Terraria Infernum Mode, but the bosses are genuinely terrifying

Um what’s next what’s next oh the Clone dude what are you doing over there freak fre son that sounds good why is this boss not spawning this mini boss which one you looking for the kma Meer or whatever it’s called yeah apparently it’s spawns and like it was after the um

Aquatic Scourge when it when it spawns right yeah but it’s just not spawning show me the crack baby oh it spawns underwater suck my fat nut I have I have the uh I don’t think it’s fully upgraded or anything yet but you might be able to

Use it it’s like the Arctic diving gear it’s cool it’s cool I got the Aquatic emblem from The Aquatic skourge so I can just dive a little bit there’s so many what the [ __ ] oh my God oh my God oh the fish they’re killing me I need your help on this one dude

Okay we going on gills flipper and S sulfur potion sulfur skin sir spawns in this level yeah I’m going to turn on my my spawn rates yep there it is it drops an item for you and me that should disappeared that thing it’s like fast as wait no it disappeared yeah you’re right

Oh it spawned it’s like at the top right oh it’s right here oh sh dude I’m stuck oh damn that mother got hand why does he keep the spawning please please please please please I’m going to you’re really low dude that’s all right get him get

Him get him got dead oh my God all right I got both our items I’m out of here so sick I got an OA shell W this a really cool weapon think I’m good to go on gear might be good to go as well I might just use a [ __ ]

Spear of Destiny I want to try this one out you gave me too all you ready for this who are we fighting uh the calaminus Clone all right I’m ready all right let’s do this I forgot to get a life force I’m [ __ ] holy wait they

Changed her Sprite oh my god dude the damage we’re doing is nuts though God yeah she’s also doing some nuts damage oh my God oh my God oh my God holy [ __ ] why do I why do I have a ring of Doom around on me she’s on your ass she does

So much damage where’d she go oh she’s pissed dude she’s transforming this isn’t good what the heck this isn’t good I what do I do oh my god do I go in what’s happening dead dude oh my God wait they do so much damage dude this is

Insane it is fing insane oh my God that’s good I got five more seconds you got this three please tell me you’re here two one oh my gosh he’s like projectile oh my God what the fu is going going on holy [ __ ] I got two I got two I got two

Oh my God no you’re you’re good for two you’re good for two she’s just dashing around like mad now is a nurse nearby ah yeah yeah she’s um left hand side second floor oh my God I got I got 98 s dude dude she I wish you could see what is

Going on I’m catching the corner of it and it looks like two much we’re good we’re good we’re good we’re good okay okay okay we’re good we got this we got this we got this we got this we got this sh [ __ ] oh god oh good night good night wait wait

What oh oh thank God oh thank god dude I thought something was going to happen oo I got some that wasn’t too bad yeah that wasn’t horrible what’ you get all right got nothing you got nothing from that I got nothing good um I got the broken

Hero sword not sure what we can do with that oh I got a I got a summon thing for you vigil oh yeah that’s the mini calamitous clone I think mine is better people are telling me to use mine got a melee um huh that was [ __ ] crazy yeah

That was pretty gnarly all right uh what boss do you want to do we can do we can do Asam Arius the space one we can do the Leviathan and anahita or we can do planta actually we got to do planta next I’m down for

Planta I think honestly if I rock in the same gear I think I think I’ll be all right I think I’m all right too there’s no way plantar is going to be like cracked out I’ll just uh reup on potions right quick oh hey dude I didn’t even

Eat your cake before that bro we’re so nice we’re so nice at the game forgot about that you want to oh wait dude we can just use our old arena and then make the spawner for planta cuz we can just mine florify dude I’m down for it bing

Bada boom trying to get some life Fruit for us as well that’d be nice ooh yeah that’d be great yeah cuz if we got life we can get those extra C any HP Buffs I’m ready whenever I didn’t know if you wanted to max out our life or anything

First um I’m not to do that I mean there’s some life there’s life right there for oh W oh look at that another two life Ro for you there’s a bulb right there you webble boom what away do you want webble boom I we ww that’s a bummer

I was hoping it was like the Life Crystals where you could right click and like get like three of them oh yeah I wish or yeah yeah like oh [ __ ] another planta bulb down here cool cool more attempts is there the uh Shimmer in this update there is right should be yeah

