Stardew Valley Meets Vampire Survivors – Pesticide Not Required First Taste

Greetings everyone and welcome to a new first T of the channel where today we’re going to be checking out pesticide not required thanks in large part to the developer jam-packed games who have furnished me with a game key ahead of its release which it will be tomorrow

The game comes out on the 18th of March 2024 in case you’re watching this far in the future in which case hello I hope the uh AI overlords have been treating you well uh but pesticide not required has the dubious honor of having one of the most divorced from the actual

Feeling of the game chill Splash screens I have ever witnessed in the game you would think from this gentle mellow melody in the background here this lovely little farming splash screen here that uh this is going to be a really calm relaxed game no no this is this is

A bullet Haven game this is the equivalent of of stardy Valley meets vampire survivors this is not a chilled game it is a very cute game but my Lord this splash screen it it kind of set you up it it put LS you into a false sens of

Security and then the bugs attack now the developer uh describes this on SEMA as mow down countless uh crops and corrupt Critters while crafting gamebreaking builds pesticide not required is an action Rog light bullet Heaven game with farming Sim elements that offers a myriad of stats and special character traits to create

Wildly diverse run possibilities and honestly I couldn’t have said that better myself I have had an opportunity of playing one run through the game I uh booted it up checked it out a little bit and uh unlocked a couple of uh new Frogs apparently the game is surprisingly

Engaging but as always it is easier to show than to describe so with that we’re going to be jumping straight into the game but if you enjoy the game then do consider going down and using the links in the video description below to wish

List this and uh pick it up when it is released again it will be releasing tomorrow as of the posting of this video now let’s go ahead and jump straight in now this is the house that I somehow unlocked at the end of the uh the first

Run I did we’ve got some sort of storage in the area we are a frog don’t ask questions but we can be different kinds of frogs uh Joe health regen attack frequency experience game this is so vampire survivors we’ve also got Cola uh plus 1.5% damage when your an ore is

Mined 10% mining yield at the out of each day plus 50% all spawns plus 50% Effectiveness to Future mining speed less damage and less enemy loot yield the enemies drop rather than experience they drop money The Experience comes from the plants you grow I think we’ll

We’ll jump into it this is a very much uh learn by doing game rather than learn by reading but we have got stripe here instantly mature one crop after fishing or mining all spawns and fish spawns go up but minus 100% growth oh crop growth

So you have to fish and or mine in order to grow your crops that is an interesting one uh 50% Effectiveness to Future crop growth speed changes okay and uh mnon gain one of each pet oh now that’s nice 100% chance to gain an additional pet whenever recruiting one

Minus 150% plants planting speed and minus 150% watering speed you know what we’re going to just go with Joe so you can find out what this game is like and then later on if you enjoy this enough maybe we’ll jump into it again you’re going to have to massagers love buttons

To let the algorithm know though but uh I think just keep those stats in mind because they’ll make more sense if you see a game regular with Joe we’ve uh got a couple of chos over here so things that I’ve managed to unlock we can find

Out why we’ve unlocked the various uh uh frogs like got 10 pets in one run mined 50 OES in one run uh win a run with less than 100 crops harvested is that an achievement wow okay uh these are the weapons that I managed to unlock

Everything’s got a bit of Farm theme so we’ve got uh mower blades pitchforks uh water beams and uh twin sides there uh also survive summer one it unlocks summer two that’s like a a u guess a level and also win a run with Joe were there any others I got I got

Eliminated boss while WBO if we get to the end of the the level you can see what Wombo is it was very chical when I found it but uh another thing that we unlocked as well was this uh backyard I I get had a very strong impression

There’s going to be a lot of stuff that we’re going to be able to do out here in between runs there’ll be some sort of meta progress or something I’m not sure what that is going to be just yet I think that’s going to be left for the

Future but that is enough of wandering around and seeing all the things that I’ve unlocked already now we’re just going to jump into a uh into a run and hopefully I’ll be able to show you a bit of what it’s all about now we can start in different uh different seasons it

Seems uh I think that the first game literally just started in summer 1 I might just jump back in that one again oh maybe I can go for summer too you know what actually we’re going to go Autumn I like the idea of uh seeing some autumnal colors on the ground hello

Right do I have some seeds I do have some seeds I need to plant the uh the crops there we’ve got spiders okay well uh there is an arachnophobic mode uh I I I didn’t see many spiders in the in the first run I guess it’s seasonal that

Kind of makes a lot of why is that spider able to just walk across the water that’s unfair but we gained a bit of experience here uh we can roll it if I want I think it costs gold for that this is our damage this is the amount of

Water we’re currently carrying and this over here is our backpack uh we can see our current level we get 10% experience game because we’re Joe uh 15 health regen and plus 20% attack frequency there are so many stats down here that you can impact with various things these

Are all the pets that you can have on your farm the elephant helps you water the crops the dog fetches you loot the cow uh fertilizes the crops I have no idea what these ones do uh I think I had a capibara but I forget what the ability

Is and this is the weapon that uh Joe has started with so uh damage a DPS it’s got very high piercing so it can go through multiple enemies but it is basically just a uh tongue attack now we can pick out of these I guess this one

Cuz it’s sparkly is a little bit more rare and these are the levels of the items very similar to vampire survivors if you’re famili Amil with uh weapons and gear having levels I don’t think you have a limit on how much gear you can get or maybe there is but this is where

