequency crop growth speed hey I actually yeah let’s take that let’s take

The crop growth speed we’ll also get a little bit of oh two bosses yay that’s cool let’s just face them so that we get the spawn the tadpole spawn as well as the boomerangs all right there we go we should get hopefully two chests from this uh definitely

Elephant and then where did the other one did the other one not drop a chest oh cheated oh no it cheated on us didn’t drop a chest naughty naughty naughty okay mining yield knock back crit chance crit damage um I’m going to roll attack frequency yeah let’s go with this frequency is always

Good all right we’re on day 11 we still got time to go here uh pth the dog yo tongue lash tadpole mower blades let’s go with our mower blades here got yams we got pumpkins I think those are going to be the biggest and grapefruit sure and then these

Roll okay and then let’s just grab what we can all of them until we can’t roll anymore basically that’s how this works let’s make sure that all of this is planted so far we haven’t gotten a twocan I don’t think or have we we gotten one I don’t even know um let’s

See move speed I think I want I should have gotten attack speed no we don’t have a tou can yet that’s a bit sad but um just trying to do my best here it’s a lot to keep up with when you don’t have all of the pets that you need or want projectile

Speed or frequency watering speed would actually be nice too let’s take attack frequency uh all right and we’ll just go back to watering speed here that will help us help our help our little uh our elephants out okay we are actually at a point of like planting new stuff yeah oh

Look at this 999 piercing the thing is they don’t go out infinitely right these blades do not go out all the way they go to a very short distance and then they come back so I’m thinking that frequency projectile speed and damage is going to be better uh than all that piercing and

Having more of them is very nice okay XP gain coin gain move speed Apple move speed is pretty good actually uh fire potion is nice damage plus 20% damage yeah let’s take that all right we definitely need more water I definitely want to pick up these

Coins as well okay let’s see we have all kinds kind of stuff to do around here got a plant come on plant plant plant or did we finish planting are we done planting okay we don’t need XP at this point I think we’re pretty good um crit

Damage fishing speed damage yeah we can take that cuz we don’t actually care about any of the mining or fishing right now it’s it’s completely not needed that’s a really good tool in the early part of the game but after that um you can kind of ignore it which is nice so

You can really focus on your build and make sure that you’re getting all the things that you need uh to work with so it doesn’t really distract you I think in the end of the game it really kind of forces you to like really okay what do I

Need now you know and that changes over time and I think that’s great I think it’s absolutely great we get crop yield here I’m kind of like what do I want here crit damage that’s pretty good crit damage um attack frequency changes ooh minus 50 crit no how man

A are we still planting we are kind of planting aren’t we sort of all right hello how you doing got a cow I’ll buy the cow sure um now we got tadpoles tongue lash and katanas let’s go with the tongue lash uh radishes uh wheat pumpkins let’s take

Our pumpkins here well I guess we can take all of them really oh we don’t have enough to roll okay they were just expensive this week apparently something happened there okay I got a little bit of XP there okay nice let keep planting we don’t have our

Um toucan yet at all look at that weed whacker oh that’s doing damage nice that is doing damage holy fuzzy cats just wanted to grab that Apple over there okay tongue lash we got chance damage and attack frequency I kind of want the more and uh yeah other things there uh tongue lash

Again I kind of actually like that you can upgrade the same weapon multiple times cuz you can like oh I did this last time so now I want something different or more or whatever I think we’re going to take the damage frequency and knock back knock back is something

That should not be underestimated it’s pretty useful it creates space between you and the enemy evidently knockback doesn’t really work on bosses but that’s okay it works on other things so crit chance crit damage we don’t really need that do we crit Chance is at

95% damage at 120 ah why not we’ll take it we’ll take it we got stuff to spare at this point okay let’s grab that chest and I want the elephant golden retriever I’m not worried about there’s so much stuff on the floor already we’re never

Going to be able to grab it all that is kind of one thing I miss a little bit it’s like oh we don’t have a magnet for the coins to like you know those occasional things you get in Vampire survivors and other games where they all all the loot comes rushing toward you

But I don’t actually like think that it necessarily belongs in this game I think it’s okay I like that you kind of have to walk around for it it’s okay so crit damage coin gain we don’t really need more coins um attack size is good let’s roll some these are like kind of

