Minecraft MOVIE: Beyond The Border

You thought you were playing a game breaking records uncovering Secrets no one was meant to find I did what no one else dare to do go beyond the Border I don’t see what’s so wrong about me sharing a discovery you don’t see how that was wrong you expose realities that

Should have remained hidden our organization has spent decades keeping those anomalies a secret and you just had to Snoop around didn’t you wait organization what are you talking about those entities as you call them are not just codair the breaches man boes into what lies Beyond and now they know about

Us what have I done you started something that can’t be undone but you’re going to help us fix it because bionic you and lier are the only ones who’ve seen what’s beyond the I made the mistake of asking the question is a Minecraft world truly infinite after going down the rabbit

Hole I learned that Minecraft has a world coded border that stops you from traveling 30 million blocks what is the game hiding from us breaking the Border it’s a little boring and complicated but I plan to go inside of the world files and completely corrupting it within specifically speically the world border

And all right cool now that we’re here we got to teleport ourselves literally 29 million blocks away and you know what screw it why don’t we just do the corner there you go so in case you guys are confused this is the world Border in Minecraft you can’t get past it unless

You’re in spectator mode but that only gets you so far cuz as you guys see I’m holding W you can’t go further I mean you can literally try this yourself this world border right here the one that’s visible is actually just a placeholder the real one is completely invisible in

Minecraft and you can’t do anything to get through you can try Ender pearling you can literally do whatever it’s always going to teleport you back and what’s super creepy is wait I think we just saw it hold on a second did mobs just spawn there and then get teleported

Yeah you guys saw that right Beyond The Border there is an entire world that has never been explored I know the game is hiding something let’s do that again as I’m approaching you guys will see mobs being teleported like to the Village yeah there you go they’re being sucked

In as if like whatever is inside or past the world border doesn’t want it to get released into the normal world let’s see oh my God oh my God yeah it happens at every single structure did you guys see that yeah and I just can’t get over

There there’s no way oh my god dude that scared the crap out of me okay yeah the game is like super I’m telling you there’s what did you just see that sheep that was literally flying in my dude I’m telling you guys I’m telling you I’m telling you there is something really

Weird about this and honestly I’m getting really creeped out I’m especially creeped out because I know how to get past and oh boy I haven’t done it yet and honestly I kind of don’t want to do this alone so I’m going to probably bring someone with me but if we

Do/ World border set1 you get an error it says World border cannot be smaller than one block wide and I plan to change that by using a file editing software I changed the world’s World border settings completely corrupting them okay please tell me this works yo it’s taking

A little long to render oh my God it’s working though please please please there should be no border there should be no border oh my gosh World border set1 nothing changed the border is already that size we just turned the Border inside out meaning now can I just walk through

Can I get to this Village oh my God oh my God oh my God I can oh my God I can yo yo dude let’s go oh no oh no Gamers no no no no no no no no Gamers stop don’t tell me I can’t fly what’s going

On dude I can’t move I can’t move we’re 30 million blocks through we’re 40 blocks through dude that’s so weird yeah I can just walk around but I can’t fly oh no that’s not good I mean I can teleport right can I can I ender pearl through right

What what what is happening uh um okay I guess the Pearl worked but why are my ghosts just like what is going on what is going on oh no oh no I’m actually kind of scared I’m actually kind of scared I can’t break blocks wait can I

Change the world border now World border set what if I do like uh I don’t know 69 million boom yo it worked oh my God wait it actually worked I can I can break break blocks now can I fly I I still can’t fly can I go into spectator mode

Yeah I can wait what uh spectator mode wait guys it says it in chat it says set on game mode wait can I go into survival oh no wait what is going on the game doesn’t let me switch my game mode at all what if I type it out game mode

Uh spectator what game mode creative it didn’t even go through right cuz I’m already in Creative okay okay okay hold on a second Gamers this is crazy I don’t want to be here alone man I’m I’m I’m kind of terrified lier log on liger log on come come chill chill chill chill

Chill and okay do the command do the command it should teleport you to some trees I sent it on Discord bro oh wait sorry uh uh I got to remove this okay boom wait what oh my God I faed that wait really I don’t see you yeah hold on

I’m at coordinate 2 29 yo y yo I see you I see you I see you yo yo yo yo yo do you see me in the village just go straight just go straight straight this way yes yes yes yes yes there you go do

You don’t see me he I see you on the top of the roof what’s up wait what coordinate are we on bro 29 what is that million dude dude this is 30 million we’re outside the Border bro why why is it glitching over there your body like

Times four bro lier listen to me what we are literally the first people not on the moon we’re not that cool but we just made it Beyond The hardcoded Border bro I didn’t even know that was a thing yes yes come on let’s go I can’t even fly by

The way I’m in Creative I literally can’t even fly though like what what is going on dude it’s whenever I use the Pearl wait you try you try here here here I’m in Creative I can literally spawn like spawn Us in anything wait can you go into to creative try going to

Creative it said set own game mode to creative but I’m still in survival see yeah I see it in chat try again try again it’s not working it’s not working for me either you see so you see it in chat when I try and go on Survival yeah

Yeah yeah yeah it said it says set on game out to survival yeah yeah yeah bro spectator look I’m still here bro I’m still here spectator what yeah I know wait you’re oh my God don’t tell me you’re stuck liger I should who’s taking damage who’s taking damage what’s going on what’s

Going on what’s going on chill chill chill chill chill yeah wait I heard that too I heard that too okay okay bro hold on I’m going to try to use this P oh my God I can’t hit it okay bro this is lowkey kind of creepy I can’t lie yeah I

Know I know but we got to keep going bro like this is only the beginning this is only the beginning I only made it like 80 Blocks through the world border and things were already corrupted wait hold on so if this is the hardcoded world border there has to be like an actual

World border though right surely it doesn’t go broke that I broke that so now we can just go on infinitely to like I don’t know 500 billion yes Minecraft like yes I know Minecraft like added the world B to stop players from going through it and here we are

This literally like no one’s ever explored this yeah and I don’t want to do this alone cuz I mean you’ve already seen all the weird stuff that’s happening and this Village was like so weird before but I guess wait bro what dude even the villagers and stuff are glitching what

Are they he like glitched like teleported kind of teleported oh my God I just saw it you saw that you saw that you saw that wait what why that’s not normal right no I don’t think so I mean that’s a thing though like oh my God he saw that he saw

I jumped up I jumped up dude that scared me wait yo this guy’s in the ground this guy’s in the ground okay okay okay okay chill chill chill yo that kind of looks like a oh my God that c just you didn’t see that everything’s ditching everything’s ditching yeah yeah I see I

See it chill chill chill wait oh my God oh my God oh my God no no no no no no no no no chill chill bro chill I saved them I saved them I saved them wait we’re not glitching only when we use pearls wait what did you just do you just glitched

Back I’m trying to fly I can’t fly even in creative mode I can’t fly liger I’m literally stuck using ender pearls with you I know I know I don’t like this at all but I mean like yo we got to keep going yo yo yo yo yo yo what’s up what’s

Up what’s up what’s up look look at the world oh my God wait you can’t see that wait is that the Far Land I see it bro I was on like friend of is fine ler what what oh my God I wait no this isn’t the far lands wait

Are we going back into it maybe into what are we going back into like the normal world no no no oh my God wait be careful use Pearl use pearls use pearls wait we should probably keep pearling so we can keep track of where we’re going

Oh that’s true we can use this like breadcrumb dude wait a second bro the squid just died the squid actually just died in the corner of my eye bro I swear I swear look look there’s an ink sack you see it yeah wait it just like how did it die just

Randomly yeah bro oh my my god look I picked it up whoa whoa who chill chill sorry dude sorry sorry that scared me I’m sorry I’m sorry I know I know what did the turtle jump at you yes one just got sucked in dude oh my God I swear

Mobs get sucked into the Border like so wait why are they getting sucked down let’s keep go bro this looks insane oh my God yo I think the deeper we get into the border the more things corrupt all right well time for an adventure I guess

Dude this is so weird yeah okay so this isn’t the farlands whoa oh you glitched yeah why why did I glitch me right there okay that was that was yeah it’s fine I don’t know what that was I wasn’t even flying dude okay hold on let’s let’s Pearl

Again just so we keep track so we came from that way there you go nice nice nice dude whoa should we just keep following like dude if we find the far lands in Minecraft 1.2.4 dude that would be insane that would actually be insane let’s do it I think

It’s yeah what if there’s like other stuff other than the farlands oh we yo we finally found mobs yeah okay so mobs do spawn all right okay that is some glitchy ice wait is that normal you see it like glitching like that the lighting

Effect or is that just me oh on the ice yeah yeah that is definitely not normal okay I was just checking wait stopped yeah only feel like far away yeah I guess dude that is really weird um hello bro wait the water is great you see that right oh my God I

Do wait when did it change I swear it was just blue where did that squid just come from yo what is going on bro no turning back no turning back yo that’s Pearl no turning back like this is actually crazy all right yo there’s a witch right there there’s witch over

There on the yeah why I have no idea bro and there’s mobs in the water there’s another witch oh bro God here here here here here here here there’s another one bro it’s it’s literally oh my God bro take this stuff take this stuffe kill it please I’m I’m dropping you stuff where

Is it I can’t move I’m K it oh it just teleported it teleported to the water what but look over there on the left bro there’s another witch just standing there static bro okay yeah wait yo and it lowkey looks like the world is like uh curving here are

You good yeah I’m good I’m good the poison yo hold on I could I could drop the water is so tripping even the trees the trees wait the trees what the trees what they’re they’re white wait yo I think the game is like bugging out I don’t think it’s rendering

Color bro everything everything is losing its color yeah yeah it’s for like the folage it looks like it’s just like water it’s the grass are we yo what is this Ry bro yo I’m peing over here I’m peing over here dude it’s this entire ocean bro what never landed oh there we

Go finally that where where are you where are you bro I’m in a m I’m I’m in a m where called into a m i don’t know bro I think I saw your name tag I was like up there wait um oh my God how

Did you even get there see me bro I I just threw the p and I teleported oh my wait I’m an idiot oh BR wait what is this this is like a corrupted chunk no bro there’s a witch right here oh my God this is literally the weirdest oh my

There’s no Bedrock there’s no Bedrock yeah there’s no Bedrock dude be careful be careful be careful and there’s one of those uh I forgot what you call them end yeah I think those spawn just cuz we’re Ender pearling a lot oh bro I don’t want

To go in there I I’ll keep it a buck 50 bro I do not want to go in there bro wait there’s another one right here yo what all right yo there’s another one over here yo I mean I’m in creative mode honestly G I’m not I’m not that scared

