We Survived A Scary Parasite Outbreak…

There’s something infecting this world it’s trying to hunt us down and take control of our bodies but what is infecting all the mobs because it’s spreading everywhere and what exactly are we looking for guys where are we uh I don’t know normal field yeah everything looks looks pretty normal

Looks pretty mcra not seeing any weird well I see a weird building over there what about that spider looking thing in front of us oh God it started guys are infesting he’s coming towards us we Have No Loot we Have No Loot run run run run

Away why is you so fast wait we can’t let it spread guys this is like the first one we’ve seen guys our job is to protect the civilization of this world and we have a parasite already here grab grab wood grab Wood please just kill it we can’t do anything

Already struggling with one oh he’s dead nice how many more why is there just a random horse just laying around in the ocean he’s not infected is he no he looks kind of normal but guys there’s no one going to question what that building over there is it kind of looks abundant

Yeah that is a little weird maybe there could be good loot in there no I think I just saw some legs somewhere yo guys n no no I think there’s good loot in there let’s go check it out be very careful guys if we be spoted by parasite they

Can take over our body hello howy be careful keep don’t get infected man wait wait wait right there guys right there a Bigg Vision yo yo yo inside inside the B inside the Bas don’t let him hit you oh he just got how do I get inside he just

Got bigger he just got bigger guys I’m going inside qu open up please run run let me in bro he’s right there my gosh is that here there’s nothing in here empty really all right I’m going to the other bunker you could stay here quick they’re making weird noises did you guys

Not hear it let me in yo open the door what is wrong with you yo Guys open the door open the door open the door it’s open he’s outside is there any loot here that I can use here take a chest plate helmet uh one armor left here yes cuz

Here I’ll trade you one better there you go buddy is no one going to question who left this loot here yeah wait there’s like four beds here we should probably take these beds too right we should each get one wait it’s weird how there’s only four wait guys there’s something outside

Is that a sheep what is that what is huh it’s been ined it’s spreading it’s spreading already oh no guys we are going to run out and we’re going to run into the open okay free go go oh my God out of my way yo wait okay run run run I

Have an axe I have an axe I see a ruin pole I’m heading that way guys run towards me it’s weird how we don’t see any of the mobs I have a golden axe and some obsidian IR under under oh my gosh there’s like a oh that’s a horse I

Think normal horse normal horse Peppa run out run out run out run out the horse has been affected meaning there could be other infections around here I’m safe we need to find them before they’re infected sky watch out yeah thanks for telling me that 5 minutes after I

Already got hit beat him up beat him up you have to be very careful you can be infected oh wait you’ve got particles on you I’m not infected I swear kill it kill the polar bear hey yo all I’m saying is skidy was

Just bit wait you go bit too I am too I have mut sickness yeah what is that what happens when the timer runs out all I’m saying is these guys got bit and they’re all infected now I’m just trying to give you a hug don’t worry cough on you a little bit just

Come here oh my guys please we need to find some sort of civilization I see a village wait really I see a village wait did you guys loot this okay guys the only problem with the village is I don’t see any Villages but an i Golem I do see

So if the Golem’s alive that mean it hasn’t been infected so I think that’s got to be villagers right oh no I do vill okay we’re good for now is this one of the only remaining Villages or is this going to be our demise oh um what happened to this

Pig there’s blood right here too wait wait why is this sheep like sprinting what the heck what’s wrong with the she whoo whoo wao cuz look at that the pigs are running cuz there’s a dead body where the pigs are uh was the pig infected is that why it’s dead okay so

Far we look like this is an actual normal village so we can grab the resources maybe even stay the first night here protected from any parasites but if we see a parasite kill it yeah that’s not a bad idea well how did you guys get so much iron yo we should grab

The carrots bun let’s grab the carrots grab the carrot wait wait wait wait wait guys I hear something inside this room no no no go walk in go walk walk go so you’re an idiot I’m fine he didn’t hit me it’s okay wait is there something in

There can we hit it through the window wait guys I have an idea know it’s got a big mouth I’m whacking it through the window it’s no don’t block it in there’s a reason it’s blocked oh yeah contain the sickness I’m trying to kill it we got to quarantine it it’s like a

