Mukluk Plays Stardew Valley Part 1

Welcome back everyone to another episode of mlu I’m your Charming self-proclaim yet still humble host mlu and that is someone who likes loves to interrupt me and today we are starting stardew Valley as many of you know I have a patreon top tier of the patreon is that you can

Hijack the stream for day and make us play something as long as it’s not too uh too too nasty and someone said that’s the sound of me slapping down a wallet they said I want you to play the My favorite game of all time and I was like what is your favorite

Game of all time and they said stardew Valley and I was like okay I think that’s like a farming game and I look it up and I watch the trailer I’m like yeah it’s a farming game I was like okay this is not what I usually play but I’m happy

To try it if that’s what you want and they said do it zip you are about to see what is going to be the newest greatest potato farmer in stard Valley also after I said I was going to do this a lot of people messaged me they’re like oh my

God who were you going to romance I’m like I’m not playing a dating simulator I’m playing stardew Valley and they’re like it’s a dating simulator and a farming game and I’m like what yo I am not here for romance I am here for potatoes okay I don’t think you

Understand I am here for the spuds all right uh that said I installed the I bought the game I installed the game opened it up immediate disappointment there’s not even an options button on the menu so huge minus points for that there was blind like blaring loud music

The first time I open this and I’m like I have got to find a way to turn this down before I stream because I am going to just like blow everyone’s ears out if I can’t figure it out and look look at the menu there’s music on off but that’s

It there’s no volume control there’s no options button anywhere can you find it yeah I had to go to Google and it turns out you have to go past the intro so I had to start a character go past the intro of the game skip all the

Cinematics get into the guy’s house then I could open the options menu after getting blasted for like 2 minutes I could open the options menu and turn the volume down so worst UI I’ve seen it ages that’s how we’re getting to start this adventure okay new game because I

Don’t want to use the one where I skipped everything I didn’t get to see anything okay here we go uh name maybe I didn’t turn it down enough but I can’t control that right now Farm name um lab Farm favorite thing potatoes animal preference there’s an orange cat already

Perfect um eye color it’s brown hair color it’s brown pants color I I don’t care what what do we have here I’m pasty it’s like Terraria oh get the Goku hair too loud all right apparently I didn’t turn it down enough uh let’s see no the music’s fine it’s just it’s

Like so freaking loud and I I turned it down oh my gosh there is a lot of hair options oh my gosh there is over 60 hair options there we go we’ll we’ll do that skull why why is it why is it why is it doing that

Noise ah rib cage shirt for the bone Zone what is oh my gosh okay what is this oh beard why is it the sound of money as beards go by I’m so confused all right none none that’s fine all right uh yeah that’s fine let’s do

It all right so Santa Claus has a sword above the mantle for my very special grandson I want you to have this sealed in envelope okay wow he just like wow he’s got a good arm he just like threw it at me no no don’t open it yet have patience do I

Have to wait till you die listen close there will come a day when you feel crushed by the burden of Modern Life yeah the housing Market’s pretty bad right now and your bright spirit will fade before a growing Emptiness is there supposed to be sound here since I muted

The the main menu music did it mute this or is this supposed to be just dead quiet when that happens my boy you’ll be ready for this gift now let Grandpa rest XX years later joa join us thrive work rest you’re missing out on heartfelt music I

Can’t control it cuz of the excellent options in this game oh shoot there’s Mario what up Barbie Woody from Yo he’s licking his lips oh my God he I don’t think this guy’s working I want to see what’s on his monitor life’s better with JoJo yo

There’s a dead dude over here what the heck water I either need to drink water or I just need to go bathroom I’m not sure which it’s so quiet oh there there we go okay I just had to say no put the we’re at work

Right now we got to get back to work close the drawer hold on check what’s on the floppy pick it up dear muckluck if you’re reading this you must be in dire need of a change the same thing happened to me long ago I’d lost sight of What mattered most in life

Real connections with other people and nature so I dropped everything and moved to the place I truly belong I’ve enclosed the deed to that place my pride and joy lab Farm it’s located in stardew Valley on the southern coast it’s the perfect place to start your new life

This was my most precious gift of all and now it’s yours I know you’ll honor the family name my boy good luck love Santa PS if Louis is still alive say hi to the old guy for me will you lab Farm sounds like he’s going to

Go make drugs I mean I don’t I haven’t played stardo maybe we are go moveing next to Breaking bin the only sound in this entire entrance is the squeaky drawer and this bus and a bird hello you must be marock show me to the potatoes I’m Robin the local Carpenter

