I Built a Library for Everything in Minecraft

This is not a regular library on the surface it might just look like a big room full of books which you know it kind of is but it’s so much more complete with entire Villages complex Farms whatever the heck this thing is even real books written by you guys it’s

Clear that there is more to this than meets the eye in this video I create a living and breathing entity highlighting not just the story of this Minecraft world that of multiple worlds spanning over more than a decade it’s a return to Minecraft’s oldest memories a journey of

Over 100,000 blocks and a story of one man trying to figure out what the heck he is doing it’s also um my basement so like yeah I need something to go down here you see for the last 5 months I have exiled myself on the outskirts of

This Minecraft world and I told myself that I cannot return home until I finish this base now I’ve already built this massive thing I really could have stopped here probably should have to be honest but alas my basement looks like this uh yeah I’ve got some work to

Do and just like that the area is mostly prepped except for this box which uh currently houses all of my villagers so this will be fun thank you guys for your service but you are no longer of used to me I’m kidding don’t worry I built a landing pad they’re fine and considering

That these poor guys have spent their entire life cooped up inside of boxes I think it’s time that we change that I’m just kidding yeah they’re in a box again you have my word though that by the end of the video they will have a proper

Home maybe now the last thing to do is move this Beacon and it looks like the center is right here there we go and now I just need to rebuild it a little bit lower man look at how much space there is down here oh I just did a flip that

Was cool and before we can actually begin building we need to First gather some materials starting in the nether okay yep that is a gas now Ironically in the 5 months that I’ve been out here I have yet to find a single warp forest biome which is exactly why I need to

Find a warp forest biome so this should be Fun there we go that didn’t take too long actually and on the way home I will grab some bone blocks because honestly I can always use the bone meal you see the main items that I’m after right now are the Warped H and the planks and to get

Those easily I can actually just come over here to the tree farm I built a few episodes ago replace the Crimson nium with warp nium bone meil the fungus and then start collecting now I’ll just need some Blackstone some Basalt and a bit of moss before heading back to the nether

For some soul soil which will be turned into Soul torches and then Soul lanterns and now we can start building I’m uh scared I I don’t know what I’m doing I do know is that I want the build to have a central staircase leading to the upper

Levels so I guess we’ll start with the outside pieces like so adding in some stairs in between making sure to leave this middle section open and then I will just kind of continue layer by layer until we connect these into one staircase at the top and there we go

It’s actually looking pretty good now eventually it’s going to continue its way up along each side but before I do that I want to extend a platform here going into this wall now I’m already starting to realize that this build is going to be rather complex so to stay on

Track I’m going to break this up into a series of unique phases starting with phase one which I’m calling automation you see I want this library to serve as more than purely an aesthetic art piece and to do that I’ll need some things working in the background which is

Exactly why I’m digging out this massive room going into the side of this wall I also never say no to building a secret layer it’s arguably my favorite thing to do in this entire game now the most important thing any secret layer needs is a cool entrance which is why I’m

Currently fixing my beef armarm to actually give me honey blocks okay that should do the trick I I think maybe I’ll also need 30 slime blocks and since I only have three right now I’m really hoping this cave will have some for me to kill all right no luck here which

Means I have to resort to plan B and now we just wait for nighttime I have to admit it’s not the safest thing I’ve ever done but I got to say this is a pretty good way of getting quick slime balls and after about 10 minutes I have

All the Slime I’m going to need and after crafting some more Redstone components and Gathering a bit of obsidian the good news is that all I need now are the honey blocks the bad news is that the beef Farm isn’t producing any honey blocks so yeah I

Guess this is what happens when I do things on my own okay so if we just remove these that will allow us to access the slope of the seant line and using that derivative we can determine the rate of change of honey from these silly little be so happens to be

Directly proportional to the rate of change at which the universe is rapidly exp and then we just factor in the be’s relative velocity which happens to be very close to the speed of meaning they aging much slower than you or I and by the time one day passes in be all of us

Will be nothing more than piles of dust and Ashes all right uh yeah I think the be Farm works now so yeah it’s safe to say that I won’t be using my own design for this Redstone door instead I’ll be building one from our Lord and savior

Mumo you know just to ensure I don’t make any more mistakes okay yep um I already messed it up so I got to tear the whole thing down and try again okay yep that’s not right either all righty third time’s the charm let’s wire this

Up and yes it actually works oh my God that was mildly annoying but now it’s just a matter of filling in the sidewalls yep yep um I broke it again this has been a nightmare dude okay so this time I’ll use glaze terra cotta since slime and honey don’t stick to it

As far as I know ah yes it still doesn’t work so the door finally opens and closes without any real hiccups which means now it’s time to install the pressure plate system to trigger it as well as a cool Archway boom science as you all know the fundamental rule of all

Secret layers is that they must look cool so before I get working on anything functional I want to get a good aesthetic built in here now I’ll be honest I am completely winging this but I think first it would look really cool if we install an alternating pattern

With Spruce in dark oak wood before going through and stripping all of that oh yeah that looks so nice and after installing the pressure plates on the other side and praying that they work thank god dude oh my goodness I’ll go through and build a nice little Archway

On the inside as well now for the ceiling I’ll use some dark oak slabs some polished Blackstone and finally some more black stained terra cotta for a bit of color it’s definitely giving more evil layer than secret layer so you know what evil layer it is I’m cool with

That honestly now over here along this back wall I want to get started with the first Farm which is going to be a very simple villager breeder and just to be safe I’m going to take two of my current villagers use them to make two new babies and then use those children to

