I Tested Your Dumb Minecraft Mods

Today nari and I are testing your Minecraft mods surely nothing bad will happen wait get the horse what happened to the horse is that his chainsa what the heck I’m taking the trophy it’s fine uh narie hey I have an experiment get over here okay I need your help I’m

Coming can you punch me just punch me real quick oh oh jeez oh Jee God wait what is going on why are they what are they doing wait guys guys wrong target well what is happening I am immediately overwhelmed what is actually is that a Vex they purple what the heck

Going what is happening so today we’re testing their Minecraft mods and we’ve got to find out whose mod is deserving of the world’s dumbest trophy are you ready I’m so ready whatever the heck just happened uh if that happens more we don’t talk about that all right these are my little

Minion guys I’m not going to tell you how I got them all I can tell you is that it’s a mod that anyone can download and that is how I got them that’s sick as you can see some of them have shields with a little window in it look you can

See which is awesome I can see you through his shield how’s it going in there oh hey and then some of them have bells which is kind of you know like cool I guess I wish kind of cool and look at this guy he’s oh wait he just

They turned the pages oh my God now that is going above and beyond what do you think he’s reading I I don’t think he wants us to know what yeah it is binary we’ got more things to do follow me yeah yeah yeah yeah we’ve got to find an outpost you

Know where one is by any chance uh yeah this way okay God you’re really you’re really just doing that aren’t you yeah you know it’s taking a lot of skill a lot of train you you really did find an outpost let’s go wait I think so I’m

Going to need these in here you take that now we both have ourselves some allies let’s go in and try and attack this charge you don’t have a weapon here wait take this pickaxe I have a trophy I have a I have half health and a trophy

You could bludgeon them with that that trophy doing it here we go okay I actually I don’t see any single pillagers this I think we’ve already won oh boy this is mysterious there’s like no pillagers anywhere around here right now all of our alleys they’re all just sitting along the mountain right now

Guys come on guys we got an entire Outpost to defeat what are you doing where are they going what is happening I don’t they’re just wandering off I have no idea guys guys please help pleas no don’t call it what are you doing we’ve already been spotted oh my

Gosh oh jeez they are really going crazy right now look at them go they’re like sending and flying awes that’s oh oh hello guys good job you’re NY where’d you go oh God wait a minute oh no there they are charge everybody we’ve got this look at them do

Oh my God what is go why are there so many pillagers H I’m stuck ah NY NY no wait what happened to the trophy do they have it now uhoh no I got it we’re good we’re good we’re good hey that was crazy I got this

Shadow Vex stuff I don’t know what it does who whoa whoa it is it’s literally called Shadow vex’s stuff yeah wow what’ you think well um I’m taking this trophy I’m leaving this was everything I wanted it to be a bunch of deadly blue mosquitoes with weapons also the one

With a book told me a beautiful bedtime story five stars wow you’re balancing that pretty nicely there wow jeez what are you what what are you talking about H darn it hang on sorry I darn it narie let me ask you something for this next experiment God do you mind cow jeez for

This next experiment what is your favorite Minecraft mob H uhhuh uh uh uh polar bear polar bear you know fitting okay uh I’m going to need some of this can you get a crafting table go punch the tree real quick oh yeah yeah yeah you know it’s Minecraft you know how to do it I’m not all right

I’m ready you got that craft oh Adam boy look good okay all right I’m just going To there is there’s your polar bear uh what else the sound it made did you hear funy let’s let’s uh oh yeah yeah absolutely oh n crafting the recipes don’t work none of the hang on wait I it’s okay scrap together surely it okay okay I got funy fundy’s here to

Help s funy why does the crafting table not work is it cuz I didn’t place it maybe maybe nar’s crafting tables are just weird I’m sorry okay I built it to the best of my ability give me a sec so give me so cursed give me a sec yeah sorry funy

Oh what what have you done horse oh wait get the horse what happened to the horse get him he’s he’s losing something’s wrong with my horse oh dude Oh shoot what did you do to my bro why what are you are you good what what is very there narie what have you