Okay do we need anything from there or we can we can put a life root in there and get a little bit more ah yes yes a little bit more regeneration and then I think that that gives you a vital Crystal and then when you use a life

Fruit in there it gives you an egis fruit which is like an extra bit of Defense whoa what the dude come over here what is it see this what the f H what is what are these like fruits on the on the ground what the hell I don’t

Know what the deal is with that why is the queen bee so tanky dude no idea we killed this thing we definitely did right I remember these drone bees oh oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] all right no potion run Let’s Do It um oh my God okay the damage is pretty crazy I

Died somehow what oh my God it does so much damage there 150 damage a hit oh my God wait what do dude you’re handling that though wait what’s it doing oh wait what it raed already oh dude I’m going to need you here soon dude oh my God

There’s so many bulbs here dude what the oh my God wait these do damage they don’t go away what is that did you see that yes she like makes a little sphere around or something what the oh my God I’m fum 122 damage okay I’m with you I’m with you

I’m with you we’re good we’re not doing bad at all yeah we don’t even have like a proper Arena oh my God oh my God don’t touch the Thorns oh God wait I’m so what the fu that is insane I feel like if we took out that little middle lump right

There and put a couple platforms bro we’d be I mean we already have an arena I feel like we could do that that wasn’t that bad I think it was just this the space was really weird yeah we also honestly you want to just potion up and [ __ ] do it yeah uh

TP to me got you hold on let throw some [ __ ] in the uh NE Old Chester Rooney you my cake right there I have uh six life Roots how many you got I have six as well yeah do let’s just munch these up we’re good why has the nurse been saying I

Don’t have enough money so weird broke if you broke just say so I got three [Laughter] plat dude literally CH all right I just drink all my Buffs just buffed up all right you ready you want to yeah let’s do it dude uh bottom left good oh God oh God maybe we should have made our Arena a little bigger so the ow we’re doing

Really good damage to her oh y ra it’s enraging it’s enraging perfect all right so there’s going to be this like little oh this circle that comes around her yeah you got to get to the open spot I got on that one yeah I panic healed too

Dude I’m so screwed dude we should farm for r at discords we could totally we should totally be able to like craft them oh my God oh my God please I’m going to die soon I’m like really low it’s like there’s so many projectiles okay okay okay this isn’t

Horrible yeah it’s not bad at all oh okay I’m kind of stuck in top right yeah I’m stuck in top left oh my God I’m going to die dude oh my God it’s shooting projectiles like hell what the oh dude holy [ __ ] are you almost here thank God okay top top top

Top top right yeah your hand all your handle in it oh my God that did so much damage I’m so dead dude it’s so close dude you got it oh you did it I risked it I risked it and it made off for the first time in forever god oh my god dude

That oh my God you didn’t die a single time I was on one heart for probably half of that battle dud I was scared I was shivering in my boots brother oh my God good work bro my god dude you are kicking hand this so easy man dude it’s

Too easy for us can someone come up with like um I don’t know a challenge for us please a challenge please a challenge to easy something to entertain us for a while I got hella living shards though yeah me too um I’m going to go get some

Life fruit I’m going to go buy some wait I can’t buy life Fruit what dude make them with [ __ ] living shards fck it it’s only one in 10 plany mush oh we have to go to the deep sea to do that yeah to get planty mush it’s not bad I

Got to get spooky armor what oh you trying to get spooky with it there’s nothing cool that I can wear like like a modded armor set why why spooky armor oh my God where am I going to get this [ __ ] all right sorry Freddy Fazbear golden

Freddy made us a decent amount of Life R here you go we got got to go beat PL ter a few more times though if you want to get out of it I give you eight yeah I’m I’m down to do it again Gucci I want milk I want milk mommy let me

Suck I want milk I want milk what is it called again the gelon C oh yes Mommy the br oh my God I lost 100 HP that’s not good I’m going my ass whooped dude she ising rough projectiles everywhere dear God I’m not even the one getting

Like attacked mainly why is she after me I literally walked away she wants you so bad holy [ __ ] I died that’s lame can’t get me if I running a straight line out fatty you fat her nice you carry dude oh sh there’s a butterfly over here dude a