Power the farm that does not sound good the more you listen to it anyways while I build up the breeder which was designed by logical geek Boy by the way let me take some time to explain why I need this in the first place you see 5

Months ago when I made the journey out here the first thing I did was absolutely decimate this Village for all all of its resources leaving the villagers cooped up inside of this box and even though I’ve since vowed to give them a proper home one day they just

Keep getting moved from one box to another box I think this is the fourth box or is it the fifth I’m not really sure and that’s where this breeder comes in you see the plan is not only to give these guys a proper home but to create

An entire civilization an Empire a life of Freedom all within the walls of this underground Library except for you too um yeah you guys got to stay here and give me babies sorry yes a baby go on my friend you are the Future Okay so I have

A way to get tons of villagers but now I need a way to get a bunch of bookshelves because after all this is a library which is exactly why the next item on the list is a wheat farm I can explain you see with enough wheat I can breed

Inhumane amounts of cows slaughter them for their leather and use that leather to make bookshelves but since I don’t really want to continually harvest my beautiful wheat fields and let’s face it I’m I’m instead going to make a fully automatic wheat farm down Here I’m out of slime again and it still looks like this cave is not showing any promise so I guess I have to head back out to the swamp but this time I will be smart about Ito okay I got 10 pieces and I guess I will build a portal right here

On this floating island and there we go also can I just take a moment to look at these two jungle biomes they have got to be the smallest biomes that I I’ve ever seen in Minecraft what even is this now I just have to wait for nighttime now that all the materials are

Collected it’s time to prep the farm area now the actual size of the wheat Fields doesn’t really matter So the plan is to dig out a big room and then have two layers to increase efficiency also my beacon doesn’t reach over here and instead of just moving it like a normal

Person I am flying out here getting 2 and then digging for 10 seconds until it runs out and then I repeat the whole process why am I like this okay that’s the first layer done now on to layer number two there’s really not much to say at this point I’m

Basically just planting in giant wheat Fields right now I’m also starting to wonder like am I wasting my time on this I mean I’ve already spent 2 hours Gathering materials and digging out these rooms when I could have just spent that time getting weat also I still need

Seeds to plant the fields in so either way I’m doomed to harvest those fields oh well moving on now I’ve intentionally left these back sections open because this oh boy this is where the magic will happen it’s also the part where my brain stops working which is exactly why I’m

Following this tutorial from one last lemon and while I can’t tell you how this thing works bro what is this I am excited to announce that it is finally moving day for the villagers take take take the seeds and go go to your new home thank you and now I’ll just need

Some lays which is why I’m traveling thousands of blocks in search of a Pillager Outpost finally oh my God that took way too long hey guys how you doing his but a scratch I’m really hoping that getting you guys home won’t be too difficult first thing I’ll try is

To fly with you okay yep flying doesn’t seem to be working unfortunately walking doesn’t seem to be going too well either all right well we will do with the hard way And once we get you guys home and safely put away inside of a box we can just play your favorite song so you’ll multiply and then move you into the farm and it doesn’t work cool I’ll be honest I really don’t know why the Farm’s not

Working but what I do know is it’s 99% sure my fault and after spending the rest of that afternoon messing around with it it’s finally at a state where I can say it’s kind of working with things finally going on in the background I think it’s time time we begin Phase 2

Which involves building up the actual Library the first thing I want to do is extend this staircase up to what will eventually be the upper level and I’ll go ahead and use a pretty similar block palette to what I used initially for this okay there’s one side done now to

Mirror it on this side now I just want to outline some of the Upper Floor add in some Basalt for detail and also add a railing with these warped trap doors and before I get too carried away I think we can add some moss on either side here

With more dark oak which will let us have these Gardens on either side of the layer entrance sorry sir but uh you can’t see this yet so far the front section is actually looking pretty good however the plan is to have this upper Circle go all the way around so the

First thing I’ll do is just outline what I think the rough shape should be with dirt now it’s important that I take some time to get this right and make sure it’s not just like completely flat and boring all right that’s the first half done which I think looks pretty good now

Let’s just build up the other half and there we go the entire outline is complete now we can go through and build this in a series of steps starting with the spruce around the outside adding in the basalt which I have to do this weird flying maneuver to place uh yeah didn’t

Think that one through after that I can go through adding in our railing filling in the floor and there we go the Upper Floor is installed also quick Wheat Farm check it’s actually kind of working so that’s cool however it’s not working that great so I’m going to tear down

This other half and replace it with a cactus farm since I will need a lot of green DY for this build the idea I’m having is to build a series of archways up here to house the bookshelves and then we can go through and texture in some moss green terracotta in Mangrove

Wood which from a distance makes it look all old and overgrown which I kind of like and about 1 hour later all of the archways are in now it’s just time to add in the bookshelves which will go in the gaps here so uh Peta if you’re

Watching now might be a good time to click away sorry for um killing your parents my bad and after Gathering the resources to make more bookshelves I’m officially 25% complete with the upper section this is where I realize the mistake that I’ve made you see going into this for some

Reason I thought that wheat would be the bottleneck in making all of these bookshelves you know hence why I built that entire Wheat Farm but it turns out getting enough cows for leather and sugar cane for paper is the true problem here because yeah all of these guys are

Still babies so here’s the plan I will turn this area above the cactus farm into another sugar cane Farm which will take care of the paper but as far as the cows go I really can’t do anything but wait for them to grow up and while I was waiting I suddenly remembered that