The gear goes this is where the weapons go there is very definite limit on how many weapons you can fit in there but we can have slight of hand plus 10% attack frequency was a good one mining yield fishing yield but lower crop yield that

Would be a bit of a shame the summoning blade uh plus 25% damage plus 15% attack size plus 10% enemy spawns and plus 5% enemy speed I think we’re going to go with the summoning blade yes yes uh we’re going to get more Scallywags following us through now everything is done just by

Having proximity we’re watering the crops by being close to the crops when they need water and by having water in our inventory uh for now there we go and uh each unlike vampire survives you’ve got kind of got um discreete rounds and that is at the start of the day

Everything’s quite peaceful you got a little bit of time to manage stuff and then the enemies start to spawn got the clock over there right choose our reward as we’ve leveled up once again to level three we can get plus 2.5% coin gain at the start of each day maybe if we could

Bank the coins but I tend to be a bit spend happy uh external Compass I see money very much like I see most resources in like RTS is like Supreme Commander if I’m accumulating it I’m not spending it properly I need to be in in constant zero balance the best place to

Be is is not to be in debt but not to have a surplus and just always spend it as fast as you got make your money do something useful for you other than just exist uh external Compass plus 15% Apple spawns the this is your floor chicken um

Plus 10% move speed that’s kind of nice but minus two water capacity or Pride plus 20% crit chance plus 15% attack size and plus 10% soft prices I think I’m going to go for the external Compass uh it will hurt to have the loss of my uh uh

My sorry about that uh let me go back in there a second uh it’ll it’ll hurt to have a loss of the water capacity but we can get pets that will help out with that right we manag to get quite a lot of experience from fishing there it

Seems that Mining and fishing may just feed straight into your experience so we’ve got the hunter gatherer uh plus 20% fish spawns or spawns and apple spawns plus 10% enemy spawns and minus 10% on growth speed H not sure about that one mining yield fishing yield crop

Yield still not sure thick plus 0.3 Max Health per plus 1% pickup range and minus 15% damage uh what is my pickup range I mean I don’t think I’ve got any bonuses to that yet so not building for that right now what is my crop yield at

The moment let’s have a quick look crop yield is had no negatives just yet but I wouldn’t mind I think I would go for the lower well they’re both kind of good in the way but the enemy spawns are a bit of an issue no we’re going to go with Hunter gra cuz more enemies means more opportunity to kill the enemies which means more

Opportunity for me to grab uh more gold off the slain enemies there we go that gave us a fair bit of experience there level five already I like it so we’ve got the butter mushroom got some attack frequency projectile speed attack duration now you might be wondering

Where are we going to get the weapons from don’t worry we will get there soon we have to plant the weapons don’t ask but it it is what we have to do uh the cultivator planting speed crop yield nice we could go with this one it would pull down my crop growth speed

Though attack frequency projectile speed attack duration minus 10% damage I think I kind of like the cultivator we’re going to go with that one yes yes right there we go we’ve managed to plant all of the uh plants and because the main way of getting experience at least from

What I understand is by getting it from experience bearing plants now I could get the summoning blade up a little bit more it will increase spawns and enemy speed but massive bonus to my damage and attack size uh is there anything else I really want though crit damage crit

Chance crit damage coin gain crop thirst so my crops will need watering much more frequently and I’m going to have less water cap yeah let’s not double down on the less water capacity I think that would be a poor move right are you going to be minable there thank you all right

Now we can get a gem as well and we go to the merchant H I love it but at the same time you got to pet the dog of course you got to pet the dog uh we can reroll the shop uh there are no pets for sale

Right now I could expand my field uh we did have uh we weren’t able to quite plant all of the crops that I wanted to last time now there are different CP of seeds these are seeds which give us experience they cost a certain amount of money they have a certain growth time

Crop thir so how frequent I’m going to need to water them and the experience yield from getting from that crop but we’ve also got the weapon seeds now you got a yo-yo seed swings towards you when it gets too far away okay we’ve got the hay bale seed send out an Unstoppable

Hay bale in front of you that crushes enemies and the wood axe seed chops down enemies in each diagonal Direction I kind of like this one actually uh it’s going to be a bit costy though so let’s just grab two of those and then I want some regular crops and this is how

You’re going to be managing things now we get quite a lot of seeds out of this get 10 potatoes for 29 there or we get five grapefruits for 62 or four yams for 52 I think I growth time we might be able to get through a decent chunk cuz I

Can’t plant any more I can’t get any more uh soil right now so I kind of want a short growth time if I can yeah we’re going to go with the uh we’re going to go with a a couple of sacks of potato seeds now each one gives

Us 10 I believe let me just oh no sorry there’s only 10 available right right right okay so that’s fine I’m actually going to buy all of them then in that case uh as many as I could all right and with that we start again now you can use

Your scroll wheel to change which seed you’re planting uh we were simply planting the uh weapon seeds first and foremost and that’s always worth it what the heck are those things I greatly disapprove I don’t like the look of you one little bit uh okay I I believe I now

Have the axes there and we’ve also picked up a little bit of uh apple as well so if we have a look in here there’s our axe uh we’ve got a it attacks with two of them at a time now these will level up as you consume

More or rather as you grow more seeds for those particular particular weapons but each one has a maximum level uh double edged uh 15% damage 10% move speed minus 7% resistance and plus 5% enemy spawns golden sword uh 15 crit 10% D attack duration 10% resistance

