I Survived 100 Days as a POTATO in Minecraft

Imagine you’re a potato in Minecraft just sitting there minding your own business when all of the sudden a couple of farmers come over and farm up all of your potato friends you would want revenge right but you’re just a potato what are you going to do about it well

For the next 100 days I’m going to become a potato in Minecraft and do everything in my power to not only survive but to get revenge on the Farmers on day one I spawned in as a baby potato I’m literally a tater tot and that’s a problem because there are

Three farmer villagers hunting me down trying to stop me from getting to day 100 luckily for me though I have a potato upgrade menu where I can get more Hearts unlock crazy weapons like the frry minigun or an ability called hash brown rain where I rain hash browns from

This guy but uh before we can get those I need to survive this intro and get away from these guys so let’s work on our first potato upgrade the PO taser yes this is literally a potato taser okay the quest is in the upper leand corner of the screen but I’m just going

To start running and get away from them and I’ll start working on those quests in a sec okay here we go the second I get off this little dirt platform here they are definitely coming after me okay where should I go oh I have an idea

We’re going to run across the dock and then swim over there to those trees and go go go go go I’m going forward oh he he moving go go go go go dive in the water dive in the water okay we’re potato water they’re coming after me oh

No they have potato peelers in their hand I didn’t even notice that go this way up in the wood we can fit under one high gaps yes where didd he go I was just right behind him we’re going to fit under one high gaps to get away from

Them watch this we go right here let’s start getting some wood they’re nearby but I don’t actually see them so I think we’re okay for right now oh did you guys find them oh they’re nearby I hear their voice voices grab a log no way I lost

Them like that did I really okay let’s just make some logs real quick make a crafting table how did he get away what make some sticks quick make a sword now let’s just make a pickaxe there we go now let’s just grab this thing back let’s go back in the village and let’s

Go do that first quest which is eat a carrot in fact I can just grab a carrot from right there quick dive back in the water go potato go nice I made it back oh wait they’re here we should probably check the forest again maybe okay I’ll

Go back yeah May they’re here they’re here dude how did we lose him so fast okay we’re good oh my God okay we got the we just need to eat it now I don’t need any food though so okay we’ll eat it in a minute oh wait my other Quest is

Here too it’s just to crouch on dirt 100 times so I just got to sit here and crouch on this 100 times this is so easy I’ll just sit here and dance I’m just going to do this little dance real quick 20 more times a my finger hurts okay

We’re good we crouched 100 times on this till dirt now we’re good in fact you know what while we’re here let’s just grab all these crops oh what is that oh they see me and they just threw something at me we’re going in fact all we need to do now is

Eat a carrot and kill one of the farmers let’s play with them around this Village for a moment okay I’m going to take this chance just grab another log you can never have enough logs potato potato potato oh stay hidden into the forest in this little Forest go did they see me no

Side of him he got to be around here one’s right there wait they see me go go go go go oh no inside of you this way this way this way one high Gap one high Gap right here where’d he go yes oh my gosh they don’t see how it getting away

So quickly oh my goodness did a he’s gone we lost him again wait wait wait coming be careful he’s digging I’m going to jump down I can eat a carrot I can eat a carrot I can eat a carrot let’s finish that quest nowh to go

Buddy I got him I’m right behind him a sword oh she ran oh they’re going to try and dig to me let’s start going this way okay I’m going to go back this way nice where’d he go I lost him what okay yes how he’s right there at least he was a

Second ago no we what where’d he go dude there’s no way this oh okay while they’re separated this is my chance actually let’s take one out he’s here he’s here oh I’m coming I’m coming come here get him oh there’s two I got be careful one’s down one’s down quick go

Back to the go back to the ho this way I’m coming down here over here hello oh oh oh don’t move I see the crafting table where is he we our ability let’s quickly unlock it it’s the poer oh that’s it we got him now I don’t know

What it does but I really hope this will save me here I’m in such a bad spot I’m breaking He’s waiting for me I’m dead I’m dead no what is that what huh yes okay that saved me what is that oh oh wait I’m mashed I’ve been mashed what does that even mean go run run I don’t know what that means turn a it’s no fair he can

Squeeze in here okay get ready we’re going to PO taser him we missed we missed I see you go up go back to the Village back to the Village back to the Village eat some carrots grab some more food now let’s figure out what this poer

Actually does real quick I got lost I fell in a hole got a teaser Now sucks does a of I’m going to go this way I got something to admit I cannot no no no I cannot fight three of them I’m running I’m just going to leave it’s not even

Worth fighting let’s just go make a base cuz they definitely think they lost me and you know what as of right now they did after surviving that intro and unlocking the poer I simply built a basic shelter that would keep me safe from the farmers and allow me to work on

My upgrades though uh I won’t lie that’s going to be really hard in this video because we gave the farmers an item that can literally ban me from the server but uh more on that later okay so welcome your face to the first potato base or I

Guess tater tot base in this case now to start there’s a village right behind me which is great for trading and obviously for bread but the base itself isn’t in that Village it’s actually back here in this cave so we just jump down into this cave into the waterfall and follow this

All the way down to the bottom where we simply go over here into this water pool and dive in this and our base is literally just over here see you just take this turn swim up here and you’re at the first potato base okay now this

Base is really simple we got our beds and chests right here our furnace water and lava right here and a second secondary Escape area here that will eventually be a nether portal now I have a good peeling about this base so let’s hope it lasts a while so that way we can

Continue on upgrades speaking of now that the first base is done let’s go and work on our next upgrade which is called potato chips where I get a bag of potato chips I can infinitely eat and I’m not going to lie this ability is actually really messed up if you think about it

I’m eating potatoes as a potato it’s really messed up okay so to get the potato chips you’re going to see we need to get a ton of different ores a bunch of which I actually already have so let’s go and let’s grab the ores we do

Have like some iron we’ll grab a gold we’ll grab a copper we’ll grab a coal quickly smelt a couple of those and now if we look at the quest you can see all we need is some Diamond red stone emeralds lapis and some ancient debris so let’s head deeper into this mine and

Let’s go get those ores okay first things first let’s grab the lapis that’s up here okay there we go grab this lapis okay there’s a diamond literally right here let me just grab this real quick there we go we got the diamond now let’s just go this way now let’s see if

We can find some Redstone real fast perfect and here’s some Redstone and now all we need is some emeralds and ancient debris the norm getting emeralds would actually be kind of difficult but in this case it’s actually easy because right near our base you’re going to notice there’s that little snow patch up

Here and that’s because this low area on the ground for some reason is glitched into thinking it’s a mountain so if we just climb up here and start digging in this cave we can get emeralds there’s an emerald right there perfect let’s get that Emerald perfect oh wait there’s

Another Emerald right there let’s grab that too and boom now that we got the emeralds all we need left is some ancient debris but to get ancient debris we need to go to the Nether and I don’t have a nether portal so let’s make one

All we need to do is grab a few extra diamonds to make a diamond pickaxe then we make a diamond pickaxe and then we just grab a bucket of water and a bucket of lava and now we can build our nether portal so we put some water down then we

Just put some lava on top of it there we go now we go grab some more water in lava and now the portal is incomplete because I kind of ran out of lava before I could finish so let’s just quickly grab four buckets of lava and now we can

Go ahead and fill in the rest of this portal we’re simply putting down water then lava then water then more lava and now the Portal’s done and we just got to light this thing off so let’s just grab some Flint real quick combine that with

One of our iron ingots to get some flint and steel and now we can light off this portal and this Spud is heading head to the nether we now I just have to find an ancient debris which we can mine with our diamond pickaxe okay so the easy way

To do that is just to get to a super low point in the nether which right down here looks to be about lava level so this is actually pretty good I’m getting attacked I’m getting attacked I’m getting attacked okay so we’ll just stick down right here and get really

Deep in the earth till we find an ancient debris which shouldn’t take too too long here we go got it inch debris we just found some BK and now we can unlock potato chips but let’s go home first cuz my inventory is full okay so we’re home

So let’s unlock our really weird ability potato chips and yes I said weird because I’m a Potato eating potatoes it’s still weird but anyway here it is here’s my bag of potato chips that you’ll see when I eat it I go back to full hunger first I get regeneration

