You NEED these TWO Terraria accessories! | Terraria 1.4.4 Ranger Playthrough/Guide (Ep.15)

Hey hey welcome back to the Terraria Master Ranger playthrough today my friends the name of the game is grinding I would like to get the fishron wings and maybe the tsunami from duke fishron and then from Gollum I’d really like to try and get myself the eye of the Golem

If we can get all three of those things oh man are we going to be on to a big old win with our pre Moon Lord Ranger load out here and how about this for amazing timing did you guys notice it’s just started raining so what that means

For us is what we should do is we should whip out this bad boy we need to pop on over to the oceon and we’re basically going to get straight on with the dookie boy because as you can see vastly superior mobility when you use the shrimpy Truffle in the

Rain or just in water in general this is brilliant all right ladies and Gentlemen let’s do this thing making sure we’ve got ourselves a bunch of Buffs and yeah we’re going to go for the dookie boy first let’s do this thing I think what I’m going to do is I’m

Going to try and use my nail gun here because oh man doesn’t do a lot of damage like really it does the initial projectile damage isn’t too much to write home about but the explosive damage afterwards oh yeah it does the job very nicely and I tell you what while we’re

Doing this I just want to say of course a massive thank you for all of your lovely support throughout this series I really do appreciate all of the love in the form of the comments subcriptions and like lately of course if you want to continue supporting this series dropping

A like is by far the best way of letting me know if you are enjoying the series and you want to support the channel hit the Subscribe button and don’t forget to ding that Bell if you don’t want to miss out on my future content of course and

If you do want to go one further with your support you can check out my range of Apex gaming PCs at python PC or if you’re more in the market for some Terraria merch head on over to Terraria shop and use code python for 15% off

I’ll be honest my friends this is so much easier having the shrimpy Truffle and having it rain yeah we’re very very lucky here folks very lucky indeed right any second now though we will indeed be in third phase and now we need to remember the

One two three trick there we go that one that one then it’s going to be oh and I’m dead great okay that’s one thing the wings have over the shrimpy Truffle sort of you know side to side speed straight speed if you will it took a long time to

Sort of stop moving and then move towards the opposite direction ehy h less than ideal I’ll be honest less than ideal but never mind we’re not going to let that dampen our Spirits you know what we should have done though we should have put the worm scar on

Eh whoops that was a big old yikes wasn’t it why the hell did I forget to do that what an absolute colossal doof as I am all right let’s keep her going folks right let’s actually remember to put on the the worm scar there we go right 177% decreased damage we should be

Taking now good hey that got him got the master mode drop as well absolutely wonderful and Tempest staff well now that’s less than ideal but no matter we’re going to keep on going here folks we’ve got three more attempts at getting the fish ROM wings and the tsunami we switch to wings

For the third and final phase here vastly superior mobility oh good grief I’m failing massively here but no matter come on we got balls of Steal here folks we are not dying by this guy here getting a little bit dicey there 46 Health we had there holy crap holy hey

Look at that we got ourselves the flare on still not what we’re looking for then I just realized the nurse is here we could just top up our health and then be on our merry way two more attempts here folks come on one thing I have noticed

I’ve been paying attention to the DPS counter on my top right the DPS you get with the Stinger versus the nail gun actually seems to be very very similar so yeah just a little something I’ve noticed like look at this we’ve got what 15 to, 1600 with the old dir Stinger

Here and then when we switch to the nail gun obviously the nail gun we need to make sure we’re being accurate with it to get a slightly more accurate reading I guess uh but here we go 1,300 yeah like it’s roughly similar to that of the Stinger isn’t it so yeah not

Too bad if you manage to get the stinger you don’t necessarily have to go for the nail gun especially considering both of them do sort of Splash damage as well you hit one enemy and a bunch of other enemies around it will likely get damaged as well right so you know just

Goes to show it it’s not all about the nail gun got him all right come on Third Time Lucky no oh hell that was our final one ladies and gentlemen come on at the very least give me one of the things I was looking for no God I hate

RNG I hate everything about RNG I don’t think there’s a single redeeming feature to RNG I hate it this should be easier my friends let’s go for Golem we’re looking for an eye of the Golem more than anything so come on let’s see if we

Can get lucky here one Golem uh uh uh ooh staff of Earth and we’ve got ourselves a Dev outfit oh that’s pretty badass I’ll be honest with you folks I think the Stinger is pretty rapidly becoming my favorite weapon that I’ve used in this series so far it does so much damage and