Butterfly what Prismatic lace Wing oh you want to catch that I don’t have a bug net you have one on you it’s fine dude if anything we’ll get another one sometime soon it’s [ __ ] charging me bro it won’t leave me alone it’s a sign guess we got to fight the Empress of

Light is it daytime no it’s night time [ __ ] we ball are you serious all right hold on hold on hold on come I’m in the desert baby you summoned it already yeah I summed it I like why is there [ __ ] electro music in the oh

My God I can’t take oh my God oh what the this is fing unbearable I got it baby watch this oh my God where am I supposed to go I died oh I dropped One Platinum man oh my God that insane let me get a bug net

Real quick dude I don’t know if we’re going to do that anytime soon man yeah matter of fact bug net dude I don’t want to do that I did not know what to expect I did not expect that how are you feeling dog I’m feeling pretty good I’m

I’m really confident in my load out what boss do you want to do um I wanted to get the unile armor uh oh so you want to do solar eclipse yeah that’s cool with you did you are you able to get anything for solar eclipse um I don’t know but

I’m down to do solar eclipse I don’t really care all right so many enemies dud holy [ __ ] I kind of like this Arena room it’s like tall and spacious beautiful oh oh my God Golem next on our on our little Hit List Golem for me Golem is four away it’s

Asus anahita and then it’s Golem are you going to get any good loot from anahita or as morus yeah as Marius gives me a new uh Sentry and a new summon it look why it looks it looks really good CU it’s like the only weapon that I can use

I guess anahita doesn’t really have any Rogue stuff from what I’m seeing but she does have a summon called the gastric belur staff didn’t know if you’re want me to use that I’m down to go for anything right now I just want to get that umile armor right let’s get that

Unile armor first we can do a solar eclipse nothing biggy with that and then I want to do ASM arus and then anything else I don’t really care after that yeah sounds great dude that’s a whole lot of uh phantom taxs phantom TXS what does that mean by the way it’s um got

It ow okay everything has hands that’s good are you getting anything from this am I getting [ __ ] I got three solar Veil dude It’s Hard Out Here for a Pimp right now oh my God I have 24 how many do you have got 30 it should be good to call

This [ __ ] off dude you think so let’s do a few more do a few more there like 10 more 46 I got 42 I also need to do the Pumpkin Moon there’s a lot of upgrades I need from pumpkin for some reason I need 11 19 SK toilet

Toilet What the fu what what SK toilet toilet toilet leave me alone ah ah arira always I know you’ll be at my show watching waiting waiting commer rating Say It Ain’t So I will not go turn the lights off me that’s it I didn’t care do I didn’t

Care anymore about being better than Kakarot I didn’t care if I Lived that’s pretty good thanks dude despite my endless well of hatred that’s the best I could do I really tried to put my whole [ __ ] out for that one [Laughter] Dude let’s freaking go what did you want to do again oh did you want to do the Pumpkin Moon I need to get the whip from the pumpkin too if that’s that’s all right been using the [ __ ] rall bro not cut anymore dude your terroris is kicking ass

Man I’m K ass sum SC it’s from pumpkins you need right yeah I need that uh the what is it called whip the Whip now watch me dark Harvest have you seen the group of choir kids in elementary school singing whiping na neigh now watch me whip watch me na neigh me

Wh watch me watch me watch me watch me watch me watch me hgy wagies and chatty watties [ __ ] I’ve Ked I killed so many polter gas bro how did we not get one Banner analita next I wanted to do Ostrum the as one I’m over in that damn

Dash plant teror Arena all right man I’ll be right there in a moment give me a second here I am Hershel you want me hit Hershel you want me hit the B hit the B herel what do we having for the last now we’re having slow cooked pork

Some braided beef coming in from the left Dutch all right all right I’m watching out hard I’m watching out hard let me tell you what son back in my day me and the boys used to ride these things for miles holy sh this guy up oh god oh top

Jeez that was like the worst oh my God could side oh my god oh got him I’m so dead dude I died I ran into like 30 poison spores bro dude it’s shooting so many projectiles I I what was I supposed to do there was a cone of [ __ ] putri

Ass I’m [ __ ] ready again I’m ready straight to business none of that wall climbing gang talking Swift talking wooow wooow oh we should have got R Roa discords manbe after this yeah out yeah dude dude dude dude it’s it’s this needle oh no oh no dude it’s all right