Then I get haste then I get fire resistance and the last one which is kind of weird now that I have those chips I can disable the water logged effect so we don’t need my bread anymore and now it’s time for this Spud to work on his next upgrade and I mean that

Literally because we are still a tiny little tater tot with 5 HP and if we simply become a teen Spud we’ll get get 10 HP and no fall damage which is really useful so there are three things we need to do to become a teen Spud the first

Thing is we need to get 12 potatoes and cook them into 12 baked potatoes second I need to make an iron ho and then enchant it into an enchanted iron ho and then finally I just need to get one music disc and then I could become a

Teen Spud and stop being a tiny little tater tot though I won’t lie tater tots are great in fact I’m very curious since there are so many forms of potato out there that you can enjoy what is your favorite type of potato is it a baked

Potato is it a type of french fry is it mashed potatoes it better not be mashed potatoes let me know in the comments below but anyway now it’s time for us to go look for an ancient city because that’s going to be the easiest place to

Find a music disc to become a teen Spud it took a day of searching but on day 14 I found an ancient city where I could get a music disc o skull that could be good that could be good it is it’s an ancient city wow I didn’t even see that

Skull there that’s actually huge and now let’s just sneak around and be very careful not to summon any wardens no I I literally just said I wasn’t going to do that okay quickly let’s go find a music disc and some other cool loot while we’re at it hopefully just need to find

A chest without setting off any of these shers right there oh there’s a shrier right next to it though he we’re have to be super careful here please have a music disc in you here we go this is the moment of truth don’t set off okay we’re

Going to set this streer here this is worth it go for it yes we got the music disc let’s go okay music disc acquired okay this one’s definitely going to set off that shrier over there but here we go it’s worth it let’s go for it it

Didn’t it didn’t set it off oh my God yes and now we have protection for Iron Pants let’s go okay check this one right here two God apples oh my God and we still didn’t set off a shrier oh my God this is so huge okay this one definitely

Set off a Sher we’re good we got a name tag and a compass okay this one’s definitely setting one off so we’re going to be quick here ready open it there we go grab everything in here I’m not even going to read it just quick quick quick Qui quick grab it and stop

Okay if we set up one more of those things a warden’s going to spawn I’m just going to sneak on out of here real oh gosh that’s a warden spawning run oh oh run run run run run oh definitely run run run I have five hearts that Warden

Will kill me in a single hit okay just sneak by this area okay if I can get up that waterfall I can get out of here that’s all I need to do eat some food I just got to check this chest real quick did I loot this Tower already I don’t

Think I did I didn’t oh let’s go free stuff and another music disc okay so now let’s just jump in this water down here and now let’s get on out of here okay so this is the exit here so now we’re out and did they see me there’s literally

Farmers right there yeah I’m going to bring my boat all right then I’m going to leave my boat over there oh they didn’t see me they didn’t see me all right what are they here for very carefully I shall tread with the utmost care they’re going up the

Mountain oh oh he saw me he saw me hey he’s in here in here in the cave where oh he he’s I tased one I chased one I tased one stay in this little hole stay in this little hole go this way go this way this

Way are you okay wait I’m going to dig I’m going to dig I have a pickaxe got it got it got it he put me on fire what fire oh you just distracting I can’t move I can’t move yes they’re running they’re running they’re running I missed the taser I

Miss the taser go back go back back back Jes I’m going to use my Mas on I’ve been mashed good F I’m dizzy and I’m slow I don’t want to get zapped by that thing again dude I hear him he’s doing something he block ow ow I can’t move I

Can’t move my go no I’m no I’m mashed again okay yes yes one died one died one died oh my gosh where is he he was just here what hey heyy what are you doing what are you doing yes he’s dead he killed another one where’s the third one

There’s a third one here oh no oh no oh I heard him he’s tased he’s tased he’s Tas in the lava in the lava yes oh my God that taser is awesome potato taser for the win so I guess let’s just start walking our way home okay so now that we

Finished up at the ancient city and survive that attack it’s time for us to now just get 12 baked potatoes so if we just head into the village over here and take the rest of their crops we should be able to get all the potatoes we need

So let’s just steal from this farm right here and that got us two potatoes which is definitely not enough but it will do so now we just got to go ahead and build a small tiny little farm around our infinite water source so I’m just going

To go and put four dirt right there and that is now our mini farm so let’s just till the dirt plant two potatoes and then we just simply grow some with some bone meal turning them into fulls siiz potatoes and now we have seven now let’s

Plant all of those seven grow all of those with phone meal and we have 23 potatoes so now we just grabb a lava Bucket from over here throw that lava bucket in the smoker and start cooking those potatoes and just like that another Quest is about to be completed

However we still need to make an enchanted iron hoe which is the reason I just made an iron hoe but we just have to enchant this thing so we’re actually going to need an enchantment table to do this which luckily isn’t too difficult first all you need is some obsidian so

Let’s just mine up four of these there we go that’s the four obsidian we need then let’s just grab two diamonds from inside the cave and now we simply grab the six books and we can make an enchanting table just like that now we’ll just put that down right next to

Our bed throw our iron ho inside of it with some lapis and then we just give it a basic enchantment and then the quest is pretty much done we just have to go over here to our smoker grab all our baked potatoes and now you can say

Goodbye to this baby tater tot and hello to the teen Spud who kind of looks like a really creepy Mr Potato Head but as a teen Spud I can eat these chips and we’re going to make our way back to full HP which is now 10 Full Hearts of Health

But here’s the thing I’m not safe even with 10 HP because if you think about it all three of the farmers together have 30 total Hearts though I do have a couple other advantages now that we are a teen potato for one I no longer take

Fall damage so I can fall in giant holes like this and not worry about death the second thing is I also got some other Buffs including jump boost and strength so now let’s unlock the most fun weapon in this entire mod at least in my opinion and that is the French fry

Minigun an ability that well I think it’s pretty obvious it’s a frry minigun like how else can I describe it it’s a minigun that shoots friend fries and to unlock it is actually a bit tricky first I need to breed three different types of animals together second I need to stun

Players with the potato are five times and finally I just need to feed bamboo to a panda so let’s simply start by breeding three different types of animals because that’s something I can do first things first let’s go up here to these chickens with some seeds and we

Can breed them together right off the bat all right right click you right click you and boom that’s one animal bread so let’s just grab some of these wheat blocks right here then let’s just turn those into wheat and now let’s feed these cows so they can breed together

Now what’s up okay one more animal to go and that animal so let’s give this piggy this carrot and this piggy this carrot and our first Quest is now completed so now let’s do the next quest which requires us to feed bamboo to a panda

And to do that we need to find Bamboo and a panda looking for pandas is actually really tricky like what I thought they were one of the most common mobs in the game but I couldn’t find one anywhere until day 20 okay so I found a bamboo Jungle which is apparently where

Panda spawn but it is really hard to navigate through this thing there is so many bamboos and I haven’t even seen a single Panda yet in [Applause] here wait wait yes I found a panda right in front of me let’s go hey buddy have some bamboo yeah Does that taste good

Yeah he likes the bamboo yeah here have some more bamboo I didn’t know pandas ate bamboo like this yeah keep going buddy okay perfect now we officially fed some bamboo to a panda there’s only one Quest left and that’s use our poteser five times of the farmers okay so we’re

Officially back at the base okay now let’s just quickly go into the chest real fast and then we’ll go oh TT TT TT run run run run he stepped on it run no run run run run run dive get out get out get out get

Out get out get out get out get out go this way go this way swim out swim out where did he go oh okay that really hurt let’s get near the lava we need to hit them with the poteser a little bit too so we can get some of those done

Actually while we’re here they’re likely going to come up that waterfall I don’t even know if they’re coming oh no they’re not lost go this way go this way go this way in fact wait go this way go this way dig in the wall where is he

What oh I see him oh my gosh see Hime oh I got I got with the Taser Taser the taser oh my God I hit him oh this way this way this way in the hole in the hole in the hole okay I’m going for him dude he was definitely hurt from that

TNT keep going I lost him again where he better King himself oh hello potato I’m I’m stuck I’m stuck okay Hur oh run yes we killed him back in the hole oh no I heard him okay two more two more tases he’s oh I missed I missed I missed oh no

Oh down dig down down this way this way this way this way underneath him underneath them under he’s on the run down here down here down here where’d he go what my God I didn’t dig down hello ow ow okay I’m dead I’m dead no no yes we killed another one we