Coin gang I kind of like money uh plus uh 5% enemy spawns and then plus one damage per Plus One Max Health but minus a 130 damage wow uh I mean per Plus One Max health is that the max Health as it is right now or or

Future upgrades to it this hurts too much I think to take I think we’re going to go with golden sword even though I like money uh our weapons are now getting a little bit more more Punchy thanks to the axes Let’s uh continue to try and smack them

Down in this direction need to go grab some extra water you only have to approach the well you don’t need to be doing too much in order to interact with this game which is actually quite nice it’s not too uh complicated when it comes to the controls which is very much

Appreciated actually all there we go a little bit of extra cash we get a good bit from from mining it seems I might want to go and do some more fishing as well though uh want to grab some more water there thank you let’s get through

Here try not to get hit don’t want to take any extra damage uh we’re down to just two uh potato seeds left we could upgrade our external Compass get some more move speed the even less water Capac I don’t think I can do that until I’ve got someone can help me with water

Uh the gust plus 15% pickup range plus 10% knock back might be nice though experience gain is huge very much like experience gain but I think we’re going to go with gust it’s got a a lot of levels and it has no drawbacks it’s it’s the safe option and

I know safe options are not the fun options necessarily but here we are all the same right fresh day started let’s pick up those gems and get in here ah fantastic got a pet uh pet I’m straight up going to take also pet the dog uh we’re going to take you you’ll fertilize

Crops increasing their yield very much like that by the pet also oh if I take this I can’t afford to do anything else sadly I would like more wood ax seeds I will take two wood ax seeds yeah two wood ax seeds uh we got radish seeds decent experience yield

Very short growth time we got wheat seeds even shorter growth time but so thirsty yikes um or cauliflower kind of middling I think we’re going to go with the radishes I’m going to buy as many radishes as I can and that would be good let’s have a quick uh update on things

We got one cow now we’ve got all of these items down here again I don’t know how many there are and I don’t know if there’s any kind of secret synergies between the weapons as with uh vampire surv survivors uh we’ve got minus on coin gain water capacity crop growth

Speed enemy spawns and enemy speed but we have actually got a lot more going on in terms of bonuses so I’m I’m reasonably happy with where our stats are going right now let’s get down here water the plant and then I’m immediately going to go and grab some more water

There we go go fast fast move speed enemy speed will also increase but not as much as mine Second Wind uh plus 0.5% attack duration per 1% of missing health I don’t like banking on missing Health personally increased enemy damage decreased crop thirst I like fire potion

I accept I accept mightily right let’s uh get down here water the crops thank you going to need our axes soon now the enemies are going to be getting stronger as time goes on so it is important to uh keep upgrading your weapons as you go uh

Right now this is a little bit of a PCH I kind of need to get back to my crops really but I really want whatever this is going to give me there we go I’ll come back for that in a moment and while we’re over here uh I don’t need the okay

I guess I’m taking the Apple regardless whether I need it or not right wood axe level one we’ve leveled it up good now we can get plus two amount so more wood axes and plus 10 damage or greater attack size and attack frequency you’ll notice that the bars at the bottom fill

Up as time goes on I would like more axes to be triggered uh it doesn’t seem to trigger around me more uh it just it still triggers in the direction I’m facing more than anything else uh would very much like to fish there we are nice

Big fish there all right we can get cultivator more crop yield very nice poker lower crit chance but better damage and attack frequency or plus 50% Effectiveness the future projectile speed Chang H that’s an interesting one uh but I think we’re going to go a cultivator that’s a very interesting one actually I

Like the uh the idea of that uh thankfully our animals are not subject to being attacked by the corrupted Critters uh which is good I would be very offended if they were attacking my pets but uh it also means that our animals are able to get uh quite a lot

Of work done for us as well uh attack frequency we can go for improved tools better planting speed watering speed watering range that would be nice and coin gain or 25% chance to gain an additional pet whenever recruiting one I imagine the two levels of this

Might give me 50% chance of getting a pet and they are expensive so yeah I’m going to go with that actually now oh there we go everything is done I believe the merchant is ready for us to go and say hi let’s uh uh quickly get up there grab some water say

Hello to the merchant no pets today pet the dog we are going to need to expand our farm absolutely let’s do that at least once now we’ve got a couple of other weapons this time we can get mole turret speed spawns a mole friend that shoots nearby enemies uh toad oil seeds

Leaves behind lasting zones of oil that deal damage o I like dots or Boomerang uh seed send out boomerangs in forward diagonal directions uh I am totally going for this and I will buy five of them sure in fact I’ll buy all of them now we’re going to look at the different

Types of seeds we got pumpkins large growth time nice experience yield but I think we want to go for grapefruit Max on the grapefruit there we go make sure that we’ve got our weapon seeds planting there we go let’s get a everything planted there and we’ve fully planted all of the crops m

Marvelous I don’t know if picking up the the apples when you don’t need it helps or not uh minus experience gain but coin gain and pickup Ranger increased attack size Shop prices no I think we’re going to go with uh wide plus 15% attack size also try and avoid the Scorpion boss

There the bosses much like in uh vampire survivors will drop chests if you slay them I really want to get to my plants I desperately want to get to my plant I don’t know what happens if you don’t uh manage to water them for a while can

Your plants die oh I’ve got my toad oil and we’re already leing it up marvelous attack frequency damage or attack duration and damage for a DOT I think attack duration makes more sense I mean both of them are pretty cool but uh I like this we’ve got uh more toad oil