Weird um H dang I guess we can take this since we are still planting and watering quite frequently we don’t have as many pets as I want uh crit chance nope we already have too much of this damage that’s good damage is good okay sure I’ll take you damage why not cuz

The enemies obviously they do get stronger over time so it’s kind of nice to I’m just going to keep keep going in the patterns that I have here oh wow there’s a bunch there crop yield Apple spawns dah crit damage crit chance yeah that’s okay I wonder if you can get over

Crit oh I have 115,000 115% crit wow wonder if we can get super crits that would be interesting all right Tad poles let’s get those here we know we can afford the whole H here it’s fine oh all right cool and let’s plant we are just murdering everyone

Occupy All 48 farming plots at once that’s a new achievement very cool all right um tadpoles let’s see piercing yeah we want piercing that’s needed okay frequency is very good we’ll take that thank you very much want to keep things running as much as possible what do we got on frequency 108% that’s

Nice okay two plus two piercing I think we’re taking the piercing probably yep we take that piercing nice okay uh damage crop thirst sure that’s fine and as we get into the later rounds of this game you’ll notice like these little purple things falling out oh wow

This is eight and two piercing I think we have enough piercing at this point right right how much piercing six piercing I think that’s enough I think six is enough probably I don’t think we’re going to get many enemies past six okay crop growth speed frequency move

Speed yeah that’s I think we take our our uh move speed there that’s a nice nice thing to have let’s do some fishing here yeah there we go boom boom boom uh crop growth speed watering speed XP game frequency is good yeah we’ll take that so you’ll see these little sort of

Gray purple uh round things on the ground I can’t really see any right now there were a couple up there uh we’ll take this one yes there they they’re like down there they’re like little purple coins now those are a currency for other things that we have not yet gotten to um but

I’ll show you they’re they’re for an XP Tree Shop opened yeah let’s go okay let’s see okay we got Katana seeds this is all we have left to buy so let’s buy all this stuff as you see we can roll buy more seeds all the seeds

That we can roll buy more seeds to the point where it’s like it doesn’t even matter anymore you know I’m really uh disappointed we didn’t get a twocan I wanted to show you how all of the pets work but alas it is not to be um I’m

Actually surprised I managed to get that reward for having them all down at the same time that’s kind of crazy um yeah sure Universal suffering oh my God that’s that’s a very funny funny joke okay um attack frequency is good yes oh these weed whacker blades man I’m

Still trying to plant all these I should have gotten planting Speed Way up I think that might be a thing I do in the future because it’s needed okay um projectile speed damage I think yeah and attack size is nice for that maybe the katana will get better as it gets bigger

I don’t know let’s do this attack duration since our regular crit is already 100% not even seeing it proc here that’s really weird reach max level on Katana okay that’s nice got an achievement for that um H attack size sure wide our weed whacker just keeps getting

Bigger I love it I love it there’s a lot of purple stuff over here let’s pick up all these purple coins those again like I said are for the uh meta uh achievements here all right plant seeds wow we finally got a twocan that’s kind of nice in case I miss one you

Know let’s face this direction and shoot at at them wow only one of them gave me a chest well that one oh no two two out of four okay oh let’s do elephant I really struggle with all the watering I feel like elephant is really good value elephant and probably the twocan

Are are very good value okay damage and knock back sure wait what was that something oh related to crit oh man that would have been great let’s get some of these coins now the shop let’s see if we can make it wow there’s so many of these purple coins

We’re going to need those later which is why I’m going there but we can go to the shop even after the enemies start coming ah another elephant cool um let’s see there are some things also that give you a bonus like if you uh I did we see one

Of those I I even remember um where it’s like oh yes if um if you get uh if you buy a pet you get 30% chance to get another one free that kind of thing so crop growth speed all right damage and knock back let’s take that I don’t

Really care about Mining and fishing speed to be honest not at this point in the game we are just so far beyond that you know we are getting huge huge scores we’re getting so much look at how much stuff we have have Harvest 500 crops in one run holy

Fuzzy cats that’s a lot that is a lot of crops okay all right damage uh crop growth speed attack duration and frequency let’s take that yay just trying to go around here and do my best all the things this is just despite having the katana which I feel