Killed another one okay we need to get out we need to get out grab this Cobblestone go this way go this way quick oh God I got he hit me he hit me ah we just need one more taser oh yes we got him with the taser which actually

Means we’ve unlocked a new ability our her friendch try minigun though uh there’s one small problem uh our base looks like this so uh the fren triy minig gun is going to have to wait a sec cuz we need to build a new base somewhere else well with my first base

Found it was time to move now normally I would simply pick a random Direction ction go about 1,500 blocks and then just build a new underground base but this time I wanted it to be different so I made this base on the top of a mountain so welcome your faces to the

Brand new potato base this base is honestly awesome and I actually love it so as you can see I found this floating island in the world and I turned it into my home with my chest area over there my furnace area right here and then over here we have our enchanting table our

Waterway to get up and down with our hidden lava generator down here and finally our nether portal back here oh and I almost forgot my bed is up in this tree up here so that’s kind of cool but I know the base isn’t what you care

About okay I know this is all you want to see the French fry minigun fine here you go it’s a minigun that shoots french fries and then once it’s done shooting french fries it goes on a short coold down before I can shoot french fries again anyway with this minigun in hand

It’s now time to work on the potato peeler upgrade which again is messed up first I to unlock potato chips and be a cannibal potato that eats potatoes and now I have to unlock a potato peeler something that would hurt a potato this is getting crazy anyway to actually

Unlock it all we need to do is get four Shields with ominous banners one respawn anchor and one spy glass and of all those things I kind of want to do the shields with ominous banners cuz it seems the most fun so all we got to do

Is go find a Pillager Tower and we need to go steal some ominous banners it took a couple of days but on day 32 we found the Pillager Tower we needed it took a couple of days but on day 32 we found the Pillager tower that we needed oh is

That one oh it is one yes yes we got a Pillager Tower okay we just need to steal all those banners that are up around the to let’s just break through this now let me just block these guys from coming up oh hello and boom here we

Go we got two smithing templates goat horn a mending book but it’s not what I need what I need is these banners that are right around here here we go got it okay now we just need to attach those banners to Shields and I might as well

Do it to the shield I currently have so if we take our shield and Banners we get the ominous Banner Shield you’ll see that’s one of four ominous Banner Shields we obtained oh there’s a lot of stinky boys down there luckily we have this fren Dr machine gun so uh let’s get to

Work okay most of the we’re dead let’s take them out ourselves now and now let’s head on home and now that we’re done with that all we need now is a spy glass and a respawn anchor but uh before we do that let’s just go ahead and let’s

Make ourselves four brand new Shields and now let’s combine each of those Shields with an ominous Banner so that way they all become ominous Shields and our quest for four Shields with ominous banners is now complete and now we’re good to go good to go into the nether

Portal so that way we can get a respawn anchor that actually make a respawn anchor we’re going to need to get a bunch of crying obsidian and glow stone now the glowstone luckily is really easy because it’s just right there so let’s just quickly get our way down there and

Let’s go grab this glowstone real fast there we go now we just turn this into glow stone and boom just like that we have all the glow stone we need now we should need six crying obsidian which is a little bit harder to get but not

Impossible in fact it just got a lot easier because right in front of us is a Bastion Remnant anyway inside of a basan chest there’s a high likelihood of getting some crying obsidian so now we just got to actually find a chest and get that crying obsidian yep yep there’s

Some chests over there okay there we go yes we got him we got him we got him here comes another okay let’s just check these chest no crying obsidian here just regular obsidian there we go here’s some crying obsidian that’s four that’s not quite enough these two chests over here

Now no crying obsidian in this one what about this last one yes yes there we go that’s all the crying obsidian we need so now let’s head on home and get the last item to finish this Quest the spy glass and luckily to make a spy glass is

Easy let’s just grab some of these amethyst shards right here then we simply just grab some copper and when you combine the copper and the amethyst you get the spy glass meaning the spy glass is done and all we have to do now is make the respawn anchor and once

Again that is also super easy you just need all those items just like this and boom you got a respawn anchor which means the potato peeler is ours let’s just goad let’s unlock it and here it is in our inventory it says it does 11 attack damage wait what so apparently

This thing access all tools okay I’m going to test it right here let’s just break this block oh yeah look it breaks a 3X3 area look at that and super fast too all that colon mining is actually being doubled right now it’s hard to tell cuz it’s obviously coal but you can

See we got 48 coal from that small amount okay so now that we have this peeler officially unlocked it is now my main weapon and Tool but now that the pillar is unlocked we’re done with all our tier one and our tier 2 upgrades but

From here things are going to get a lot trickier because my tier three upgrades start to get a lot stronger with our next upgrad somewhat making me invincible and that is our Spud Shield a shield of potatoes that will literally block all incoming damage now to actually unlock this Spud Shield I need

To get one Banner pattern one smithing template and eight powdered snow buckets and since I already have a smithing template back at the base that we just got in the nether all we really need is the snow buckets and the banner templates so we’ll start by grabbing the

Five buckets we already have turning this iron block into iron and then turning this into a bunch more buckets so we can get some powdered snow and now just simply head over to an area with powdered snow and let’s go grab some okay the mountain is literally just past

The cherry blossoms up here oh oh God there’s a village right there I got to be careful cuz I have bad Omen and if I go in that village with bad Omen it’s going to start a raid so I really don’t want to do I just started a raid are you

Kidding me I did not mean to start a raid I’m just trying to get to the mountain that’s over here we just got here oh God the farmers the farmers here oh my God the farmers are here I see them right over there oh they’re doing the raid they’re doing the raid okay

Well they kill the pillagers I’m going to use this time hold on oh one just died one just died one just died that’s actually huge oh get down get down let me get in the water get in the water we’re going to swim right past them while the farmers are distracted

With that raid we’re going to swim right past them without them even finding us that raid may have actually just saved us go yes and there’s the mountain we finally did it it’s only night time now but we made it I’m Coming For You powdered snow okay we just need to find

Some powdered snow okay so the areas you want to look for for powdered snow or these areas like right here that are a little bit flat actually but I don’t actually see any powdered snow here there definitely will be some we just got to find it oh this looks promising

That looks pretty promising down there that’s powdered snow right there actually yep we found some let’s start bucketing it here we go and there we go we have eight powdered snow buckets just like that and now I’m getting off this mountain and I am heading home so with eight powdered snow buckets officially

In hand all we had to do now was get a smithing template which I can do by simply just going in our chest right here and then we have three we have two Sentry armor Trims and one snout armor trim so let’s just grab one of the sentries and our second Quest is

Complete and now the last thing we need is a banner pattern and there are only six of these in the entire game and luckily for me they’re craftable in fact we just go into our chest over here and grab Our God apples we get a piece of paper with an enchanted golden apple

That gives us the banner pattern thing and just like that we’re fully done with this upgrade and can unlock the Spud Shield a shield that does this that’s right I get a bunch of spinning potatoes around me that will now protect me and you can actually keep track of this

Shield’s Health in the upper right hand corner of the screen so right now it is 50 hearts of HP now let’s try it let’s drown and watch how it prevents all the damage Here We Go Bubbles are gone here we go watch it prevent the damage boom

The Shield’s taking all the damage right now I can stay under here for a long time well at least until the potatoes go away oh like right there oh God we’re drowning so yeah having a shield of potatoes is pretty broken because I can’t take any damage while this ability

Is active making me temporarily Invincible okay next on our list of abilities to unlock is actually one that’s going to be really familiar to you do you remember our video last week Kung Fu Panda you remember that ability allowed me to roll around through the world and just destroy everything well

As a potato I get that ability as well except even stronger than the Kung Fu pandas but actually unlock this ability as a potato there are three things I need to do first I need to smack a ravager five times with a slime ball then I just need to break two mob

Spawners and finally kill three players with my French Dr minigun now I’m going to start by smacking a ravager with a slime ball mostly cuz that sounds fun but also because it sounds extremely dangerous and I like peeling dangerous okay I’ll stop so first things first let’s head over back to this Pillager

Tower over here and let’s get the bat Omen effect again because we need bat Omen just to battle a ravager so let’s just go ahead and take out you oh there we go we got a banman let’s just take him out with a machine gun

