Terraria – INFERNUM ft. Adrian EP. 6: GOLEM UNDERTALE.

Hello everybody waffle time here and welcome back to episode 6 of our epic gamer infernum series last episode we took on many bosses some of which included all the mechs who sadly stood no chance against our two brain cells put together oh my God he’s hitting me

Like I’m about to die I’m at 130 HP I’m going to die too dude even the Aquatic Scourge caught hands which was a surprisingly easy and totally fair battle through and through don’t worry Papa’s Got You no it’s one hit if there’s one thing infernum is making clear it’s that everything is

Downhill from here on out we have bosses to yank our hair out over more weapons we desire with crafting trees that physically hurt to partaken and no more time to waste so let’s Jump Right In shall we I think I can make the Spear of Destiny that thing is so good really

That thing is so good yeah it like it it has like a homing uh ability Spear of Destiny yeah make that [ __ ] hell yeah whoa I think we could upgrade our Alchemist charm so we don’t have to pay as much for potions oh we need hard mode

Bars like we need like a titanium or those are able to be obtained right now are they yeah we can get them can we do it with the uh Shard light pickaxe yes it’s uh better than it’s like Adam antier I want to where why is this boss

Not spawning which one you’re looking for the kma Meer or whatever it’s called yeah apparently it spawns in like it’s shitty sea right right yeah it’s not spawning though the shitty sea I just realized what you said it’s not [ __ ] spawning dude it drops a rogue item too

It was after the um aquatic Scourge when it when it spawns right yeah but it’s just not spawning oh it spawns underwater suck my fat nut dude all right holy [ __ ] there’s so many en what the what the [ __ ] dude this weapon [ __ ] hits oh my God oh my God oh the

Fish they’re killing me I’m going need your help on this one dude equipable summons the trash man what the it’s [ __ ] Danny deito oh yeah that thing oh it’s spawned oh it’s right here oh [ __ ] dude I’m stuck oh [ __ ] oh god oh damn that motherucker got hand

Dude uh he’s on me right now I’m kind of killing him I’m going to fight him really low you’re really low dude that’s all right get him get him get him you got him oh he’s dead oh my God all right I got both of our

Items what the [ __ ] is that Rogue weapon that’s your Rogue weapon dude it’s on the ground oh Danny deito has it my bad so funny oh also I gathered a whole bunch of Adamantite and titanium little Al charm tier three that’s what’s up I think I’m good to go on gear I

Might be good to go as well I might just use a spear of destiny I want to try this one out you gave me too all you ready for this who are we fighting uh the calamus clone all right I’m ready all right let’s do this I forgot to get

A life forse I’m [ __ ] dude the damage we’re doing is nuts though she’s on your ass BR dude she does so much damage oh she’s piss this dude she’s transforming this isn’t good what the heck this isn’t good oh my God I’m [ __ ] dead

Dude I just died oh my God wait they do so much damage dude oh my God I got five more seconds you got this what the [ __ ] is going on holy [ __ ] I’m about to die again already is a nurse nearby ah I got dude I wish you could see what is

Going on I’m catching the corner of it and it looks like two we’re good we’re good we’re good we’re good we’re good we got this we got this we got this we got this we got this [ __ ] she almost dead oh good night good night what wait wait

What oh oh thank God oh thank god dude I thought something was going to happen [ __ ] I got nothing you got nothing from that I got nothing good that was [ __ ] brutal um I got the broken hero sword not sure what we can do with that oh I

Got a I got a summon thing for you entrop one oh yeah that’s the mini calamitous clone that was [ __ ] crazy we can do astram arus the space one we can do the Leviathan and anahita or we can do planta actually we got to do planta next there’s no way planta is

Going to be like cracked out yeah no [ __ ] chance right hold on I got I I just made the plant’s flower oh sick you ready to fight that whenever you want I’m ready whenever uh I didn’t know if you wanted to max out our life

Or anything first um I’m not to do that I mean there’s some life there’s life right there for oh wa look at that another two two life rot for you there’s a bulb right there what are you trying to get life rot yeah yeah did you want

To max out our life all right yeah let’s go let’s do that let’s do that do that oh [ __ ] another planta bulb down here cool cool more attempts whoa what the [ __ ] dude come over here here see this what the why is the queen bee so tanky dude

