Can You Beat Terraria With Only 1HP?

Can you beat Terraria with 1 HP today we are challenging ourselves to beat Terraria however we only have 1 HP if we run into a thorn bush we die if a slime grazes us we die I have a feeling this is going to be extremely difficult jumping into Terraria we created our

Character and the world to make things even worse we are doing this in master mode loading into the new world I was immediately reminded of having 1 HP you may have noticed to make it possible to have 1 HP we are playing with a few mods

Installed such as exhaust 1 HP and a couple mods to allow us to focus more on beating the game game not have to worry about grinding to the extreme getting started in our brand new world we built an easy starting base to make sure we are safe we then immediately started

Mining and creating our elevator by bombing our way through the caverns blowing us up in the process as I returned to the surface we started constructing compact NPC housing so we wouldn’t have to wait for them in the future finishing up the NPC housing we made our way back into the caverns and

Continue to mine our elevator collecting any ores we can along the way until a giant worm decided it would be really really cool to turn us into lawn Peg with this Terraria challenge I’m trying a new style of video making so if you enjoy it like the video to let me know

You want to see more and since you’re already here why not subscribe at the surface we turned all of the ore we collected into bars and made oursel an iron pickaxe exploring to the left of the world we passed through our desert and found two large trees and got eviscerated by a

Gnome oh God it’s fast before building more NPC housing and returning to the cavern to mine gold and potentially find hermes’s boots since movement speed is going to be incredibly important considering we can’t get hit at all in the caves after expertly dodging a boulder woo we almost died to a boulder

There we found an underground house with a gold chest inside the chest we got a bunch of completely useless garbage one thing was clear though we needed a hook since moving through the caverns is extremely difficult so we collected a bunch of amethysts then once again we

Died to a giant worm back at the surface we made ourselves an amethyst hook armor and an emerald staff which crazily was mythical we are making steady progress however remember how I said I made some armor well not soon after a slime turned us into a slushy and I came

To a grim realization that even if we are wearing armor we still died to a single hit let me explain so let’s say a zombie in prehard mode Master mode deals 42 damage if we have 10 defense the amount of damage the zombie would deal

Is 42 – 10 equaling 32 damage if you are paying attention you may have noticed that 32 damage is a lot larger than our meager 1 HP this means no matter what we are always going to be one shot on the bright side the demolition is moved in

With Mario the painter Whispering into our ear can I get a new house no Mario you can’t all right you already have a skylight back in the caverns we mined for more gold and we came across a rather peculiar a rather suspiciously large area of gold no it was a bomb

Returning to the caverns once again we didn’t bounce gearing up with a gold pickaxe we continue to mine our elevator and found an enemy that is even worse than Giant worms wall creepers let me tell you these spiders magically appear to ruin your life after a long epic

Mining session we returned to the surface and crafted a demon bow speaking of another challenge torpedo skeletons I can’t even do anything to avoid that spawning in after being nuked we nuked our house oh me I did not just do that after dying over and over again a Blood

Moon spawned after surviving the blood moon we finally completed our elevator then we’re immediately knew by another flying torpedo skeleton deciding to start building our ey of cthulu Arena we began terraforming our world and smoothing it out after a while of endlessly digging dirt it was becoming evident that this was extremely

Inefficient so I decided to kill myself over and over again you may be like why would you want to kill yourself over and over again well with enough gravestones we can create a graveyard biome and craft ourselves the graveyard shovel however the world had other ideas and

Spawned a Blood Moon after dying and I mean dying so so much we crafted the gravedigger shovel while cleaning up gravestones we were met with an interesting surprise as the I cthulu spawned in I was confident that we would at least deal some damage with our

Grenades but it didn’t take more than 10 seconds for us to die with this I was finally convinced that fighting the eye of cthulu was going to be a massive pain in my ass returning to digging dirt the gravedigger shovel was an incredible investment I can’t stress enough that if