There we go he’s done and just like that we got the bad Omen effect now before we head to a village and summon a ravager he missed we first need to get some slime balls so once the sun above me begins to set we’re going to make our

Way to a swamp and get some slime balls before we start this raid okay this swamp right here should do the trick there’s a bunch of frogs and the sun’s starting to set now we literally just got to wait for it to go down and wait

For these slimes to start spawning oh I hear a slime I hear a slime where is it oh it’s this way oh is that it yes we slime die slime okay there we go we got six total slime balls in fact all we need to do now is head back home and

Tomorrow we start another raid okay so with a bunch of slime balls and the bat Omen effect in hand let’s head to a village and let’s go smack a ravager I’m trying to shoot at him okay wait what oh gosh oh no I’m being shot at oh God I’m

Heading to a village I’m heading to a village hold on this way go this way okay the farmers just found me there’s literally a village Straight Ahead hold on we can distract him with another raid go this way oh they saw the village up ahead okay they know where I’m going going I’m

Going to start this raid okay here we go there we go the raid started okay let’s just get on a building this will do they’re coming in the farmers are coming in did you guys hear that what is that hello oh what what is that do you hear

That oh God oh God I do they don’t see me they literally don’t see me where you at potato just stay alive don’t let him find me oh I see the Raiders over there yeah get okay they’re distracted by the Raiders yes go get the Raiders okay

Don’t die don’t die to the okay this is my chance let’s take them out oh he’s up there fire the fren fries no okay one of them di one died one Di oh dude the Raiders on our back and the oh oh oh no french fries taser

That didn’t get you that didn’t taser I can’t get this taser to hit yes I got one oh but I’ve also oh gosh okay the raid’s continuing the raid’s continuing oh be careful they’re after you the ravager a ravager a ravager that’s the thing I need to

Punch oh my God what is this it’s coming to me oh okay I punched it twice that’s twice that’s twice was killing it dude that’s got to be one of his quests okay they just figured out that was my quest come here he me down from that I’ll keep them

Off here you chase them oh one more hit one more hit one more hit it’s all I need we just need to punch one more time ready punch one more time run okay we don’t need to fight anymore we finish the quest in fact you know what I don’t

Even care about this Village oh run oh it’s going for them yes it’s going for them now yes kill them this is huge oh my gosh I’m so low I’m so low I’m so low coming watch out watch out watch out there we go we I know I’m half a

Heart I’m going to die I’m dead here yes yes now we got to take with that ravager and the other farmer I have yes the ravager going back into the village hey ugly I’ll stop you there we go the ravager’s dead and I don’t want to continue this raid so I’m

Out of here good luck Village okay so then on day 39 all we had to do was break two mob spawners but of course my recording software crashed so we couldn’t record it all I did was head to the Nether and I broke two mob spawners that you see right there that’s

Literally all I did now we’re back on day 40 where it’s time to get revenge on the farmers with our French triy minigun in fact according to the quest all I have to do is get two more kills with the fren Dr minigun and this Quest is

Complete and then all I have to do is use our new ability to destroy their base and that should set them back nicely but I first have to find their base it was time for my revenge against the farmers for what they did to my

First base it may have been like 20 or so days ago but I’m still annoyed by it so let’s go get our revenge with our French Ry minigun wait a minute it is oh my wait wa oh my God I just saw that unnatural Farm look there’s two farmers

Right there in it they’re living in this Village yeah look at there’s torches everywhere okay let’s move up to this Village and use the water as cover so they don’t see us swimming up and then we need to get two of them with our minigun oh you’re getting the pumpkin

Here we go ready nice it’s right here what I need help I need help yes we kill Weill how he found us run quick this way this way get over here he’s building he’s building yes in the water in the water yes okay we got

To wait for it to reload taser yes we taser him we tasered him one more kill this is it this is my chance this is my chance dude I’m dring come on this much yes okay that’s all the kills now we can unlock the rolling ability oh where is he where is

He okay you know what we’re going to have to get back a little bit I’m going to try to hit him with this okay oh oh my oh my God no I’m going to die again Fred fry Canon have any more arrows let’s put on our

Spud Shield so that way they can’t hurt us now let’s unlock our new ability the mash Mayhem and now let’s try it out caring behind that wall oh look at this he’s com their base I just found their base oh my gosh get him get him evacuate

Evacuate go go go go go go go we’re out of that mode and oh my God is that base toast okay are they still spawning here I think I destroyed all three of their beds but I’m not positive oh yeah they’re still there oh they hit me they

Hit me oh no one drown one drown this might be huge actually here we go ready taser gone pot potato Tas him yes I can I can through every Bove come here yes and now they’re all dead and I’m dizzy but anyway now we have the ability to

Get on out of here with our rolling ability in hand okay that power is awesome like their base was gone in seconds but enough about that cuz now it’s time to work on our next potato power anyway our next ability is going to get us a bunch more hearts and that’s

Because we’re finally going to stop being a teen potato and we’re going to be a full-on potato now to do that all we need is eight Magma Cream 12 beetroot soup and four golden apples so let’s go to the Nether and let’s start by getting some Magma Cream cuz I actually think I

Know where some is like I’m pretty sure I left some in that Bastion chest before the Bastion we raided earlier so let’s just go down here and let’s find out okay let’s just jump onto the Bastion let’s go down here to the chest room okay now I believe in one of these

Chests I left some magnet cream hold on let’s see yep there’s two in here three more in here and there’s two more in here perfect no not perfect because now we have seven Magma Cream in our inventory but if we look at the upgrade we need eight we’re one short that is so

Annoying we just have to look through the rest of this place and see if we can find anything now okay perfect there’s another chest right down here we got to be careful getting down there to it down to here quickly build up there we go

What okay get away yeah I know okay we built our safety potato platform what are they doing wait what is what is happening over there why were they just dancing what is that what is that comments was that Minecraft is that an actual Minecraft thing okay whatever

Hold on okay I just took out a bunch there’s four more over here we going to take out here we go you now we’ll check the chest no go away yes I saw magma creams though creams thank you and that’s all the magma creams we need so with our first Quest officially

Completed let’s get the heck out of the nether cuz I am still too weak to be in this place okay so now that we got some magma creams all we need is golden apples and beetroot soup and since I already have a couple golden apples in this chest right here okay one Golden

Apple I’m going to start by getting the beetroot soup just because I think it should be easy so the first step of getting this is we grab the beetroot seeds from our chest then we simply grab all of our bone blocks then we turn all of those bone blocks into bone meal okay

So now let’s just put a piece of water in the ground right here and let’s till all the land around it just like this and let’s plant our four beetroot seeds in the ground now we’ll simply grow them with some bone meal till they’re fully grown break them and now we have four

Beetroots now to actually turn beetroots into beetroot stew you need a lot of beetroots in fact you need one bowl and six beetroots to make one soup so uh doing some quick math to get four soups you need 24 beetroots Roots so let’s plant some more beetroot seeds grow them

With some more bone meal and then let’s break them now we’re up to 12 20 and 28 now let’s just go back to our chest real fast and let’s grab some wood and now using that wood let’s go ahead and let’s make ourselves four bowls combine that with our beetroots and

We’ll get ourselves four beetroot soups wait we need 12 beetroot soups not four that means I needed 72 beetroots oh we need so much more okay hold on a minute we’re going to have to increase our farm size okay this is our new Farm hopefully this can get us all the beetroots we

We’re going to need now just start growing with the bone meal nope it took more bone meal than I thought I had okay so to finish this we’re going to need some more bone blocks to get more bone meal so let’s just quickly go to the Nether and let’s

Grab some of those and then we’ll be able to make the rest of these beetroot stews why is beetroot so hard to get okay let’s just grab these bone blocks right here these will work okay there we go that’s 30 bone blocks which gives us an absolute boatload of bone meal now

Hopefully this is enough we’ll find out really fast but I think this should be enough to make the rest of the beetroot soups we’re going to need okay there we go it’s fully grown let’s break oh I broke with the wrong thing okay we have 50 beetroots I think that’ll be enough

But oh God I broke everything okay there we go my little farm is back so now let’s just simply go to sleep because now the beetroot soup is done all we need is some golden apples though I guess technically the beetroot soup wasn’t done I forgot to

