Minecraft Hermitcraft :: The Silo

Testing 1 2 3 testing 1 2 3 testing 1 2 3 testing 1 2 3 yeah hey BB just came over to see you cuz we haven’t really seen each other when I’m online go Joel it’s it’s such it’s so sad it’s so sad I keep

Getting on and thinking oh I’m going to hang out with Joel today today’s the big day I’m going to hang out with Joel and it never happens well today is the day I swear to come over and say I love the tree the tree is So Co you like the tree

Thank you it’s so good it’s so good should I put leaves on it um I don’t know I think it looks good as it is honestly I feel like the leaves would hide all the work you put into the branches interes very interesting so no put in the leaves on it well originally

How about this it’s winter at the moment right so how about when it’s spring you go you know a bit of cherry leaves put some pink leaves on and then summertime match it yeah Green Leaves yeah I like that idea I think that’s good you don’t do you need

Anything I don’t need anything honestly I just came to have a come to say hi you just came to say one of the permits this diamond one all the potions never mind you can keep it you don’t want that one huh no that seems like a lot of work I’m sure you’ll

Have fun with it but it’s a lot of work I Joel I got a feeling that permit that might be that the home for that permit forever it’s never going anywhere can I go to your house and walk through your place sure if you want to I would really like

To get like a a Joel a Joel walk through of your day sure that don’t look too closely around the base because there’s some like someone’s been I don’t know who did it be but someone’s been putting horse heads around my base not sure who that was seriously yeah that’s crazy do you

Perhaps no cuz I’ve never I’ve never done the science on this do you know how much leather a horse gives like with just like if you if they die is it one or is it the same amount as a cow or I wouldn’t know beat cuz I’ve never killed a

Hor no yeah see that’s the thing but if I was to guess i’ probably say it’s like somewhere around free lever depending on if of looting but you sick freak you’re torturing My Horse by the way holding that carrot oh sorry I forgot the carrot either feed it or or

Get it out of your hot bar what’s in your hand what is that no sorry I don’t know where that came from it was here the heck it was there I just helped pick it up because I didn’t want to it’s it’s okay you know what accidents happen I’ll

Allow you one oh look at this okay oh another accident happened another accident happy little accidents maybe we shouldn’t have come in here oh sad accident you’ve heard you’ve heard it’s the worst sound in the game okay I love it it’s one of my favorite sounds yeah it’s great it’s really good

You like that yeah it’s really fun it’s just the two there I’m sure there’s no more around no no no you’re lucky there’s it’s so chaotic looking around here cuz uh I don’t yo unbelievable this whole place is just a cover it’s like um what what do they

Call those Place laundering money you’re laundering horse heads yeah I don’t know where unbelievable no more though no more no more okay no more no okay all right just hiding in plain sight sometimes is the best right here is this the one you had in your hand or is this

Another one it’s a different one unbelievable right all right Joel thank you for the tour this is yours yeah don’t forget your sh got it sorry about the horse heads uh they were accidents though so you don’t apologize for an sad miserable depressing accidents Yep well that was fantastic love seeing Joel even if he is um killing horses by accident he promises oh bamboo shop last episode we made all these bamboo shops and I’m working today on getting the stock worked out hey oh one stack of four of string for

One diamond and we made a diamond I can’t believe it I mean this isn’t even fully stocked yet I’m just random L you know just just putting some here and there randomly this is how Psychopaths stock their shop I believe we are currently in three stacks for a diamond there we

Go we are currently in the phase of uh seeing how people buy has anybody bought any Mosaic cuz I made a lot of mosaics you filth you filthy filthy Hermits mosaics are so hard to make that’s why I think they will sell I might just have to push them certainly the crafted items

Nobody’s buying crafted items I’m sure yep no nothing nothing sold here yet we might never sell anything in here it’s possible that nothing sells from the crafted items and they will just buy aha here we go three stack one one stack for three Diamonds oh yes we’ve sold we made

We made Tails oh and three more oh we made 20 diamonds so far are you kidding me I have is this I haven’t even really started pumping and producing yet oh that’s amazing okay that is kind of proof that people are just going to buy

The oh I think we’re going to get a show here in a second people are just going to buy the bamboo blocks so that’s going to kind of affect how we produce this stuff this is fantastic Ren has opened a beacon shop which is amazing uh I do