Mayor Lewis sent me here to fetch you and show you the way to your new home he’s there right now tidying things up for your arrival the Farm’s right over there here if you’ll follow me I didn’t I wanted to look around I’ve been kidnapped this isn’t a farm this a

Dump place all overgrown this is lab Farm water what’s the matter sure it’s a bit overgrown but there’s good soil underneath that mess with a little dedication you’ll have it cleaned up in no Time a third of the house is firewood and here we are your new home why why is someone in my house ah the new farmer welcome I’m L mayor of Pelican town you know everyone’s been asking about you it’s not every day that someone new moves in it’s quite a big

Deal so you’re moving into your grandfather’s old Cottage yes yeah so I need you to move out squatter it’s a good house very rustic rustic that’s one way to put it crusty might be a little more apt though ew what did Grandpa do in there Rude don’t listen to her muckluck she’s just trying to make you dissatisfied so that you buy one of her house upgrades hump anyway you must be tired from the long journey you should get some rest tomorrow you ought to explore the town a bit and introduce yourself the town’s

People would appreciate that I’m not here for the town’s people I’m here for potatoes why were you in my house you haven’t explained that yet I almost forgot if you have anything to sell place it in this box here I’ll come by during the night to collect It what what kind of transaction system is that good luck you were you broke into my house and you’re just going to come like steal my goods in the night and leave money is it like a tooth fairy your progress has been saved all right got a little pep in my step here

All right so this is how far I had to go to get to the volume controls just so you guys know they were not available before this moment so yeah um decorative Bowl what is going on when I click on the box what oh I have to right click it parsnip

Seeds you receive 15 parsnip seeds here’s a little something to get you started mayor Lewis did you come into my house while I was asleep to put this on the floor and look at my sleeping form also pillow goes in the corner you have your head to the corner your feet go

Outward yo all right I’ve known this mayor for 5 minutes and this dude’s a creep weather report welcome to kzu 5 your number wood source for weather news and entertainment now the weather forecast for tomorrow it’s going to be clear and sunny all day fortune teller welcome back to

Weick’s Oracle if you SE seek hidden knowledge of the future you’ve come to the the right place the spirits feel neutral today the day is in your hands mhm living off the land welcome to living off the land we’re back again with another tip for y’all now listen up

This one’s for all you greenh horns out there chop wood and search for wild Forge to earn cash while waiting on your first Harvest oh I can pick that up all right um exclamation point getting started if you want to become a farmer you have to start with the basics you use your hoe to till the soil I don’t have any of those I haven’t met any yet uh use a seed packet on the

Tilt soil to grow a crop water every day until the crop is ready for Harvest cultivate and harvest a parsnip it would be a nice gesture to introduce yourself around town some people might be anxious to meet the new farmer um all right so this gets rid of

Zees I’m like a ninja with this Thing going to clean this mess right up going to clean this mess right up All right let’s see we got all that and let’s see Is this an axe what is this that’s the hoe that’s the axe this gu’s got so much energy doing little hops in between every chop get rid of this stump too how do I oh I have to use the ax on sticks on the ground OD okay your energy is lower right my energy wow spoiler now clearly the E is for empty and I’m getting further away from that so whatever that is is filling up your axxe isn’t strong enough to break this stump H okay um okay get all this cleaned up my God

Grandpa Santa Claus left a mess here for me all right uh parsnip seeds oh wait I have to use the hoe oh my gosh it’s kind of uh temperamental all right there we go wait what is this clay um uh water the fact that when I press right I

Don’t move like a whole Square over is feels kind of odd cuz like I tap right and then I still water the same tile okay there we go all right they’re all watered okay crops are doing their thing um get this stuff out of the way what’s over

Here whatever this once was is now in Ruins oh that doesn’t answer anything okay there’s an indicator in settings that tells you what square you have Selected what is all the single single single single single wait oh God crafting collections options auto run show tool hit Location that will help a little bit uh okay Okay where am I now oh wow we traveled a long Distance uh what does this say Railroad wrong button I can’t mine through that can’t break that Either this is a very fancy on the inside tent it’s like Doctor Who’s Tent sh and click location should be on by default there should also be an options screen at the main menu it’s locked only Mar’s friends can enter Uninvited just breaking into someone’s house what can I do for you shop I’ve got a rustic plank floor recipe that would look just amazing in your

