Exploring the random 1.6 patch notes revealed by ConcernedApe!🤓

Hello hello hello are we live can anybody hear Me hello guys hello hello hello I think we are heck yeah nice good morning star how you doing hello frog hello Jenny hello Ria Nana Jacqueline Alex welcome welcome how is everyone doing can you hear the sound okay can you hear music right now let me know if

You can hear music as well as my voice I want to make sure all the sound is good before we start the stream’s going to be a little different to normal you can hear it First time seen a stream hello Christina welcome welcome good morning Linda you can hear it nice

Loud and clear good good good so today it’s another Saturday we are back again with another stream can you believe it these weeks fly by and guys the update 1.6 star D Valley is around the corner can you believe it like what a few days on next Tuesday three days that is

Absolutely insane and one exciting thing is um concern ape has been given us one random thing from the patch notes nothing that’s like major spoiler but just a random patch note every single day leading up until the 19th and uh yeah we’re going to dive through them today because they’re quite interesting

And what I’m going to do is we going to take take a look at what they are that uh concern a is revealed and then I’m going to go into the game and kind of like see how it works compare the difference to like now and what it’s

Going to be so we will be playing stard valy later as well once we’ve gone through the patch notes we’re going to jump into uh my stream series that I did a couple of months ago and play some stard Valley just have a cozy one but first let’s go to Twitter on concern

Ap’s um Twitter page and let me see if I can bring this up for you guys also it seems to be giving them every single day around 5:30 p.m. my time so in NE about 20 27 minutes we should get a random patch note again revealed so

I’m excited to see what the new one’s going to be so let me just share this screen with you and hopefully you guys can see this can you guys see this so as you can see we’re on concer ap’s Twitter here um oh yeah let’s have a look at

This actually this is H this is awesome so of course there’s been the stard valley festivals that has been going around um I don’t think it’s all over the world but there’s a there’s a lot and um the main man himself does turn up to these which is awesome look at the

Legend here but there’s a little video here this is kind of cool can you guys hear thisat of the G [Applause] is this guy is literally a celebrity absolutely insane now do you know what’s quite interesting is the way they pronounced his name I always called

Him heric not herck Eric Baron but they said Bron after all this time like eight years I’ve been pronouncing his name wrong Eric Baron I’ve been saying oh Eric I’m so sorry mate I’m so sorry it’s Eric Bron oh my god did you you guys know that or is that just me being

Dumb did you did you guys know that Baron I can’t believe it Eric Bron well now I know so you know I can start pronouncing it um a lot better incredible okay so what we’ll do is so the first tweet that we got was here um concern ape said

Started working on the patch notes for 1.6 for I would share one random line about changes to fruit trees so this is quite exciting so if we click on this this is a random thing from obviously the patch notes is going to be massive

Uh when you read it in 1.6 and he kind of sharing just some random ones that don’t spoil the game but probably quite interesting to know some little changes here and there this is what he was talking about he said you know there’s lots of little changes and this is one

Of them we’ve got some more so cutting down a fruit tree now yields the appropriate fruit sapling if that fruit tree is mature and the quality is basic it will yield a sapling with the same quality as its fruit the higher the quality the faster the sapling will mature when replanted

So this was quite interesting took me a minute to get used to this and kind of like you know understand so I’m going to jump into the game right now uh can you guys see this hopefully sorry I have to mess around all the screens so here we go I also don’t want

To see that a second there we go um oh no the game’s gone give me a second let me reload you know what guys I’ve been having a lot of problems with um sty Valley it keeps crashing uh the mods are completely destroyed now so be aware if

You’re playing with mods and if you’re updating them because it is very very finicky I couldn’t get sty Valley to work for quite some time oh and there I’m actually it’s getting oh no the game is crashing again guys this is not good so I was having this problem

Earlier where I just couldn’t get sty Valley to work it kept crashing on me and I’m not even using Mons I’m literally just I’ve got pure vanilla and it’s still crashing it’s actually insane I don’t know what’s going on I hope it works when uh the update drops I I did

Fix it earlier but for some reason it’s it’s doing it again so I don’t know so sadly I won’t be able to dive into the game which is quite annoying um until I fix it so we’re going to go back through more of the patch notes I was

Going to go into the game and kind of like show you how these would work so chopping down a fruit tree at the moment just gives you wood and sap um let me get this back up I can’t believe that by the way I can’t believe that the game’s

Crashing can any of you guys confirm if you having this problem I’m really St Valley with no mods but I’m it’s just crashing on launch it’s so strange but anyway this was the first patch note so let’s just kind of talk about it rather than diving into the game so basically

Like I said at the moment when you chop chop down a fruit tree tree you you only get wood and I think a bit of sap um so this means once you place a fruit tree down it kind of has to stay there if you

Want to move it you’re going to waste a lot of money because you’ll have to regrow another one so this kind of is going to be good for the people who want to redesign their farm and move fruit trees around because from now on in 1.6

You chop down the fruit tree let’s say it’s cherry and you get iridium quality cherries on this fruit tree well when you chop down that tree you are going to now get an aridium quality cherry tree sapling and you’re going to plant that in the ground somewhere else so you can

Actually move it you’ve not wasted any money the only thing is you’ve got to wait for the tree to grow again but the higher the quality the faster it will grow um and then it’s going to start producing iridium quality cherries again so it’s going to be awesome that’s a

Great great feature yeah because fruit trees at the moment they’re not even that profitable you know they take a long time to start hitting profit they kind of one of them things you just need to plant in the ground and just leave leave them be and let them do their

Thing and earn money if we go into the comments as well someone did actually say um I assume this is meant to both reward players for investing in trees earlier and also allow them to move a tree when they decide to redecorate and concer said it’s only intended to help

People move their trees not provide not provide any economic benefit so the best Money Maker would be to plant your tree and never touch it again just like I said uh this just makes it less of a tragedy if there comes a time that you

Want to move this tree so I think this is awesome I think this is a great feature coming to 1.6 again just the little things you know the quality of life the little important things and that’s what a lot of these patch notes are when we get through them in a second

They are quite small but they’re quite like just you can the tension to detail it’s it’s amazing to see so let’s go on to another one this is where he said I’ll post a random non-spoilery patch note uh every day until the 19th so the next one the

Next one I just want to make sure you guys can see the screen as well a lot of you guys were saying your game was crashing as well you’re playing with mon no crashes though we got a raid oh did we get a raid oh there we go I’m so sorry Josh I

Didn’t even see that Josh’s gaming Garden uh thank you so much for the raid I really appreciate that hopefully you had a great stream share some love guys share some love to Josh love that yeah I don’t know why star valy is crashing for me I’m going to try

And fix it cuz I wanted to play on the stream later today um and what I did is I updated updated sppy and a few mods to get ready for the update but I just couldn’t get it to work it kept crashing so I I got rid of

All the mods I thought I’ll just play vanilla and it’s still crashing so I’ve tried everything hopefully we can get into it so let’s go on to the next one we got a screenshot here of the next patch note and this said fixed bugs where or fixed a bug where it was where

It was faster to harvest left to right then right to left now this is something I actually wanted to jump into the game and show because when I first read this I never really noticed anything different to what position you harvest so I actually went into the game

Myself when it was working and I I tested it I harvested crops left to right and then I did right to left and oh my God the speed difference is actually insane and I don’t know if you guys ever noticed this but if you actually Harvest crops from left to

Right it is so much faster like it kind of goes you harvest loads of like say berries then if you go to the right to the left it’s much slower so basically is rebalancing it where the right to left off is is going to match the left so it’s not going to

Be any slower it’s just going to be a little bit easier and better to harvest from the right to left it sound sounds silly but you know small details like this like I said I never really noticed a big difference uh and he said here as well

To clarify the update will make them both equally fast not equally slow so right to left will become as fast as left to right so yeah I did notice this when I tested it I couldn’t believe the difference it was a lot slower when you went from the right which was so weird

Right but it’s it was a bug so it’s got fixed let’s go to the next one have you ever noticed that Swinging The Sword downward puts you at a big disadvantage it’s always booked me but I had turned it that way or tuned it that way sorry uh so that’s the area of

Effect would match the visual but for 1.6 I decided that game feel is way more important than precise visual accuracy so now this is something I always did notice if you was in the school cabern especially if your character is facing uh downwards at an enemy let’s

Say a serpent when you swing your sword the radius is rubbish like you don’t seem to hit them you always seem to miss and they always seem to get you first whereas if you do fight enemies you know left to right sidewards you’ve got more radius and what he’s saying here is

Basically he did that intentionally just so it looked visually pleasing because obviously you when you swing your sword downwards you don’t want there to be like a big gap where the enem is getting hit but it doesn’t look like it so this this is the point where he’s kind of

Like he wants all the little things that bugged him personally fixed so basically if you’re swiping down enemies downwards the area is going to be much bigger and you’ll not be missing as much which is quite good uh extended the area of effect of downwards facing melee attacks

So yeah the area of effect is going to be now kind of matching left and right which is quite good and I always did think this I did notice that combat was quite hit and miss with the way the area of effect works so that’s going to be quite fun especially in school

Cavern I like that did he comment anything different on this one oh there we go did you have the same issue in the haunted Chocolatea and that’s why you’ve changed it after all this time or are the swords just visually bigger in her onto Chocolatea so for a choca I had

This in mind from the beginning and Drew the player animations in a way that should match with the hitboxes better and I’m being way more deliberate about making sure each Direction you face is equally viable but yeah I think I did C it did cause me to rethink stardew so that’s