All right I I’ll be behind you then you got to protect me though okay all right all right hold on uh I’ll drop you some toems yo why is it three blocks tall is that not normal no I’ve never seen these holes in Minecraft oh watch out yeah wait should I go in

Here it’s just the continuation of the M shaft oh wait everything has color here though so it’s kind of turning normal again wait where does this lead oh spawner room I think but there’s no spaw oh there is there is there is Yo wait the M shaft just keeps

Going is that our name tags yeah it is bro I was like we start seeing someone else’s glitch name tag oh no no it’s just it’s just us two dude wait lager this is oh this is back wait we just made a loop how yeah we wait dude I’m so

Confused the only mob that’s three blocks tall why is there a cobweb here too the only mob that’s three blocks tall is is an Enderman right yo yeah yo no bro what’s in here yeah you go bro chill chill man what’s this is this water is the White Water

Yeah nothing here though oh yeah it just leads us yo it leads us back to the the corrupted chunk yeah watch out though watch out okay let’s let’s get out of here let’s get out of here yo oh my God at least one of us is in creative mode

Imagine if none of us were in Creative that would suck watch out watch out watch out l oh my God lager bro lager lagger what is wrong with you you psychopath chill chill chill chill chill are you good what I’m good bro I’m good it’s just I’m

Seeing a lot of glitched versions bro yeah I know okay oh dude this place looks crazy I don’t I don’t know if like no wait this generation’s not normal like bro are you kidding me that looks so cursed yeah I know should we maybe get a boat dude as you

Said that as you said that get in bro let’s go get in get in okay oh bro what was that what another boat just dropped you saw that right I that was me dude you’re so paranoid about dropped items why is there just a bunch of horses in front of us wait

True what is this why are they just spawning in the water that one just got pulled down I know you saw that yeah I saw that whoa what wait bro bro tripping bro bro bro bro bro bro bro what bro I’m glitching out on this thing are you okay thank you

Oh my bro there’s floating what the lagger I swear I just saw something black over there though but yeah wait it might have been it might have been these mobs what where on that oh over there dude I don’t know I don’t know I swear it’s

Fine I caught it on camera anyways wait what is that hold on I want to put my fov down oh my God it’s an iron golem wait vage over there where there right in front of us okay wait hold on hold wa wait there’s also a Pillager Outpost here bro

True so what do you want to do Village or Pillager Outpost what do you mean Village I don’t see a village wait there’s two of them and there is a villager yeah there has to be a village whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa wo dude this is so weird bro there’s

Mobs just falling down oh my God I thought this horse had like red eyes for a second what oh my God oh my God what is that what yo why is there a line of mocks look at the end pears yeah what what what what what are the Sheep just come from and

Just oh my God everything’s lagging wait bro the line continues over here yo I see the pearls I see the pearls are those are pearls there’s no way I’m going to try to P up to it I see your Pearl did they add one it’s just a bunch

Of pearl no wait does it say something chill what do you mean does it say something it kind of looks like it hold on let’s go up to it wait what yo chill lagger lagger chill bro lier chill leave bro I swear shut up no it says leave oh

My God got to go let me go higher let me go higher maybe I’m just tripping maybe I’m just triping chill does that say leave or am I am I going crazy that says leave right oh my God I can’t I can’t yo I’m stuck yo lagger lagger lagger what’s

Happening to me chill I’m coming I’m coming wait wait chill I’m coming to you I’m coming to you chill chill chill chill chill chill chill chill chill oh wait I’m good I’m good I’m good I’m good I’m good I’m good but bro that says leave

Right wait yeah oh my God l e a v e leave chill ch bro chill yo chill bro chill chill chill wait we got to go up oh my God stop dude yo I’m like actually bugging I’m I need I need another block or something I don’t know what I should

Use wait why yo it says leave like like 100% yes yes go touch the pearls go touch the pearls or actually I’ll go bro I’m in Creative I’m in Creative dude no bro bro yeah that definitely says leave bro no no that one B jillion per says

Leave have you hit these mobs yet I have an egg yo keep an eye out bro keep an eye out I do not trust I do not trust this game now hold on let me see if I can maybe hit the pig with the egg hit

The pearls hit the Pearl wait yo bro what bro I can spawn you infinite pearls or infinite eggs oh yeah no nothing’s happening what about to the mobs do they take damage yeah they’re taking damage wait you saw that why are they just floating like

That they have to be standing on a block no maybe there’s floating blocks right there could be wait dude that is so weird okay yo the pros are right here bro I’m going for the pros are you going to go for the mobs yeah I’m going to go

For the mobs I’m going to see if there’s like a barrier block okay okay hold on oh my God okay okay okay nothing nothing nothing I just didn’t expect it to be in my face like that I can’t touch it I can’t break it I just broke through

It why you broke through it yeah I’m close to the pig bro there’s more pigs up there right next to the pig dude there’s more pigs up there hold on I don’t know if it’s a block bro it’s fine it’s water right so you you’ll be fine

No no bro it’s definitely not a block there’s nothing there there’s no blocks there is nothing there is nothing they’re literally just floating there for no reason bro and why why is the dude the Pearl isn’t even like centered it’s like wait yeah it’s like in between two blocks how is that even

Possible what if I Pearl wait hold on what should I do bro I’m still up here should I Pearl on the Pearl I don’t know if that’s a good idea that is so cursed dude should we actually keep going I think oh okay where are you I I

Just got jump scared by my own uh glitching thing but yeah I I think we should keep going bro let’s go bro we’re going through the east blue the grand line let’s go we’re actually going through the Grand line right now bro this is insane what is That Yo oh a village a

Floating village yo there’s a floating village right there dude this thing just gets so much like corrupted by the second yo I see the same structures which structures the the ones with the um the cobwebs oh yeah yeah you’re right okay hold on hold on hold on hold

On yo yeah I’m going to use my end Pearl are you going to go up yeah I’m going to go up bro I’m going to go into the house I have to I have to see what’s inside I want to see if there’s like a all right

I’ll follow you I’ll follow you I’ll follow you dude that is so cool though the trail the ender pearl Trail okay the house dude everything looks normal door is open but there is no villagers door is open but there’s no villagers yeah I did not open that door yo yo yo what do

We set our spawn point right here oh smart dude what the you see this what this yeah yeah what is that wait it opens up behind it break it break it break it what is that a structure up there the platform with the Moy Cobble I’m going to go check yo liger

Watch watch watch watch look how many holes there are oh my God there’s a chest here there’s loot yo normal loot nothing like crazy yeah like real real loot I just took all of it there’s nothing I mean I could just spawn in anything you need yo all the doors are

Open bro I know I know I know what the heck is this generation dude wait I’m at the top top of where you went up there remember that M dude you’re crazy dude you’re crazy you’re crazy it’s about to be night oh my God oh my God oh my God

What what what what bro this just doesn’t make any sense come here come here okay I’m in right now house literally like merged with the mountain what do you mean okay okay I’m here I’m here dude hey look this is insane lager I don’t even know what’s going on right

Now with all the pearls look at this door bro what are you talking about oh yeah oh what yo don’t die you have a totem right okay okay okay oh wait I noticed another thing bro look at this look look watch this watch this watch this what did you notice anything no fall

Damage no fall damage whoa so maybe you’re good you don’t have to wait is there no fall damage beyond the the Border could be dude that’s probably like the least weird thing if I’m honest oh my God wait yo yo yo okay okay yo maybe yo maybe I’m

Thinking too far into this what but doesn’t that look like a guy like waving in the sand oh my God and is that his hand over there the tentacle yeah yeah yeah yeah like squid or something dude no chill chill chill that looks like an Enderman look behind you wait wait wait

Wait wait watch watch watch whoa whoa chill chill chill yo I’m getting Goosebumps chill chill chill dude what wait no no you’re giving me goosebumps chill no I don’t I I don’t like that I don’t like that at all bro I don’t like that at all wait okay okay hold on hold

On before we go to to the pillars dude wait yo chill is that Herobrine should we try to summon Herobrine look the pillars I don’t know isn’t the with the shrine with the shrine dog with the shrine what if that Try It Out Try It Out try it out because he was

I don’t know like the full lore right but he was in the game’s code and then maybe because now that we’re like outside the game it would actually work yeah oh that one didn’t leave a trail did you notice that no I see a bunch of trails though I don’t know where you

Went oh you went all the way down there I’m not going to use an end yeah I think you’re good you take damage bro yo look how many of these like yo go through the holes I’m going to go through this one right here I’ll go through this one dude

Wait be careful be careful it just leads oh no yo that one’s dark bro that one’s dark I’m going in pretty deep on this I’m swimming down right now now swimming down I’m swimming really far down right now yeah yo yo I am dude this is making me claustrophobic

Bro okay this is really weird I’m on I see another chunk a over there what what what lagger I’m on y zero right now I’m coming back up though everything looks normal down here yeah maybe maybe these thing dude there’s one up there there’s dude they’re they’re so weird they’re so

Weird oh my God yo the game is kind of lagging oh this one just dude I find it really weird I don’t know why these holes bro yo they look man-made I hate to say it I hate to say they look man-made and the only mob that looks

Like that would fit through here bro I just failed that one I just don’t get the cobwebs why are the cobwebs oh this one leads to Lava the only mob I can think of is the end how do we explain the Ender pears that said leave is it maybe because we’re so far

Out I mean like anything is possible because you know how they say like the universe is infinite so anything could happen is it the same case here because there’s no like you’re yapping no I think it has to be like uh an Easter egg no yo I’m coming

To you yo let’s just go let’s just go let’s go towards the thing theill yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah wait what looks like a squid yo dude you’re so far ahead of me like the whole head bro broo yo yo yo yo yo yo oh my God oh my

God yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo I don’t want to step on it I don’t want to step on it I don’t want to step on it okay okay okay chill chill reverse what is that what is that what is that oh

It’s just a phantom oh my God oh my God first gravity bro are you kidding me dude yeah wait oh my God chill chill chill watch out watch out Y what is this I can’t fly bro and kill them for you it’s literally just random dirt and then

Like gravel stack this is all made out of gravel this whole block oh my god oh you broke the gravel you broke the gravel you broke the gravel you broke the gravel wait but snap it’s not affecting us yo watch out watch out it’s not it doesn’t seem to affect us right

Last time it activated is when I broke one of these yeah look bro stop falling down waa okay okay I was going to say like should we summon but I don’t know bro let’s do at the top at the top of the mountain all right