No idea we killed this thing we definitely did right I remember these bees oh oh [ __ ] [ __ ] all right no PO run let’s do it okay the damage is pretty [ __ ] crazy I died somehow that’s so much damage that’s 15 damage a hit oh my god dude you’re handling that though wait

What’s it doing oh wait what it enraged already oh dude I’m going to need you here soon dude way oh [ __ ] what is that did you see that yes she like makes a little sphere around herself and you have to get to the open spot dude what

The [ __ ] 122 damage we’re not doing bad at all yeah we don’t even have like a proper Arena wait I’m so what that is insane I feel like if we took out that little middle lump right there and put a couple platforms bro we’d be [ __ ] I mean we

Already have I feel like we could do that that wasn’t that bad I think it was just this the space was really weird yeah honestly you want to just potion up and [ __ ] do it why has the nurse been saying I don’t have enough money I’m

Broke if you broke just say so I got three plat all right I just drink all my Buffs just bu off up all right you ready you want to yeah let’s do it dude [ __ ] it oh God we’re doing really good damage to her what the [ __ ] it’s enraging it’s

Enraging perfect all right so there’s going to be this like little oh this [ __ ] Circle that comes around her you got to get to the under a I got [ __ ] on that one yeah I panic healed too dude I’m so screwed this isn’t horrible yeah it’s not bad at

All oh okay I’m kind of stuck in the top right why me [ __ ] pop left oh my God I’m going to die dude oh my God it’s shooting projectiles like hell are you almost here thank God yeah okay top top top top top right oh my God that did so much

Damage I’m so dead no dude it’s so close dude you got it w you did it I risked it I risked it and it paid off for the first time in forever oh my god dude hand that die a single time I was on one heart for probably half of that [ __ ] battle

Dude I was scared I was shivering in my [ __ ] boots brother oh my God can someone come up with like um I don’t know a challenge for us please a challenge please a challenge who is it something to entertain us for a while ooh I can make a Terra disc I think it’s

Pretty good yeah it like splits into like three or four or something it’s pretty cool oh my God and we’re getting to that stage of the game dude great yeah where I need a flamarang and Ice boomerang ah you can craft all of them though you should be fine what am I

Missing for the flame ring let’s see it everything I’m missing everything oh my God where am I going to get this [ __ ] all right dude Freddy Fazbear golden Freddy jump scare I need do we have a hollow desert by chance if you head over to the right there is a desert

You could just Hy it made us a decent amount of life ruit here we go we got to go beat planta a few more times though yeah I’m I’m down to do it again why am I broke I’m not broke dude I’m poor right now I don’t know what from I like

We just killed 30 bosses wa I got to kill queen slime real quick let me hop in this shiz it yeah yeah gelatin bro oh my God I lost 100 HP that’s not good I’m my ass whooped dude she is [ __ ] rough why is she after me

I literally walked away she wants you so bad [ __ ] I died that’s lame can’t get me if I running a straight line H fatty you fat [ __ ] I didn’t get it this is so stupid stupid well let’s run it now I’m going to go farm some mimics I’m not [ __ ]

Giving my money to this patience is a virtue I’m like no it’s not oh [ __ ] there’s a butterfly over here dude oh you want to catch that I don’t have a bug net it’s fine dude if anything we’ll get another one sometime soon [ __ ] it we

Are you serious all right hold on hold on hold on all all right I’m in the desert baby wa you summoned it already yeah I summoned it I like why is there electro music in the oh my God I can’t oh my god oh what the [ __ ] God this is [ __ ]

Unbearable where am I supposed to go I died oh my God that was insane let me get a bug net real quick dude I don’t know if we’re going to do that anytime soon yeah matter of fact [ __ ] a bug net dude I don’t want to do that sh that was

Nuts dude I did not know what to expect did not expect that that was insane it must dropped the best [ __ ] in the whole world to be acting like that that was stupid dude that was stupid after taking the Beloved plant mil through the spin cycle supro there was an outrageous

Amount of new possibilities unlocked for us new armor and gear was available but where should we start it was clear that the Empress of light was way too easy for us so we definitely had to pass on her for now clearly not because she threatened our manhood or anything no

Sir no ma’am no Gamers all around we were at a pivotal moment in our epic play through there was much left to do but so much grinding to partake in to be able to make any sort of progression at all so Adrian and I got to work immediately on planning how we could

