Everything New Coming in Terraria 1.4.5 (so far)

In terraria’s recent state of the game for  February Rel logic not only said that 2024   would be the best year yet for Terraria but  that next month they would be showing a big   new feature which is also why they decided to  not show off anything new in this state of the  

Game and since Rel logic has been talking about  2024 being the release year for 1.4.5 for a good   bit now alongside some odd wording with May  and spring in February state of the game it’s   looking like more than never that this update  is close to releasing so that’s why in today’s  

Video I thought it’d be the perfect time to  go through and take a look at every confirmed   feature that we have been told about so far  the first thing that was announced alongside   the 1.4.5 update was an official collaboration  between dead cells and Terraria and since that  

Announcement we have gotten a little bit more info  on what’ll be coming out of this firstly we know   that we will be getting mushroom boy as a Summoner  minion but that won’t end up being the only dead  

Cells weapon as red has already confirmed that he  wants a dead cells item for each class with this   one most likely being the Summoners one besides  that though we have this picture that shows off   a few things with the obvious one being the jars  that can hold items which is something from dead  

Cells but there’s also a new pickaxe the player is  swinging a new jug of purple liquid on the ground   and finally a vanity set based on the beheaded  there’s also a new item in one of the jars but  

We actually got to see it in another video and  found out it’s not related to the dead Souls   collab at all so I’ll cover it later on in this  video alongside the other new items arguably the  

Biggest feature in this update that we know about  so far is the ability to combine secret seeds this   will let us make up to 28 total seeds and some of  them will create totally new experiences like the  

Vampire seed that was shown off through this  SKF a Sky Block map and a shimmer Ocean Seed   and while this is a feature coming out in the  next update we can actually try it now kind of  

Back at the end of 2022 red decided to release a  custom map through chippy using this feature for   the jingle jam charity event the map was a mix of  for the worthy a modified version of the no trap  

Seed the celebration seed and finally the drunk  seed but it also has a special feature of half of   the world’s liquids being Shimmer including one of  the oceans chippy ended up putting this map up on   his Steam Workshop for a bit but he eventually  privated his entire Steam for personal reasons  

Because of this I re-uploaded an untouched version  of it myself to my workshop and I also have the   world file in my Discord server so that way mobile  users can also play it as well which you can find  

Linked In the description aside from the combo  secret seeds there are two other features that   are a pretty big deal which are spectator mode  and Hoppers right now in Terraria if you die   in a multiplayer World it’ll act exactly like  it does in single player where it freezes your  

Camera and makes you wait for a countdown timer  to finish but with spectator mode that won’t be   the case anymore instead you will be able to  switch between the different players in your   world until you eventually end up spawning  back in as for the Hoppers we got this video  

Which not only shows items automatically going  into chests but specific items seem to be going   in specific chests which will completely change  farming in Terraria while also making things way   easier there’s a really good chance that these  Hoppers will either be an item we put on the  

Chest or a wire related item but we don’t know  for sure as the video didn’t show us so that’s   why I grouped it up here instead of the section  with all the new items which is what we’re going  

Over next so far the thing we have seen the most  of from 1.4.5 is the massive amount of new items   starting with chicken bones developer armor set  which was shown off in this video and fits in  

Incredibly nice with the other developer sets  and along the same lines we also got a ton of   new paintings from different community members  also I want to give a quick shout out to waspy   who’s a creator of one of the new paintings but  he’s also a Terraria YouTuber who has a great  

Playthrough in the works right now so I’ll have  their Channel Linked In the description in case   you want to check him out those aren’t the only  new paintings we’ll be getting though as we will   also be getting a second r/ place painting which  will go along great with the first one we also  

Have the long awaited Moon Lord shirt so now we  can find finally wear a full moon Lord vanity set   after that we have the Shimmer gun which will  finally allow us to change our NPCs into their  

Shimmer forms without making a mess with Shimmer  and speaking of Shimmer we will be getting a full   set of ethereum furniture which will be a nice  touch for Builders after that we seemingly have   two new whips that were hidden in this image meant  to show off the new language options but we don’t  

Really know anything about them yet those aren’t  the only whips though as we have also gotten two   videos showing off new whips that go with the  corruption and Crimson biome there’s also one   other whip that we got to see in chippy’s footage  when he played with red which is this white whip  

In the hot bar another interesting weapon related  item coming is the magic yo-yo bag which will   allow your yo-yo to break off of its thread when  it’s thrown allowing you to get some range damage  