Interesting he’s always said um that combat was his weak point in stardy Valley he was never fully happy with the way combat was in stard valy which I don’t mind it to be honest I don’t think it’s the worst I’ve played games with combat so much worse um so he’s decided

To re obviously on ha to Chocolatea is really improving combat that game seems a little bit more focused around combat anyway so because he’s got some experience he’s kind of moving that into stard Valley so we are going to see some changes I like it is this for every tool

This is for every weapon including clubs and daggers it doesn’t affect pickaxes axes so it’s just weapons okay so the area of effect with weapons is larger I love it it’s the little things guys it’s the little things it’s strange how shark is having crashing issues yeah I’ll fix it star

I’ll have to I was messing around with updates of mods and it’s a dangerous game I did get it to work but for some reason now that I’m streaming of course it’s uh it’s crashing okay um let’s move on to another one so by the way we are going

To get another one in 15 minutes I’m pretty sure he going to drop another one so the next little random patch note that is revealed is reducing the amount of time that you need to push against the pet before they start shaking and then let you pass through them so the

Minute it takes 1 and 1 half seconds uh but he’s reduced this to 75 so that’s kind of half right so if the dog or the cat is in the way and you kind of want to get somewhere you’d have to run in like run into them and the the pet would

Shake and then after a second or two seconds you’d be able to pass through them it’s speeding this up so you can kind of run through animals or pets sorry a lot faster so they don’t get in your way as much you know quality of life sometimes dogs my dogs on stard

Valley do get in the way so I like that yeah be able to just run through them I wonder if it’s the same for like running through people you know because if you’re like kids or your wife or husband get in the way you can kind of do the same thing

You can kind of run through them and then eventually you just like teleport through them I wonder if it’s the same or is that always been faster than pets and that’s why he’s reducing it you just opened your year six farming vanilla and it worked fine mine oh God

It’s just me then the update is releasing on Tuesday so three days today I already have uninstalled it and reinstalled it so I don’t know right let’s read another one shall we this in fact this is the last one this is the last patch note that we got

This was yesterday like I said there’s going to be a new one very soon and I was wanting to get in the game and kind of like compare these like show you how fast it takes to run for AET uh and facing enemies downwards and I was going

To show you how they are now and how compare how better it’s going to be so the one we got yesterday was this spouses now have a 7-Day honeymoon period after marriage which prevents them from laying in bed all day due to being upset so if you’ve just got

Married but you’ve not gave your partner any attention and they get upset and then they’ll go and sleep in bed all day not talk to you and kind of be grumpy even though you’ve just been married no longer going to happen guys so for seven days your spouses are going to be happy

They won’t be in bed all day being upset they kind of going to be enjoying married life which is nice which is nice by the way just these little things that we’ve got here like you know this one here with the spouses I think we’re going to

Get some changes to kids I I think it’s going to happen what do you guys think do you think we’re going to get any changes to kids just little things like this say to me that maybe we do you know if your spouse is no longer lay in bed being upset

After you’ve just been married that’s tension to detail there is very very slow not not slow sorry I was reading something else there uh it’s very minor this one so I think kids could be improved on I mean whoever’s upsetting their spouse just after marriage what are you doing H what are you

Doing has he said anything comments to these oh yeah a lot of people are wanting this aren’t they been able to marry Robin but she’s married to Demetrius so why are people asking for this I don’t I don’t get it and other people are like they laid in bed all day because obviously

You’ve got to upset them either like not talking to them not giving them gifts you know I think if you don’t speak to them for a while they do start just lay in bed and hate hate their life I don’t think he said anything on this one though sometimes you check the

Comments he does reply to other things did we do on theet one no a lot of people are still saying children as well I know a lot of people want the children to be worked on so I’ve got a feeling that we might we might oh look at this someone’s running

Through their pet lot and they’re stuck so hopefully this fixes the issue where you can now run through them faster I don’t know it’s always interesting to see what people are are running into problems so I’m going to keep refreshing this uh in literally 10 minutes time guys we’re

Going to see a new one a new patch note I wonder what it’s going to be maybe it will be something to do with kids that’ll be exciting oh my god well in a couple of days time we get to actually jump into the game and see the full patch note

List but I want to stay on stream until we see the new one at least oh I really want to get into the game I think what I’m going to do is just try and get it working I’ll put you guys onto like this screen uh I might give you some music

All right I’ll give you some music cuz it’s a little quiet and let me just try and mess around with um stard Valley here I really want it to work I want to get into the game and play I don’t know why it’s crashing on me if

Anyone’s having the same problem let me know how to fix it because the update is coming soon if I can’t play St the valley I’m going to be so upset please don’t do that to me no way right let’s uh let’s put some tunes on she’ll play some stardy Valley Music I think

So I think so what should we play um oh can you guys hear that this I think I’m going to shuffle it though if I do playlist stard Valley and we’ll Shuffle there we go if you guys can hear that a little bit of music let me know if it’s too Loud but what I’m going to do is I’m going to try and fix my stard Valley because it’s crashing like I said and then we’ll keep refreshing Twitter and hopefully we see the new patch note released from ER uh well concern 8 and uh we’ll find out what the new one is

Just let me know if that’s too loud not for you guys before I have a tinker with my um my game sounds perfect good good uh was that James with the two months howdy guys money on patch being shark his game has been updated to 1.6 to show everyone imagine yeah I don’t

Know today it’s been working fine today I was doing some tests and it wasn’t working kept crashing as soon as I go into the main menu which is very frustrating but I was trying to update my mods so right let me let me try and mess around with this

Guys give me two seconds I’m going to see what the problem is I’m going to quickly uninstall the game and install it Again I don’t know why it’s doing this I hope I fix this in time Jenny welcome to the family thank you for becoming a copper shark I really appreciate that welcome welcome if you guys are on Twitter you keep refreshing as well in case I missed

The new tweet coming I’m suspecting in 7 minutes time uh 5:30 5:30 my time usually is when he’s been dropping these patch notes so do let me know and we’ll dive into it together and we’ll have a little look oh yeah this is done I believe uh I have just had a video upload as well yeah video went live right I’ve reinstalled St let’s see if it works let’s get into it I want to kind of show off these uh patch notes like the old version like the current state of it to compare the difference so

Please please work you know what I was testing this just before the stream and I was fine I had no problems it’s so typical you might hear St valy load up let me have a little look here all right so far so good let’s load we don’t want this s on what the

Hell is that there we go we’ll have this one on oh guys so far it’s not crashing oh this is good come on I think I’m In it’s loading yo okay okay I think I’m in the game let’s go baby so if I do let me switch over to the screen for you Guys oh here we go here we go so in fact what I’ll do is I’ll turn yeah that music’s off so we’re in the game we’re not crashing and I think what it is is because I’ve removed all mods but look I’m still married to jod I

Shouldn’t be cuz I’ve not got the mod in so jod shouldn’t even be here I don’t know what’s going on um yeah look a room is all disappeared I’ve had to remove every single mod so Jody’s room’s gone it’s empty it’s kind of like I’m not married

But I am and she’s not even moving she’s just staring at the kitchen guys I don’t know if this is like should I talk to her and I feel like I might crash Jody hello are you alive I’m marrying a ghost this the ghost of Jo oh she’s

Moving okay I mean there we go she’s still doing her thing interesting but here we go so let’s start off with the fruit trees so one of the patch notes was from now on if you chop down a fruit tree we are going to get the sapling for it so you can move

It so at the moment let’s just say this cherry tree these are iridium quality so very good quality fruit because they’ve been here established for quite some time if we chop this down we get nothing in return other than wooden sap and now this cherry tree has

Gone but in 1.6 we will be able to get a sapling a tree sapling which is matches the quality of the fruit so an iridium quality sapling and then let’s say I want to move it over here I just put the sapling in the ground plant it in a

Couple of days or weeks I don’t think it’s as long as it normally is like the full season depending on the quality uh the higher the quality the faster it will grow so this is quite good we can move trees basically you just have to regrow them a

Little bit so that’s that’s quite good cuz at the moment we don’t get nothing for it dogs our dogs in the chicken goop here this is how fast it takes to run for a dog right now are you ready let’s teleport for him okay can of move come on what you doing

Buddy he’s not really in the position oh he see him shaking there so he’s bouncing and then you can eventually run through him but he’s being funny come on come over here a little bit there we Go he’s so Derpy the dogs are crazy right so we’re kind of pushing him everywhere now he moves no problem guys it’s fine so anyway they’ve just sped up the time of how you can get through them but I as you can see you can eventually get

Through them right that’s that one what other one was there it was uh combat uh uh the original Steph squirrel with a seven months hey sh fam hello hello welcome thank you so much for that 7 months wow that’s insane support I appreciate that right no patch notes yet I’m just

Checking I’m just checking what is the dog’s name you know what I forgot this one it is Buddy here we go little buddy should we go to let me get the sword I’ll show you the new patch note with uh fighting enemies they’ve obviously changed it a little

Bit do I have any any yeah the Galaxy sword let’s try that well guys we’re going to get a new patch now in 2 minutes I think come on what do you think it’s going to be I hope it’s something to do with kids please give us something with the kids

That would be the best I’m going to go over to school Cavern and we’re going to fight some serpents I’m going to show you how the combat works at the moment with the facing down like this so this is what the patchet was talking about fighting

Enemies in this position is not not as good because the radius is a bit it’s a bit off compared to fighting like this and they’re increasing it so you shouldn’t struggle as much in the uh the mines or the school Cavern when you’re facing enemies uh downwards cuz you do get a little

Disadvantage you’re refreshing every minute I love it I love it yeah do let me know Shaney if you see anything one minute left uh let’s kind of put my sword near me uh so I think it did say swords only I don’t know if it’s every weapon but he specifically mentions swords

