I Rebuilt EVERY Biome in Hardcore Minecraft

So Minecraft Java Edition currently has 63 biomes and in this video I’m going to attempt to rebuild every single one even the void void void but instead of putting them in these little exhibits like everyone and their grandma has seen before I’m going to build a mega base in the

Middle of the ocean with every biome and structure in the game because that’s definitely the best way to spend the next three weeks of my life okay I’m going to break this project up into three phases in phase one I’ll need to pick a spot to build this monstrosity

And prepare the area for construction and I have just the spot in mind now you’re probably wondering what makes this spot so special well I want to have an End Portal directly in the center of all the biomes and if I just dig over here Bingo it’s almost like I planned this

And if you look closely you’ll see that this spot also contains an ocean the ocean is essential because I think it will look cool in the thumbnail and that’s it really now that I’ve got the spot picked out it’s time to Mark out the corners and now all the water within the square

Needs to go uh uh the good news is ill mango has a design for water removers that will make this process infinitely easier the bad news in order to drain the most water possible the ocean floor needs to be flat which it very much is not

So it’s time for some scuba Mining and for the sake of not needing to repair my tools every 10 minutes I’m going to all right these things should last me forever though as long as I don’t break any That’s everything I need so let’s get started foreign Of the square flattened this is gonna take a while And that’s the entire ocean floor flattened down to y45 now I can finally start draining the water to do that I’m going to need some materials starting with slime leaves sand and ominous banners you’ll see why in a minute and with all that collected it’s time to build

The walls of sand and leaves I’m placing now are called bumpers or at least that’s what I’m calling them they’ll give the water remover something to bounce off of and speaking of water removers now technically I could just start activating these one by one but I think

It will look cooler if they all move together as one unit that’s where these banners come in if I place the first one down on this Observer and then connect the rest of the banners to it remove these chests and then break the first Banner it activates all of them at once That was the easiest 800k blocks of water I’ve ever removed so we’re almost ready to start making this hole deeper but we’ve got a bit of a situation down there all that leftover water needs to go and as you saw this place turns into a mob

Farm at night I’m going to tackle the water problem first but first no that sounds stupid firstly I want to outline the circle that we’re going to be building in perfect now the water how many sponges okay yeah that’s not gonna work um Thank you foreign That I can work with I’m sure you guys have seen sponges work before so I’ll just Boom water gone and for my next trick I’m gonna make these mobs gone too with a super simple mob switch by enxo4 that should be enough silverfish so as long as this trunk loader is running we should have a functioning mob switch okay it worked that’s going to make this next part a

Lot easier so we’re almost finished with phase one but if I was to start building now the mountain biomes would be about 15 blocks tall and I’d like to shoot for at least 30 blocks so I’ve got a bit of mining ahead of me I started by removing

As much sand dirt and gravel I could find so it wouldn’t get in my way while mining kind of like my cat just did and then I got to mining using some malaise to help collect the blocks but it quickly became clear that trying to keep the blocks was going to make this

Take way too long though I ditched that idea and focused on mining as fast as I could but even that wasn’t enough it was at this point where I started digging tunnels and filling them with TNT I made using gunpowder I got from my RAID farm and this is when I started

Seeing some real progress with just a few layers left I decided to go for one final massive explosion But nothing could have prepared me for what happened next not even the nightmare I witnessed back on day 21. are you jumping on the bed no this was far worse The goal of this phase is to place down all of the concrete and get everything ready to start building the biomes to place down all the concrete we must first obtain it now to convert it that should be enough for now all right time to place some blocks And there we go that’s kind of trippy looking so if you’ve watched one of my videos before you know I like pain and what’s more painful than spending three hours placing a giant cylinder of white concrete spending a few more hours making that cylinder two blocks thick

Because I think it’ll look better in the thumbnail that wasn’t so bad for the floor I placed two mini HUD Holograms as a reference the brown circle is where the Mushroom Island is going to be the blue one is where the ocean biomes are going to start

Now I just need to dig a trench for the oceans and coat everything in a layer of concrete filling in the rest should be easy since it’s flat but I want to set something up that will save me some time later the mobs which I built earlier is

Great for temporarily removing mobs but every time I quit the game I have to fly a thousand blocks to turn it back on so to fix that I want to build a mob switch right in the center of the biome so that the whole thing is Mob proof at all times