In we will also be getting the throwable mud block  as a weapon which can be seen in the video I have   on screen now going back to the evil biomes now  this update will also be adding in a feature to  

Place altars ourselves which will definitely be  nice for crafting a few things then we have two   new mounts that completely turn you into the  mount itself with the first one being a T-Rex   on the ground and a pterodactyl when flying and  the second Mount is one that’ll turn you into a  

Bat when you try and fly but this could also  just be an accessory item that turns you into   a bat under certain conditions like night we just  don’t know at the moment another two use F items  

We’ll be getting are the boomerang that can cut  down wood and the pet that can also cut down wood   which should make that process much faster we also  got to see another new pet and Critter which are  

The puffer fish and a pet version of it with the  pet version changing form depending on if it’s in   the water or not then there’s this frog and heart  accessories but we don’t know their names or what  

They’ll be called we also have the warding stress  ball which was added to make things like farming   easier and finally for the last 1.4.5 item that  we know about so far we have the TV which may  

Not seem too crazy at first but it’s actually  a monolith that will apply a CRT effect on your   screen when turned on for the next section of this  video let’s go over all of the changes coming in  

This update starting with all of the redesigns  in this update a ton of the game sprites have   gotten an upgrade like the banners boss Trophies  the Sun the Slime staff minion and a few other   things as well and while not a straightup redesign  something else we’ll be getting is the ability to  

See fish in the water while fishing which is a  nice touch the character creation screen will   also be getting an upgrade which is also where  we’ll be able to choose our players’s tone for   when you get heard a change that Builders will  really like to hear is that the rubblemaker is  

Getting an upgrade with this update allowing it  to place more things like presents and other odd   blocks that’ll work well as decorations phase  blades have been totally rewarded worked with   you now being able to throw them like a ranged  weapon and finally the last set of changes that  

We know has to do with the game soundrack as it’s  confirmed that we will be getting two new ones   the first one is one that will play while you’re  battling the Eater of Worlds and it sounds like this the other new soundtrack is for  the Twins and it sounds like this And finally for the last section of this video  I want to quickly go over what’s happening with   Terraria crossplay so far development on  crossplay has been going strong with Rel   logic sharing this image showing off various  platforms playing with each other alongside  

Another image showing off the world setting  for crossplay so it’s definitely coming along   nicely but Rel logic has already confirmed that  it will be something that comes out after 1.4.5   this may seem like a bummer at first and an odd  decision since they’re making 1.4.5 out to be an  

Insane update but it makes sense once you realize  that the ability to crossplay isn’t solely up to   Rel logic as all of the platforms like Xbox  and Nintendo also have a say in it which is   actually why it took so long for Minecraft to get  crossplay regardless though crossplay is for sure  

In the works and it’ll hopefully be here shortly  after the next update drops that wraps up this   video and while these were just everything that  was already confirmed for the update be sure to  

Let me know what other features you’d want to see  in this update I’m also sure I did miss a few of   the features here and there as there’s a ton of  things announced in different ways but this was  

At least most of everything thanks for sticking  to the end be sure to like And subscribe for   more Terraria videos like this in the future  and as always make sure to have a wonderful [Music] day

Recently the team behind Terraria made some hints that the next couple of months will be pretty big for this update, with spring possibly being a release date. So I thought now would be the perfect time to take a look back on everything confirmed so far in the 1.4.5 update

》Waasephi’s Channel
• https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZfbGogCowrC2aS8V1SVr_Q

》Reupload of the secret seeds combo map:
• https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2983770909

• Discord server: https://discord.gg/WY84yCmaJk
• All of my social media: https://solo.to/terrariaslime

》Become a channel member to support me:
• https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC82ssRNWqBkfEP-UhCGI0tQ/join

#terraria #gaming


  1. Im top 10 minutes.
    Now ill watch, btw im new, and my best loot was platinum/gold what, and how to get better loot?

    2. And what are cool active servers?

    Edit: Now top 20 (14) minutes cuz i was thinking what to type.

    Edit 2: Oh! And is the armor which drops from Soul, flying things from corruption worlds is good? it is demonic armour or something.
    6 points from boots
    And the rest i forgot.

    The twins will have awesome music. I have to have it in my playlist.

    Is Terraria playable on xbox or it is going to be because i cant get it from microsoft store

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