Librarian villagers can have a bookshelf trade hang on a second am I being dumb Again yep yep I’m being dumb I really don’t know how I’ve been playing Minecraft for over a decade and I just remembered that but what I do know is that this villager breeder has been working overtime now I think if I put some water here that should push them to

The front and allow the mine cart to pick them up and then we just send them to their temporary holding cell it’s box number six I think that six of these guys should be good no dude oh man that just hurts and it’s pretty simple we

Just put electr down and if they sell bookshelves we buy it if not we break it and try again now the real secret here will be to find a zombie aha here we go oh I I think he’s stuck hang on let me help come this way buddy I’ve got some

People I’d like for you to meet okay scratch that there’s only five villagers now that they’ve turned it’s just a matter of throwing a weakness potion giving them golden apples and waiting for them to convert back into villagers and after repeating that process a few times we have bookshelf

Trades for one Emerald the peace my friends And Bam the upper section of the library is officially done and I wish um that I could say it’s coming along nicely but I still have to build the entire lower section and while in the past I’ve done a lot of building without any planning whatsoever this is not what that video

Is about so I’ve taken the liberty and done a bit of Designing in my creative world and I’ve made a list of every material I will need to finish this part of the build so yeah let’s get collecting so to start things off I need some smooth Stone so first I’ll go ahead

And Chuck a bunch of this Stone into my super smelter and while that’s going I’ll collect some stripped dark oak wood now I don’t know why I’ve just realized but it’s way faster to strip it while chopping it down initially I feel like I’m a bit of a noob for that but anyways

Moving on now if you thought bookshelves were annoying to get before I will need about three times the amount for this next part so yeah that’s fun I’ll also need Blackstone Moss chiseled bookshelves and a bunch more clay for terracotta man I am really doing a

Number on these Rivers you guys now I’ll Fortune up a bunch of this copper toss that into the smelter craft that into cut copper and space it out around here to start aging ooh how riveting but not as riveting as me collecting mud the manual way like a peasant oh that’s

That’s lovely I forgot I already got a bunch of that earlier in the episode woo so I’m realizing now that copper takes way longer to age than I first realize so I think what I’ll do is head out here and just and I actually saw this trick where apparently if you build

A mangrove box for yourself hi there once you emerge uh yeah yeah all of your copper should be aged that that was a dumb bit I’m sorry moving along I now want to head out in search of a coral reef because I think that it would look

Super cool to use some of that in a central Pond area okay hang on this is not a coral reef but I’m going to want to come back here oh and would you look at that a coral reef is basically right next to it and after collecting up a bit

Of dirt to craft into Co dirt and grabbing the rest of this copper it’s finally time to begin building so the first thing I think we need is a pillar to support this upper balcony yeah yeah I think that’ll Work and the idea here is that in each of these little pockets uh yeah hi I’m calling this a pocket we can put a different color wool and think of these like different genres of books that you’d find in your library and then using Blackstone we can kind of build an

Archway like so and fill in the rest with bookshelves and I got to say I am really loving how this is coming together what I’m not loving however is this floor uh yeah it’s it’s really ugly so to start things off I’ll outline the pathways with Mossy stone brick slabs

And as far as the pathways themselves I’m thinking that just smooth Stone would look really good I don’t really want these paths to be anything that draws your eyes away from the bright and vibrant library but for the middle section here just completely forget what

I just said because I want to turn this into a fancy Pond oh and would you look at that there’s literally a bunch of water right below here yeah this should make filling in this bad boy a breeze now eventually I’ll figure out the shape

But for now I want to go in with a layer of oxidized copper since this is touching water after all followed by a layer of Jacko lanterns even more copper and Polished with salt uh sorry pal but pool’s closed now we’ll just cover the floor with some dirt before filling in

The rest of the water also I I guess the water that was already in here was not helpful because now I’m having a heck of a time making all of these water source blocks like I swear normally these would just all fill in on their own but

They’re not for some reason and it’s driving me crazy my sanity aside now we need a staircase to be able to walk in and out of the pool correction we need three staircases apparently and finally it’s time to address this middle section so I’m thinking we dig a hole right here

Put some water in and then have it flow into the pool almost like it’s supplying the entire area with its water which is cool but you know what would be even cooler is adding in a bunch more detail so I’ll go through now with some trap

Doors to cover the Jackal lanterns a bit of so soil mud and corer on the floor some sea pickles for lighting a few pieces of coral for that color and lastly some kelp because I wanted to and it’s looking really good but while I was

Building this I had an idea that I just can’t get out of my head and it involves heading all the way back out here to the m Island well actually below it because I think the pond needs some axolotes okay there’s 1 2 3 4 and five five

Should be good also can we just take a moment to look at how big this lava lake is like what is this dude and I shall name you guys Paulo Abraham Rosa Oly and Harold so at this point the main library build is nearly done except these

Gardens in the back are still completely empty so I think on the lower section here I’ll just add in some torch flowers you can’t really go wrong with these bad boys now as for these back sections though I’m thinking a custom Cherry Tree on either side will tie the area

Together perfectly before finally adding in a back trim with some composters and Mangrove leaves as well as some bamboo and with that I think we can finally say that the main library build is complete more importantly that means we can finally start working on phase three of this project which involves giving these

Villagers a proper home oh my God I did not realize how many of you were here okay yep that’s it you guys are cut off no more babies for you okay so the first thing I want to do is install some fences around the villagers to keep them

Safe because they’re going to actually require more space than the library currently provides and to get more space I think I’m going to start digging into this wall actually now you’ll notice that I’m filling in the walls here with chiseled bookshelves instead of regular ones and there’s actually a reason for