Boost our power to take on these future bosses we’re at that stage of the game where there’s like just a thousand things to combine at once what do you need what do you want I think I’ve got everything for this it’s like crafting exception dude I got to make an equinity

Which I just made but I also need a brim blade what are you trying to craft what’s it called Terra disk oh I need Unholy cores so I should be able to make that I got it here I’ll craft it for you I got it I crafted it for you all right

Dude it’s nice bro what do you want to do I wanted to get the unile armor oh so you want to do solar eclipse yeah that’s cool with you did you are you able to get anything for solar eclipse I don’t know but I’m down to do solar eclipse I

Don’t really care all right so many holy [ __ ] I kind of like this Arena room it’s like nice spacious beautiful oh oh my God holy [ __ ] okay don’t touch the Four challenge Jesus Christ that was brutal oh oh my God oh my God I’m going to die

I’m getting Mayo wait you just wanted to do solar eclipse right yeah let’s get that unile armor first we can do a solar eclipse and then I want to do ashm arus and then anything else I don’t really care after fck dude that’s lit that’s so

# lit that’s so litty that’s a whole lot of uh Phantom tax what does that mean by the way it’s um it’s one of Kat’s like roommates I think he does something called Phantom tax which is if they ever get food he has to eat a like a tax he

Takes a t what the [ __ ] ah that makes sense that makes sense because I saw I saw someone’s dad on Instagram eating their kids food and they’re like it’s that Phantom tax that’s so Grinchy ow okay everything has hands that’s good hey maon what are you doing what you

Have to dude are you getting anything from this I’m not getting [ __ ] I got three solar Veil ah I got a Moine didn’t drop [ __ ] I’ll have to collect some type of phantom tax of sord that it’s it’s Phantom tax it’s not Phantom I’ll need some Phantom taxes for that one I’ll

Certainly have to partake in that oh my God I’m going to kill myself oh holy FK I Dash into something and bounce off and die every godamn time almost makes me want to collect a phantom tax on the solar mobs as well you makes me want you make me want to

Kill myself right now that moin has a level 10 guot has an excellent guy out skib is going down by the maximum right now you had to bring the [ __ ] skibby into did you huh yeah I also need to do the Pumpkin Moon there’s a lot of upgrades I need from

Pumpkin for some reason that’s post planta right we could do that whenever let me see if I can make that pumpkin Medallion oh I can oh [ __ ] Pumpkin Moon help me help me help me help me oh my godar the [ __ ] is that dude your teroris

Is kicking ass man nuh that’s all your funky ass summons no dude no no no yeah it’s just from it’s from pumpkins you need right yeah I need that the what is it called whip the Whip now watch me dark Harvest yeah yeah yeah now

Watch me n NE have you seen the group of choir kids in elementary school singing n NE NOW Watch Me Whip watch me na now watch me whip Me Whip me watch me watch me watch me watch me me me is a pumpkin red for you or just me

He’s red he’s pissed how have we not killed 50 polter gas yet I find that that hard to believe some backup shots oh I died oh no they’re retreating no oh my God I’m taking fat nuts of damage can I just buy the whip somewhere that’ be

Nice can you make it by chance I need a pumpkin trophy oh I got one I’ve killed I killed so many polter gas bro how did we not get one [ __ ] Banner are you kidding me your little dude they’re so op dude they’re so strong I seen him sticking up the

Aquatic Scourge bro like nothing think it was another day on the [ __ ] for oh my god dude spooky wood cost one gold I’m broke yeah I’m broke I I bought I bought three platinum worth and I’m broke oh my God how how much more do you

Need all right I need 750 I need 750 you wanted to do a analita next I wanted to do a Ostrum AAS this astal one Lumberjack why the [ __ ] is The Lumberjack at the bottom of the [ __ ] ocean what dude he’s at the [ __ ] bottom of the

Sunken sea there’s a house there just chilling in it Stan’s just chilling bro why not good [ __ ] Stan no Stan that’s not good don’t listen to him keep up the good work buddy no keep on swimming like like Dory said I could have bought spooky wood for 53 Copper at this guy

Instead what are you serious I got scammed can you buy spooky wood sheep there and sell it for expensive at the lady Transformer what the hell did I do well [ __ ] what now oh do you want to take on planta again just for [ __ ] and

