Is Terraria Master Mode SUMMONER ONLY Possible?

Can you beat Terraria Master mode as a Summoner of course you can I’ve seen a dude beat Terraria with just his toes it’s more of a question of can I beat Terraria Master mode as a Summoner I have never beaten Terraria in master mode so why not combine that with

Summoner and let’s go on this adventure and see if I can beat the game with both we are finally here in master mode Summoner it’s about time I stopped dodging and ducking My Demons the two playthroughs that I did a master mode Summoner both abruptly ended that’s not

Happening today I have never beat terrarium Master mode I never really sat down and tried to be honest like full commitment to it other than like a playthrough or stream but that’s what this playthrough is going to be the thing is we got a little bit of a change

Of course as a Gamers videoos always got to be a little bit of something but that is I’m playing with a couple of mods not only do I have just the vanilla quality of life type mods but the big mod that we have in here not that one this one

Amulet of many minions adds in a bunch of new minions adds in a lot more fun stuff for Summoner I’m so excited I’ve been wanting to do a playthrough with the ambulator Min minions mod for a minute and master mode Summoner is that playthrough on top of that the other

Gigantic mod we have in here is the remnants mod which completely overhauls Terraria generation as I show you a blank map of nothing but you guys will see y’all will see when we get there but nothing too gamebreaking obviously even though I love playing giant mod packs that are gamebreaking because that’s the

Funnest part of mod packs yeah I’m so excited especially with the remnants mod on because the remnants mod if you guys don’t know is insane it changes up the world generation so much and I’ve been waiting to use it for a playthrough and I thought that this would be the perfect

Play through to do it on just because Master Mo Summoner you know it’s fairly vanilla pretty much almost fully vanilla in terms of quality of life stuff so this was the perfect play through to use a big mod like that I’m very excited though let’s get into it you know the

Hardest part of starting a Summoner run is getting your hands on that first weapon now Rel logic triy to make it a little bit easier not guaranteeing a finch staff or anything no that’d be too easy of course they made it a little bit easier by making you be able to Shimmer

Some of the living with like wands and stuff into a finch staff cuz of course being a Summoner playthrough it can never be too easy come on now that’s the whole point of the class but our goal right now is to find us a living wood

Tree and get our hands on a finch staff now the thing is we’re playing with amulet mini minions which does allow us to get a minion early game a different staff early game uh let me see here if I just make a workbench let us see yeah

Right here Acorn staff and then we got mildew leggings the thing is I’m just going to ignore that for now I know the whole point of me installing the mod was to you know obviously play it but I feel like it’s not Terraria Summoner if I’m not struggling in the beginning so we’re

Going to get our hands on a finch Staff first all right I went to the right and we have found the living with tree and as you can see that boy is big went to the left it was a desert so that was a great waste of time going that way but

Look at this living with tree now the goal is to find that beautiful Finch staff oh here it is okay still hard to find even with a big tree like this hold up we did get an accessory forge’s charm a little antt will AG you let’s see my

Boy oh my boy so that’s a little little summon pet nice little summon accessory pet I like that hold up chest number two come on do me good pause it didn’t do me good how many chests are in this living with tree and how many contain what I’m

Looking for what if just there’s no fch staff what if I get did dirty again and I got to make a whole new world oh my God it’s not looking good it’s not looking good did I even get like a living wood wand no it is not looking

Great okay we got a living wood wand oh this is getting bad cuz this means we’re going to have to go on a whole side quest just to get our first summon weapon I hope that there’s okay there’s another chest we still have hope oh my God and it’s Godly the heavens have

Blessed me Terraria gods have blessed me Rel logic themselves have blessed me with our first weapon the finch staff baby we only got one minion slot as usual but we got two technically cuz we got Lil ant and we got the finch staff so we should be chilling but the thing

Is this is Master mode no fun is allowed to Beav so we got to be very careful walking around I think our next goal is very simple here one that we don’t even have to go out and do it is make this mildew armor make this beautiful mildew

Armor what the heck all the plants are glowing out here bom mleo breast plate gives us a knock back in damage okay the Hat gives us defense and the pants also give us defense what is a set bonus your minions will release damaging fungi okay honestly I expected more minions but

I’ll I’ll take anything I guess I got many choices let’s fight our first that’s a big group of zombies what the heck just one know what forget just one one I got an army I got a early Army of boys here to help me out go ahead boys

They’re not doing great damage that’s that’s Master mode y’all an army like this early game any other difficulty would be great but in this difficulty it’s lightly tickling the enemies all right I actually have to like look at the wiki cuz I don’t even remember the progression the whole reason why I

Started a second Summoner only Master mode run was because that was when like 1.4.2 came out which is like a big buff and a bunch of changes like that’s when they added obsidian armor right but uh since then obsidian armor has been fondled with and is not the same

Greatness that it was when it first came out our next step fight the King Slime I know the playthrough just began but we got to get to it man so this is what we’re going to do we’re going to try and get our hands on some goodies down here