My SES are there they’re up with that ice [ __ ] do so true clean with it oh that’s all you that’s all you mate that’s all yeah well the real question is what the hell now Max out life roots and then Ro a Discord yep let’s get them

Life wait let me get a all right well here you go I made like 17 hey we can make an EES fruit if we really want to all right dude we’re we’re balling dude we’re we’re back dude so slick with it well uh R A Discord oh yeah dude yeah

Let’s go do that oh we’re half way there living on bre take my head wait what what what if we put the didn’t we last time didn’t we put the wizard in a hollow biome anding buy it from him oh dude yes it’s nine gold that’s it what this whole

Time dude I got to piss can I piss please really please uh I can move some things around yeah I can arrange that okay okay where is he oh there he is not bad so far oh dear Lord oh my God swing him back to the

Right ooh o o o I’m dead okay okay that took so much damage out of me I think when he’s stomping around I think all we have to do is like actually jump whenever he does that cuz I saw a big supersonic quite qu come out of there oh

My god dude I’m already low dude like I I just came here we got it we got it we got it we got it we got to rot a Discord don’t forget that look at all these Ice projectiles Baby Oh my my God that fing

Frost wave hit me oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God you got it baby you got it baby you got it baby you’re clean with it you’re clean with it I’m stressed I’m so

Fessed I’m right here you’re good oh my God I’m taking him I’m taking him I’m taking him oh my god dude you’re car it take it take it my God take it take the whole load dude that was all you oh my God that was rough that was scary dude he

Shot like some wacko mode laser yeah I know dudy it like hit me every single [ __ ] time that was I would just oh I got a Borealis bomber I did too hopefully all right all right I guess next is Golem yeah we can do Gollum we can do anti we can do

Whatever what happened I joked on the fuing potato chip R go to that hey what is this I think I’m ready to go whenever honestly all right one moment I got a I need one more weapon no worries no worries spawns from enemies in the underground I’m in the underground astrome I don’t

Seeing I me I could try and do a reforge on this this one’s Hefty yeah I think I’m ready for Golem dude all right I I need a weapon to drop it’s what Sentry staff I’ll go down with you we can Battle Cry up that’s not the

Problem it’s like the enemy is it’ll hit you through walls it’s like a hive enemy it summons like I’m going to move over I want to find Golem dude I am Spaghetti O I’m down let me just check I’ve just been this whole time so let me check and

See I’ll turn on common cry and just see if I anything came up oh yeah I guess I’m ready for guess I’m ready for the old Golem all right here we go whoa wait what wait what the [ __ ] is this what happened to our Arena destroyed your

Arena or what I think he just did dude oh my God there’s so many Fireballs kind of [ __ ] lame of him is he floating there is that just me wa he floating there is his health off the [ __ ] screen yeah I died what what happened let’s go try that

Again yeah what the f is going on here his health is now off the screen again yeah me too for me too oh my God it does so much damage to me one shot I’m at I lose 400 HP oh my god did you see that laser beam bro yeah dude I just

Ate it and I [ __ ] died this is [ __ ] wild this is so weird where’s my mouse bro oh my God this isn’t horrible oh my God very confusing is what it is holy [ __ ] holy [ __ ] 128 damage what the what the [ __ ] is going on I just got spiked to death it’s

[ __ ] Sand’s undertale what is he doing um what happened I died what the f we’re working his health down working his health down oh my god dude I died like a million times bro what the was that all right let’s do one let’s try one more time okay what the [ __ ] dude I

Don’t understand the arena thing that’s like [ __ ] me up maybe I don’t understand it maybe I don’t understand here’s some cake for you cuz you’re kicking ass thank you baby thank you there’s not even any point in making an arena he’s going to destroy it anyways yeah I just don’t understand why

He destroys the arena the way that he does oh baby I don’t I can’t wait oh the arena is not glitched this time look it’s fine maybe maybe it’s cuz we were both on the idol or like on the middle maybe in the middle I put a platform down up here oh my

God where is he drop him down there every time we’ll be good God damn those things hit oh my God me we’re doing good so far oh what is that Sand’s undertale oh my God how do you dodge this I got that’s St sand

Baby I’m telling you oh sh oh [ __ ] oh my God what this is [ __ ] nuts dude it’s not that bad I think I I think we figured it out just about if if we throw in a uh go oh me ially just teleported right into a beam dude that was terrible

