JJ and Mikey Found HIDDEN UNDERWATER VILLAGE in Minecraft Maizen!

Hey JJ JJ H you’ll never guess what I found here follow me huh hurry what is it come on okay yeah that’s it see what is that the village was flooded she almost completely went underwater here mermaids washed ashore wow I wonder what’s inside there’s definitely treasure somewhere inside want to check

It out take the underwater mask yeah okay I’m really curious let’s go in you first JJ 3 2 1 oh what do you see Mikey it’s very beautiful here wow there are a lot of different algae here I really like it here there are mermaids here hey I see

Someone huh it looks pretty sus let’s move in slowly carefully hello you’re going closer yeah it’s not attacking us maybe it’s safe it’s fine JJ it hasn’t noticed us who knows what’ll happen when it sees us it’s kind of freaky get closer wao hold on what it’s attacking

JJ miky no what is it it’s going after me ouch attack punch yeah yeah ouch yeah a little more we can beat it stop two versus one oops sorry oh no I only have two hearts left uh-oh no stop take it down oh we won that was a close

One that was scary and dangerous it was strong what a fight Mikey see that chest treasure let’s see what’s inside I’m opening it right now 3 2 1 oh what a find wo that’s incredible check out these weapons I think this is a pulse rifle sweet enemies it’s full of gross

Tentacle things get them creepy all done this pulse rifle is super effective there’s nothing for me to be afraid of yeah what a lucky find here you go ahead this way huh hold on this is the way we came from I just noticed something even though we have water breathing yeah the

Oxygen bar is almost running out up here there’s a spot here to get a refill oh there’s oxygen in this corner we can use oh lucky I guess water breathing doesn’t make us immune let’s hurry this stage is practically an underwater Labyrinth the hor final y yay wait this is the end we

Shouldn’t leave any tentacles behind wrecked yes yes nice work we made it through wait what no way what is it huh wao that’s a long way to the bottom of the hole it looks like there are slime blocks down there for us to jump on Wow me first sure

Yum be careful I guess it’s my turn come see this what is it okay hurry hurry JJ come on wo let’s go yeah so far so good hey where’d you go H did you hear something just now go behind you run JJ run away don’t look back it’s

Following oh no what is it it’s some hideous monster JJ over here there’s a trap jump it good idea we jumped it will it fall I think so right into the lava I hope you’re right yes it fell in woohoo we did it let’s keep moving I

Wasn’t expecting that we let our guards down you’re right spider webs we have to be more careful from here on out zap we must be getting close but where is it what now oh there’s a chest up there we have to parkour our way up all

Treasure all right I found us some new pickaxes here’s one for you hey what’s this pickaxe made of I’ll break these iron bars wo with our new pickaxe keep moving let’s go but where a chest M wow it has potions of Leaping inside really they make us jump higher I’ll try one me

Too oh look at me now that we can jump higher we can you okay I’m fine okay huh what’s that what I just found something you did a secret chest let’s look wow good eye open a golden apple you can have it Mikey just one it’s all

Yours okay while the potions of Leaping are still active let’s get to the top Ouch okay yes I made it I cleared the Area made it sweet let’s keep going we’re close let’s go oh swords woohoo oh no the enemies have spawned we need to defeat them help attack JJ help me please use your charge attack how do I do that watch I can’t figure it out bam huh wow wo that rocked come

On hey check out this door I bet there’s another enemy waiting on the other side come on we can handle it no problem let’s go okay I’m kind of nervous 3 2 1 open huh H where where am I hold on oh wait we were attacked by a very strong boss oh

My God it looks like he kidnapped Mikey hey Mikey where are you you need to find him and defeat the boss here we go moving on now I have to make it to the top that’s where I’ll find the ghost that cursed Mikey I have to defeat it to

Break the curse but first I need to parkour my way up to the next floor here we go so far so good I’ll be honest I was expecting this Tower to be a lot more dangerous it’s been pretty easy so so far I hope it stays that way

H wao what’s that hey stop it get away from me pH that was a close one I guess this Tower is dangerous after all getting to the top won’t be easy as I thought I wonder if they belong to people who tried climbing the tower before me but failed that’s not a good

