You need to play this terrario mod that you probably haven’t heard of in a while the pinkies mod from t- mod loader 1.3 is one of the best and most unique mods from back in the day you literally fast travel to new islands and places to fight bosses and du quests it’s easily

One of the most unique mods ever made so let’s hop in game and check it out so we are back here checking out 1.3 Terraria te mod loer mods that you need to play if you haven’t and right away we’re starting with a fan favorite the pinky

Mod a tale of gods and man come on with a name like that it’s got to be a classic let’s go ahead let’s hop in game don’t check it out so we’re in the world here with the pinkies mod let’s go ahead and check out the mini bosses first this

Mod has a lot of mini bosses and I’m ready to check them out boom look at that look at what the look at all the awesome and cool looking stuff they got dang what is that anything Golem related I messed with and I think that thing was

Called a Golem all right so what do we got here we got manifestation of Pinky you feel an uneasy feeling as if you were being watched that boy is watching me can I fight him oh there we go we fighting him so this just a little mini

Boss no crazy like music or anything to be playing but hold up he kind of fighting though my boy hitting us with a little Dash he got the Hops he got the shield the sword he got everything but at the end of the day it is a mini boss

Let’s pick him up and get him out of here and look at that we unlocked lore okay and then we get a bunch of goodies what other mini bosses do we have there’s a Trent I love trents ooh so my boy’s a little little spooky type of uh

Mini boss here I like Trent I don’t know if I like the design of this Trent specifically I think I’m more of a lord of the ring walking tree type of Trent lier but he’s still cool looking he got like 2K health I am an expert Master

Mode don’t exist and then that gave us a key to kassars alongside their Trent mounts as a symbol of trust grants them access to the most sacred chamber of the Revolution itself beneath the great tree so if I remember correctly the pinkies has like dimensions and stuff we travel

To that’s if I remember correctly cuz I don’t see any like new generation here besides this over here which we’ll get to but let’s keep on going a couple more mini bosses we’re not going to check every single one out we’re check out a good bit of them Ark demon okay so we

Got like a scarier looking uh demon a little bit lankier a little bit longer too I want a crazy mini boss come on give me like a crazy one sigite of the cavern God wao this one’s kind of cool looking this one is kind of cool looking

I can’t damage him maybe there’s like a certain way we’re supposed to hit him my boy moving hold up and then let’s do one more here bioh Hopper and as we can see The bioh Hoppers they’re like little themed slimes for all the biomes Crimson corruption and the hollow okay so just

Couple mini bosses but let’s get into the preh hard mode bosses starting with the one that I was looking at and that was this dude right here the cabum cabum [ __ ] oh my God this this is a sick Sprite okay hold up before we get into that

Right let’s figure out how we like get to these new areas okay so apparently to get to these new areas there is an NPC we need the traveler this person right here hello y The Traveler hello there I was just checking out the settl the name

Is the ey nice to meet you press talk to continue okay what do we got he said he’s a Wanderer I’ve never been to these Paradox Islands before so I took my boat to your little land he said he’s going to look around even in the Cho countries

There are many unseen unseen and unheard of Adventures okay oh and if you see any mysterious artifacts or strange objects that I may be interested in do show them to me who knows they could lead to new adventures and as reward I’ll bring you along with me so with that he allows us

To travel we just have to find these certain artifacts and as you can see we got this cool little map nice little World building so that’s us bottom right look at this great jungle AIS desert L say Mirai is that what that says aeli arendi I feel like I’m playing Skyrim

That just says goblins over there so to get to the place that I want to go to fight this boss which this is very cool that you got to go out of your way to do this like legit a whole quest for going on we got to come over here break the

Singing stone you can hear the Stone sing the song of the earth bring it back to my boy and then we should be able to uh travel somewhere right or do how do I how do I give this to him uh this strange Stone I heard Tales of it it’s

An artifact that the drives from their Golden Ages when they practically ran an Empire more specifically it hails from their old Homeland the Twilight tlight Islands so we talked to him about this and now we should be able to travel to the Twilight Islands yeah look at that

Let’s go I’m ready oh my God we even got a little loading screen and we are here in the Twilight Islands they have changed my UI to be really tiny whatever it’s fun I’m going to reveal the map just to see what’s popping here yo this

Is so sick there’s not really too many Turner mods that do things like this there’s like one or two little handful Conquest mod is one of the ones that to mine and I know there some work in progress ones but look at this bro this legit brought us to like a whole custom