Want to see corales has opened a shop here as well which is really cute lot all the be stuff which is fantastic and we got item frames a new one this is going to be very important the in sack shop that Joel has made look

At is so cool I love it and then copper I really wish somebody would start making copper bulbs Co copper bulbs would be fantastic to have but in due time in due time we’ll have that those but uh that all that stuff that’s in our

Shop that’s all the bamboo we have so we have to as I promised work out how are we going to produce this stuff and I’ve done a lot of testing and I’ve come up with a bit of a System hello hello beats who you’re in you’re inside I was waiting for you I decided to just walk in you that’s so rude you brought the horse Ines does he not belong in here a horse has never been in this house I saw theils in here I thought it was like a

No that’s a carpet out out horse food no no stop it see look what happened I know there’s a lot of things you got to yell at me about okay number one you’re going to first of all you’re looking around you’re like how does this guy get anything done what no beacons and

Clearing land and what how what’s this storage system and I understand I’ll be honest I’ve been that way with you my whole life I honestly don’t know what you do in this game dude somehow make makes beautiful stuff happen what’s in this one without looking in that one

Without looking is that is like some plant stuff mhm um just random like plant stuff and some animal stuff and drops and stuff yes yeah y exactly mhm this is where you start uh going into scar territory a little bit a little bit a little bit except I know where

Everything is um copper right here yep nailed it oh snap yeah I know the other thing I know the other thing we can talk about there’s more is there I know I’m uh mailbox location yes we got a figure that out is that what it is that what you’re here

For I actually came here to for a favor I was I was going to compliment you actually but yeah okay okay let’s do that let’s skip all the other bad stuff let’s go to that if you have five minutes I don’t want to interrupt you I

Have five minutes yeah I got plenty of time okay okay um very impressed with your bamboo store thank you you know what I love the most about it BDubs the signs that’s not what I was going to say but okay now I don’t want to be rude cuz

Obviously you you very much like the signs the sign very proud of the signs yeah but what do you love most about it I was going to say I love how you add a gimmick to your shops always like the M shop previously and you have the the

Scaffolding challenge yes um I would like to demonstrate it though if you’re if you got time to challenge me yes in the scaffolding race yeah are you okay I meant to ask you this um are you a scaffolder or a dirt person so I’m usually dirt person or Moss or something

Like that right yeah but I’ve been hearing a lot of push back on it and really you know me BDubs I’m not one that gets stuck in his ways I’m always out to try new things right of course so if you can prove me wrong I I might give

Scaffolding a try this season I will prove you wrong I will and I actually I got to grab some um believe it or not I don’t have any on me at the moment chest over book Cleo quiet we’re making a clip we’re very get in a group then do

You have a lead Cleo I need a lead just keep it down okay I’m streaming you keep it down we’re very busy doing um doing a famous BDubs and Etho clip together that’s right this going to be legendary obviously yes get in a group nah we’re

Good I’ll mute myself no no no no no Cleo I was just kidding we love having your voice in the background it’s fantastic it’s like a audience chatter it’s like audience chatter right mhm what are you do doing anyway I am about to get destroyed in the scaffolding challenge I think okay

Cleo that sounds about right Cleo do you use scaffolding or dirt to go okay come on come on Etho Cleo both of you oh no school us y uh here we go you think you’re so cool I thought I was can you stack up faster than a scaffolder

No oh I’m going to try okay you’re going to try I mean we’ll try but no okay all right the the game goes like this you pick your block of choice okay that you like to stack up with you stack to the top ring the bell and then remove the

Pillar and ring the bottom Bell once you ring the bottom Bell that’s it okay so no no just jumping off I got to remove my blocks well you can just jump off but the pillar must be gone that’s that’s simulating real life I see I see okay okay okay okay three

Two wait he’s getting a head start he’s getting a head start okay okay I’ll stand back here stand beat ups R get off the sand what is this okay get on the rim bebs okay on the rim on the rim 3 2 1 go oh man I missed

It I’m up I’m up oh somebody told me a way to do it wait how close am I oh I went way too high I broke the bell and I win you didn’t ring the top one you just ring the bell some idiot you know what the amount

Of comments I got my last episode where people are saying oh you should do this don’t you know you can do that and I just tried one one of the stupid commenters said and it’s worse I you added the trapo later didn’t you no no