That apart from looking cool chiseled bookshelves can hold individual books more specifically these book and quills which you can write whatever you want in and that’s where you guys come in you see apart from this being a massive project it’s also a very special one to

Me because this is episode 25 in this hardcore series and lately I’ve been feeling quite nostalgic and just kind of reflective on this world and everything we’ve accomplished over the last 2 years not even just in game but like in life I guess you see creating Minecraft videos

Has been a dream of mine ever since I knew that it was a thing you could do and this hardcore world has allowed me to do not only that but somehow turn it into my career because for any of this to happen that means my videos or my

Builds my hilarious jokes definitely not that one something had to resonate with all of you so instead of just sitting here thinking about my favorite memories from this journey I asked you guys to share some of yours so these chiseled bookshelves will allow me to quite literally fill this library with real

Memories and real stories from all of you in fact my end goal is to fill this entire thing with comments from you guys but let’s start small after all my villagers are still homeless and the first set of villagers to move are these librarian Ian now I know what you’re

Thinking a holding cell isn’t really any more Humane than a box it’s actually less Humane and to that I say yeah you’re right but I really needed somewhere for these guys to go so I’m sorry and I’ve been reading all of your comments about your favorite builds from

The series so far and I think it would be really awesome to use this Library as a place to recreate some of those old memories just with a new twist and one of the most commented builds by far was our old underground base which was called the undergrow now the basic

Premise of the base was that it was a series of underground tree roofs connecting through various tunnels so I think we’ll just go ahead and start digging out a massive area through this doorway and recreate a version of that base over here now there should be a pretty straightforward process as long

As I don’t run into any water caves oh why can’t anything be easy for me oh hey what’s up laise I guess I’m freeing you guys so uh have a good life and now that the water is finally on I can start clearing out a big tunnel

Through here making sure to keep the villagers safe for the time being and for now I’ll give myself a flat area to work with and then I’ll go through outlining what I think I want the rough shape to be and believe me when I say

This room is going to be very large so I’ll continue digging on the opposite side of the villagers over here and wrap it all the way around next up I’ll go through and carve out the shape of the ceiling just a little bit and I guess the villagers are free now also they’re

Under attack how fun see this is what happens when you you run away from home so I’ll just put you back in your box for now already there’s so much room for activity in here but we’re not even close to being finished and before I keep digging I want to start getting a

Block pallet in now initially I used oak logs but I think just adding a slight twist with dark oak here instead would work pretty good and my favorite thing about this base is just how darn easy it is to build I literally just Spam dark

Oak logs all over the place and then go through dotting in random pieces of dark oak planks and Moss all around until you’re left with this which honestly looks okay right now but will look way better the more that we keep building with it and I’m glad I didn’t make the

Floor any lower because I can barely reach the ceiling as his and I’m also realizing just how much dark oak this is going to require like stupid amounts of dark oak okay but as we continue expanding the blocks from the ceiling along to the walls you can really see

How the effect is beginning to take shape and the last thing this needs is some leaves scattered throughout which really brings the whole thing together and adds that tree Vibe ah I feel like I’m back home already this is so cool you guys but what’s not cool is just how

Much digging I still have to do because this is just the ceiling area it’s going to be way bigger in here there’s something just so peaceful about insta mining for long periods of time I swear it just puts me in this like relaxed State I feel like my brain is always

Going a million miles an hour so just hearing the stone break it just kind of calms things down and then I can just chill and put on some music or a podcast and honestly just Vibe so I’ve been working on the area here for a few hours

And it’s coming along nicely but I think a staircase here at the entrance would make sense and it doesn’t need to be anything really all too fancy just kind of a way to get me up and down out of here there we go that should do now we

Can go ahead and continue our expansion this time adding in a little bit of a slope so it’s not completely flat and boring oh yeah dude that is so much better it does mean however that it’s time to fill in the floor so it’s back to placing in a bunch more dark oak

Wood there we go you guys and just like that the undergrove is officially rebuilt and now that we have this space cleared out we can go through in markof areas to build more of your guys favorite things and for the next one we have to go way

Back all the way to the very first episode of the series where I transformed the spawn village now luckily the block pallet is really simple for this for starters I’ll just need some Spruce Wood after that I’ll need some snow which I can conveniently find right on these mountain tops hold

Up did that horse just get yeed off the mountain by the goat why would you do that anyways after Gathering more bits and Bobs I think we are good to begin building the first house will go right here now I remember building these initially and having a super hard time

Getting them right now they just kind of come together pretty easily I guess that’s what happens when you build for 2 and 1/2 years straight all right there’s one house house number two number three and number four this one looks pretty bad because it’s on a diagonal but

That’s okay I guess and then we can just go through and connect everything thing together with these deep slate Pathways add in some Mossy rocks for more detail and even give each house a super simple interior and there we go I I just built a pretty nice looking Village in like 20

Minutes there were also a bunch of comments referencing many of the Farms that I’ve built in the series and while I’m not going to be building any more of them in this video I do have a pretty cool idea to revamp one of the Farms I

Built a long time ago and it’s going to go right here you see way up in the surface I have this iron farm that I built and it’s just kind of always running in the background but but I never really get to see it because it’s

Outside of the village wall so I was thinking we could dig a massive tunnel rrow all of the golems that spawn all the way down into our base that way we can at least see the farm in action and yeah I was not kidding when I

Said that this would be a massive tunnel and I believe like right here should line up with the killing chamber I built uh yeah it does cool um excuse me sir if you don’t mind I’ll I’ll just uh yeah the last thing this needs is some water