Aka some Life Crystals so we can sustain a couple hits if need be and maybe we’ll find some other goodies from the uh Amulet of mini minions mod we just need a a little something not too much to beat the King Slime but we need a little

Something I also want to get my hands on a whip I I really don’t even remember how to get my hands on a whip I think it’s the zoologist so we need to like go find a bunch of Critters and stuff so that’s going to be our plan but first

Before we end this clip what’s in this chest this special looking chest wow this is trash this remnants mod adds in a lot of cool things not only is like the whole entire world different and fun to explore again but like look at this little thing they got right here this

Little blessing you right click on it look at that run stock blessing 50% increase mining speed now here’s a question can I pick this up no you cannot pick it up it’s all good I just needed the blessing to get down and open our first gold chest of the Run what

Y’all got for me what y’all got for me okay we take a magic mirror I was looking for a double jump but I I’ll still take it the devil is watching me as we can see in the bottom left I’m going to just have to Thug it out and

Take a death it’s fine I need tombstones and stuff anyways so I can get my hands on Abby but I’m sitting here in the desert I completely forgot to uh get Beast shary entries for enemies you have to kill them so I’ve been sitting here in the desert trying to kill some

Enemies I don’t have the greatest gear so it kind of takes forever but we we’re getting there slowly we need 54 entries to just even unlock her and move in I don’t know how much we even need for the whip I guess we’re going to find out

Right and here’s the big boy himself we are dead already hey kill one of the the servants bro let’s get an entry from one of those the zoologist has finally moved moved in amazing finally I don’t even know oh she moved in over here too I

Don’t even know if I have enough in the Beary to buy the whip I got a good bit as we can see what a 10% oh I don’t know y’all I don’t know if that’s uh anywhere near enough my boy hater alert number one hater D1 hater I just got me a

Little drop down here in the snow biome and it’s a zealous crest of the north a viking Squad will fight for you click and hold to guide its attack a let’s see this baby in action all right oh shoot my boy dual wielding axes this thing does zero damage we are doing zero

Damage to this Golem but uh yeah this is a part of amul Min minions is kind of like a whip variant I would say in terms of having a hands- on weapon what the hell oh hell no yeah it’s a Hands-On weapon that you can use it’s pretty nice

And uh it’s a little bit of variety so that Summoner isn’t just holding left click with a whip you can switch out switch to your Squires and stuff it’s pretty cool it is time to fight the King Slime after insane preparation you think I’m fooling around this time of course

The Abigail flower I get is ignorant minus 177% damage so it was completely pointless getting awesome but look at this zoologist is here we can buy our whip oh my God beautiful we’re suited up ready to go should I spawn in Abigail bro it does five less damage I’m going

To do it anyways whatever King Slime fight let’s get it I’m either overly prepared or I’m underprepared I do got the faros mod uh texture pack on so if you guys are like oh it looks like the Faro mod stuff that’s why I like to have

A little bit of uh variety when I play terrario playthroughs I can put on a little texture pack here and there let’s get it I’m ready we’re going to use a little bit of our Squire a little bit of our whip just switch back and forth we

Don’t need to minmax too hard against this boss fight it’s the King Slime after all my movement should be good enough my health should be good my health better be good enough I got Max Health but I did a good bit of exploring to uh you know make sure that I’m going

Dominate this fight I’m actually going to need my summons to do some damage to all the other enemies here cuz they are they’re starting to fill the arena up a little bit we want to do a little bit of crowd controlling yeah it’s nice having the Squire because obviously having the

Whip I’m just going to hear that noise 24/7 so it’s nice to switch to a squire and just not hear the constant whip cracking noise like I’m watching Johnny Test or Jack sepai intro I think I’m still on the bandwagon of the King Slime getting slight overhaul in a future ter

Update I’m not asking for no Empress Al light Moon Lord I’m not asking for that now I’m asking for like maybe a second phase just a little bit more variation in attack because he does legitimately just bounce around this it I mean the theme Works King Slime giant slime the

Theme works but you know even for master mode and just any other mode it does even need to be Master mode it just that boy needs like a second phase or something switch up the fight maybe he randomly slams the floor and like expands horizontally I don’t know just something

I want love for the King Slime cuz I like the King Slime I like how basic he is in terms of looks I like what he stands for he’s a good politician but he needs to earn some respect out here and I’ll be honest with you he’s not earning

Too much respect he’s the first boss of the game I don’t even think he was originally the first boss of the game I think the arulu came out before him so he technically ain’t even really the first boss of the game but he’s usually the first boss you fight just to dip

Your feet into the water but there you go King Slime is dead again hopefully he a beautiful overhaul someday doesn’t need to be anything crazy but first boss in the playthrough is dead I’m ready to take on the eye I think we have the gear

To take on the eye but maybe I’ll do a little bit more exploring as you can see I’ve done a crazy amount of exploring I went to the Granite biome snow biome I went into the corruption obviously to make the Slime Crown I’ve done a good

Bit of exploring man so I don’t even know what I really need to do before we fight the eye probably not too much I guess the one thing I would like is Maybe better armor I do have some flinx stuff so maybe I can make that flinx

