I Added Herobrine to Hardcore Minecraft…

H he’s is he just standing there oh my god oh my god well this here is Herobrine and I have added him to my hardcore World however it’s not just him that I’ve added I’ve also added a load of other terrifying creatures that make Minecraft extremely scary like seriously what is

That I I don’t even know how to explain it but the question is can can I survive or will I lose my sanity oh here we go okay okay boom all right we’ve got cows and we have got a cassette with safety instructions which I can do nothing with so we’ll just save

That I guess uh I’m just going to play I my only what is that okay uh already I’m getting ahead of things now I think a lot of you know that I’ve never really done a series of any kind and I didn’t want to do just a vanilla hardcore

Series I wanted to play something that actually just terrified me because I don’t know maybe I just need to grow up just grab my stone it is so dark down here already this is oh my enough for the super slow stone tools and boom right we’re on our way I’m going to go

And have a look at what this thing is because I don’t have a clue I have also only ever beaten Hardcore Minecraft once and that was in vanilla so this is just a terrible idea what what is this up here right what do you what is This what was that try a different time yeah we’re not touching this no that is just not for another time that is just for never torches are going to be my best friend that’s what I’m starting to realize because I can see absolutely nothing and grab coal thank you now

Actually if I carry them with these shaders yes it just lights things up as I go I got two goals that’s all I care about survive till the next episode and build a house okay it doesn’t have to be a good one it just has to be somewhere I

Can live who’s going to be my best friend come here oh why are all those Tre they have no leaves on them whatsoever what is that that’s literally just it’s just wood okay oh there’s a redstone torch there and a village over here all right

This is good what is this what does all of this do this doesn’t make me feel good though this makes me feel like it’s bad yeah the Redstone torches are make it creepy I’m just I’m leaving them I probably shouldn’t have broken that but whatever at least here there should be

Enough food for me and I can definitely Farm villagers and grow stuff oh and a blacksmith o nice okay that’s a really good start perfect oh what is that that’s some sort of house all right oh my God he’s is he just standing

There ah oh my God oh my God oh my God okay right so he doesn’t just kill you that’s good to know okay right smack you come on buddy jeez actually don’t know if I should be doing this this guy could have been quite helpful for keeping away mobs

Whatever we’ve got your stuff all right I didn’t realize he’d appear in the day I figured he’d just appear in the night and what is there’s something over there as well oh that just doesn’t look good does it I think the fact that shaders

Are on is going to make all of this just 10 times more creepy and these are all just terrible trades okay that’s fine is that to do with Herobrine let’s just call him Brian okay because if that’s to do with Brian I really don’t why is it because I walk through

That right well other than the food that we got from here we really don’t need any of this do we I don’t think there’s much point in us staying here might as well look around if I need to come back for villagers I can I know where it is

Okay it’s just slowly turning into night okay yeah you know what I don’t like the fact that it’s getting really dark here I’m just going to dig into our side of Mountain okay there we are we are set what is that I just heard a little girl laugh what is that is that is that coming towards me what is it just an Enderman he’s stealing dirt off my house oh oh my God that was okay okay back in here I don’t know

What that laugh was that freaks me out there’s Co in here that’s fine we’re getting some stuff at least that’s good I don’t know if I want to explore at night it doesn’t seem smart but it also could be completely fine did I Chuck out my wool that seems

Stupid what is that that’s not what is that what is that oh my God they’re rising out oh my God oh my God they’re rising out the floor they mobs rise out of the floor okay okay NOP no no no no no we’re going back in we’re going back inside no

Thank you no thank you okay this is going to be a slow first night I just hear things eating the grass okay spiders that’s fine spiders I take what is that what the is that oh my God can he not move if I’m looking at

Him oh my God I think he disappeared I think he disappeared get away Creeper what was that oh my God oh my goodness okay what is that guy why is his head’s twitching like that oh and of course a zombie just appears in front of him what the hell is

Wrong with his eyes Oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God what the he fully just disappeared yeah see that’s not a normal creeper is it that’s just insane okay I just need to survive this night let’s