They said go in it and start stacking up but that doesn’t work fast that’s slow okay I’m not quite sold on the scaffolding just yet let’s try one more time one more time one more time one more time I’m going to do it my way

Three 2 one one go stack okay he he got those down pretty fast and that should be enough wait he’s not climbing though yet oh am not oh I went way too high how do you ring a bell got it got to ring it on the side got him what got him it’s

A five okay that was pretty fast um six seconds faster okay yeah yeah you want to know why I don’t like scaffolding tell me cuz you can’t crouch on the edge of it sure but but that’s easy then watch watch this okay all right I’m up here

I’m way up high oh I’m crouching is that a problem he mixes he mixes where what he mixes oh he’s not a purist he’s not pure scaffolding oh actually what I actually do is this I go off to the edge shifting see so wait if you shift on the the

Floating one you don’t fall through you don’t fall through no oh okay that’s not terrible it’s no that’s nice it’s it’s not accurate though is is the problem well you just stack it one block higher than normal you got to adjust you know I feel like this a high intelligence tool

And I’m just trying to elevate everyone yeah but you’re using it BBS yes exactly 3 2 1 go and here I go oh oh bebs has the hey no cheating that’s the way to do it no got it oh no it’s a disaster who said put that trap door there it’s gone again

It’s the worst okay I’m fixing the trap door man this is this is good this is bug testing man oh well I was really impressed with the game beat ups now I’m I’m having second thoughts on it actually I enjoyed it quite a lot do you want tell I might

Have a couple of flaws two one go go you’re not going to sleep bebs you’re not going to sleep it’s night time you want to play Let’s Play Break Let’s Play Breaking blocks ouch all right here I go oh there we go here we go I’m going for

Real no who pushed me this way fine up to watch the Bell oh I got the bell I got the Bell qu stop yeah my whole business relies on this you guys this is my primary sales tactic I feel like the scaffolding is like open to trolling someone just comes along and

Breaks it from underneath you all the time right come in here close come in here close Okay the the whole thing we can the three of us we know about scaffolding is easy to prank okay but let’s just keep that here between the three of us and not talk to anybody else

We don’t want that word getting out we don’t want anybody knowing oh scaffolding why would you buy it cuz you’re going to get pranked especially by with GRE on the server and stuff so let’s keep it down we get them to buy it and then we prank them yeah yeah yeah

That’s good that’s good that’s good okay I will I will I will bankroll you a little bit for real a little bit a little bit I want your guys’ opinion on this 32 for three diamonds so these are the tough to make ones these are tough

To make Cleo you need to change CH your skin to have like a bunch of diamond jewelries like bet Midler honly like I have like over a stack of diamond blocks right now unbelievable give give e some some money I watched fire the other day and she

Threw 32 at my feet like there you go you poor peasant poor peasant they were pity diamonds don’t get they were pity diamonds but I appreciated them very much okay Etho did you then want me to you want me to make uh a game for your

Place no I I have a game in mind I just wanted to use yours as an example you wanted to test it I see I see I I wanted to demonstrate it as I was talking about this is great show it like this is a great thing this is perfect we had so

Much fun right I want that at my shop as well when did we did have a good time and we now we have a secret that we can all Keep Together out of it all right I know you never are supposed to go go through your wife’s

Purse but I have to show you something amazing did she get a new phone no this is old I’ve never seen this phone before now I see why they say don’t go through it you can never find anything what is this I’m starting to think there’s another reason why they say don’t go

Through your wife’s purse aha here it is my wife is using a ridge wallet and why wouldn’t she it’s amazing has the ability to hold up to 12 cards has room for cash she’s got cash in there and ridge is expanding their styles and colors to cater more to you ladies out

There there’s over 30 plus different colors and styles you can get like an air tag attachment if you lose your wallet you never lose it then if you get that air tag attachment and the other thing I use is do you hear anything no you don’t because

I use the key case it can hold up to six keys and it keeps them nice and quiet Ridge has a limited time offer for you right now if you get a wallet and a key case you can get 30% off but if you’re like uh myself and my lovely wife and

You want to check one of these out today head to ridge.com bebs to get 30% off through April April 1st all right so we got to do some sales we got to do some well we did actually make some sales which was fantastic uh wasn’t expecting that but that’s

Wonderful uh also found some flaws in our business strategy um but hey so far I think business is good we’re getting the word out at least which is very exciting okay now have i t said it’s been such a long day we’re going to build the uh it’s happening Now’s the