Man oh my God bro not again not again dude all right how do we do this how do we do this we need Netherrack and gold blocks and Redstone torches and a flint and steel my watch out okay wow you really want to set the mood huh yeah yo

If this if there’s any chance of Herobrine actually working in Minecraft it’s going to be right now this Phantom is actually oh my God you place a Netherrack down here and then another one here and then it’s just a redstone torch here here here here and here and

Now you just got to light it I’ll let you do the honors bro if this works like what I’m jumping off dude I’m not I’m logging off I’m shutting down my computer yo chill are you actually cuz I’ll actually leave too bro yeah okay I’m out I’m I’m I’m I’m

The game told us yeah the game told us to leave dude like I’m not playing no games okay okay cool just do it just do it okay yo chill why are you so scared you’re making me scared you’re freaking me out bro chill chill chill maybe it’s

Like a virus or something bro I don’t know anything’s possible dude stop I actually don’t want to do this okay okay that’s all I got to do is light it up yeah okay y chill chill chill chill chill chill chill chill what was that hello yo you heard that that

Sound what was that sound hello I don’t know bro I don’t know what what light it up again no that was one of the weirdest sounds I’ve ever heard in my life okay okay that’s you that’s your footsteps okay ready yeah okay 3 2

1 yeah there it is again bro there it is again chill chill chill chill chill chill chill I got rid of it yo it said it said something lier I don’t know what it said do it do it do it do it do it here I

Go there it is again bro it’s a sound it’s a sound it said invalid it said invalid yo it said something like Minecraft do entity do invalid wait invalid I’ve seen that before wait so we actually did spawn something in but it’s just invalid and that’s why it didn’t work no no no

No no no if I try and TP to you invalid position for teleport bro the border is invalid I think this is all invalid I think we I think we stop here I don’t know what else what else do we do we could we could keep going yeah no I I I

Don’t want to keep going bro okay all right how about we how about how about we do this boom there you go all right let’s I set my spawn point part two part two okay I like that are we going to really continue lier like do we

Really want to do this yes we do all right you you tell me bro North West South East up where do you want to go okay actually that is a good question I’m going to pull up the cords and if we go forward yeah yeah yeah yo yo yo okay

So it looks like the Z continu use past the 30 million but then okay lagger we’re good bro we don’t take fall damage I forgot bro it’s been so long okay yeah I know wait yo you’re right hold on can I change game modes oh you’re still in

Creative I forgot bro I got so much stuff I know wait you’re still in survival dude wait try and change try and change I can’t even fly either still does it doesn’t work it doesn’t let me okay okay okay that’s inter let’s go to the ocean let’s maybe make a boat yeah

No I think if I check the cords right yo if we go this way yeah yeah yeah dude we got we got to get P 30 mil on both on both of the cords I’m going to yeah I’m going to get us a boat I’m getting boat and dude remember the pearls

The pearls pass the board of their glitched oh it still glitched us bro it’s still so trippy to look at know all right yeah here B time Jump in bro jump in let’s do this wa why does a seaweed have color yeah and then the grass doesn’t I

Don’t know yeah just keep an eye out for like literally don’t worry bro I got you dude oh my God yo ler we made it a th000 block blocks pass 1,200 pass only a few more blocks and we’re literally at 30 million we’re breaking World Records

Right now this is insane hold on hold on hold on we did it let’s go wait should we be happy didn’t like messed up stuff happen the deeper we went last time yeah that’s true oh what okay I was just glitching I was glitching on the boat bro chill chill

Chill chill okay okay bro you can’t just act like that man what do you mean act bro I was glitching out man with 30 million blocks out of course I’m going to be nervous see what I don’t see it oh you don’t see put your your up oh my God

We got to go there bro get closer I’m going power up there bro dude why is it just floating does that work oh my God you missed you’re a b why is it getting dark oh my God it’s glitching me again yo I see that too like the sky yeah oh I

Just got teleported oh my God I see you bro the sky is glitching right that’s not just me uh no it’s it’s like darker for me too yeah and the Sun is up yo wait yeah yo it’s it’s like really dark here wait let me come up there let me see you’re

Right where are you oh yeah yeah yeah it’s like it’s a it’s like Sunset but like the sun is is the Sun going up or down am I tripping it’s going down yeah no it is going down okay okay dude there’s no villagers here why do open why do doors open yo

Bro bro chill chill chill chill chill I heard like five doors open and closed oh I hear him again no no no no chill chill chill chill chill chill chill no dude it can’t start already it can’t start already bro this door just open I literally just saw it open I literally

Just saw it open bro take your hands off the keyboard take your hands off the keyboard right now I’m my hands off the keyboard listen you hear that you hear that dude I hear them dude I actually yo you hear that I’m turning on hit boxes I’m turning on hit boxes dude there’s

Nothing here bro how’s that possible wait maybe the villagers are here but we just we just don’t see them cuz they’re like glitched out right click everywhere right click everywhere see we can like trade with with the Villagers some oh what just broke that was me that was me

That was me that was me yo watch out oh my God yeah but maybe there is villagers you know what I mean dude yeah yeah yeah like they’re just here but that did you was that you no okay yo that is so weird yeah so maybe you’re saying the villagers are here but

Because of the invalid the positions right cuz if I do TP liger yeah bro I still can’t yeah invalid position for teleport I mean technically every mob is invalid wait I see mobs down there though what oh there’s also a ruined portal there where look there oh yeah

And bro look at the flipping land over there that looks super trippy and what is that all the way back there do you see that that looks like a ship on land dude like why would it be on land I mean I don’t know bro why

Would why would this Village be on water okay hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on on I think we should go to that ship to be honest really yes drop me a couple of Ender Pearls let’s go check it out here here here I’m just still

Confused about about like dude I don’t know liger these doors are opening a lot I know I know but there’s nothing we can do about it bro let’s just get out of here I’m getting creeped out can we just go check out that shipwreck yeah let’s

Go wait bro what hold on the sun set on that side and the moon also came out on that side no the sun is over there no it wasn’t over there before though it was over there I’m pretty sure it was dude I I think you’re actually tripping I think

You’re actually I actually bro okay you know what check the footage later bro like I have an idea hold on lag lager lagger lager Li I got an idea hold on a second villager bro what the okay okay okay dude that scared me I forgot the mobs teleported

Like that it’s not it’s not invisible villagers then it’s not something else wait that’s what I’m that’s oh bro it just teleported where did that come from did you spawn that in I spawned these two other guys in they’re not even trying to open the doors oh my God okay

Okay okay they’re just they’re just D okay okay okay chill chill chill chill chill chill bro this is the only way to summon like villagers too what if I do do summon maybe oh yo what just happened do that again do you see that

In chat no wait oh my God wait you don’t see that in chat you you you said t right T TT wait T searching for invalid summon please report this error java. l. illegal blah blah blah location summon entity in invalid wait location summon entity invalid is that what those

Particles were wait yo type something in chat type something in chat hey dude I didn’t see it bro what is going on with my chat I’m trying to scroll down dude my chat is actually broken summon villager bro bro why are you summoning it on me I didn’t summon it on you what

Are you talking about it was particles did you not see that yeah it was on me though it was on me okay n y no you’re playing with me right what do you mean no there was particles on me not you I would you do it you do it you summon

Anything summon summon any M villager boom oh okay okay okay I see what you mean okay okay okay okay I saw the particles on me too okay okay okay okay okay bro let’s not do that again cuz I feel like we’re like summoning so what did that that Village just got sucked

Into the ground bro yo I hear it like right next to me too okay yo yo that Village no no no no yeah let’s get out of here let’s get out of here I can’t even clear my chat it’s it’s it’s just that 24/7 yeah I know I I’m like yeah

It’s actually just a weird error I’m going to size my chat down cuz this is just yeah honestly that’s a good idea is it actually just not going to stop bro it it’s it’s still typing it looks like it stops and then it doesn’t there’s a

Book and flint and steel oh my bad my bad I didn’t mean to do that cre bro I’m not in Creative where is that bro I’m going to be honest with you I have no idea where this thing is what if like the treasure is totally glitched liger what I’m

Thinking right now is if we’re like in a illegal like block range would it even like render things like this like the treasure map like would that even work is that maybe taking us back to the normal coordinates like I dude I actually it’s not even like moving on my

Screen wait it is it is it is it is it is it is it is it’s moving now is that a structure I can’t zoom in hold on yeah it looks like a structure yeah yeah it’s one of those like drown thingies dude the chat oh I can’t even see the oh yeah

Hold on wait it’s not yo it’s like bugged dude it’s not letting it’s actually not letting me see the the treasure map oh there you go dude this one is up with this chat thing bro it’s Ser not stopping I can’t even scroll down yeah I don’t know searching for invalid

Dude invalid was the sound oh no you know what I’m not even going to play games this time show subtitles on no no I put show subtitles on oh yeah bro last time we tried to summon Herobrine like we got the invalid message or something yeah yeah yeah wao

Wo wo W wa okay wait is it one chill chill chill chill chill now I think it’s just a bunch of them stacked on top on top of each other right there was no no wa that’s one dude wait no this is totally glitched yo this is broken bro

Yo I’m going on top oh my God are you actually okay okay wait break in break in okay oh my God I’m in I’m in I’m in I’m in okay okay me too me too me too aren’t these places supposed to be dangerous like mobs running around oh

What is that yo it’s happening again bro I think it’s under us there the iron door the iron door the iron door there supposed to be levers the L wait are these prison cells dog dog yo chill chill chill okay okay okay okay yo what okay okay okay what is

In here bro this is normal though right this isn’t a normal Woodland Mansion yeah yeah no this is a normal wooden mansion or yeah I mean it looks like it just with like the prisoner doors yeah oh my I thought that was a cross for a second bro where that wait but it

Isn’t huh lier what what what okay okay no no no no no no no no no no no no no no oh there’s a pumpkin head bro I don’t like oh my god oh my god dude chill yo that actually scared the crap out of me chill chill out chill out chill out

Chill out it’s not moving right d is that normal what is normal that pumpkin head over there bro I have no idea I actually have no idea I’m going dude chill there’s no way this is normal like this this actually isn’t a woodland mat empty room with a flipping pumpkin yeah

Bro bro bro bro there there’s like Soul fire on it as well no I placed that one I plac that one bro chill out wait why did he just change chill out chill out bro what is this room what is this oh my God what’s in this chest oh dude I thought that

Blue thing what is going on what is going on whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa wo I’m the one placing these here here here I was bro I didn’t they’re changing they’re changing they’re changing what is it I was going to use them for breadcrumbs bro why are the I don’t even