I love the splash damage it does as well it’s so nice here we go number two and it’s another Sunstone Third Time Lucky yes oh nope come on game at least one of the three things I was looking for fourth time lucky nope this is actually unbelievable folks

I haven’t gotten one out of three of the items I was looking for yet RNG have I ever told you guys how much I hate RNG it’s going to drive me to the brink of insanity in this episode isn’t it it really is going to be one of those days

The good news is since the last episode I’ve actually sort of opened up the jungle temple a whole bunch for farming purposes so should we need to get ourselves a bunch more lizard power cells then we can so you know we got that going for us at the very least ah

If we didn’t get it this time I’m going to be really quite upset and we didn’t okay thanks buddy really appreciate you giving me some of the things I was looking for oh wait all right I guess we’re going down to our underground mushroom biome I really wasn’t intending

On spending like the whole episode grinding out fishron and Golem for the drops I was looking for but in order to make the sniper scope which is one of the things really would like to have for my load out I’m going to need the eye of

The Golem so yeah game um you know if you could like start giving me some of the stuff I’m looking for that’ll be brilliant BL me a Riley two truffle worms hell yeah excellent all right that’s another batch of five CH rapper worms nice and

Easy and now for a quick farming sesh in the temple obviously because we’ve got the pixel I managed to just break my way in here it makes things a lot easier at tell you what so let’s get one of these bad boys on and we pretty much just sort

Of hang around and do a little bit of this just drop it like a h Oh My Sting is going to be wrecking shot beneath you can see all those damage numbers popping up real nice like this is how the pros roll and because I’ve got banners up for both the flying

Snakes and the lizard dudes yeah we’re doing maximized damage against all these folks every now and again all we need to do is get down the bottom and and see what we got going on we got a bunch of solar tablet fragments but no sign of

Any power cell so yeah we just keep going here folks I wonder if me having this gnome here increases the drop chance for lizard power cells only if so that’s a massive accidental win hey look at that we’ got ourselves another one all we’ve got two of them so far we’re

Going for another batch of five all right very good a nice batch of five lizard parasols are there any more on the four by any chance nope just five okay very good that’s still enough to be going along with all right very good so ladies and gentlemen uh let’s see what

We’ve got going on oh we’ve actually got some rain right now that means we should probably go for fish one first eh you know what talking of rain and the weather what would you guys say to the suggestion of some sort of weather forecast accessory we have an accessory

That tells us the weather but how about forecasting the weather so we can maybe prepare to do some farming should the farming rely on having a certain kind of weather come along you know I mean I think that’ be a pretty boss idea but I don’t know maybe

It’ll be cool maybe it wouldn’t maybe you can have like add-on accessories that makes the weather forecast accessory way more accurate as well I don’t know I’m just thinking Al loud here I just think it would be kind of cool to have that especially for farming purposes like this darn it man

Ah see I was constantly paying attention to this giant freaking tornado on the left and it was really distracting me to the point where I wasn’t paying attention to where Duke Fishman was coming from ah I’m getting old I can’t focus on more than one thing at once for

Goodness sake that God him Please this game is doing everything in its power not to give me the things I’m looking for today this is unbelievable like seriously you can’t make this up bada bing bada boom come on that dude what is wrong with this game today please pretty please there we go okay

That’s one out of three drops we were looking for fish R Wings have been obtained and these are going to be far superior to the moth one wings I mean for goodness sake look at the fly speed for crying out loud it’s beautiful all right the tsunami to be

Honest the tsunami is the lowest priority out of the three it would be nice to have but I would be okay with skipping it if needs be all right I definitely do want to get the sniper scope before the end of today’s episode though the tsunami I could do without

And this totally isn’t me trying to use reverse psychology saying that I don’t want something only for the game to then give it to me it’s totally not that at all python why did you go into n grab you that’s the only thing when it’s night time it starts to get a

Little bit struggl trying to tell the difference between the nighttime background and the nrab background why am I so stupid like seriously did I still at least get my money back yes I did okay excellent right in which case I think we’re going to sack off the tsunami for now if we

Manage to get it later then so be it but for now I feel pretty content in just having my fish run wings so yeah all is well what do we think folks a little bit of a reforge see if we can’t get ourselves a bit of menacing we have 26