So yeah I’ve got loads of batteries up there that’s my solar panel Farm up in the desert there’s no enemies here where are you I want a serpent cuz they’re the ones who are quite fast and it’s quite hard to fight oh there we go so at the

Moment if you fight sidewards like this look at the radius you can swing and get a good radius on them but if you are facing downwards like this it’s just it’s just not as good they have to get really close to you to actually be able to hit them

Facing upwards as well maybe or is it just downwards well the radius is going to be a lot better so this is going to be amazing I love it cuz sometimes they can be like invisible you’re swinging and they just don’t get hurt oh guys I feel like it’s 7 oh it’s

5:30 I think we’re going to get a new one let me check let me check oh my god do we have a new one oh nothing yet come on come on ape don’t do this to us give me a new one I want a new patch

Note what else was the on the list that we missed um oh yeah it was the marriage one right but we can’t really test that because you have to get remarried and there’s a 7-Day honeymoon period apparently so they don’t sleep in bed all day and get upset they’re going to

Be for 7 days so we can’t test that what’s this music it’s lovely o Don’t Call Him ape why that’s that’s his nickname a lot of people call him ape oh nothing yet yesterday’s tweet went out at 5:30 p.m. my time which is now um so that’s been 24 hours

You love my bus area let me give you a little tour shall we I have decorated the whole valley and this uh this is my endgame Farm by the way I’m like I don’t even know what nearly 40 years in uh yeah I did do a video on this I designed

Every area to make it look nice and pretty hi Brandon how you doing buddy I’ve done the whole area there’s um can’t zoom out any further what song is this this song SL laps I agree what is this oh this was junim Moart the title the main title theme that is such a good song by the way wow I like that one right refresh I’m refreshing Twitter nothing yet nothing yet so yeah I kind of redesigned the whole Area we’ve just gone through all the patch notes revealed so far from concern date we’re getting one every single day up until 1.6 on Tuesday we’re waiting for the next one that’s going to go uh hopefully tweets out very very soon and then we’ll go for that one

Together what would you guys like to see on this patch note what’s the like a little sneak peek nothing that’s going to spoil the game you got to remember there’s nothing spoilery it’s just a random thing um that might give you a little bit of a like oh yeah I’m glad

That’s in what what would you guys guys like the most to see a little sneak peek of I feel like kids we might not get anything about kids cuz that might be a spoiler I don’t know what is going to be the next patch note random

Thing why is there a movie theater cuz when you’ve completed the game um you get the chance to turn the abandoned JoJo Warehouse into a movie theater that’s if you’ve gone with the normal route of community center if you go with JoJo you can have the movie theater replace the abandoned Community

Center you think something about cows but what what would you want to change about the cows winter clothes uh it’s not a spoiler because we do know we’re actually getting um winter outfits just going to keep uh refreshing Guys oh is is it’s like he knows he knows I’m waiting I’m going to finish streaming he’s going to go boom tweet I’d like permanent faster walking or a super coffee that lasts longer I mean the espressos do last for a couple of minutes um they’re not too

Bad but also this is why I like putting paths down like I have done in town because with the espresso you walk so much faster on this you can see my character walking quite fast this is just an espresso no mods vanilla and paths and I feel like I’m walking quite

Fast well look at this area I love this little area oh don’t want that cheese who wants to come come on a date with me guys come and join me on the phone let’s have a date which option would you go with would you go with the

Table with the cheese on it or the Fresh Salad H tweet has no he hasn’t don’t you don’t do this to Me oh my God guys we got a new one let’s go let’s go are you ready for this I’ve not seen it I’m kind of I’ve changed the screen I’ve changed the screen here we go so let’s read it we’ve got something about jelly and pickles oh

My God jelly pickles wines and juices are now colored based on the Griz come on this is so good look at the eye guys now this is such a little detail for me but I love it if you make something that’s ancient fruit it’s going to have its own color this is so

Good I actually love this one guys look at them they’ve all they looks so different because at the moment let’s I mean we can take a look should we comment what should we comment guys he might be there he might might respond to us this is actually I’m I love this one

This is one of my favorites here this is like so simple but just quite a good little feature cuz if you make some wine they all look the same other than the name but now they’re going to be color matched this is so good depending on the

Ingredient they’ve used this is such a little detail but I know I’m so excited about this but honestly I actually used to use mods just for this cuz there is mods out there that actually does this thing oh my God this there’s going to be so much to this 1.6 all these little Details it’s the little things it just is though it literally Is there we go so good so if we go into the game right now we can kind of check the Sprites and we’ll we’ll we’ll show what I mean you all know what they are but it’s just good to compare you know cuz I can’t

Wait for it I really can’t wait for it I don’t know if his um if he’s saying anything sometimes he replies to people they’ll ask some questions I mean what is all this about here I mean people just spamming stuff in there but a lot of people seem

Excited about this look at you guys go people are loving this he’s not replying to anyone though love it if he replies cuz some people might ask more questions about it and he he does sometimes share a little bit more uh and I’ll keep you posted on it so

Right now I think I need to spawn home I think so this it did say specifically right um wine jelly and pickles nothing else right so right now look pickled reddish we got some random juice and wine every time you make this it’s it’s just always

Going to be the same it’s all purple other than the name but let’s say we made uh I don’t know tomato juice it’s going to be red which is so nice I love that such a good thing I was just thinking I wonder if it’s like with honey as

Well would that work with honey because all the honey is the same but if you Ed like specific flowers it might change the color of it or like at least the label maybe I don’t know I think it is just these three though pickles juice

Wine oh and jelly but we’ve not got the jelly I don’t think I’ve got any yeah there’s nothing else is I mean mayonnaise is just mayonnaise it’s you know I love it what do you guys think to that one the fact that we’re getting so many like little little things like this I

Think there’s going to be loads more to it you know what I mean like it’s absolutely insane I’m glad about that one that’s that’s my favorite one so far though that’s my favorite one so far love it guys I was just looking to see if you replied to anything or gave

Us any anything else but there is going to be two more we do get two more there’s going to be one tomorrow and one on Monday and then of course the update is going to um it’s going to drop so let’s uh let’s close this off now we are

Spoiled so I think what we’ll do that’s all the patch notes that we’ve got so far like I said we can’t show off tomorrow so we’re going to dive into my stream series hopefully it all works I did use a few mods on there but there

Was only visual so we’re going to have to kind of remove those cuz right now mods aren’t working for me so yeah if you want to stick around and watch me play some stard Valley a little bit keep talking about the update get excited about it we’re going to jump into my uh

Perfection series I started the we’re still in the first year so we’re quite fresh but will be continuing it in 1.6 as well so let me just uh get into that guys and we’re going to continue and stream for a few hours and have some fun so let’s go let’s go to the

Title let’s load up this one I hope I don’t get any problems if I do I have been experiencing crashing so if I do have any of that I might just have to end I’m sorry so hopefully no problems though so far so good right we are already

Here so what I’ll do is I think we’ve got music on yes so I’m going to close off this music now there we go you have milk a camel not easy no never hey we could get camels in the 1.6 you never know you don’t think different colored

Honey would make sense yeah all honey looks the same right I was thinking maybe more of the the label the label could be color matched uh Polly how’s Alice and the kids uh we’re all doing amazing Polly yeah Alice is fine kiddos are doing good finally no more

Illness we’re not uh wasting time here or we no there’s Smur Frost there he is level 21 planter let’s go if it does crash maybe we could place traveler’s rest yeah that’s true we could do that actually well some honey is lighter and darker that is also true yeah what’s

That um the honey begin with m is it Mur I forgot to what’s what’s the it’s meant to be really nice but it’s quite dark begins with an M anyway oh foodie Manuka that’s it Shan here um you’ve just mentioned yeah checking oh yeah look at this we’re

Still in Winter a few more days left so we do have uh I’ve got something exciting to share actually so our very special rare slimes here they’re still alive thank God Flubber which is Green is is our first or she is our first slime and Bluey

These kind of spawned on the farm one night and never disappeared they are basically Immortal it’s clearly a bug and a glitch I hope 1.6 don’t kill these I’ll be so devastated but I’ve actually got um I’ve made some basically a t-shirt specially designed around Flubber and

Bluey just for fun you know cuz I feel like this special they’re so suppos like so rare and you guys were asking for it so I’ll spam it in the chat you can just have a look you don’t need to obviously get it um but take a look at that that

Design I made them myself Flubber and Bluey together and you can rock them on a t-shirt let’s go these are so nice look at these two slimes best friends if ever one like if something bad happens to one of them I might have to sacrifice the other you know they

Can’t they’re inep Inseparable yeah together forever one goes the other goes I can’t I always I was shocked that we just got one the fact that we got two is absolutely crazy I don’t know why that happened by the way either I don’t know why they

Never died not sure what kind of bug that is I’ve never had that before but let’s Harvest all of our Oak resin here we’ve got loads of loads of these I might have to start selling them for a bit of cash a winter seeds are in the ground oh guys

I can’t use mods because it’s broke and look I can’t have the uh the UI info sweet I can’t see how long they’ve got left I love that mod oh it’s quite bad not having that but it’s all good got some eggs and there’s our void

Chicken we did buy some animal food I’m sure we did in the last one I need to double check hopefully they’ve got enough to last for the next couple of days ooh they might do they might do did we end up selling one of the Void eggs yes we did we’re fine

Bash let’s go sort the cows out you got the gold hoodie so awesome warmer cozy I love that Jacqueline thank you so much if you did ever buy any merch please do let me know the quality and stuff because obviously it’s it’s my new merch so I do appreciate the feed