Just being dropped every a fantastic I’m dropping puddles of of uh area denial plus 30% damage attack size 15 duration or attack frequency crit chance crit damage and overall damage uh I think this one having them last longer on the screen I think is uh more useful to me

Much more useful to me I would like more individual puddles as well if I could get them there we go let’s just keep you there if I can uh let’s do a little bit of fishing while I’m down here as well don’t mind the uh toad oil in the in the the pool

I’m sure it’s fine for the fish right we’ve got sloth move speed down no I dislike that uh mining speed and fishing speed down but plus three water capacity and plus 25 Max Health ooh let’s have a look what is my uh fishing and Mining speeds they’re not improved

Fish spawns are up where’s mining speed not improved so I would be losing on those directly um I think having the higher water capacity is better for me though and it doesn’t that that one doesn’t have many upgrade levels so I’m not expecting it to be too terrible the boss does not

Disappear by the way all regular Critters do but uh the boss the boss is just going to be lingering and causing you issues for a while you’re just going to have to live with it right let’s go and talk with the merchant the dog now you can get twin sides get lawn

Mower seeds sends a lawn mower towards a random enemy slows down after to colliding all the yo-yos do we want any of those I’m not actually sure that we do slices on both sides simultaneously while rotating around you this one being sent towards a random enemy that could

Actually be good I’m going to buy all of those uh got the wheat seeds the rad seeds the C cauliflower seeds I’m not a big fan of the wheat seeds right now though we do have a lot more water capability this time and they grow so very fast

But I don’t have that much money to buy the seeds so I don’t think that’s as important right if we have a look can I see what seeds I’ve got no okay well fair enough then let’s uh get the weapon seeds planted first and foremost and then start planting my regular seeds

There we go get back around oh mantises I disapprove of how strong you appear to be uh we will do our best but uh we’re not really getting through that boss very quickly I know but we’ll eventually manage it I’m sure right there we are let’s go grab these shimmy past try not

To get hurt too much thank you very much for the upgrade there right damage is looking quite nice Envy attack size is dropped but move speed and resistance are increased Apple spawns move speed we could increase this a little bit more we can afford the water capacity now or

Just plus pickup range I kind of like that one let’s grab that rather than continuing to upgrade something we’ve already got there we go let’s get back up here I would like to plant all of my plants before the night’s over Apple spawns knock back lower Max Health

Though or enemy damage crop thirst and I we’re going to continue down the fire potion route having less uh crop thirst is going to be huge for us I dislike the idea of increasing enemy damage obviously but uh right now I think it’s okay extra piercing and projectile speed

Would probably be good with this this one since it slows down once it collides with something but piercing will let it go through multiple enemies that would be very nice oh and again okay so more piercing attack frequency projectile speed damage attack duration um let’s go with this one might be able

To hit more things if the lawn mower we shoot out okay they are just spinning there does it go straight and then just start kening yeah it does starts spinning once it’s collider was something I kind of like that actually that’s kind of a cool way of uh of

Animating the idea that it’s slowing down oh there we go we got our chest let find out what we got got CLI multiple times okay elephant wat plant for us or Ciara applies fast grow to crops making them grow 30% faster that would be amazing but we definitely want the

Elephant that’s kind of a big part of our build uh all right let’s uh in fact the elephant’s going to go and deal with that which is marvelous if we can get a couple of elephants it’s going to be even better right do I want to grow things out we got

Toad oil seeds we want those I’m kind of tempted for the mold turret honestly this is expensive uh we’re going to buy the pet sure uh yeah we’re going to get five of those we’re going to increase our land and then we’re going to spend everything

Else on some crop now I don’t mind on the growth time at this point I want to just maximize for experience which is this we’re not going to get many of those sadly got the dog again right let’s go let’s get everything planted that we can and the last level of fire

Potion enemy damage is going to be a lot higher but I think this is okay let’s get crop thirst way down now all right this is going to work even better with the elephant helping out as well this is going to be pretty amazing for us and at

This stage I think we’ve got enough land so I don’t need to keep worrying about that and expanding our land I think we are actually doing quite well well the amount of room that we’ve got for planting the fish continue to get level UPS here there we are

Nice right nothing that we’ve already got minus on attack size not sure I want that actually let’s see attack size attack size is currently plus 45 which I’m very very happy with uh we could lose a little bit of damage though attack duration projectile speed attack frequency resistance attack size and

Attack frequency what’s our attack frequency is plus 20 what’s our resistance resistance is plus 10 might be worth it yeah we’re going to go with a big Shield I think that should help out let’s grab all of the coins we really need a a loyal Hound to help us gather

The loot everyone knows that retrievers are the best loot goblins uh attack size knock back attack durational damage or just a wall up of damage and uh attack fre see a toad do but toad doil I knockback doesn’t make as much sense for me so I’m going

To go with this one I think there we are I don’t know if uh there is any kind of Rhyme or Reason behind the the way the the stats they give you on each uh like level up but uh some of them might not make sense and or or maybe they they do

Make sense I just don’t understand it and maybe there is a block on adding a level up that wouldn’t make sense for the the weapon maybe more experimentation will reveal that but plus 10% planting speed and crop yield very very nice love some more experience from the crops that we’ve got hello oh

Got our toucan there I didn’t actually check what the Tuan did I just bought it it’s like God it’s a it’s a friend and absolutely I don’t you don’t need to be useful it’s fine uh you just need to be happy that’s the only condition all