Platinum coins for goodness sake there is no way we won’t get this lucky just went past warding just went past there we are beautiful stuff we’ve still got menacing everything amazing all right time to farm out Golem once again we are looking for the eye of the Golem I think I’m

Just going to get this done and then we’ll do like a mass opening of treasure bags at the end of it all right one of the biggest reasons I wanted to go for the fish R Wings is for the Empress of light the Empress of light is absolutely

A bullet hell boss and having maximized agility against a bullet hell boss is going to be your key to surviving it and not just that it’s going to be really really nice of course for Moon Lord when that comes in the next few episodes so yeah there’s lots of benefits to having

The fish wings and I’d still very very heavily recommend that you absolutely go for it and ladies and gentlemen there we go the final Golem so we’ve got four Golem treasure bag St no since we already opened that one up before with you folks 1 2 3 four this game’s having

A giggle isn’t it you’ve got to be kidding me still no eye of the Golem can anyone do the maths on just how unlucky I’ve been in terms of not getting the eye of Golem because this is unbelievable I’ve now taken down what 10 golems in today’s episode this is ridiculous I want

Archery potion plus Stinger what’s the chances hey what are the chances currently at 97 damage okay still at 97 damage ah I thought I might have been able to cheese the system there a little bit folks but uh never mind at least I learned something new today for hopefully the final time today

Let’s do a little bit more lizard farming shall we question does having gnomes around a effect treasure bag loot rate I’ve absolutely no idea to be honest with you folks I’m not really that well brushed up on gnomes aside from knowing that they apparently increase your luck but I don’t really

Know what luck actually affects in this game maybe something I’ll need to research at some point huh especially with my upcoming Calamity series huh when you realize you’ve had a peace candle running this whole time oh now now we should get Max of my spawn rates and thus hopefully get ourselves the

Lizard power cells a bit quicker I’m really not that observant am I it turns out I just realized something folks we could totally try to grind out the jungle key from here right the jungle key would then allow us to open up the jungle chest in the dungeon and

Then we can get ourselves the piran gun I got to be honest the piran gun is never really a weapon I’ve been overly fond of but I want to see if there’s at least some sort of usage for it hey look at this guys we finally got ourselves

Another pet look at me I got a little lizard dude following me around oh that’s fantastic all right another batch of five lizard power cells if we don’t manage to get it from this badge it means we would have taken down 15 Golems to not get ourselves an eye of the Golem

Like how ridiculous is that let’s go home let’s grind this thing out that’s one and a death that’s number two number three done undusted four is down ladies and gentlemen if I don’t get the either Golem from this batch I’ve just taken down disappointed won’t cover how upset

I’m going to be so we actually do have a gnome around here whether it actually affects the drop rates or loot chances from Treasure bags remains to be seen I don’t know all I do know is that we’re looking for the eye of the Golem so far

Nothing what the heck oh wow your razor outfit that’s kind of badass all right very good and I I I what yo seriously what this game is actually having a laugh isn’t it it is actually having a Rudy good laugh at my expense isn’t it I definitely

Don’t see an eye of the Golem here right I’m not being blind there definitely isn’t one there this is actually unbelievable folks like truly this luck is unbelievable oh my goodness me see the reason I really want to have the sniperscope is because it will form part of our

Ultimate Ranger Loadout which is at the end of the day the goal for this series we’re trying to make the ultimate Ranger load out the sniper scope is part of that I’m honestly completely flabbergasted that we have not managed to get it like seriously you know what that means I

Guess we’re going going for another batch of five Golems ah do you know what honestly I’m just going to skip to the end of we’re just going to open up another five treasure bags my friends good grief all right done and dusted one two three finally oh my word finally ladies and

Gentlemen there it is like I I just I’m so happy I’m so glad more than anything else I’m just glad that I’ve got that grind done cuz oh man that was actually starting to get me down just how unlucky we were being there so my friends what

That means now is we need to go ahead and do some stuffs do we by any chance have any other emblems laying around no of course we don’t do we have any guide Voodoo dolls yes we do well this should be easy street he folks let’s do this

Thing shall we let’s get this guy taken out of the game he actually got close to killing me there that is absolutely ridiculous but here we go my friends boom that’s all we needed just an emblem Souls of fright might and sight can I make myself the Avenger emblem where do

We even make it is up here ah jeez don’t tell me we’re going to need ourselves one more Soul of Might huh the good news is it’s actually just about to become nighttime so you know that actually worked out for us quite nicely to be honest all right one me worm let’s take