Back you love that Grove of trees what you mean the oak resin I mean it’s nothing pretty I kind of just put them together it was for the kegs right let’s milk these uh is oh is Festival it is yeah it is it’s today let’s go do that quickly the winter Star oh look all this large milk they giv us now that’s so good first time seeing uh your new stuff going to get one on payday I love that Nicole thank you oh got some wormies up here wories oh Brandon while you’re here by

The way I was going to ask how would you like to be a mod obviously with all of your support you’re literally a a living legend on the channel there’s no pressure you know literally all you have to do is just if you see a bad message you delete it

There’s there’s no it’s quite easy laidback there’s no pressure being a mod we have quite a good Community here so we never really bump into any problems but I just thought maybe you could be a part of The Mod Squad you know you’ve gave me quite a lot

So I thought it’s only fair that you join the team you know then there’s no pressure you have to join every stream you know there’s no schedule you just join whenever you can robbing the gift thank you so much Shen you have just reminded me what

Would I do without you guys we bought oh yeah we’ve got it the spaghetti yeah is this this is for Robbin right yeah let’s go and give it to her then where abouts is this um it’s just in the normal town Right as much as I would like it I’m unsure about how long I can even be on hey there’s no pressure Brandon you honestly even if you just join for 5 10 minutes it doesn’t matter uh it’s just me giving something back to you for all

Of the support and you know all those crazy gifted that you’ve been doing I just thought maybe you can have that mod label you know here we go though here we go let’s check the shop this is I love this Festival by the way it’s so festive and Christmasy I love It so good I’d buy the tree but it’s so much money in that case sure I love it there we go like I said there’s no schedule no pressure at all I’m not going to I’m not going to shout at you for not joining you just join whenever you can or

Whenever you would like to so there we go I’ve just noticed there was an option I could that must be new when I make someone a mod you can either make them a standard mod or a managing mod so you can kind of make some mods even more powerful that’s

Crazy they can do more stuff I guess that’s new YouTube pulling it out YouTube are killing it right so um give Robin a secret gift yep of course let’s I haven’t done this Festival in a long time it’s been a while so we just choose it spaghetti you

Guys told me she loves this so I’m just believing you guys if she hates it it’s on you oh there we go so it was you a spaghetti thanks oh guys put put your suggestions in who has gave us a gift is that right oh there we go there she is it’s

Haley I think was it so there we go so I’m your Secret Gift Giver this year cheers ay what did you give me hope it’s something good pumpkin pie I’ll take that let’s go nothing fancy but it’s the best I could could afford doesn’t jod love

Pumpkin pie I’m sure she loves a pumpkin pie guys I can give that to jod right now well we have to leave the festival but I’m sure this is a she loves something pumpkin or is it pumpkin soup oh no how do I not know this Jody’s my

Favorite do I even love you Jody oh so I don’t think think there’s anything else we could do here right that’s literally just a festival yeah it’s not a very big one it’s just the secret Santa which is kind of cool Aly my guess yeah yeah I thought there was

Going to be like a buildup but she kind of just came straight there talk to everyone I’m not really focusing on the um the NPCs though and the hearts just yet I’ve got so much to do and it’s not really you don’t really get much from

This this can come we’ll do all the festivals again next year and I’ll spend more time talking to the people but you know we’ve got to get them bundles done for the CC we are so close you wish they could get recipes from the secret Gift Giver that’ll be

Nice yeah so instead of giving you the like say the pumpkin pie she gave you the pumpkin pie recipe that’s not bad Mr key make it at least 25 I’ve got a mounted of money to send you we need that right now so we did actually in the last one unlock the bus

Right we can get to the school Cavern the desert oh look guys we’ve got a male slime right it’s blue let’s try and breed Flubber and Bluey they are both female come on come on the last stallion we tried to put in there wasn’t a stallion and um it was in fact fat

Rubbish he didn’t do anything come on there we go he’s coming in right we’ll leave to it I need to stay in there stay in there please oh no let’s I need fence I’ve got to see if they make any babies my mouth’s just glitched

Then if we wake up to baby slimes oh my God we take a few just in case I go wrong the only thing is we’ve not got much time and he’s going to disappear I might have to stay up until 2 a.m. okay they’re in they’re in Copper

Pan spot as well lucky ring luy ring I dare you oh could have would have but didn’t oh there’s another one over here should we put two in there double A chances don’t hurt me wories right I’m going to try and get this one over there as well oh there’s a

Bat though come on you might pass out he’s angry he looks more like a masculine slime come on oh my God Brandon with a 50 oh he’s doing it again just because I made you mod that wasn’t an invitation to do more oh my God thank you so much for

That that is absolutely insane oh just as I try and get the slimes in here sorry come on oh is it ah ah I’m going to die oh no they’re all escaping get in here you little boogers come on come around the skeleton yes we got two males in there Brandon

Thank you so much it cannot be stopped it’s literally I really appreciate that you literally did it last Saturday oh my goodness to everyone who’s just received that um gifted membership please give some love and say thank you to Brandon absolutely huge I I always run out of stuff to say

Now I just can’t thank him enough I don’t even know what to say anymore the man the myth the legend yeah oh we passed out never mind thank you Brandon man thank you so Much you make me feel like an impostor like I don’t deserve it but I do really appreciate your all that you do though that passing out for you Brandon yeah it was right what do we get here Gus has got was um oh yeah the albore right let’s check the

Slimes did we have any babies with the two Immortal slimes that we got flber and blue if we got a little baby that would be insane they just have quite long enough to to mate so no none of them had babies they’re males see this is the thing all the

Slimes disappear when you go to sleep and wake up these two never do what is going on what is wrong with these two why do they not die guys I’ve never seen anything like it they are oh my they’re like Brandon they’re Legends but I want babies though we want

More tonight we’ll try and find another male and we’ll do it earlier cuz we need to kind of as soon as you go to sleep you know they’re just going to die so the males that is got some wormies over here wormies I hope there’s nothing that we need for

Winter we’ve only got a few days I think I got all the fish um let’s just double check the bundles again oh it’s travel lady day I’m so used to seeing the UI info sweet mod up here it’s uh it’s not there guys we need the M’s died Emma so

Normally any monster on the farm that spawns at night night in the morning will disappear but our two slimes that we have got don’t seem to die they they kind of glitched um that’s why they’re so special Flubber and Bluey I was hoping that we got some babies out of there

That might stay but e e either way here we are look we need a truffle and the rabbit’s foot this would be amazing if we could find one of these because we don’t have any pigs we don’t have any rabbits and we need money to raade the coupe and the barn

So come on it’s not a good start is it no nothing oh it’s so frustrating we are going to have to this is literally the last two we need it’s crazy cuz we did the Vault and we did the fried egg so it’s literally the last two so

What I’m going to do is we need money I think we should maybe upgrade the coupe to get the rabbit can you guys confirm how much we need to upgrade the coupe to the deluxe cuz we’ve currently got the big right let’s just double check I think we

Should do the coupe first cuz it’s cheaper how much do we need let’s get that rabbit had to reload the stream wasn’t playing anymore is it is everything okay now is the stream is it is it running good 20K oh we still need a bit more money then thank you guys thank you

Thank you okay so I think we should put a shifted fishing in today um Train I kind of don’t want to it’s rubbish but maybe we’ll go maybe we’ll go we might get something I’m going to sell this Oak resin a bit of cash we’ve got loads in the chest as well we don’t need that we don’t need that um I’m going to do some

Fishing I’m not going to with the train let’s let’s face we’re not going to get anything store things away let’s take a coffee we’ve got the rod we’ve got bait we’ve got uh equipment let’s go oh hold on a second as well didn’t we need the um the desert

Fish no we got it I thought we needed the Scorpion cart but we didn’t we did it the crab we still need the crab all right let’s go I didn’t do the cows that uh we’ll do them later yeah if you did at the start of

The stream we went through all the patch notes from concern dat the ones that he been revealing to us this will be going up as a video afterwards so I’m guessing people can see that there’s the train it’s still here this is a long one oh look it’s the bear the raccoon or

Whatever he is so many worms up here oh this one’s open we might get some animal food come on animal food that’s what it looks like Anyway nothing oh what’s this one cool cat so that looks like um concern ap’s logo I always like seeing the graffiti on the trains it’s

Cool you might get some Secrets as well can’t see that what’s that l l Choo Chu was here oh got some Stone oh you’re so kind oh no look at all this and we got the lepre corn shoes wow it’s not as good as ours though but that’s pretty

Cool the best thing we’ve got from there so far cheers train they like green beans they did I agree right let’s just do a bit of fishing let’s get that cash up we need 20K for the Coupee upgrade so and bear in mind we are on hard mode where profit

Margin is is halfed hared so it’s really hard to make Money shoes for St patties isn’t hold on isn’t St Patrick’s Day isn’t that tomorrow actually am I right is that tomorrow or am I uh thinking of something else I’m sure it’s tomorrow St Patrick’s Day thank you to ever gifted me a membership you angel that would be Brandon

Snooch yes 17th it is oh my God we’ve just got the the leprechaun shoes the day before that is insane sa B there I thought it was tomorrow this the sturon we need a fish pond we do have a sturgeon in the chest at home oh it’s

The link God you know what it’s weird it’s weird seeing the Sprites of the fish now um I used the mod for so long where all the Sprites changed even the weapons and stuff and these are actually what the icons is this what the icons look

Like what I’ve not seen them like this in so long because I Ed the mod that is insane you know We should put on a leprechaun outfit yeah we should actually I mean we got the shoes now let’s go you know what though I wish the shoes in the game actually looked like the Sprite I know they just at the moment they just changed the color but imagine

