Tied Together With A Minecraft Noob

Welcome to a new series where in each episode I am tied together with a dum dum and have to complete a challenge you guys said for me we can pull each other up if one Falls and if one of us dies the other one can carry or revive the

Injured Ally if both of us fall we die and lose the challenge today I’m accompanied by lifeless a skilled valerant streamer whose knowledge about Minecraft is inexistent and getting him to listen is well I’m very comfortable with kidnapping our task is simple we have to beat the game only using a stone

Shovel which means all the other tools are off the table this does set some challenges but it’s not impossible come here lifeless come to my domain hello yeah stand still what wait so can we not break it no we cannot oh also also also wait let me

Show you something yo yo walk with me bro oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yo don’t drag me away bro I think wait can we just walk wait we can just walk up come what are we doing oh that’s kind of cool let me show you something wait wait come

Here yo yo stop running bro stop it’s like a baby okay okay stand still here I’m going to St floating am I going to stop floating 3 2 1 Jump yeah yeah okay pull B okay oh pull wait my brightness is going crazy though pull okay so our goal yeah okay we’re tied

Together but we stop stop stop stop stop stop stop oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God wait there’s so much momentum wait we we’re only make like five block jumps what the Yeah okay stop stop stop we can’t we can’t waste any more time we need to get

A bed to sleep through the night cuz this is going to be horrible with Mobs okay okay our goal is to beat the game with a shovel I posted a tweet basically and the most like reply gave us a challenge of only beating a game with

One stone shovel we can only craft one if it breaks we lose okay and basically like the way I take the challenge is that the only tool or weapon we’re allowed to use is a shovel so like only a shovel wait we have to beat the game

Yes we have to beat the game with a shovel but how are we going to get like iron oh yeah wait you want to get iron follow me come here let’s go swim with me okay yeah let’s go yeah let’s swim this is probably another good idea also

Why do we need iron actually yeah for buckets buckets yeah but yeah swim with me what if I pull you stop okay don’t pull me don’t pull me don’t pull me don’t pull me wait why is it don’t pull me stop pulling me bro swim man wait my

Narator is going crazy now oh yeah so you can’t click control while uh dragging by the way while pulling yeah Cal down down oh my God I didn’t know I didn’t know there we got iron get out get out get out get out get out come up

Please I’m going to drown come up I’m drowning I can’t go up okay come to the side what are you doing I can’t what are you doing come out come out come out I was stuck you made me get stuck oh we almost lost the challenge

Right there oh my goodness okay oh my go okay let’s let’s go here oh my God this is going to be horrible stop dragging bro no okay we need food no we need food stop okay I see melons let’s go to the melons yeah we really need food please

Swim normally yeah okay thank you we’re doing a 48 hour stream no we’re not watch this watch this boom why not that was smart yeah I know but what if I do this okay no no I’m stuck I’m stuck I’m stuck I’m stuck I’m stuck I’m stuck

Actually wait I’m not stuck you going to wait wait wait yo you want to you want to see what happens when you die yeah you belong to me are you going to respawn next to me no I think what he revive me oh oh are you carrying oh my

God revive revive revive revive oh my God you’re Reviving me I’m Reviving guys easy and now you’re on half hunger and half Health Oh So Hunger resetting is a thing but we won’t reset to full okay let’s just get some wood even though we can’t craft tools yeah let’s

Get and the way I’m thinking we get stone is by traveling to find TNT so the best way to do it is either through desert temples or shipwrecks yeah okay we’re only allowed to use a stone shovel oh and we can only craft one so please

Don’t be the one to craft it oh God okay we’ll need to trade with villagers for Unbreaking and The Mending as well can I not just go in yours okay there we go yeah I come my B yeah I wonder how it’s going to wait what happens if I we go

Through a portal how that’s going to go are we both going to go through but nothing happens if I pull now yeah don’t pull stop trolling okay okay go out come out yeah come down here yeah come down let’s go let’s go let’s go okay there’s

A door here that we can breathe in okay we’re chilling oh perfect anything uh I guess we can C paper paper yeah we got a Buri treasure map let’s go stop pulling me bro the treasure map may have some TNT and there see there’s another shipwreck we’ll be able to craft

Ourselves armor cuz there’s nothing that says that we can craft armor just that the only tool we can craft is a stone shovel we should stack ourselves up on armor and a shield each okay that’s that’s our main priority okay so here we’ll loot the Shipwreck Follow My Lead

Do not drown okay follow my lead I said f yeah okay some food here okay go to the door go to the door wait wait wait wait yeah yeah yeah come to the door we’ll breathe the door let me check if that wait I thought you meant oh no oh

No wait wait wait come down come down come down come down come down please are you good yeah I’m good I’m good okay make sure you’re full wait I need I need food I need food okay okay you’ll get food go back go back go back give me

Some breathing room okay let’s go up and then we go here come here back back back back back actually let’s go up let’s go up recuperate up yeah let’s go up let’s go up I’m like two HS right now if both of you get full diamond armor I will

Give you five Subs how are we supposed to get diamonds first of all we need to get down to that y level diamonds yeah first of all we need to get okay come out come out of the boat we still haven’t looted the back of the ship okay

Let’s go back here okay let’s go don’t go in here cuz you’ll get stuck I’ll just L it that’s huge we’ll get emeralds there we go okay come out nice oh my God this is good we just got 10 emeralds this is going to be huge for training

With books Let’s go yeah easy I know how to do that let’s just loot stuff in the ocean while there’s night time yeah mhm yeah yeah that sounds good you know what this means we can get stone what is it if the creeper explodes on land okay so