The son of a gun down shall we boom a little bit of that and now we go at it with the stinger and we just absolutely wreak havoc it’s about time we were able to just wreak havoc with absolute ease and there he goes and a wyen joined the

Party okay you do you there buddy you do you there we go Souls of Might we should be able to do this now there it is Avenger emblem there it is Destroyer emblem and now where is it the sniper scope I think it is uh rifle scope all

Right so we do a little bit of uh this that gives us the sniper scope and then we’ got to see what the upgrade is I think the upgrade is indeed the Recon scope but I just want to make 100% sure that that is the case uh here we go

Putrid scent so the only thing we get in addition to what we ‘ already got is enemies are less likely to Target you does that even work on single player or is that mostly a multiplayer thing like they’re more likely to Target someone else I don’t know I still kind of want

To get it just because why not do we even have the putrid scent uh wait we do holy crap all right well in which case there’s no reason not to make this thing boom right final thing and I promise this is the final thing we now need a

Little bit of menacing on this thing to gain ourselves a grand total of 14% increased range damage and then we’re pretty much good folks like really we are menacing a bust here come on now there it is and the question is what do we take off in favor of it I don’t know

Mag luminescence maybe I don’t really know definitely want the fish on wings definitely want the lightning boots bad luminescence might be the one you know all right so let’s check out the damages we’ve got 99 which is very very nice without it we go down to 93

Damn oh man we’re going to be doing so much damage that folks so on that successful and amazing and epic note it is time to wrap up today’s episode I want to thank you folks for watching if you guys have enjoyed today’s episode do be sure of course to head down beneath

The video spend a seconds to drop a like I’d really appreciate it hit the Subscribe button and don’t forget to ding that Bell if you don’t want to miss out on my future content but for now my friends thank you so much for watching do have yourselves a fantastic rest of

Your day thanks for for lovely support and I’ll see you guys in the next one bye-bye

Terraria Master Ranger Playthrough/Guide – We grind for 2 absolutely essential Terraria accessories for a Terraria ranger: The Recon Scope for damage & the Fishron Wings for maximised agility!
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This is Episode 15 of my Terraria Master Ranger Playthrough/Guide on Terraria 1.4.4!
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  1. Python, the Stynger is an awesome weapon for crowd control and bunched-up stationary enemies, but if you're having trouble with fast-moving, large targets like Duke Fishron, I suggest using the Nail Gun (esp. during his last phase).

  2. Loved the episode! If you wanted to know terraria's weather system in advance, I think the best way would be for a new NPC to be introduced that could tell you the week's weather forecast, if a blood moon or solar eclipse was happening or other things, alternatively, it would be hilarious for there to be a television that when activated would randomly tell you the weather with varying accuracy.

  3. Tips for Luck:
    1. Get a Lucky Coin or a Lucky Horseshoe
    2. Get a Pearl, go to Aether and shimmer the pearl, use a Galaxy Pearl
    3. Drink a Luck Potion

    Im not sure if it helps with loot, but your luck can increase
    Edit: Looked it up, I think it does

  4. got a question which angers you more RNG or the getfixedboi seed? and hmm imagine you make a wheel and spin it and on it there are lets play ideas and 1 is the best rng but getfixedboi calamity master mode revengence and 1 is the worst rng but a regular normal lets play hohoho now that would be pretty dang epic keep up with the good work

  5. man you gotta try playing on some secret seeds such as the Constant, with QoL mods such as the Quality of Terraria, LuiAFK, plus there are mods that go around the RNG you hate so much. I recently did a Mage play through, where I tried to beat Fishron Pre-mech. Made a huge Pool, HUGE. Sky high pool. That with the Lava Shark mount was absolutely broken. Water Arenas are super cool tbh.

  6. For EoL I suggest building two rows of bubbles. Enough to hold less than one tile of honey in height. Then you get on the Fishron mount and just get away from everything while bombarding EoL. Just build two long rows of bubbles, place one bubble on each side to prevent liquid from falling, then spread honey. That's it. Same setup would work for Moon Lord as well. You can yeet away all the mobility accessories during such fights as Fishron is overpowered

  7. Generally it's pretty good to balance Lucky and Menacing. Don't be sad if you get a Lucky reforge. The raw damage may be lower, but your DPS will be higher.

  8. This is actually insane. The last time you did a ranger playthrough back in 1.3 you also had the EXACT same problem RNG wise of not getting the Eye of the Golem.

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