If they actually look like the shoes so you’d see the style that’ be so Good they look normal to you yeah it’s because I’ve used the mod it’s crazy they all look so different to me now because it’s been a long time since I’ve played the game without that mod that is wild I kind of saw the Sprite of that

Fish then I was like what’s what’s this I was so used to seeing the old well the mod version I was confused for a second yeah look at this it looks so different now you’ve been married for 13 years wow Kelly Happy Anniversary that’s insane today 13 years

Today what’s the secret Kelly come on tell me tell us all what’s the secret to happy married Life there some dude I met on the internet love that UD have Funk it eh 13e anniversary just from a guy you met on the Internet when’s the console update I have no idea nothing’s been revealed for the update for consoles all with know that it’s going to be coming as soon as possible so they are trying to get it out very close to when the PC get it so

It could be days could be weeks I don’t think it’s going to be months that’s just my opinion hey Roland how you Doing and I can’t even get a date oh roller 1.6 is coming out in three days on Tuesday 19th of March the 1.6 update it’s going to be insane can he wait can he wait I don’t think it will be Emma I don’t think it will be um that that’s

How the other ones were right like 1.4 1.5 but ape himself has said he doesn’t want that to happen because it brought a lot of stress to him and he doesn’t want people to wait that long so he said he’s really working hard to not make that

Happen again game with the team that it’s now got so I think they are going to be getting it out a lot faster than you think you’re 25 never been in a relationship really Shenia well that’s their loss just makes you a strong independent woman I like your accent Sharky I don’t know

Why but thank you thank you Foody I wasn’t even lucky when I met my girlfriend all is good love that Brandon you didn’t even need to you’re the man she looked at you Let’s get all this fish in let’s get that cash rolling in I just want a husband so they can bring you my groceries when I go [Laughter] shopping oh the little things yeah I I do that job there’s like a few jobs that basically are mine right in this house

That I always do one is the bins so emptying the bin in the kitchen and sorting out the bins you know to take out to the bin men the garbage men trash trash men whatever you wherever you’re from um so anything to do with rubbish

Basically is my job says a lot right um and like you said the shopping oh the dreaded job of putting the groc away trying to carry six bags on each each finger from the car like breaking bones that’s that’s by the way that’s not just my only job I do other jobs too

But like it’s the bins are basically my job that I will always Do personally I love having cardboard boxes disappear when I throw them in the uh garage it’s like magic yeah Patria that’s another one of my jobs recycling cardboard boxes oh my God I must flat pack cardboard boxes all day every day you know women just throw a full box

They don’t even flat pack it just lob it out expecting me to do it just to know I will oh bubbles are down here after all this time we could have been here oh oh I no I actually got that Dam unbelievable it’s embarrassing says a lot about me does it

I’m just a trash man huh is that all I am think of trash think of sh okay treasure we actually got the dinosaur egg as well didn’t we in the last one oh my God we’ve got a dino egg incubating we’re going to get our first Dino soon I forgot about that that’s

Exciting we are all hoarders at heart yeah 100% you finally trained your husband to cook and do dishes took 16 years well that’s that’s another thing right I do near enough 90 probably 95% of the cooking uh I love cooking anyway it’s I really do love cooking um so I cook most of meals in

This house that is another job that I do I love it and to be honest because I love cooking so much and I’ve done it for years and years um it’s hard for me to let someone else cook for me cuz I’m so like stru in

My own ways does that make sense like I make meals a certain way so sometimes if like I let my um my partner take charge of cooking it’s hard it’s hard to do because I I just I have my own ways Emma no they don’t no they’re not into this

Game yet maybe maybe soon my oldest is 10 but she’s not really been wanting to play it yet you cook clean do the trash uh but due to being color blind I can’t do laundry unless it’s already sorted you like me then Brandon you do yeah you do

A lot of the jobs too cook and the trash you do I do clean as well but I think my partner cleans more than me well that’s because I do the cooking you know it’s only fair you got a 50/50 if I’m cooking you’re cleaning that’s only fair guys right can’t do it

All you kind of get possessive of it yeah cooking I don’t know what it is like I have my own spices and you know I like to season right that’s another thing right I don’t know if this is uh what is with my partner she doesn’t

Season food and it really really gets to me like just put some salt and pepper in there please like you know who I hate people who don’t season food what’s your favorite thing to cook o that’s hard I mean I have been told to make a a banging roast roast dinner I’m actually

Making one tomorrow um Alice my partner uh parents are coming down to visit and I’m cooking everybody a Sunday Sunday dinner we call it over here in England it’s like a roast dinner we have it every Sunday uh like roast meat you know your vegetables all that stuff all the

Trimmings I do a good one of those it’s like a Christmas dinner basically Sunday roast yeah it’s it’s like a British thing I guess just think of like a Thanksgiving or a Christmas dinner but every every single Sunday tradition a British tradition some people in the chat who are from England will

Know yeah if you’ve nailed the roast you are winning it life exactly so for the people who are from like America basically right it’s so you can have any meat that you want traditionally you know people have roast beef I like a turkey or chicken um you can have pork gamon you

Know whatever meat meat of your choice roast have it cooking in the oven for hours then you have all your roast vegetables so I do roast potatoes and they’re amazing nice seasoning on them roast carrots with honey glaze honey parsnips as well and then you have stuffing so if you have chicken or

Turkey I have some stuffing with it sage and onion stuffing not sure if you guys know what that is and then gravy you know your normal vegetables you can have all sorts mashed potato which is mashed up potato with cream butter you know honestly it is one

Of the if I was on a deathbed and I could have one last meal it would be a roast dinner Sunday roast it’s like the best thing ever My tum tum is rumbling you know what guys what I’ll do right for you members I will take a photo of my uh roast dinner tomorrow when I cook it and I’m going to post it on the Community page on the members and you can see you can see what I

Cook how about that yeah of course the York sh put in yeah don’t forget the YK the thing is though Jenny I don’t think a lot of the Americans know what that is that is literally pure British a Yorkshire pudding how do you describe what that is it’s like a a Savory

Pancake right I I don’t even know a Yorkshire pudding with the recipe yeah yeah oh let’s go sorry we got the uh we got the the anchor I really needed this one let’s go we’re doing quite good with the artifacts and I’m not found a new one in

Quite some time so I’m excited about that it’s it’s batter yeah yeah it is it’s literally just pancake batter right it’s just not sweet is it it’s um it’s so delicious though Jesus this is not a new save Emma no well it’s we’re in the first year I

Started this a couple of months ago this is just a series that I started just for streaming every single Saturday you know we just have some fun playing stard see how far we can take it uh I would like to perfect it eventually but we’ve just made it a

Little bit harder so it’s harder to make money you know we’re on the hardest Farm Etc trying to challenge myself at the same time but this is more just for the streams just chat with you guys normally about food we always talk about food for some reason that’s your fault guys oh sluggish

No it’s always food and drink savs a lot about us food is life all right I might have to eat uh just eat that I kind of need to go back but these bubbles are really tempting me to the point where I might just pass

Out but I don’t think we should do that cuz we might lose some money so we’ve got the the mine carts let’s go back also St Valley streamers you watch talk about food okay well it’s I’m it’s not just me then don’t make me feel as bad oh

Quick I’ve got to go but I can’t refuse those I’m just having a drink guys what’s everyone drinking do you know what I’ve got I’ve gone for something a little bit different I’ve gone for uh um it’s lemon juice but not pure lemon juice cuz that would be absolutely

Barbaric whoever drinks pure lemon juice that’s crazy it’s like squash dilute cordial you know you dilute it with water like lemon it’s it’s like pure lemon but you water it down uh it’s really refreshing I love it it’s like a lemonade but not fizzy yeah but I really find the kids love it

We buy it for the kids but I’ve been quite enjoying it to be honest let’s go what up no worries Jenny take it easy tea water cinnamon apple tea oh my God that sounds so nice I love cinnamon by the way or anything like you know spiced apple I love

It we got a lot of fish today I’m really excited about that that’s going to give us some good money hopefully um we’ll sell those topaz we need all the cash we can get not going to get rid of the anchor we’ll have to reorganize tomorrow

I’ve got to kind of sleep come on let’s give me the living hat like a 0.1% chance that would be amazing if we got that we got the wine as well could sell but asleep I always forget that lemonade is fizzy in other places well you can get still lemonade I actually prefer

Lemonade still you know not fizzy I think it’s is more refreshing Brandon you don’t drink straight lemon juice when your throat hurts why does it actually make your throat better I didn’t lemon is quite acidic I didn’t think it would be quite good for the throat watermelon juice sounds

Lovely rybina yeah I do like rybina um but I prefer vimto does anyone know what vimto is I don’t is that just a British thing I don’t know lemon ginger ginger tea when you’re sick yeah I know like when I’m sick I like to have like uh lemon ginger

Honey but I didn’t think like lemon was for the throat I thought it was more to like fight off infections you know stuff like that I didn’t think it was like a a soothing thing Thro you like rybina more than vimto do you see I’m the

Opposite let’s sell this we are now on 22k so we can officially get that upgrade for the coup you can’t get VTO here in Indonesia but we do have rybina I think they’re quite similar to be honest Shenia um vimto is just more spiced so it’s got

Like herbs and spices in it you know it’s got like cinnamon Ginger that kind of Vibes and you can actually drink it hot as well which is really really nice at winter a hot glass of vimto is Lovely keep that Away right what else do we need for the CP obviously we’re going to need wood oh in fact didn’t we have a problem with wood only 252 I feel like we’ve not got Enough oh no and the trees haven’t grown look how much Oak resin we’ve got okay okay we’ve got to sell some of This we’ll get more grown we’ll get more grown I’m going to sell 32 uh Gan the the stream hasn’t just started over no we’ve um we’ve been going for how long we’ve been going for like 1 hour and 30 minutes I don’t know we started off the stream by going