Sign there are two ladders here which one should I pick I’ll go with the left one yes here goes Nothing is it safe up here wa look at all the zombies if I had chosen the ladder on the right I would have ended up in there I’m glad I stuck to the left I better deal with him all right take that honestly I’m starting to get nervous about all this

Who hold up another monster it didn’t stand a chance I think I’ve cleared all the zombies but I still don’t feel safe let’s see what’s inside this chest oh an iron pickaxe maybe I can use it to break down this wall okay that works moving on there’s a staircase with a ladder at

The top but what really stands out to me is the hidden chest Under the Stairs wo I came across some iron armor and a few golden apples that’s a pretty good haul all right let’s keep moving towards the ladder up we go I wonder what’s on the next floor if

I’m remembering correctly this Tower is way taller than this open now I’ll poke my head Out wait hang on a minute uh-oh these demon things are attacking me yikes okay I can do this there that was freaky what were those things it looked like they were up to no good this Tower is getting super dangerous I better watch my

Step if I fall in the lava then it’s the end of the road for me I don’t want to die from curses or lava I need to get to the top to break the curse on Mikey but first I need to defeat that evil ghost oh a door let’s open it up

Wow I made it outside I can’t believe how far up I am that said I’m still quite a ways away from the top I wonder how much further do I need to go all right let’s keep going where was I right there’s a chest over there nice a potion of water

Breathing what do I need that for I better drink it to be safe now what oh there’s a ladder there’s no way to go but up what’s up here wo no way it’s full of water is it some kind of aquarium I guess that’s why I needed the

Potion of water breathing take a look at those things uhoh they’re attacking me wo that was a close one they really took me off my guard I’m glad I have my laser pistol to protect me okay time to move on let’s take a look through here let’s see wait

Are those enemies I think I’m in serious trouble once again my trusty laser pistol comes in handy I’m saved wao what’s all this stuff oh this must be the way outside wow I feel like I’ve come a long way already it looks like I’m getting closer just a little

Further I need to hurry up and break the curse so I can bring Mikey back to life all right let’s open this chest wa check it out I found a new weapon it’s a gus rifle that’s epic this is one of the most powerful guns ever this scope is something

Else this cursed tower has some pretty good stuff stowed away I can’t waste any more time I have to climb to the top I wonder what’s up here huh I can climb from there yes what’s behind this trap door I’m almost there whoa I took that zombie out what’s

This hey wait it’s just a villager maybe he was being experimented on I’ll use this dynamite I found downstairs to blow his cell open stand back okay yes you’re free now villager I’m going higher up the tower you have to escape on your own yes I’m

Getting closer I can feel it yikes no thank You whoa here they come whoa they didn’t stand a chance against me okay all clear H this must be the way I better eat a golden apple 3 2 1 open yes I made it wait that’s weird this looks like an ordinary house to me H I wonder where the ghost is

Hiding look this room is super High whoa I saw the ghost it’s grown since the last time I bumped into it I think it’s watching me now I’ll eat a golden apple and run in guns blazing I’m going to blast it to bits 3 2 1 open go go this thing is powerful but not power

Ful enough I beat it I think I can move on I need to hurry and find Mikey this is where the monster came out Earlier oh what’s this a button maybe it’ll open the door there’s only one way to find out Mikey’s probably behind here I hope he’s not hurt yes whoa villagers I don’t see Mikey anywhere oh there he is Mikey H what are you doing here JJ you have to

Get me out I’m trapped and I need your help set me free Mikey do you know what this place is a research facility I don’t care anymore just hurry up and let me out before the monster comes back okay 3 2 1 open I’m setting

You free I’m glad you’re all right I was worried thanks I was about to get eaten let’s get out of here I don’t want to see this place or the monsters ever again oh don’t worry I took care of the monster already there’s nothing to worry

About I’m so happy to have you back awesome thanks JJ let’s go h Huh what is this place what is it let’s check it out but it looks like there’s some lava parkour we have to do first okay be careful let’s go wo wo yes jump come on uh-oh I can’t use that

Shortcut close one yes yes I’m climbing the ladder let’s go come on Mikey all right there’s got to be something good up there ohuh wao what’s this wait there’s nothing here what’s with that we’ll climb with these these normally we need to get launched upwards like this but I can already jump that