You plan on terraforming your Terraria world get the grave Digger shovel because it is an actual godsend once the dirt was out of the way we started constructing the arena finishing constructing the arena it was time to tackle our biggest issue we required Hermes boots since if we wanted to avoid

Any of the boss’s attacks we would need to be fast so the search for Hermes boots began and little did I know it would take forever searching then dying then searching then dying some more followed by can you guess that’s right more searching and then dying we went to

The jungle and searched there however it was shortly lived since a be decided it would be so funny to stain us switching directions and I mean switching directions literally we decided to search the snow biome and bombed our way through after a little searching we found an underground house with an ice

Chest and inside was a snow Cannon I mean it’s useless completely useless to us but I just felt like pointing it out then no more than 5 minutes later we found another chest and inside was a legendary ice Blade the world must be repaying us with amazing luck since we

Die constantly speaking of constantly dying we jumped on an explosive and we sent to terrar Heaven just kidding we’re still in hell with the gravitation potion we floated our way up to the floating islands however a harvey flying in at Mock one ended those Ambitions making our way up using rope

To another Sky Island inside the chest we found a lucky Horseshoe Fall damage is no longer an issue thank God I no longer explode upon impact however returning to the Jungle to continue our endless search for Hermes boots we slightly touched a thorn and can you guess what happened that’s right we

Exploded let me tell you we searched for hours to find the Hermes boots repeatedly dying and searching and dying bombing our way through any obstacles we found the Anket of wind we also found some feral claws after another eternity of searching for the Hermes boots I was

Getting a little annoyed oh I just need Hermes boots then just like that less than 300 blocks away from where we previously died in the snow biome we found flurry boots and I was so happy yo let’s go we got flurry boots yes and not just one pair of flurry boots we

Found two two pairs after it took a literal Century now that we acquired flurry boots we needed the Goblin Army to spawn in so we could get the Goblin tinkerer and combine our Hermes boots into lightning boots so we traveled to the corruption and destroyed an orb however we exploded ourselves so

We went back and grabbed the musket to get the gunser after we built some more extremely spacious NPC housing for the guns sler NPC he quickly spawned in however after checking how expensive the mini shark is we had a serious problem since our finances aren’t looking so

Good and the mini shark is a whopping th 35 gold we needed money and I also wanted the fossil armor for increased range damage so after exploring the underground desert I quit because is a death trap seriously everything kills us from the feral ants to sand freaking

Sand a goblin army then spawned in and even though we died and when I say died I mean like a freaking bazillion times cuz the purple balls of death and arrow seemingly hit us every time I then spent what felt like an eternity cleaning up gravestones you know since we died over

1,000 times now that the Goblin Army Was Defeated it was time to find the goblin tinker and craft some lightning boots so descending into the caverns I swear it took no longer than three minutes to find the goblin tinkerer so we purchased the rocket boots but since we’re broke

As I had to sell a kidney before returning and purchasing the tinkerer’s workbench we then quickly crafted and achieved the lightning boots things we looking up or so I thought now that we had achieved the lightning boots I figured it was about time to defeat the

I cthulu so gearing up with some potions needless to say I was pretty nervous um okay I’m Terri terrified so we summoned the eye of cthulu and it was going well I was feeling confident until a firing squad of mini cthulu were like hey can we eat you um no well too bad

And turned my brain into Jam freaking Jam so back at square one can you guess what I decided to do that’s right if you guess increase the length of the platform while dying repeatedly you are correct to sum it all up rather quickly I was going insane around this point and

Finding a gold rabbit did not help my money feing Tendencies oh my God that’s a gold bunny that’s a gold bunny that’s a gold bunny after construing our new Arena which has to be long enough now right no we turned our attention towards killing the King Slime and acquiring the

Slime M since that would give us a crazy advantage against the I cthulu so taking out our anger on the local Wildlife we went in search of more gel because I thought we didn’t have enough however I found out that now it only takes 20 gel

So that was good to know but before we figured out that fact we went in search of ice slimes for gel and along the way died to a wall creeper remember how I said they seemingly randomly appear out of nowhere yep somehow in the freezing cold underground ice biome nowhere near