Villager it’s it doesn’t want to die Viller we do not let it out yeah we need resources there we go oh nice it’s dead did it drop anything no it just dropped putrid flesh and a putrid heart okay we should grab these carrots over here so

We have food and hay bills anything we need but it’s kind of cool how The Villages blocked off the one that was infected wait wait wait wait skid you right next to you there’s a parasite what it’s trying to find a villager turn around quarantine the area everyone back

Up it’s trying to find a pirite it’s trying to find a villager it’s trying to find a villager kill it knock it off kill it kill it kill it oh wa oh it’s like a little like worm thing that was gross I guess they go inside your brain

And they take over I don’t want anything in my brain I’m kind of scared more will spawn at night mean I could just take all this cob to make some normal tools and once I have tools I think I’m I’m good but it’s turning night are you guys

Okay over there I think we’re going to take over this Castle maybe make it a base you grabbed all the beds right yeah we have a few beds don’t kill the Iron Golem he might be our only protector right now we are definitely under stacked that’s what I’m saying oh wait

There’s a fox over there I wonder if he has an emerald what whoa whoa wo wo wo the wo wo wo what’s going on what’s going on what was that oh guys guys help me guys no no wo wo wo wo wo wo yo yo yo it’s on me it’s on me

There’s a lot of creepy mobs right now help what just happened they like I’m stuck in a hole skidy what I’m trying to safe right now dig lava’s coming down skiny get safe I’m going to make food I’m going to make food so you’re going

To burn me I’m you’re going to burn me are you guys okay okay did it work no it didn’t work I killed them myself dude d a oh is he in the hole I tried to make a safety hole Yeah that didn’t work very well yeah I can tell but guys look look

Look I got this assimilated ender pearl what does this do what does it do I don’t know but throw it looks like it tastes like strawberries and raspberries okay I’m going to throw it uh wait that a really quick guys skidy is that skidy it’s like a it’s like a Pillager

Wa it’s an invoker yes we’ve lost what’s happening wait can not die how many it can’t die it can’t die it can’t die run away run away where’s Sky get away from me you stupid Fox he’s chasing me what did I do run yo that thing’s actually unkillable guys I’m

Hiding inside the village where is skidy skidy where are you where are you are you skidy hello there’s a village in here this guy I don’t know we need to like throw him in a hole or something this Village is not safe I name tag where Sky oh there

He is’s bringing another one help there’s another one come on they can’t die skiny they can’t die yeah I know I am well aware it t I threw the ender pearl and it Ted me into the middle of nowhere and there was just a sign saying you know

What you need to do wait what what do you need to do I don’t know problem guys the Iron Golem is about to die does any have any iron to feed it is he going is he going to get infected if he dies I think he might already be

Infected I’m hearing a weird sound guys I’m seeing some really weird like Steve creatures over there okay instantly the best option right now is grab torches any torches you see take them we need all the light protection we can I think like I feel these guys are afraid of

Light light guys this entire Village has we all the villagers are now dead they’ve been parasites the Iron Golem can kill this guy wo wo wo wo wo wo oh no oh no oh no guys we need to leave I’m going to go upstairs and I’m going to try something

To get to you guys yo kly don’t run to my area there’s someone in there oh no guys are you guys okay are you guys actually okay there are some things chasing you quick we need to he’s just picking me up okay guys problem the entire Village has been corrupted guys

We are all low and there’s a whole area we have to sleep I found a house I found a house I’m sleeping in I’m sleeping in you may not rest as monsters nearby yo what the heck guys what is that noise it’s turning sunlight it’s turning day guys get down

Here it’s safe down here just be careful oh guys I’m on two hearts I’m literally on two HS I’m in the house bro get to the base no it’s not safe in there man what about this house I can make make my way into this house and there pumpkin pie guys I’m

Sleeping I’m sleeping no it’s already turning morning is it oh it is we survived let me in we survived the first night oh my God okay this villagers done for we need to leave now every Villager has been corrupted even the Pillager open the door even the pill has been corrupted okay

Guys this is bad we have to we have to dig down we have to go down yeah I we got to go to the caves I didn’t realize how what power this was how is it spreading so fast oh is this cave have you guys found anything they’re all running into the lava