High I can jump all the way up here aw I’m going the slow way okay Mikey hurry okay wait up I’m coming oh nice good job awesome let’s get you cured JJ come on let’s go huh what’s next hang on are those cursed zombies zombies uh-oh they

See you they think I’m here to fight them stop it leave it to me ouch ouchie taada it’s fighting time oh no help me huh insta kill w wow thank you done you mutant zombies are unstoppable hey a chest open it open oh wow it looks like

We need these mine carts to ascend I’ll go back to my baby mode and hop in cute can you hit the button no problem I guess I’m too short to reach oh thanks yep that must be the top wo see anything treasure is it the Cure this doesn’t

Look like the top floor look at this open diamond swords wo there are also golden apples and a fire starter what’s with this stuff oh hey Mikey I think the next floor is the top looks like it how do we get up I don’t see any stairs oh

Got it Mikey what how this is a TNT cannon this is how we get up there oh I see It’ll damage us when we use it but I guess that’s what the golden apples are for be careful pushing the button will launch you up I think the Cure is on the

Top floor yeah I bet you’re right I’m counting on it 3 2 1 is this going to be dangerous will I make it JJ what’s up there H let’s see there’s a cage here with a drown inside something feels wrong look over here Mikey do you see this lever a lever

What’s it for it might be the key to getting me cured should I pull it I’m going to pull it 3 2 1 uh-oh the zombie looks like he’s suffering from Poison how huh huh what oh hang on it’s a mutant zombie Mikey this is the boss what now can we beat it

Well I can transform too oh wow JJ help me huh was that really a one hit KO woohoo we won that was easy good job Mikey hold on a sec look out what the Who attack I know it’s weakness what’s that Mikey ouch hang on Mikey run away

Save me set it on fire mutant zombies can’t regenerate if they’re on fire oh I get it nice nice nice nice awesome it’s gone we won yeah huh yeah here I go no matter what I’m on fire help help wait a second what’s going on what is this Mikey this

Is the burning floor Flames come up from beneath you I’ve got no choice but to push through oh Mikey you forced your way through good job Mikey I’m glad I properly prepared for this I safely passed through it oh no I need to get through here fast huh what’s this there

Okay you’re quick huh wait what’s going on oh no I have a bad feeling about this hey how do I get out of here it worked huh huh oh I knew it look there’s a lever here I know this if I pull it I can get out just like you

Did here’s the thing you see I think you’re going to regret it if you pull that lever I’ll be fine I won’t regret it I’m prepared I’m wearing armor okay I’ll pull it 3 2 1 huh did it work huh ah there’s zombies I can’t get out Mikey

I’m trapped in here too bad for you that was a zombie generator what however Mikey you should be fine because you’re wearing the diamond armor you’ll survive wait wait good luck no I can’t you’re destroying the pressure plates I want to destroy the pressure plates but the little zombies are too

Quick you’ll have to defeat the little zombies then I’ll try they’re way too strong well I do feel sorry that the little zombies appeared they’re really tough they are and they don’t seem to get tired wow yeah yeah yeah the little ones are gone oh man I thought I’d be able to

Get out come a little closer if you lure them away you might have a chance yeah you got it please please ah I’m cutting it pretty close really close come on I’ll do this then Dash you got it this time I’m close hey I did it

Wao you’re free nice let’s go okay let’s climb up to the Lynch oh it’s an enemy book can you defeat it of course I think the boss is on the highest floor go go go let’s fly there oh looks like we made it to the top we’re here wait huh there

He is the cursed creeper what let’s fight him come on get him use the bow a barrier they’re blocking us uhoh the arrows bounce back how do we win those are Shields they are so strong what do we do if we can’t beat it wait I got it

Ow hit what they’re shooting at us with our swords huh we can do that look out okay wo nice what was that we beat it and look we got a key one more thing it dropped golden apples not bad it dropped six of them take three thank you nice we’re good

Yeah let’s go golden apples power you up when you eat them so it should make the rest of our adventure easier nice looks like we need to make another jump there’s slime at the bottom let’s go wo what next oh it looks like a slime area I feel like we’re near the end