Time come on stop messing around be now you know what uh Hey everybody take a minute to see this segment that I had with cubfan okay we had an amazing time and cup fan made a wonderful thing for me I actually have a a fireworks permit it couldn’t be more perfect you’re the

Perfect guy for that it’s been it’s been wonderful it’s been wonderful I got a big Factory and stuff that’s being built uh we’re starting now to roll out explosive fireworks and I need some way to promote this to Hermits and I thought you and this this area around here might

Be the perfect spot to do that you know it’s very isolated so yes you know maybe not so many people will be here but people come here specifically to see you all the time right stop by yes so what if we put a couple couple of these guys

You know mhm mhm oh oh look at that yeah okay what if we what if we put in like a little like demo like a little exhibition in here fireworks display yeah that could go off at at certain times you know that would be would that be something you’d be interested in get

A free fireworks display out of it for you I I would be very interested in that I I plan this to be potentially at night I know I know you got a problem with this with the beds right you got I’m turning a corner I do have a bed problem

And it’s it’s an addiction but I do I’m tur in a corner I did witness my first Sunrise uh during demise and it was kind of like life changing so I’m just dipping my toes in to the sun sunset and sunrise hours uh this is per this is

Perfect then because okay bebs I’m going to make it so that there’s a firework display yes at night mhm but it only goes just barely into the night so you have a reason to stay up oh stay up just a little bit just a little bit yeah get yourself acclimated

Yly all right so I I’ll get started on this I’ll let you know uh when it’s done okay okay okay that sounds great it should be popping any minute now I think the light is supposed to be on oh man is it backwards is it empty oh boy okay it’s broken it’s

Broken oh don’t break nothing beat ups please don’t break anything okay no it’s not broken it’s so full of stuff look at this thing he made it’s so cool all the paper and everything oh that’s unbelievable okay but I have it maybe it’s turned off I don’t know oh oh well

Okay I got to fix I got to fix it we’re going to build now okay we’re going to we’re going to build now and not by now I mean we’re going to the Nether um going to build I need to do a redstone project remember last episode when I did

The uh half-hearted uh Redstone with beat up segment that’s correct we’re going to do a full-hearted one today I’ve got Redstone prowess to show you I’m also going to put be putting my hat on now and that smile that’s a fake smile uh I am not happy about going to the nether

But we’re going to do it because we need quartz and I need blaze rods and I know every okay here just here we go okay all right oh this is this is perfect actually this is actually perfect and amazing oh oh really okay I I have wound up inside of somebody’s place in

Their what are they looking for somebody digging for ancient debris hiya does that block that block that more oh oh boy okay I want that quartz a okay this is this is all I need I mean I need Blaze for you know an inner chest but that’s not essential look at this hot

Tip if you’re scared that it’s going to fall watch these look like they’ll fall in there I put two blockers so if the item starts going that way it’ll come this way and let’s open up a nice oh it’s a big okay and that went in me okay

And that went in me and that stayed away from the lava because of my prowess and we’re out of here let’s just take a quick peek this way I I know everybody’s up on the nether roof uh and that’s where we’ll connect up hey I’m leaving I’m leaving I’m out I’m

Out okay home safe and sound and I’ve got the things I need for my comparators that’s good here is where we’re going to build we’re going to build right out back here I feel like we made a nice canvas and I want to be very delicate

You know when we stand back and look at our place it looks really cool and I want to be very delicate with the things that we add and I think this will work out fantastically it’s back a little bit further uh which will be nice and this

Was all I I dug all this out and this will all be worked on through over time but I think right here we’re going to build uh a nice Silo for all our bamboo Stuff Another stage in our bamboo Empire complete I like this building it’s a circle did you not notice did you notice circle shape I think it looks really cool silos are usually thin and tall and I want to treat this as like a bamboo Silo and have it wide and short I

Think it looks cool it’s just like a different take on a on a silo ah think is cool and then of course some bamboo around and then you know this I imagine if I were to draw this as a cartoon I would have like bamboo shoots and leaves

Coming out of the windows cuz it’s just so packed full of bamboo growing in but uh now is there anything interesting yeah let me tell you about the outside first so mainly bone blocks but of course I’m mixing in some sand and some diorite and stuff and even the mushroom stems which