Oh okay oh my gosh yo the L actually saved us we’ve realized one thing the parasite outbreak actually evolves when the stuff nearby the only living Village is now gone it got annihilated so fast and it almost killed us yeah it’s almost better not to be near anything alive

Yeah we need to get stacked we don’t have much gear the poor Iron Golem stood no chance just kill off the stragglers oh oh I got him oh my I’m on half a heart I’m sorry I made have hit you Diamond nice diamonds yeah the diamond

Right here nice no way let’s go more diamonds over there wow maybe we actually did lose them down here I I think it’s cuz there’s nothing living down here up above there’s like a bunch of animals villagers yeah the parasites can’t go deep so we should be safe in

The mines theoretically right yo this place looks crazy I I think is this like a safe haven what is this place it seems kind of protected this cave is massive yo wait what wait why is that building is that what are you guys talking about

Is that like a mod sha I am so confused this looks like a laboratory maybe or something oh you might be watch out watch out we got Bo boogies inbound oh what yo how are these guys down here wait they’re mostly they’re mostly humans wait wait yeah wait that’s kind

Of weird like aad are you guys you idiots you idiots everyone into the lab into the lab into the LA go go go go why is that green blood everywhere guys come in come in come in Sky yo why did you block it off cuz

This oh the oh my all right I’m breaking in up top I’ll meet you guys up top hey I I block I blocked the they can climb I’m coming through the roof diamonds in here what the roof all right wait first of all we were getting loot

What is this place what the not again it’s it’s cuz it’s an Enderman he’s teleporting things in here he is Peppa you said you are diamonds yeah yeah look at this I got an idea this should help us out a little bit oh yeah these this

Must be like round zero wait yeah we never really checked out it’s downstairs fine okay look at this enchantment table that is that small wait we don’t have lapis oh there’s IR sword here guys I mean we cave but wait there’s like green goo on the ground down here yeah okay let’s

Actually explore what this is oh wait it literally says lab and there’s a parasite watching us there is a door here yeah there’s no button to get in wait hold on I saw something up here I can’t make the button yet but wait yo we could just

Jump over this oh that’s smart anyone check what was upstairs though uh what if there’s no way back up you guys uh a there’s a weir here my okay wait there’s some good loot though subject 99 hh- 453 have you guys have you guys found something what the uh kind of wait

There’s no button on this side back come in come in come in come in what is this uh it looks like whoever it was broke out oh no so you’re saying this is the cause of all the parasites who was experimenting was it the stev’s outside

Y I don’t like this I’m out of here okay you guys could stay here I’m I’m gone don’t go don’t go that way oh shoot you I’m sorry I’m sorry I got scared run run run run run upstairs guys everyone go upstairs everyone go upstairs there’s a safe haven

Upstairs maybe this is when the outbreak started and they tried to kill off all the mobs outbreaks always start in the lab yeah it didn’t work at all this it’s weird how there was a there was a guard there so many things down there oh there’s a lot of everywhere pepper I see

Them infecting the skeletons yo Pepper’s on the run right now pepper yo are they he going to be okay he’s safe why are they hiding right here little rats wait Sky did you fall I’m right here we need torches anyone got torches help pepper all right guys small option right now save

Pepper oh I’m making a room for it deing what is this run go go go do have water I need water diamonds what are you doing I need water I’m running for my there’s water right here sky right for us I’m at half heart I’m at half heart I’m literally at half

A heart we might need to get out this cave yeah I think it’s time to go it seems like this entire world is on outbreak everything’s been possessed I guess we just dig out maybe go go go go go I’m digging uh oh I think it’s safe

This go go go we’re back in the village wait no I don’t want to stay here the same one Steve that is not you guys we should just leave just run just keep running just Steve everyone just run run into this Forest yeah I’m I’m going this way

I’m going this way I’m placing some torches they’re spreading so much faster than I thought was possible yeah we need to come with a plan we need like a base like defenses or something guys I finally see one normal cow that doesn’t look infected so obviously that’d be the

Right way to go yes a normal cow oh and we can grab these berries grab the berries yes we we the same STP oh sorry cow it’s better I kill you then you turn yeah I don’t want to deal with another cow guys we’re into a new Forest which

Is a good sign New Forest and I wait I think I saw yeah I see I see a building yeah what is that I I don’t know wait you see a building where yeah yeah yeah oh what is this oh we know how this goes there is no civilization oh it’s like a