Right there we go if you haven’t got happy bees and have you got bees are they just fuzzy wasps there we are I’m going to go ahead and uh just deal a bit of extra damage to the boss there while I’m on my way over P the dog

Now got bouncy ball seed Fairy dance orbits around while moving further away and then back inwards the Bonk Hammer Bonks away enemies dealing little damage or the bouncy ball seed bounces between enemies dealing little base damage but High Critical Hits and knock back well I don’t really do crit knockback would be

Nice though but uh I don’t really do crit what’s the TU do I don’t know what the tuen does damn it going to have to hope that we see another tuken um let’s have a look I think the Fairy dance seed might be the one to go for so I’m going to

Grab Max Fairy dance seeds and then we’re just going to pump everything else into definitely watermelon seeds oh they are expensive though I can buy one one of those and that’s it that that is actually can we get no we can’t click off that I feel that I oh no it’s 117 sorry

I was misreading that P the dog again me as well right okay let’s get out here and start planting everything we’re going to need quite a few things planted and our plant speed is actually now getting quite nice what on Earth are those things all right cap bar of cat attacks enemies

Damage skills with your level yes please help please help this this is scary everything has got far too many legs that I’m comfortable with way too many legs the token just seems to be chilling out Fairy dance level one okay damage attack size attack duration or projectile speed let’s go with

Projectile speed for something that flies out and then flies back uh crit damage plus is this just overall maybe it is maybe plus crit chance and attack frequency and knockback are overall stats that would make a lot more sense if that were the case cuz then it wouldn’t matter what

Weapon you got that stat on it might just uh balance out with improving another item attack size attack duration or yeah projectile speed I want the rotations to be nice and fast uh that’ll go along with my uh generally more uh kind of lazy dot build that I’ve got

Going there we go if I don’t have to go to the enemies to kill them then that’s brilliant they are when is the Fairy dance going to happen there we go just try and stay in the middle try and avoid any unnecessary dangers but I do need to

Get some more experience I feel that I’m a bit low on the experience front uh which I would like to fix if I could maybe go and fish I might help out a little bit uh maybe do a little bit mining as well so many lawnmowers I don’t know if

The enemies are already on their way or not they might be but uh I think you got a little bit of time so let’s use this time oh no they are here okay I’d like to go to the shop now hello uh do we want to upgrade our wood

Ax or our lwn mower or the Fairy dance oh have we M ah we’ve only got these items now okay so that’s locked everything in well the wood ax is barely leveled up the Fairy dance is leveled up decent amount um let’s go ahead Max that out I want

To oh can you only buy one of something yeah you can only buy a single uh type of weapon seed per visit it seems pumpkin seeds Max potato seeds after that maybe yeah Max those are too there we go the dark again right now we’ve got lots of

Stuff to plant crazy amounts I need to make sure that I’m planting the uh pumpkins before I’m planting the potatoes of course but uh we’ll make sure that happens golden sword coin gain and enemy spawns would increase but uh crit damage attack duration let’s have a quick look

At uh no crit chance has an increase that is purely based on the weapon okay that’s good to know fruit picker have we got an increase in apple spawns I think we do actually 35% but I’d lose Max health I’m not sure about that one I’m not sure that is a

Good tradeoff just yet right I need to get back to my plants cuz I got a huge amount of planting to do this cycle let’s try and get back up the the music is so so relaxed considering uh right crit chance crit damage attack size projectile speed I think that was

The one we’re going to go for I’m very big on the projectile speed uh with this particular weapon I feel projectile speed is where where we need to focus our attention okay we’ve reached max level on fairy down really the achievement it’s called Hey listen rude uh right damage crit chance crit

Damage and projectile speed or plus four I’m going to go with a plus four there I want a lot more fairies than I that that hurts a lot um 20 Max Health Plus 5 health regen I think that might be okay yeah we’re going to grab that let’s

Try and avoid unnecessary amount of damage it’s kind of hard though not going to lie right there we go Fairy dance actually did a good bit of damage to our enemies there that was that was remarkably nice I will be honest like okay let’s try and stay with the fairies

They are absolutely demolishing our enemies marvelous work let’s try and squeeze through the Gap that they opened there we go and now we’ll try and scooch up okay there we are we still have a load of potato seeds to plant thanks for the uh elephant helping out

There let’s go over to the shop since we now know that uh it isn’t reserving and okay the tuen plant seed amazing buying also pack the dog uh we’ll get some more farming plots I was wondering why all those plots were farmed but uh now we know uh we can get I think

The let’s get some direct damage like with us there we are uh raspberry seeds wheat seeds or the pumpkin seeds going to be the pumpkin seeds we’re going to go for okay good to go right let’s go and grab all of the cash of these fairies have been

Collecting for me my God we are now wealthy thank you very much fairies uh we are they are doing a solid bit of damage thankfully the cat is following me around and helping out with my immediate uh combat issues uh I really want to get to that chest though there we

Are another elephant or another tuken um let’s get an elephant to help with the two tukens uh wood axe there okay plus two amount definitely let’s go grab that want to be able to attack much more frequently the axes do a solid uh job of opening the path forward for me which I

Very much approve all damage attack size knock back knock back would be good the axe is my get out of the way I’m coming through weapon uh so I very much want to uh upgrade it along those lines right magnetize Gems or hunter gatherer crops growth speed would be down but I’m going

To go with hunter gatherer and then we’re going to head over here reach 50% or higher enemy spawns okay uh wow the fishing speed is now a lot faster yeah uh there we go let’s continue nice big bit of uh extra experience there uh crop yield Apple spawns minus