Okay I’ve hollowed out the area under the end portal for the mob switch and now I need to kidnap a few villagers and trap them here so foreign Now I can take them through the nether and right over here into the mob switch room cure them place down a ton of beds swap the gray beds for pink beds because they’re just better and feed them so they can replicate it appears I’ve made a cat Farm Orange Okay I’m gonna try my best not to kill them this time now I can proceed with the floor awesome so everything within the walls is ready for phase two but I can’t just leave the outside looking like that it’s gross and after several hours filling in the water removing the bumpers adding sand

To the bottom and planting tons of kelp it still looks pretty bad but you can’t see it from the inside anyways so I can’t be bothered during that I also worked on the mob switch a little turning all the villagers into cartographers and locking in their trades by buying Maps

So now if I just get this guy nope all right that’s uh exactly how I wanted that to go and while that zombie is having the time of his life I’ll explain what exactly this contraption does since I traded with all the villagers they can’t despawn even once they’ve been zombified and are

Counting towards the mob cap which means the whole area will be spawn proof as long as I’m within 128 blocks of them pretty cool so with the mob switch done the inside of the wall is finished and the outside ready I guess that means it’s time alright this is where it all comes

Together I hope otherwise I just spent 60 hours building a bowl so here’s the plan I’m going to divide this circle into eight sections each section will contain biomes of a similar type the first is going to include the temperate biomes and what better way to

Start it off than the plane spinal for that I’m going to need some grass lots and lots of grass with that collected I’ll start with the shoreline mixing grass and sand to mix it up I want the biomes to gradually get higher the closer they get to the wall

That way the mountains can reach the whole way to the top and cover up all the concrete and if I just fill that in I can start adding detail and our first mini structure so the left half here is going to be the sunflower Plains

And on the right I want to add a mini Village to the regular Plains foreign that actually looks really good okay now as much as I’d love to show every block I’m placing if I spend a minute on each biome like I did with the planes we’re gonna be here for another

61 minutes so it’s time to start picking up the pace the next two biomes behind the planes are going to be the forest and Birch Forest behind those is the flower forest and the tall Birch Forest while working on those I had to get more grass and decided to relocate this

Ruined another portal to our flower Forest so that’s one more structure completed and to get the tall birch trees I grew Birch saplings on fillers of Birchwood which was pretty big brain if you ask me with those six biomes complete it was time to do the mountains for this

Section which were the meadow and Stony Peaks and I was severely underprepared for how draining building custom mountains is like the mountains for this section took three hours alone on the Stony Peak side I added a dungeon as our third structure for the section using gilded Blackstone as a fake spawner and

Added some oars around for variation while I’m waiting for that grass to grow I think it would be cool to add a waterfall going down the Stony Peaks and through the Birch Forest forming our River bile and I’ll transition it into the Frozen River biome in section 2.

To finish off Section 1 I added flowers to the meadow biome and then began working on our first ocean which is the regular ocean biome quick disclaimer some oceans have a deep variant which is kind of hard to represent when you’re making everything mini so I’m considering the deepest

Point the deep ocean and the less deep Parts the regular ocean I am also realizing now that I lied there’s still one more mini structure for this section which I need a sea lantern for foreign foreign now that’s what I would call Monumental success So section two which I guess I gave away with the Frozen River thing this section is going to contain all the snowy biomes starting things off with the soon to be snowy Beach and the not yet snowy Plains And then the frozen ocean which is where one of our structures will be and I’m out of ice according to the wiki an iceberg is considered a structure-like feature so don’t you just love when you’re trying to record a voiceover in your your dog keeps barking constantly

According to the wiki an iceberg is considered a structure-like feature so we’re including those two I can’t build the iceberg without snow though so I’m gonna need some help and I have just the guy for the job with the help of my new friend I spread snow across the entire snowy Beach and

The snowy Plains and farmed up the snow blocks I needed for the iceberg it’s a bit big I think but so are icebergs so I’ll leave it be next up I finished the Frozen River I mentioned earlier connecting it to the frozen ocean and decided to lay out the rest of the

Terrain to get that part over with but then something terrible happened what I lost that day could never be replaced until the next day when Snowbird 2 arrived with the section mostly covered in snow it was time to begin splitting up the biomes on the left side behind the snowy Plains I