Map and as we can see we got a little town over there to the right we got the giant tree in the middle so what’s popping here hold up damn this is a town filled with the NPCs silven Villages they don’t even want to talk to me tat

Lowkey might be racist they said who’s this red fellow walking in here goblins that’s an enemy but this is so sick let’s head to the big boy tree what’s popping in the big boy tree let’s see the bottom so this is the center okay looking good and then let’s let’s go

Down what’s popping down here like is this where people live a little graveyard okay are these all just little graveyards just how they bury their people okay respectful I respect it we got books over here we got a little beehive over here just a bunch of nice little details everywhere really makes

This area feel alive the only thing is there’s not NPCs over in this area so I don’t know if it’s like abandoned or what but let’s go back over here to the top of the tree like what’s popping up here oh dang kks Sr my boy got their own

Clan popping what’s going on so we’re supposed to fight this boss in a locked room at the bottom of the tree is this a locked room this don’t look locked what’s going on in this room but there is a room somewhere down here that is locked aha right here look at that okay

So that’s what this key is for sacred root key so boom put that in there let me light up the area what’s going on that thing has eyes y’all seeing this this is kind of sick is watching me too this is so unique so what do I do I just

I just pop this flag and we get to fight this thing let’s see oh shoot there we go there’s the real entrance and area oh yeah I see the similarities this thing looks sick the Sprite for this is amazing I was looking at some of the mini boss Sprites and

Like okay they’re not bad but they ain’t sticking out like crazy but this one looks amazing so my boy got the Hops he got the little Dash he’s doing he’s shooting out projectiles in there I mess with that heavy let’s do some damage though hold up my boy is above us

Dropping rocks and stuff on us that’s a crazy attack let’s do some damage though like I said you got a phase two or something hold up he got mushrooms we could jump on yo this is sick I love when any Terr mod incorporates like the terrain or the environment into a boss

Fight some examples I seen like the spooky mod do it for some of their bosses it’s it’s just cool it makes a fights refreshing and unique yeah let’s finish him off we’ve seen enough here rest in peace and of course that boy drops us some Goods I’m not too worried

About the goods hold up he did drop mysterious coordinates long tablet containing mysterious coordinates it reads 636 714 okay I’m still very intrigued about this dude back here but let us take our little map that we got and let us see what’s popping so those coordinates led us to this area called

Like Cathedral of the moon so what’s popping here oo okay Cathedral of the Moon that kind of sounds like a bloodborne type of area so what’s popping in this Cathedral this looks like somewhere we fight something for sure or meet with somebody oh the medium

Work in progress NPC ah okay so what my boy got a little little something something little something something to give us oh memory tablet can be used to keep track of liberated memories in the current world what the heck oh so this a little boss checklist dang it’s looking

Like this mod was really going to be something crazy if these are all bosses and stuff look at this down here underneath it like what this is insane this is a crazy mod I really haven’t EXP too much with the pinkies mod like I’ve had it here and there in

Like challenge runs and stuff but I don’t think I ever played through it yo look at this there’s like statues of like people down here maybe like previous heroes or something this is so sick we are in the next area the desert town of Ed it spelled like that and I’m

Very excited to be here this is sick I’m liking all the themes all the like areas that we’re coming into and exploring Town’s a little bit deserted but what’s popping in here I’m noticing some chest don’t don’t have Loot and some do have loot we got a little uh Easter egg in

The name over there but what’s popping what is going on in this area let’s head up here to the arena cuz this has to be where things go down I think if we pop this egg here oh boom sunlight Trader here they come so it’s a dude in his big ass bird I

Mess with it I like it orangen and SM but instead of orange and SM Big Bird little dude what y’all got for us we got this little like upwards Dash attack with Fireballs looks like that’s all I’m seeing so far let’s do a little damage then show me some variety it also looks

Like he throws a spear in that attack too okay okay we getting a couple different attacks I like that they give you a whole Arena to fight in thank you less work for me I like when there’s U you know natural Arenas and areas like this generated areas the bird is

Cloaking I don’t know if that’s a good enough uh stealth because he’s a big ass bird and I can see him so my question is can we only hurt the bird we’re going to only hurt the bird and then kill it and then now I’m assuming yeah we just fight

Him and he’s about to go into his orangea SM phase you know when you kill one of them the other one gets stronger unless it’s SM and he don’t really get that much stronger but uh he got different attacks he’s got a little Dash he’s shooting these little arrows at us

He’s only got 6K Health in exper mode not too bad should shouldn’t be too bad of a fight this is still a pretty hard mode boss but there you go let’s move on to our next area which I’m very excited to check out okay we are at the sanon