Gig so we get some more life you can do that yeah I’m over in that damn Dash plantor Arena all right man I’ll be right there in the moment there’s another bul right next to it here I am Hershel you want me hit Hershel you want

Me hit the bulb hit the bul Hershel I’ll be right in the yard coming in from the left Dutch all right all right I’m watching out hard I’m watching out hard holy [ __ ] we’re [ __ ] this guy up oh [ __ ] oh my God oh my God I’m so dead

Dude I died I ran into like 30 poison spores bro it’s shooting so many projectiles I I what was I supposed to do there was a cone of P gas I couldn’t do anything straight to business none of that wall climbing Swift talking wooow wooow oh we

Should have gone R rods of discords man oo that would have been nice after this yeah I’m down careful watch for dashes I got it I got it [Laughter] I no oh no dude got it gameer you got it my you [ __ ] you flipping with it

That’s all you that’s all you mate well the real question is what the hell now Max out life roots and then Ro a Discord are you in the sulfuric ocean I’m going to go there right now I’m going to get us some of this life uh can you teleport

To me sometime soon cuz I’m running out of breath gnarly dude now we’re good what’s up what are we looking for some planty mush wait I think I found it oh [ __ ] oh I found it get over here get over here t t Bakugon come back come

Back to U way please come back to us bakugo yeah bakugo I think we got enough I’m having back this that’s good that’s that’s so good all right dude we’re we’re balling dude we’re back dude we’re so slick with it Ro a Discord our underground is hollowed

Right I think so I think we have an arena with one platform in it like off to the right it’s all Hollow I’m pretty sure wait you turn on your battlecry I’m going to get something called a zerg potion oh yeah we’re getting souped up

My pop a zerg is well you getting zery with it oh my God I’m going to die there’s so many enemies holy [ __ ] I’m not even really taking damage are you I am I’m a Summoner Akira what was that oh there a hollow D that oh great Heavens oh turn

On the common cry real quick stop making enemies spawn real quick just turn that off yeah there’s so many enemies I’m getting my [ __ ] destroyed dude the spiders Jesus oh we’re halfway there wait what what what if we put the didn’t we last time didn’t we put the

Wizard in a hollow biome and [ __ ] buy it from him oh [ __ ] did we dude yes it’s nine gold that’s it we got the r of Discord you want take on Golem next um I think we’re going to do ostri oh that’s right that’s right that’s right yeah yeah think I am good

Too I’ll drink my Buffs you mind if I take a bite of that there cake where is he oh there he [ __ ] is not bad so far oh my God there’s like hella projectiles out oh dear lord Lord dude oh my God we’re going swing him back to the

Right oh my god oh [ __ ] what hit me I like when he’s doing this ooh o o o I’m dead what the [ __ ] was that about oh my god dude I’m already low dude like I just came here look at all these Ice projectiles Baby

Oh my God that [ __ ] frost wve hit me oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God you got it baby you got it baby you got it baby you’re clean with it you’re clean with

It I’m so stressed I’m right here you’re good I’m taking him I’m taking him I’m taking him oh my God take take it take it my God take the whole load I guess next is Golem yeah we can do Golem we can do anti we can do whatever he dropped something called the

Aurora radical throw AA radical throw quickly go invest times are tough dude five Platinum dude go finger your own ass oh wait hold on let me put on the ring I might have enough five Platinum is insane dude four plat oh yeah I got it oh thank God hives underground astral

Infection biome oh my god dude this looks insane oh I got these for you what you got what you got Stellar knives Stellar knives they don’t look crazy but I I think I used them in my last run they’re really good ooh super fast they will like stick in the air and then

They’ll H back on enemies ooh that’s cool I can craft an a Summoner upgrade that’s really good I just need a lot of like I need like a Summoner emblem it’s kind of annoying cuzz we don’t have a Summoner emblem I think I’m buy one though all right I’m going to go get

Some uh some stuff for the Summoner emblem okay I’ll head to the temple for whenever you’re ready all right here we go whoa wait what wait what the is this what happened to our Arena destroys your Arena or what kind of [ __ ] lame of him dude his help is that just me yeah