Added the snowy tiger and on the right the ice spikes bio which was an interesting one to build it turned out pretty good but I ended up giving it a bit of an upgrade later on from there I worked my way up the mountain adding a Grove biome which is

Basically a snowy mountain with trees and to the right of that is the snowy slopes which is like a Snowy Mountain without trees I then added ice to the left half of the mountain to make the Frozen Peaks biome and on the right I added snow on the

Stone for the jagged Peaks and that’s it wait was that a oh yeah I added a ravine with a deep dark biome and a mini ancient city foreign we have the end biomes and this one ended up being one of my favorites I didn’t even mean to the end is the only

Dimension that doesn’t have naturally generating liquid so it wouldn’t make sense to add an ocean biome in this section instead I wanted to mimic the void which just so happens to be a biome now realistically I couldn’t build the void because it’s literally nothing but what I could do is recreate a fog

Effect with black glass to make the pit look endless so I went back to my starter Village and farmed up some of the materials and while I was at it decided to collect all the End Stone and chorus fruit I was going to need too with the resources gathered I had

Everything I needed to start building and began lining the edge of the snow biome and the whole back wall with a layer of black concrete from there I started working on the void first adding the small and Islands biome and then creating the end Barons which

Is basically like the edge of an end Island with those complete I added all the black stained glass and completed the fog effect which makes for a fairly convincing void and then it was time to work on the remaining three end biomes so I filled in all the End Stone trying

My best to replicate the terrain of the end and it was time to get creative the end isn’t exactly all that detailed so it was important that I captured its most distinct features in the back left I wanted to build the end which sounds like a dump joke but that’s literally

The name of the biome it’s basically the main and Island so I wanted to build many obsidian pillars surrounding the end podium I used deep slate for the podium since it’s the closest thing I could get to bedrock and then used concrete to figure out the spacing for the obsidian pillars

Which turned out pretty good but I couldn’t shake the feeling that something was missing so after a quick trip to the nether I was able to craft enough end crystals to top off all the pillars and I even added some iron bars to two of them which brought the whole thing together

After that I noticed the rest of the end was looking quite empty so I planted a bunch of chorus flowers in the Midlands biome and in what would soon be the highlands biome so to finish up the highlands biome I’m going to build a mini end City but first I need to pop

Some chorus fruit just a quick stop at the super smelter there we go time to build that density as it’s being built I want to give a big thanks to blocky Bryson there were a few different tutorials for many structures but I like toz the most

This end City and the jungle temple that you’ll see later were based off his tutorials okay that looks really good but the problem is you can’t really see it these chorus fruit plants are way too tall so enjoy 10 seconds of course fruit ASMR and time for the grand reveal yeah that

Looks way better and I guess that means it’s time for the next section which is going to be the swappy section so I went on an adventure Gathering all the blocks I need for the swamps [Applause] and then got to work laying out the shallow swamp water and giving it a mix

Of dirt and clay after a quick reminder that I’m not dream I scattered a bunch of lily pads throughout the water and decided to tackle a reoccurring problem with this build you see blocks like grass and leaves have different shades depending on what biome they’re in but since this entire

Base is built in the ocean the grass and leaves don’t care that I need them to be dark to make a swamp in this case I can’t do anything about the grass but for the swamp trees I tried using oak logs with Birch leaves to make them darker which worked surprisingly well

And while the grass was growing I added a mini witch hut too and then place the mud for the mangrove swamp from there I began adding the mangrove trees which were kind of a mess to be honest it took some finagling to get the spacing right but once I did I started

Filling in the extra space with dead bushes grass and swamp flowers I decided to place the dark oak biome with the swamps but I had to get creative since I didn’t have much space left I built a plateau reaching all the way up to the top got a bunch of

Saplings tried my best with the mini Woodland mansion and filled in all the dirt and filled in all the dark oak trees and then it was time for the second cave biome I went with the drip Stone caves here carving a hole in the Mountainside and building the cave out of stone

Before raining a real drip Stone cave for the materials to decorate it and I’m quite happy with the result the last part of this biome is invisible at least from the surface fossils have a chance to spawn in swamp biomes but they only spawn Underground I guess I’ll leave one block exposed

Because why not and that’s four out of the eight sections complete on to section 5 starting with the ocean as usual if you’re wondering why one side is Stone it’s because the next biome is going to be the Stony Shores this is a cold ocean so basically a