You know actually make the rest of the beetroot so there we go you can see the quest is completed and now we just need golden apples now I already have one Golden Apple in here so in total right now we only have one Golden Apple however if I I simply grab these two

Blocks of gold this block of gold in here and our 10 raw gold up here we now have 32 gold all the gold we’ll need to make three more golden apples so now all we need is three apples so let’s just start cutting down a forest and getting

All the apples we’re going to need there we go that’s one apple that’s two apples and boom there we go we have all three apples in a matter of seconds now we just put those apples in a crafting table surrounded by a bunch of gold to

Get the rest of the gold apples we need and then finally on day 47 we can become a potato that’s right a full grown potato who looks weird like a giant running potato with arms and legs but who also has 20 hearts of HP so he might

Look weird but he’s strong so that’s okay anywh who I am officially a tier three potato thank goodness because now that I have 20 hearts of HP I’m not sure the farmers can stop me okay so we are officially on to our tier four upgrades and this next upgrade is legendary in

Fact I know for fact that you’ve heard of it because our next upgrade is a hot potato that’s right I can now give one of the farmers a hot potato and once they have that hot potato they then have to punch another one of the farmers to

Pass that hot potato off and whoever has it at 10 seconds explodes the only downside to this ability is they can technically pass the Hot Potato back to me and then you know I would explode so it does have a small drawback but I’m sure it’s fine so to actually unlock Hot

Potato we just have to kill 10 of the farmers while they’re on fire travel to a mushroom Island and obtain the hot tourist destination advancement so let’s start by actually heading over here to the water and now let just hop in the water and let’s go looking for a

Mushroom Island mushroom islands are so hard to find like really really hard to find I I thought it might take like one maybe 2 days to find Max it took four four full days four full days wasted just looking for an island with mushrooms oh it’s a mushroom Island oh

Actually let’s go we found one oh this is huge oh yeah there we go and just like that we traveled to a mushroom Island and now we just have to make that long track PO cuz it took me 4 days of boating just to get here okay we’re back

At the base we can work on getting hot tourist destinations done with because overall between the two abilities I left to actually on what just fell by I thought I just saw something Fall by my screen what was that that was weird oh God oh God oh what just

Happened the farmer’s here oh there’s one on me the farmer’s here where’d he go where’d he go what oh he’s here fell go this way back up back up back up oh yeah they all fell don’t worry I’ll get him with French ride get him with French

Fri just fill that water full of French Fri yes there we go one’s down got him okay there’s still two of them down there oh wait horses they’re trying to run away they have horses no oh I’m going to die I’m going to die help please get over they’re trying literally

Trying to run oh my go you’re not running you came to me and you know what because they found my base I have to move bases so if you take my base I take your horses Bella goodbye stormmy goodbye and Bruce you’re coming with me

Oh wait hold on a minute oh no and as I was saying Bruce you’re coming with me you are now my horse and Bruce is going to help me move bases to a new one well there goes my second base of this video I really hate building so whenever my

Base is get destroyed it’s actually frustrating but since I have to do it I worked on my next potato base until day 64 okay so welcome to our third potato base and trust me this base might look kind of lame but it’s not and that’s because this Base is located on the

Mushroom islands we just found I thought this would be cool because not only are mushroom biomes a super rare biome but who’s going to think a potato lives on a Place full of mushrooms it just doesn’t make sense so anyway I went ahead and built a base just down here all you got

To do is jump down into this cave right here and then you’re going to see this little lava water waterfall which you Simply Swim into and you’re inside the base and now that we’re officially inside the base let me show you around first things first you’re going to

Notice this White Horse here which is Bruce the horse that we just stole from the farmers Bruce is now mine now besides Bruce we have our chest area here our furnace area here and our bed just up there then right here is a water cave that also seconds into a secret

Exit and then finally if we just come up here we have our nether portal our lava generator and our enchanting table and that’s the base which means now that you’ve seen it it’s time to keep upgrading this potato in fact there’s still two quests we have to finish first

Is to obtain hot tourist destinations in the Nether and second is to get kills in the farmers while they burn so let’s just start by heading to the Nether and getting hot tourist destination first cuz I think that should be the easiest now if we open up our advancement menu

And we look at hot tourist destinations we’re going to see that we’ve already completed four out of five of these quests so all we need to do is find one more and we just need to figure out which biome we haven’t been to an another and I’m not really sure which

One it is so we’re just going to step in all of them right now first is the warp Forest which we’re stepping in right now then there’s a Crimson Forest up there we can go step in let’s make sure this isn’t the biome okay it’s not that

Didn’t change anything so now let’s head to the Blackstone biome cuz I really don’t know where else it would be let’s just find out I think this will do it yep there it is boom that took a little longer than I thought it would but that’s okay it wasn’t too too long so

Let’s just head on home now and let’s get 10 of the farmers while they’re on fire and that should be pretty easy to do with a flint and steel so we’re going to go ahead and grab that and all we have to do is make our way back to the

Farmer’s base and we just have to take them out so the farmer’s first base turned out to be abandoned so I had to go searching for wherever they decided to move to just so I could get revenge with hot potato Village to my left left

Oh oh my God the farmer is right next to me okay hold on if we follow him we can find the base okay let’s get his attention ready I made noise with my minigun huh what’s that sound that’s it you know what we’re just getting his

Attenion okay let’s do this we got his attenion there you are oh I’m not going to be able to get the rest in time but I’m going to get you oh he’s got to be low he’s got to be low get him with the taser get him with

The taser oh taser oh he’s like launching around what is that okay he’s done well there goes my plan of just following him I guess we’ll just keep looking from here then cuz I feel like his base has got to be nearby otherwise he definitely wouldn’t have been cutting

Down trees over there so I’m going to start by checking out this Village cuz this is the most likely culprit either that or they’re living in the jungle on the trees somewhere I’m going to go this way to start they are there they’re coming this way hold on dig down oh he’s

Digging he’s digging he’s digging what where look down here oh my God I don’t have a shield I oh they got me with the thing roll away roll away get back to the surface go oh he’s up here he’s up here I see him got to find their base

Where is it let’s go here let’s go up here oh nowh to go now you locked yourself in here buddy I have an idea watch this ready he’s going up okay I’m building up too I have blocked here we go I got to the top I got to the top I’m going to

Die oh I I Liv mind how did she live that what okay gone where’s their base let’s see if we can figure out where their base is hold on let’s go down here let’s just go down here their base is straight below look I can see Hay’s name

Dude stop him he’s going to get in the base we’re almost in and quick roll we got to find their base it’s right around here somewhere we squished it with our roll ability he squished oh wait can I even Whack Him like this oh I can there

We go he’s gone yes okay our Shield is keeping us alive they just came up from here okay this is their base for sure friended try gun get them oh go this way go this way go this way come here potato come here oh no Take that fall damage I

Don’t take fall damage he didn’t get any damage no no fall damage die B slow again oh this is not good run oh quick in the water in the water in the water okay we need to get these fire kills here we go let’s do this ready put on

The shield Shield’s on realize it’s burning realize it’s burning he’s done that’s one two yes three go this way go this way go this way okay let’s get up to this building here oh get my camel please yeah the camel why oh I’m in trouble I’m in trouble I’m in

Trouble I’m in trouble okay we just need six more kills there we go we got fire okay we’re in the water go go okay this isn’t good I still need six fire kills and my flint and steel has one use left this is really not good I got an

Idea though I got an idea he killed my camel one’s AFK what he’s not burning from that that’s ridiculous okay go this way go this way go this way their base is somewhere down here in this mess I’m going down yo where are you going this

Wooden tube wooden tube he going the in the base oh this is it this is it cover it up cover it up cover it up there we go they can’t get in they can’t get in oh my God it’s so hard to mine everything they got FL and steel they

Got to flint and steel and diamonds I want those diamonds there we go go this this there we go we’re out nice one down two down that’s six kills in fire no no no no no stop stop nice that’s another one down build up another platform I put

Myself on fire that’s actually huge no she’s done she’s done she’s done you got to come down here at some point firey little yes that’s nine that’s the one that’s the one that’s the one yes let’s unlock the ability Hot Potato our brand new ability which gave us a hot potato

In our inventory now let’s try it out okay I can give one of them this hot potato boom okay realizer has the Hot Potato see how he red I I don’t get it is it an item I don’t what and that’s what happens with the Hot Potato