Oh yeah okay okay um yes okay follow me through here don’t show yourself to the mobs wait we should just take the boat what am I doing get back in the boat okay let’s not show ourselves oh there’s two Creepers oo I can craft a shield do

You have one more wood got 12 wood yes okay drop some in front of you look look out for the creepers wait there’s a thing behind you watch out okay come out of the boat yeah come here yeah bro come come come here’s the shield hold up the

Shield no no move behind me yeah yeah okay okay okay okay here’s your Shield make sure to heal up there’s too many drowns place the boat let’s get out of here place the boat somewhere oh my God no he’s in the boat he’s I’m dragging you don’t worry I’m

Dragging you don’t worry I got you bro I got you God oh my goodness okay kill him kill him kill him don’t get too close though don’t get too close and just punch him oh my narrator stop stop dragging yourself stop clicking B don’t get too close I’ll actually exit as well don’t

Pun the ball okay get in the bullet bro I was my narator went crazy again you need to stop doing that okay so we didn’t get a cobblestone from that Creeper explosion which is sad yeah that is really sad but we got Shield a shield

Each mhm we did we did we that’s good progress good progress that’s good progress we have another creeper here okay I’m not fully replenished just yet by the way okay that’s fine that’s fine that’s fine we can just Shield that’s fine I got to Shield yeah so the creeper approaches shield

Shield oh boom Cobblestone okay I’ll save this I’ll save this we do not want to craft the shovel yet cuz if it breaks we’re done okay oh yeah that’s smart now our goal is to trade with villagers okay perfect let’s go cuz now we can have a

Tool that at least does some damage yeah yeah what we’ll do right now we’ll swim around uh look for shipwrecks loot them to get oh there’s two Creepers there actually no there’s no stone never mind yeah but we don’t need the stone we just needed one stone for the shovel all the

Other stone that we get actually Stone could be useful for smelting stuff but we can just get a flint and steel yeah okay okay like we’re not going to be smelting any ores anyways all right let’s do it yeah what are you doing it this one should be easier wait wait

Don’t don’t don’t don’t don’t don’t just go back in the boat we can just break this wait don’t don’t do anything let’s just do this properly okay yeah sorry my bad this is there we go okay ooh wait there’s another chest though over there yeah but that one has like uh okay get

It okay it’s got nothing yeah exactly okay well I got myself almost full iron that’s good what okay bro that’s fair yeah don’t worry you’re next you’re next you’re next don’t worry that’s yeah that’s lovely yeah yeah yeah of course yeah don’t worry don’t worry you’re next wow

It’s fine we got Shields right M actually yeah you might need armor more than me why who said that what do you mean cuz you so you don’t agree no I don’t need it you don’t need it are you sure bro I’m so good at this game I don’t need it

That’s to see where the ship where the where the where the ber treasure is come down oh this is going to be yeah oh my TNT okay go up go up go up go up go up go up oh and we swim away cuz there’s a creeper we’ll go towards this jungle cuz

I got four diamonds so I can craft myself diamond boots and then we have iron for you that’s yeah okay that works yeah you just thought me the emeralds yeah cuz you said you have flint and steel how many flint and Steels do you have we got two two okay give me one

Flint and steel there you go here and there’s the emeralds here’s iron for you thank you nice okay we’re stacking and I will craft our Stone shovel boom it is crafted let’s go yeah we have okay now what we need to do is go and find a

Village so our first priority is to find a biome we can actually travel in and then get beds cuz if we’re going to travel by land we do not want mobs right cuz we almost died to a creeper already you almost I was fine I was fine wait don’t Shields

And fil seals counts count as tools they do how it’s armo I don’t think Shields do but maybe flint and steel does okay tools list Minecraft axe shovel clock ho flint and steel Compass pickaxe shears fishing rod bucket map bucket counts as a tool map counts as a tool nah okay

Okay what is what is this okay then it’s impossible we can make exceptions it’s fine it’s fine yeah but like what is this a bucket it is a tool technically no no no so that okay different types of tools the fandom that the wiki fandom says shears and flint and steel are

Tools so Shields don’t flint and steel and shears not Shields so throw so we got to throw it out yes H it this is going to make it 10 times harder to light a portal but it’s still possible so sad that’s fine that is completely fine as long as Shields Shields weren’t

On the list fire charge is is a thing we can use instead of uh instead of a flint and steel yeah I do not count buckets as tool no no no no no no there’s no way no it doesn’t yeah what so what I count as

As a tool is what is on the tool list on the wiki fandom plus Jack never said the only tool he only said you can only use a stone shovel so it was up to interpretation what we can’t use okay dude you’re pulling too bro holy stop you’re just taking me you’re just

Taking me stop Sprint with me bro holy wait if if you just poop oh wait stop stop stop wait what’s happening what are you pulling it you went up too high no bro wait you went up too quick wait what if I just pull coming a little back down all right holy

There’s a llama he’s going to spit on us now oh I see a village the Sheep actually don’t the Sheep but like we don’t need the wool anymore we we get beds in the village oh my God you’re right Village let’s go you know what I

Think the heart bar here is going to be what the fact that we’re tied together cuz like travel is already pain it is really annoying to be honest cuz I think jump jumping is what messes up us being tied together by the way so try to not

Jump okay so keep jumping no no this is the opposite of having kid on a leash this guy’s dragging the child behind him I’m not dragging it’s more like he’s he’s holding me back you know I mean you kind of both literally and figuratively now we we’re going to have to kidnap a

Villager into a hole Yeah Yeah easy are you okay with that are you comfortable with that I’m very comfortable with kidnapping okay what’s the goal of the challenge uh lifeless do you want to explain the goal of the challenge we got to beat the game with just a shovel and