Spider’s Nest it was just chilling waiting to eat my flesh preparing our rubies and gel we left to the corruption to find an alter and crafted the Slime crown with our buff prepared it was time to defeat our first boss of the challenge so we summoned him in and he

Despawned that slimy bastard ran away take two the giant Arena we created made it super easy to dodge and avoid the king slime’s attacks however stairs would turn out to be our downfall as we kamaka into his gelatinous fat ass take three heck yeah oh and I we killed him and immediately died

That’s funny successfully we had defeated our first boss without getting hit sadly we did not get the Slime Mount so we had to fight him again opening up the treasure bag we acquired the Slime Mount and it was time to fight the eye of cthulu so without hesitation we

Summoned the eye of cthulu and the Slime Mount worked amazingly as he entered his second phase we’d have to run like hell or instantly die we were doing great however we ran out of arrows so we had to use the ice blade our ice blade and as anticipated the eye of

Cthulu severed my head from my torso this so made it extremely apparent to me that we were not fast enough since the I cthulu goes absolute beast mode and absolute insane with his last 500 HP crafting more arrows we summoned him for the second time and use a slime

Mount to jump directly into his bloodshot ass using our last eye of cthulu spawner he would have been defeated but the stairs once again had another idea and he snapped our neck like a godamn twig the issue at hand was our platform was not lawn enough so to

Increase the length of the Arena I removed the mountain I then expanded the arena a lot fighting the eye of cthulu again with the expanded Arena we were easily able to outrun him until we dropped his HP below 100 and he started moving faster than the speed of

Sound decapitating our lifeless ass I knew we could defeat the eye of cthulu and this time I had a plan preparing a Thorns potion swiftness potion and an inferno potion as well as grenades for his final phase we summoned him in and let the battle [Applause]

Begin with 6 hp the eye of cthulu ripped the flesh off her bones but the Thorns potion came in clutch and we finally killed the eye of cthulu yes the Thorns got him I knew that was going to work woo we did it we beat eye of cthulu

Let’s gooo that was hard that was really hard we had acquired The Shield of cthulu my favorite accessory and the most important accessory in the game since it allowed us to dodge it was now time to defeat the Eater of Worlds so once again we increase the arena to

Reach the corruption let me tell you I hate Eater of souls those little rat bastards somehow manage to hit me every time exploring past the corruption we found the Skeletron dungeon and stole a water candle back at the base we built even more housing for NPCs returning to

The corruption it was time to build the way we are going to defeat the Eater of Worlds so roping our way up until we can’t see the ground we then rope up another 75 blocks create a small small platform and place 30 Boulders up now that we had the Trap created all that

Was left was to create the worm food and summon the Eater of Worlds we had to lower the platform so we were just at the edge of the corruption and the trap was ready to go well the Trap didn’t exactly work how I imagined and I failed to kill the

Eater of Worlds but on the bright side we received enough scales to craft the shadow pickaxe we technically didn’t need to defeat the Eater of Worlds but don’t worry we’ll kill him later now that we acquired the shadow pickaxe we slurp down an Obsidian Skin Potion and plunged into sizzling hot lava for

Hellstone back at the base we crafted molten bars we then acquired the hellstone pick molten Fury and IM staff before returning to hell and Mining even more hellstone before crafting the volcano and molten armor because why not and the cherry on top molter arrows that deal an incredible amount of damage in

Prehard mode it was time to defeat Skeletron and let me tell you it does not go well however before we can de the Skeletron we need to create once again another Arena it was also around this time I remembered that before we even started this challenge I installed a mod

That allowed us to craft insta Bridges or Arenas but I neglected to remember this fact earlier and built the entire Arena by hand so yeah kill me we had one big issue or should I say one big mountain in our way so we bombed the

Ever- living crap out of it we had a smooth flat surface and could finish the arena so we tested out the instabridge mod after easily building the arena it made me question my sanity and the endless hours I spent placing platforms however we quickly finished the Skeletron Arena though I was extremely