Are so hard to get we get some of that mixed in there just went with a regular deep slate roof um so texture-wise you know it’s kind of a standard palette we work with this goes a little yellow which is cool and even a little bit of

Birch up there just to add a little bit of difference and interest to the whole thing but on the inside nothing super special holy cow wait what is happening I built this whole thing I promise I built this whole thing what in the world I could just what whoa whoa

Wow what yeah what happened holy smokes there’s a candle flicker right there what oh shoot I was wearing the helmet in my time lapse I’m going to look like an idiot okay I’m a veteran I can handle this any veteran knows when you have texture problems you hit F3 and te what

Happened what did I do aha I’ve brought it I have returned it back yes it’s wonderful that the whole thing is back uh there’s nothing in here there’s nothing in here because it’s everybody’s favorite time of year a full segment of redstone on with beos what a lucky day I have been

Researching the autoc crafter and I’m going to show you there’s blocks missing hello there’s blocks missing uh maybe I never placed those this is how the autoc crafter works we showed a little bit last time but I’m going to show you a little bit more now today okay this is

How our whole bamboo crafting system is going to work we’re going to start from just bamboo it’s going to be just these bamboo shoots just these okay we’re going to start with that and it’ll craft all the way down it’ll craft the bamboo the block of bamboo and then the planks

And then the slabs and then the mosaics it’ll also have the ability to make fences automatically on its own it’ll just AutoCraft which I think is cool but yes there’s a butt a slight butt um because well let’s just talk about this first okay let’s just work work this out so

The way this works is you can close these things off now we want to make blocks of bamboo here right we want to make blocks of bamboo uh so we’re going to leave them all open but every time an item goes in here and fills one of the slots it

Creates a signal with a comparator if you don’t know okay this is for the basic people out there a comparator tells you what what sort of something is happening in here so there’s one bamboo in here so it’s giving a strength of one power out of there if we put two it’s

Saying something else is happening and it’s giving a power of two if we fill it with all of them like so it’ll give it a power of I think nine okay it goes all the way up to N9 now no Redstone signal being sent here no no no nothing right it’s not

Crafting on its own because you have to make a machine that says oh click once it hits nine strength once it has all those things in there we want to see a click happen Okay so we can use this other autoc crafter and once I click

This that’s giving a signal of one this is saying there’s something in this Slot 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 n and craft is what it would do if I set up this next thing that I’m going to set up and this is simple this is easy I’m going to use

Spruce planks because they’re kind of hard to break if you have a pickaxe and I’m going to go like this and actually if you feed from the side it’s better we can do this we’ll be doing this where we feed the hopper from the side okay and

Then the Redstone will go here so it’ll say oh I’ve got a signal here and it’ll send it over to here and it’ll craft okay so let’s let’s do that again let’s let’s get a thing going let’s put some bamboo once this hits nine these will match it’ll say 9 N

It’ll send a redstone signal through and it’ll start making okay so that’s good uh I’ve been studying Ray Works Ray Works has a great just explanation of this so Ray Works has some great stuff I’ve learned from suzuma that you can just go you can dispense right into a

Chest which is amazing so this can just Boop shoot right into a chest and then we come out of that chest into the next thing so let’s get confusing and let’s get crazy okay we want to just now the next one I think I will uhhuh it can do

That you can have this whole system once the you fill all these and once the ninth spot is filled it crafts the planks okay but I think on the plank one I’m just going to have a classic because I just want it firing all the time maybe

Maybe I’ll shut it off but one of these two observers facing each other gives a so it’s simple if I want to make slabs then I have you know the planks go into here it’ll hit a signal of nine slots full this says nine slots full and it’ll

Fill it up now this whole thing’s going to be controllable because I don’t know what’s going to sell there’s no point in me setting this up to be automatic and craft everything craft the fences craft the fence skates and stuff if I’m not selling that like crazy so if we’re

Making you know we don’t need to make sticks all the time but I’m going to have a toggleable by hand just by hand I like doing stuff by hand check this out okay this is a hopper setup to where it goes here it splits here and here so I’m

Going to put 28 in here I should have 14 here 14 here and now I’ll check 14 14 aha okay so it’s splits both ways you can have it making um sticks and the uh other stuff if I shut that off now check this out all

28 will go it’s going to SPL all 28 are going to go over here okay so I’m going to have these little latches this little divider set up oh it’s mine I patented it and I invented it and that’s going to kind of control what’s being made cuz