Know I don’t even know wait what’s in here oh my God bro it’s just like a loop this is normal too yeah no no it is it is it is what isn’t normal bro why are these torches continuously changing je everything’s empty too yo gray lily pads

What what is that over there where where where where where where hey what is this I don’t know these look like like Steve’s colors you know or Herobrines chill that’s not her bro oh my God you know how like in every Minecraft update they always put removed Herobrine

Like in the official like change lck they always put that what if like like actually no no joke like because we’re in like no one’s ever been like 30 blocks out right what if like there is an Easter egg that no one was able to to find or something until now until now

And you’re saying we could be haunted by like the real Herobrine right now yeah is that what you’re saying that is exactly what I’m saying yes dude okay honestly sucks to be you in survival mode dude it’s okay bro you gave me like five of them last time do

You need more here take some yo I got you bro oh I got you wait oh my God that was freaking me out I didn’t know where the lighting Source was coming from I was like what dude wait dude this is insane who yo wait wait wait I have an idea

What if we just go in a straight line and we keep breaking we could this is pretty long dude this is actually so scary whoa it’s burning you you know you you put the fire down before right I think I did or it was a lava wait no that

Doesn’t make any sense dude oh my God I don’t know bro this why is this so quick hold on yo let’s go to the roof let’s go to the roof all right I’m up yo all I see is Mansions dog all I see is Mansions yeah be careful with all

This is insane I have never seen anything like this bugged before wait what bi is this Dark Forest do they spawn in dark forests okay I’m here I’m here where are you bro it’s literally just flipping Woodland Mansions where are you yeah right here right here right

Yeah yeah we’re 30 million blocks out on both is there’s no way it’s infinite now I don’t see the end bro and I’m on a high renter distance oh my God Li imagine the left is on fire too yeah why is there so much fire bro wait that one

Back there looks y all the Torches are still changing that is so creepy yo look this one looks kind of normal no oh yeah it does oh wait it looks like the end I I see uh I see I see the the biome I think we’re on the edge of the the we

Are we are manions spw room okay I mean yeah other than the Torches everything does look pretty normal inside of these things I don’t know I don’t know I literally don’t know what that is like what what actually is this I don’t know bro I’ve never been in a woodland man I

Know it’s embarrassing to say but like I don’t this does not look like normal stuff though it looked like some sort of like alter that looks like some sort of face chill wait wait wait first we saw this room with like the wall that had like the Herobrine colors yeah and now

We have a face that doesn’t look like Herobrine looks like a kid I don’t know or maybe like an LA I don’t really know La you’re right you’re right it does look like an kind of I mean that would make sense no dude I’m just yo this the

Same thing over here it’s the same thing over here yeah I think that’s just kind of like a totem I think it’s just like what they build for the totems interest huh be careful oh my God as soon as I said that I just jump in like oh there’s

Glow squids down there that are disappearing as we speak I see like weird green over there is that Moss uh yeah that’s Moss wa yo oh my gosh liger what is this do we go watch out watch out watch out do we go in the caves

Let’s do it bro I think the caves are going to look super messed up though all right I’m peing wao wait I hear axotal but I don’t see them oh oh oh what is that what was that bro I’m riding something I’m riding something wait what are you talking

About I’m riding something I it said press shift to Dismount I did it I did it I was I was on something bro I was riding something wait what are you talking about I I was you know how you ride a horse I was riding something bro you’re making it weird bro

Like chill man I wait location summon Anthony okay never mind that’s the same message I have where you at where you at bro what do you mean yo why do you just brush that off I was literally riding something for like I don’t see anything

I know I saw it you saw me right like glitching around you saw that okay I’m out of here bro n no no I’m not doing this dude I can protect you bro don’t worry no no no no what was it like what happened what how did it

Look like on your screen I said I hear axelos and then all of a sudden my screen starts shaking violently and then it it said in the flipping like hot bar or whatever press left shift to Dismount and then I did I was riding something okay but I didn’t see something where’s

The actual where’s the actual I heard it bro I didn’t see it look I’ll go back down again I’m actually bro maybe you wrote an AEL what’s breaking oh oh my god get again again chill chill out bro chill out you saw that right you saw that you saw that

Right where is it oh my God it’s happening again you get it off wait I see bubbles I saw bubbles I swear I saw bubbles oh my God oh my godar PE away I saw the particles something fell it said something fell it said something fell something hurts

Damage what’s taking damage what the lagger yo get out get out get out get out get out get out get out get out get out get out out don’t leave me alone why would you P get out get out get out get out I said Pearl I don’t want to be in

Here bro please please please please please I’m getting out of here bro I don’t want to be in a cave are you are you for real dude I’m for real right now bro chill come on I I got you bro whoo whoa whoa whoa wo what was that what was

That sound something hurts something trips something fell is that you no oh you’re looking at the stand over there stand over there stay still stand still don’t make a sound I’m not moving I heard something footsteps stand still water flows stand still I’m not I’m not ins theane bro I I saw something

Dude what Maybe I’m Wrong bro are we going insane I saw in the the the the subtitles that something took damage maybe it was me when I P footsteps are you moving no I’m coming I’m coming to you okay okay okay I’m just something hurt something hurts I saw that too drip Lea

Run no no wait what is grabbing you you No No No’s trying to kill you oh my God it’s actually trying to kill you oh this goes deep this goes super deep oh bro what where’ you go where’d you go dude we should not be splitting up wa wait

Yeah hold on I’m coming back there’s like a waterfall here bro it kind of looks beautiful wait where where where I’m coming back I’m coming back don’t don’t you see my name tag no what I was I came from here I just saw slime die

Where are you where are you bro I just no no no no no what is that block what is that block what is this what is this what is this where are where are you dude I’m trying to find you right now bro big drip Leaf are they supposed to

Move are they supposed to move yes or no not not on their own what you mean not on their own how how are they supposed to move how are they found you how are these drip leaves supposed to move if something steps on them bro I I saw them

Look look look someone like stepped from here super quick though like this like this boom boom boom that wasn’t you that wasn’t me I saw it I was standing here but look look at check this out check this out yo yo bro doesn’t that look

Insane yo yes bro where are we this is actually the most beautiful cave I’ve ever seen in my entire life it’s like Perfect Chaos you know no color dude it’s like some sort of paradise like I instantly just think of some sort of Paradise one that maybe we’re not

Supposed to be in dude this is crazy I do not want to go down oh yo wao wo wo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo liger lier lier do you see it flashing like that yeah that’s normal no that’s that normal wa wait why is it making my screen like

Flicker wo wo wo wo wo you saw what I mean right like yes bro n n what why yo chill out chill out chill out wait wait wait Place torches Place torches yo stay next to me bro stay next to me you’re in Creative you have to protect me wait

Wait wait wait you it got dark right oh my god dude the Torches are turning into Redstone the Torches are turning into red into Redstone bro bro chill chill chill yo make a base make a base make a base what do you mean make a base lier with Netherrack with Netherrack I don’t

Care bro please I’m not in Creative okay you have nothing to be afraid of I do dude why did it get so dark don’t go away from me oh my God oh my God bro hold my hand man hold my hand oh what does this lead to I actually don’t know

Is that actually just going down straight to the or is cuz we don’t see anythingit wait wait wait wait I got you I’m going to put down some water I’m going to put down some water if I jump off and try and fly what happens oh dude just tele oh there’s

Lava there’s lava there’s lava everywhere what wait where actually are we now are we in the nether why is that on fire dude wait that is a good point no we’re we’re still in the Lush cave it says bi Lush C it’s just too dark but

Wait is is lava supposed to be in a lush cave like this I don’t I don’t think so what do we do we can’t see anything wait do we have an effect on us no we don’t bro we don’t have anything effect clear

Clear at a okay wait so if I put a bunch of torches down and then look back wait what it’s like our Rena distance has been put down yeah it’s not even just darkness it’s just straight up Rend oh I still don’t understand why that happened

Bro look at the flick wait if you shift on it it stops you see that dude I just don’t understand what the heck was that bro bro squid just died did you place that oh my God dude no lagger lagger lagger I literally break the block like where the Axel was

Looking at and like there instantly the the squid just dies bro I hait fish how’s the fish here break this way please you’re you’re on Creative wait the fog cleared oh what oh there’s no way this is what it normally looks like wait yeah why did

The fog clear oh oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my no no no no no no the whole flip iter chill it says run in chat I’m lagging I’m lagging I’m lagging are you okay I’m good I’m good I’m good yo bro what was

We got to get out of here we got to get out of here how do we get out of here bro everything’s lagging move what is going on Diamonds oh my god oh what is this Li get out dig up dig up dig up yo my chat is bugging my chat is bugging

Dude I’m it’s bugging me out it’s bugging me out something just hit me something just hit me something just hit me it wasn’t you it wasn’t you something just hit me bro I swear oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God we got to get

Out here dude lagger you do you have your subtitles on I I I wasn’t looking what did it say what the diamonds bro what it said run it said run you’re lying dude it said run dude it said run we’re actually out bro we’re actually

Out no cap I pearled I PE I PE I PE bro I don’t think the game wants us to be in a cave I don’t think the game wants us to be 30 million blocks out that is a really good point do we keep going yo oh

My God is the game actually lagging yeah it is look I’m eating and then look it takes 2 seconds you see that yeah it was fine before what changed I know we keep going yeah yeah yeah which way you lead the way um we probably want to go if we

Want to keep going like out the most Why Stop drifting just go yeah uh straight but left go more left yeah or I guess go straight yeah just go straight cuz there’s like land there everything else doesn’t have color except mushroom trees why okay it’s it’s just a phantom it’s

Just a phantom yeah yeah yeah yeah where is it I don’t know I I’ll destroy it though I don’t thank you I don’t see them oh I do see one I do see one yeah yeah yeah oh oh dude it just got teleported like that was so weird dude the bamboo

Is so w wo whoo whoo What what is that yeah the bamboo right it’s just so odd seeing such bright colors when everything else is Gray yo yo yo yo yo I saw that I saw that it’s happening again no no no no no look around bro it’s the same type of

Fog no see that my God why is it red though why is it red maybe because we’re like in the Overworld like we we’re like above ground dude I don’t like this I don’t like this lager I don’t like this lagger break all the bamboo break all

The bamboo yo it grows back instantly wait bro it’s changing colors look what if it keeps getting more blue if we go that way right and it keeps getting more red if we go that way should we go this way because red is like no no no no no bro it happened

Again it happened again a it’s happening again it’s happening again it’s happening again no I’m trying to hit it get it off get it off get it off get it off oh my God oh my it’s not letting me get you it’s not letting me help you bro