Is kind of useless um everything else is killing stuff so you know it’s pretty good okay here we go stomping yeah we’re going to kill that stuff show we is MHM despite having that mistake of missing the seeds in the first thing so yeah let’s go so we got

Many many achievements unlocked here did good here o we got Dr hops frog the bean frog minion frog um plotty frog we have many different and belly Bob frog excellent and then we also get more of these this currency here and this is what we’re

Going to use to sort of like do our Meta Meta Meta stats right so let’s see can we let’s see what we got here hello there’s a bed okay so here we can choose our frog here’s Billy Bob attack plus one attack frequency per planting Speed Shop prices per grow growth speed but

Man look at those negatives oh boy minus 40 damage minus 150 enemy loot yield this is so this is a a mining frog and then we have yeah win a run with less than 10% Health wow okay catch 50 fish oh my god well we

Got stuff to do I like that it tells you how to unlock them crop yield okay crop growth speed huh triple critical hit ooh interesting so maybe you have to get like way super Critical Hits like over 200% okay instantly mature one crop after fishing or mining that’s weird

Okay um Dr hops let’s see I look at these other minus th000 health regen you’re never going to make that up um let’s see three max Health when an apple is collected wow so you get more Health the more apples you collect um plus 1% projectile speed per

Move speed more Apple spawns more effess to Future Apple spawns okay plotty crop minus 100% wow that’s so weird um Bean minus plus damage when a crop is harvested wow but then you get less attack frequency oh man jeez you’d have to take attack frequency all the time but it would be

Interesting to try a run with bean I wonder if there are like like achievements for specific um yeah let’s see 50% or higher enemy spawns move 75% move speed resistances so CR speed I’m trying to like look at these and see okay 100% projectile Speed Run finish a run

Without getting hit oh okay 20 water capacity 75% coin gain 200 higher Max Health uh okay that’s a hard one 50 fish in one run wow gain one of each pet and you get wow minus planting and watering speed is kind of annoying 100% chance to get an additional pet so this

One is like a pet frog I kind of want to play bean or Min those could be interesting let’s see do we have this open yet hello no not quite okay and let’s check out side and back is there anything new out here no not quite I think doesn’t look

Like it nothing out here either nope okay well that has been our very first run on YouTube of course I did practice this beforehand but I hope you are enjoying this game I am looking forward to playing so much more of this game here is our next uh sections maybe we’ll

Play a different season in the next episode so thank you so very much for joining me take care of yourselves and each other and I’ll see you next time

Pesticide Not Required adds so many unique mechanics to the Survivors genre, you don’t want to miss out!

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A huge thank you to the developer for providing me with a game key!

Release Date: 2024

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Check out these other fun series:
Union of Gnomes (A Slay the Spire style Evil Fairytale!):
Striving for Light Survival (PoE + Vampire Survivors):
Backpack Battles:

Copyright Ā© 2024 KatherineOfSky. All rights reserved.


About Pesticide Not Required:

Pesticide Not Required combines auto-attacking bullet heaven roguelites with farming game mechanics to create an expansive set of strategies and build combinations. Destroy huge hordes of evil insects, grow tons of crops, create your own build path, and unlock unique characters to play with!
Create Overpowered Builds

You are the bullet hell! Grow an arsenal of ridiculous weapons and craft your own unique build with a combination of 40+ stats. Additionally, each character has their own unique traits that keep runs fresh.
Farm, Fish, and Mine

Earn vital gold and experience from growing crops, catching fish, and mining. Expand your plot to harvest huge quantities of crops and build carefully to enhance your farming, fishing, and mining capabilities.
Automate Your Farm With Pets

Recruit friendly pets that will enhance your farm, collect loot, and kill enemies.

Other Features
Quick ~20-minute play sessions
Customizable home interior and backyard garden area
Season-themed map variations with 16 difficulty levels
20+ unlockable characters with special traits
Persistent skill tree upgrades
100+ achievements to unlock
Compendium with unique fish for each season
Mouse-only gameplay support
Gamepad and keyboard support

Pesticide Not Required is inspired by awesome games like Brotato, Vampire Survivors, and Atomicrops.



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