We’re going to have just a couple of Junctions in this whole thing it’s going to be uh perfectly organized and perfectly optimized but I’m going to build it now and I won’t sweat it’s going to be simple I think I really understand it uh for the most part so

Hey let’s let’s let BDubs do what he does best shall we OU I can’t believe my greatness now you know I invented uh something called pretty Stone it means you do redstone you make it look pretty we’re not there yet we’re not there yet because this is

Just the starter function okay once I find out like oh need tons of bamboo logs I’ll make it all nice and pretty but this baby works this works and just like my organization and my chest system I know exactly what goes here you know what goes here mosaics mosaics will go

Here okay um if I flip this switch it’ll make planks and the planks will be here if I flip this switch it’ll make bamboo the blocks and they’ll go here yeah yeah I know I know and if I flip this switch it won’t make sticks if I flip

That switch it will make sticks that looks like that’s on I had these as Redstone lamps uh in my testing but uh don’t have Redstone lamps here yet now this section here is a little different and this is just straight from Ray works just go watch

Ray Works video on this stuff but and I and I don’t like doing stuff that I don’t understand I do understand this but I never would have figured it out um basically it’s not using the comparators at all it’s just saying well it’s using comparators saying is this full oh

Goodness sakes okay I made a mess I made a mess all right let’s carefully we’re going to put the craft recipe for fences right here okay and it has to be Stacks this is an expensive initial setup that’s got to be full and then this has

To be full and if this is full and the one on the other side over here will be planks if this is full as well eventually we’ll have them but this needs to be full and this needs to be full expensive initial setup but then this works to where it will craft the

Fences fences are kind of weird because they got different things in the recipe um so that works out nice thank you Ray works for making that and the the fences will come out here now upstairs oh boy let’s make some noise shall we let’s turn the system on that’s my on switch

And you hear a bunch of clicking you hear a bunch of clicking and this is what I’m doing this is how I’m doing the bamboo making let’s just start with some bone meal over here and a little bone meal over here okay and I’m picking some

Of it up but that’s okay this just I got bone meal for days I got so much bone meal and this just shoots the bamboo out like crazy it’s amazing this is perfect so I’m going to die oh don’t look around too much okay I’m going to keep my eyes

Down there’s stuff around lots of building planning that’s um top secret I’m going to show you and prove to you why I did the system that I did for collecting the bamboo uh these are like this is like a common cell that you make where it’s like I think maybe 14 wide

And it t requires all these observers and all these pistons and it doesn’t really make much I have four of these this is so much material they have four of these and it doesn’t make hardly as much as just growing it I just grew it here and chopped it in the exact same

Amount of time and compared and this was like 10 times more efficient but as long as you have the bone meal this thing it just spits it out like mad now this is beat Up’s perfect Redstone okay some of you might think you see flaws in it but

It is perfect all right we got bone meal getting spammed on it on either side and it just break once it sees oh you’re too tall I break you okay and there’s a hopper mine cart right here that’s collecting the stuff right under it and then shooting it out here I mean that’s

Not necessary uh in what we did but for the way I play this is just better this is better for the stage I’m at in the game with not having a lot of redstone stuff and having to go to the nether to get Quartz this is this is the best for

Me it’s just going to make tons of bone meal or tons of bamboo let’s shut it off and let’s only make blocks let’s just do it turn it on it’s fairly quiet from down here which is fantastic but right now it should be we should have already seen bamboo

Blocks in here aha I found it there was dirt a dirt clog in the system okay we’re making bamboo blocks perfect just as I presumed there was a clog as expected when you first make it you expect to have a clog okay so there we go already for bamboo blocks these are

These are these are tough to come by and it’s just crafting them like crazy now let’s release the valve let’s start making planks shall we and sure enough we’ll see planks start coming in here they come like crazy oh yes all right now and and normally I’ll just have

These off right say I need a bunch of mosaics all right that’s off here come here come the mosaics they’re coming they’re making slabs right now right here right here should be making slabs right now oh right right okay this is why uh I want to label everything and why I

Promise I will label everything because this if that switched it pushed everything to the fences okay did it yeah yeah yeah it pushed everything to the fences so now ah yes as I promised we’re getting mosaics which are hard hard to make but uh right now I think for our purposes