We’re tied together okay but why do we why do we have all this Shields and armor and stuff you know because we’re the best of the game okay so you you’re garbage at explaining let’s let’s dig a tunnel I mean that’s a pretty good explanation I mean yeah it’s not that

Bad but it’s also just what would have you said what would you have said I would have said I have to drag around a child why did you mine out this dirt wow okay uh I have to drag around a child because he won’t listen to me okay now

We let a a villager in here I do listen wait wait wait wait wait wait move here move here move here move here no come back come back into the hole what are you doing okay you’re trolling we’re trolling now I’m here I’m here I’m here is a villager coming there is villager

Is coming indeed come on oh kidnapped can we not do like multiple villagers at once no we can’t do multiple villagers with one lectern we still have to place and break no we get multiple lecturn but then we will still have to break multiple lecturn then you do one

Villager and I I do the other villager actually yeah we could we could yeah let’s go get another electron yeah okay awesome mending wait actually how much actually wait wait don’t don’t break the electon then just mend it says 30 Emerald Book equals mending 30 emeralds

Bro it’s trolling I mean I’ll that is so expensive but I’ll grab it I’m grabbing it I grabbed it okay let’s go okay we have The Mending now um so you can just keep going until Unbreaking no no no no no no no no no it won’t reset anymore so

Now it’s this but for that we will need emeralds so we need to go back out into the ocean cuz not only do we need emeralds we also need iron for an anvil so get out of your hole somehow okay I got this okay awesome we need to go back

Out into the ocean now let me lead the way of course of course I would get the right enchantment you know yeah but it was like three times as expensive as I expected like you are good at getting what you need but you’re bad at bargaining and you’re constantly getting

Uh scammed damn that would actually like kind of hurt if you’re both in different boats do you get pulled let’s try it I actually wanted to try that yeah do you have a boat yeah let’s swim in opposite directions oh oh wait did we break it

Wait exit the boat exit the boat exit the boat exit the boat wait what if I pull you no no exit the boat exit the boat oh my God oh my God okay oh my god look they’re all taking a bath it’s kind of hard should we join in

How do they even have it look this Village is so weird they’re all taking a bath look there’s two Iron Golems what’s next are they like infinitely reproducing as well in there or what’s happening here it’s like a actually never mind I don’t want to get banned 5 minutes

Later like how does the song go like that right yeah let’s go okay let’s get the Snowballs no they don’t drop without the shovel I knew that this is going to use up the shovels durability quite a lot but that’s fine eventually I wonder

How it’s going to be like in the air you know when we’re throwing up in the air by the dragon M yeah when we get thrown yeah does the one that get thrown just get instantly smashed into the ground or can we not get thrown up into the air

It’s probably going to throw both of us yeah imagine if yeah but if only one of us is getting like affected by the momentum imagine if both of us are getting affected by the momentum I imagine just we’re going to get thrown up and then spin like Beyblades if we

Drag each other we can also wait we can use wait we can use the hay bales to trade for some emeralds so give me all the hay bales after we grab this batch okay how are you doing lifeless how’s life is it lifing it’s less it’s less you got to cuz

Oh okay yeah you’re that’s not I was trying to be serious for once but that’s okay that’s that’s funny come on that is not funny okay um wait did it give us a second ooh okay uh next step I think 31 emeralds might be enough let’s get Unbreaking three okay okay where’s the

House with the lecn we need to find the house with lecn it’s going to be a big one right what was that sound what did I do what was that sound what sound yeah okay so we need to kidnap two villagers in a hole again okay perfect what sound

What you know what never make it again and I will never ask okay I kind of like making SS for you okay mine straight down here M no no no no mine mine like in a hole here no no stop stop come up come up come up come okay that’s fine do

Not dig in my direction then no no no don’t come up don’t come stay there oh my goodness stay there stay there go back in the hole go back in the hole okay okay that’s fine do not dig in my direction then no no no don’t come up

Don’t stay there oh my goodness stay there stay there go back in the hole go back in the hole okay just make yourself like a 3X three almost we have like a window mhm and what we’ll do right now is place down your lectern and the

Villager is going to drop down in your hole just don’t make a way for him to come up or anything a villager is going to drop yeah see and now you can block up the hole and you’re there and no no other villager is going to drop down

There’s going to be a villager drop down here and we trade okay what do I need this guy for oh Unbreaking three oh yeah did you get I just got a mending for 12 emeralds we wasted all those emeralds oh you absolute buffoon wow I’m working 3

For 35 oh my God God oh my God oh my God I need we need four more emeralds we need four more emeralds and fast uh okay okay um wait isn’t there one that we can trade wheat to okay no no no go up go up

Go up go up go up come up come on come up on on where’s my blocks fastest way to get emeralds oh there is a guy are there any more hay bale batches here no no I think there might be what do I trade what do I trade there was I’m

Pretty sure there was okay let’s let’s look for more heal batches heal’s in this house surely oh is it two emeralds oh my God two emeralds we need two more we need two more oh my God trade sticks yeah we could trade sticks come here come here

Come here come here yes I’m here we M this we need to get two flint just shout Flint when you get one I’ve got four Flint oh give me two flint here let’s mine let’s go surely we’ll make it in time he’s not going to cycle out right n

N that villager is edging us that villager is 100% edging us right now are you into that no not right now right now I really just want the otherwise maybe okay we have enough we have enough follow follow follow follow follow follow follow follow give me wood give

Me wood give me wood one one log one log here here okay never mind yeah just give me all of it let’s go 20 let’s go let’s go let’s go surely we’re going to make it it’s fine it’s fine it’s fine didn’t the farmer villager have a pumpkin trade how many