Done dude wait you and your vicious dog have not only killed me but every other mob how could you did you call is his name Rover his name’s his name’s Rover n his name’s Rover that’s that’s that’s an awesome name for a dog this is very sad

Cool this is I mean what is this mob is this wait is this a it’s a rabbit oh God are you sure it’s not a Thanksgiving turkey what happened oh hey oh okay so it’s like it’s like it’s like digging oh wait look it’s like it’s like oh sad

About sad about the panda what a great way to do like screenshots it’s this is like a fun that’s so neat what else does this I kind of like it hang on uh oh there’s a chicken cool there’s a oh there’s multiple chickens um there’s a

Goat goat boy oh hey so cool it’s Chompy a cat this reminds me of that time we coated dead mobs into Minecraft that just stay there forever if you haven’t seen that video I highly recommend you check it out uh what are we missing I guess a cow oh oh oh

Oh he’s got a bird oh wait that’s so oh God that’s so unfortunate but but oddly inspiring there’s also there’s also that oh great yeah oh come on flipper flipper do you mind do you mind flip oh it’s like he’s depressed who oh yeah oh yeah

Scratch my oh this a good spot N I got to say man I’ve seen some dumb mods in my time this one this ain’t it bro this is awesome this ain’t it this is Grace bodies everywhere and look oh yeah yeah boy and now I have become one wait join

Us for the the nap for the for the Eternal nap the Eternal nap I really like the part where the crafting recipes didn’t work it was like a fun puzzle that I had to solve five stars narie where are you you hey I’m in a swamp oh hey up there you’re up

There hey I found a raw chicken I’ve been running experiments wait wait wait wait don’t no stop stop stop what did you do wait let me explain let me explain everything you need to know is in this book okay um I I want to get

Close to it I just I need to okay um PE buer okay I’m going to this is my book now oh I’m going to let him out oh oh I’m sorry Jonathan I’m sorry Jonathan no he as you can see he doesn’t attack oh God he’s shaking so much what did you do

To him look at him look at him of course he’s shaking oh God I Jonathan hang on let me fix oh there he goes there he go oh here he goes here he okay let him run if that if you can call that running let

Him run free okay so there’s a couple of things that I need to show you okay um oh god oh we can’t let him get if the government finds out that I made this thing and they we have to go get him now if anyone finds out get get him go get

Him I’ve been I we’ve been running experiments on creepers that’s all I can say this comes from yellow BR extras which is all about infectious creepers oh he did getu where did he go I don’t want to kill him cuz honestly he’s kind of like a miraculous invention I don’t

Think anybody could ever recreate this monstrosity cuz as you can tell it is a bunch of creepers Blended together it that yeah it’s that’s wow here wait man this guy might help um oh look at him oh go get your little come on oh look at that guy they really don’t want to

Attack you which is kind of cool this one’s less of an Abomination but he’s also still kind of an Abomination oh no oh no oh shoot oh shoot it’s another one wao it’s just ahead wait I need some lead theck oh God wait NY NY get close

Get close grab that please please go help me PR take them back to the work you can’t lead any of them they don’t they don’t lead I the I these guys will just have to take it out that’s that’s just all that’s going to have to happen wait why don’t they oh

W oh no oh no oh what did you do okay wait wait okay that’s interesting that is a unique experiment okay wait so if I spawn a witch oh yeah okay oh my god oh wow it’s still going it’s still going NY where are you NY hello I’m coming

Back I’m coming back they’re just going so far they’re trying to get something I think this feels like the worst possible outcome what is this what what the heck where did he go what is happening can you light them you can light them oh no nar’s dead oh

No nar’s I’m running that is what is the guy’s like dabbing he’s like dab oh what what is that I just I’m scratching my head at there this is this is is that a sword what is this he has a gun and a sword and like this is crazy this is

Crazy this is insane my gosh oh my God this is actually wild to look at where did that guy go what is going on wait okay I got to see if this guy can defeat like the Wither or something like are you ready

Oh oh no uh I just feel like we got to try this you know I get him defend get him I’m going I’m going I’m going run oh God all right put is is that a chaina what the heck he’s got a chain what oh my word who’s going to win