Let’s just head back inside what is this guy oh just a zombie villager why are his eyes going oh my God that did five Hearts what whoa okay he’s he’s got insane Health the ones with glowing eyes have insane health I might build a mine

In my cave I think that might be my best bet for this night time what who just opened that door who the opened my door right okay we are not doing this every single night tell you what we could do though I could collect stuff cuz that’s obviously what I need

To do just collect a load of stuff and Then okay what is that no what is that noise come on come on come on what is that is that cuz I went down what was that right okay we’re actually not going to set up camp here we’re going to Chuck everything out that we don’t need and we’re just going to get

Out of here we’re going to find somewhere better I think I’m actually just going to set up in that Village I think I should have done that from the beginning the only thing I can see being a problem is this biome being right next to the Village but I don’t even know if

That’s what caused terine to spawn yes see I could just so easily set up such a nice perimeter oh and even have a base up on the hill Oh that guy’s an enchanter what are they called these guys are like um oh my God God oh my God oh my God oh

My God oh my God oh my God oh my God did he just just he just disappeared again is that him again oh my God oh my God I don’t know how much damage he does oh I hit him but he just he went underground again is he just going to

Keep doing that turning into a villager will it always be that villager so those things I believe are called cave dwellers that’s nice what is what’s happening whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoo whoa whoa wo I’m being followed by eyes Insanity well how the am I supposed

To stop that from happening are you even a villager oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God brother actually how am I supposed to do this I literally just pointed at a random

Villager okay yeah we’re not doing this no I can’t I can’t be in this Village it’s just too creepy we’re just setting sail we’re going to find somewhere better ooh there’s something here this looks like a nice spot oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God

Oh my God I don’t know if I dropped my shovel or if he made me drop it I’m sweating man oh jeez what is that just a blue flame oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God okay don’t look at the

Black Flames there’s just no need for them oh my God yeah beautiful sunset’s coming in are you kidding me man we’re back we’re back at the original place we’re actually just going to stay in here because I’m not I’m not dealing with all of this no if it ain’t broke

Don’t fix it plenty of food we’ve got a bed you know there is actually nothing to complain about this place we’re just getting rid of this night time I’m not doing it and now we’ve got this set up I am going to go and find a cave but I

Feel like we haven’t even really touched the surface of how bad this is going to get because we have oh my God bro Oh Come is he just what is he doing is he just okay oh oh my God it that’s insan so he wasn’t there I’m just hitting nothing oh jeez okay

Right we’re going to collect some wood and we’re just going to go down hopefully finding caves isn’t just ridiculously hard like the rest of this has been yeah we spotted this here earlier whatever that is we might as well go have a look cuz there could be a

Cave over here as well and having seen new structures you never know could be more loot oh yeah there we are more what what okay we’ve got a totem okay that is huge are these Graves diggable should I be digging up Graves or is this

A bit oh my goodness just a oh a load of wool that oh that’s fully a grave and another grave okay all right this is kind of morbid but I’ll take it it’s just free stuff boots as well all right nice okay this is way better than

I expected I mean I feel a bit gross just for robbing Graves but who cares I’ve got it and I’m leaving and there is still no cave oh oh my no no no no no no no no no that’s oh what is this that wasn’t there before do I enter

This okay yep there’s lava I’m glad I didn’t go in that what does what does that mean how did this just spawn yes okay this is what we have been looking for so many torches are going to need to be made but that’s fine cuz iron is going to be my

Best friend from now on I’ve decided please show more of yourself to me except for this dead end okay that sucks but I hear water yes that’s what I’m talking about ooh and some new ore whatever that is thank you lovely iron and what is this this is contron Ingot contron Ingot from

Weeping angel there’s weeping angels of course there is should have expected anything less lapis as well okay this could be so much worse than me right now the main thing that’s just freaking me out is the fact that I don’t hear anything until now what was

That just a witch okay okay yeah we’re just going for it oh my God what was that what was that what is that I don’t know what that noise was I’m going to try and kill this thing okay okay okay okay we run we run I didn’t hear that thing again that’s good

It’s good news there is oh a nether portal under here a ruined portal is nice and we’re safe up here perfect and smite five mending Fortune three okay that’ll be good yeah all right you know what that’s good enough for me I don’t need any more of my questions answered we’re just