Sandon Mining facility kind of reminds me of a stard do no Starbound there you go Starbound in the Kus Crystal facility and uh we got to get into the thick of it let’s get down in here what area looks like where you fight a boss who there’s a couple areas

There is a couple areas so I’m assuming maybe you fight some mini bosses down here too cuz like look at some of these areas very decorated very like personalized oh shoot there’s a mini boss the calite of the cavern God we saw him earlier so there’s some little mini

Bosses here and there for you to fight but let’s go down to the main area which I’m assuming is down here this is where the big boy should spawn yes sir let’s light this area up you know inste lighting up I’ll just go like this and

Let’s see what happens a roar can be heard from the caverns above the heart of the cavern has awoken oh my God this dude’s gigantic he don’t fit on my screen bro oh my God he got big lasers come on terrar your boss big lasers you

Know it’s going to happen this is kind of sick so what do we have to do here do I have to damage one of them specifically do I damage him oh yeah I damage him okay let me get a different weapon out here I guess let’s take out

The terrarian since the Zenith don’t exist and let’s do damage with this so yeah we got to hit him in the center he’s going to have his big lasers what am I supposed to do when he does this I got to scale up the wall I guess I’ll

Have flight actually I don’t know it’s pretty hard mode this is a pre hard mode boss yeah this may be like one of the biggest terer bosses I’ve seen like this dude’s got to be up there top three biggest terrari bosses he’s got little enemies he summoned in he’s got a

Little worm that he also spawned in but other than that it doesn’t seem too crazy of a fight just a couple things you got to dodge here and there with the dudes around them spawning projectiles and the little enemies he’s spawning it seems like his giant laser

Is the main attack that he has honestly that might be it I mean it’s understandable because it might be a little too overwhelming if you had to dodge all these projectiles and his laser and he had even more attacks but it would be cooler just to see a couple

More attacks not like it matters I don’t know if this pinkies Mod’s ever being continued or what sadly but there you go so we’re going to hop into the hard mode bosses here we’re kind of going to skip through them we’re not going to check out every single one even though I

Really do want to check out like every map every area on the map we’re we’re just going to check out a couple handpick ones all right so we come back and fight a couple bosses here in the vanilla World our OG area I think a good

Handful and this is one of them the dungeon Constructor I think we just pop this oh and there’s my boy lanky ass skinny ass this is a crazy attack what the heck any like Tesla related ter attack is always insane to me because like electric damage in T is kind of

Strong as hell hold up my boy got the water bolts he got all types of dungeon themed attacks here these could be like the little magnet spheres that he’s summoning on us okay I see my boy but it’s time to beat his ass so this dude

Is post planta but pre Golem I like that I like that little placement right there oh okay so his platform underneath them changes to like whatever element he’s using okay I mess with that so now he’s using all fire attacks I wonder what he goes to next maybe Shadow flame okay he

Switched to like silver which is looking like whsp and like specters type of attack here damn Dark Souls ass noises that legit might actually be like the Dark Souls like bolt attacks the noise at least okay he’s kind of eating damage so I’m got to actually right click on him with the greater

Manipulation tone and his head came off so kind of like the Golem now we got his head to worry about can’t damage his head though hold up he got Stars too damn this is crazy this is crazy I’m Boy spaming the whole room it looks like

Yeah he’s doing Shadow flame now look at that I predicted it but let us finish him off great fight I like that it has so much variation in the attacks pretty sick hold up what is this mine seal I place this here yo I did not mean to go here

Oh shoot and I believe this is where you fight the final boss of the mod I didn’t even want to go here but look at this y’all we got these little mountains over here very nice little detail and then if we keep going I think there’s something somewhere where we’re supposed to fight

The boss where where the hell do you fight the boss maybe just spawn it anywhere out here so like there’s like a whole bunch of items you need to spawn them in and you got to spawn them at a certain table or something too instead

Of doing all that I think I’m going just spawn them in Via cheat sheet so let’s bring bring him in the mind God oh yeah I think I remember this boss I at least remember how this boss looks I don’t remember if I know the fight at all but

This is the post Moon Lord boss so you are supposed to be pretty damn strong at this point and I’m assuming the mod has a bunch of gear that allows you to get this strong hold up he got a metallic noise I was not expecting that so he

Looks like a very scary brain of cthulu like more uh what’s the what’s the word like literally cthulu combined with the brain of cthulu if that even makes sense more tentacles more eldrich horror looking but let’s do some damage here okay that might have been too much