Pumpkins do you have N I believe I believe it’s not going to cycle out okay pick this it’ll be fine okay we need a villager to pick this a villager’s coming okay he’s almost there let’s go wait where did we put the

Thing I see it I see it I see it I see it I see it right right down here right down here right oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yes we made it okay we have the two enchantments holy moly we don’t need the electrons anymore finally that was quick

We just need an anvil we just need an anvil Anvil I’ve got 23 iron nugget let’s kill the the Iron Golem that was here okay let’s do it this could be kind of difficult uh no that’s fine uh come here build up on a 3X3 right

Here okay shift so that you don’t get there we go and now hopefully he’s is going to come in between us and we punch it wouldn’t it be really funny if I just pulled you right now no it wouldn’t no it would not it would be kind of just

Just a little bit also he’s he won’t attack you at all so you could technically go down from your pillar I’m not even joking yeah you just kill it you just kill it you can practice your critting on him can you do it faster or

We’re going to be edging you do it okay I’m doing it no no no no no I’m pulling oh my [Laughter] God oh my God okay this time you punch it first and then build up okay this time I’m going to pull you okay okay wait wait

Wait wait wait wait wait punch it punch it and then and then build up three three blocks yeah on this on this build build upo keep building build one up one one more up one more up there we go okay are you good wait wait wait wait you can mine one block

Down no wait yeah you can mine one block down mine one more block down so I don’t shift and M mine one block down cuz this is a terrible idea one more not right now what are you doing not right now no okay why are you dragging me you’re trolling

Again why are you dragging me still this is trolling let’s go okay how much experience do you have I got seven seven put this put it on put it on put it on put it on okay okay okay let’s go okay give me the shovel why is it still so

Broken cuz we’ve used it a lot now we can’t pick up this Anvil which is sad we can just leave it that’s fine you don’t need to okay I got it I got it I got it let’s let’s see what happens yeah yeah

You got it you got it you got it wait I accidentally stopped mining let’s do it again okay I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry no no no no no no no no more no more no more no more is your birthday uh it was a month ago does this

Remind you of the Skyler scene from breaking band yeah I love Breaking Bad you you haven’t watched it have you no okay let’s let’s go let’s kill a cow let’s kill a cow you’re bad at that let’s go and now the shovel repairs right yes I think let’s go so now we can

Actually use it as a weapon and stuff okay now we need to get enough iron for a bucket wait actually let’s go back wait follow me follow me yes I think we might be we might have a blessing in disguise right here what do you mean

This might be a full frame you see one obsidian missing yeah I’m pretty sure it might be I think it’s two there might be just one obsidian missing unless there’s a crying obsidian like in the bottom yeah okay if we had one more obsidian if I had one more I have three

I legit have three obsidian wow it takes 2 minutes to mine it with a regular gold pickaxe we’re not going to do it with with hand okay come on actually wait how long does it take yeah you don’t even know how long to mine crying obsidian 250 seconds to bring an obsidian block

With by hand okay go for it that’s fine okay yeah go for it go for it just don’t move out of the way okay well don’t go in front of me okay we’re just going to be waiting here for 250 seconds that’s fine I I already see breaking particles

Yeah you got this would be a shame if somebody place a block on top of it though no please don’t beg please beg right now beg right now I would not be doing that beg right now what are you going to do now I can punch you still y

Lowkey this is like w let’s go yes okay so what have we done without the shovel we’ve just now I wonder how it’s going to be when we go through the the portal it’s going to be fine oh okay let’s go I already see okay I already see a

Fortress now we need a bash okay stop stop that’s lowkey cool I could have swung to the other side you see that stop wait can I try that please no okay I see a Bastion pull me up pull me up see Bastian please okay give me all of your oh my

God will of my one give me all of your TNT dude what are you doing oh my God can you get me up please holy give me all your t all of it you want all of it yes all of it yes I want all of it

Yes okay now we’re going to go towards that Bastion okay okay and I should probably craft myself a helmet as well let’s go wow okay let’s go okay so we need to be careful do not fall into lava yeah I would never fall into lava yeah

Don’t fall into lava we need to be careful we’re on the nether section guys okay there’s a chest here okay this is going to be a bridge Bastion okay so you have to follow my lead cuz I know how to loot bastions I know as well crossbow oh

Wait no no no no no no no no throw it Sor I forgot I’ll throw it out throw it out what are you doing trying to cheat already now come here oh oh oh there’s a brute no where did you go wait are you good yeah keep me here keep me

Here keep me here keep me here okay okay okay okay you can put me down now wait I found protection boots can I put them on protection boots yeah you can yeah you can okay now we need to come back down that was interesting we need to work together when we T we’re

Tied together you can’t just run in the we need to communicate yeah no but I helped I helped you don’t even know what happened on the other side I was floating you would have been dead if it wasn’t for me I held you up yeah holy

okay I did that on purpose okay this is where the TNT is going to come in handy okay you have any blocks left mhm any dirt uh I got two dirt and 20 wood okay give me give me give me the blocks you want to fix that no I don’t

Give a about your disc bro like what are we going to use it for you know so we can relax and listen to music okay so you we’re tripping now okay come down we’re going to get all this Gold without mining it guys guys let’s go okay you

Can just stay down there you can just you can just let’s go to be cheating no we’re not this is this is the legit strategy okay you can just stay down there okay it’s not really allowing me to stay down there okay there we go now

We just stay here is that going to work hopefully it’s not going to fall all the way down yeah okay that’s one explosion how much you get we get all of them I got seven now oh what we’ll get more don’t worry W yeah we get all of them

Let’s go okay we got 16 blocks that’s big okay now we need to find piglins to trade with okay follow me follow me there are piglins up here yeah we will just put them in a hole and trade with them we need to get him in the hole it’s