Leaving okay what’s that noise I I don’t even know if that’s anything like no more being stupid we are getting full iron armor what was that I just need to find a bigger cave I think or will a bigger cave be worse I I actually just don’t know what to expect right

Now oh my God should I be moving should I be moving I think I’m just going to move and get out of here okay okay we’re entering deep slate I don’t know if this is a good thing or a bad thing but this actually looks quite terrifying exploring these caves

Is just way more stressful look at that to be fair there has been no sign of Herobrine down here and a big cave with lots of stuff okay this is where this is where we make our money back people keep running just keep running oh my God I’m going insane I’m

Going insane again is it insane is itan oh my God oh my God I don’t know if I’m going insane or if there’s something after me oh my God okay now it’s just mob Spa okay oh nice diamonds yes boom Four Diamonds now we’re sucking diesel

Yes what is that what is that that is a giant bat what do you want what do you want that is a actual giant bat oh my God oh my God yeah oh my okay okay okay that’s fine oh thank you and dead all right how

Have I got slowness that thing just okay right so I have fully decided that when I am just scared I’m going to just run there’s absolutely nothing that can stop me I’m just going to run I’m going to freak out and run okay yeah like right now I’m

Just running I’m running I’m not dealing with this nope I also think whilst I’m mining I should probably have some safe spots that I can just run to if I need oh I don’t have a water bucket like this corner you know I just uh I just D that

Didn’t happen give myself an area here but no Enderman or tool beans can attack me in just my furnaces going keeping me safe what is that okay that’s him that’s the thing that’s the thing of course this happens right as I’m saying I need to stay safe why is he just staring at

Me he’s just gone he’s legit just gone you know what I actually might do cuz they can’t get through doors it seems going to stick a door down here now if I need to I can just run and I can hide in there oh my god oh okay I thought that

Was him all right we’re fine oh my God oh my God oh my God what is that what is that what is that thing what is that oh my God oh my God I’m going to hit it I’m going to hit it oh my God oh my God it’s not dying

And it’s not slowing down okay into the oh my God it’s it’s outside the door what the come on oh my God let me kill it oh my God oh my God okay so what the was that oh my God actually go away oh my

Where there is that him yeah oh my God what is that one that one looks so sauce I can’t can’t hear it you saw that right that wasn’t just me I saw a little stick insect looking guy R up there is he above okay no no oh my God that’s an Enderman

Is it y okay I think it’s just an Enderman oh my God oh my God that was such a terrible idea pleasee on okay oh my god I’ve let him in I’ve let him in and dead and close all right okay that’s fine do I have I

Don’t have apples on me I need this totem though you know what we’re actually going to stick this in my main left hand what was that guy that we saw oh these guys do more Hearts as well they have loads more health and do more damage so that’s just great thank you so

Much for that I can’t believe we found a totem in a chest that’s actually I was saving grace oh for God’s sake oh my god oh I thought that was a flame no no no no oh my God oh my God oh my God what the hell is

That what the hell is that oh my God oh my God oh my God no no oh my God oh my God oh my God I have to run I’m on two hearts I’m on two hearts oh my God oh my God I don’t have time to eat I do not have time to eat at

All oh my God oh my God run run run run okay okay oh oh my God that thing’s still there and he’s obviously just disappeared he’s just off cuz he doesn’t it’s not part of the plan now to kill me he just decided to scare the living crap out of me and then

Leave okay okay okay oh that’s fine that’s fine okay well this base was the best best I’ve ever had are you you’re you’re actually taking the piss now I can’t leave without something stupid like that happening can I oh my God there’s more of these freaking things great you just came out

The ground you can go away more diamonds oh wow okay that scared me the quick footstep scared me and more than one please no of course not I keep thinking I’m hearing things behind me but it’s just my own footsteps okay F okay no don’t like that

Don’t like that don’t like that don’t like that that sounds absolutely horrifying ah oh my God oh my God oh my God oh that’s a big one that’s a big one oh my God back to the base what is that is it