Realizer blew up with the Hot Potato let’s try it again on another one oh no she gave the Hot Potato to the other one oh no I just killed my teammate let’s just keep going let’s just keep going okay they’re coming in I have an idea

Here let’s put on the shield ready now Haze has the hot potato and now they’re going to pass it oh wait they can pass it to me run run no come in yes oh that was close there we go we tase them hot potato and I am out of here oh NOP

There’s another one coming in quick keep going no no okay he’s gone he got hot potatoed let me get rid of this last one he’s coming in or he’s trying to Bow me he’s dead he’s dead he’s dead okay that’s our chance let’s get out of here

Okay so my hot potato ability is actually really cool I basically forced the hunters to play Hot Potato and they explode though I won’t lie that wasn’t even my favorite part of the fight my favorite part is when I accidentally squished one of the players and he couldn’t get up I’m definitely doing

More squishing in these final few fights speaking of it’s officially day 69 so there is only 31 more days till this challenge is over and we still have two tier four upgrades to go so let’s unlock hash brown rain mostly cuz I want to rain potatoes from the sky that actually

Sounds kind of cool however it’s going to be easier said than done to actually unlock the hash brown rain ability because to unlock it I need to get 16 sponges from an underwater Monument get one heart of the sea and get 100 leather from killing a lot of cows or mushrooms

Because if you didn’t know mushrooms also drop leather so uh mushroom killing Montage okay perfect there we go we officially have 100 leather and we only had to kill every Mushroom on every single mush Island around me to do it anyway now that we got all the leather

We need all we need to do now is get a heart of the sea all we need to do is head to a shipwreck which is literally one straight up ahead over here and then we need to get the map that’s inside of it which will lead us to the heart of

The sea that we need so let’s just go over to the Shipwreck right here now let’s dive down into the water okay we got two Coast armor trims we got a buried treasure map which is what we wanted though it’s blank so I found a buried treasure map but it’s just all

Blue what is that nonsense I guess we got to go find another buried treasure map somewhere and hopefully this time it’ll actually have something on it okay here we go it actually has stuff on it this time now let’s just swim up here get back in our boat and now let’s

Follow the map to the treasure okay perfect so I’m following the map right now and it looks like it’s actually not on the island and it’s somewhere off the coast of the island hold on so it’s like right below me is it going to be this

Weird sand block here boom it is and we got the heart of the sea we need so now let’s just go back up to the surface hop in our boat and just like that we got the heart of the sea but now we need to actually get sponges and the only place

To get sponges is inside of an underwater monument and to find an underwater Monument there’s a bunch of supplies we’re going to need need so instead of heading home right now let’s actually head to a desert and start Gathering some of those supplies together because we have to pass by a

Desert anyway just to get home okay so let’s just grab some sugar cane okay that’s all the sugarcane we need so now let’s just grab some sand which uh I can do really easily there we go that should be all the sand we need now we can go

Home and actually get some sleep okay so first things first let’s turn all of our sugar cane into paper really fast now let’s just throw our sand inside of our furnaces here to turn into glass and while we wait for that let’s get the rest of the stuff we need together now

Let’s collect all the glass from our furnaces really fast and let’s go and let’s turn that glass into a bunch of last paines and now last but not least we just got to make a couple compasses and cartography tables okay now we have everything we need now all we got to do

Is give a villager a job like this guy right here who will turn into a cartographer and then we just right click him and trade him all of our paper for a bunch of emeralds now we trade him glass panes for even more emeralds and finally we get the Ocean Explorer map we

Need which will lead us right to a water Monument so if I look at this map you can see it’s pretty much straight north of me and North is in this direction over here so let’s just follow this all the way to the water Monument okay

Perfect we’re here now we just got to go ahead and get inside and loot the sponges now likely we’ll get mining fatigue but I came prepared for that and brought four milk buckets and a bunch of doors so we can navigate this thing as quickly as possible okay let’s swim

Around and let’s see if we can find sponges that gives us 28 sponges okay that’s more than enough sponges let’s just hop in our boat now and let’s get out of here okay and now that we have 28 wet sponges we just have to turn these wet sponges into dry sponges and luckily

You guys in the comment section taught me how to do this a much easier way you see in past videos I would just take these wet sponges and put them in a furnace but I learned you can literally just put them down in the Nether and they dry immediately watch I could have

Saved so much time so let’s just go a and dry these out real real quick and now let’s go home and so with our sponges heart of the sand leather in hand we can unlock hash brown rain our new power that makes it rain hash browns

From the sky and now you notice if I step on these hash browns they disappear and that’s because every time I step on one of these hash browns I get a random good bonus effect added to my potato I mean look at this right now I have speed fire resistance luck slow falling

Regeneration however if one of the farmers steps on one of my hash browns they get a random negative effect this could be poison this could be wither this could even be well an explosion okay I don’t know about the explosion for sure but I’m pretty sure it’s a

Thing and now that it’s unlocked we only have one more tier four upgrade to go which is to become Mr Potato Head yes the Mr Potato Head from Toy Story and it’s honestly a good thing cuz if you look at Mr Potato head’s ability he gets plus six extra blocks of reach meaning

I’d be able to reach this mushroom over there without an issue so to actually unlock Mr Potato Head all we need are nine regeneration potions two totems of undying and a god Apple but I actually already have a god Apple so our first item is already done for Mr Potato Head

So let’s start by getting the two totems undying which we can actually do just by talking to this villager again right here and this time instead of getting the Ocean Explorer map we’re just going to get the Woodland Explorer map instead and now if we follow this map this is

Going to lead us right to a woodland Mansion where we can get some easy totems of undying the Woodland Mansion apparently is right in front of me I just don’t oh no I do see it boom there it is we’re at the Woodland mansion and

Now we should have to get two totems of undying inside of this thing now it’s just break in right here and we’re in there’s nothing on this top floor so let’s go down a floor I can hear tons of indicators but I can’t oh wait there’s

The totem guy there we go we killed him and now let’s see how many more we can get of these things another one right here there we go we got two totems another one oh there’s one down here too that’s four totems that is way more than

Enough now let’s just get out of this Woodland mansion and let’s head on home okay the exit should just be around this corner here it is let’s just get out of here now and let’s head on home okay so to finish our last tier four upgrade all

We need now are nine regen potions which luckily are the easiest of all the types of potions to get or make okay so the first step is we need to kill a bunch of blazes for their blaze rods okay there we go that’s officially all the blaze

Rods we need to finish making regen potions we really just need to go get some gas tiers so let’s just go find some gas and take them out real quick which will be super easy with our FR triy minigun actually wait before I leave this place and go get that gas

Tier I almost forgot one thing I need to grab here and here we go we’ll just grab all these which is a bunch of Nether Warts which we’re going to need to make the base potion the awkward potion okay now to go kill some gests okay there we

Go we officially got all the gas tiers that we need which means we can make the Regeneration potions so now we got to do is combine some Cobblestone with one of these blaze rods to get ourselves a brewing stand then we simply put that brewing stand right here make some glass

Bottles and fill those glass bottles full of water and stick them inside of the brewing stand now that that’s done we simply add a blaze powder to the brewing stand for power and another Ward into the brewing stand to turn these water bottles into awkward potions and

Then we simply add one gas tier which will turn those awkward potions into regeneration potions and there we go now we have six more regeneration potions that we can grab from these Brewing stands and if we simply grab the three we put up here we can officially turn

Into Mr Potato Head this actually looks just like Mr Potato Head from the movie now that we’re officially Mr Potato Head we are on to our tier five upgrades where we can become the master of potatoes I’m not going to spoil what he looks like but let’s just say he’s a

Little crazy baked boom which is literally making explosive potato bombs and finally coulage which allows me to look like any crop in the game and to unlock my final three powers we need to go to the end and to go to the end we’re going to need a lot of different

Materials and then we’re going to have to actually travel to the end but let’s start by getting those Eyes of Ender by first killing a bunch of blazes for their blaze rods there we go that’s all the blaze rods we need and now we just

Need to make our way way over to a Bastion really fast to start trading gold blocks for ender pearls now luckily for me I actually know the perfect place to get the gold I need and it’s this Bastion right here which is a bridge Bastion okay perfect we made it to the