We just want the bamboo blocks now this switch right here this is the sticks okay we aren’t making any sticks right now so this Hopper is empty let’s turn it on and we’ll start crafting yeah yeah yeah baby we’re crafting sticks okay we don’t need any right now we just want

The bamboo blocks but this is perfect this is perfect because I don’t know what people are going to buy right now it seems like people buying the bamboo blocks like crazy so I think that’s the thing that I just need I don’t want to waste any of this going into making a

Bunch of other stuff if I’m not going to sell it now you’ll see this here and this isn’t supposed to happen why is all this bamboo fly out where did this come from what is hey put the bamboo inside what are you shooting out the side for you stupid hey

Hey okay this is a simple fix sometimes you run into problems when you’re doing Redstone it’s a little chaotic up here okay hey stop it okay and that’s a problem solve and here comes another problem solve right here we’re going to knock this out and we’re just going to

Put dirt right here solve that problem now the leak is fixed did I mention it’s pretty much clog proof too we got a slight clog here but uh every time one comes in one goes out it’s a pretty pretty great job by me am I right or am I

Right it clogged it it’s not clog proof it’s not clog proof it clogged okay all right Perfect all right I oh goodness sakes it was right at the end too okay it clogged there was only like a stack there and right at the end okay perfect

Now I want to see this thing unclog all the way okay get all all the bamboo out of there and how much did we get 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Z and that’s the last of it that’s all of them okay all right in about it was about 20 minutes

That that was running okay in 20 minutes six Stacks that’s that’s good I think that’s good it’s fast all the other ones and of course I can kind of um I can combine it I can have one that’s running all the time that I I’ll I’ll pop in here

Somewhere that that’s just persistently running but I do need that system to where if I want a bunch at some point I got to just you know fill it with bone meal and boom boom boom boom boom it goes by the way I’m trying a new technique it’s called uh it’s called

Button pressure plate stones on the ground it’s a new technique I’m trying out and I I think I like it actually I think I think it looks kind of cool I really like this I really like this building I think it looks beautiful what a great great

Thing to have in the back of our it’s like a circle Barn I love it it’s so cool okay so we got bamboo going we’re in good shape now we can move forward I think we got cyberpunk playing coming very very soon ladies and gentlemen thank you so much

For watching I love you to death and we’ll see you in the next episode who is that character from Titanic with the red hair she pushed Leonardo into the water rose rose there you go I you just blew my mind do that I can’t believe it I can’t believe it

Minecraft time on the Hermitcraft Server Season 10 SMP Episode 5. Use my link https://ridge.com/bdubs to get up to 30% off through April 1st.

Today on the Hermitcraft Minecraft SMP, we promote our new bamboo shop with friends and build a silo for our bamboo production.

Instagram: @BdoubleOinsta
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/bdoubleo100
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/BdoubleO100

Hermitcraft Website: http://hermitcraft.com/

#minecraft #hermitcraft


  1. You could make a moss-powered bonemeal farm and hook it up to the bonemeal input so you don't need to even restock it 😀

    if there's no space for it above the bamboo, make it below the silo and use a soulsand bubble column to bring them up!

  2. bdubs. im sorry for suggesting a different scaffolding technique to what you normally use. i thought it would be faster. another suggestion tho is to add some glass between both sides so they cant break your scaffolding as your placing it and cheat lol

  3. Ah. Family reunion!
    Also… You could build a guest house with bamboo. A yurt would be cool. It would be a good example of what can be done with mozaic, the deck and floor. With the bamboo blocks as support structure.
    Sorry if this doesn't make sense, bdubs talking redstone is distracting.

  4. I always love the story telling and the cinema in your videos, you are my favourite hermit to watch and i’m always excited to sit down with my daughter and watch your videos, good luck with the marriage counselling too!

  5. You talked about getting designs from Raysworks in a previous video, I don't blame you for not knowing but he's infamous for stealing other people's designs and claiming he made them or making tutorials for them without giving any credit to the person who actually made them. It's not as well known outside of the technical community but it's fairly well known in them. I would recommend looking in to this yourself, seeing as I can't post links for evidence in a YouTube comment.

    Edit: also in this one

  6. I think what really showcases the usefulness of scaffolding is the reusability, you can climb the same tower multiple times, while a dirt tower you have to tear down and rebuild it every time. So the scaffolding challenge would be much more effective if you had to go up and down twice!

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