Gone oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God a oh my God oh my God oh my God that’s SC okay okay can I kill this thing at least oh my God oh my God oh my Jesus okay okay oh my god I’ve actually spent fing half the video in this in this little Cube I need to I think I just need to go

To surface I’ve got five diamonds that’s also that’s enough for enchants I need better armor and I need to get out of here we we’ve done everything we can I think yeah it’s time to just get out of here this is actually horrific and hopefully I can do it

Peacefully without something just coming destroying me as I’m going up yep great great great just something coming off isn’t there honestly I might just dig up I think that’s better than me trying to find a way out you know I think something’s just going to come and get

Me either way so I need to just get y yep goodbye goodbye lights oh my God oh jeez okay we’re going to slowly staircase our way up and like the entire thing so that nothing is a surprise you know what we’re also going to block off behind us because that’s just not a question I need answered is it I just keep checking behind me out of sheer Panic

Okay yep yep yep yep okay leaving I’m literally leaving your area mate can you just piss off all right is it night time don’t tell me it’s night time of course it’s night time of course it is and we’ve spawn by the big creepy house you know

What going go sleep in the village I don’t even care we are just getting out of here y y y goodbye goodbye I don’t care I don’t care that you’re spawning I’m leaving leaving leaving I’m just leaving oh my God okay we’ve actually [Applause] survived we have survived we didn’t

Really run into heroBrine at all in the cave so that’s nice I like that these guys are just ridiculously strong though okay I’m low what I didn’t even realize but I’ve only got eight bread left so that was a good reason to come up if nothing

Else and you know what we are going to do we are going to explore this bad boy I saw this ages ago then just completely forgot about it we’re going to explore this then we’re going to build a house and we’ve done it we’ve actually done it we’ve survived some horrible stuff have

We okay all right I don’t like this there’s but shelves though which is very Nice going to hold this and go up it’s just so dark up here oh oh nice and oh a cassette player wait so a villager does stuff okay there’s good stuff in here no I’ll take that tear of the man what okay well we’re taking this enchantment table that’s no longer yours

Buddy sorry but you can stay here my friend cuz I would like to buy a cassette player from you then I can hear that cassette recording oh yeah you know what actually cuz we’ve got the enchantment table we are going to make diamond sword diamond pickaxe that just

Seems like a genius idea I don’t know if it is but it feels like one so we’re going for sharpness yes and efficiency okay perfect also power why not well that was a lovely house there should be more of them and less of whatever else

There was cuz now we’ve just got to go back grab everything from the tiny little hole in the wall and build a proper house because I’m not living in squala anymore no we’re living right by this Village I don’t care if it’s near Herobrine’s ground we’re doing it oh my

God look I’m not falling for that again I do not like him he even he looks shade lighter than the rest I’m yeah I’m just not even dealing with that no thank you hello my sweet pretty God it’s all useless rubbish in here but you know what it’s something

And because I’ve got all of this and all of this to carry if we go into just find search backpack we can craft a backpack which is one gold one minewood chest or just a regular chest a backpack tank and a sleeping bag okay so we need iron and

Glass and then just three wool okay oh that’s easy so we’ve got the three wool there’s a sleeping bag we should have we’ve got the leather for it perfect we literally just need sand yeah that’s smelting there we are right here we go boom boom I think that is absolutely everything don’t

Done are you kidding me okay oh you just right click it okay okay right let’s put everything in uh I’ll keep the things that I’ll probably need oh my God okay we have finally done it all right good let’s get out of here I’m done uh it’s night time I’m going to

Sleep I’m I’m just I’m oh my God okay it’s a night where I can’t sleep didn’t mention that this can happen but so sorry uh can I help you we’re going to put the to M Myan I’m going to try and sleep again okay yep okay right okay so we

Can’t sleep tonight we are going to have to travel in the dark that’s wonderful yeah that’s just absolutely spiffing okay to the Village to the Village right we’re just going to build a mountain home and nice little safe one doesn’t need to be good just needs to be

Something okay things are exploding and I don’t know why and I hear children and babies what the [ __ ] is happening this is this is just the most stressful video I’ve ever made what was that you guys saw that right you guys saw that please tell me you saw that v