Fine he’s gameing okay now we throw out some gold in here and then possibly so what we’re looking for is yes fire resistance potions perfect you got one as well right no maybe he’s going to there we go nice I don’t think we can get any more as so we just wait here

Yeah let’s go we’re going to make a hole on the opposite side so that we don’t pick up the gold we just go in the corner and pick up everything that they tried you go down there and then go in the corner and you pick up everything

Let’s go okay yo why are you pulling me yo just if you want to hold me close just say so man holy this boat standing there dude are they out of gold they’re out of gold aren’t they yeah they are we got two ender pearls let’s

Go yay okay we need a lot more right yes it’s okay we got that it’s fine let’s uh let’s go towards the okay stop dragging me stop dragging me stop dragging me stop dragging me stop dragging me stop dragging me look at the momentum look at the momentum stop dragging me look at

The momentum okay I’m about to ban you I’m about I’m going to ban you that’s what I thought no I’m I’m about to ban you not dude about to bus what no what is this what is it with you and bombs bro do you know what I see there

What do you see I saw a tiny corner of a blue warp Forest no you didn’t you’re trolling right down there oh I see it yeah okay right down there do you see it Jesus I see it your eyes are crazy yes let’s go it doesn’t look big but do you

Even have blocks oh wait I got blocks yeah we we we traded I got oh my God and there’s another bash in there as well oh my my God yes in the wall do you see it and there’s a fortress there as well we won’t have to go through the guas okay

Follow me do not drag us yeah I’m following you I’m following you yeah you’re dragging us you’re dragging us that was just that was just a glitch you’re dragging me down what if I jumped off what would happen you you keep dragging me you you keep dragging me

What if I jumped off no don’t do that please but what if I’ll untie us it’s kind of H actually no I won’t I will never untie us we’re forever together together forever a yeah can we make a friendship bracelet no like you’re my pet that’s that’s that’s what that’s the

Way I meant it yeah you can’t leave cuz you don’t have free will do you have a boat yeah place a boat okay nice pick up that boat and we have another Bastion on our hands what Bastion is this I wonder let’s go in let’s go let’s go in and loot this two

Gold blocks nice I got eight gold nuggets oh nice I think this is housing which means we can’t really loot it yeah it’s housing we can’t loot it cuz the the the gold blocks are just why encased in a lot of stone so one TNT is not

Going to do the trick oh yeah okay okay let’s just go to the Fortress then let’s go let’s go I said let’s go follow me bro let’s go I’m going you follow me let’s go oh my God I jumped off stop dragging you’re actually you have been

Trolling so much yeah we have a a a spawner here huge W nice yeah I wonder how long it’s going to take to kill one of these oh my God you you you kept dragging me stop stop what am I what am I doing okay this is fine this is

Efficient as long as we have fire resistance we’re chilling right it can still hit you from close range by the way just letting you know that’s fine okay so you just want to die no don’t hit it don’t hit it there we go you’re the one hitting it no you were still SP

Splashing it dude I wasn’t okay two rods nice I’ll get this one okay you make sure you don’t have you don’t have fire resistance remember you don’t have fire resistance yeah good point good point good point okay that’s fine okay we can peace out now we can peace out now we

Can peace out now okay we’re chilling yeah that was easy hey being tied with you is not as bad as I thought okay let’s go off let’s let’s jump off so for this this is going to get a little bit technical okay we just need to find a

Bigger patch of okay you need to look where I’m running by the way cuz you just sometimes run off oh I didn’t take fall damage let’s go nice W yeah I was going to say like you know when we get thrown up by the dragon couldn’t we

Technically like both press V and just take an increase amount of fall damage no we can take less no more I want more fall off 3 2 1 go look at that oh we just didn’t take fall damage yeah literally we can that’s so op bro yeah okay you can you can take

Care of the no fall damage thing then hopefully we don’t both die we won’t we we got the struts uh come up hello hello I’m pulling you were you pulling me as well oh my God I just realized we are at y 27 wait wait wait one second this is

Going to take so long oh my God I take it back this is going to be the worst challenge ever oh God wait water oh perfect okay wait wait wait wait wait here drink this water breathing drink it okay and hopefully this is going to lead

Us out I don’t think it will surely this leads us out right to a bigger cave seems decent yeah yeah yeah I think so yes I see yes we’re in an ocean we’re so lucky we are so lucky okay we don’t need the kelp yo yo chill out with the kelp

Chill out with the kelp I just saved your ass with the yeah wait we need to go sleep Okay y stop driving me out of the bed bro where are you going bro where are you actually going I oh I just get snapped to you that’s so dumy yeah let me where’s my bed you’ve got my bed no I plac it down are you

Blind hello why didn’t you place it next to yours yeah do you do you smell the stank of my feet I do it’s kind of nice let’s collect this and then we can just throw our end rise and hopefully we’ll find it soon yeah just hope for the best

We’re about to be yo follow follow me yo wait so what did I need the Snowballs for again uh we are going to be throwing them at the end Crystal so we don’t have to like build all the way up cuz we can’t use that actually works yeah damn

Okay he’s going here wait let’s jump let’s both jump and do the glitch no okay I’m jumping okay this is so based I’m pulling as well I’m pulling as well flying flying wa wa let’s keep doing this yeah let’s let’s who’s stopping us who’s stopping us bro who’s stopping us

Bro yeah who’s stopping us bro y stopping us oh my God oh my God just run straight forward don’t don’t strafe don’t strafe just run straight forward oh yeah oh yeah helicopter helicopter okay stop falling let’s run holy that was fire no that is actually