Three water capacity I don’t really need that that much anymore mining speed and Mining yield would be nice the improved pickaxe or dry season minus 25% crop growth speed but plus 50% Effectiveness to Future mining yield changes and future fishing yield changes maybe it would have been good to grab that way earlier

On uh I I think we’re going to go with I don’t actually grab the apples that much so uh improved pickaxe I think and to put that to work let’s get up here and uh start mining there we go get all the gems we can nice and dandy right let’s try and

Get away from all the enemies as well right time to go and grab a bunch of stuff right we can further upgrade jelly Max health it lows my resistance further Apple spawns and move speed and lowering my water capacity we’re going to grab you wood ax up definitely want

More amount I’m almost always going to take more amount unless it’s a really compelling reason not to jump packed enemies plus 20% enemy loot yield but more enemy Health uh jam-pack not jump pack imagine just launching themselves into the farm I mean they may as well pan mining yield fishing speed or knock

Back I think I want knock back uh we need to be able to clear the enemies out a little bit more aggressively I would say let’s go and just grab a little bit of everything top up my water extra wide would be nice uh actually at this point yeah we’re going

To grab grab the uh final Compass pet the dog more soil yes and which one do I want to upgrade I think all the lawnmower seeds and then even more soil and then we’re going to just in vest the rest into probably pumpkins again honestly yeah all rest

Into pumpkins okay good to go pet the dog again you’re my favorite customer right okay let’s uh try and get on top of this oh bloody centi peas really and what look like mosquitoes honestly never seen a mosquito in real life so I I really

Wouldn’t be able to tell you uh you know the the joys of living in a country where mosquitoes just they do exist I have been told that in some of the marshes they and bogs well we mostly have bogs which is basically a cold Marsh mosquitoes do live in the United

King but you most people will never interact with them they they’re not not as invasive a species here as elsewhere uh plus 0.5% damage per 1% move speed but I lose a load of resistance and enemies get faster Mining and fishing yield with the fish fossil or planting speed and watering

Speed these are no longer as important to me now that I’ve got p so uh fish fossil it is there we go I will help out of course but oh I really need the fairies thank you of course we’re going to be going with yeah we’re going to be going with

The more lawnmowers more lawn mowers better lawn mowers now you can mine and you can fish and you can do planting at the same time it seems which is actually quite useful uh more piercing this time I think let’s get uh the those lawn mowers able to go through more

Enemies before they have to uh before they cancel out o okay boss over there hello I don’t really want to get tangled in with you but uh all right let’s try and make our way up here past all of the Angry mosquitoes again I hope I am

Actually calling them right I I I think they’re mosquitoes but no idea really uh that’s kind of unfortunate no way no way around there I had to tank some damage all right let’s see about the pumpkins go fast enemy speed will also increase or I could go with pickup range

And knock back or knock back and attack frequency gust it’s going to be the one for me and do we have any of the other pumpkins ready to go uh I don’t think so let’s go grab some water and see at the shop uh I didn’t see any more seeds for

Us so I’m not too worried about that one time I think for us to upgrade our toad doil let’s get a little bit more more land to plant seeds in and how about we go for a long uh a shorter growth crop yeah sure we’ll get

A huge amount of uh of potato seeds here the tucans can help us out as well I know that there was some gold coins up top and I am going to go up there and grab those but uh first just want to kind of chill out down here for a moment

There we go can I get through here please and thank you oh that’s a lot more damage than I want stop hurting me okay I need to find some apples then quite badly actually my health is really tanking at the moment try and avoid everything there we go an apple uh I

Need to kind of hang with the fairies for a moment okay going through there it was a harrowing experience but we made it right occupy All 48 farming plots at once oh nice okay so I don’t know if maybe some of these will actually uh trigger based on those achievements

Planting speed crop growth speed crop yield but lower mining yield and fishing yield wouldn’t that just be going against what I’ve been doing this whole time um the fishing yield and Mining yield I mean I don’t have that much there so no I could just go with this plate mail

More Health per 1% resistance how much resistance I’ve got 30% resistance so that’s actually not too bad I could lower that resistance in exchange for more health and more health regen though and since I’m already investing in jelly I think I’m going to go with that it might not be the best

Play but it’s the play I’m going to make all right let’s see what’s in the chest golden retriever retrieves a loot drops for you or a cat to attack of course we’re going to go with a golden retriever I come on uh right more damage more crit damage

And more attack duration or attack size crit chance attack frequency and I think we’re going to go with uh this one over there I think probably uh level five is the limit for for things I don’t know though yeah it looks like it uh what a mess indeed uh let’s go with attack

Duration or attack frequency 35% attack frequency let’s increase the attack frequency of this one uh regen potion more regen just straight up a little bit lower damage but attack size crop yield and planting speed I don’t do the planting myself knock back mining speed damage lower fishing speed need I think I’m just

Going to go for the health regen frankly I don’t see a reason to make that over complicated look at all of the toe do this is glorious more toe doll please everywhere toe doll I want this area to be completely off limits to anything other than toads Fox Glove attack duration and

Crop yields that seems like a nice one or I can go with the watermelon lower Mining and fishing speeds but massive Health uh I may as well level out fully don’t know if there’s a a an advantage for doing that oh my Lord so much right