Through the new patch notes for 1.6 update and now we’re just playing sty Valley oh look what’s done today oh by the way our stamina is shot the desert yeah there was some trees up there but I think there’s not many we did take a lot of them down I think can go and have a look though so we’ve got more winter forage this is

The last of the the year and this is going to allow us to craft even more winter seeds which we can turn into tea saplings to give us even more money but I need fiber Big Time need fiber so but I need wood first we’re going to go to the forest

Which I did knock a lot of them down and they’ve not been growing fast because of winter I’ll check the forest and then we’ll check the desert I’ll try and get as much wood as possible how much do we need is it 450 or 500 for the coupe the

Deluxe it’s definitely more than 300 I’m sure we we definitely need a bit more wood uh foodie no I don’t like black pudding it’s disgusting that’s Pig’s blood nope not for me you love him to it’s the official uh Ramadan drink in the really wow see it’s always hard for me I

Don’t like I don’t know what’s just made for the British people or in the UK so I always think to myself like I wonder if like other people around the world drink vimto cuz I just don’t know I don’t know if it’s just British thing only so it’s cool to know that a

Lot of people over the world drink the stuff that I drink it’s good to know you never heard of what term before star let’s go down to the forest we’ll sort the animals out when we come back cuz we’ve got to pass up anyway to get

To the desert so I’m going to see if any trees have I mean I don’t think they’re grow winter we could do some it’s Saturday so foraging might be quite good but we’ve got no wood oh vimto yeah it’s just a a drink it’s like squash you dilute it with Water it’s like a a mixed berry with spice and herbs it’s it’s hard to describe the flavor of it but it’s very nice come on slimies do we get normal wood from this or just pure hardwood no and you know what we are actually Max foraging right are we no

We’re not we’re not so we could try and get all the uh the hardwood as well leave me Alone officially the last day tomorrow of winter we’re going to check the travel lady again to try a look with the uh the Truffle or the rabbit’s Foot I’ve got a feeling I’m going to upgrade the coupe buy the rabbit and before the goddamn rabbit gives me the rabbit’s foot the travel lady is going to sell it I’ve just got a feeling I’m just going to eat this my energy is really low after passing out yesterday

So I’m going to take it wrong Weapon with your luck anything is possible you know what we’ve actually had some really good luck in this playthrough so far we’ve done really well you have the lucky ring on the farm the dinosaur egg in the last one we’ve had more stuff as well we’ve add the weapons that we

Found we’ve done pretty good the ancient seeds we found three of them in like the first spring or summer but sadly the crows ate them because we aren’t allowed scarecrows on this play through dandel bir do yes I love that it’s really nice drink I also like cream soda not many

People like that but anything vanilla I love vanilla so cream soda is lovely cream soda is the worst it’s not why it’s delicious creamy and vanilla it’s like ice cream if you get a good cream soda though you got to get a good one not

This like artificial crap if you get a a good natural one honestly they’re quite nice cream soda is amazing you see a look a lot of people love cream soda it’s not just me like my partner thinks I’m disgusting cuz I like it she’s like that’s disgusting but cream soda’s so nice it’s

Literally like drinking ice cream vanilla it’s lovely I I tend to have it in the summertime you know when it’s really hot pour it in the glass with some ice cubes oh nice ice cold cream soda come on it’s it’s delish I’ve never tried a vanilla uh vanilla peach tea

No I don’t actually drink like ice tea cold tea I prefer to drink tea warm right we’re going to go up try the desert we need wood really bad I can’t seem to get any it at all luckily spring is around the corner so we might be able to what’s this here oh

We missed one we might be able to get all the trees grown we’ve got no space let’s um craft as many winter seeds as possible how many can we make here 340 oh my goodness that is wild finally sort the animals out I feel like we missed the cows yesterday which is

Bad they might not be very happy but you know it’s all good our dinosaur is still hatching I think it takes like 10 days so it must be on about 6 right now we’ll be done for spring a little dinosaur friend right let’s go to the cows as

Well I’m going to sell the mayonnaise what else can we sell nothing really let’s put everything Away okay we can sell the Holly we don’t need that for seeds I think we can make more hold on 14 more oh my god wow so what I’m going to do now is sell all of this winter forage because we can’t make anymore we need Crystal

Fruit um but you know what we’ve got plenty of these winter seeds now look how much we got set oh my God we’ve got 858 win to seeds what is all that about Leah likes Holly I’m not really giving gifts though I’m not focusing on

That this year that can come so I’m not doing that that’s going to take a couple of years to get all the hearts that’s something I’m going to do end game right now money’s going to be important so yeah just a few Brandon not Brandon not a lot not a

Lot so I don’t want to sell those winter seeds the reason they’re there is because we can turn those into tea saplings we just need wood and fiber so I’m keeping them tea saplings is going to be way more money than just selling these straight

Out we got enough time to go to the desert I think we will no we don’t because she’s going to disappear right let’s have a look quick quick quick take me to the desert uh yeah I feel like we Cho these down already oh no we need wood so bad

Nothing yeah they’ve all disappeared we ain’t going to get any wood until Spring Wormies that’s not good guys it’s not good I guess we just got to have to wait for the coupe it’s going to be a spring thing and I knew that we’re not going to get this completed until spring anyway the rabbit’s F in the Truffle

So it’s all good we’ve got a full season now to try and get it done you know get the pigs well the upgraded barn and the rabbit for the upgraded coup hopefully we can get that done before summer and then we’ve kind of done the CC then and

That gives us the rest of the year to go to Ginger Island and do all that stuff so I guess we kind of still on track I don’t know we we’re a little bit behind but it’s all good got a little bit of stuff to sell

Here I may as well get rid of the purple mushrooms two gold might sell for some decent money right there want to make sure I’m selling one of everything as well what did I keep these for why have we got random blueberries and hot peppers is this for the the jelly or why

Have we got this I forgot we can go to the Quarry yes we can should we have a look at the Quarry there late but it’s all good I can’t remember the last time we went there so they might be empty um no there’s a little bit of stuff here a little

Bit we got an emerald nice wormies aquamarine topaz oh yeah we got some good minerals or gems here sorry I wish these trees would have grown as well but no no wood here we literally everything is just dry there’s no wood anywhere so annoying I mean I could

Purchase it from Robin but it’s too expensive yeah you can see the trees have been here but we’ve already knocked them down so and they just don’t grow in winter unless you put fertilizer on them so it’s going to have to be a spring thing I’m going to clear the whole lot

Before we head back and sleep I don’t think we’re going to struggle with stone for a while there we go let’s get out of here doesn’t matter where the trees are they don’t grow in winter with a fertilizer yeah oh another male slime come on come over here buddy

This way are you coming or what what’s going on come on he’s a bit Derpy this one I don’t think he’s going to have much luck we’re two ladies I feel like he’s not going to follow um come on this way come on little buddy you could do it he’s coming slowly

Come on nearly there there we go there we go yes yes come on God he’s so Derpy okay we’re in we’re in mail in please do your thing let’s just stand here until like super late and Hope y they breed you should see see the love Arts there but look we got a

Pan spot I know come on do your thing let’s just look away give us some babies I like the color of him as well if you see is quite like a a light blue whereas the other one blue is quite dark so that would be really

Cool I don’t think it’s going to happen let’s go over here I see a pan spot there as well oh another slime over here it’s too late though it’s way too late come on are you I don’t think he’s going to cross this bridge come on oh he yes nice jump buddy

That was a good one play some romantic music where is he come on we’ only got 1 hour left so it’s going to be pointless we need these ones to to breed come on do your thing can you see any love Arts oh there’s another one right there really cool color as

Well go on get excited hey imagine if we wake up in the morning though and these ones don’t die as well I’m just going to pass out with them give them as long as possible to try and breed oh if you remember last time we

Put a mail in there we did actually get the love art and they tried breeding but and then the love art was glitched but no baby though so 6 and a2k come on we needed that cue the Careless Whisper sacks right the last day of winter should we see if we got any

Babies let’s have a look look lus yeah we passed out it’s all good come on blue and Flubber need a family I think we’ve run out of food 22 oh we’re good we’re good still no Dinosaur let’s get the mayonnaise on no duck eggs today before we check I’m going to sell a lot of this stuff and store things away Venture is a bit rammed get rid of them mineral gems that we found Good morning Spud how you doing Buddy right I’m going to keep them fence panels in case we try and do more slime breeding let’s also check the cows cuz I feel like we always forget them well I do yeah as you can see they are not very happy that’s not

Good so we not going to be able to milk them are we oh we can let’s go chocolate milk chocolate milk is so good I love chocolate milk right they’re sorted for one day right let’s check on the Slime oh wait hold on are these no I think they got a

Few days so yeah we got these when we as soon as we built the green house I think it was halfway through winter had these are blueberries this is going to really help us out with blueberry wine a little bit of money through spring Nothing just Flubber and Bluey always we can just not get them any babies if one of these was the male we probably would have have so many babies by now but because these two Immortal slimes that have glitched are both female oh it’s just a shame cuz we could

Have had so many of them we could have literally made like a little like a slime farm to gather loads of slime could a glitch glitch the game breed them kill them breed them kill them we could have had so many but you know what they’re pets it’s nice to have these

Here I like Flubber and blue they make the farm so much better right so what should we do today um it’s the last day of winter I’m going to quickly check the fruit by cave I a few stuff a few good stuff is that a peach nice