Streams and after having a bit of trouble getting the Golems to round the corners I think we’re pretty much good okay yep he’s mad and he is fast I’m out of here now once we install the lava the iron farm is officially rerouted bro this is so much cooler than what it was

Before I also feel kind of bad watching him burn right in front of me oh well but I might as well get used to this feeling because what I’m about to build is way worse honestly it’s kind of Twisted so firstly it’s going to require

Me to dig out a rather large area right about here should be good now in terms of the de creation I’ll just blend it in to meet the similar aesthetic that we’ve been using and I’ll also add some dripstone to the ceiling because why not now I’m aware this is probably Bad Karma

But the idea I’m having is to build what I’m calling a mob merrygoround torture device basically it’s an endless chamber for Hostile Mobs to be stuck in and once the water is in I pretty much just have to install the elevator and this thing is ready for use now as if torturing a

Bunch of creepers and zombies wasn’t bad enough now I’m going through adding in these little pods and what I can do is Route a super long highway from them up to the Villager breeder oh you guys are going to like this and then boom we have spectators look I hate creepers as much

As the next guy but even this feels a little bit messed up oh well I’ve already committed and speaking of creepers now let’s try and find some hostile mobs for this thing I will call you hash brown no no no don’t don’t blow up don’t blow up and if we’re careful we

Should be able to lead you right here into the torture chamber okay I guess he’d rather be dead than inside of thisy contration honestly don’t blame him we have cheeseburger McNuggets hot fudge sunde McDouble strawberry banana smoothie McChicken Oreo McFlurry who keeps trying to shoot me please stop Double Quarter Pounder

With cheese fig Mac fileo fish please stop shooting me again and lastly sorry our ice cream machine is broken now it looks like the skeletons actually drowned cowards but as for the rest of you welcome to the fun zone now because we name tagged them they shouldn’t despawn meaning they’ll

Basically be stuck in this Loop well well forever I will add a safety fence though just in case not for myself though but for these guys yeah that’s right you guys it’s time that we address this isur that is my villager holding cell and finally let these guys move

Into the village that we built just a little bit ago and after building them a little staircase up and down I’ll just grab their workstations and move them inside of these houses and then they should just kind of pathf find their way into the village on their own except for

This guy he’s being dumb dude I have waited so long to remove this ugly box this feels amazing and it’s definitely freed up some more space in here which is good because there’s still two more things I want to try and recreate throughout this area and this one is

Actually a combination of multiple things it’s also unfortunately the biggest one yet so here I am yet again digging out a massive room and I will turn this one into a Circle so what I’m thinking is I want to turn this area into a sort of fishing village with a large pond in the middle and this is one of my personal favorite builds because it relates back to that one time I spent 13 hours straight on a live

Stream fishing until I caught a mending book now there’s really no logical reason to do this unless you’re green and definitely no way it should have been fun but honestly just chilling out and chatting with you guys while fishing is something I’ll always remember from

This journey now in terms of the build I want to add a ring of spruce around the outside which will kind of act as a dock and then that’s going to surround the body of water here in the middle now this is where things start to intertwine

Because apart from this being a fishing Village it’s also going to have a witch hut emerging from the middle of the water oh yeah dude that looks so good and while I was back in the swamp killing slimes way earlier in the video I couldn’t help but notice a stray black

Cat running around and I think that you would be a perfect fit back at the base and even though I really hate to do this I’m going to name you Dennis because so many of you mentioned him as your favorite memory from this world now the

Last time I did this he pretty much ruined my life so fingers crossed that doesn’t happen again and finally I can go through placing in a bunch of barrels connecting up another rail line all the way to the Villager breeder and then moving a metric ton of these fellas into

The fishing Village oh look a Congo line hold up how many of you are stuck in this one block hello and there we go the fishing Village is complete and that just means there’s one final build to recreate this portion of the video is brought to you by my chickens uh yeah I

Just wanted to remind you guys that for every book I put in the library I have to slaughter one of these guys so hopefully you don’t mind and speaking of you guys I took some time that night going through all of your comments and adding every single one of them to the

Build if you see a heart that means that you’re in the library now you might notice that this area is very large and that’s because we are going to build an entire cyberpunk city down here now obviously it’s going to be nowhere near as large as the previous one I built

That one took 5 months alone and was very painful but considering this was by far the most commented thing from you guys it felt illegal to leave it out and while the previous builds can mostly be just thrown together with a few simple materials that is not the case for this

Build because each of these Stone outlines will be made entirely out of different blocks and Colors bro what why are there so many of you here like Huh now you’re probably wondering Brock those are some pretty weird blocks that you’re using there how did you think to come up with them well it’s pretty simple I didn’t you see this cyberpunk build style works really well when you use a lot of gradients which is basically where one block transitions to

Another block to add some shading and texture now if you’re good with colors and have some time to kill you could definitely experiment on your own and find good block palettes for this but if you’re anything like me and can’t tell the difference between yellow and orange

Half the time seriously why is it so difficult you can just use this website called Hue blocks all you do is decide what block you want to start with and then what block you want to end with and it generates all of the blocks in between and obviously I spent a lot of

Time adding in window trims doorways and basic Interiors but I just want to show you that getting a strong black pette is arguably half the battle and once we fill in this back wall and connect the buildings up with Pathways the mini cyberpunk city is actually done I forgot

How tedious this build style can be it just requires so many different blocks dude the other thing it requires is villagers because yeah there are still a stupid amount of these guys left to put in houses so to start things off I’ll just fill in these buildings with as