Little farm guys food that means food are you idiot let’s go farm equals parasite mobs wait why dude in my book it means food bro I’m taking these ters yeah I’m hungry bro oh there’s chest here too I like potato Diamond emeralds oh we got so much food here help me help

Me oh my the what the what just where where did you just come from how am I oh there’s water oh my gosh that was so lucky I used one of those Pearl things I killed one of the Enderman and then got one of those pearls and then next thing

I know I was in the sky is that what happened to you skitzy got dud no I got sent to a sign that said you know what you have to do oh do not throw that again we saw what happened last time do not throw that oh guys there’s a bunch

Of loot there’s nothing living here except those yeah there’s no farm animals where did they go wait yeah there’s not this is a farm with no animals I found golden horse armor and horses I see living creatures wait no way and like that I now have food no has

No one been inside the farm the actual main area uh I was on the ground floor getting some wheat oh yeah wait there’s an upstairs it’s up here this is a good spot why would anyone leave this area do you guys have extra lapis for me and yeah Protection One honestly it will

Do more than anything yeah now that we’re like kind of stacked and it’s daytime Now’s the Time to move honestly yeah we need to find some sort of Base guys yeah I’m look over the wall is a wait what is That Yo speaking of Base yo let’s check this out what is

This wait this might be a really good base wait yeah who’s got the muten sness maybe they’re scared guys what is this uh I don’t know some weird walls oh there’s l is anyone here hello oh oh wait guys I see a parasite inside I no no a villagers have been

Taken parasite Doge oh no wait no there’s a villager we got to sa I see I see one lone villager in there wait yeah we got to save him we got to save him go go go go go goald rald quick just actually killed you that’s

Crazy whoo whoo wo that noise okay hello someone trying to do a broadcast right now what is going on I don’t know but all I know is torch of this area I mean we could probably use this yeah no it has nice protection look at the walls

The only problem is from up above yeah that’s a huge problem actually they can that’s probably how they got in but this is a nice little Outpost where we can actually take over we have villagers who we could potentially protect they’re are number one resource they might be the

Reason we can find a cure you okay there buddy have you you seen some things protect anything so I guess make sure you can’t jump over it yeah I’m fully protecting it I generally think this side’s good they might able to jump over this side so make it maybe too high yeah

That’s a good idea there we go okay this is starting to look good this is well protected I got the villagers quarantined while you guys got that set up I mean if you look at it the sun’s actually going to be going down pretty soon so we can fully test how secure

This bases it’s either going to be very good or very bad yeah it’s either going to leas to the m we should torch up this entire area though cuz we don’t that’s a good idea yeah if they’ll spawn inside oh guys it’s starting what do you mean what

Saring what saring I’ve got coal I got them safe they’re they’re locked up we never know bur we should make ladders going up to the the walls o I don’t really have I I have 27 obsidian ooh I’m hearing random sounds guys I’m hearing deadly sounds oh

Yeah there’s lots of weird stuff out there I don’t want to go out there so I’m patching this up quiff quiff what come here look over the edge do you see what’s below us what is that wait let me see that’s new lead him into the Trap wait watch out watch out I

See a l oh sorry what is wrong with you oh oh my guys I’m trying to rescue mission right now what is that get the piggy get him they’re running away how I supposed to you and not the good kind I’ve got him guys I have him oh an

Enderman uhoh we got to take this guy out wait he just teleported get him nice I I’ve got I’ve got a pig just help me bring him in get the Pearl K okay yeah get the pig your safy prot skeleton kill the pig go piggy

Go guys not to worry you but I just saw a spy wait my lead broke Oh no I got him I got him I got him come here come here buddy I’m at half a heart oh my god oh wait there a yep yep yep I saw a spider come

In get him oh no this is bad I don’t want him to get near the pig all right he’s dead he’s dead he’s dead the livock there we go we have acquired our first livestock we need to repop poize this entire world honestly the best option might be everyone sleep yeah that sounds

Good I’ll take this house I’ll get this house good night quiff okay guys morning so far we’re still surviving not burning in the daylight I’m looking at them why is it cuz they have some mutagen like I don’t get it well no guys they could climb the