I’m stuck I’m stuck I can’t help you I’m put water I’m putting water I’m putting water bro I can’t see anything I’m dying oh my God oh my God oh my God being Apple oh my God oh my God oh my God what is carrying you dude I actually can’t do

Anything Stack Up Stack Up Stack Up Stack Up Stack Up stack up yeah yeah yeah bro I’m eating a bunch wait it’s gone I got two totems in my hand right now bro ain’t no way I’m about to die here bro it literally just it’s gone now what

The holy crap no no no no no no no no ler it’s here it’s here lier I saw it bro did you hear that sound I’m not putting my heads dude I saw it I saw it what is that did you I can’t I can’t

Get off I can’t get off did you hear that sound yes or no I heard everything bro no no no I’m go go go go go go wo I just bumped into something put gloss here put glass here oh get back in glass put glass GL okay okay I’m

Dude it’s trying to get at me try it says footsteps place down a boat place down a boat a boat a boat what did you catch it oh did you catch it dying did you catch it we killed it no way no way oh my God you’re a genius did

We actually kill it bro did we kill an unknown entity dude it just I it said dying but we’re King of the borders we’re King of the Border we’re King of the borders bro why is there still the F dude I I say we actually need to get out of here did you

See that black thing though no I only bro I heard this loud sound literally hurt my ear so I just took my headset off dude you got to see the footage after let’s get out of here let’s get out of here I got to show you I got to

Show you I got to show you I got to show you did we kill invalid bro there’s no way yo the fog’s gone we did it dude I think we actually did I I think we did something hold on let’s let’s go back and see if the fog

Like is the fog only like a part of a thing oh it’s back it’s back and get out it’s gone huh dude I don’t know what we just faced bro we actually just survived that bamboo Forest yeah we killed it it dude that thing was following us for like was carrying me

Around yeah it was literally just targeting you bro targeting survival players dude I I think the fact that I’m in creative mode right now is like really like like I don’t think the game was betting on me being in creative mode I think this is that was supposed to

Kill you luck I think yeah and a survival mode you wouldn’t have been able to go creative as well well I can yeah I got to I got to show you the footage bro I got to show you the footage you already know dude all right part three yeah part three holy crap

What did we just uncover yo yo yo yo yo relax dude come on you’re a little I thought I thought something happened bro chill man yo I just loged on bro chill I know we’re good we’re good dude we’re good all right are we going to do this

We’re going to do this bro let’s dive deeper Beyond The Border baby let’s go yo we’re just so we keep track we’re at 30, 2,658 that’s r z so if we continue this way it keeps going up so we’re 2,600 blocks exactly past the world

Border bro are we going to get to 40 million today I don’t know I don’t think that is that even possible dude can you even get to 40 million I mean we could probably try and find out maybe the deeper we go like the quicker the numbers go up because they can’t compute

Anymore does that make sense I wonder yo what if yeah what if we could like abuse some sort of glitch like if the server starts lagging or something I have no idea highkey like we should probably travel a little bit smarter isn’t there yo yo yo yo come here come here what

Where’d you go yeah bro I’m walking on the leaves and look I can still see the green color do you see that wait what oh I never even noticed that you wait all the particles are fine even though everything is like yeah oh wao and everything is growing really fast

Too I guess that’s the tick rate why I didn’t change it I still don’t understand why like some blocks are not affected like this bamboo for example like what is this in the tree even bro I don’t know that’s like the the jungle leaves hold on wait I swear oh my gosh I

Keep forgetting I can’t fly there’s water here wait let me see if I can go into creative hold on G on Creative no it doesn’t work yeah oh my God and it’s turning night time I got it I got it I got it I got it let’s go let’s go yeah

Let’s go hyro mode baby what is that that red Stu over there what is that I think that’s one of the new structures yeah yeah yeah yeah what what what do you mean new structure yeah no that’s that’s in Minecraft but it’s like kind of a doooo structure it’s one that

You can like brush what yeah there’s like suspicious gravel I don’t see Yo wait yeah there’s a sussy gravel right here hold on you can do it I’ll let you do it before what what are you break no no no no no oh okay chill chill chill dude you right

Click it oh right click it yeah see oh and item comes out of it yeah what just came out I guess just I don’t know was it clay I didn’t really get anything I have no idea hold on wait for me bro there’s a

Village oh my gosh bro I I I don’t want to go near you remember what happened last time right like doors opening and closing oh my gosh that’s right no way this one’s also haunted too right chill chill chill chill where’ you go I got

You fam I got you yeah no it’s been red torch is that a redstone torch it is right it is it is a redstone torch wait none of the Torches yeah yeah yeah it’s doing the same thing it’s doing the same thing it’s doing the same thing wait the

Door open I didn’t he every village like that oh my God door Creeks it said door Creeks yeah and it opened how come it didn’t door Creeks what bro there’s more Redstone the red the Torches are changing again bro oh my gosh hold on a second yeah yeah yeah I have a soul

Torch dude that was happening last time gosh bro no no no yeah I literally see it in the sound bell bell rings okay yeah I dude I I can hear it I can see it whenever the door creaks when they when they close and open oh well the villagers I guess they’re still

Here oh there’s a chest liger we to cold what what oh my God that’s not normal right I don’t think that’s normal bro is that is it crying obsidian crying nah that that doesn’t happen that’s not that’s not a thing you place it you you

Do it you do it you do it that is not a thing bro what who is cutting wait who who is cutting onions that’s an advancement that wasn’t happening before though like I’ve I’m pretty sure I’ve like I don’t know if I’ve ever placed crying UPS actually now

That I realized is this like a new or is it like because we’re so far beyond the Border I think the particles are buing up some some like features that never made it like in the normal world does that make sense I have no idea the chest looks

Normal also so when did it turn daytime bro yeah I mean actually I I that’s a good thing I didn’t really like it being nighttime I’m not going to lie dude I think the particles are just bugging I mean it must be right like you know we’re in an invalid position we’re quite

Literally yeah we’re 3,580 blocks deep into Beyond The Border do I break it like me yeah okay okay uh how about I don’t want to be the only one you take that ready ready okay I’m ready I’m I’m breaking this one all right yeah yeah

You go you you go I swear if I get jump scared or something bro chill chill okay oh okay okay yo yo yo wa who what what you didn’t see that why did it look like the block was still place for a second yo that was weird hold on hold on youing

Look at the particles look at the particles I’m going to break it three 2 1 and then hold on they they fall wait I swear it summon them get them okay chill bro chill chill you just trying to gas slide me at this point shut up I’m not dude all right let’s

Just keep going yeah we know all the villages past the world border are completely like haunted can you give me a spy glass oh yeah wait I want a spy glass too I didn’t even think of that we don’t have like a mod on dude I just hate how everything like is so

Quiet I know like we haven’t been in a grass for a while atast did we did so theoretically we should be good other than the fact that there are doors closing and opening randomly yeah you think that was supposed to stop just cuz we killed some wait what place down a

Normal door place down a normal door like with nothing attached to it is down now wait I swear if this opens I’m quitting bro I’m telling you right now it’s not opening that was you that was you so what does that mean for The Villages like they’re actually possessed cuz why wouldn’t

It chill chill chill chill don’t yo some type of bug bro invisible villagers no no no no you did that you did that you did oh it’s actually doing itself chill chill chill chill chill chill chill go go go no I’m out I’m out

I’m out I’m out I’m in a ping see you bro no no no I’m good I’m good I’m good I’m good I thought we were good I thought we were good I thought we were good good where’d you go liger I’m here I’m here I’m here dude don’t leave my

Side bro oh yo cherry blossom yeah cherry cherry cherry yo we oh my God colors yeah it is colorful oh my God yo I’m actually so happy to see this much color again bro look at that yo oh my God it looks beautiful I know dude it actually looks

Beautiful holy crap yo I okay never mind that’s probably you dude no I just saw footsteps bottom right but like I I thought I was that’s me that’s me that’s me okay okay okay dude watch out there’s like so many little like random caves and stuff you want to go inside

One where are you we could um where you at where you at oh oh you’re here you’re here should we just go inside this one dude last time we went in a cave bro that did not work out true but this is a cherry blossom cave

So it must be beautiful bro I no no no I I can’t stand the torch is changing I can’t stand the Torches changing oh what is up with that even like why does that happen I don’t know maybe the game doesn’t know which is it maybe cuz like

They’re the same dude wait ID and it’s like scrolling through oh yeah well that’s what I think too like maybe he just doesn’t know which torch I’m placing cuz I’m placing a soul one yeah see yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah so so what are the things are there like torches

Candles I’m way ahead of you bro hold on okay okay we’re good not changing oh you just place the second one right yeah yeah yeah yeah oh they automatically light up I don’t even have to like yeah what what happened was oh that was you did you do that oh

No wait no I you didn’t do that no I didn’t do that I thought you did that I didn’t do that you didn’t extinguish him liger how would I have exting how I extinguish them I’m getting out of here I’m getting out of no I’m not doing oh

My God bro bro bro bro bro we got to get out I’m actually not doing this I’m actually not doing this dude you literally like how what how would I have what is that I’m getting out of here bro no no no no no no no no no no

No no what going no no no no no where I don’t know what’s going on but I don’t I’m just running I can’t see lava I’m out I’m out I’m out the cherry blossom bro oh my God that low key also look beautiful bro I felt like I was in an

Anime for a second Danny lier what’s going on I’m blinded are you why is everything blue dudee I can’t see cuz of the pedals where are I don’t know I don’t know I don’t know I don’t F everywhere oh there’s F everywhere please chill you no no no no no no no I

Don’t like these I don’t like these blossoms I see I see a name tag I see a name tag I’m coming I’m coming I’m coming oh my God I’m trying to go inside the cave dude right over here bro I went inside the cave oh I see you I see you

I’m behind you I’m behind you I’m here I’m here oh my God why is it still dude why is it still happening in the cave I know I know I know why is it still happening in the cave these are the chry blossom particles bro I know know I know

Know I be careful be careful be careful be careful be careful be careful myself off maybe yeah yeah why oh oh to stop the parles from coming like it kind of reduced him a bit did it do we dig straight down yo I’m digging straight down bro

Dude please be careful does it even get better down there no it bro the particles are following us keep going keep going I’ll give you I’ll drop you blocks okay I think it’s kind of getting reduced yo I can’t even see you this is the weirdest thing ever I can’t even see