Wait if the dragon knocks us we can just stay yeah wait we are going to do that oh my God if the dragon knocks us we just do that and then we can just Snowball the the Towers from above oh my goodness what easy so easy someone’s going complain and say

That’s cheating but no I don’t think so n no no no if you don’t enjoy watching that then what’s wrong with you you know like do you not want to enjoy life that’s what I’m saying yes also I just realized we’ll have to dig through like

300 pieces of stone oh yeah to get down right oh my God unless we uh we should have like collected unless we find TNT we should have collected resources to build a TNT duplicator wait Village we’re going to find TNT in the village there’s no I have One Singular TNT but

Like do you know how much TNT it would take for us to get to -30 mean maybe we could get lucky it’s here somewhere okay it’s here it’s down in here well follow me do get down in the hole we we’re about to be mining this is going to take

A long time imagine we just fall into a lava pit or Ser um I have a water bucket so we’re chilling me too yeah the worst worst things could happen we could fall straight down into on driftstone that is true I doubt it we should be fine you

Know what I’m going to spray my white ooze on your face lifeless if you don’t stop talking I mean I’d be done hey guys we’re halfway there we just we’ve already mined 60 blocks let’s go wait only halfway oh my God oh my God I hear

A cave oh my God oh my God oh my God do you see this I do see this oh my God but I think we might be going into a wall no perfect no yes oh my goodness okay we need to scour this strategically follow

Me let’s go yeah we we need to remember that we only have a shovel to fight with so if we see mobs we run okay yo come here come here come here yeah oh my god let’s go oh we found it let’s go okay mine the M the spawner mind the spawner

With your hand mine it mine it mine it mine it um okay keep mining it it’s nearly done nearly done nearly done nearly done yes three oh you’re so close oh you’re so close Okay okay buddy okay okay yes okay perfect okay let’s see how

Many eyes uh one two and then three more over there okay so okay we can die there’s no point in sending a bed right what’s our plan so our plan is we don’t really have any blocks but our plan is just I I’ll show you what we do okay our

Biggest threat is the dragon knocking us up or dragon’s breath do not look at Enderman okay dragon’s breath is so horrible there that’s going to be a big problem okay wait let me sort my inventory only I’m allowed to hit the dragon with a shovel so leave that to me

You will just have to follow my lead okay sounds good 3 2 1 go oh hello oh my God that is far away holy oh my goodness do we have enough logs um I got three if you need okay follow me just follow just follow

Just follow go go go go okay so look look look look look yeah we want to do like this and it’s it might hit that did it hit no did you just hit it no there we go holy nice yeah if I run out of the Snowballs then you’ll okay so

The dragon is Ping right now which means we need to be careful no no no no no don’t don’t waste your snowballs don’t don’t waste your snowballs okay okay okay I won i w i w okay the dragon is going to knock us up oh watch out watch

Out watch out oh oh did you take damage yep okay so the most important thing is is that you stay as close to me as possible so that you don’t drag me out of my like momentum okay perfect move move move move move move move move we’re

Moving we’re moving it’s fine no no no no way no way no way you can place water on yourself by the way and it doesn’t matter if if you die I can still res you oh nice okay you’re chilling just don’t look at Enderman that is what I was

Afraid of don’t look at Enderman that was bad yeah my bad my bad my bad my bad okay let’s see if we can take on a cage Tower okay and we have to shoot it from but we got to get it right in there oh nice there we go nice okay the tall

Towers are going to be the hardest cuz I don’t know if we can throw snowballs all the way there so we might have to like build up a little bit build up but we do not have we might have to swim up okay

You have to go on the go on the go on the corner here go on the corner here and Water Place Water Place water there we go yeah you are trolling by looking at the end I didn’t even look at him yeah you did somehow you did you did you

Did like they might it must have been far like okay you’re actually trolling like how did you to stop looking at the bro I thought it was just one I just have a shovel it’s hard to kill them with a shovel bro there’s two how how did you get these

Guys on you no I should have given you a pumpkin I’ve got no clue I’ve got no clue okay be careful do not jump okay there we go nice move move move move move yes yes yes yes yes okay let’s go take out the other cage Tower this is

A simple process I think this is a lot harder because of me I don’t think I’ll die I’m just afraid that if you die and then while I’m resing you the Dragon throws me up or like places some sort of dragon’s breath on us that’s going to be

A big problem yeah uh easy for you easy okay you pushed me GG’s you pushed me S sorry sorry sorry oh first try okay okay while the dragon is pushing come here come come come come come come come come come come come okay you need to like run

Over to the corner and place it water yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah maybe maybe under go go go one layer down here here here here and go a little bit inside like the water oh the dragon are you chilling he just warning you the dragon is going to fly towards us after this

Like after it has perched oh yeah that is what your water bucket is for you absolute imbecile instead of using the W bucket I tried to do the yeah you tried to yourself down you absolute buffoon bro you absolute buffoon yeah I should have used a buck hey do not look at Enderman

I won’t I won’t I won’t I don’t know if we can reach this let’s try okay come to me come to me come to me yeah I’m with you I’m with you move a little bit to the left real batt at this no it’s just a really tall tower let’s go okay that’s

The last one oh my God now what we do is we go out and when you see the dragon go yeah follow follow follow follow follow follow holy surely we make this right yeah we make this this easy yeah we do we do we do easy okay you stop me sorry

I’m flying no stop dragging me holy you cuz you were far away okay you need to come to me right now I can’t hit it yeah yeah I’m with you I’m with you oh this is easy we’re taking so much okay it might throw me up though that’s fine

Oh my God it’s taking so much damage yo this is going to be easy we win then were you dragging Me by any chance a little bit cuz that felt super fast and you oh I didn’t dude you actually BR you actually tried to murder me n you