Oh okay he a lot of ground attacks clearly the what is that there is no shot that the Wither wins right now there’s this is his he’s got his T all he’s just okay I’m spawning multiple oh jeez oh jeez yep yep oh oh oh my gosh the chain the

Oh oh oh wow I feel like I feel like this is Super Smash Bros I just I can’t handle it what if I just uh just going to just going to add a uh-huh couple friends I think oh good lord oh uh-huh uh-huh yeah uh-huh uh-huh yeah

Uh-huh still seems like there’s a few defenders in there though what is that what is that that he’s got right there what the heck what is going on what is happening oh what is the lighting Nar I’m just saying look at me I’m just saying I’m just saying I think we know I

Think I know who you know the dumb oh oh yeah I think so I think yeah I think I might need therapy that was the most thrilling experience in Minecraft since Captain Sparkles hit single Revenge the music video five stars oh man narfi I am

Really pooped I just got to say this is uh my neck is like Too Tall nfy welcome to sitting Plus this is a mod that makes it so wherever you’re sitting it changes based on what you’re doing for example I’m holding a fishing rod and you know

If I want to sit down I’m holding a fishing rod I don’t know what just happened sorry um oh got to see sorry excuse me don’t mind if I do I really feel like I’m posing for like a a photo right now like I look I’m I am a short King and I

Am proud look I’m just saying Minecraft has needed sitting for a long time I think everyone agrees what happens if I sit on stairs nothing really changed I’m still just sitting on wait I think there what happens if I hold the giant oh my what wait I’m stuck sitting I’m taking

The trophy it’s mine this is a cool mod but it’s not good enough for the dumbest trophy I’m taking it it’s mine it’s mine and nothing you okay all right I’ll give it back my feet were hurting and now they’re not five stars Karie I’ve got another experiment for you okay this

Time it has to do with this amazing staff go grab it wow beautiful storms wo wo okay interesting fascinating fascinating it died that was a horrible test NY this this is a mod called and it adds like a bunch of items but the most important

Thing it’s a dark hat look at you go it’s a dark hat and and you can have one you can have a dark hat yeah that’s more oh yeah dude that fits that fits that fits your head like absolutely it it’s actually wait turn your head it’s

Actually not even connected to your head it’s floating above your head nice okay um so I you know I was trying to be prepared but I’ll be honest I think our best this is blast oh wo oh wao oh what are those e it’s blast fungus oh blast

Berserk fungus okay that’s kind of fun wait oh no oh it’s h snap Fus oh God watch watch out okay hey hey are you hairy I found this might need that the philosopher stone stone wait what happens if I just oh heal bomb dance dance dance dance dance dance dance n

I’ll be honest I I really I really don’t know what to do in a mod like this there’s so much it’s a little overwhelming there are some gloves hey buddy oh God’s it going you look like a Scooby-Doo secret hiding spot you look like a Scooby-Doo villain I’m not here

Show show me what you got it’s a freaking Death Scythe whoa let me see it dude you look you look give me your clothes give give me give me everything you got real quick oh okay okay nice okay look at how cool I look W there’s

Even more armors how do you look at me now now you’re hey nari can you give me your clothes real quick okay all right whatever I like went an F5 I saw myself I just I looked at myself I just can’t look what I found it’s Gerald wait that’s not even a villager

What’s up with that I could put it on anyway where’s the witch’s hat what is this it look yeah now it looks like the the witch’s hat would fit n you look different you look really different now hey I’m I’m over here actually NY could

You help me out just for a minute oh yeah here let maybe what is that oh God maybe this this guy maybe oh maybe not what do these guys do little Haun oh God I’m running whoa look at this guy look at him with his mustache n you want

To get out of here yeah kind of I’ve got the trophy we can dip yeah somehow there was both nothing and everything in this mod this is a great mod for anyone looking to fill their world with new content to explore well done five stars

NY my boy do you like ice cream I love ice well let’s get to make it somebody this is simple ice creams and I have a feeling okay I have a feeling I’m going to like this one I think it’s going to be very ice cream and I think it’ll get