You oh my God yeah bro there’s fog everywhere I actually dude okay okay okay bro it’s not stopping it’s literally not stopping okay I’m I’ll drop you blocks I’ll drop you blocks I’m dropping you oak logs what yo I’m stuck I’m coming I’m coming I’m coming chill

Oh where are you I see you you’re good bro what just happened what was that yeah dude I don’t know what happened a gravel just like a gravel just spawned in where did the gravel go dude I swear this gravel what don’t move what is that what is that what is that what

Is that please please please oh my God I caught it oh my God I actually caught it I was dude yo we didn’t kill it we didn’t kill it we didn’t kill what the the flipping thing that was chasing me yeah I just saw it I just saw

One there’s no way wait it just stopped it just stopped it just stopped it just stopped I’m getting out of oh oh okay that’s just that’s just God that was wait the fog is still here thoughful that’s what happened last time remember the fog shows up whenever

Invalid is around chill place down a boat place down a boat place down a boat down a bunch of boat here here here here here here no I mean it’s just easier if I place him okay sorry oh my God okay I’m stupid bro I keep S as many as you

Can bro how done anything weird like pick me up though are you sure you saw like the same thing you didn’t see it wait I didn’t trigger it me see bro I just heard it I just heard it you didn’t see it no bro the sound was enough it

Was actually I’m actually beyond the border with the most blind person dog it was right there liger I was behind the oak log how was I supposed to see it a dog okay let’s just let’s just stick together just just just just stick yeah yeah yeah I’m going to be glued on to

You bro do that yes glue yourself to me bro honestly at this point you have to protect me I have never been so terrified of this biome by the way like what oh my god oh no no the sun’s going down too bro no and we’re still stuck in

Here and we’re still stuck in here bro no oh my God again no no no no no I don’t like this bro please please please please please glass glass glass glass glass glass oh yeah that’s smart that’s SM oh my God why are the particles still here yeah bro that that’s what happened

Last time too we dug down remember follow you yo wait a second do you see what I mean though like we can see through them with glass we can see through them with glass lier so if if an entity shows up we can see it yes dude yeah yeah break everything then break

Everything make like a glass box around us no yeah yeah yeah here here here here help help help help uh shovel shovel shovel shovel I don’t know why I thre I can yeah whatever oh my gosh that is actually so big brain dude I’m so terrified like I feel like there’s

Actually something bro there’s so many cherry blossoms all over bro bro the fog was a different color before though is it cuz it was night time um I think maybe it’s cuz we’re in like a really bright TR oh oh wait it stopped yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah

Oh why you going out there’s still fog do we just chill here then oh bro bro broo I didn’t see it this time I didn’t see it this time where was it saw I saw it it looks like some type of Enderman oh was that Enderman hold on I

Got to check bro he’s gone now it’s gone M did I see an Enderman I haven’t seen one yo spawn an Enderman right now okay summon Ender okay dude it doesn’t work it doesn’t work we can’t summon anything use a spawn egg searching for invalid summon please oh

Yeah a spawn egg maybe cuz you know dude that’s not it that’s actually not it okay it is it isn’t it isn’t it looks like it though it’s another three block tall it had just wide eyes yeah what the heck I’m killing it oh my God

The grass block a bit of damage to me okay I got it wao whoo whoo yeah that’s so weird do we just keep moving yeah we have to but if the fog is here that that means it’s around isn’t it yeah but bro we can’t just stop moving then it’s

Going to follow us regardless or maybe we can get out of here yeah I say we get out of here hold on maybe we should sleep put down like two beds you want to yeah maybe the fog will go away too yo what what what what what what I

Was looking at you the whole time what happened hello the fog is still here yo talk to me liger what liger oh my God oh my God oh my God watch out God we got this wait Boat Boat Boat Boat Boat Boat hold on hold on hold

On we can’t look at it we can’t look at it in his eyes yeah yeah yeah just look down look down yo place a boat I dude it can’t it can’t right you can’t place down a boat I placed it I placed it I placed it don’t look I’m not I’m not I’m

Trying to push it oh my God it’s right in front of us oh my God it’s right in front of us should I try hit it yeah it’s it’s just looking at me bro oh my God look at the feet can’t hit oh bro we we got close to it yo we got

Close to it it’s not getting into the boat anymore bro it it didn’t even let me place a boat does it have artificial intelligence or something bro I don’t know oh the fall cleared does that mean it’s gone for now I mean we didn’t kill it that’s for sure unless I just one

Shot him somehow dude what is that mob oh there’s a bunch of pillagers here bro a bunch there’s like hundred but liger I thought mobs didn’t spawn out here oh that’s Sho oh my goodness single I’m running I’m running I’m going the oh my God there is so many there is

So many bro I got you I got you I got you I got you yeah I got you go go crazy go crazy yeah oh my God I can’t hit you though I can’t hit you all right all right all right that’s all that’s all

You that’s all you that’s all you dude I literally can’t hit you bro my voice is gone dude cuz I I get one shot all right oh my it just doesn’t stop bro it just does not stop I got him I got him I got

Him oh bro I swear that just mooved I swear that just mooved oh look look look look look look wait what it’s shifting it’s shifting directions bro oh my god dude that scared me so bad liger wait no I know no bro there’s too many we they

Just keep spawning I’m I’m dipping out of here bro I’m I’m dipping where where where are you where are you I’m under you I’m under you bro they just don’t stop I don’t think there’s a point in trying to kill them wait why what is

Going on I don’t know are you okay do you need healings no no I’m good I’m good I have like 48 and the golden apples I’m good hold on hold on hold on hold on it might say wait blocks whoa wait huh hold on yo just you yeah yeah you

Keep taking care of them you keep taking care of them I’m trying to figure out why blocks block placed hold on hold on does it block placed I think I killed them all liger something is placing these blocks you’re lying what do you mean something’s block placed block

Placed what do you mean it says block placed in the sounds every time BR it I broke it I broke you can’t break it you can’t break it oh I broke I broke you can yeah you can I broke I broke okay I’m leaving one I’m leaving one I I I’m

Just staring at the sound yeah yeah there’s something around I I just turned on hit boxes oh wait that’s what you see what nothing dude what is going on oh there’s only the Pillager oh my gosh you have like 40 pillion I’m sorry what I swear

Okay I don’t know if I saw it bro m is just playing things I I I think I just saw it again bro but without the fog it doesn’t make any sense The Entity no yeah it was right here I saw it I think

I I don’t know what I saw bro maybe my mind playing games on me I don’t know dude it doesn’t stop that is not normal cuz don’t we have like the raid effect or what whatever it’s called I oh Oh you mean bad Omen yeah wait so maybe villagers spawn now

Right oh bro bro broo bro it’s on my head it’s on my head it’s on my head it’s on my head it’s on my head oh my God it’s my head it’s on my head take it off I took it off I took it off I took

It off wait what I don’t know I don’t know I don’t know I don’t know bro there’s too many there’s too many no get out get out get out get out oh they just keep sping what is this where are you where are you where are you oh I’m here

I’m here I’m here there’s one there’s one left I got you I got you I got you oh my God bro there’s a bunch of pumpkins down that way too where this way where did you go I’m on top of the The Ice right now dude wait mobs are

Spawning what whoa what was that yo yo what I just saw something fly across the sky yeah it was me it was me I accidentally threw like an ender was that you oh okay yeah there’s goats with no horns yo what the yo normal get back bro

Liger why would you do that bro yo I don’t like goats bro I only like sheep wait that was really weird bro whatever flew past you was probably me it was my Endo that was you yeah I think so I st it looks so odd no I don’t want to go

Any the Cherry stuff again please yo no wait that go has horns oh my God yeah wait yeah no but something is really off about them what do you mean goat Rams goat hold on yeah dude it dude rming the snow it’s like just smashing

Its head on the hold on hold on hold on I got an idea yeah yeah yeah yeah I’m going to go like this is it trying to go towards something what is it doing dude why does it keep just smashing its head on the freaking wall yo it’s actually

Tweaking it’s actually tweaking K’s PA maybe he’s trying to go somewhere do we follow it he trying to go into the cave what bro what are those sounds it’s going like wa liger no look at this one what what what was that I don’t like this bro I

Don’t like this at all I don’t like this at all this is actually really creepy this is actually really creepy mobs went from never spawning to now spawning and wanting to just bash their heads in and then the the pillagers like they’re on the they’re on the cherry blossom trees there’s goats over

Here what they they before I don’t think so right they just started spawning and bro the pillagers don’t stop okay dude we should get out of here we should just get out of here bro I don’t like this at all what the heck is that one doing bro what like we’re

4,300 blocks holy crap we might actually make it to 5K bro we might actually make it to 5K you just have to like be careful like do you need anything right now do you need like heals or anything no bro I got everything I got totems I

Got enchanted golden apples okay dude I wish yo what wait yeah fish and and Squids yeah but they were there before too always yeah it also bro it’s turning night times super quick yeah and my sky is like glitching too are you seeing that where

Like look if you hold on come here wait let me come to you if you like look to the right a bit like this if you go like that the sky turns like red for a second if you go like that you see that I think

That’s I think that’s cuz of the sun bro right is it yeah I I think yo what what where’d you go where’d you go no villagers no villagers wait we got the bad Omen effect so does it like start a raid no it doesn’t it doesn’t dude dude

Hold on hold on bro what looks off about this Village One Clue red yeah the to oh the puppies the puppies bro what nah no this isn’t normal is it is it a path oh no it’s everywhere bro bro why is there so many poppies I don’t like it

At all it’s actually like kind of like no like no bro dude yeah the game is getting laggier as we’re going out I just I really hope we can like just continue this all right I’m peing even my pears like they dropped super low oh my God bro we’re 5,100 blocks I

Didn’t even I didn’t even realize we made it to 5K bro that’s crazy yeah that’s actually crazy why did it St raining bro it did not rain once it did not rain once it could be normal bro it could normal you think so I mean I hope so I don’t know I hope

It’s normal yo I don’t like this I don’t like this I don’t like this like biome I don’t like the rain bro broo there fog there fog there’s Fu it just came it just it just came okay be careful be careful be careful be careful be careful

You know what that means you know what that means something something around Golden Apple yeah I’m getting the boats ready I’m getting boats ready oh my God why is it snowing here yeah wait what what is this hold on is that normal old growth tiger yeah what the Bro chill

Where are you where are you yeah hold on dude I don’t like that where are you I’m coming back I’m coming back tiger I can’t even see your name tag because of all the fog dude and the snow oh I hear steps I he steps yo yo yo oh my God okay

Yo stay close please I don’t have creative I’m going to die oh my God that oh what what what is that what is that what is that chill chill chill chill chill what is that what is that what is that what is that what is that they’re the they’re they’re evoker things