Bridge now let’s just start grabbing all the gold we’ll need so there’s a gold block right here there we go one over here then we just go down to the bottom here and get all the gold down here okay there we go that’s 14 gold blocks that’s actually probably not enough so let’s

Head over to that other Bastion let’s go get some more okay let’s just dig in through the top right here jump down here now let’s just grab all the gold blocks and now we have 3 gold blocks that is more than enough okay so perfect

So right here is going to be the hole where we trade with all the piglins we just need to get them down here yes okay we got one in okay now while he trades let’s start getting all the others together oh we killed them darn it you

Know what oh well we got these guys trading down here there’ll be enough let’s just throw them all our gold and now we wait well actually I think they are almost done hold up let’s see how many ender pearls we got 21 ender pearls there we go that’s what we needed okay

So now that we have all the ender pearls we need and the BL rods we need we can go to the end or that’s what I’d like to say but there’s still one more thing we need to do before we go to the end because if if we actually open up our

Upgrade menu and we look at the tier five upgrade right here you’re going to notice that it says to summon a Wither in the end which means we’re going to need three Wither Skeleton skulls just to get that done with now let’s head back to the nether fortress we were just

At and let’s kill some wither skeletons for their skulls okay perfect we got all three Wither Skeleton skulls and now we can go ahead and summon a Wither in the end and now that we’ve prepped for the end it is time to head to the end and take on the

Ender Dragon once and for all now let’s throw off an Eye of Ender and see which direction it goes in and that means we’re going this way to get to the end portal okay we’ve gone about 1500 blocks which is usually the distance to a stronghold so we are getting kind of

Close so we’re going to start throwing the eyes every 250 blocks instead just to uh see if we can find this thing throw the next one right here see what did I tell you the eye just went backwards the stronghold is somewhere in this Forest yeah it’s down

It’s right here now let’s go find this stronghold boom we’re in okay we just got to find the Portal now oh purple wait what obsidian what is this they’re so fine don’t even worry the hunters are here the hunters here I can hear them through okay hold on I have an idea

Break down there we go we broke through one half of it break down boom we’re in oh he’s here they’re trying to get me they’re trying to get me boom we’re in we’re in we’re in okay we need to go we need to go we need to go okay now we

Just got to take out all these towers quick let’s start by climbing this one here destroy that one let’s see if we can get this with the French Ry gun yes the French Ry Gun Works okay we can take out the towers with the French dry gun

In fact let’s go and let’s distract them we can summon the wither here and distract him real fast oh nope we can’t do that here we can’t do that here oh he’s down he’s down get him get him okay they’re coming for me they’re coming for

Me watch this ready what is he doing there go I summon a Wither boom we’ve summoned a Wither in the end and now that’s going to deal with them while I get the rest of these towers okay can I reach that over there oh I

Got him I got him with the hey what does that mean needed shears whatever it was it disconnected it said I needed shears though to get out of that I’m putting on the totem we’re getting a little close to death here oh we blew it up yes okay

All his things are gone all his things are gone now we just need to kill the ender dragon and the Wither I guess I almost want to kill that wither first though okay hit the Wither down eat some food oh we just post mortal that’s not

Good put on the other totem put on the other tot him nice Wither’s gone Wither’s gone Wither’s gone yes now we just got to take out this Dragon okay I’m making you rain hash browns now raining hash browns what is that oh I’m stuck the hash browns are killing them

The hash browns are killing them oh this thing’s almost dead we got to take this thing out okay we’re rolling in let’s just flatten them there we go there we go he’s done he’s done my th nice he’s dead one hit he’s one hit he’s one hit

Yes okay let’s put a bunch of hash browns in the way over here that should prevent them from getting to me now we’re going to right click the egg we got to dig below very carefully here break this seven put it down yes got the

Egg I got the egg I got the egg now we just need to get to the outer end let’s just get rid of them first so they don’t see where I go I forgot I’m supposed to go after him coming for me I can’t see my my

There we go They’re All Dead They’re All Dead they’re all dead this is my chance let’s get out of here throw an ender pearl and boom we’re in the other end yes now let’s just get away from this portal really fast and now let’s gather up everything else we need in the end

Which includes elytra a dragon head and getting the great view from up your advancement it took a few days of searching for me to find an nend City where I could get the elytra I needed but like usual I keep running into end cities without elytra ships oh there’s

An entity literally right up ahead oh let’s go there’s actually an elytra ship come on Mr Potato Head go okay perfect now we have to actually just get up to that elytra ship real fast so let’s just build up to it okay perfect we made it

To the ship now let’s just go inside now let’s just grab the elytra okay now that we have elytra let’s just break these blocks here build up this way and now we’ll go to the front of the ship and grab the dragon head give me

That oh gosh I got it and there we go dragon head Acquired and now it’s time for the last thing we need to do in the end and that’s to get the great view from up here advancement all I have to do is get hit with one of these shulker

Attacks like this and then I just need to go up 50 blocks with an ender pearl like that that’s a bad throw yes we did it we did it we did it yes there we go we got a great view from up here so now we are officially done in the end so

Let’s put on these elytra and let’s Glide our way back home and now that we’re back home and at the base there is only 15 days remaining so what do we actually have left to do well first we need to get three kills with our hot potato ability then we need to get

Ourselves a Max enchantment netherite chest plate a beacon a nautilus shell five different music discs and that’s it once we’re done with that we are officially a Max Level potato so let’s actually get to work on some of these quests and let’s start with the easiest

Part of the quests which is to make a beacon now normally this would be hard but because I had to summon a Wither in the end I already have another star to make a beacon so let’s just grab some of our obsidian right here and some of our

Glass out of here to make ourselves the beacon and now that the Beacon’s done with let’s work on getting a Max Level netherite chest plate all I need to make a Max Level netherite chest plate is going to be one ancient debris from the Nether and now let’s just mine around

The nether until we find some ancient debris there we go boom we finally found an ancient debris wait I have four netherite scrap hold up now I have six I didn’t even notice the ancient debris I mined before but apparently I’ve already found two well either way now we

Definitely have enough netherite scrap okay so now let’s just grab the two netherite scrap that we already have and the ancient debris that we have and let’s throw that ancient debris right in here so that way it can start smelting and turn itself into another netherite scrap so now we take those nine

Netherite scrap and put them in a group of four like this and combine them with a bunch of gold like this to get two netherite ingots and now we just need a Max Level Diamond chest plate to add netherite to and luckily for me I already have this projectile protection

For Diamond chest plate you see right here and if we just bring it over to our enchanting table and put it inside of our disenchant wheel we can remove the enchantment from this chest plate making it a normal Diamond chest plate and now if we open the enchanting table and we

Put our lapis lazuli in along with our Diamond chest plate we can get a level 30 enchantment right here which has protection three which we’re going to do and then we’re just going to bring this max level enchantment over here to the smithing table where a netherite upgrade

The chest plate and a netherite Ingot will give us the max level netherite chest plate that we need and with that in hand we can say goodbye to Mr Potato Head and hello to the master of potatoes oh my God he’s huge I can’t even leave

My base anymore I don’t fit I officially have an entrance in and out of the base it’s not the most efficient but at least it works anyway now that I fit in my own base again it’s time to show you what this master of potatoes can do first off

I know of speed three jump four fire resistance and strength four but that’s not even the best part the best part of this ability is I can now fly that’s right I don’t know why the potato could fly but as the master of potatoes I now have the ability to literally fly

Meaning I don’t need elytra anymore I can just wear a diamond chest plate and the elytra will be used for this other tier five ability over here but I’m not going to lie now that I can fly this potato is a little overpowered because

Not only can I fly but I also get eight extra blocks of reach meaning I can break blocks all the way over there see that’s ridiculous I just made a giant Cube but anyway that’s the first of all the tier five upgrades done with and now

I think it’s time we finish another one and get our baked boom which is basically a baked potato that explodes and you probably already know how I unlock it if you look in the upper leftand corner of my screen you’re going to see that I have to kill three players

With the Hot Potato which means it’s time to take this hot potato ability and pay those Farmers a visit okay hold on let’s just pause in these mountains real quick because I just discovered something incredible about my potato I actually unlocked a new ability that it didn’t tell me about where I’m shooting