Many workstations that will possibly fit before going through and absolutely cramming these guys in like sardines and would you look at that I just happened to have the perfect amount of villagers not a single one left over that I needed to kill or anything no definitely not so

Far in this video I’ve made an evil air built an entire library and recreated your guys favorite builds from the series so far which means it’s finally time to move on to phase four of this massive project you see not only do I want this library to capture memories

From this world but I kind of want it to serve as a Time capsule and capture the feeling of old Minecraft you see recently I’ve stumbled onto various Minecraft channels from creators playing in beta versions of Minecraft these videos focus on a more simple stripb version of the game and watching these

Videos has had me Reminiscing on my own early Minecraft experiences so for phase 4 I’m going to lean into these feelings and try and build something that fully captures those early days of the game and to do this I’m going to have to do more than build just a crappy little box

Out of Oak PL although that might work to be fair in fact to do this I’m going way back on May 9th 2012 just 6 months after the official release of Minecraft 1.0 on PC Minecraft Xbox 360 edition hit the market and this allowed so many kids who

Didn’t have a computer including myself to finally experience what Minecraft was all about and while this version of Minecraft was literally years behind the actual game in terms of features it did come with one thing that separated it from its PC counterpart and that was this tutorial World which I just so

Happened to find a download for in 2024 oh man this is going to be really weird you guys um I haven’t seen this place in over a decade which is honestly crazy to think about and for so many people like myself included this world was the first time we got to experience Minecraft now the game was a lot

Different back then uh for starters the audio was super weird as you can hear like your footsteps just sound like you’re walking on eggshells the whole time there’s no sprinting uh no hunger bar and boats apparently just break when you try and get out of them also skins

Weren’t around yet because hello I I’m Steve apparently anyways so you spawn here in this Courtyard and you pretty much instantly find this half constructed wooden box which I guess you’re intended to finish building yourself and then if you keep following this gravel pathway uh you come up to

This weird archway entrance thing which I think might be Minecraft’s first Lial space and once you get through that you’re met with one of the earliest Renditions of a village now it’s actually kind of funny because despite only having like five blocks in the entire game the houses look pretty much

Just as good as they do now which is kind of sad actually the Interiors are all really basic I mean there’s basically just a bed inside it seems and there’s also this well in the middle which is there anything below here actually no no it doesn’t look like it o

This is quite a fancy house we have over here I remember always trying to build my houses to look like this one back in the day I actually think that the modern Villages could use a house like this but as neat as this place is you might have

Noticed that there’s no villagers and that’s because at this point in development they weren’t even in the game yet as far as I know don’t quote me on that but something about this just makes the whole place feel eerily quiet and you feel very alone I guess and I

Remember as a kid being very scared while playing Minecraft and I guess I just thought that feeling went away because I grew up or whatever but here I am as a 27-year old dude and I am still absolutely terrified right now now I think when you take damage this super

Weird noise is made and then the main way to heal is just by eating pork chops which don’t even stack in your inventory hang on I better sleep okay that was not necessary moving along next up is this Minecart Track going into the Hillside and if you take

A ride along it you go all the way here to this castle entrance hang on how do I how do I get out of this thing now I remember looking at this Castle in 201 12 like it was Green’s hermitcraft 7 base so it has this Archway out front

And the inside is like this super Bare Bones and open courtyard and what’s down here oh that’s right it leads to this dock area that connects up to the ocean below that’s so cool and then we have these spiraling staircases that take you up to the towers as well as this big

Open room which I guess is supposed to be some sort of a church dude the torch bam in here is real now back here in the middle area one of the other things I love to do was pillar up to this big Minecraft sign because once you get up

Here you can pretty much see the whole world to know if you missed anything like over there there’s another Village it seems and there’s also a tower way out in the distance and what looks like a desert as well hang on a second do beds break your

Fall nope they don’t also I think I just discovered a duplication glitch that is so weird dude but yeah I just remember spending countless hours exploring in living in this world I know that when I was younger the building side of Minecraft was always super daunting to

Me so the fact that I could just load up in here and there were already some pre-built structures just added so much to the experience for me and while walking around here I’ve been kind of just taking in the scenery and collecting some screenshots of things I

Want to try and rebuild which means it’s time we return back to the hardcore world and get working so right through here is where I want to begin our expansions and there’s nothing more fitting I can think to put here than that Lial Archway from the tutorial world now I’ve taken exact screenshots

So as far as I know these two inside rooms are 100% accurate but something doesn’t quite feel right there we go that’s better in case you missed it I just swapped to the old textures which are basically Minecraft but old and since I’m underground right now I’m

Going to start digging out a staircase into what will eventually be called beta Boulevard clever I know I came up with it myself now the block pette should be very easy after all we only had three of them back in the day taking out this giant room however might take a bit hang

On I got to get efficiency 5 put on this Fortune pickaxe there we go and the reason I’m using that pickaxe is is to get all of this Cobble because it’s actually going to make up the walls of this entire room look I’m going for accuracy not Aesthetics here and this is

Totally something that 15-year-old Brock would have done something else that 15-year-old Brock would have done is have his entire base have a grass floor which is actually impressive because back in the day I definitely didn’t have silk touch now the first structure will go right here and this one is going to

Be a sort of animal Barn I suppose now I know it’s not the most visually um aesthetic thing you’ve ever laid your eyes on far from it actually but this was as good as it gets back in the day what’s not good is the fact that it has

No animals in it but I think we can fix that I’ll grab a cow a pig and a sheep push them into this hole uh wa that’s that’s kind of wild and there we go you all get to hang out here forever U sorry there we go a second house is in nothing