Armor set get a couple more minions from it if it even gives you minions I don’t remember I have done a little off camera mining as they say I have the snap Thorn and I found this staff of darts Su is a dart throwing monkey to fart for you I

Just said fart for you on accident whatever I’ll take any help I can get farting fighting it don’t matter let’s fight the brain we should be able to take it I hope hold up let me make sure I got my potions right boom Regen and then honestly that should be it do we

Have any like food I can eat and then make sure I get the big boy potions not the the little Potions all right let’s get it I’m ready aulu this low key could be a early fight H I don’t know I have full health so actually don’t think it’s

Early at all I’m ready to go crazy though I literally just made the snap Thorn so the snap Thorn better go crazy oh man snap thr is good man it’s kind of crazy how this isn’t locked behind progression like 90% of other things you can get on or get your hands

On into eara cuz like Rel logic really made it and hammered in a point that like anything that you get in progression that you’re not supposed to get they would usually like either Nerf the item or just not allow you to get the item at all good example is like the

Water Bolt so I’m surprised that they still let you kind of get your hands on this thing early cuz it’s a great item it’s like most people just skip the leather whip I’m probably going to attempt to get my hands on everything just because it feels only right in a

Playthough like this to do that but there’ll probably be things where like I’ll just get my hands on them and not use them but I’ll get my hands on them just for the sake of me being a little bit of a completionist but like yeah the

Leather whip I didn’t even need to get my hands on at all I just did it just because I I don’t know it just didn’t feel right if I went straight to the uh this the snap throwing but this was a nice and easy fight of course we’re

Allowed to use our Mount here for some extra damage cuz mounts do summon damage which you love to see that’s another boss complete I think we do one more if I’m going to split this series into episodes uh I think we do one more I don’t even remember how many bosses I

Went through per episode in the original series but uh who oh my God do not mean to do that who do we knock out next that is the real question uh probably whatever our world corruption is the thing is with the remnants mod we have the corruption here right and underneath

It if we go deeper we have the Crimson so I can legit choose any boss I want but I think the one that makes the most sense and the one that we should fight is of course the eater cuz he’s closer so we might as well fight him because

He’s closer I ain’t trying to dig all the way down there it is time to take on the eater hopefully I can fight him you never know the eater can always be a tough fight let’s get it though I’m ready my boy dropped a shadow orb shout

Out your real one let’s get to it I don’t really got much to say in terms of uh like strategy just beat his ass that’s the goal the one other thing oh my God that hurt that actually hurt the one thing that I am going to try here is

This is I’m going to try and get stuck on them try and get stuck on them with our slime out because that’s going to be the way we get the little extra DPS I’m going to heal up early we get the extra DPS with the slime out and uh that

Should hopefully allow us to succeed hey man I’m going to need some uh pieces here I’m going to need some pieces here bro let me get some of them uh hearts and [ __ ] that you be dropping man we need something like for real oh here we

Go good DPS good DPS I’m taking a lot of damage though which is not good we don’t want to be taking damage I need the hearts like actually need the hearts like I’m dying where the Hearts at did I buff hold up extra buff get everything

That I can regen wise snag all the hearts while we can okay okay we good we’re good we good we’re good calm down calm down calm down we got to try and Dodge a little bit here as I jump into them we got to try and Dodge a little

Bit here while we try to recoup and wait for our hearts to come back oh this is not good this is death oh my God that I got stuck between every single segment right there I the only thing I’m worried about and the only problem we really

Came into this fight was the uh lack of just pure summons like I should have probably fished for a summon potion huh it’s getting scary bro it’s getting scary it’s getting scary we don’t exactly got a lot of Health to uh rely on here I’m going to need my summons to

Just go crazy go into that ssg2 Super Saiyan God just go Super Saiyan I don’t even need you to hit God just go something I need you to finish this off cuz it’s a little scary okay we’re good crisis has been averted but that got terrifying I cannot lie it’s it really

Was the lack of DPS so I’d have to sustain the fight and I kind of don’t got that type of sustain we’re still rocking the literally armor made out of mildew so the sustain wasn’t looking too great at first but we did it which means we have completed three bosses at the

Start of this series did this is where I think we cut off episode one and uh the next episode we will continue from there uh I think in the meantime during the downtime between this episode and the next I’m going to try and get my hands

On some flinx gear that’s where our next upgrade should be cuz peep this we go here we type in flinks look at that there’s a hood we can wear with it I don’t know if the defense is better but whatever I want to wear it anyway so

That’s what we’re going to do but thank y’all for watching I’m ready to get deeper in this master B Summoner make sure y’all leave a like subscribe turn on the notification Bell so you don’t miss the next episodes and I will see y’all in the next episode

Is it Possible for Me to Beat Terraria MASTER MODE as SUMMONER ONLY?
Let’s find out!

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  1. early, im also happy to see that u are still not bored of terraria. u r the only terraria yter im still watching after leaving the game, and this video made me get back to the game.

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