Let’s go and uh talk with the merchant can also help out with some of the watering o cat pet the dog yes uh can I buy more no sad uh all right well let’s go with the lawn mower at this point then Max those seeds out uh we will go

With go with the cauliflowers then the yam seeds that’ll be us for now let’s get back down here I need a little bit more health so hopefully that can help out a bit we are some more pumpkins as well more health and more health regen for getting the blood sausage or cracked

Apple spawns and knockback I don’t really think that was for us watering speed watering can range plus two watering capacity I don’t think that’s what we need no not with the elephants um I think blood sausage honestly I again I don’t see much reason not to

Reach 200 or higher Max Health was an achievement we just unlock nice oh I guess it actually says there I was looking at the seam achievements uh oh hello let’s uh not tangle with you shall we I think that might be not very good for my continued Health let’s get some

More knockback and attack frequency that will help especially with my uh the uh axe okay reach max level on the lawn mower turf management right we can have more amount more piercing or less amount more piercing uh projector speed attack duration attack size and damage 40%

Attack frequency think I have to go for that one I don’t think I can easily turn that one down uh we’re so late that the experience gain isn’t going to really help out um crit chance might though sure we’ll go with that we’ll start another another option there we

Really want to do some more fishing and Mining since I have invested levels in getting those the yields up from those so stands for reason to actually make use of that we I didn’t don’t think I ever actually went for the gold coins that I said that I’d seen earlier oh God

That’s a lot of damage coming my way uh let’s try and avoid it collect 20 apples in one run is that rare okay fair enough apparently there R enough to need an achievement for it which I’m all right with I suppose oh that’s hurting did I uh fall oh thank

Goodness that was a little bit more of a risk than I would have liked hello plants let’s uh help them out down here right pet the dog I would like the wood ax seeds and then I would like the radish seeds we’ll get all of those and

The yam seed and then the pumpkin seeds we’re doing quite well for money oh there’s the gold there was one was hardly worth me coming over for that oh well let’s uh help out with the planting hopefully we can kill the Scorpion quickly but there we are open the chest

What are we going to get more tukens uh actually yeah more tucans would be super useful cuz then I don’t have to worry about planting the seeds myself that’s right cats you get out there teach them what for uh mining I’m not sure that’s actually that useful for me

Anymore H well I’ve already got it so I may as well well level it up I don’t know maybe it’s going to have some cool unlock if we can level her up fully that would be nice golden retrievers out there getting all of the uh all the loot

For us definitely started to feel like maybe I should have gone with a cola Toad and had the extra mining yield that might have been uh a wise move considering how this run is has gone but uh I’m so happy that we I think Joe was

A better one to show everyone how the game works with rather than starting off with some with modifiers kind of the same way that I tend to like to play at least one run of a game in vanilla before I start tweaking the the difficulty or adding

Mods right there we go that was a lot of cbins my Lord right reach max level on the wood axe Off the Grid uh let’s have a look attack frequency yeah we’re going to go with that one we probably did not need all of those weapons but uh it looks like once

They’ve been planted you can just get regular experience for them this is so unnecessary at this point um in fact I I straight up think uh yeah we’re going to get push there’s no point in going for other things uh I I don’t need the the yield of those uh damage attack duration

Attack frequency but lower crop yield I think we can do that sure let’s grab the rest um sure let’s grab that one as well wow we got a lot of experience from all those crops it’s kind of wild we could continue increasing wide 25% planting speed crop growth

Speed crop yield no go with this one Tans are doing a fantastic job there the dog twice and then buy all of the final weapon seeds that we want I don’t know how many other seeds we’ve got frankly I’m not paying enough attention to them

Buy all of those buy all of these buy all of these me as well there we go I would like to be planting the weapon seeds first now I’m going to get involved in planting cuz I think only I can control what I’m planting this way I

Think the uh Tucan will just kind of plant whatever or at least that would explain the uh the odd numbers of some of the plants let’s continue getting around right tongue lash m more damage so I can clear the route in front of me uh attack frequency once again so I

Can clear the route in front of me oh my Lord uh Billy Bob plant 50 crops in one day okay that’s an interesting one uh tax siiz knock back very much fan of knockback at this late stage of the game where everything is tough and trying to stay alive is just basically accepting

That I’m going to be surrounded by enemies at all times uh attack frequency down there we could have gone for three but uh I think attack frequency was the better play oh we’ve got two bosses at the same time now that’s that’s that’s unprecedented and also unwelcome uh let’s try and get

To more of the seed planting over here jelly lower resistance again but higher Max health and I think right now kind of need that though uh honestly resistance to the damage that’s incoming might be the better idea I’m not entirely sold on the idea that I’ve made

The right call there but uh it’s the call I’ve made and I’m going to stick by it better to do something than nothing right there we go we are actually doing a hell of a lot of damage to the bosses so I’m actually quite okay with that at the very least right let’s

Uh get up here gather all the seeds that I can I’m going to need to help out the elephants with the watering as it happens so sure yeah I’ll buy uh buy an elephant there get some more of those going for more pumpkin seeds I’m nearly certain that the the

First time I played which was in Spring we had very different uh different seeds so it’s Pro oh God it is probably based largely on the the season that you’re playing in what types of seeds are being generated more elephants please that would be super helpful actually

Yeah let’s continue moving up get over to the watering I I am having to help out a little bit wow we have got so many elephants now oh this is marvelous this is fantastic in fact I can open a elephant Sanctuary uh attack size when an or is mined not useful to me