Special here house number three though look at this bad boy really moving up in the world did I say up I meant down because through this well is where the magic well happened I’m so sorry I just said that I remember as a kid being totally obsessed with secret passageways

Or hidden rooms basically anything that let me feel completely invisible kind of dark when I put it that way but in Minecraft I took any chance I could to bring this to life so down here at the bottom of the well I think I’ll just dig

Out a little tunnel and at the end of said tunnel I’ll use the oldest trick in the book with a painting which by today’s standards isn’t the most secure entrance by any means but in 2012 you could use this to guard your most prized possessions and that’s exactly what I’m

Going to do because in this room will be my bedroom now I also call using a ton of leaves as building blocks back in the day which it’s no wonder I would go on to make an entire Mega base that’s based off of a tree now that I think about it

What can I say I’m A Simple Man a simple man who loves his diamonds because through here is the most high security top secret vault you’ve ever seen now there wasn’t really much to do with diamonds back in the day so I would always have one of these rooms attached

To my bedroom I could use more diamonds though this is a bit embarrassing there we go that’s better but the last thing this needs is a guardian you know just in case this ever gets broken into all right little guy come with me I will sit you right here upon your diamond throne

And most importantly I’ll name you bud after my childhood dog I miss you buddy hope you’re doing all right wherever you are and now that we’re all crying over our childhood pets let’s add a cool factor to this base and while I think we can agree that Minecarts are a pretty

Boring part of Minecraft today before the addition of elytra or even sprinting for that matter they were actually a pretty awesome way to get around so to make this place a bit more fun I’m going to dig out a custom track starting from the bedroom that works with way all the

Way through the village and back up into the Lial entrance area now we just add in the rails power these bad boys up and boom we are ready to take a ride through beta Boulevard with the first four phases complete we are just left with one final objective now before I tell you what that is it’s important to get a bit more context about how we got here on June 4th 2023 I uploaded a video called 10 hours to save my world from deletion in

This video I set a challenge for myself to get every advancement in this world in 10 hours with the caveat that I delete the world if I fail now at the time of this video I was completely burned out with this hardcore series and to be honest I made that challenge for

Myself almost hoping that I would fail but Against All Odds when I got that last advancement with only a single minute left I was left feeling totally confused and while I couldn’t delete the world now I did the second closest thing to that by traveling 100 ,000 blocks

From home destroying all my stuff and putting on this stupid cursive binding leather armor in a lot of ways doing all this was really stupid but I didn’t care I was honestly pretty bitter towards Minecraft at the time but being so far from home with no resources and really

Questionable armor I was forced to kind of take things slow and have a fresh start slowly but surely I started building firstly by transforming this Village and eventually making this monstrosity completely from scratch without any planning at all in a way I was just kind of forced to refine my

Love for Minecraft while I was out here so for Phase 5 it’s time that we come full circle and finish this story once and for all I’m heading home and I’m doing it by foot oh I might regret this okay so if I’m going to actually do

This I think I need some ground rules so I guess firstly I’ll say no elytra I mean that kind of removes the whole point of this being a hard challenge so how can I get around well I’ll keep it vague and just say that I must travel

Either by foot boats or other means but we’ll get to those ones later hopefully and it looks like right over here we are approaching a village hang on how many of these do you guys think I’m going to find along the way home I’m going to

Guess 34 but that number might be way off dude I have no idea and speaking of numbers I’ve been doing some very precise and by that I mean extremely not precise calculations and I found that if I Sprint the entire 113,000 blocks home I should make it home in just under 6

Hours bro that is crazy I can literally drive to the airport and fly almost anywhere in the US before that why did I just jump in that cave anyways considering I’m already like 5,000 blocks into this journey I should probably tell you why I’m doing it this

Way yeah I don’t really know I guess the closest thing I can compare to is like a road trip I mean there’s just so much of this Minecraft world that I’ve never seen and this is probably the only chance I’ll get to see half of this terrain and already I’m getting

Sidetrack searching these caves I want to try and find a saddle which will open up a few more Transportation options got nothing but a bunch of skeletons that want to kill me all right well I tried I really wanted to get a saddle but I guess it’s just not the cards for right

Now back on the journey we go we got a long ways to go I’m going to just like put on a podcast and just keep walking I guess as of right now we are officially in the 99,000 meaning we are only five digits away from home which still feels

Um very far away because it is very far away also this dude’s just big chilling on top of his Purge oh my God not one but two Saddles were in this Village everyone meet rert and with this device rert can take us home we’re going to do it we’re going to

Go the whole way home on this pig I will take the saddle though however I do need that we can finally get a camel what’s up buddy I shall name you Tommy sorry Thomas no time for rest my friend we must go we have Adventures to be on we have places to be

Update uh me and Tommy are are climbing a mountain it seems we two mountain boys mountain men just trying to get a good view look at this view Thomas look at what we did we did this together no no no no Tommy Tommy be careful be careful

Okay Tommy listen man it’s been fun it’s been real I I’ll catch you sometime later can we get some Fs in the chat for Tommy he’s just he’s not cut out for this life so I have good news and I have bad news the good news is that I have

Traveled 25,000 blocks in just the last couple hours since I started this journey back home the bad news is that I am out of food I don’t know why I forgot about bringing food that was not my smartest plan like I really don’t know

What to do now I mean it’s not like I’m going to settle down and build a house or anything actually that’s a pretty good idea I should do that I would say you guys are probably surprised but then again I don’t think I could do anything that would surprise