Out rapid potatoes like a machine gun that you see on screen except these potatoes they don’t hurt mobs and I mean that literally if I go up to this goat right here and use it you’re going to see that this goat is completely unaffected by my potato barrage and

That’s because this ability turns the farmers into potatoes if I hit them with my potato beam they’re going to turn into potatoes just like me and if I turn all three of them into potatoes they get banned and lose the challenge again that only happens if I can find their base

First which I still can’t find so with the farmer’s last base destroyed I knew they had moved to a new base somewhere in the world and now that I could fly finding them took no time at all except that’s not true at all cuz even with

Flight it took 2 days to find them okay pink tree biome this is the one I was at earlier was that hold up I see something built in the distance that’s definitely not natural oh my God I see them there’s a farmer right there let’s get load to

The ground so they don’t see us and now we just need to get three kills with hot potato here we go we got to be quick about this uh oh they see me they see me they see me they see me you know what potato why is he that strong oh wait I

Turned one a new potato look I turned Haz a new potato and she’s attacking realizer look go little potato go look they’re just running from the potato a sorry a okay this is my chance let’s get one of them with hot potato okay we’re going in we’re going in there’s one

Right here let’s get close oh he’s coming down he’s coming down boom we got him with oh he hit me he is Hot Potato he almost gave it back to me that was close You’re Dead goodbye we got one with the Hot Potato but now I’m glowing

For some reason oh and now it’s starting to rain oh wait that’s really bad now right now it may look like it’s doing nothing but that’s because right now I have the disabled water logged ability on the second that that goes away this rain is going to give me a lot of

Negative effects like weakness and slowness okay this is going to be bad we’re going to have to fight in the middle of this rain okay they’re coming over they’re coming over let’s see if we can Hot Potato one yes I got her with the Hot Potato I

Got her just keep dodging those arrows and boom yes okay water log is about to go away I could keep eating chips but I’m curious how bad this is going to be okay I got slowness but since I can fly it’s really not too bad what do on the

Ground oh it’s really bad on the ground I’m really slow down here they’re staying up there maybe I can hit with the Hot Potato let’s just see okay the rain’s gone the rain’s gone we don’t have to worry about water l anymore which is honestly perfect let’s po taser

One of them oh no no no boom no oh I hit him I hit him there we she has potato oh that was so close oh yes okay we killed all three so let’s just go over here real quick and now we can unlock the baked boom ability which uh allows me to

Place these potatoes that explode let’s see how this does let’s put a baked boom right here come down here and fight us like a real potato oh it’s barely doing I think I did the baked boom and I think there’s potatoes everywhere what is happening what

Is what oh my God what just happened happened did I do that what the heck oh I found their cave oh my God look at all their stuff what was that I don’t even know I got to try this again I put down the bomb Oh my God look at me I start

Sucking in all the powers of the potato till it all condenses on top of me and then I explode I’m the bomb yep I’m the bomb what the heck this is crazy I don’t think the farmers can win anymore okay so now that that fight’s done with it’s time for us to

Unlock our last tier five ability which is called coulage now this ability is going to allow me to turn into a potato plant and blend in with potatoes and then uh explode it’s really goofy and it sounds really fun to be honest so I’m really excited for this ability so let’s

Actually go ahead and unlock coulage and to do that all we need left is a nautilus shell and five different music discs now we’ll get the nautilus shell at the end so let’s simply start by doing the five different music discs which we can get at a Bastion like this

In fact the First music disc we’re going for is called pigstep and it can usually be found in the chest that’s at the top of this building here so let’s just go up here real fast let’s break this block there okay we don’t have pig step in

This one what about this one nope no Pig step in that one either and boom there we go we got Pig step now let’s grab all the extra stuff that’s in that chest that we like and now with pig step in hand we just need four other music discs

And the best place to get music discs is at an ancient city so let’s quickly head to the mainland and get to an ancient city where we can get the remaining music discs okay we’re at the ancient city and now all we have to do is find

Some music discs so we’ll go from chest to chest to chest grabbing whatever’s inside here’s one right here and boom right there on the first one we got the music disc cat this will be other side ready watch okay there’s not a single music disc in here now we’ll check this

One out we got cat again come on one of you’s got to have other side right another cat disc great we now have four cat discs but we did get two c apples I guess there we go finally we got actually two music discs in this one we

Have 13 and we have other side so right now in our inventory we actually have four different music discs and all we need left is some disc fragments so we literally just got to fly around this place and grab disc fragments and then we’ll be good to go once we have enough

There we go another other side and we have all the rest of the disc fragments right there perfect so now that we have all the discs we need all we’ve got to do is go into our crafting table turn these disc fragments into the disc 5 and

Now we have five five different music discs in our inventory okay so with the five music discs in hand we officially have two quests complete and one to go to unlock our final potato upgrade and the last item we need to get is a nautilus shell so let’s head out to the

Ocean and start killing some drowned for that nautilus shell okay so we officially got the nautilus shell it it’s right over here and now that we have the nautilus shell we can unlock our coulage ability which is our final upgrade I’ll show you what it does in a couple days but to make

This ability work I’m going to need a massive potato farm so uh let me finish that potato farm and then I’ll show you what this ability does so for the next couple of days I built a potato farm inside of my base so alongside of our

New copy ability we could blend into our farm at any time to escape any sort of situation and once that farm was complete well actually this happened okay so I know it might look pretty obvious where my plant is to you guys like I’m right there and I’m glowing but

If I turn my Shader pack off you’re going to see that it is near impossible to tell where my potato plant is inside of this plant so I just have to stay within this crop field and when the farmer show oh wait what I hear them I

Do hear them hold on we can test it right now let’s hide right here it doesn’t even seem like he’s around oh they found Bruce the horse no horse there I I can finally stop riding the donkey I hit one I hit one no recrop recop recop where’d he go it’s like

Right here somewhere don’t move this is so funny they’re like looking around the plants like where did he go maybe there’s like a hidden entrance or something oh no no no no no no no breaking this oh did they not notice they didn’t notice they didn’t

Notice they oh good how do they not notice this what this is moving get it it’s him get him oh boom yes okay they hit me they blow up no like this no like this go go wait they spawn we need to ban them from the server if we get all

Of them with our potato beam we can ban them oh I’m so sorry they’re coming from here oh I found them this is going to be huge I can win the challenge right here here’s what we’re going to do first things first put a bunch of hash browns

On the ground wait we’re hit by one of the ha things I’m going to need cheers to get rid of this thing cuz if they get me with enough of these things I’ll lose the challenge actually I can kill them care we got them we got them okay I’m

Free from the thing I can also kill them okay let’s get on the far side of this island let’s lure them over here let’s get their attention just shoot some french fries at them or whatever okay they’re coming over to the far side of the island let’s get them to come this

Way and then we’re going to get them with the baked boom okay here they come now let’s activate it we grab the potato from the ground we now have a giant potato that’s charging in energy and boom they are dead but their beds definitely survived it’s on the other

Half of the island and now let’s end this thing let’s turn them all into potatoes inside their bed hello get them all they’re all potatoes now now that they’re officially all potatoes they should get banned from the game they left the game which means they are banned and the potato wins thanks for


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►Episode – I Survived 100 Days as a POTATO in Minecraft


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  1. I would love to see a video where the hunters have a redemption arc and ryguyrocky has to hunt them instead. I know it’s his channel but I don’t like how most of the time they lose the fight and don’t get anything. It would be so awesome to see the other side of there pov.

  2. As soon as I saw the thumbnail I got a silly idea. What if you do a 100 days as a jack-o-lantern. The food can be a bag of Halloween candy with a scythe as the omnitool while the hunters are a group of troublemakers.

    Thanks for the fun videos.

  3. Still trying to ask if you can do a Hollow Knight 100 days as the Knight against the Radiance, Hornet, or the infected bugs of Hallownest.
    Evolution tree: Pale Vessel to Lord of Shades
    Potential combat upgrades: the Nail (can be upgraded to the Dream Nail and used as an omni-tool as well as a weapon), ability to summon Cloth to fight by your side (for context and spoilers for Hollow Knight gameplay too, if you meet Cloth beforehand at an earlier point in the game she can help you in the boss fight against the Infected Mantis Lord)
    Utility upgrade: The shade cloak allows you to go through solid blocks for up to ten seconds and has a cooldown

    Long comment but yeah, still going to ask

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