Regular ocean but we pretend it’s colder from there I finished the Stony Shores by adding Stone to the shores Then I set off to grab the rest of the blocks I’d need with the blocks in stock I began working on the ocean ruins which I shamelessly stole from a neighboring ocean and then placed the next two biomes my plan was to have the old girth Spruce on

The left and the regular Taiga on the right now the only thing that makes the two old girth Tigers different from each other are the tree types which I can’t control so I spent a stupid amount of time growing and chopping down trees to get the specific types then I finished

The regular Taiga before getting a sign from the universe that I’ve been spending way too long on each project because this is the second build in a row I’ve had a Skeleton Trap spawn anyways I lined up the framework for the remaining biomes and started filling

Them in I added the giant Pines behind the spruce then the Windswept Gravelly Hills followed by the Windswept forest and Windswept Hills completing the section one thing I forgot to mention is that these Mossy Boulders are considered structure-like so we can check those off and there is another structure for this

Section but I forgot about it until the very end of the video so yeah this is when I decided to go back and revamp the ice Spike spiral the extra space at the back was bothering me so I filled it in with a few more spikes yeah that’s much better now the jungle

Section starting with the warm ocean which I’m both excited and intimidated to build then the beach and the entire landscape so I could get that part over with but before I could do much with the jungle I had to spend an eternity Gathering jungle saplings because they

Have half the drop rate of all the other saplings with the saplings finally gathered I built the sparse jungle and then the regular jungle with a mini jungle temple on the left half I used Giant Tiger trees to spread podzel for the bamboo forest and then noticed a neighboring

Jungle Island had bushes on the hillsides so I replicated those on my own mountains which to be clear don’t really count as a biome I just needed to cover up the concrete I buried my berry under the beach checking buried treasure off the list and then started working on the Lush

Cave and every Lush cave needs its very own azalea tree from there it was just a matter of terraforming a cave and lushifying it That’s the Lush cave done but just like the end City you can’t see it so I’m going to have to trim down each stock and place string on top which I’m sure won’t be tedious at all okay well there’s string above all these bamboo stalks now but I have to cut them

Down so the tops will regrow with leaves or his fruit ASMR and bamboo ASMR in one video and now things are about to get spicy why is it spicy because it’s time for the nether section so first up is the lava lick it’s not a biome but there aren’t oceans in the

Nether unless you’re Kalani I guess and here’s a quick summary of how the next hour and a half went I feel like this shouldn’t be a thing that’s good enough I’m going to fill it in with blocks anyways like so and I want to just get all the

Block collecting over with now so That’s the basic layout for the nether wastes and the Soul Sand Valley now I just need to go through and add some details like magma blocks gravel one of those Basalt pillar things another one here maybe yep yeah another fossil which is one of our structures there we go a clump of Glowstone

And in this Gap I have here I want to place the mini Bastion this is the type I chose as a reference it probably has a name but I I don’t know it but here’s my replica not too shabby for the next two biomes we have the Crimson Forest and the Warped Forest

For these it was really just a matter of using bone meal and everything wait why is this one so tall it’s taller than the jungle trees and the last biome for the nether is the basalt Delta which ended up taking six or seven hours to finish

I lost count I used so much of Basalt that I had to make a makeshift farm for it which I threw together in a few minutes oh and from there it was really just a matter of grinding it out despite nearly going insane while building it this was probably my

Favorite biome of the entire megabase when the terraforming was finished I needed to add a background in front of the white concrete the basalt Delta has a kind of grayish purpley color for the air I guess so I tried using cyan terracotta to replicate it hey hey hey hey hey hey

Which ended up looking kinda meh but then I realized light blue terracotta actually looks light purple so I tore it all down and replaced it with the good stuff after dealing with some surprise guests the only thing left was the nether fortress so I took a quick trip to my

Own Fortress to try to figure out how to build one and these gas just wouldn’t leave me alone When I was ready I went back and got to work I wanted to have it coming out of the basalt Delta and poking into the Warped Forest a little which worked out quite well there’s even a mini Blaze spawner and it’s time for the next section starting with the lukewarm motion which

Will be home to our final underwater structure the Shipwreck now I’d admit that I stole this from another ocean but I prefer to call it relocating I relocated it just like the ocean the rest of these biomes are of the warm variety I laid out the land for the first four