Oh my God oh my God oh my God did you see that holy [ __ ] hell yeah I saw that [ __ ] okay S undertale stand undertale there’s like no [ __ ] good way of dodging this you like I I always just get hit once dude I’m going to die if I

Get what the [ __ ] oh I got St on I’m pinned on the wall oh it’s over for me I’m about to die I died [ __ ] how close were we right there that was insane that is insane dude he had like 20% HP dude oh my God I already took so much damage s’s

Undertale I took 500 damage from that that’s insane that is nuts oh okay here he goes I’m hiding in a corner and doing DPS man I hope that’s all right with you no dude do your thing do your thing please doing good so far buddy that’s good it’s just in my corner

Doing DPS don’t mind me do your thing do your thing oh no s’s undertale oh it’s like mandatory hit once during that yeah I got to hide in the corner again we got this so much better for me cuz you could focus on getting the attacks all done on your own

I could focus on dude oh oh my God the platforms do damage oh I don’t I just got hit by a fat laser I lied stand undertale dude you’re so fast oh my god oh I’m low I’m low I’m low I’m low how long you got I got one oh

Oh we are so close oh s’s undertale W I died that’s why yes dude that was crazy I got you carried that oh my I got a piga as well dude that’s what I’m talking about oh my God you carried so hard let’s go home buddy yeah dude you carried the living

[ __ ] I need to get a buff bro my character is so weak

Terraria Infernum Mode, but the bosses are genuinely terrifying

Terraria Infernum FULL Playthrough Playlist:

In today’s video, Waffle and I tackle Terraria’s newest, HARDEST, brain numbing modded difficulty, Infernum Mode on the Calamity Mod. We’ve done it before on WaffleTime’s channel, on this Calamity Series, but now fast forward a few years later, and now we come back to do once more what we’ve done before.

If you guys enjoy more videos like this, a Terraria Funny Moments series, then let me know and what you guys wanna see next! We’ve been working on this series for a while, and we can’t wait for you guys to check this out!

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tModloader Mods Used:
– Calamity
– Calamity Music
– Infernum
– Infernum Music
– Ore Excavator
– Weapon Display
– Lights and Shadow
– Alchemist NPC Lite
– Recipe Browser
– Boss Checklist

Music Credits:
DM Dokuro – Calamity OST

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Twitter ► https://twitter.com/adrianwidjaja_
Daily Channel ► youtube.com/@ayejaew

EVERYTHING ELSE ► https://linktr.ee/AdrianYT_

This isn’t a Terraria Calamity Infernum Full Movie ft. WaffleTime, at least not yet, if you guys want us to release more Calamity Infernum Episodes, let us know in the comments! We’re not playing Revengeance or Death Mode on Infernum, we’re playing on Infernum!

#adrian #adrianrage #terraria #infernum #calamity


  1. i did a playthrough of calamity death mode + fargo's eternity mode. Safe to say I could only beat the twins and skeletron prime before giving up at the destroyer… You should try doing this next adrian

  2. Question: Will you playtrough the other undertale endings? And if you will could you try out undertale yellow? Also loving the infernum series, keep up the good work!

  3. heres some mods i use and what they do, i would advise you using them too:

    -Improved Movement VIsuals (makes moving look cooler)
    -Hp awareness (red border when ur low hp)
    -Boss Intros (self explaining)
    -Heart Crystal & Life Fruit Glow (self explanatory)
    -Calamity mod Extra music (self explanatory)
    -Loot Beams (you can never forget some item laying on the floor, since it has a glowing beam)
    -Better Zoom (can zoom further away or closer)
    -Colored Calamity Relics (self explanatory)
    -Shorter Respawn Time (self explanatory)
    -Which Mod is This From? (shows you which mod an item is from)
    -Auto Reforge (give the goblin tinkerer an item, click what reforge you want, itll reforge the whole time till it gets that.)
    -Boss Cursor (cursor shows which way a boss is)
    -Qualtiy of Terraria (many things, as an example, placeable items that provide a buff, for example a campfire, if its in your inventory youll still get the buff)
    -Magic Storage (store everything in one place, and also craft everything in one place, since its connected to your Storage)

    Thats it, hope you look at some of em.

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