Actually tried okay let’s move out of the middle I mean it was because the the got extended so much as well s like right here what what now you were actually trying to drag me that is crazy oh it’s p jingle let’s go go go go go go

Go go go we got this easy oh yeah n this is easy oh okay why is the ending me no it was it just ran from okay it’s going to die anyways it’s fine should I put was it no no no it’s fine okay okay

I might don’t don’t walk up out out of this layer by the way Oh okay why is he oh my God yo I’m three hearts bro bro bro bro wait wait wait wait no no pick up the water pick up the water where’s the endend nice I think that was it okay okay we’re chilling go back in go back in middle go go go go go

Okay and heal heal heal heal heal heal how low were you bro how I wasn’t low to I was on three bro you kept dragging me into the dragon’s breath bro holy dude oh my God okay you need to stop pushing oh my God I’m not trying to I’m

Sorry I’m sorry no no I know I know but it’s just like it’s the combination of player like like the the player collision and okay yeah you got it pushing up the blocks ah yes yes let me pick up all the XP don’t steal the XP yes stay away from the XP

Just let you know we both get it we both get it get it this is your only episode I’m going to have multiple give me all the XP bro you absolute buffoon take it take it take it take it and we also collect the yeah dragon egg surely

Where’s the dragon egg yeah where is it it’s right there don’t don’t click it don’t click it cck it yeah yeah we got this we got This screw the end the dragon screw the dragon egg screw the dragon egg man let’s go through the portal let’s go through the portal at least we did it with a shovel baby with only a shovel and I was attached to you it was very stinky I’m glad I’m not attached to you

Anymore okay lifeless write the experience what did you did you enjoy being tied together with me H 11 out of 10 but I mean you being here was a little bit 11 out of 10 you like being leashed let’s go and now to make sure that I never

Have to go through this again um you’re bed what

Tied Together With A Minecraft Noob

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(Video edited by Kire Atanasov)
(Replay shots provided by reversalz)