Definitely it looks like we need to go up there yeah the vent is near the ceiling let’s go we’re doing great oh there’s a button that bounces you higher oh nice a I fell a bummer hang in there it’s okay let’s keep moving forward you all right I’m good oops good

Luck ow all right I’m going across here okay and right here I fell I’ll just climb up and try again okay I just have to make my way through the Slime parkour Bo boing ouch okay for the vent up there we can do this yeah all right wo

Aw don’t lose hope okay not bad at all last leap nice like this I made it yay good luck wait for me that was close I’ll make it oh woah wo oh almost there yeah awesome thanks for waiting all right okay hold on huh there’s someone by the middle of the

Bridge huh that’s an enemy you’re right but he’s sleeping so we’ll be fine but won’t he attack if he wakes up H so let’s just take this shortcut okay let’s just jump across like this Mikey you’re such a scary cat JJ watch me all I have to do is take it slow and

Quiet I don’t know it’s no problem at all see JJ huh Mikey H you’re under attack run for it oh Mikey got knocked off well hang on now he’s chasing me come on I need to knock him off this guy I almost got knocked off I can’t seem to do it No I finally did it pH I made it across the bridge huh mhm it looks really dangerous hey oh it’s hot are you okay it burns try going fast all right let’s go fast yeah it’s hot ow there’s water that was hot yeah looks like there’s some armor here let’s put it on

Okay gear up this will help us out a lot right this is cool nice it all has blast protection on it which means this is a TNT elevator I see we’ll be fine if we push this button it’ll launch us into the sky ready You have to aim and land on the Slime who nice job that was fun your turn here I come okay good come on up Mikey I made it that time there’s another one huh there’s another Cannon up here really it’s like we’re human Cannonball are we going up

To oh hey that’s far away can it reach it’s far but we have to get up there JJ okay I’ll go first are you sure yep can it really reach that far it’s fine really it has to be wo wo yes you did it your turn I’m coming mhm I hope this works

Okay w woohoo awesome wo I made it nice that’s crazy yeah okay Mikey let’s go we’re already at the top you’re right let’s run up what’s inside the Magma’s going to be hot ready go well we did it a chest whoa dynamite and a slime block

Listen I’ll be fine by myself sir you can head back down H all right I will yes there he’s gone he could have recognized me at any moment now’s my chance I’m going in by myself perfect oh no the zombies are after me wow huh I’m coming with you you

When did he come back wait for me there’s a chance that escaped prisoner is hiding up there I have to check we can look for him together you’re kidding me look out I can’t shake this guard whatever I just have to keep moving these zombies are pretty tough I’ll give

You a hand with them then we’ll continue our search that’s called teamwork run run run run run well we’ve had some success wiping out these zombies thanks to these lasers where’s the way up it’s right here but look it’s sealed off oh no oh I know

What to do I can use the slime block I picked up earlier do it then I just push this button and there wo my turn woohoo yes we did it that was a close one you’re telling me I’m glad that’s over okay let’s keep moving h Huh where’s this what is this

Place huh the what are those things there’s so many spikes H be careful no ouchie ow we need to avoid touching them we have to be careful H there’s a door over there so ouchies no are you okay there’s a door so let’s get to it ow

That hurts ouchies here’s a door huh but it’s locked it won’t open is it stuck I want it open no kidding it won’t open because it’s locked maybe we need to search for the key huh let’s find the key where could it be oh hang on right here ouchies huh let’s get whatever’s

Inside this chest here oh open what’s inside oh there are a few things inside look huh I got some kind of armor you can have that one thanks wo these are are they shoes we’ve got some kind of shoes I’ll try mine on too wo they’re

Nice also check this out these things in my hands they’re lock picks uhhuh which you need to pick a lock so I’ll use them to unlock the door you can unlock it huh I might be able to just have to do these in order all right it looks like that’ll

Open wo like this oh it’s open and with that we’re through wow nice job wo ouch what’s inside oh huh what’s this H what is it looks like there’s a portal at the bottom of this pit maybe it’s the way back to our world wo let’s try it okay

Here we go okay back home wo ha

in Minecraft Video compilation you will see: JJ and Mikey Found HIDDEN UNDERWATER VILLAGE in Minecraft Maizen!

👉Maizen Original Channel – @maizenofficial

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