V oh I’m getting out of here if I’m in a boat I’m safe ouch you know what you know what’s nuts I don’t even think that’s true I don’t even think if I’m in a boat I’m safe it’s just like I should be I should be perfectly fine and of

Course I just saw the guy behind me yep there he is he’s coming oh my God buddy buddy please there’s my Bo buddy buddy we can we’re friends we’re friends right if I’m inside are we chill okay see you’re actually taking the piss oh he’s coming for me yep I

Shouldn’t have taken a screenshot of him do you mind hey do you mind why did it glitch why did it glitch are we going up terine still just there oh no of course he’s gone he’s done with me once he’s freaked me out oh my God I hate this

Game oh my God what is that what is that’s what I saw in the cave please don’t hurt me don’t hurt me let me sleep oh my God I think I can sleep through T night is it gone what the hell was that oh no it’s

Still there of course it is why what do you Want Oh my God okay don’t annoy him don’t annoy him oh my God I’m in the worst situation oh my God I stay in the very center of the block he can hit me oh my God oh my God he’s breaking he’s breaking the door I actually don’t know what I do

Is it gone okay oh my god I’ve got a headache I’ve actually got a headache right we’re doing what we said we were going to do we’re going to build a little indent into this mountain we’re going to look over the village because we’re going to

Need to keep these Villages safe I think we’re going to have to build a perimeter around the village that will just keep keep me safe as well but for now this is going to do okay this is going to have to do we’re literally just going to stick

Super simple here because I am not you know I’m just not messing about I just want something that will keep me safe until I have the coones to make something that will just not be broken into right it looks ugly but it will do the trick it means if I’ve got to run

From one of those long-legged freaks I can just get out of there easy route over to the Village lovely place up here into my base I’m a simple man with Simple Pleasures so we’re not going hard we are doing the exact opposite and keeping things light and

Breezy boom boom simple entrance I don’t care and two doors just to keep the baddies away perfect right there we are now I’m just going to just place down a load of glass so we can see out of this thing and uh yeah hopefully you guys just watch this and nothing else bad

Happens and so I gathered a bunch of sand until I ran into this guy you sucker you think I’m falling for that one go away okay I can’t sleep never mind I need coal I still need coal and I just had a little girl laugh didn’t I I am

Literally just going to dig under I don’t care we’re just going to get coal and get out of here if I can’t sleep then I’ll stay perfectly safe oh daytime thank God for that oh my God oh my God Noe what oh you’re right there okay no yeah you’re gone all right

Okay okay yeah right everything is smelting and ready to go oh my okay I then began to smelt up the glass dig out my home and added windows so that I could see everything that was watching me final touch that should be pretty good if I do

This I’m pretty sure oh yeah I love what that looks like lovely way to see from the outside we’ll just get two stairs there and we’re done just got to hollow out the inside and sleep because I’m not dealing with any more rubbish today no thank you

Please oh my God why can’t I sleep okay we we’re working through the night again oh why oh my God what what what what oh my God what how how how how oh my god I’ve got a bad Omen are you kidding me I’ve got a bad Omen and we live right

Next to a village okay it only lasts 25 minutes though so if I just finish building the base we’ll be fine God I’ve been playing this game for too long please let me please let me rest why actually why oh my God and he’s there the actual

Creep okay what was that no no no no can I sleep I’m sick of this game I’m sick of this game oh go away oh okay no what do you want okay we provoked him we provoked him no no no go go away can you get in

Here oh my God he’s gone around the back he’s gone around the back where I think oh my God oh my God okay okay okay I don’t know where he is I do not know where he Is

I Added Herobrine to My Hardcore Minecraft World… (Minecraft From The Fog #1?)

Well… I have installed “From The Fog” a terrifying Minecraft mod and a load of others… So, if you guys enjoy this video and want to see it as a series… LEAVE A LIKE! This is absolutely terrifying, so if you enjoy seeing me scared, you’ll love it.

Instagram – @wispexe
Photo Instagram – @wisp.photos

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  1. Wisp when u were in the cave and a enderman and a skeleton attacked u and when u killed the skeleton that time a entity spawned behind u and u didn't see it when u turned around it disappeared and there was some particles behind

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