Tired of running across the entire world so we constructed a spawn point I was curious how expensive the mini shark was and dear God so on our way back to create new NPC housing for the nursing guns sler we built a spawn point at the corruption quickly building some god

Tier housing for the guns sler and nurse we sold our gems and purchased the mini shark and the forest pylon since it was night and we were at the dungeon we decided why not try to defeat Skeletron in the the desert near our base we constructed more god tier

Housing and successfully set up our desert pylon we could now teleport to the dungeon with ease with nothing left to do it was time to defeat Skeletron so we prepared our Buffs traveled to the arena and patiently waited to spawn him in like a fly Skeletron swatted us with

Ease he slapped us so hard that our ancestors felt the disrespect so what did we do we enter the dungeon anyway no one stop me not even the dungeon guardian with a new plan in mind we descended into the cavern but I’m just going to skip over all of that cuz

It was a complete waste of time since it failed miserably and Skeletron spanked our ass so with a new plan that would certainly work right we kidnapped I meant gently rescued a bunch of rabbits and strapped Dynamite to their back encapsulating the old man in a pillar of

Wood we released the 14 rabbits waiting to cause a new Act of terrorism like this we beat Skeletron and exploded it was time to go back to the drawing board in the caverns we collected cobwebs and turned it into silk we were going to craft the obsidian robes however we sold

All of our shadow scales so it was time we actually defeated the Eater of Worlds so traveling to the ocean on the right side of our world we constructed the Trap we previously used to fight the Eater of Worlds with the exception that we placed 300 abstone to turn the area

Into a corruption biome and at the same time we built even more god tier housing building 30 Boulders up the Trap was set and ready to go however I thought I might have miscounted the boulders so while I was recounting them I accidentally hit a boulder and killed myself so after traveling all

The way back the Trap was ready to go just like that we had defeated the Eater of Worlds and collected more shadow scales this would also turn out to be a really easy way to farm money that would come in handy later with our newly acquired shadow scales we crafted

The obsidian armor and had one more summon that would help us deal damage removing a small bit of the dungeon so it doesn’t get in our way we were prepared to fight Skeletron focusing on Skeletron hand we evaded his attacks and dealt a good amount of damage but when

He came in for a hug not only did he spin B our ass for the second time he also tore us in half with new found confidence we geared up for our next fight and purchased potions from The Alchemist NPC and since we defeated the Eater of Worlds he now sold rage and

Wrath potions while waiting for the next night I left to get some food and apparently a meteorite landed so I guess I just have an Undiscovered meteorite somewhere in the world that’s good to know back of the dungeon we attempt to defeat Skeletron again for what feels like the 1,000th time placing explosive

Rabbits on the arena we almost managed to defeat one of his hands however dodging into one of his attacks to negate the damage we flew directly into his thick skull so after sleeping until the next night we tried again remember that new found confidence I was talking about yeah well on the

Next attempt he straight up just summoned on top of us let’s just say any confidence I was feeling was immediately replaced with pure rage so I can’t beat this dude I know I’m going to get pissed doing this so we’re just going to skip right to Wall of Flesh get

Into hard mode get a better weapon and then kill him yep you heard right instead of defeating Skeletron we are going to defeat the Wall of Flesh an even harder boss then once we are in hard mode with better weapons we’ll go back and defeat Skeletron as well as

Queen Bee just because there’s no chance in hell I’m fighting the queen bee right now in hell we began constructing the Wall of Flesh Arena but we quickly died so we decided to build a spawn point in Hell once we finished constructing the house we continue to build the Wall of

Flesh Arena once the Wall of Flesh of Reena was lawn enough we returned to the surface and purchased Dynamite from the demolitionist now that we had Dynamite we constructed a house in hell for the guide since you’re probably wondering we are using Dynamite to defeat the Wall of

Flesh because we only have 1 HP the longer Wall of Flesh Fight Continues the higher the chance will die so I’ll have to defeat it as fast as possible this is where Dynamite comes in since it is a speedrun strategy that can quickly defeat the Wall of Flesh since we were