He’s just fing there is his health off the screen for you too yeah I died what what happened let’s go try that again oh my God it does so much damage to me one shot I’m at at least 400 HP oh my god did you see that laser

Beam bro yeah dude I just ate it and I [ __ ] died this is wild holy 128 damage what the [ __ ] is going on I just got spiked to death it’s s’s undertale what is he doing what happened I died what the working his health down working his

Health down oh my God all right let’s do one let’s try one more time okay I don’t understand the arena thing that’s like me up yeah I don’t I don’t get it let me get my ass to this Temple right quick boom in the temple here’s some cake for you cuz you’re [ __ ]

Kicking ass I can’t wait oh the arena is not glitched this time look it’s fine maybe maybe it’s cuz we were both on the idle or like on the middle maybe I first time we were in the middle I put a platform down up here oh my God his

[ __ ] lasers [ __ ] me we’re doing good so far oh what is that that s’s undertale oh my God how do you dodge this that’s s that s’s undertale baby I’m telling you oh my god what this is [ __ ] nuts dude oh my God oh my God oh

My God did you see that holy [ __ ] yeah I saw that [ __ ] okay sand undertale sand undertale oh I got stomped on dude on the wall I’m pinned on the wall oh it’s over for me I’m about to die I died [ __ ] oh I say one more time one more time all

Right one more time we got him to about 10K you’re not going to believe this but I’ve had my greedy ring on this whole time what my god dude are you ready I’m ready sit down here boom Oh my God I already took so much damage I took 500

Damage from that that’s insane that is nuts oh sh okay here he goes I’m hiding in a corner and doing DPS man I hope that’s all right with you no dude do your thing do your thing please it’s just in my corner doing DPS don’t mind

Me do your thing do your thing oh my God the platforms do damage oh I just got hit by a fat laser I lied stand undertale stand’s undertale leave me alone oh oh we almost got him we almost got him we’re so close dude we are so [ __ ] close oh s’s

Undertale I died [Laughter] that’s that was crazy I got to pick off you carried that oh let’s go home buddy with Adrian and I defeating the calamitous Clone planta Queen slime an angry space crab named AST morus as well as Super Mario Maker golum that about does it for this episode make absolutely

Sure to check out Adrian’s perspective over on his channel to witness The Full Experience of our death by infernum thank you all so much for tuning in to episode 6 of our infernum series if you enjoyed this video please be sure to drop a like And subscribe for more

Content like this as well as leave a comment down in the comment section below to let me know your thoughts on this video also if you’d like please be sure to follow my Instagram and Twitter for future video and stream updates as well as my Facebook page where you can

Watch all the videos that get demonetized instantly on my YouTube channel all those links are in the description for your convenience thank you all so much again for watching and I’ll be seeing all of you broken golems in episode 7 Waffle Time platforming Master Edition Out

Hello and welcome to EPISODE 6 of our first time CALAMITY INFERNUM EXPERIENCE. Today, Adrian and I go HARD in the paint in our epic gamer INFERNUM EXPERIENCE. We take on the The Calamitas Clone, who folded like an omelette under our gamer might. We then take on my darling Plantera, which hurts my heart, but it had to be done. She was insane. Lastly, we go for Golem, who was the most outlandish boss experience I’ve had thus far, he is quite literally Sans Undertale. Check out Adrian’s perspective for MORE!
Thank you all so much for watching! If you enjoyed, please be sure to drop a like and subscribe for more content like this, as well as leave a comment to let me know your thoughts on this video! If you guys want more, please do let me know below! Also if you’d like, follow the Instagram and Twitter for future stream and video updates!

EDITED by EMMET BRAMLEY: https://twitter.com/emmetbramley

#terraria #mod #rage

All credit to DMDOKURO and PinpinNeon for the BANGER TUNES!

Check out ADRIAN’S perspective:

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  1. If you install the Fargo's Souls Mod and enable Eternity Mode and Infernum Mode at the same time, in its spawn animation, Golem's title card will read "Sands Under Table" and only one of its eyes will flash a bright blue in its spawn animation.

  2. You gotta love another epic gamer video of no screaming from either Adrian or Waffle whatsoever, as they are completely grown and in possession of big boy pants.

  3. to all people who are gonna do golem infernium let this be know you can not FUCK with the area if this dose happen he gets enraged and 1 taps you with fireballs

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