The the world’s dumbest trophy all right so what do we need we’re going to need some oh God this is kind I I’m excited I I’m pretty excited right now this looks crazy okay all right a shoot we need Redstone um oh I’ve got some I’ve got a little redone

I’ve got a r let see it oh boy he wasn’t kidding he why why did you have so much Redstone don’t worry about it it’s not important I actually love the idea of redstone as fuel wait why did it go in there is that where that goes hang on oh oh there’s a

Little bar okay uh I really don’t know the next step here this isn’t very simple wait hang on I got to go find a cow wait all right I’m just going to get as much milk as I can this 2% all right I think I’m ready there’s just going to be

A lot there I don’t know know how much we needed but I got a couple all right uh excellent okay I don’t I don’t oh wait need help with the simple ice oh it was it’s there in you just need Redstone as fuel okay okay are you clicking that

What’s happening stop no uh wait what stop it I’m try to read it wait it’s literally just gone now I don’t understand okay I don’t know how I’m going to mix any ice cream with my inventory as it currently is hey it’s your family over there oh my people go

I’ll get the ice cream figured out you go hang out with your people bro you had any Wheat oh yeah uh hold on I need some wheat in order to make an ice cream cone hey you do have weed let’s go thr it I’ve got

You oh I was hoping I hit the ground and die narie I appreciate you thank you oh God okay okay wait a minute wait a minute uh a shoot um can you like use your moous to like set this block right here into crafting table just I’m going

To look at it just set it in yeah come on you got it Focus nice good job okay wait now how do you oh I did it it’s a cornet okay so first we’re going to need a cornet okay I’m going to give you some

Okay yeah this this is so simple I got this W I got it cookie ice cream look at that wait wait wow wait who um I got I got speed I could run around real fast broo literally speed right now ah shoot wait a minute I got him don’t worry I’ll

Fix it I’ll fix it I’ll fix it I’ll fix it don’t worry it’s okay wait wait NY NY it’s a good thing I did that I’ve got some ice cream I can make you one I’m not going to leave you hanging you got some ice cream I got I

Can make you some ice cream hang on okay all right all right uh first things first I’m going to put the red soap fuel in there got to fuel up ice mixture nice don’t worry I got you coming what’s your favorite flavor narie what’s your favorite flavor uh you know I’m partial

To mint chocolate chip freak that’s a good flavor I’m sorry yeah yeah you know hey pretty good we uh we’re out of that flavor but I think you might enjoy this one it’s so good how does it taste uh oh I’m going to get oh I’m out of here

Berries and cream berries and cream I’m a little lad who likes berries and cream look oh that’s the trophy hang on wow that’s a wow that’s some crazy ice cream [Applause] D this some painful ice cream h on let me do that again I got to see if I wasn’t expecting that that actually like I feel insulted wait did you forget to take the thorns out of it or something what the heck I I just mixed it yeah

Well I got to say I like it it’s a really good mod simple ice cream what do you think honestly this was far from simple I screamed you screamed we all screamed for ice cream but after we figured it out the universe aligned and everything made sense the berry flavor

Was spicy five stars got to be a way out of here oh hey I Knew You Came prepared let’s go yeah do you have a pickaxe by chance in uh you know funny you should mention that it would be really oh there’s iron here I have like nothing to

My name nari it would be great if you could do me a favor and mine this iron right here and maybe Cobblestone and help me get some pickax just to help me get on my feet you know yeah yeah you know that would be really really handy

Easy easy hey hey hey who’s this guy oh watch out hey watch out behind you behind you behind you get we’re good nice who’s this guy look at him oh hey he’s got a little oh oh oh he floats he floats wait I want that

Pickaxe you got I want that look at it it’s not that expensive oh dude oh it’s oh no it’s not really no I got this i got this I have exactly let’s go I I had you had yeah well I had I had a couple of things that I could oh hello ability

Ready oh hello wo hello wait what is wao what’s happening W that’s cool hey it’s like a 3X3 oh my gosh you found diamonds no way did I find I found diamond literally right here check this out I don’t need diamonds I got an ancient pickaxe that’s kind of cool I like that