You at this point also this is Perry everyone say hi Perry I mean this is just this is ridiculous this is inhumane I I feel kind of bad I made way too many sheep also did I spend the entire afternoon yesterday making this entire base and breeding up all of these sheep

Just for a little bit of food yes yes I did in fact no I just killed Perry oh no oh that’s so tragic bro day two was another long one so I’ll go ahead and just cover some of the highlights for starters I found a bunch more Villages oh look

Village I also found a pink sheep which I killed and this Mangrove swamp on top of a mountain honestly I didn’t even know that was possible I also found these two random M shaft chests just chilling out in the open not sure what that’s about but I will never complain

About free golden apples I went ice skating found some cool floating islands with a sheep on top of them came across this insane mountain range and overall just had a blast seeing what wonders this world had to offer I flew through the 70,000 the 60,000 and the 50,000

Meaning I was officially halfway home and I really thought this would have been a more exciting Milestone but ironically it was the darkest one yet I guess it just made me feel further from home than ever since I was kind of caught in the middle between two

Different bases so I put my head down and kept on moving through the 40,000 onto the 30,000 and eventually into the 20,000 when I made quite the discovery we are officially 24,000 blocks from home which uh might not mean anything to you but it does mean that that we are

Officially in the outermost stronghold rank there could be a stronghold below my feet okay I got to run hang on and it’s the first time that I can say that in over half a year which is honestly wild this was such a huge motivator for

Me I know it might sound crazy but I was starting to question whether I would ever make it home I know in theory that everything is still safe and sound right where I left it but when you’ve just spent the last two full days running in a straight line and finding absolutely

Nothing but the occasional Village your mind kind kind of starts to play tricks on you but this was just the reminder I needed that there was in fact an end in sight and I was making it home today so it’s day three of this journey and I don’t really have time for an

Intro I’m just going to keep running I think what I’ll do is update you guys every 1,000 blocks or something 15,000 14,000 13,000 12,000 11,000 before long I was less than 10,000 blocks from home meaning our journey was more than 90% finished and I was starting to become

Flooded with so many memories from this world I was about to be reunited with so many builds countless farms and amazing stories for the first time in over half a year before long I hit the 5,000 block Mark then the 4,000 block Mark and the 3,000 block Mark and just as I was

Crossing into the 2,000 block Milestone I was met with quite a welcome sight I don’t know when I’ve been here but I’ve been here because this portal did not make itself I did that too what is this wait a second I know where I am am this

Is where I killed the all five animals with one crossbow shot like I know that logically in a few hundred blocks I’m going to stumble onto builds that I’ve made over 2 years ago like they’re going to they’re going to still be there but when you’ve been traveling for

113,000 blocks straight and finding nothing that is of any familiarity you kind of start to doubt yourself like am I really in the same Minecraft world that I once began but it is true oh my goodness we have made made it home look at all of this you guys the tree the

Castle The Village my slime farm that doesn’t work anymore I took some time that afternoon just roaming through the world and visiting all of the old build sites and as nice as it feels to be back home seeing all of my builds something just doesn’t feel quite

Right oh yep there there goes the helmet there goes the boots there goes the pants and there goes the chest plate I once again naked and honestly I’m not mad about it thank you all so much for 25 amazing episodes of Hardcore Minecraft now I just got to figure out

How to get back to that Library

this video took so dang long to make lol. thanks for your patience as always. more vids soon i promise.

music from:
https://c418.org/ (original minecraft soundtracks)

– villager breeder @LogicalGeekBoy
– wheat farm @1lastlemon

GFUEL LINK!!! (10% off)
Link: https://gfuel.ly/3OnV2KS
Code: NotNotBrock (use this at checkout)


  1. I have been following your channel for quite a little while now and now the name of 'NotNotBrock' makes me remember 'MooSnuckel' another ex youtuber (recently retired and he was a part of the Vanoss Crew) his name is actually Brock too…anyways like your builds and your hardcore series in general and what's with every Brock I see ever being a genuinely good guy (your voice makes me feel like you have a pure soul energy)😅

  2. this is actually one of the most INCREDIBLE videos I have EVER seen. I absolutely adore Minecraft, but I'm not sure I could spend that long on one world. Amazing builds, amazing video! Now time to watch the first episode back up to this one. New subscriber!

  3. I teared up. This adventure down the memory lane was truly amazing. I'm happy your crazy idea of starting over 113000 blocks away helped you to rediscover your love and enjoyment for Minecraft. I can't wait to see what else you'll come up with 😌💜

  4. The whole episode is great and I love the ending but that first 5 minutes: the setup, the storytelling & the anticipation … what a great edit. Fantastic times – can't wait for what's next.

  5. Love your videos so much man. And you as a person. If you will ever expand the library, please put this line in for me:
    “The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed.”
    (You should try to read The Dark Tower series btw)

  6. I really love your videos! I`m also using often your design of your underground base! My favourite build is the one where you build the castle of Lord of the rings in the underground base. Hope there are coming more videos in the future!

  7. Brock, this is one of the best vids I have seen ever. I didnt realy liked your last 5 vids, but this one is on a nother Level. I dont realy know what is different, but i loved it. Please do more vid like this one and not like the last 5. But, if you want to make vids like the last 5, then that is your choise and i gues that these vids then wont be for me. I want you to have fun making these kind of Movies and i would love to be able to enjoy these movies myself. Hopfully i will so you in your next vid that will be even better then this on!

  8. Dude I think I only watched 4/5 episode (entirely), but this one made me feel like this season was with me the entire time. Thanks for this beautiful piece of minecraft experience

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