Chill y I’m fine fine oh you in Crea you creative bro what is going on hold on I think they’re not spawning on the Rocks why do they do damage hold on test it oh yeah they do they do they do okay okay okay be careful be careful be

Careful be careful bro this is so loud be careful be careful be careful run get on the Rocks get on the Rocks bro we’re good we’re good just as long as you stay on the Rocks we’re fine I don’t like this bro dud I think we’re safe you just

Have to be careful wait do you hear that what it’s like this right here what thumping sound it’s like a but it’s being like masked out by all of this like Fang stuff whatever it is do you hear that the base like footsteps yeah like the D

I just heard it I just you just heard that like like the footsteps right right there right there yes bro I think he’s getting closer bro chill chill chill what do you mean what’s getting closer I don’t know bro the the base the thump wait it stopped oh I hear a

Few really yeah wait why would oh yeah but now you hear like the thumb more clearly listen I’m listening you hait that super faint I just heard it let’s keep going yo there’s snow here wait what is going on bro on the snow on the snow it doesn’t like yeah

Didn’t spawn this yeah it stopped it stopped yeah oh it’s around everywhere oh my God they’re everywhere everywhere y I’m I’m stuck I’m stuck lag oh my God something’s dying what’s going on holy crap get in get in get in block it off block it off what is going on what is going

On like like I don’t like that please please hello yo stop just still there I see him I look at him right now he’s right there bro bro what do we do bro where we just make a run for it and the PO out oh bro bro

Bro bro bro bro bro n no no no no no no lier how many over there what do we do bro what do we do bro what do we do how do we get out of this okay okay okay okay I I think I figured something out I have an idea

Because like we’re like inside of blocks right they can’t properly see us but as soon as like this block is broken oh wait never never mind just keep it like that keep it like that so the sky the sky is changing color too do you notice that oh my God it looks so

Scary Red Bro it looks so scary like that but it’s like blue red purple what do we do here bro I don’t know I don’t know bro I don’t know I don’t know I don’t know do we got maybe break out and then end up hope what’s taking damage that’s getting closer that’s

Getting closer that’s getting closer that’s getting closer what is it though bro bro let’s get out of here okay okay dude dude what do we good right chill chill chill what is that what is that what is that what is is Li’s following us what the it’s even taking damage I

Don’t understand oh my God I don’t know it just says something it says something bro what do we do what do we do what do we do oh my God the fog is still there too bro it stopped the dying stopped the dying stopped bro dude we do we just

Make a run for it do we where could we go maybe is that you oh my God that’s you that’s dude I think we might have to just make a run for it I mean we’re we’re surrounded like what do what else do we do to make a run for it out there

Bro like I mean we could Endo but wait you have creative why don’t you just make like a nether portal and then we we do the nether portal STP like you know travel a lot of block that makes sense right you are a genius how have we not how have we not

Tried to go through the dude and we found like three okay I know I know okay okay okay okay lagger I’m not going to lie dude do you have lighting or something like I don’t like this at all it’s just okay even if they turn into

Redone tges bro screw it okay ready yeah okay should I go first are we going to be Inus 30 million nether no I think it divides the cord so we won’t be wait are we outside the Border in the nether too I don’t know let’s see just just go bro just go okay

Okay okay I’ll go first I’ll go first I’m in Creative bro just be careful all right uh hold on hold on hold on just oh my God what the dude that’s freaking me out kill him wait okay actually yeah oh yeah you have strength okay yeah oh myel there’s another one what is

Going on just go just go yo you have cred bro chill I know I know hold on just in case dude oh yeah true true true smart there you go all right I said it I said it you got yours okay me Lu me fler it just said you left the game

Hello yo I did not leave the game it said you left the game do I go in yes or no hold on just wait wait don’t do it yet it said you left the game I didn’t purposely leave dude I have the weirdest error on me I’m going in I’m going in

Log off if anything happens okay okay I’m going in I’m going I’m going in I’m going in what what bro my whole screen it just says die die die die die I can’t click on anything chill bro get on I’m waiting on you coming I’m coming I’m coming I’m banned you’re

Baned did you banned me last time no bro I didn’t do anything oh bro what what it just it just flashed me for a second it said what are you doing or something it was like red text Unbound me Unbound me okay okay okay pardon lagger cool okay I

Did it it didn’t say anything I’m joining I’m joining I’m joining yo wait you’re in the portal already oh my God bro I’m in the nether wait last time when I went through the portal it just said die die die die on the screen but but it actually put me through bro this

Look’s insane okay should I come in am I am I good yeah come in now bro the ne has no color I think what do you mean no color okay I’m going through bro bro no look this looks insane oh my bro you need to protect me because I do not have

Creative bro liger I didn’t see you right next to me what bro everything’s like dim it’s all dark I know I don’t see anything either I don’t even think my endel could reach that far bro you might have to like block hold hold on yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah I got this i

Got this bro creative mod Powers wait what the heck bro what how did I just place that I swear on my life I did not just punch wait what are you placing blocks right now yeah you’re you’re floating I swear you’re floating what what are you talking about I don’t see

Any blocks where is the block right right there chill for real there no block here I swear on my life there is no block there bro what is going on wait bro I don’t know what’s going on you float Dy yo oh you’re in CR right you’re good right yeah yeah yeah

I’m good I’m good wait what just happened bro I don’t know what’s going on are there blocks here can I step on this or no hold on let me see if I can place a block myself no there’s no blocks there’s no blocks watch out wait bro what what is actually happening

Right now hold on gravel is not falling down I’m Ender pearling it says ender pearl flies do you see my ender pearl at all I do not see your ender pearl but I see like throwing it but I don’t see your end pear itself no okay dude I

Think you might have to jump down here yeah yeah yeah yeah just jump just jump oh bro everything is so glitchy yeah like bro I can place blocks on myself what are you talking about huh yeah I can place blocks oh oh are you falling

Oh no I haveen told him I have a told him I have a told him and it’s got the golden apples you have yeah you have got apples bro just you’re good you’re good you’re I forgot I forgot I forgot bro it’s so weird you can place blocks on

Yourself I got you I got you I got you I’m I’m oh oh my God yeah I just I just did it not blocking anything I don’t see need blocks oh I’m going to die I’m going to die I’m going to die I don’t need my golden apple I I’m going to die

Bro no you’re not no you’re not save me place a boat down I can’t it’s lava finally it went through it went through I got it I got it I got it oh my God bro this is so dangerous what oh my God oh

My God bro it’s so laggy do you see the water no I don’t see the water wait you place it down how are you swimming through my obsidian blocks if I place a torch you can’t see this no am I just FL am I just floating what the heck can you

See this or no I can I can I can I can you see the blocks or what what’s going on do you see me flying or the blocks yo what what see you soon what what is that what what type of advancement is that bro it was invisible

Wait lagger what chill out chill out what dude wait oh my God what the heck wait okay okay are you blocking up yeah you are oh my God bro it looks so we dude you got to do it slow I know you got to

Do it slow you got to do it slow dude I think I think we should get out of here yo we should go to the top of the nether wait what CS are we at wait yo what what is that 24 million no that can’t be right don’t cords

Divide wait 30 million yo that’s 240 million shut up I swear because that is 1 2 3 how how are we 240 million blocks through wa wait because we went through the portal does it like multiply or something is that it divides lier it’s supposed to

Divide the point of coming to the nether was to multiply our coordinates yeah we would have eventually got into 240 million but how come dude that means if we go back our cords will be 240 million time 8 or something I don’t know bro what chill out okay what number even is

That billion trillion it could yo it would be billion oh dude that means whatever we travel here is actually like insane God that’s why everything is glitching out like super hard then right yeah I no I actually think we’re making mystory right now so you can’t see any

Of these torches I’m placing down right here I cannot see anything you do bro I can’t even see the block you’re standing on and you’re wait is your block like right under you right now yes yeah I’m literally standing watch this look I’ll block over to it look I’m putting my

Blocks on top of your blocks right now yo it’s like if we’re in the only thing I can think of is like we’re in both two different realities oh my God I’m GL cuz I think your block is there or something okay okay this is really weird so you’re

Still able to like dude I don’t even know how this sh I can mine I can do everything okay okay but everything’s like super weird oh my God okay okay what the heck oh my God what is going on bro okay yeah just meet at the top lagger meet at

The better Rock okay okay yeah sounds good sounds good dude dude dude I can’t yo chill chill chill chill I’m good I’m good yo bro what is going on what is this are we in the Overworld wait what sky now it says we’re still in wait Bas

Deltas yeah we’re still in the same place wait you see the normal Sky too right the old world sky with clouds in the sun yes literally the sun bro it says we’re in the nether yo yo yo yo yo what place on a bed beds explode in NE

Right that’s true so this is going to be a easy test to see oh wait do you see do you see the bed I don’t see the bed can you drop me a bed actually no I don’t want to die bro you try it let me I I just dropped it it didn’t

Drop what wait let me try drop you something yeah it doesn’t drop oh my God what is going on lagger I’m telling you I swear my theory is correct like we are 100% in the same universe but we’re not this is weird this is actually so weird

Okay I’m going to try and right click Inception I don’t know what that means but yes yes okay nothing’s it is it’s not working all right dude screw it let’s keep going let’s keep going hold on are we going the right way uh no we’re not this way

This way this way this way this way dude we’re 7,000 blocks past 240 million liger this is crazy this is actually insane I mean like could we dude if we reach a billion if we literally reach a billion I don’t even know if the server

Can handle this bro this is oh yo why is it dark over there bro yo um yo there’s just there’s just black over there and then it looks like it continues can you I have my spot glost here bro what you see that black line too right yes Yes

Man that black line is not behind us bro it’s only over there it’s only there yeah it’s only there dude no oh my God wait is that like a purple-ish hold on wait wait I have an idea I have an idea bro a map what we could just load up

Like a map smart okay I did it oh it’s actually it actually worked ID3 I never used a map before you can’t even drop me anything oh my God what what what do you see bro I can’t see how how lagger what it’s a QR code chill

Chill out chill chill chill chill chill chill chill chill chill it’s a QR code hold on what what is actually going wa don’t scan it don’t scan it are you stupid I it’s already too late I’m already scanning it right why would you scan a random QR

Code it took me to a video hold on yo what was that what was that that that was the video wait I will find you what did it look like I only heard it wait yo I just did SL give did did you get that no my

Inventory is full drop it now you got the map oh my God yeah yeah yeah should I scan it too maybe it’s a different video for me yes try it try it try try it oh my God it you wait dude it said it’s going to find us it’s the same video