  1. Day 384 of asking for a Q&A

    226 Random Questions (If you have any other questions, write them here plz. I’m running low on questions)
    1. Favorite animal
    2. Favorite color
    3. Favorite breakfast
    4. Which countries have you been to
    5. Favorite movie/series/show
    6. Do you have any party tricks
    7. Which languages do you speak
    8. Do you have any siblings
    9. Any freetime activities
    10. Can you solve a rubix cube
    11. Favorite holiday
    12. Favorite season
    13. Do you have any tattoos
    14. Can you drive a car
    15. Favorite snack/candy
    16. Do you have any allergies (doesnt have to answer this)
    17. What type of student are you? (quiet, loud, smart…)
    18. Can you try to do another accent
    19. Do you have any irl friends
    20. Do you have a beard
    21. Which color-crew member is the best at building in your opinion
    22. What kind of clothes do you wear
    23. Do you have/had anything like a teddy bear or something that you were so afraid to lose and you couldn't live without
    24. If you could have any job but making youtube videos, what would it be
    25. Favorite word or a word you often use
    26. Do you like reading
    27. Scariest thing that have ever happened to you
    28. First ever celebrity crush
    29. Have you ever had a crush on someone
    30. Do you have any fears
    31. Are you a positive or negative person
    32. What is the funniest thing that has ever happened to you
    33. Do you like avocado toast (Try it if you haven't)
    34. Best minecraft biom
    35. Stupidest thing you've ever done
    36. Something you like to do in your free time
    37. Have you ever gone skiing, snowboarding or downhill skiing/slalom?
    38. Have you ever broken a bone or something?
    39. Favorite restaurant/cafe
    40. Have you ever stolen something
    41. If you could have any superpower, what would it be
    42. Have you ever got covid
    43. Which type of movies do you like? (Action, sad, funny, scary…)
    44. Favorite song.
    45. Do you have any secrets (Don't have to answer.)
    46. Have you ever talked to a girl in your whole life
    47. Favorite planet
    48. Coolest thing you own
    49. Have you ever bought a really stupid thing for a lot of money
    50. Do you have family in your house when you record your videos? Does your family hear you scream and yell when you record?
    51. Do you panic easily, like if someone’s for example chasing you.
    52. Favorite emoji
    53. Coca Cola or Pepsi
    54. Is soya sauce a part of sushi
    55. One thing you were proud of
    56. Pizza or Taco
    57. Are you creative
    58. Favorite minecraft mob
    59. What was your best birthday ever
    60. Do you have a goal for the future
    61. Three words that describes you
    62. Something you hate about your country
    63. Something you love about your country
    64. Who do you like the most, your mom or your dad
    65. How is the weather right now
    66. Can you try to do your best girl voice
    67. When was the first time you lost a tooth
    68. Do you shower with hot or cold water
    69. What is your most embarrassing moment
    70. Favorite dinosaur
    71. Who's your idol
    72. Favorite minecraft structure
    73. If you could only eat one thing for the rest of your life, what would it be
    74. What is your weirdest laugh
    75. Do you watch any sports
    76. Favorite number
    77. Favorite type of salt
    78. Are you good at reacting to stuff, like if someone is giving you something
    79. Do you have trust issues
    80. Have you ever played volleyball
    81. Alcohol or no alcohol
    82. What is your least favorite song
    83. Do you have a cabin
    84. Which whale is the best
    85. Do you have a competitive instinct
    86. Who were your childhood youtubers
    87. What is your favorite type of weather
    88. If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you travel or just a country you really wants to travel to
    89. Can you make a video were you react to your first ever video
    90. Can you try to play a horror game
    91. What is the weirdest thing someone has ever called you
    92. What is your best pickup line
    93. Do you remember your worst nightmare
    94. How long is your hair
    95. Can you go MICHEAL JACKSON HEE HEE
    96. What was your favorite year and why
    97. Can you show us something you made that you were proud of
    98. Do you have a kazoo
    99. What is your weirdest/coolest noise
    100. Which color is thursday
    101. Do you have good or bad memory
    102. Feet pics (whatupimsam’s question)
    103. How long is your d*ck (also whatupimsam’s question)
    104. Are you lazy
    105. Snowboarding or skiing
    106. What is your favorite type of book
    107. Favorite childhood movie
    108. Favorite childhood memory
    109. Favorite app
    110. Thick or thin pancakes
    111. Who is your favorite celebrity
    112. Favorite month
    113. Favorite band
    114. Play skribbl.io with the color crew
    115. Can you say something in norwegian or lithuanian to KIER and DEV and YELLOWOOL to see how they react
    116. Sweet, spicy or salty
    117. Do you watch/read news
    118. Best type of egg (boiled, scrambled, fried…)
    119. Favorite subject
    120. Least favorite subject
    121. Have you ever seen the northern lights (Aurora Borealis)
    122. Best cheese
    123. Favorite vegetable
    124. Favorite fruit
    125. Do you like noodles
    126. What is the best type of food (Asian food, American food, Italian food…)
    127. Best cake flavor
    128. What is something that really annoys you
    129. How do you prefer to travel
    130. How do you look like
    131. Why do you try so many weird things (mint shampoo on your balls, corn with peanut butter…)
    132. If there were no consequences, would you push a little kid
    133. Do you think it’s weird to hear your own voice in your videos
    134. Why do you put your axe and sword in the number 7 hotbar slot
    135. Would you rather date KIER or DEV
    136. Do you like your viewers
    137. Hair color
    138. Are you fully lithuanian or are you like 50% lithuanian and 50% something else
    139. Are you an introvert or an extrovert
    140. Can you swim/are you a good swimmer
    141. Weirdest dream
    142. Do you have a collection of something
    143. Best ice cream
    144. Favorite food
    145. If you had a child, what would his/her name be
    146. Have you ever worn a dress
    147. Which one of the color crew do you think would be the best parent
    148. Which one of the color crew do you think would be the worst parent
    149. Have you ever had braces
    150. Do you prefer to buy food or make food
    151. Do you have a long neck
    152. Do you have a clean or messy room
    153. How often do you clean your house
    154. How do you peel an orange (your own question)
    155. What is your girl name
    156. What is the most stupid thing you’ve ever worn
    157. Are you still gonna do minecraft content after you’ve done a face reveal, if your ever gonna do a face reveal
    158. Would you travel to all the way KIER and DEV or YELLOWOOL just to prank them
    159. Are you a dog or cat person
    160. If you could have any pet, what would it be (not KIER’s dad)
    161. What is your bucket list
    162. Which flavored noodles is the best
    163. What is the spiciest thing you’ve ever eaten
    164. What is the best prank you have ever done on someone
    165. Best childhood memory
    166. How old are you
    167. Best flavored doritos
    168. Best flavored pringles
    169. Why didn’t you sing in the YELLOWOOL christmas song
    170. Do you really have a twin
    171. Can you say the whole alphabet in lithuanian or norwegian plz
    172. What’s your favorite flavor
    173. Have you ever had a pet
    174. Do you snore when you sleep
    175. What clothes do you sleep in
    176. Do you like snow
    177. Do you know how to eat with chopsticks
    178. Do you give candy on Halloween
    179. What kind of socks do you wear
    180. Are you a picky eater
    181. What is the best moment of your life
    182. Have you ever had a girlfriend/boyfriend
    183. Are birds real
    184. Have you ever tried or thought of killing someone
    185. Favorite water bottle
    186. Favorite chess player
    187. If you could go to any beach, which beach would you go to
    188. Do you eat fast, slow or normal speed
    189. Do you have a forehead
    190. Do you wear glasses
    191. Do you have like a cool handshake or something with someone
    192. What do you think makes you different
    193. What’s one thing in your room that you really like
    194. Is there one person you trust with all of your heart
    195. What was the last song you listened to
    196. Have you ever been bullied
    197. Have you ever bullied someone
    198. Do you eat cake with fork or spoon
    199. Have you ever passed out
    200. Do you have a favorite picture/video on your phone
    201. How did you come up with the name “BOOSFER”
    202. Have you ever searched up yourself
    203. Best type of gum
    204. If you could learn a whole new language, what language would you learn
    205. Do you have a song that has helped you with something, like a math song or something.
    206. Headphones or airpods
    207. How many % do you normally have on your phone
    208. What was the first job you ever had
    209. Favorite colored light
    210. Which side of your family do you know the best (mom’s side or dad’s side)
    211. If someone asked you out on a date, what would you wear
    212. Did you use to cheat on tests and stuff at school before
    213. What is the most random thing you have ever said or done
    214. On a normal day, what language do u normally speak
    215. What is 10 things you can’t live without
    216. How old were you when you first started uploading videos on YouTube
    217. What’s one thing that’s trending, but you don’t like
    218. What type of music do you not like
    219. What type of videos do you watch (Shorts, Mincraft videos, Memes…)
    220. What’s your favorite type of bread
    221. Are you good at doing a NPC impression
    222. Can you imitate at least 3 accents in English (@theb.i.t.1128’s question)
    223. Would you rather choose German, Dutch or Korean as your second language (also @theb.i.t.1128’s question)
    224. Are birds real
    225. Do you think this is too many questions
    226. What would u have ordered at MacDonalds

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