Wall over the drip all right we need to find a cure or find out how to get rid of this we have livestock which is safe save the cords of this place all right I think I think we got to go now we can’t waste daylight since it just turned day

Yeah that’s true yeah if we’re going to explore let’s go go go go go go go go no that was scary come on pepper we’re going we don’t know how long Daylight’s going to last so guys be careful we closed the door right you locked the door pepper uh it’s a safe neighborhood

We’ll be all right wait guys something’s wrong with that horse he has a potion yeah why is coming out of him put him down is he parasited y kill him kill him kill him I wouldn’t touch him dude you might get parasited oh he turned horse yeah we

Knew it so we can tell what’s been parasite or not bro I’m just going to let if I see any of you guys with particles on I’m going to kill you oh Village there’s something over here yo wait what is this uh this is not a normal

Village what is this this looks like an ancient Village like a village that’s been abandoned for centuries wait yeah this looks crazy just scour the entire area look for any survivors also why is this weird it feels like there should be something behind it you guys think there’s something behind the waterfall I

Just thought that but I don’t think it is I think it just leads the top yeah maybe we need to go underground wait guys what is this wait yeah what the heck waa should we dig this out yeah yeah yeah BR it this must be that oh

Guys check oh my this is creepy wait what what the heck is that this is creepy there’s gold bone meal bamboo beautiful Crimson eyes I’m getting the LA loot in here wait I want to check uh bamboo oh a saddle I got a saddle oh so

Lucky so what is this ritual area yeah this is mad weird but maybe the parasite was going on back then and they were trying to just pray and maybe get something yeah I don’t know this definitely looks like something a villager would worship look at this nose

I’m gonna grab the coal from the campfire I guess what oh we definitely just got cursed what did you do we got cursed the plague is coming nice dude you had to mine the stupid statue you had one job take your eye back take it back here um there you go

That’s about how it was no my God what the plague but yeah it’s the plague the the hords were used wait is it the par is it the parasites the disease uh the plague is now guys what the oh uh did it just turn night yep I just saw it turned

To night wait guys we’re not we’re nowhere near our base this is bad wait actually trapped did anyone see that oh there’s a skeleton riding a ravager not a normal Phantom oh yo okay this is definitely the plague oh this is the plague it’s turning all to SK wait stop

Think they’re spawning on me they infected me wo wo wo wo y that what is that break it break it break it break it break it that wait wait wait oh no oh my god get me out of here get me out run run run run quiff let me in let me inro

It it block up what is going on of infection Sky oh how are they in here stop is spreading there roofs there’s no roofs look up everything’s spreading this is the pl here look at the blocks break them y are bad enough we got to break out through the roof

Through the roof I got ladders all go go go go go go three two one go go go go go go go what are you guys doing oh no there’s graved cow guys there’s so much outside trying to break out through the roof oh please why did you place this gosh oh my

Gosh I didn’t mean to run run run run run what has happened to this Village Peppa had one job not to touch anything guys this is Sho okay we got to go we got to go the trees abandon the abandoned Village get on the trees there’s a reason was

Abandoned they’re breaking blocks how are they oh the trees are not safe they’re breaking everything okay yo I’m I’m who in the in the Sher is this you’re flying what the heck the birth of a brain guys guys wa run run okay I’m barely surviving I’m barely surviving I think

The Lava is working it’s burning all of them it’s working where’s kipley yeah they hate the lava no our lava kiple we’re Oh my kly bring him towards the lava bring him towards the lava oh my God bring them towards the lava the skull is spreading at a fast rate you

Guys are fine right before more spawn get out of here all right I think we’re far enough away I’m going to set my spawn point before we wait that doesn’t even matter does it no there’s a Buton right here wait there’s a what the huh uh

Uh how did you how did you even find that what I just saw it right there I was like I’m getting inside I’m going inside wa unless wa which which way did it come from I don’t know just going just going just going okay are we sure we want to

Go down this way there could be good loot I don’t know about you guys but this is very weird okay wait there’s something down here though there’s like copper we what is this get your torches out get your tor out wait there’s a spider in here oh God wait what is this

Place where are these markings kill it kill get in here is anyone going to wonder what even this is is there any sign to tell us wait Bedrock how is that Bedrock here there’s there’s an arrow like aiming down yeah what about these levers there is co coordinated something guys what three