Oh my it’s the same video chill out are we sure we want to go to that black line bro I bro screw it you’re insane wait is that a shadow dude I don’t see anything above it is a shadow wait what is oh my God it’s over

There too look wait what the heck is this bro did we just reach some sort of like line like some bugs I wait is an L chill what would what would that be what would that mean a giant L whater dude shut up no but where is this like Shadow

Actually coming from there is nothing above us and and it just ends right there it just snaps right there I don’t know I don’t see anything weird yeah okay let’s just keep going bro let’s actually just keep going oh my God okay wait I have an idea what if I press a

What what if I place a torch yo it lights up I see a torch no way no way do you have torches no I don’t have torches and you can’t even drop me anything bro oh wait I have a soul torch oh yeah it does light up dude yeah I don’t see them

On your screen but this is so weird yo this is actually really scary wait what and it lights up in a really weird small radius yeah okay dude all right dude this is actually this is actually insane this is literally gamebreaking yo and it’s becoming night lagger I don’t know

If oh it’s like lagging though okay it’s struggling to become night we got to keep going we got to keep going bro just keep moving keep moving keep moving can we use that Ender pels again no yo it’s getting darker and I can see the shade of the Moon bro dude the

Moon’s coming out yeah it’s it’s it’s actually the contrast like if you look behind you br it’s so trippy this actually kind of looks beautiful and I’m so thankful we can actually see each other pretty accurately despite the 240 million x lag that we’re getting right now yo oh oh

Chill chill chill chill bro what is that what is that what is that what just happened wait yo look directly above us what is that bro do you see you see that right it’s like something like glowy right wait but the sun’s there and the Moon is coming out it actually looks

Mesmerizing bro it looks beautiful are those is that the Stars I I’m so confused dude this land is actually so bugged I don’t even know what to say watch out wait bro those aren’t Stars I think that’s snow it’s all around us or is that like

The nether particles I don’t know I have no idea all I know lagger is that it’s about to be night time and bro I I’m pretty sure it is cuz I see the moon right in front of my face dude I also see I see clouds wait oh yeah like really far in

The distance right yeah I see oh bro my my screen’s turning red like a red Vette I got that to that I got that too I got that too I got that to God oh my God wait I’m going to place on torches oh my bro what it takes out

The light I think wait what do you mean torches take out the light what is that it looks so weird is it giving it light or taking it yeah it’s like it’s like it makes it like reddish brown no yeah oh my God I don’t want to go

Further bro you go first you want me to go first why why do I have to go first CU you’re in creative and I’m not okay you’re right that’s true dude is it not really dark bro wait are those clouds I hope they are no they are they

Are but why are they rendering so low and dude why is it so Dark Lager lagger if you go that far I can’t see you I can’t see you bro I can’t see you stay close stay close dude no speaking of close I I have a bad feeling bro why is

Our screen like lowkey red man I know I know it’s like a red this does not look good this does not look good bro this does not look good there could be something literally 20 blocks in front of us and we wouldn’t see it we literally would start again yeah

Okay oh my God wait what’s going to happen when the light goes away bro the Sun goes away we’re actually not going to be able to see anything like at all chill chill chill chill chill chill we don’t even render on the map anymore like before I rendered now I’m just like completely

Gone yeah how many blocks are we out uh I mean bro we’re pushing deeper and deeper so I know I know we’re about 8,000 about to be this is actually insane clouds are about to be right above us hold on I think like yo now

That we’re about to hit I ran out of food hold on hold on right here dude 8,000 blocks I feel like we how can we like Mark our territory or something this is so odd though because anything I place a sign a sign what if I do a sign

Oh but I won’t be able to see it can you see wait doesn’t dude it’s not even letting me ride in it yo what it’s it’s actually not not even letting me ride on it let me try I can’t even use my crafting table you can’t even place blocks now no I can

But I can’t like use I I just place on a crafting table but I cannot use it it won’t let me okay let’s keep going bro there’s literally no by the way we got to do this we got to do this I don’t even hear you eating

Dude it takes so long as well it takes like 8 seconds for a golden apple to go through yeah okay yo no more sun wait the cloud is right above us right wait what is that where above us I don’t see anything it’s like a weird like I don’t see anything

Shadowy thing you don’t see that no chill out what are you talking about it’s super faint bro I genuinely don’t see anything you’re talking about bro it’s gone by it was it says I’m here where where where in the subtitles in the subtitles in the subtitles I see it oh you have subtitles

On dude it just said that entity thing that was following us around I think so I I think so dude let’s just keep going let’s just keep going let’s keep going bro we cannot even build a base because I cannot see the blocks you place and you

Cannot see the blocks I place we’re actually useless we’re actually the boat would the boats work like if something like spawned around us could we like use boats to trap it huh I’m placing them you don’t see them no I can’t even like right click them okay then they’re useless bro literally

Useless so if anything happens we pretty much cannot do anything wait okay those were your particles I thought I thought we just saw okay I thought I just saw particles bro I swear I know chill chill chill chill everything’s dark now bro the sun is completely down dude we’re

Actually like where are we bro this is literally like the most insane thing I’ve ever seen in the game I know oh no more just dark now yeah okay is that a cloud it cannot be a cloud bro do you not see that above us I

Do wait I see something in front of in like in front of the the the Moon yeah yeah no that cannot be a cloud it has to be dude I can’t see you I can’t see you li I actually lost you where are you oh

My god dude dude dude dude dude if I had to take a wild guess it looks like a Wither rib no you’re tripping it’s all connected you’re actually tripping you’re actually tripping okay well they’re gone now it’s literally just completely dark now and just Stars oh it’s

Back dude I’m still freaking out it said I’m here well at least you’re in Creative yeah but what if like I don’t know I don’t know bro dude we’re about to get to 9,000 we’re at 8 8,600 240 million 8,600 that is insane dude I know that is

Actually insane like that doesn’t even that number doesn’t even comprehend like Minecraft I don’t even know how it’s still running what you see that water particles what the is that water particles wait yeah blue wait what what in the world yo that’s so trippy that is so trippy where is that

Even coming from be careful bro you’re just following these like little blue particles bubbles you don’t even know what they are be careful be Care at least they have color bro I’ve not seen color in a long time I guess I mean my screen is red so I don’t know man oh

Yo yo did you get kicked what what happened I just saw a message I just saw a message I just got kicked the server just went off dude it said that for me too what message did you see wait it’s back on it’s back on it’s back on I’m

Logging on I’m logging on I’m logging on I’m what was that sound chill yo chill chill chill y it said I’m here why is there a there yo what what what that tourist destination wa something’s following me lagger lagger run lagger run run run run run run oh my God wait

Can we end PE okay does it work oh oh it works we can have the PO oh my God oh my God wait yo it’s behind us it still is the it’s behind us ler run wait wait Boat Boat Boat it might work now it does oh my God

Is it in it has to be in right oh wait dude dude it said it said dude it was following us and then oh bro I just placed down the torch and that happened I don’t know what bro I don’t see any blocks anymore I don’t see

Anything either I don’t see anything I don’t see anything oh my God oh my God wait I at least I can see your blocks though wait wait wait wait can you see this I can I can I can wa I can only see the Torches I light it’s only showing

Particles bro bro bro bro stay close stay close stay close I’m close I’m close I’m close dude dude place on more torches I don’t know does that does that even help I see the particles I see the particles wait Flint steel yeah make a fire does that work okay I’m place no I

Don’t see I don’t see it I only see like the the the the the black particles okay watch out oh my god get my set on fire okay okay go forward go forward I think I cleared it for you I think I cleared it for you are you good yeah I’m coming

I’m just eating bro okay okay okay okay dude what is actually going and the particles are red now they’re not they’re not blue anymore bro they died they’re here run run run run run run oh my God oh my God oh my God the’re chunks the chunks the chunks the chunks no no

Chill we don’t know if it has an edge bro chill chill chill I know I know oh my God oh my God oh my God what do we do I got your back bro I got your back I got your back bro chill chill chill watch out watch out watch out you got

The boats ready yeah yes yes yes yes yes yes can I drop items to you now yo my it works perfect okay okay oh my God oh my God oh my God lagger lager lagger lagger lagger it’s picking me up it’s picking me up I’m fighting them I’m fighting

Them wait liger I can’t hear you lier what do we do what do we do I can’t hear you dude I’m freaking out I’m freaking out do do I stop the server do I stop the server I can’t hear you hear you stop it okay okay slash stop slash stop

Oh my God oh my God I I can’t move yo oh did it work wait server is running on ad my screen oh my God lagger lagger my screen what lagger my screen what do you see bro I I can’t see anything oh my God everything is just Li’s not moving what

My screen what Happ are you okay I’m I’m good I’m okay hold on hold on lager no oh my God hello it just crashed dude dude dude dude I can’t Lo back on on let me dude wait server is running on admin mode why is my screen turning black it’s

Happening to you too yes what do I do give find a command block quick quick quick oh my God what is going on I can’t see anything whereit where where where is it oh my God it keeps picking upo everything’s ins I see I see I see it do

You have a button dude I can’t see anything I can make a button I can make a button make a button quick I got it I got it I got it where is it I don’t know where is this I don’t know like it keeps picking me up my I can’t even scroll

Dude oh my God I I don’t anything I’m placing a bunch of them I’m standing on top of it liger I’m standing on top of it liger I’m standing on top of it SL stop SL stop done I plac it I plac it press the button I think I press I press

You did it I pressed it oh my God wait four shutting down four shutting down invalid position to stop the server wait what ignoring invalid override ignoring invalid what mode oh my God I think we did it wait it says ignoring invalid override operation invalid is trying to

Fight the server we did it though through a command block my screen’s about to go black liger oh my God I can see you what is going on I can barely see anything oh my God bro oh my God it’s getting so loud what is that oh yo can we do

It don’t tell me we still didn’t do it I think we did it we did it dude I think we did it oh my God that was literally the most insane moment I have ever witnessed dude we somehow survived Beyond The Border

Minecraft MOVIE: Beyond The Border

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@Danny Bionic

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  1. never fails to make me laugh and YOU are my favourite YouTuber i have been watching you ever since I was 7 now I am 12 we love your vids keep up the good content

  2. Wait back in part 1 we saw a three block hole leading into a cave and there were a glitched mob that was identical to a enderman the glitched mob was three blocks tall so the glitched mob went there a long time ago and i think the entity could break block when it wail thru the blocks and i think that one guy went thru th border and this entity was chasing him so he put cobwebs like we so in part one

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