Low on Dynamite we went and killed the Eater of world for more gold and another meteorite landed next to our base so we collected the meteorite after building another house for the guide we dropped him into lava to summon the wall of flesh and once again he spawned on the wrong side of

The godamn Arena after dying I discovered that if you want the Wall of Flesh to summon on a particular side of the world you have to summon it past the center of the world on the sign you want him to spawn so after constructing a new house for the guide we deactivated

Autosave and saved the game to create a save point just before the Wall of Flesh this would allow us to try and defeat the Wall of Flesh repeatedly with everything ready to go we toss the guide into the lava oh hey how’s it going and immediately died to the wall

Of flesh pressing alt f4 we rest started back at our save point the dynamite dealt massive damage and the strategy was working fantastically up until I ran into a wall and exploded in hindsight I really should have equipped an obsidian skull this attempt also made me realize

Two major flaws in my plan his laser beams and worm however I wouldn’t do anything to solve these issues until after we died around this point I was low on Dynamite so I murdered the Eater of Worlds a couple of times and purchased enough Dynamite to end the bloody World

Attempting the Wall of Flesh again I was succulently lasered into a pile of smoldering flesh his lasers were a massive issue so we constructed wood pillars with doors that would block his laser beams and allow us to freely move throughout our Arena after we finished building the wooden pillars we fought

The Wall of Flesh again with the pillars his laser beams were no longer a problem with every attempt we got closer to defeating the Wall of Flesh however every so often an enemy would spawn in the arena and this would happen we finally had the perfect run we dropped

The Wall of Flesh Health below 1,000 HP just when it was looking like we were going to defeat him the Wall of Flesh decided why shoot only four lasers when I can shoot 1,000 and I took about lasers up the ass we summoned the Wall of Flesh perfectly

Spacing out our Dynamite we quickly dealt massive damage to the wall of flesh once we got him below 4,000 HP out of pure adrenaline and fear we started spam throwing dynamite and then it happened we did it that’s the Wall of Flesh defeated baby now we’re in hard

Mode with one HP and without being hit right as we died we finally defeated the Wall of Flesh we were officially in hard mode traveling through hell we passed the absolute Carnage The Dynamite caused and claimed our loot returning to the surface after spending an eternity in

Hell with 1 HP without being able to take a single point of damage we reached hard mode from here on I have a feeling the challenge is only going to become more difficult and oh we are so screwed on the bright side now that we’re in hard mode we’ll absolutely spank

Skeleton’s ass so if you are excited to watch us crawl our way through hard mode as every boss humiliates us like And subscribe so you’re notified I’ll see you in part two

Can You Beat Terraria With Only 1HP? In this Terraria challenge we try to beat Terraria master mode with 1HP. If we touch a thorn we die, if a slime touches us we die, and even if sand touches us we die! I have a feeling this is going to be very hard.

Like and subscribe since this video took way to long to make 🙂

0:00:00 Intro
0:00:13 Flurry boots
0:06:20 Lighting Boots
0:07:48 King Slime
0:09:49 Eye Of Cthulhu
0:11:32 Eater Of Worlds
0:12:25 Skeltron
0:14:58 Eater Of Worlds x2
0:15:43 Skeltron x2
0:16:53 Wall Of Flesh
0:20:03 Outro

Exhaust 1HP
Ore Excavator
Magic Storage
Instabridge +
Alchemist NPC

Terraria Playlist ➤

🎵 Music:
*I Do Not Own Any Of The Music In This Video*
*All Credit Goes To The Artists*
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0

#terraria #1hp #challenge #youtubegaming #mastermode

Thank You so Much For Watching And Have An Amazing Day 🙂


  1. I love how at 10:49 he says his master plan is to use three potions, one of which is a THORNS potion (for those who don't play terraria it deals damage done to you back to what hurt you.) even though he can't take damage. What's even funnier is that it won him the battle.

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