Biomes and got to detailing them adding cacti a desert well and a desert temple to the desert for the Savannah I ran into the same issue that I had earlier other than acacia trees the Savannah’s only discernible feature is its dead looking grass which I can’t replicate because

I’m in an ocean biome so the next best solution was using path blocks to mimic the color of the Savannah of course this meant I couldn’t Place grass there so I made up for it by using patches of course dirt to plant all the foliage which I think looks pretty good

The next two biomes are a bit wacky before I could start though I went on a quick trip with my cat to collect all the natural spawning terracottas got the Red Sand and got started that’s the eroded Badlands done and the Windswept Savannah which still needs

Some work but I want to get started on the mountains which are going to be the Savannah Plateau wooded Badlands and regular Badlands now the problem with using path blocks is that it leaves these little gaps which I have to fill across this entire Mountain thank you now for the details

And time to add the wood to the wooded Badlands using Birch leaves again for that darker look for the structures I’m going to add the Pillager Outpost right here And then a mine shaft over in the Badlands foreign with a fake cave spider spawner and some cobwebs from this abandoned Village to finish it and boom the entire outer area of the megabase complete now as much as I’d love to start the final biome I’ve got to take care of

That structure I missed earlier in the tiger biomes I’ll just need some of these a few shards [Applause] that gives that section A little pizzazz a little zest a little panash Panache yeah Panache now I’ll just clean up my mess grab some mycelium and some of these on the way

I don’t have a silk touch Shuffle And now the mushrooms that’s the Mushroom Island complete but there’s still one more structure left hence this hole I’m going to build a stronghold themed Gateway here and yeah you can very much hear the mom switch from up here so here it is every single biome and structure in Minecraft

I rebuilt every single biome in hardcore minecraft. This is the 8th episode of my hardcore series. Innit, I built a megabase using every biome and structure in the game.
🔥 Watch from EPISODE #1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YgM0uiCfdzs&t=177s

🍿 My full HARDCORE PLAYLIST: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLv7M19VHTpB–UId2O88s7CXah8hDAdql

🌎 World Seed: -3325793643312504701

🐤 » Twitter: https://twitter.com/TheRealAust

💬 » Discord: https://discord.gg/E7UbGrQN9v
📌 Current Sub Count: 75,463
🎵 Music provided by Epidemic Sound 🎵
🔹 https://share.epidemicsound.com/zzxbr7
🎵 Music also provided by Kevin MacLeod 🎵
🔹 Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 4.0
🔖 Chapters:
00:00 Intro
00:26 Phase 1
08:06 Phase 2
12:14 Phase 3
🙌 Credit:
Water Removers https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wwm22Tr41J8
Mini Structure Tutorials @BlockyBryson
❤️ Series Inspiration:
Loony, NotNotBrock, Sandiction
#minecraft #but #hardcore


  1. edit: New Video where I add the Cherry Grove Biome is out now https://youtu.be/QbzHMbrrT3k

    Hey there! Sorry I havent uploaded in a bit. xD This video took somewhere between 300-400 hours to complete… so.. yeah.
    I'm also happy to announce I've gone full time now! More insane projects on the way, and maybe a discord soon? 👀❤

  2. Bro I had a really bad headache before watching this but then I just sat down and watched this video with all of my attention then it was gone your voice is magical bro thank you☠️😭💗💗

  3. Watching your videos for the first time and I can say I'm inspired, impressed and had enjoyed it very much
    Your editing and jokes are insane
    Keep going dude

  4. I'm inspired and amazed of your work. Good job on this I even subbed! Just one thing….near the end of the vid…you forgot the nether fortress I'm not trying to be mean I'm just saying although i have not finished the vid yet. I hope u realised this…..anyway please that take this as a hate comment as I love what u have done in this vid I subbed and liked.

  5. One of the calmest minecraft youtuber i've ever watched, i love the way you speak. The video is also amazing, I instantly subscribed! good job!

  6. Oh my god. A minecraft youtuber that doesn’t scream on top his lungs like a retard, makes actually enjoyable Content, doesn’t clickbait, has a good structure to his videos and mixes the game Sound effect with music. It’s been YEARS since i saw a minecraft video that good. Probably back in 2011 🤣🤣🤣 cheers mate! Keep on making this Content. It’s extremly enjoyable to watch

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