Like I about you but I’m not Rich enough to have a freaking netherite pickaxe and a Nether Star yeah you should probably play more in the nether then it’s pretty easy this guy he just trades it oh he’s kind of spooky looking I think he wants

The big trophy hang on hang on hey Mr guy are you friendly he’s friendly hey buddy what is he turn a scye oh you got an end oh jeez oh God oh God man NE okay so this is another Merchant called the shund and he’s got you know honestly that’s not that expensive

Either I got a scythe now bro I even leveled up since the last time we what in the world what did that do that’s crazy I don’t even know what I did did it teleport wait wait wait wait wait yeah it like teleports you wait yeah

Yeah W that’s a weird ability to just ran wait there’s two shun can I kill him oh oh he’s not it wasn’t Happ easy peasy brother easy peasy oh man sorry I told you there was no reason for us to go up one block at a time out of the caves that’s so

Inefficient look who’s that oh my God he’s so beautiful he is so handsome let’s go check it out don’t be scared you go you’re the one with diamond I don’t have like anything to my name the Sun is setting this is so romantic for you yeah

Look at him I mean ominous hey I like the way his neck protrudes outward dude this guy is a beast blaze rod and a Nether Star more nether stuff that I don’t have let’s go that is awesome and you IMM oh hello okay w oh I like that the abilities are actually

Pretty cool so cool Nar I think I figured it out the merchants mod adds a bunch of new merchants and cool items that’s that’s pretty cool what do you think man I mean do you think it deserves the trophy even though I couldn’t trade any of them I’m down I

Think you know it’s pretty good I mean although although wait a minute although I’m having second thoughts now did you forget about a certain mod that’s you think my God this is our friend now like he should join us on our adventure yeah he’s just kind of hanging out hey man

Name him in the comments I really like the design of these Merchants they’re very unique and fun to find the trades could be better but they’re still giving villagers a run for their emeralds five stars

SystemZee reviews community made mods. Are your mods worthy of a 5-STAR review? From crazy mobs to wild weapons, these are your dumb Minecraft mods!


EDITED BY: @vfxraydell

0:00 – Intro
0:22 – Battle Allays by Badplay3r_pl
3:57 – Placeable Mobs by TheUnknownDad
7:48 – Yellowbross Creeper Mod by yellowbrossproductions
13:00 – Sitting+ by Salty Water
14:10 – Goety by Polarice3
17:03 – Simple Ice Creams by DariusZeBaguette
21:43 – Merchants by MinoBanana & Mercury Modworks

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I Tested 1-Star Minecraft Mods

I Tested 5-Star Minecraft Mods

If you enjoyed this video, consider checking out I Made Villagers Build Their Own Village. Where we challenged players and villagers to see who could build the better village!


  1. The fact that Battle Allays, Yellowbross’ Extras and Goety were featured here is mind boggling! All of those are fantastic and well made mods and honestly three of my favorites!

  2. IDEA: a stretchy arms like Poppy Play Time or Arms (the Nintendo game) that allows you to reach things from far away and even hang to edges and can work like a grappling hook!

  3. I am so glad that a big youtuber took a look at Goety. It is an underrated mod (as in only having 77k downloads on curseforge and even less on modrinth) and what Zee and Knarfy have shown to us is only like 5% of the mod. If you like Magic mods, this mod is for you. If you like Illagers, this mod is also for you.

  4. It me, the Polared Ice III, creator of the Goety mod. Thank you so much for showing my mod!

    Just some explanations: The Villager/Illager Skull nose nub thing was because I found the idea of the entire nose having a full bone in it weird so I just made it so that only the upper part of the nose has bone while the rest is flesh.

    The Dark Hat floats above your head slightly a bit because the brim would conflict with helmets when wearing it. Also it's magic.

    The mod is based on Witchery and Thaumcraft 4 so there's a lot going on in there aside from the fungi, bombs and armors, like Wands, Staffs, Focuses, Undead Servants, Custom Brewing and a lot Illagers trying to murder you for stealing their magical secrets!

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