Attempts remaining did you just waste one of our attempts I didn’t SC this clicking BS I would click I didn’t do anything wait guys I found an up arrow and it’s green wait what wait maybe it’s the arrow oh that’s downstairs the whole downstairs area yeah I this is where I

Found the arrow so oop is green and then what we found a down red and then yeah down is red oh okay we get it so up green red is down maybe up here where we first came in oh you might be on something look around SK this might

Yellow really what is it yeah I was looking it’s yellow up I’ll click it oh yell yow is already up so we just need purple what the what the heck okay I just risked it I I completely risked it you are so luck you risked it guys the Bedrock opened guys what is

That a he looks really friendly I I wait is he too thick to fit in the hallway earlier there’s got to be loot behind him right that’s is stupid he’s guys he’s called superj 001 yo he’s trying to get me he’s trying to grab us he looks likeed he looks like he’s

Merged guys he looks like he’s merged by a bunch of different creatures ow does he do damage watch out watch out watch out sky I know I have aggro I have aggro okay yo block up block him up I point him in cobwebs no he’s running get

Him nice nice nice wait what the where where did he Spawn from he’s called The Cure up what is wrong with you you me called The Cure surely that’s the the guy we just killed right no no no no no he must be the real guy he was eaten

Wait what what do we do he might be able to stop the parasites we need to take him back home let’s do it wait what if he dies on the way we cannot no we I we can’t safe option how are we going to take him oh oh he wants the emeralds he

Wants the emeralds he wants the emeralds okay bring him out bring him out yes yes it’s working it’s working follow us all right take him upstairs take him upstairs okay good thing it’s morning that’s really it good thing it’s morning all right come on buddy almost there now

Which way is our base this is the best time there’s a village there but I don’t trust Villages M I think we need to go this way to the Village okay oh yeah the base is that way come on Mr villager bring him slowly and carefully oh God

It’s this Village guys this is not good not again no protect run away yo yo yo yo the best option right now might be stupid get him in the boat oh good idea yeah yeah put him in the boat and take him take him take him guys this is all

On you protect me all times bring him to the water all right luckily I don’t think there’s anything around here we take him into the water all right now it should be easy yeah up right over here after we get past this yep and then we

Can take him all around ah let’s go go go go go all right let’s go let’s go let’s go back to base guys this is as far as the boat will go okay all right we make sure we disarm the bear trap yeah D get rid of the bear trap all

Right guys how we going to bring him in that’s the only issue wait don’t put him back in the boat we can do this wait wait he’s already walking it’s cuz it’s a village it’s cuz it’s a village yo we got to hurry we got to hurry he’s drawn

To his people we got a sun setting we got to hurry go in don’t open the trap doors put them in the quarantine chamber go yes yes Lo we did it oh he tried to get out oh my gosh y he’s trying to get

Out no no no he needs to be even more protected I have obsidian right here yeah put his bed in there put his bed in there go the oh no dude that’s my bed b wait yeah he’s going to go in he’s going it’s working yes trap him let’s go okay

I’ve got no more obsidian uh we’ll Cobblestone it here so ugly with one piece it’s fine we now have the Cure that was tough that was so tough how how can we get him to make the Cure do we bring a parasite to him and he converts

The parasite I have no idea we use his blood do we have to murder him oh I’m down him of all his blood yeah we didn’t really learn anything The Cure is we need to be very careful this guy we need to fully protect him all gods these

Villagers are useless this is the only one we should care about yeah know he’s the only one that matters did you guys agree with me pepp oh wait wait we’re not killing them pepper what is wrong with you you legit killed all the villagers for no reason wait no there’s

One more he like dug himself into the corner guys guys I hear something wait yeah no PPP might been on to sum oh no bro Peppa might have been on to sum I told you I told you they coming out oh wait wait wait wait what do we do what

Do we do protect protect the multiple oh quick get out get out get out Kier get out run away what are you doing why are you taking him out because he trapped yeah good job stay in there guys what is happening guys what is happening where all these spiders come from

I don’t think he’s going to be curing anybody anytime soon what guys wait is he dead how did they get in they’re must to climb the walls kill these guys kill them all kill them all kill them all we need to free this area sky are you still alive I’m alive I’m