Damage I forgot how strong the greater toome is but my boy got those attacks hold up he disappeared I like these little like I don’t even know constellations is what they look like the little constellations he’s got he’s got minions I think that are chasing us around he’s got all these projectiles

It’s going to be a tough fight anything post Moon Lord is going to be a tough fight but I think I’ve seen it all he said I failed you hold up get all these damn cells off of me bro the Mind God is Resolute so he’s tweaking he’s tweaking

Off the perets and now this is when the fight really notches up I wonder how hard he’ll hit me should I have out of God Mode for a second okay I’m out of God mode Let’s see okay one more time one more time hit me one more time okay it’s a decent amount

Of damage I am wearing armor if I wasn’t wear this armor lowkey he might have one tapped me let’s finish him off though sick fight sick looking boss and that is the final boss of the pinkies mod now now with how long this mod is and how

Much there is in this mod I don’t think we’re going to check out a second one in this video I think this dude would literally be it or this mod will Lally be it so let’s go over a couple other handful of things okay all right now

Obviously there’s a lot of other enemies and stuff in the mod so many too many to check out big rocker look at that big Cube let’s just spawn in some random ones that look cool or literally some random ones not even ones that look cool just bringing a bunch of enimies my boy

Got that strap on him though oh he’s dead a lot of cool very unique all their Sprites are very nice I like honestly some of the most like unique Sprites I’ve seen in a minute but let’s bring in some of the weapons and stuff legitimately just

Going to grab random weapons what do you got we got vacuum Stave summons a vacuum floater to fight for you okay Sentry what else dark Whisperer okay this is t- mod 1.3 summon so I don’t know how crazy they’d be that widescreen TV get one of

Those if y’all been looking for one of them I don’t even know what to grab in terms of weapons maybe I should like oh okay we got this thing maybe I should go like this let’s go to the weapons Tab and let’s scroll down cuz I just want to

Grab the powerhouses you know the big boys what you got for me eye of the Leviathan now this sounds sick this sounds sick bring me a boss who do y’all got for me planta what kind of crazy attacks is the eye of the Leviathan has it shoots out a bunch of little

Projectiles what is the black rage it’s an interesting name of an ability I killed planta but I don’t know what’s going on is she still like here though we got the progenitor this weapon looks cool but it’s very 1.3 type of weapon so I don’t know really what I expected from

Some of the weapons cuz obviously these this is literally outdated so these weapons aren’t on the that you know Starlight River Calamity mod uh spirit mod whatever mods that have crazy weapon type of level nowadays they a little bit more on that basic side with a couple of

Cool ones here and there like it’s pretty sick Eternal Eclipse hex Hammer that just looks like a regular Hammer come on show me something crazy what y’all got for me can’t even use that okay we about this oh my my God that is the loudest gun I’ve ever shot yeah that

Was the pinkies mod as you can see from this showcase it’s got some crazy stuff bro it really has some crazy stuff the whole like traveling to areas and exploring the areas to fight bosses do quests find items there’s NPCs in certain areas to talk to like it’s

Insane it’s definitely way before its time and it was one of the OG mods to do stuff like this like nowadays I mentioned earlier we have a couple of mods that are doing it like the conquest mod is one that comes to mind there’s the endless Escapade mod which I have no

Idea when that’s going to come out if it ever comes out but that also had like boat traveling everywhere and then there’s a couple of other smaller terrar mods that like have teleported you to like a different area to do stuff like we’ve seen that before what’s going on

My dude is tweaking you’re going off the deep end am I good yeah I love this mod I lowkey want to play it I go back and do a play through of this I don’t know bro these 1.3 mods they’re so good again make sure to leave comments telling me

What what mods you guys want me to check out back from the 1.3 era a couple that come to mind the Enigma mod is one of them the juice mod I definitely want to check out a little bit deeper for its own video and then there’s a couple

Other ones I’m forgetting about but also make sure to leave a like subscribe and turn on the notification Bell so you don’t miss any videos I post if you want to catch me streaming that big terraria mod pack I’ve been playing I do stream on Twitch here and there if I do stream

It’s going to be around 600 p.m. PST I usually stream almost every day during the weekend like Friday Saturday sometimes Sunday and then I can do a couple streams here and there throughout the uh regular week but I hope youall enjoyed the video I’ll see y’all next time

The Pinkys Mod is one of the BEST Terraria Mods that a lot of people have never played or just forgot about. Let’s check it out!

Pinkys Mod –

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