Find so we do need to sell one of every fruit as well so I might just sell that I could make peach wine but uh I know what we can sell peaches later let’s definitely sell the peach wine and the Apple two of those I don’t know what to do today should we

Try and get fiber for tea saplings oh you know what is Robin open no no I could buy the wood should we buy wood how much do we need a game for the coup I forgot Deluxe coup not Deluxe cowboy hat no we don’t want that Deluxe CBE would need 500 wood

Oh my God that’s that’s so much we’ve only got like 200 and something so we need 250 wood how much is that going to cost she sells the wood for for in year one which we are in it’s only 10 gold that’s really good we could buy it

Guys we also need the 200 Stone though hope she’s open on somay she better be just winging it we’ve only got just under 8K to spend on wood is that going to allow us to get 250 that’s 2 and 1/2k right I don’t know the math

So it’s only 10 this by the way year two this goes up to 50 gold so let’s get 200 so we’re on 270 3 so we need 200 now okay let’s go I think we can do it just gone over so there we go we’ve got enough wood and

We’ve only spent 2K on on that so it’s not really that bad we only need 20 for the you know what that’s good for winter we’re not going to get 250 pieces of wood for quite a while so let’s construct let’s go with the deluxe coup and this will be

Done in a few days and this is going to allow us to get the rabbit for the rabbit’s for come on I hope the travel lady don’t sell this we need to go down there now I forgot about travel lady Let’s uh let’s go down oh if she if she sells this

Godamn rabbit’s foot I’ll be so mad I mean at least we haven’t bought the rabbit the coue we could have spent the money somewhere else but we’ll see eventually need the C upgrade anyway Right 2 and a2k yeah it’s not too bad for the wood I’ll take it we broke but don’t worry the blueberries are on the way we’re going to have loads of wine it’s all good can we get the community cleanup oh my God we got the ornamental fan we’ve already had it I

Literally thought we needed that damn it oh come on please give me luses and then we get the fiber seed recipe tea saplings for days baby I don’t have the rabbit’s foot don’t have the rabbit’s foot the only time I’m asking her not to have it cuz then we’ve just kind of wasted

20K when I could have probably done the barn upgrade instead for the pigs Prismatic jelly yeah but what do you need the Prismatic jelly for is it to is that part of this Quest well collection I forgot what the Prismatic jelly one gives you get some kind of recipe be

Right okay a lot of flowers in here right we’re good okay that we’ got tulip summer Spangles and fyos wow masks she’s selling one single bait for 900 is this lady okay what is all that about are you okay 900 gold for one bait mental absolutely mental prestic

Jelly is for the monster musk oh yeah I remember it’s been I’ve only ever done that once so that’s it’s been a while right so we we’re quite good we’ve got a full week again for the travel ladies so that means we will get the rabbit um the rabbit’s foot we should be

Fine we just just need that truffle now godamn Pig I might actually go up to the mines oh a diamond a first diamond that we’ve duplicated is ready come on it’s great money right there yeah I think what we’ll do let’s go to the mines for a few hours

And try and get some Fiber I think that will be quite wise because then I can make tab look at these we got so many winter seeds we’ve got to be crafting with those we’re not going to have super long but it’ll do it will

Do I mean we’ve got the mine cart so even I stay there till like 1:00 a.m. that’s a long time you might as well go for prismatic is that in the mines right yeah we’ll try a look just thinking about time though but yeah if we’re going for fiber

Or mix seeds all those the kind of stuff down there then why not do it 5K is quite good yeah and we we do any fact need all the recipes eventually for Perfection so get it over and done with now not too bad yeah I could have gone to the

Blacksmith God damn that would have been faster okay we’ll go there now it would have been a little bit faster that would have been smart but look we’re here we are here so double check that Quest um I haven’t done this one in a while I require assistance in tracking down the

Rare and dangerous Prismatic slime within the local caves so is it just random there’s no specific floor you just bump into it right cuz I’m kind of just going to scout floor 80 over and over again so will will it spawn that way cuz I’m just going to keep resetting

This floor for the fiber secr no oh it’s this thing as well we should be doing all these really there’s a few now that we should do that’s a red slime we need a prismatic I just want to stay on this floor just for the fiber so hopefully we’ll come across

It we’ll get really lucky hopefully I don’t want to spend time on floor five because then I’m not getting the fiber as well how long do we have on this just one day oh my god really believe guys believe we’re going to get it on floor on this floor right whilst I’m getting

This I prefer the fruits Nicole to the mushroom cave especially if you choose the forest farm and you know you can go to secret Woods you can find mushrooms on the farm in the secret Woods even in mines whereas fruit is actually quite harder to get because you have to plant

Every single tree which not only takes a full season to grow they’re quite expensive as well so I prefer to get the the fruits in the cave get lucky and mushrooms you just you can come across them easy well yeah think about it you know know fruit is rarer to get well not

Rarer but it’s it takes longer it’s more money know if you just find like like I did today I got an apple and a peach that’s two saplings that I’ve not purchased which is what like 5K each that’s so much money and I’ve not had to wait for a

Full season for it to grow mushrooms also are cheaper you know uh like don’t sell for as much unless it’s a purple mushroom but you don’t get many of them we did get the lucky ring yes there it is look all this fiber this is what I want

Though this is what I want give it to me oh the yeti tooth we found that in the last one as well 12:00 Moon sharp last day of the Season guys we’re doing that tonight you know what this is the last day of the season and what

Day is it it’s the 28th of winter midnight we’re going to catch some dirty people in a bush I think that’s what that was right that is crazy wait hold on no no I I think it’s not the one is it is it May leou and

Man oh noon it’s the big junimo plush right I’m getting confused wrong one yeah sorry 12:00 noon last day this is the one for that giant Juno plush in the playground yeah in the park there we go look I thought it was the bush at midnight do you know when you find Mar

And Lewis damn it I thought that would have been fun to do but we missed it anyway damn it that would have been should have done that today got a big giant plush Oh I thought that was Prismatic then I saw like a little slight color change oh damn

It it probably would have been easier to scout the lower floors and keep resetting them but because I wanted to come down here for this anyway I thought I might have been able to get you know two in one it’s a shame unless it’s here now nope Well no look so far oh darn it I was saying good night to my little boy he was going to bed and I did not concentrate on the health oh Alice was put infin to bed and I said good night he came running into me I was like

Distracted and I did not pay attention to the health no oh what did we lose okay could have been worse we did lose a bit of money though we got lost these and was it like did it say 3K oh it was worth it yeah it was worth it

It was worth it it you know it could have been worse we didn’t really have much stuff on us anyway so I was oh we still got the fiber that you know what I’ll take it that was decent I I wanted the fiber for the tea saplings so it’s all good we carry

On I was not paying attention to the health at all we’re out of salad though so hopefully we don’t die twice that would be embarrassing let’s get this amethyst let’s keep moving got 75 fiber I’d like to get into the hundreds come on or was it 1,300 I just saw the three

I didn’t really pay attention to I was more bothered about the items 1,300 that’s not bad I think we got let off quite looky there because I know sometimes you can lose your weapons so if I lost this steel uh F FAL Falon this is our best weapon I

Would have been devastated also you know the minerals here or the gems sorry uh the fiber that we’re farming they would have actually quite hurt so it’s not too bad can’t find that Prismatic slime though but don’t die don’t die is there anything down here nothing these are the ones that hurt

Because there’s no knock back they can just walk through you so annoying Actually see look at that purple mushroom just finding it randomly on these floors you don’t even need the mushroom cave for it guys ooh a warp to back to the farm let’s go we can stay here even longer tonight literally I’ll wait till like: 140 we use that right there I’ll take

Good why have we got stone in there take them to sell that’s food that we’re going to need right we not got too long now I’m going to try and find a little bit more of this have we got 100 93 12:30 got like 1 hour left come on come on come

On W that was rubbish wow probably might be able to get two more in if we fast oh there loads on here this will be the last one he hello why are you going shy for go on say hello to him why they’ll say hello to you look who it is guys

Hello oh she’s shy don’t don’t make me pass out right we go Alice is with me she’s bugging me it’s cuz I want you to you know Finley killed me did he yeah I was distracted saying good night to him and I died in the mines oh well he made

Me lose money so I’m going to be having words tomorrow that is he in the bad box yeah he’s in my bad box now he’s granded don’t even know what you don’t even know what it means no l they say hello to you lot I’m not used to talking to this many people

Neither am I yes you are right I’m going to go and watch stranger things now are you going to watch stranger things are you yes I am a nit sounds good see in the bit bye bye and just like that it’s the first of spring as well oh my God fresh

Year oh look how good this looks it’s just a shame that we’re greeted a new year Spring by Kent H my wife told me that my new farmer had moved in while I was gone yeah we’ve Kent we’ve been spending a lot of time together you know me and your jod we

Spent a lot of time together she’s a great person she deserves better just saying well I just wanted to introduce myself I’ll see you around no worries Kent and look oh God it’s so nice to see the grass the Colors oh my God I love it this is amazing it’s always night

Like I don’t mind winter but then you get to a point where it starts becoming annoying and spring just never looks so good ever so let’s see we got some wine to sell here look soon guys this wine all this wine that looks the same just got a

Different name is going to be like color coordinated so Wild Plum might stay quite purple sber is going to be pink spice ber is going to be red oh it’s going to be amazing that’s such a good feature I love it Dr Harvey lonus has gave us a Macky

Roll price of raw materials at the shop oh there we go look so we’ve just managed to get all that wood quite cheap and now it’s going up by quite a lot so we just got quite lucky with that really yeah Alice uh me well me and