House it’s like decorations greetings I’m Demetrius local scientist and father thanks for introducing yourself who’s father you’re not good enough friends with Maru to enter her bedroom oh my gosh you’re not good enough friends with Robin or Demetrius to enter their bedroom I’m getting enough friends to walk all over their

House you’re not going enough friends to Sebastian in his bedroom can I you like yell hey Sebastian open up you started playing good times enough to K the 19th which has add more lovely content well right now it’s all new to me content now Pelican town it’s locked

Can I climb the rocks can I swing how do I swing all I can do is sit there and be depressed like sad Keanu there’s no swing button oh here’s someone’s house what’s this it’s locked open 9:00 a.m. to 300 p.m. it’s got a cross wait is this like

The doctor’s office the doctor’s office is open 9 to3 what if I die ls’s yo that is a lot of birthdays really Fast welcome to Pierre’s need some supplies potatoes inventory full crap can I sell stuff potatoes hello it’s nice to meet you hi Leah hello you must be muku the new farmer I’m Caroline hello Caroline you have green hair you must be the main anime character oh hey you’re the new guy huh

Cool one Single Seed I thought I bought a bag of seeds did I not buy a whole bag of seeds why would this bag have one seed in it hungry thirsty I’ve got just the thing what I’m right clicking on blue hair who are

You oh I can read it on your face you’re going to love it here in Pelican town if you’re ever looking for something to do in the evening stop by the saloon that’s where I work you’ve got like a Harley Quinn smile you make me uncomfortable it’s a very small bag he

Really has one it’s a KitKat mini oh my gosh oh wait there’s another person I don’t know hey kid the name is Pam oh my Gosh Pam I’m having a rough time oh hello I’m penny aren’t you the one who just moved in I’m Maru I’ve been looking forward to meeting you oh I Met You in World of Warcraft you were a giant light bulb you picked a good time to move here

The spring is lovely you’re the fourth Leah I found around town everyone names their kids Leah oh you’re that new Farmer Boy aren’t you Haley you’re not good enough Friends with Emily to enter her bedro oh my gosh I would never assume such a thing won talk to me what’s this is this

A Long John Silvers you’re not good enough friends with Sam a stranger my name is Vincent mom says not to talk to strangers you seem okay I mean yeah the fact that I just broke into your house is nothing to be worried about you aren’t exactly how I imagine but that’s okay I’m Jodie you imagined me Okay H Cinder sap Forest left Pelican town right I talk talk to the cow they got any information it’s locked yo what a dump whose house is this oh my God whoever owns this place clean it up good Lord Tangled on everything oh wait those my turnips this is my house

Yo I had more land than I thought the bestest potato 8:20 p.m. oh my God that’s my bedtime I’m like 80 years old I got to turn in how do I go to sleep yeah I want to wake up to a gorgeous potato m all right let’s see

Gorgeous uh what now I guess I need to water it Again and then I got I got to figure out how to refill the watering can okay I guess that’s It advertisement I keep finding cool stuff but my backpack’s full does this sound like you well Pierre’s got you covered stop by Pierre’s General store today and check out our affordable size 24 backpack see you soon oh my God I got to go to Pierre’s chat I finished my farm workk for the

Day let’s go freaking having toy bag space right out the gate this game is pay to Win what’s this help wanted I’m looking for someone to bring me 20 copper ores to Aid in the understanding of local minerals signed Clint 220 gold on delivery you can keep the yours after Clint inspects them I accept as soon as I figure out how to find Copper it’s locked open 9 to

N can I like meditate for for 2 hours or Something I guess I can go work the farm for a few minutes I need a Hearthstone such a long walk home the bus to Calico desert is out of service oh shoot we can just leave let me go back to my office job someone broke the bus Wrong Button M is so lazy farm full of Wheats look at no my Farm’s right there it’s beautiful shut up look at that potato it’s the bestest potato you’ve ever Seen honestly this reminds me a lot of when I was working at uh at the hotel I would come in on the night shift or the morning shift and then just immediately start cleaning up from the person who was there before me cuz they left a huge

Mess this has got the same Vibe whoever was the farmer here before me was a bum we are cleaning Up it was your granddad Santa no it wasn’t Santa it was that was it Henry or whatever that was like squatting in my house that was the guy who was here before me it was Santa and then squatter and then and then Me what come on I’m clicking the the buttons too fast it’s not keeping up I wonder does every like when I swing this and hit nothing but air does it take energy I wonder or is it only when it successfully does something

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