Alive I’m trying to lure them out yeah lure them out lure them out oh my God look at this wait where’s the Cure where’d he go what happened no the SPID is through the Gap this wait you’re kidding me no no no no no there’s one Gap what happened to

The Cobblestone he is right here guys it was the one Cobblestone we placed cuz we didn’t have one obsidian they broke the Cobblestone wait was he really The Cure though if he wasn’t immune or do knew to make cure dude I can’t believe he’s actually

Dead what do we do and all the spiders are now treeing no they no he there must have been a reason they all spawn and tried to kill him there’s just no way we drag that man all the way over here just for him to die like that that like took

2 hours no no no no we failed we’ve actually failed everything okay guys new option we need to figure out what’s going on if the C get killed there must be there must be an ending like there there must have been a counter plan if the parasite did Escape like another

Cure like another way to get the parasites out I don’t know but we do need to explore this place properly all right let’s go let’s go let’s go we’re not going to figure anything out in the base no what what place have we not explored yet cuz the parasites the the

Normal animals we had around here have turned into parasites yeah it’s not looking good kipley what what are those up there is that wait are they invisible they’re getting attacked wait save them how oh okay hello guys yo they’re invisible what what are these wait these

Are kind of new right yeah us what are they holding he just walking around with balls of blood wait follow them follow them they might lead us somewhere us somewhere okay wait hold on I’m I’m going to stay back at the base because that was like a planned attack with the

Spiders like they all came at once so I’m just going to fortify the base you guys keep going all right take this if we find another cure then the base will be perfect then when we get back right oh yeah yeah I’ll have everything ready

To go I’m going to add like lava walls it’s going to be good okay that’s smart that’s very smart don’t die we’ll keep you updating on whatever we find yo is he going to be okay one man defense is rough times no but he’s going to fully encase everything what’s skidy saying

Skidy guys help help what is what’s wrong with him wait what’s wrong with him I knew leaving him alone was a bad idea no I thought he had it with what what is he talking about I don’t know but guys I found something even worse yo

That is a massive wait wait wait wait wait wait wait he has a sword he has a shield and a sword what is that guys be be go very slow he’s probably not going to be friendly what do these signs say pepper no he’s not friendly oh take him out cuz pepper

Just put an arrow in his face well he’s obviously hostile okay beware radiation uh radiation what is radiation guys it’s a nuke that’s what the radiation is for oh God what does this mean they were building a nuke to get rid of this entire world there’s got to be something down there

Button I see down there water buckets oh okay right there’s a red but do not press right no no no no no someone no pepper you get away bro you get away no no is I’m I got I’m suggesting absolutely nothing I’m blocking off before I do

Anything yeah absolutely do not press so pretty much I think the backup plan was to Nuke the entire world so the par does not spread I mean that makes sense but then we’d also die so that’s like a last resort I don’t I don’t want to be nuked

We can find a different cure we can find something else we don’t have to all die we could press this now and end it all or do we survive and try to find a cure to replace the world

►We Survived A Scary Parasite Outbreak…
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We Survived A Scary Parasite Outbreak… If You Scream, This Minecraft Seed Gets More Scary…We Survived The Scariest Minecraft Seed… Why I Snuck Into The Scariest Minecraft Server… Testing scary minecraft myths, So I Stole Her Hearts… How i stole max hearts/infinite hearts on this minecraft smp to get revenge, this was using lifestealing every hearts on this smp using traps on your friends in minecraft, this is similar to the Lifesteal SMP in which we do the Why I Burned The World to get over 100 wardens in full netherite and get revenge on our friends by fooling them with a real life netherite wardens in minecraft

#Minecraft #MinecraftSMP


  1. Im actually going to unsub, i cant take another vid with fucking pepper fucking stuff up and showing his IQ of -50, litterly has a guy safe in a box "DUR IMMA LET HIM OUT OF HIS SAFE BOX SO HE CAN RUN FOR SAFTY DUURR" the fucking guy was safe and he let it out to the fucking mobs….. PLEASE PLEASE LET IT BE A FUCKING BIT, CAUSE AT THIS POINT IF ITS NOT THEN HE IS FUCKING RETARDED

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