Experience and crit chance uh sure I’ll invest in that I could just roll I’ve got a free reroll just sitting there but uh I just like using what we’ve got okay campy bar crop grow my crops a little bit faster friendly campy bar there we go how are we doing through

The seeds we’ve still got a lot of the seeds to plant and to harvest tongue lash there we are maximum the licking I could have lived without that steam uh 40% damage attack frequency knock back I think this is where we need to invest right there we are reach max

Level on it uh we could also increase the mining yield a bit more I guess but I don’t really see a reason to um let’s go with beefy we’re not a good water of crops so there’s no point in trying to build into that now we have uh

We’ve spent the entire run trying to not have to do that ourselves uh pick up range and knock back I think is what we’re going to go for still I I quite like the uh upgrading guest there I think that’s very very useful effectiveness of future

Knockback changes might not be a bad one crop growth speed during the day enemy damage during the night really that’s kind of a cool one but I’m going to increase our resistance let’s have a look what our resistance it’s actually 10% this would reduce our attack frequency which is plus

40% but increase our attack size which is plus 90% yeah okay the beak Shield it is let’s hope that this helps out as much as I imagine it will we need to try and get down here where I can Harvest some more crops there we go oh wbo’s happening there we

Go I think you get an acho if there is a boss alive use to Wombo survive Autumn there we go we have unlocked Autumn to No Doubt all right Cho’s unlocked reach max level on Fairy dance that gives us 500 uh reach 50% or higher enemy spawns that unlocks the

Truffle frog okay occupy All 48 farming plot at once this unlocks the plotty Frog we’ve reached max level on toad doll it’s given us another big gem boost reach 200 or higher Max Health has unlocked Bubba frog is a frogge I’m reading as frog but it’s frog okay

Frog wow um LMO it looks like just maxing out the the weapons which gives you a bunch of gems collect 20 apples in one run unlock Dr hops FR uh 50 crops in one day unlocks Billy Bob uh that would explain the uh The Cho

Name all right not too bad I think we actually had a managerie of pets level 44 at the end uh what was our Max Health 235 not not bad and 45 health regen is that per second I don’t ooh this one Scrolls okay I didn’t actually notice

That before but it looks like you can just keep going all right bearing that in mind will be very useful in the future all right loads of gems are crazy am I guess those are kills maybe I don’t know but there we are we are back what have we

Unlocked we’ve unlocked something a kitchen marvelous all right ah I can purchase Foods I guess all right uh okay this is actually kind of cool I’m not going to invest in anything right now but it’s cool to see what we can unlock as uh as the time goes on I

Was wondering what those gems would be used for actually uh is there anything down here still no no I don’t think so anyway no uh what about on here this is just showing us all the aios let’s see how many we’ve got in total there’s actually a lot still to go

And is there anything out here that has been unlocked let’s just run all the way up and all the way back and we’ll see I can only imagine that as we get through the game we’re going to end up with some sort of meta progress Farm out here I’m actually quite quite excited

For that but that is going to be it for this first taste of pesticide not required honestly I’m I’m going to call her as it is when when you see something that that advertises itself as a bullet Heaven you immediately think oh is it another just another vampire survivors but I think

This game adds enough to really distinguish itself from its peers in the genre I really really enjoy this that it seems such an odd thing to add farming mechanics into a a bullet heaven but it works I really really enjoy this and I hope you did too again this will be

Coming out tomorrow on the 18th of March so if if you are interested in it consider wish listing it that is always a very very good sign for developers when their game has uh lots of wish lists and if you’d like to see a little bit more pesticide not required then do

Let me know with those lovely buttons down below but that is going to be it from me for now so until next time to take care Everyone A

Come join me in a cute, but frantic farming adventure in this charming bullet-heaven rogue-lite farming sim about frogs!


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#LetsPlay #PesticideNotRequired #Indie

Pesticide Not Required on Steam:


3rd party music attribution:
Music from
By Kevin Macleod (
License: CC BY (
End screen background music – “Frost Waltz”

End screen & character art:
Jackie Musto –


  1. Once more, my Venn diagram of doom has been triggered…

    sighs and adds the game to his wishlist

    But seriously, thank you for finding so many wonderful games to watch and/or play.

  2. 15:56 A little tip bro – You should always be buying the max amount of weapon seeds as they are the primary way you get stronger. They are absolutely the highest priority when it comes to the shop.

  3. Seeing how there is no limit to how many modifiers you can add to your build, the whole 'every choice reduces something' design decision makes a bit more sense, its their way to keep us under control, im still not a fan though 😐.

    Im greedy and i want all the things when i play those incremental bullet heck games and after watching this episode i assume the way to reach critical mass here is to sacrifice labor stats (max water, item collection range, crop growth speed, etc) for combat stats and then fix that with pets which, i assume, are unafected by those negative modifiers from our build.

  4. i´m sure it has been mentioned countless times, but Mignon is probably pronounced the french way, so it sounds like Minion – which would explain why they color schemed it like a Minion 😀

  5. And here at the beginning I thought "Oh, maybe this will be a famer about balancing the bug ecology instead of chemicals? Marvelous!" How off I was. Marvelous!

  6. I saw this title, i said this title out loud… it ahs been added to the wishlish directly. Looks like a really fun game and absolutely looking forwards to seeing more episodes.

    Also.. i do not know why, but wen i saw the way they typed frog something in me directly wanted to say it as 'Froggé'. Give a bit of a harshness to the calm game.

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