Alice love stranger things it’s one of my favorite TV series but she’s obsessed with it she’s like binge watched it like four times in the last couple of weeks it’s absolutely insane good morning Spud why does my you guys keep hearing that beep my M my mouth’s kind of like

Lagging and then just does a weird beep he’s like maybe I’m clicking too much I don’t know that’s a new thing that started happening is my M when I’m right spamming The Click it’s like my mouse does a beep what is that what’s that about then he glitches as well that’s so

Weird we’ll save a bit of grass for the cat oh we can let them outside now sticky keys yeah it’s like sticky keys but on the mouse is that a thing how do I fix that New Year oh I’m so glad they’re alive I really thought that these two might have

Died flber and Bluey with it being a new year but guys they are still here thank the Lord I was quite worried about that oh my God the trees are going to start growing we’ve got grass we’ve got fiber you hear the be as well I don’t

Think I’ve spilled anything on the mouse no maybe I’ll like I have tried unplugging it cuz it started doing it a couple of days ago um but it’s not often it just does it randomly I think it’s when I’m using it too fast I don’t know maybe I that’s the

Sensitivity I’m not sure what it is maybe I need new mouse it’s wired it’s not wireless I actually don’t like using wire Wireless mouses because I’ve had problems with them in the past like disconnecting randomly and having to charge them and you know all that I just go for the classic um wide

Mouse like the good old days at least we have to buy animal food look at this yeah star when I hold the shift key or something like that for too long you know sticky Keys that’s the noise that it makes but it’s not on the keyboard I

Don’t think it is it seems to be the mouse I’m going to have to Google that I don’t know what it is but it has been doing it maybe there’s a setting finally the little boy he likes to come sit on my uh my lap and start absolutely battering the keyboard and

The mouse he thinks he’s like a little gamer so maybe he’s press something you know I feel like that’s what’s happened he does love to come on the computer and just pretends he me I think but other than that the mouse feels okay it’s trying to make that noise again I’m

Trying to click it fast see don’t don’t do it all the time strange right Flubber and Bluey you’ve got some junk in there with you it’s going to start spreading there’s a weed in there and a rock that’s not good hopefully it doesn’t overrun and start killing them might have to maintain that

Soon it could be the keyboard actually yeah you might be right I don’t know it’s done it a few times this stream I noticed I didn’t I wasn’t aware if you guys heard it or not but it seems like you have been hearing it that’s not good we got to clear these

Fields we are going to get some new crops in the ground I think we’ve actually got a ton of cauliflower if we bought it from the winter night market so we should get a massive Harvest of cauliflower that’s going to boost up the income get that farming X

Up let’s clear all this up prepare the land completely forgot you know spring new crops we’ve already got the layout the sprink CL we’ve got the animals that I can lay out as well they’ve got no grass though oh did you hear that and it it lagged as well did you

See the lag what is that was that the it when I was using the scth guys I don’t know what’s going on this is weird it always lags when it does it it seems to be the mouse though I HD something behind the commune center right we’re going to do all those

Soon this is getting upgraded Let’s Go Robin good night Leah sleep well Goodbye bear good night good night Mouse abuse Yeah I will uh be ending the stream probably after this day or so anyway oh there’s a copper pan spot can we get a lucky ring I mean we can get two Max cuz they stack so we only need one more really oh my God I can’t be loud I can’t be

Loud I can’t be loud cuz Finley’s in bed oh my God oh my God I just don’t know what’s going on anymore I don’t know what’s going on anymore what is happening this Farm is broken we’ve got two lucky rings on the goddamn farm with a diamond and I manifested it

Again but not only that we’ve got slimes that don’t die oh my God guys this Hilltop Farm’s the best I literally silent screamed yeah I can’t I never expected to see another lucky ring there what is going on guys it’s we we’ve only played one year in the game

And I found two lucky rings on the farm it’s just insane this Farm’s the best I thought it was one of the most difficult it turns out you find lucky Rings pretty easy oh my God we have a plus two permanent look every single day oh can I get that one I

Don’t think we can reach if this is another lucky ring I I’m I’m ending the stream we can’t carry on I can’t handle it again guys I can’t keep finding more of those it took me so long by the way on my main Farm to find

One of those I spent days Days in the game in real life oh no the cows are roaming everywhere right where’s the cauliflower seed guys guys where’s the cauliflower seeds never mind they’re here 100 and also 75 parsnips you know what let’s get them down let’s get them down down down

Oh my God I can’t still I can’t get over it the living hat I’ve had it once in my entire stard Valley Journey once and I think it was in no it was by killing a monster I think on the farm the Wilderness farm and I’ve also ever only found one

Garbage hat the from no maybe two actually I think I found it twice the trash garbage hat from the trash cans I think I found that twice yeah I’ve definitely found that twice and one of them was um against oh my God another ping spot I was playing with pox was recording our

Series and I found one against him five idium wow that’s one ridan bar right there we’re going to have to water these which is a bummer I hate that um going to need the watering can let’s do par Snips over this side I’m only planting these because I think we got all of

These um from the members when they joined cuz obviously everyone gets 15 parsnips so it was kind of like a little gift from the members when they came to join me so the there rather than trashing them let’s get them not going to give us much money but I might use

Them for food or something like that or gifts so we’re going to get them down I don’t think I’m going to put the rest of the 27 on this side though cuz we’ve got a lot of cauliflower to to get through let the chickens out there’s no

Grass they’re going to do my heading they’re going to come all the way down here and it’s 6:40 p.m. anyway it’s fine they can come out tomorrow I need to get some grass starters for them yeah we won’t get the giant crops because of the sprinklers sadly the

Layouts a little bit funky with them you need aridium sprinklers to to be able to get those I think I’ve just heard another pan spot did you hear the bubbles it might have been the kegs I don’t know it sounded like it though this Farm is insane you get so

Many it must be the keg no there they are but we can’t reach those is that not annoying never know guys there could be a lucky ring in there right now we just can’t get it um are we going to be able to do this in

Time yeah we should be able to come on let’s at least get them in the ground cuz then they can get water tomorrow oh I forgot about the bats didn’t take long did it one hit kill I can’t I still can’t believe we found another lucky ring the second

One absolutely insane did we not find that last was it in the last stream or the one before either way we found two very close together incredible let’s get these cauliflower in quickly oh bit of lag surprised you don’t do animation counseling I used to I used to I

Practice it quite a bit but I still weren’t great at it and um it got more stressful than it did being handy so I kind of stopped doing it but I learned to do it because of the St Valley C uh when I was with blade firm and I forgot the other person

That’s very bad of me but yeah I was I was learning to do it so I could be fast oh my God right okay I found out it was the keyboard did you hear that I was holding the key I I didn’t even touch the mouse that

Was the keyboard right there I must have sticky keys on I I feel like Finley has pressed something on the keyboard when he came in and he’s put sticky keys on so I need to find out how to turn that off that’s all I need to do just turn

Off sticky keys and we should be fine yeah it’s when you’re holding the key too long that’s literally what’s I think it’s been turned on so I just need to learn how to turn it off which I’ll do after the stream so we’re fine I know what it is

Now it’s when you hold keys for too long there must be a certain time BL the dogs in the way soon we’ll be able to get through that so much faster 1.6 hurry up right I think we’re good we’re good um I’m just going to quickly get the

Watering can water as many as I can or should I just wait and let sink them all up tomorrow can we do it in time it’s 12:00 I don’t think we’re going to I might do the par Snips no we should maybe I’ll just do the par

Nips cuz as soon as these are done I’m going to get some other crops in there these can all sink up tomorrow I don’t want them to like do don’t want to do half and then they’re out syn so we’re going to lose it down then but

It’s fine we’ll still be able to get another harvest in after we’ve got the greenhous anyway I know 3 days until 1.6 it’s absolutely insane guys oh my God I’m so excited I feel like it’s going to be huge you know just seeing all these little things being added there’s going

To be a ton of that what we’ve just seen today the patch notes just think of that on a massive scale loads of little things which I don’t mind the little things you know sometimes the little things are the best the quality life the simple things

That I prefer those to the major massive thing sometimes you know it’s all good getting in brand new area and new farms and stuff but sometimes just the quality of life really does help right 2k not about to start off Spring yeah yeah quality life updates are the best I I

Agree also guys I want to thank you all for smashing that like button reaching over 200 likes I appreciate you all for hitting that like button oh got some nice rain today but sadly I do have to end the stream there hopefully you enjoyed it you know going through the

Patch notes some sneak peeks of what’s to come for 1.6 nothing that’s major or spoilery but I’m so excited for 1.6 guys the next time we stream next Saturday we will be playing 1.6 how crazy is that and if you want to tune in the Stream and watch me play the

Update live please subscribe turn notifications on and we’ll be there to well next week doing it also lots of videos to come I’ll be doing a video on Tuesday showing off the update diving into it for the first ever time kind of giving you guys an idea of what to

Expect and then I’ll be rolling out lots of content new series me and pox a new playthrough on the new Farm lots of good stuff stuff so next week’s going to be a good one stick around guys it’s going to be huge but until then make sure you all stay safe and stay


Concerned Ape is revealing one random non-spoilery patch note every day up until the 1.6 release date on March 19th!
Let’s check them out, and then explore how they will work!


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  1. I farm top down. Because it's easier to hold right click on mouse and drag it basically as it stays in sync with your character. Which it doesn't left to right.

  2. I heard in another video that I can't pinpoint now, that concerned ape said answering a comment that the tree will grow faster but it will not retain the quality for the fruit, so you'll start at basic again, no? And I can't check the comments as I don't have an account, so can't verify right now.

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